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Momlestia - Chrysalis: Kidnapped

By AfterHours
Created: 2021-05-05 01:56:32
Expiry: Never

  1. -Chrysalis-
  2. >You have been waiting outside Canterlot Castle for over an hour now in the guise of a white Unicorn with a pink mane.
  3. >Your spies told you that Celestia will be away on a diplomatic meeting for no less than two days no more than four.
  4. >leaving the castle free to have its secrets taken from it.
  5. >Your plan is perfect.
  6. >Wait till Celestia leaves, shift into a servant pony, then once inside change into Celestia herself after making some excuse about forgetting something, and have free range of the castle.
  7. >With any luck you will walk out with either military plans or even a classified secret or two and be out of there before anypony is the wiser.
  8. >Then you see it, a golden chariot flies overhead leaving the castle with the princess in tow.
  9. >Classy.
  10. >Nothing says I’m better than you like being chauffeured around in solid gold while servants pull you to your destination.
  11. >You were different, your subjects were your children and they loved you just as you loved them.
  12. >Never would you dare to make them carry you on something like that like she did.
  13. >Feeling a little disgusted you walk into an empty alleyway and shift into a castle servant, a light blue Unicorn with a yellow mane as well as the uniform for a finishing touch and you are on your way.
  14. >Without so much as a second glance they allow you into the castle.
  15. >Idiots.
  16. >Every last one of them is too busy looking out for themselves to even notice you aren’t the real servant.
  17. >You haven’t even felt a single bit of love either.
  18. >You’ve felt lust and greed since you’ve been in the city, but no real love.
  19. >This place is sad and pathetic, you just want to get this done and back to your children.
  20. >You duck into a spare room and change again.
  21. >Now you are the regal Princess Celestia, controller of the sun and ruler of the ignorant masses.
  22. >You exit the room and it isn’t long before a guard sees you.
  23. >”Princess! I thought you left for the summit.”
  24. >He says surprised.
  25. “I’m afraid I had to return. You see, I accidently forgot something very important.”
  26. >You say with a smile trying to really sell your acting.
  27. “Would you mind escorting me to my chambers?”
  28. >”Of course not your majesty.”
  29. >You follow the clueless guard as he takes you to Celestia’s room.
  30. >”Here you are ma’am.”
  31. “Thank you, you are dismissed.”
  32. >He nods and walks away.
  33. >This is almost too easy.
  34. >You will have a quick look in her room for anything she may have hidden, then off to her study and if time the war room.
  35. >You are opening drawers and sifting through papers, looks like she doesn’t keep anything government related in her bedroom.
  36. >Well it was worth a shot, now to-
  37. >What is that?
  38. >That feeling?
  39. >It feels like love, some of the purest you’ve ever felt.
  40. >But where is it coming from?
  41. >”MOMMY!”
  42. >What?
  43. >You turn around and see a creature about the size of a pony standing in the doorway.
  44. >What in Equestria is that thing?
  45. >It is standing on two legs and has no fur, only a mane.
  46. >Wait, what did it just say?
  47. >The thing runs up to you and wraps itself around your front leg in a hug.
  48. >You are almost overpowered by the level of love you are feeling now and your knees start to get weak.
  49. >”Mommy, I thought you went away on a trip. I’m glad you’re back. I missed you so much!”
  50. >It said never once letting go of your leg.
  51. >Mommy?
  52. >This thing is Celestia’s son?
  53. >Your spies didn’t report anything about this.
  54. >Time to think quickly.
  55. “Uh, yes. M-Mommy just forgot something is all.”
  56. >This is bad, if your spies didn’t know about him what else don’t they know about?
  57. >You need to abort the mission and get back to your hive to regroup.
  58. >”Awwww, does that mean you need to leave again? I don’t want you to go.”
  59. >He said burying his face into your leg again.
  60. >Sweet Mother of the Hive this thing’s love was like ambrosia!
  61. >Pull yourself together, you need to get out of here and fast.
  62. “I’m-Mommy’s sorry little one. But I need to get going again.”
  63. >You say trying to shake him free of yourself and then finally resort to magic to pull him off and place him on the bed.
  64. >”Can I come Mommy, please?”
  65. “No, Mommy needs to…”
  66. >Wait a minute.
  67. >This could be perfect.
  68. >A way to get revenge on Celestia and get the most delicious love you have ever tasted.
  69. “You know what? I think you can come with me.”
  70. >”Really? Oh thank you Mommy! I promise I’ll be good.”
  71. “Come along then.”
  72. >You leave the room with him following closely behind you.
  73. >Another guard sees you walking the halls and bows his head.
  74. >”Princess Celestia, Prince Anonymous. Shouldn’t you be on your way to the summit your majesty?”
  75. >Prince Anonymous, definitely need to remember that.
  76. “I was just on my way, I returned to pick up something I forgot. I’ll be taking Prince Anonymous with me. It will be a good experience for him I believe.”
  77. >The guard looks uneasy but seems to trust your judgment.
  78. >You walk with the prince not far behind you until you reach an open balcony.
  79. “Come on little one, you’re going to get onto my back.”
  80. >He hesitated only for a moment, he must trust anything she says without questioning it.
  81. >You helped him up with your magic and spread your wings.
  82. “Hold on tight.”
  83. >He held onto your neck and you feel that powerful love again.
  84. >There will be time for that later.
  85. >You then take off and start to fly back to your hive.
  86. >Whatever this thing is will definitely feed you and your children for a great while.
  88. -Anon-
  89. >You’re really happy right now.
  90. >Mommy came back from her trip and then she even said you could come with her, even though she told you before that you were too young to go with her.
  91. >And now, you get to ride on her back while she flies.
  92. >You always loved to do this.
  93. >You must have been really good because you’ve never been allowed to fly with her this long before.
  94. >”We’re going to land soon. Hold on.”
  95. >She said tilting her head back to look at you.
  96. >You hug her neck and feel her body shake.
  97. >Did you hug her too tight or is she cold?
  98. >Maybe she is just tired, she did fly very far.
  99. >Once you land Mommy uses her magic to lift you off her back.
  100. >Something is different though.
  101. “Mommy?”
  102. >She turns to you.
  103. >”Yes?”
  104. “Why is your magic green?”
  105. >Her eyes open wide.
  106. >”W-Whatever do you mean?”
  107. >Mommy looks worried.
  108. “Your magic is yellow. But now it’s green.”
  109. >”That’s because… Uh, it’s a… Different spell I’ve been working on.”
  110. >She says smiling.
  111. “Oooh. Okay!”
  112. >Mommy is so smart.
  113. >You were so busy enjoying flying you didn’t even know where you were.
  114. >Where ever it is, it has lots of sand.
  115. >Maybe Mommy knows.
  116. “Mommy, is this a desert? Are we in Saddle Arabia?”
  117. >”My my but you certainly are full of questions little one. Yes this is a desert and no this is not Saddle Arabia.”
  118. >You follow her to the entrance of a cave.
  119. >”This is the Kingdom of the Changeling Queen and her children.”
  120. >As you get closer you hear a buzzing noise coming from inside the cave.
  121. >She turns to you.
  122. >”Wait here while I go inside and announce our presence.”
  123. >She walks inside and then buzzing gets louder.
  124. >You hear talking but can’t make out what is being said, and then the buzzing gets quieter again.
  125. >After a little while Mommy comes back outside.
  126. >”Come now, they are expecting us.”
  127. “Okay!”
  128. >You run to her side and hug her leg.
  129. >She starts to shake again and you think she might fall down.
  130. “Mommy? Are you alright?”
  131. >”Y-Yes, I’m fine. I’m just tired from the flight.”
  132. >Now you feel bad.
  133. >If she hadn’t of carried you, she probably wouldn’t be tired.
  134. >You reach up and hug her neck.
  135. ”I’m sorry you got tired from carrying me.”
  136. >Her eyes widen and she falls down.
  137. “Mommy!”
  138. >”I-I’m alright, let’s just go inside.”
  139. >She said as she got up.
  140. >You walk closely behind her and follow her into the cave.
  142. -Chrysalis-
  143. “Wait here while I go inside and announce our presence.”
  144. >You walk into the cave that leads to your Kingdom.
  145. >’Kingdom.’
  146. >What a joke.
  147. >Since your defeat after impersonating Princess Cadance at the royal wedding this is the best you can manage until you gain more power.
  148. >Luckily this prince might be the answer to your problems.
  149. >Once far enough inside the cave you shift back into your true form.
  150. >Your children’s buzzing intensifies welcoming you home, and at the same time bringing a smile to your face.
  151. “Now children, I know I am home sooner than expected. However, I have brought us something. I have brought us Celestia’s son.”
  152. >The buzzing gets louder again.
  153. “Now I want to be absolutely clear, no harm is to come to him at all. I will also be disguised as Celestia occasionally while with him, and you are not to acknowledge me as your queen while I am in that state.”
  154. >Your children’s buzzing returns to a normal volume.
  155. >You change back into the princess.
  156. “Now, let me get our guest.”
  157. >You walk back to the entrance and find the prince standing just where you told him to wait.
  158. >He did as he was told and stayed put.
  159. >Loyalty and obedience, very good.
  160. “Come now, they are expecting us.”
  161. >”Okay!”
  162. >He says enthusiastically and runs up to your side.
  163. >He then hugs your leg again.
  164. >Oh no!
  165. >He did it again.
  166. >Your knees go weak from the overdose of pure love.
  167. >”Mommy? Are you alright?”
  168. >What is that taste now?
  169. >Compassion?
  170. >How long has it been since another had felt compassion for you?
  171. >And again in such a pure form.
  172. “Y-Yes, I’m fine. I just must be tired from the flight.”
  173. >In reality, you haven’t felt stronger since the wedding before you were banished.
  174. >In just a few hugs, you gained almost as much love that you got from Shining Armor in a whole day.
  175. >You are distracted by the prince hugging you around the neck.
  176. >”I’m sorry you got tired from carrying me.”
  177. >Your eyes go wide at the flood of love he is giving you.
  178. >Oh no.
  179. >You knees give out and you collapse on the ground.
  180. >Your body wasn’t ready.
  181. >”Mommy!”
  182. “I-I’m alright, let’s go inside.”
  183. >You get up from the ground and start to walk into your Kingdom with him following closely behind.
  184. >Just what is he?
  185. >No creature should have that much love in it.
  186. “Now I want you to be on your best behavior Anonymous. Remember, you’re a guest here.”
  187. >”Okay Mommy. I promise to be good.”
  188. “Also, the Changelings may look different than other ponies, but don’t be alarmed. They are peaceful and will not harm you.”
  189. >You pass several guards and drones while walking to the main hub of your hive.
  190. >Surprisingly, Anonymous isn’t afraid of your children like you thought he would be.
  191. >If anything he is curious about them.
  192. >You approach one of your children.
  193. “Can you escort the prince to a room where he will be secure?”
  194. >Your child looks at you and then to Anonymous and buzzes an affirmative reply.
  195. “Go with him Anonymous.”
  196. >”What about you Mommy?”
  197. “I have business with the queen. I will catch up with you later.”
  198. >”Can I meet the queen Mommy?”
  199. >He wants to meet you?
  200. >You smile at the possibility.
  201. “I think I can arrange that, but it will be later. Now off with you.”
  202. >He nods and follows your child deeper into your hive.
  203. >Once he is out of sight you revert again to your true self.
  204. >Looking at a group of Changelings you start to call out orders.
  205. “Go out and get sweets and candies a normal pony may enjoy. Also bring back food fit for royalty and of course toys a child may enjoy.”
  206. >They leave strait away upon receiving their orders.
  207. >You were going to make sure he loved you, and if everything goes as planned you will be strong enough to best Celestia again.
  208. >You call out to another of your children.
  209. “And take a letter.”
  210. >Your child comes to your side with parchment, quill, and ink.
  211. “Dear Princess Celestia…”
  213. -Anon-
  214. >You are currently following a changeling.
  215. >Your Mommy asked him to show you to a room.
  216. >Is it a him or a her?
  217. >It’s harder to tell than with the ponies you’ve met at the castle.
  218. >The changeling stops in front of a door and stares at you.
  219. “Is this my room?”
  220. >It buzzes in response.
  221. >You stare in confusion at it.
  222. “Um… is that a yes?”
  223. >It simply buzzes again.
  224. >Okay, that means yes.
  225. >You open the door and walk inside followed closely by the changeling that brought you here.
  226. >You quickly look the room over.
  227. >It is very small and plain compared to your room back home.
  228. >A bed against the wall is the only furniture.
  229. >You turn to the changeling and smile.
  230. “Thank you very much.”
  231. >Mommy taught you to always be nice and grateful when somepony gave you something.
  232. >The changeling turns to leave.
  233. >You don’t want to be alone with nothing to do or nopony to talk to.
  234. >Maybe he would like to play with you.
  235. “Hey, do you have to leave?”
  236. >The changeling stops and turns to look at you again.
  238. -Chrysalis-
  239. >This is almost too easy.
  240. >Once Celestia gets that letter she will come here on her own.
  241. >That is of course at least one day from now.
  242. >It should be more than enough time to soak in all the delicious love from your special little guest.
  243. >You’re more than confident that one full day with him would make you capable of besting the sun princess again.
  244. >Once she is out of the way, you can concentrate on getting revenge against Cadance and Shining Armor.
  245. >After that, nothing else in Equestria should stand in your way.
  246. >All you need to do is make sure the child loves you.
  247. >To make sure of this you will do what all parents in that retched kingdom seems to do.
  248. >Bribe him.
  249. >Why else would he have that much love for Celestia?
  250. >She clearly didn’t deserve it.
  251. >He’s probably a spoiled child who has everything given to him.
  252. >They are all the same after all.
  253. >You are standing outside of your ‘guest’s’ room and hear him talking.
  254. >Who is he talking to?
  255. >You shift your form to that of Celestia and enter the room.
  256. >You see your child you asked to show Anonymous the room still inside with him.
  257. >What was your child still doing here?
  258. >”Oh, hi Mommy.”
  259. >He said smiling at you.
  260. >Your child turns to look at you as well.
  261. >You look at them with a disapproving glance.
  262. >Your child should have returned to its duties after showing Anonymous to the room.
  263. “Anonymous, why are you bothering this changeling?”
  264. >He looks confused.
  265. >Clearly he doesn’t know how things work in a hive.
  266. >”I didn’t think I was bothering him Mommy. We were just talking.”
  267. >He says sheepishly before turning to your child.
  268. >”I’m sorry I bothered you Buzz.”
  269. “Buzz?”
  270. >You ask looking at your child.
  271. >”Yeah, he told me.”
  272. >Anonymous responds.
  273. “You two were talking?”
  274. >You say not even trying to hide the disbelief from your voice.
  275. >”Yeah, well actually I was doing most of the talking. Buzz mainly just says yes, no, and his name.”
  276. >You look between your child and the prince again.
  277. “I don’t think you understand ‘him.’”
  278. >”Yeah I do. Watch.”
  279. >He turns to your child again.
  280. >”Hey, can you tell my Mommy your name?”
  281. >Your child looks at you hesitantly before buzzing in response to his question.
  282. >”See his name is Buzz.”
  283. >You raise an eyebrow at his words.
  284. >Your children don’t have names, at least none like he was expecting them to have.
  285. >But you need to play your part as ‘his’ mother so you might as well indulge him a little.
  286. “So how do you know that’s really his name?”
  287. >”Oh it is, your name’s Buzz right?”
  288. >Your child buzzes a response again.
  289. >”See, that means yes.”
  290. “How do you know that means yes?”
  291. >”Because if he said no it would be a longer buzz.”
  292. >Oh the simple mind of a child.
  293. “Well never mind that, I have come to get you because it is time for dinner.”
  294. >His eyes light up at the potential of food.
  295. >He hasn’t eaten since before you brought him here so it is to be expected.
  296. >You look at your child.
  297. “I also think you should get back to your duties, I’m not sure how your Queen would feel if you were neglecting them.”
  298. >Your child looks a little alarmed by this and starts to walk out of the room.
  299. >”Bye Buzz.”
  300. >He says waving at your child.
  301. >The prince then turns to you.
  302. >“Okay Mommy, let’s eat. I’m really hungry.”
  303. >He then starts to walk out the door.
  304. “Actually my little one, why don’t you let Mommy carry you?”
  305. >”Really Mommy? But aren’t you still tired from flying us here?”
  306. >He said with concern in his voice again.
  307. >It was delicious.
  308. “Nonsense, I’m never too tired to take care of you.”
  309. >You need to get all the love you can from him if you are going to beat Celestia so you might as well get some now while you can.
  310. >You lift him with your magic again and place him on your back.
  311. “Now hold on tight, I don’t want you falling off.”
  312. >You say unable to hold back the smile in the prospect of the nice meal of love you are about to get.
  313. >He holds onto your neck in a hug again just like when you flew him here and the love he has just flows into you.
  314. >A shiver runs down your spine.
  315. >Even though you knew it was coming it still took you by surprise how strong his love was.
  316. >”Mommy, are you okay?”
  317. “Of course I am, it’s just a little cold in here is all. Now let’s get you some dinner.”
  318. >You are walking down the tunnel to the dining hall.
  319. >On your way you pass one of your children.
  320. >”Your highness.”
  321. >Anonymous says.
  322. >You raise an eyebrow at this but dismiss it as a child just being childish.
  323. >You pass another of your children.
  324. >”Your highness.”
  325. >He says again.
  326. >Now you are curious.
  327. “Anonymous, what are you doing?”
  328. >”I’m greeting the changelings I see.”
  329. >He responds.
  330. “So I see. But why are you addressing them as such?”
  331. >”Well, you said this was the kingdom of the Changeling Queen and her children right?”
  332. >He asks.
  333. “I did.”
  334. >”Well, if they are all her kids and she is the queen, then they’re all royalty.”
  335. >His logic would make sense you were a regular pony.
  336. >But this is a hive.
  337. >Your children are workers, drones, and soldiers.
  338. >You are the only royalty this hive or your children know.
  339. “It doesn’t work like that here.”
  340. >”How does it work?”
  341. >Does this child never stop asking questions?
  342. “It’s very complicated. For now, let us concentrate on eating.”
  343. >You tell him hoping he will drop his infernal questions if even momentarily.
  344. “Now the queen has prepared quite a meal for us, so be sure to thank her properly when you see her.”
  345. >”Isn’t she going to eat with us?”
  346. >So much for him not asking questions.
  347. “No, she is very busy. It will just be us.”
  348. >You enter the dining hall.
  349. >You informed your children earlier that you wanted to eat alone with Anonymous, so the room is empty.
  350. >You continue walking to the main table which has been stacked with food fit for a prince.
  351. >You levitate him off your back and onto a seat nest to yours at the head of the table.
  352. >As you sit down you notice him scanning the empty room.
  353. >He looks a little sad.
  354. >Is your dining hall not fit for him?
  355. >Is it because it isn’t covered in gold that is isn’t up to his ‘royal’ standards?
  356. “Is something the matter?”
  357. >”Aren’t the other changelings going to eat? They must be hungry too.”
  358. >You taste the sweet aura of concern emanating from him.
  359. >This actually surprises you.
  360. >He is actually concerned whether your children have eaten of not.
  361. “You shouldn’t worry about that. They are on a different eating schedule than us.”
  362. >You lie to him.
  363. >There is no need to concern him with the truth.
  364. >You also didn’t want any your children near him in the event that if they got too close they may pass out from the unfiltered love he seemed to generate.
  365. >You see his hesitation at eating, but also see the hunger in his eyes as he looks at the food.
  366. “There is no need to hold back. The queen has said you can eat as much as you like.”
  367. >This was all the encouragement he seemed to need as he starts to dig in.
  368. >Your children spared no expense in gathering this meal.
  369. >An easy thing to do if you didn’t have to worry about paying for anything.
  370. >Your children have perfected the art of stealing any supply you may need.
  371. >Just a simple matter of shifting form after breaking line of sight with the pony chasing them.
  372. >If an Earth Pony stole food, they would never think to look for a Pegasus walking away.
  373. >You weren’t proud of them doing this.
  374. >But this was how life was here.
  375. >Soon though, all that will change.
  376. >Within a day or two, everything will be different.
  377. >”Here you go Mommy.”
  378. >What?
  379. >Your thoughts are interrupted by Anonymous forcing a piece of cake into your mouth.
  380. >”I know how much you like it, so I found you the best piece.”
  381. >Cake is jammed into your mouth, and what doesn’t fit inside is smeared across your face.
  382. >So Celestia’s favorite food is cake?
  383. >That sounds like what a pony who is pulled around on a gold chariot would have as their favorite.
  384. >You never really had a favorite food, they all seemed to taste the same to you.
  385. >Even if you did have one you would never pick one as messy or frivolous as this.
  386. >You should be angry at him shoving things into your mouth, but didn’t care at this point because all you could feel was the love he had when giving it to you as he did it.
  387. >Apart from you pretending to enjoy the food, the rest of the meal is relatively uneventful.
  388. >Anonymous has soon eaten his fill and you see him exhale a yawn.
  389. >This is the moment you hoped for.
  390. >Time to send him to bed and then you can perform your actual royal duties for the hive.
  391. >You stand up and lift him with your magic from his seat.
  392. “It looks like the prince has tired himself out.”
  393. >You again place him on your back, giving you another shiver as his love fills you.
  394. >”But I’m not tired.”
  395. >He says through another yawn.
  396. >You chuckle at this.
  397. >Not a fake one to help him believe you really are Celestia, but a real one.
  398. >You leave the dining hall and start walking back to his room.
  399. >As you are walking you pass another of your children.
  400. >”Hello.”
  401. >He says as you pass.
  402. >Well at least he isn’t calling them ‘Your highnesses’ anymore.
  403. >”Nope.”
  404. >He says after you pass your child.
  405. “What are you doing now?”
  406. >”Well I’m saying hello to the changelings I see.”
  407. “I can tell that. I meant what are you doing after you say ‘Hello?’”
  408. >”Oh, I’m just looking to see if that changeling is Buzz.”
  409. >You shake your head at this.
  410. >Another of your children passes you.
  411. >”Hello… Nope, he wasn’t Buzz either.”
  412. >How does Celestia put up with him?
  413. >Maybe she has maids or some other Ponies to watch him.
  414. >Whatever the case you were finally at his room and take him inside.
  415. >Levitating him onto the bed before turning to leave.
  416. >”Mommy?”
  417. >He asks almost begging.
  418. >You should have known it wouldn’t have been that easy.
  419. “Yes?”
  420. >You turn and ask while forcing a smile.
  421. >”Aren’t you going to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story like you normally do?”
  422. >Normally do?
  423. >Celestia does that for him every night?
  424. >This more than surprises you.
  425. >How could somepony as selfish as her do that for him on a daily basis?
  426. >No time to think about that now, you had to play your part.
  427. “Of course I will.”
  428. >You walk to the side of his bed and using your magic pull the sheets up around him.
  429. >The tucking in is finished, now for a story.
  430. >You have to admit, you don’t know many stories.
  431. >You never told them to your children, nor did you feel the need to.
  432. >Time to think up something.
  433. “Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a powerful and just ruler who was loved by all. She provided and protected her subjects, as was her royal duty.”
  434. >He leans forward in bed listening to you.
  435. “She used her powers to feed all she was responsible for. This was a time of piece and prosperity for all the land.”
  436. >”How did she feed all of them?”
  437. >He asks.
  438. >You aren’t as annoyed at his question as you thought you might have been
  439. “With an old and long forgotten magic.”
  440. >You tell him with a bit of nostalgia in your heart.
  441. “Then one day, two sisters came to her kingdom. She welcomed them as honored guests and treated them with great respect. They were impressed with her ability to provide for her subjects, as well as her subject’s unique magic ability. The sisters soon needed to return to their home, but the ruler said that they were welcome to return anytime they pleased.”
  442. >You see a smile on his face.
  443. >He clearly likes happy stories.
  444. “But as time went on, those two sisters grew resentful and distrusting of the ruler. They felt they should rule instead of her. One fateful day, the sisters returned and claimed they would rule all of Equestria and they did not recognize her right to rule at all.”
  445. >”That’s mean.”
  446. >He says.
  447. >You ignore it and continue your story.
  448. “When the ruler would not yield to the sisters, they attacked her. Sadly, she was not strong enough to defeat them nor even strong enough to protect her subjects. On that day, her kingdom fell and the ruler and her subjects were exiled from their home. They spent generations wandering, she provided for them as best she could but it was just barely enough.”
  449. >”Mommy, this story is really sad. Does it have a happy ending?”
  450. >He again asks hopefully.
  451. “I like to think it will have one.”
  452. >You say before continuing.
  453. “Then one day, a young prince appeared from a distant land. He saw the plight she was under and offered to help her regain her home and bring justice to those that took it. Together they faced the sisters and this time were victorious. The ruler, as thanks for the prince’s help in defeating the wicked sisters offered him to stay with her in the new kingdom. The prince agreed and together they made sure that she would always be able to provide for her subjects. The end.”
  454. >He was yawning again but also smiling.
  455. >It looks like he did enjoy the story.
  456. >”Thank you Mommy.”
  457. >He says while reaching for you.
  458. >Another hug before you leave would be good, need to brace yourself for this.
  459. >His last hug made you collapse, so you don’t want that to happen.
  460. >You lean down and are ready to accept the hug and his love when he grabs your face and moves his towards yours.
  461. >Oh no, this isn’t a hug.
  462. >He kisses you on the nose.
  463. >OH BUCK!
  464. >This is too much!
  465. >Your head gets fuzzy and your breathing gets heavier.
  466. >It takes all your effort not to faint from the overload of love.
  467. >”Mommy are you alright?”
  468. >You can’t leave, even though it was so much just then you want, no, you need more of his love!
  469. “A-actually, Mommy isn’t feeling so well. I don’t think I can get back to my room.”
  470. >You say through labored breaths.
  471. “D-do you think… Mommy can stay with you tonight?
  472. >Concern paints his face.
  473. >”Mommy, I want you to be okay. You can stay here.”
  474. >That was all you needed to hear.
  475. >On shaky legs you climb into bed with him and get under the covers.
  476. >You honestly don’t think you could have gotten back to your room without some time to cool down from the feeding you just got.
  477. >You need to be careful though, while you should still be able to keep collecting love from him, another instance of love like that last one will make you definitely pass out.
  478. >Well so long as he doesn’t kiss you again everything should be alright.
  479. >You just manage to get your breathing under control when you hear him talk.
  480. >”I hope you feel better Mommy.”
  481. >There it is again, that oh so delicious combination of love and concern.
  482. >Could this get any better?
  483. >”I love you.”
  484. >Oh buck me not again!
  485. >Your head spins again and you are pretty sure you are about to pass out from that.
  486. >…………………….
  488. -Anon-
  489. >You slowly wake up and see that Mommy isn’t in bed with you.
  490. >You hope she is feeling okay, she didn’t look so well last night.
  491. >Maybe she’s sick.
  492. >She did go right to sleep when she got into bed with you.
  493. >You roll over and start to get out of bed.
  494. >You notice your room is filled with toys and games and…
  495. >Is that candy?
  496. >It is!
  497. >There are plates of chocolate, hard candies, and so many other sugary treats.
  498. >Even on your birthday you never got such delights as these.
  499. >Your mouth starts to water just looking at all of the goodies before you.
  500. >You walk over to one of the plates and see a note.
  501. >”Dear Prince Anonymous. Please enjoy these toys and this food. They are a gift from me to you. Sincerely, Queen Chrysalis.”
  502. >The note read.
  503. >She’s really nice.
  504. >You pick up a piece of chocolate and take a big bite out of it.
  505. “Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!”
  506. >You smile with a mouthful of chocolate.
  507. >”I take it you are enjoying your gifts.”
  508. >Says a voice from the doorway.
  509. >”I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Queen Chrysalis.”
  510. >So that’s the queen.
  511. >She looks different from Mommy and Auntie Luna.
  512. >Her mane isn’t big and flowy like theirs.
  513. >She also looks like the other changelings you’ve seen only bigger, has a mane, and her eyes are green.
  514. >Also she can talk.
  515. >This will make speaking with her a lot easier.
  516. >You enjoyed talking with Buzz yesterday, but the conversation was very one sided.
  517. >You see the queen is staring at you.
  518. >Oh wait, Mommy said you needed to show respect to a pony when first meeting them.
  519. >You quickly swallow the chocolate still in your mouth and bow your head slightly.
  520. “Pleased to meet you your highness.”
  521. >She chuckles a little.
  522. >”Yes, it is nice to finally meet you too.”
  523. >She said with a smile.
  524. >”Unfortunately your mother is preoccupied with an urgent matter at present. She asked me if I could stay with you until she returned.”
  525. “Oh, Okay.”
  526. >You would rather be with Mommy, but the queen seems nice so this might not be so bad.
  527. >Since you are her guest, you should see what she would like to do.
  528. >Maybe she would like to play a game.
  529. “So your highness, what would you like to do?”
  530. >Her lips curl back as she smiles at you.
  531. >”Why my young prince… I would love to get to know you better.”
  533. -Celestia-
  534. >You are feeling very good about yourself right now.
  535. >The summit was successful and thanks to you, it finished much earlier than you originally hoped.
  536. >When the diplomats started throwing fits like the spoiled children they were, you took the appropriate action just like the mother you are.
  537. >You had all of them work through the night till a mutually beneficial agreement was made.
  538. >Oh you couldn’t wait to be home.
  539. >You already had a list planned out in your head as to what you wanted to do.
  540. First, find and then cuddle Anon.
  541. >Second, eat some cake.
  542. >Third, lay down and relax on your own bed.
  543. >You are distracted from your mental list by your chariot landing at the castle.
  544. “Thank you very much.”
  545. >You tell the Pegasai who flew you.
  546. >They bow to you in response.
  547. >”Of course princess, it was our pleasure.”
  548. >One says.
  549. >You bow your head to them slightly and start to walk into the castle.
  550. >It doesn’t take long till you are outside Anon’s room.
  551. >Won’t he be surprised to see you back so soon.
  552. “Oh Anonymous… Guess who’s home early?”
  553. >You say in a sing-song voice.
  554. >Looking around the room, you notice nopony is here.
  555. “And guess who is talking to an empty room.”
  556. >You leave and continue your quest to find him elsewhere.
  557. >You look out the window to the garden, but he isn’t there either.
  558. >Perhaps he is with Luna.
  559. >If that is the case you just hope they haven’t gotten into too much trouble together.
  560. >You smile remembering how on a previous time you had to go away for a day you returned to find they had used every mattress in the castle to make the biggest bed in Equestria.
  561. >You arrive outside the throne room and the guards bow.
  562. >”Your highness.”
  563. “Hello. Do you know if my sister is currently occupied?”
  564. >”No your highness, shall I announce you?”
  565. >He asks, still bowing.
  566. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll just go in on my own and surprise her.”
  567. >You slowly make your way inside trying to keep as quiet as possible.
  568. >You see her sitting regally on the throne.
  569. >Upon closer inspection you can see that she is sleeping.
  570. >This is confirmed when you hear snoring coming from her.
  571. >She must be exhausted from doing a double shift of her duties as well as your own while you were away.
  572. >That almost makes you decide against what you are about to do.
  573. >Almost.
  574. >You extend your wings and fly next to the throne and your sleeping sister, taking great care not to wake her.
  575. >You deeply inhale and fill your lungs as much as you can.
  577. >You yell in the Royal Canterlot Voice.
  578. >The force of the voice knocks both her and the throne over.
  579. >She jumps up in a panic.
  580. >Her eyes are wide and she is covering her ears with her hooves.
  581. >”Sister!?!”
  582. >She shouts in surprise.
  583. “Yes, I hope I didn’t disturb you.”
  584. >You say at your normal volume.
  585. >”I fear you have disturbed the entire kingdom sister.”
  586. >You softly laugh at the thought.
  587. “I am sorry, I just couldn’t resist.”
  588. >She uses her magic to put the throne back in place.
  589. “I know this may not be the best time to ask a favor, but have you seen Anon recently?”
  590. >She looks at you clearly confused.
  591. >”If anything, I should be asking you that question.”
  592. “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand. I just returned and haven’t seen him since I left the other day.”
  593. >Luna’s eyes widen in a bit of a panic.
  594. >”But a guard said you returned and took him with you.”
  595. >You stand before her with your mouth hung open trying to digest what she just said.
  596. >”Your highness!”
  597. >Yells a voice from the entrance of the throne room.
  598. >You both turn to see the royal advisor running towards you.
  599. >He seems surprised to see you.
  600. >”Princess Celestia! You’re back!”
  601. >He says a little winded from his run.
  602. “Yes I am. Can you please tell me what the cause of your urgency is?”
  603. >”It’s about Anonymous!”
  604. >You hear those words and your heart sinks.
  605. >What about him?
  606. >Is he alright?
  607. >Did something happen to your foal?
  608. “W-what is it? Is he alright?”
  609. >You finally stammer out.
  610. >His face is grim as he levitates a scroll to you.
  611. >You take it with your magic and begin to read it aloud.
  612. “Dear Princess Celestia, I have your son.”
  613. >You stop reading at that point mainly due to shock.
  614. >Who would dare?
  615. >Luna looks shocked as well at the bold statement.
  616. >You continue to read the letter aloud.
  617. “Please do not worry, he is safe and will continue to remain that way unless you do something foolish that you would most likely live to regret for the rest of your extremely long life. He will stay here with me as my honored guest until such time you see fit to personally come and retrieve him.”
  618. >Honored guest indeed.
  619. >More like hostage or political prisoner.
  620. “This can be a day, a week, or even a year from now if you would like. My hospitality knows no bounds and I would even be willing to keep him here indefinitely if you decide you do not want to come get him. However, if anypony other than yourself is seen in my kingdom I would be unable to guarantee his safety and wellbeing, to say nothing of the fact you would most likely forfeit any possible chance of seeing him again.”
  621. >Thoughts of never seeing him again are filling your head.
  622. >Not to mention what she might do to him.
  623. >You can’t send the army to save him or risk his safety.
  624. “If you decide to come and get him, please follow the attached map.”
  625. >Your gaze immediately looks to the map.
  626. >It seems to be in the badlands area.
  627. “We both are patiently awaiting you. Love, Queen Chrysalis.”
  628. >Chrysalis!
  629. >The changelings have your son.
  630. >No wonder they thought you took him with you.
  631. >You again look at the letter and see more below the signature.
  632. “P.S. He mentions you often and has asked for you several times wondering where you are and why you aren’t here with him.”
  633. >You stand there trying to let the contents of the letter set in.
  634. >You re-read the letter to yourself again hoping you didn’t read what you thought you did.
  635. >”Sister…”
  636. >Luna’s voice brings you out of your thoughts.
  637. >You can see the worry in her eyes.
  638. “I need to go.”
  639. >You turn to leave.
  640. >Princess, this is clearly a trap. You can’t go.”
  641. >Your advisor calls out to you.
  642. “What choice do I have? She has my son!”
  643. >”Your highness, please be reasonable.”
  644. >The advisor interjects.
  645. >”The queen obviously has something planned or else she would not be provoking you into action. Also, she never listed any ransom for his release, this is no normal abduction.”
  646. >He said.
  647. “What would you have me do!?! Leave my son under that monster’s care and do nothing?”
  648. >”Your highness, the letter says he is safe and unharmed and will remain that way-“
  649. >You cut his statement short.
  650. “So you just want me to leave Anonymous there and forget about him? What if she is lying about him being safe?”
  651. >You do little to hide the anger and frustration from your voice.
  652. >He seems nervous and looks like he is trying to pick his words carefully.
  653. >”Your majesty, I cannot in good conscience advise you to walk into a trap. Equestria needs you and cannot live without you.”
  654. >He coldly states.
  655. “And I cannot live without my son!”
  656. >You shout at him.
  657. >”Your life is more important to this world than your adopted son’s is!”
  658. >He shouts back at you.
  659. >Your eyes widen and you are shocked by what he just said.
  660. >He seems to realize his mistake immediately.
  661. >”F-forgive me your majesty, I-“
  662. “You are relieved.”
  663. >You cut him off before he can finish his excuse or apology.
  664. >”Your majesty?”
  665. >He asks.
  666. “You are relieved of your position and dismissed from the royal court. You have until sundown to collect your personal effects and leave the castle.”
  667. >He is stunned by your words and looks to Luna.
  668. >”I suggest you do not waste your time.”
  669. >Luna adds.
  670. >Your now former advisor still in shock turns and leaves.
  671. >How dare he?
  672. >You knew there were ponies that resented your son for not being a pony, jst as they resented you for adopting him.
  673. >They made their feelings known in small ways.
  674. >Not addressing him by his name, title, or referring him to your adoptive son and not just your son is normally what they did.
  675. >Once the former advisor has left Luna turns to you.
  676. >”As much as did not appreciate what he said sister, he had a point. If you go, you would be walking into a trap.”
  677. >She says with concern in her voice.
  678. >She did really care deeply about Anon as well as yourself.
  679. “What else can I do? Even if the letter is true and Anon would remain safe indefinitely, I would never see him again. If I send in the army, she could kill him. And if I go alone like she asks, she might kill me and possibly Anon or hold us both for ransom.”
  680. >You personally don’t know which of those options the worst case scenario is.
  681. >Luna sees your sad demeanor and approaches you.
  682. >”We could always contact that Liam Neighson pony, he seems like he is familiar with this type of situation.”
  683. >She says in a way you can’t tell if she is being serious or not.
  684. “That was just a movie Luna.”
  685. >She nervously smiles and blushes a little at that.
  686. >”Oh, so it was. My apologies sister.”
  687. >She says clearly a little embarrassed.
  688. >She quickly composes herself.
  689. >”So what do you need to do? I will support whatever action you choose. However, if you do decide to rescue Anonymous I highly suggest you have a plan in place.”
  690. >You smile at her.
  691. >You greatly appreciate her support, now so more than ever.
  692. >She loved Anon almost as much as you did.
  693. “You will need to be responsible for raising and lowering both the sun and moon till I return to avoid the general populous panicking.”
  694. >She nods in agreement.
  695. “Next, you must contact Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony. Inform them of the situation and have them come to the castle. When I return you will ask me ‘What is Starswirl’s real name?’ and if I don’t answer ‘Vanilla Cake’ then I am the Changeling Queen in disguise and the Elements of Harmony are to attack me. Do you understand?”
  696. >She again nods.
  697. >”Yes sister, Starswirl’s name and Vanilla Cake.”
  698. >She responds.
  699. “Also, if I do not return within two days, send the Elements of Harmony after me. If they do not return, send the entire Equestrian army to the location mentioned in the letter and have it turned to dust.”
  700. >A look of shock and hesitation is painted across her face.
  701. >”Sister, are you sure? That sounds a tad… well extreme.”
  702. >She says with concern in her voice.
  703. “If the queen has become so powerful that I myself, nor the Elements of Harmony can stop her then she has become a threat to all of Equestria and must be stopped. No matter the cost.”
  704. >You grimly inform her.
  705. “I should start my journey.”
  706. >You say as you study the map to verify the location.
  707. >You start to walk out of the throne room and notice Luna is close behind you.
  708. >She continues to follow you through the halls.
  709. >You both remain silent on the walk.
  710. >You are deep in thought as you are sure she is.
  711. >Is Anon alright?
  712. >Why didn’t anypony try to stop her from leaving with him?
  713. >Can you stop her and save him?
  714. >She did best you at Cadances’s wedding.
  715. >Are you strong enough to stop her?
  716. >Will she kill you?
  717. >Will you ever see your sister again?
  718. >As you think that last question you turn to look at her.
  719. >Worry is etched on her face.
  720. >She is probably thinking the same thing.
  721. >You finally reach an exit to the castle and walk outside.
  722. >This is it.
  723. >You turn and wrap your hooves around Luna in a firm embrace.
  724. “I love you my dearest sister, please look after Equestria while I am gone.”
  725. >”And I love you too… please bring him back.”
  726. >She said clearly trying to hold back tears.
  727. >She knows there is a chance she may never see you again.
  728. >You try to give her a reassuring smile.
  729. >You need to be strong, for yourself and for her.
  730. >As you take off, you try to replace your doubt and worry with your anger.
  731. >You try to fill your head with what you will do to the witch that stole your foal.
  733. -Anon-
  734. >You had just spent all day playing with the queen.
  735. >She was really nice.
  736. >She gave you lots of presents.
  737. >You found out not many visitors come to see her, so she is very lonely.
  738. >You decided to play with some of your games and toys together.
  739. >She must not get many chances to play games because you had to explain the rules to all the ones you played.
  740. >”So Anonymous, do you want to play another game?”
  741. >The queen asked.
  742. >Games were nice but you already have played a lot of them.
  743. “No thank you. Do you think Mommy is done with her meeting yet?”
  744. >You ask hopefully.
  745. >Mommy had been busy all day and you only got to see her once for a few minutes.
  746. >The queen sighed.
  747. >”I’m sorry, but she is still busy with urgent royal business.”
  748. >She told you.
  749. >It must really be important if it has lasted all day.
  750. >No wonder Mommy told you that you shouldn’t come when you first asked to come with her.
  751. >This is really boring.
  752. >”Well, if you do not wish to play a game, would you instead like to answer some questions?”
  753. >She asked hopefully.
  754. “Okay. What kind of questions?”
  755. >She smiled at your response.
  756. >”Well, what do you think of my home and my children?”
  757. “They’re all nice. The cave is cool so I don’t get too hot, and your children are really nice to me. I like them.”
  758. >”That’s good, they will be glad to hear that.”
  759. >She says as she gets up and walks closer to you.
  760. >”And what do you think about me? Do you like me too?”
  761. >She asks as she sits down next to you.
  762. “Yeah, you’re nice. I like you.”
  763. >She smiled and shivered when you said that.
  764. >There must be a bad drafts in this cave, Mommy and the queen did that a lot when they were around you.
  765. >She then puts her hoof on your leg.
  766. >”Anonymous… Do you… like-like me?”
  767. >Like-like?
  768. >What does that mean?
  769. “I don’t know what that means, is that like doubly liking somepony? Can you do that?”
  770. >Her face gets kinda red and she clears her throat.
  771. >”Well… let me put it another way. Do you like me like the same way you like your mother?”
  772. “No. I like Mommy the best.”
  773. >You shake your head while answering her.
  774. >She seems sad that you said that.
  775. >You don’t like seeing anypony sad.
  776. >You reach over and hug her.
  777. >You hear her gasp when you did it.
  778. >Maybe you grabbed her too hard.
  779. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to be sad and then I hurt you.”
  780. >You say apologetically as you release her.
  781. >”N-no, think nothing of it… in fact… y-you can do that again whenever you like if you want.”
  782. >That’s weird.
  783. >But at least you didn’t hurt her.
  784. “Okay, if you say so.”
  785. >She grins at what you said.
  786. >”Also Anonymous, one of my changelings said that you tried to give them one of your toys. Was it not to your pleasure?”
  787. >She asks rather concerned with your actions.
  788. “I did, but it wasn’t because I didn’t like your gift. I just didn’t think they had any toys.”
  789. >And that isn’t right.
  790. >Everypony needs some toys.
  791. >She is surprised.
  792. >”Are you sure that you are Celestia’s son?”
  793. “Of course I am.”
  794. >What a silly thing to ask.
  795. >She lightly laughs at your answer.
  796. >”So sweet and innocent.”
  797. >She now takes her hoof and puts in on your shoulder.
  798. >”I know you said you didn’t want to play any more games, but I think I know one you might enjoy playing with me.”
  799. >What kind of game does she mean?
  800. >A changeling enters your room and approaches the queen.
  801. >”What is it my child?”
  802. >The queen says as she leans down and seems to be communicating with the changeling.
  803. >Looks like you won’t be able to play that game with her after all.
  804. >”Already? My my, she must really want him back.”
  805. >She says with a laugh.
  806. >She then looks at you.
  807. >”I’m very sorry young prince, but I am needed elsewhere. I have something very important to attend to.”
  808. “Does it involve Mommy?”
  809. >She smiles really big now, you can see her teeth.
  810. >Does she have fangs?
  811. >That’s cool.
  812. >”As a matter of fact, yes it does.”
  814. -Celestia-
  815. >You land at the location mentioned in the letter.
  816. >Rage is filling your veins.
  817. >How dare she?
  818. >You walk to the entrance of the cave, the seemingly only landmark in this barren desert.
  819. >You were going to make her pay for taking him.
  820. >Thoughts of where you might banish her to fill your thoughts.
  821. >Some barren part of Equestria?
  822. >Apart from being far too lenient it looks like she is already there.
  823. >The moon?
  824. >Again far too gracious of you.
  825. >The sun?
  826. >Too quick.
  827. >Tartarus for a millennia of torment?
  828. >It’s a start.
  829. >”MOMMY!”
  830. >A voice cried out from deep inside the cave.
  831. “ANON!”
  832. >You instinctively run in and follow the voice.
  833. >No, what has that vile witch done to him?
  834. >As you are running, you notice a distinct lack of any changeling.
  835. >You knew this was a trap but what choice did you have?
  836. >You reach a divide in the path you are taking and are unsure which direction to take.
  837. “Anon! Honey where are you?”
  838. >”Mommy!”
  839. >Yells a response.
  840. “Hold on sweetheart! Mommy’s coming!”
  841. >You call as you charge down the tunnel that the yell came from.
  842. >It doesn’t take long at your current pace to arrive at the end of the path.
  843. >It is a large, dark, and empty part of the cave with the only light coming from a hole in the ceiling forming a crude spotlight.
  844. >You look and in the center of the light is-
  845. “Anon!”
  846. >”Mommy!”
  847. >He looks at you and calls out again.
  848. >Tears are forming in your eyes out of joy and relief.
  849. >You start running to him again.
  850. >This is perfect, you just need to get close enough for him to get on your back and then you both can fly out the hole in the ceiling together ending this nightmare.
  851. >You get close and examine him to make sure he is alright.
  852. “Oh Anon, thank the sun you are alright!”
  853. >You say smiling at him.
  854. >”Mommy!”
  855. >He says.
  856. “Yes, Mommy is here honey. But we need to get going now.”
  857. >”Mommy!”
  858. >He says again.
  859. >Something is wrong.
  860. “Anonymous, what’s wrong? Are you alright?”
  861. >He smiles at you.
  862. >”Mommy!”
  863. >He says yet again.
  864. >Then in a flash of green he turns into a changeling.
  865. >Your eyes go wide.
  866. “No!”
  867. >A buzzing noise slowly starts to build all around you.
  868. >Lights start to magically illuminate all around the room.
  869. >You see you are now in the center of a type of arena and changelings are surrounding you.
  870. >You grab the changeling that was impersonating your son with your magic.
  871. “How dare you!”
  872. >Anger fills each words.
  873. >“Ah, ah, ah, princess! I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
  874. >Said a voice from behind the changelings.
  875. >They part, forming a path that she is walking down.
  876. >Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen!
  877. >”After all, if you hurt my child… I hurt yours!”
  878. >She says with a wicked smile.
  880. -Chrysalis-
  881. >Celestia stands before you with your child held in her magic.
  882. >She arrived sooner than expected.
  883. >You only got to spend about one full day with Anonymous.
  884. >You just hope the love you absorbed from him was enough to defeat the sun princess.
  885. >”Bring me my son Chrysalis!”
  886. >She orders with a commanding tone.
  887. “Lower my child Celestia, if you ever want to see your son again.”
  888. >She hesitates and shifts her eyes between your child and you.
  889. >Finally she relents and lowers her hostage.
  890. >Once free, your child scurries away from her and safely behind you surrounded by its siblings.
  891. >”Now return him to me! Or so help me I will have fire rain down upon you.”
  892. >She says sternly.
  893. >You smile at her determination.
  894. >You even admire it.
  895. “I’m not sure I want to give up my favorite meal. He has some of the best love I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. Tell me, where ever did you find him?”
  896. >She stares at you coldly.
  897. >You are clearly getting under her skin.
  898. “At first I thought he was your pet or something. Then I thought he was something like a yes-pony you kept around to agree with you, compliment you, and make you feel good about yourself.”
  899. >You see her gritting her teeth and can taste the anger flowing from her.
  900. “I have to admit, I didn’t know the real reason you kept him around until I spent the day with him and got to experience that love of his first hand. In fact, once we’re done here I’m going to invite him back to my royal chambers and take some of that sweet and innocent love from him.”
  901. >You tell her as you start to laugh.
  902. >Your laugh is cut short by Celestia charging you with near blinding speed.
  903. >She strikes you so quickly and with such force that you are propelled against the cavern wall a good twenty paces behind you.
  904. >Before you can react she is upon you again, holding you against the wall with a hoof on your chest and her horn pressing against your throat.
  905. >”You will watch your tongue witch, or I will take it from you.”
  906. >She says as each word is dripping with venom and contempt for you.
  907. >”Now I will only ask you once more. Where is my son?”
  908. >This is bad.
  909. >You didn’t take into consideration her desperation to get Anonymous back and how much more dangerous that would make her.
  910. >Her emotions are fueling her.
  911. >Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to provoke her.
  912. >You need to think fast.
  913. “He-he’s right behind you.”
  914. >You struggle to say.
  915. >”Don’t try to deceive me!”
  916. >She yells, pressing her horn deeper into your neck just shy of piercing it.
  917. >”Mommy!”
  918. >A voice calls out.
  919. >She pulls her head away, giving your throat a temporary reprieve.
  920. >”Anon!”
  921. >She shouts hopefully.
  922. >You capitalize on her distraction and use your magic to blast her away from you and back to the center of the room.
  923. >Celestia seems to ignore your blast for the most part and starts to look for Anonymous.
  924. >She sees him standing in the crowd of your children.
  925. >Anonymous grins before a green flash covers him and he is again revealed to be one of your children.
  926. >She turns her attention back towards you.
  927. >You can see anger in her eyes as her horn starts to glow.
  928. >You aren’t sure if it is directed at you or if she is angry at herself for falling for the same trick twice.
  929. >It doesn’t matter now.
  930. >You need to capitalize on this opportunity.
  931. >She probably won’t be taken in by that ruse again.
  932. >You take flight and start shooting your magic at her.
  933. >She evades every bolt you shot at her all while advancing towards you.
  934. >She leaps into the air and flies to meet you.
  935. >Your horns clash together creating a blinding light and a deafening crash that fills the room.
  936. >It is just like the last time you fought her.
  937. >Your magic and hers meet as you are both struggling for control.
  938. >Only this time, her magic seems stronger and if possible more determined.
  939. >You are straining under the pressure Celestia is forcing down upon you.
  940. >You aren’t sure you can take much more so you yield and fall to the ground.
  941. >Your heart is pounding and you are breathing heavier.
  942. >Your horn feels like it is on fire from the power it just expelled as well as the magic it just took from her.
  943. >This is definitely not good.
  944. >Just holding your own against her is taking a toll on you.
  945. >You don’t know how many more head on assaults like that last one you can take.
  946. >Celestia lands on the other side of the room.
  947. >She glares at you before slowly walking towards you.
  948. >Her horn is still glowing.
  949. >She doesn’t look like that last attack phased her at all.
  950. >You are worried.
  951. >Not for yourself, but for your children.
  952. >If she defeats you, your children wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
  953. >It would be a slaughter.
  954. >You half consider giving her Anonymous back and hoping she will leave your hive.
  955. >Or at the very least, spare your children.
  956. >But you know better.
  957. >There will be no mercy, not after you stole her son.
  958. >With a deep breath you resolve yourself to see this through to the end.
  959. >As Celestia gets to the center of the room, her legs give out and she collapses.
  960. >Your eyes widen and a smile inadvertently escapes your lips.
  961. >What luck.
  962. >Looks like that last attack took more out of her than she let on.
  963. >With renewed confidence you continue to where she is laying on the ground.
  964. >How appropriate, sunlight is coming from the hole in the top of the cave and covering her prone body.
  965. >As you get closer you can see her horn is still glowing.
  966. >Is she trying to cast something?
  967. >Whatever it is, she is far too weak to do anything at this point.
  968. >Just to be safe you stop a few paces away from her.
  969. “You fought well Celestia, you should be proud.”
  970. >She struggles to look up at you.
  971. “And don’t worry…”
  972. >You shift into Celestia’s form.
  973. “I’ll take good care of my son.”
  974. >She grits her teeth at you as rage fills her veins.
  975. >This makes you smile.
  976. >You should end this now, but you really want to savor this you with what seems like renewed determination
  977. >After all, how often does an opportunity like this happen?
  978. “And then, I’m going to teach him to love me in every way possible and I will just soak in that perfect love of his.”
  979. >You revert back to your true form and look down at her.
  980. “Any last words princess?”
  981. >She glares at you with what seems like renewed determination.
  982. >Not like it will do much good now.
  983. >”Have you ever seen a solar flare up close?”
  984. >She asks.
  985. >What?
  986. >Those are the last words of the great Princess Celestia?
  987. >Maybe history will find some deep meaning in it but for you it doesn’t make sense.
  988. >You look down at her and see her horn is still glowing.
  989. >As you are looking at her, you see the light shining down on her gets brighter.
  990. >No!
  991. >She couldn’t.
  992. >She wouldn’t!
  993. >You look up and see a pillar of fire coming from the sky right towards you.
  994. >You barely have enough time to react.
  995. >You dive away from Celestia and as quickly as you can put up a protective magic shield around you children and yourself.
  996. >As the fire enters the cave and hits the ground it expands to fill the room.
  997. >The flames are hotter and stronger than any you’ve ever felt before.
  998. >She brought down fire from the bucking sun to try and kill you!
  999. >You can feel the heat penetrating your barrier.
  1000. >Holding your own against Celestia was hard enough, but this was something completely different.
  1001. >Your shield is starting to crack under the pressure and heat.
  1002. >You look back at your children and see worry on their faces.
  1003. >You need to hold on somehow, for them if nothing else.
  1004. >You dig deep and use all power you have left to strengthen your shield.
  1005. >Just as you think your magic will fail, the heat lessens.
  1006. >It fades to a point where you feel you can drop the barrier.
  1007. >Once it is down you can see the effect the flames had on the cave.
  1008. >The heat melted the hole in the ceiling to be much larger than it once was.
  1009. >Steam is coming off the ground, most of which was sand or dirt has now turned to glass.
  1010. >In your exhaustion, you drop to the ground and struggle trying to catch your breath.
  1011. >She must have been desperate to use that kind of spell.
  1012. >Was she trying to kill you with herself?
  1013. >It doesn’t matter now.
  1014. >You won, even though it took almost everything out of you, you still won.
  1015. >There was no way she could survive that kind of blast without a barrier spell.
  1016. >You close your eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
  1017. “It’s over.”
  1018. >”Yes, it is.”
  1019. >Called her voice.
  1020. >Impossible!
  1021. >You look and see her form walking through the steam.
  1022. “H-how?”
  1023. >”I control the sun in every way possible. Its rays cannot harm me, the same as the ocean’s water cannot harm a fish.”
  1024. >She states confidently while staring at your helpless form.
  1025. >You try to stand but you stumble and fall back to the ground.
  1026. >”Now, you will return my son. Or so help me I will-“
  1027. >”Mommy!”
  1028. >A voice calls out cutting her off.
  1029. >You can see anger in her eyes.
  1030. >”I will not be made a fool of again!”
  1031. >She declares.
  1032. >”Mommy, why are you fighting the queen?”
  1033. >Both of you turn and see Anonymous running towards you.
  1034. >How did he get here?
  1035. >You had him locked in his room.
  1036. >He stops in between yourself and her.
  1037. >”Oh my little foal!”
  1038. >She calls out to him.
  1039. “An-Anonymous!”
  1040. >Clearly you both are surprised he is here.
  1041. >”Why are you and Mommy fighting?”
  1042. >He asks.
  1044. -Anon-
  1045. >You are currently in your room playing with the toys the queen gave you earlier.
  1046. >She told you to stay here while she took care of something that involved Mommy.
  1047. >But you haven’t seen Mommy in a while so you decided to go look for both of them.
  1048. >Mommy will probably be happy to see you.
  1049. >You reach for the door and start to open it, but it won’t open.
  1050. >Is it locked?
  1051. >Why would you be locked in your room?
  1052. >You didn’t do anything bad.
  1053. >Did you?
  1054. >You pull on the handle causing the door to rattle but nothing else.
  1055. “Mommy!”
  1056. >You call out hoping for some help.
  1057. >Maybe she can’t hear you.
  1058. “Queen Chrysalis!”
  1059. >You yell.
  1060. >Still nothing.
  1061. “Can somepony please let me out?”
  1062. >You say as you try pulling the handle again.
  1063. >You hear the door unlock.
  1064. >You step back as you see green magic slowly opening the door.
  1065. >A changeling is standing in the hallway looking at you.
  1066. >You cock your head to the side and carefully study the changeling.
  1067. “Buzz?”
  1068. >The changeling mimics your head movement and gives a short buzz in confirmation.
  1069. “Buzz!”
  1070. >You say with a grin.
  1071. “Thanks for letting me out. I guess somepony accidently locked the door.”
  1072. >As you are talking, Buzz motions for you to follow him… or maybe her.
  1073. >You still aren’t sure.
  1074. “You want me to follow you?”
  1075. >You ask.
  1076. >Again you receive a short buzz telling you you’re right.
  1077. >Buzz starts running down the tunnel.
  1078. >You follow as quickly as you can.
  1079. >Ponies were always faster than you, probably because they have four legs while you only have two.
  1080. >Buzz is already several lengths ahead of you.
  1081. >Instead of slowing down, Buzz runs faster down the cave and stops at a divide.
  1082. >Buss starts to make a long buzzing noise while waiting for you to catch up.
  1083. “I know, I know. I’m coming, some of us only have two legs.”
  1084. >Once you are close enough, Buzz runs down the path on the left.
  1085. >You again follow as close as you can but still lose sight of Buzz.
  1086. >Now that you think about it, you haven’t seen another changeling since you left your room.
  1087. >Where are they?
  1088. >You hear another long buzz, which brings you back to realiy.
  1089. “Hold on! I’m almost there!”
  1090. >You call out to Buzz.
  1091. >As you get closer to the noise, you see Buzz standing at another fork in the cave.
  1092. >This time Buzz goes right.
  1093. >Whatever Buzz wants to show you must be important.
  1094. >From the hall, you can see other changelings in a room and a really bright light.
  1095. >When you enter the room it feels really warm.
  1096. >Most of the changelings notice you and several of them start pushing you closer into the room.
  1097. >You guess whatever is in this room they want you to see it.
  1098. >The room is steaming and you see the queen laying on the ground.
  1099. >”It’s over.”
  1100. >She says.
  1101. >”Yes, it is.”
  1102. >Mommy said.
  1103. >But where was she?
  1104. >Mommy is walking out of the steam and to the queen.
  1105. >”H-how?”
  1106. >The queen says.
  1107. >”I control the sun in every way possible. Its rays cannot harm me, the same as the ocean’s water cannot harm a fish.”
  1108. >Mommy says.
  1109. >She seems angry for some reason.
  1110. >The queen must be hurt because she tried to stand but falls down.
  1111. >Were they fighting?
  1112. >”Now, you will return my son. Or so help me I will-“
  1113. “Mommy!”
  1114. >You yell trying to get her attention.
  1115. >”I will not be made a fool of again!”
  1116. >Mommy said very angrily.
  1117. >Is she angry you were locked in your room?
  1118. “Mommy, why are you fighting the queen?”
  1119. >You ask and start to run to them.
  1120. >You stop between Mommy and the queen who is still laying down.
  1121. >”Oh my little foal!”
  1122. >Mommy said.
  1123. >”An-Anonymous!”
  1124. >The queen seemed surprised.
  1125. “Why are you and Mommy fighting?”
  1126. >”Anonymous, get away from her! She’s dangerous!”
  1127. >Mommy commands.
  1128. >What is Mommy talking about?
  1129. “Mommy, she isn’t dangerous, she’s nice!”
  1130. >”She kidnapped you!”
  1131. >Mommy yelled.
  1132. “No Mommy, you brought me here. Remember?”
  1133. >”No Anonymous, I brought you here.”
  1134. >The queen speaks up apparently answering your question.
  1135. >”Don’t you dare speak to him!”
  1136. >Mommy shouted at her.
  1137. >The queen cowers at being yelled at.
  1138. >The other changelings follow and cower as well.
  1139. “Mommy please don’t yell at her.”
  1140. >You almost beg.
  1141. >Mommy scowls and looks at the queen.
  1142. >It is the same look Mommy gave you when you broke one of her favorite vases and lied saying Aunty Luna did it.
  1143. >”Show him…”
  1144. >Mommy tells the queen.
  1145. >The queen looks to Mommy and then to you.
  1146. >She closes her eyes and in a flash of green turns into…
  1147. >Mommy?
  1148. >You look from one Mommy to the other before the one laying down turns back onto the queen.
  1149. >So that’s why they’re called changelings.
  1151. -Celestia-
  1152. >You look down at Chrysalis in your form and can see how Anon was fooled.
  1153. >She quickly reverts back to her true form, probably too tired to keep up the disguise.
  1154. >Even though you have Anon back, his arrival complicates matters.
  1155. >You can’t kill or banish her without possibly scarring him for life.
  1156. >The only reason you wanted him to see her shift into your appearance was to show him he was actually taken.
  1157. >It may be time for Anon to grow up a little today, and to realize how dangerous the world can truly be.
  1158. >But he needs to hear it from her.
  1159. >You just need to use just the right carrot to make her talk.
  1160. “Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, you have been defeated and are guilty of kidnapping Prince Anonymous.”
  1161. >You calmly sate to her.
  1162. >She lowers her head, she more than likely already knows her inevitable punishment.
  1163. “However, I may show mercy in passing judgment to you and your changelings.”
  1164. >She immediately raises her head and you can see a faint glimmer of hope in her eyes.
  1165. “You must first tell Prince Anonymous why you took him and what you were using him for.”
  1166. “A-Anonymous-“
  1167. “Prince! Remember your place.”
  1168. >You cut her off.
  1169. >She stares fearfully at you before turning back to Anon.
  1170. >”Prince Anonymous, I infiltrated Canterlot Castle with the intent of finding military or political documents I could use against Cel-Princess Celestia.”
  1171. >She says, just managing to catch the error she almost made.
  1172. >Anon has moved closer to your side since she began her story, and he is now hugging your leg.
  1173. >You wonder if he understands what she is really saying.
  1174. >”Then why did you take me?”
  1175. >He asks.
  1176. >It looks like he does.
  1177. >”I didn’t originally plan on taking you… but…”
  1178. >She says, seeming to hesitate.
  1179. >”Changelings are different from other ponies. We can eat food like ‘normal’ ponies, but we mainly sustain ourselves and get our strength through the absorption of the emotion love.”
  1180. >You try to stifle your anger at her for using your son like a battery.
  1181. >”Prince Anonymous, I have never in my life felt a love as strong as yours and… and I wanted more of it. So I took you.”
  1182. >She states, looking at the ground.
  1183. “And what were you planning on doing with the love you stole from my son?”
  1184. >You demand more than ask her.
  1185. >”I-I was going to absorb enough love so that I could usurp you mother, Princess Celestia.”
  1186. >She meekly replies.
  1187. >Anon doesn’t seem to understand and looks up at you for clarification.
  1188. “She meant to overthrow me and rule Equestria for herself.”
  1189. >You inform him.
  1190. >Anon looks like he has several questions running through his head.
  1191. >It is a lot to take in after all.
  1192. >”What would have happened to Mommy?”
  1193. >He asks fearfully.
  1194. >Chrysalis looks away, possibly not wanting to upset him with her answer.
  1195. “I would most likely be placed in one of her pods to have my love harvested. She also could have had me banished, or killed. Am I correct?”
  1196. >You question her.
  1197. >She looks away, not wanting to meet either of your eyes.
  1198. >”Yes, Princess Celestia. You are correct.”
  1199. >Anon instinctively hugs your leg tighter.
  1200. >Now he knows what a monster she really is.
  1201. >You can banish her to Tartarus guilt free of what Anon might think.
  1202. >You are about to pass judgment on her when Anon legs go of your leg.
  1203. >”Why did you want to do that though?”
  1204. >He addresses her.
  1205. >”P-Prince Anonymous?”
  1206. >She asks clearly confused.
  1207. >”Why did you want to take over from Mommy?”
  1208. >He asks of her while slowly moving away from you.
  1209. >You are ready to react if she were to step out of line or threaten him.
  1210. >”I… I wanted to have a better for my children. I love them but it isn’t enough anymore. I need more love for them.”
  1211. >She replies almost sheepishly.
  1212. >She must be joking.
  1213. >Does she think he will believe her.
  1214. >That is enough of that.
  1215. >You need to pass judgment on her.
  1216. “Queen Chrysalis, for your crimes against the kingdom I, Princess Celestis, hereby sentence you to-“
  1217. >”Wait Mommy!”
  1218. >Anon interrupts you.
  1219. >You look down at him.
  1220. “Anonymous, sweetheart, this is something important Mommy needs to do right now.”
  1221. >Anon looks up at you with a sad expression.
  1222. >”Mommy… she did a bad thing, but it was for the right reasons.”
  1223. >He reaches up and hugs your neck.
  1224. >”I forgive her for taking me, I’m fine. Can you please give her mercy?”
  1225. >He was actually worried about her and the changelings.
  1226. >You look at him with shock on your face.
  1227. >He is so innocent and forgiving.
  1228. >You genuinely smile at his view on the world.
  1229. >He always finds a way to surprise you.
  1230. >For him you will be merciful.
  1231. “For you my child, I will show mercy.”
  1232. >You look at Chrysalis and see her hopeful at what you just told him.
  1233. “Queen Chrysalis, I have made my decision.”
  1234. >Everypony in the room is silent waiting to hear you with baited breath.
  1235. “Until such a time as I see fit, you and your Changelings are banished to the badlands.”
  1236. >She stares at you with disbelief.
  1237. >”However, if your actions come to my attention again I will not be as forgiving.”
  1238. >”T-Thank you Princess Celsetia!”
  1239. >She quickly stammers.
  1240. “Do not thank me. My son was who asked me to show you mercy.”
  1241. >She looks right at Anon.
  1242. >”Thank you Prince Anonymous! Thank you for showing us mercy!”
  1243. >She says while lowering her head in respect.
  1244. >It seems she has finally learned her place.
  1245. >Satisfied, you lift Anon onto your back with magic.
  1246. “Come Anon, let us return home.”
  1247. >This is for the best.
  1248. >Truth be told, you probably don’t have the strength to cast her to Tartarus.
  1249. >That fight took more out of you than you realized.
  1250. >But you need to make sure she will not try this again though.
  1251. >You use your magic and cover his ears.
  1252. “Anon, when we get home you can have an entire cake to yourself.”
  1253. >When he didn’t react, you knew the magic you used worked.
  1254. >Still with his ears covered by your spell you turn to her prone form.
  1255. “Just so you know, if it weren’t for him you would have been cast into the pits of Tartarus for eternity.”
  1256. >Her eyes widen in either fear or relief.
  1257. “And also, if you ever come near my son again…”
  1258. >You step closer to her.
  1259. “I will snap off your horn, rip your wings from your body, and force you to watch as I cast each and every one of your children one by one into the sun as you are helpless to do anything about it. Am I clear?”
  1260. >She is shaking in fear at the thought, but still knows enough to respond.
  1261. >”Y-Yes, of course you are clear Princess Celestia.”
  1262. >You smile and remove the spell from Anon.
  1263. “Now Anon, we’re leaving. Say goodbye to the queen.”
  1264. >He looks at her and waves.
  1265. >”Bye Queen Chrysalis.”
  1266. >Then he looks into the crowd of changelings.
  1267. >”Bye Buzz.”
  1268. >You hear a buzz from one of them.
  1269. >”Goodbye Prince Anonymous.”
  1270. >She says bowing as best she can manage.
  1271. >You take flight and leave with Anonymous on your back through the hole in the ceiling.
  1272. >Leaving the queen and this nightmare behind you.

Momlestia - Ten Years

by AfterHours

Momlestia - Ten Years: Bedtime

by AfterHours

Momlestia - Chrysalis: Kidnapped

by AfterHours


by AfterHours