Featherquill played by his owner.
Featherquill stepped off the Ponyville train, and immediately there was a skip in his step as he collected his things and headed into town. He had a meeting with a Princess, and not just any- Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was, in fact, his first lay back in the senior year of school, but her tutorage under Princess Celestia had kept the two apart.
The slender, tall, scholarly unicorn dressed in an academic blazer thought back on her. She was... devoted to him back then, to the point where he was pretty sure he could do just about anything- and sometimes he did. It was a relationship made in heaven that circumstance had broken up, but now... now things were looking up. She had invited him here for, ostensibly, simply a change to catch up over one of the Equestrian holidays- but he saw through that. She missed him as much as he missed her- and her big tits.
Coming up to her castle door eventually he sighed wistfully, and closed his eyes to think back of her girls. If he played things right, maybe he would see them again in the near future. So he pulled down his shirt, adjusted himself to look his best, and ran a hand through his brown mane. His pale blue coat was freshly cleaned, and he even wore a slight bit of cologne. It was time... to put on the charm, and he knocked boldly upon the vast door.
The knocks echoed faintly through the halls of the impressively large crystal castle. Once, twice, three times...and then silence. Featherquill held his breath for a moment in anticipation. Hopefully she was indeed home...?
His ears twitched as he could've sworn he detected the faintest of clacks resounding from the castle's glittery depths. They were evenly timed and steadily growing louder in volume...it was almost unmistakably the sound of a pair of assuredly attractive high heels making a hasty approach.
The sounds then stopped. Time seemed to stand still for a moment or two, and then the door gently eased open. A warm light shone from within, enough to make any visitor feel welcome and safe. Beautifully ornate crystal decorations glittered from within, but the true beauty of the castle soon revealed itself...
Princess Twilight Sparkle wished so badly she didn't feel like a little filly again, but it couldn't be helped. She just had to press forward regardless. Grinning basfully as she felt her cheeks color with a faint blush, Twilight held open her door to welcome the stallion of her dreams into her abode.
And oh, had he always been so dreamy? Twilight couldve sworn he was even handsomer then the last time she laid eyes on him, and she felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she cast her eyes up and down, greedily drinking in his form. His mane was clipped attractively short and was well-groomed, his elegant horn sparkled and shone, well-maintained as always. Twilight had to resist the urge to swoon as she laid her eyes once again on her school crush.
Featherquill felt that familiar boost to his ego when Twilight's eyes landed on him. She had such a way of rubbing his ego, and making him feel masculine, when she was around. The way she looked at him he felt second to a god- and in her eyes, she almost was. So he stood up a little straighter, posed his legs a little better, and smiled warmly to greet the curvy mare. Her curves... seemed all the more pronounced.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle," he opened, and bowed to her. "I hope you've been well."
Twilight giggled lightly, the gentle sound of her laugh like the sweetest music to his ears. "Featherquill!" she cried happily as she suddenly lunged forward to pull her dream stallion into a hug, pressing herself close to his body, her impressive bust compressing against his firm, muscular chest. She eagerly drank in his intoxicating, familiar scent as she felt his strong arms wrap around her shoulders, securing her safely in his embrace.
Looking up at his gently smiling face Twilight smirked slightly. "The first time we've seen each other in years, and that's the best you got?" she asked coyly.
Featherquill wrapped his arms around her and embraced the mare strongly, before he pushed her away and met her with that same smile. "Well, it's only proper isn't it? Unless you'd like me to just call you Twilight again..." he spoke, a subtle dominance in the shift of his voice to be slightly deeper.
His eyes wandered down to her bust, and he allowed them to linger for just a moment. "I can see you've been keeping yourself in shape, better shape than I remember..."
Twilight giggled again as she stepped away, allowing herself a little twirl so that her stallion may get a proper look at his mare.
Oh yes, she was indeed his mare. Twilight couldn't deny how deeply and utterly she had fallen for him, how desperate she was to win his affections and fuel his wildest fantasies. She also couldn't deny the feeling of satisfaction she got when his eyes found themselves inevitably drawn to her luscious body. She felt confident under that gaze; confident and proud and desired by the love of her life. Though it had indeed been years since they had last met, Twilight already felt herself slipping comfortably back into her old role as his precious mare, his princess.
Twilight's grin widened as the results of her little show made themselves known. She could see the approval in those eyes, as they roved from her face, with just the slightest hint of blush and eyeliner, to her full chest, her ever-so-slightly plump stomach, her firm rounded butt, and her long, slender legs. Twilight was proud to say that she had managed to cut a bit healthier figure during her time in Ponyville without having to give up any of her curves that she knew he adored so much.
Combine that with her rescent ascent to alicornhood, and she was well on her way to joining the princesses as figures of universal beauty and grace, her body taking exceptionally well to that slight bit of extra height, that slightly longer horn, and her newly-acquired full, lustrous wings.
In anticipation of today's meeting, Twilight elected to wear a rather slinky and tastefully form-fitting tube top dress, a favorite of hers from her good friend Rarity. It was a simple black affair, with juuust the right amount of glitter and sequins to add that little extra attractiveness, the dress twinkling and sparkling much like its namesake as the subtle motions of her body caught the gentle rays of sunlight.
Featherquill admired her dress for a time, and then stepped inside past her- a subtle bit of power play in that he didn't ask permission to enter... but instead assumed it. Subtle but important, he was playing on certain things to judge the nature of their continued relationship- was she still as submissive as she was before?
"That dress looks beautiful on you, Twilight, but I dare say you could make a paper bag look sexy," he spoke, and spun around to face her again. His eyes locked with hers and for a moment she could see a faint dominant fire there as her flirty and submissive attitude inflated the mans ego, and his eyes panned down her body to take her in properly. From heel to head- and he liked what he saw.
"Please show me around, I've heard such great things about this castle- and it would give us a chance to catch up."
Twilight smirked as she watched her stallion's confidence grow ever larger. Oh yeah, she still had it, alright. Just how far would things end up going, she wondered. Would his confidence continue to pick up steam, roiling ever stronger until she was simply swept up in the tide, helpless to resist his every demand?
The purple princess bit her lip slightly as Featherquill strode confidently past her. It was time to find out. Crossing the threshold as well and gently easing the door closed behind her, Twilight smirked at her stallion as she pointed her hand down the hallway towards a large archway.
"But of course! What kind of hostess would I be otherwise?" Twilight replied with a smile. "Just follow me, and I'll take good care of you..." And with that she tossed her mane over her shoulder and started to walk away, her hips sweeping side to side quite a bit more than was probably necessary to just simply walk.
Featherquill noticed her stride, and took up a spot beside and just behind her so he could admire her better. "I'm sure you will, Twilight," he spoke, and his measuredly deep voice echoed slightly in the wide hallway. It certainly was beautiful, and reflected Twilight fairly well. Large, open hallways- designed to be welcoming, inclusive. They were made to be used- the castle itself was made to be used.
Twilight was made to be used- but only by the right person.
"Tell me then, how has life been treating you? You're as beautiful as always, and from the looks of things you seem to be eating well..." he spoke, with a glance to Twilight's rear, "... but what has my Twilight been occupying herself with?"
Another subtle play- my Twilight, recalling his control over her. She always had called herself his, although in a way- he was hers as well. Her seductive submission ensured that he had eyes for her and her alone.
Twilight felt a shiver run down her spine at Featherquill's words. He had just called her his. Ohhh did that stallion ever know how to get her all riled up.
"Well, there's certainly no lack of work now that I have these..." Twilight replied, ruffling her wings a bit before extending them to their full wingspan. She seemed to stretch slightly as she did this, raising her arms above her head and tensing for a moment before releasing a satisfied sigh as her wings folded back up again.
"Fortunately my friends have been very supportive. I still have plentiful opportunities to get out and about town for most of my usual routines, but unfortunately some of my more ambitious personal pursuits have been a bit...waylaid." The way Twilight said that last word was slightly hard to judge.
Featherquill noted the extent of her wings. From what he knew of pegasi there was a specific measure that they sought out as part of courtship, akin to the length of a unicorns' horn (or width, in some cases). He looked to her wings, and quickly determined that just like the rest of her- Twilight was flaunting her femininity beyond what most mares could possibly achieve.
"They're beautiful, Twilight, just like the rest of you," he soon spoke, and took the lead for now as he stepped ahead of her. "Where is it that you live? This castle is enormous, I'm sure you have a chamber fit for a princess."
Inviting himself into her room indeed, "... and you can explain to me exactly what these pursuits are once you're more comfortable."
Twilight scoffed a bit as she turned around, planting her hands on her hips as she tried her best to look exasperated at the hunk of stallion standing before her. "Really? Not five minutes into the tour and you're already asking about the bedroom?" Twilight said with mock frustration in her voice. Taking a few steps forward and rising onto her tip-toes, Twilight narrowed her eyes as she stood face to face with her stallion, so close their noses were almost touching.
"All in good time love," Twilight cooed before resuming her pace. She may be his mare, yes, but that didn't mean she couldn't relish playing just the slightest bit hard-to-get. "You asked for a tour and I intend to deliver..." she continued huskily. Featherquill grinned and followed after her.
The two young lovers spent the next bit of the day wandering the castle. Though she may now be a princess, Twilight's old exuberance for detail and organization hadn't dwindled a bit, as the thoroughness of her tour showed. Featherquill tried his darnedest to pay attention, he really did, but Princess Twilight's luxurious figure was just so...distracting. And to make matters even worse, every time his eyes returned to his beautiful princess her curves seemed to always be...more. Were his eyes deceiving him? Was her dress pulled just that much tighter across her chest? Was it raised just that bit more towards her waist? Knowing Twilight, either could very well be the case.
Just as the two were wrapping up, two pairs of ears perked up as a low grumbling noise made itself heard. Twilight blushed slightly but didn't let her cool, collected attitude drop. "Seeing as we're nearing the end of our tour here..." she started, "perhaps you'd like to see some of the local eateries as well? I could show you some of my favorites~" Twilight trailed off in a singsong voice.
"It's been years, Twilight, it's only natural my mind would wander..." Featherquill had responded at first, before letting Twilight lead him onwards.
Featherquill had of course followed along, and had been subtly ensuring he was in the lead through the day, even as she physically led him. He gave her his input on her book organization, and she quickly adjusted to make use of the feedback. He directed her to certain rooms, keeping her on her toes as he guided her around, and he was always sure to close the doors behind them- ensuring that the intimate nature of their tour remained.
Once the tour had ended he was a bit more relaxed, having finally gotten used to being around her, and took her hand to simply lead her out the door. His grasp was firm but not hard- she always had the chance to pull away, to leave, but never took it.
A dominant didn't force, after all- he led. The trick wasn't just forcing the submissive to follow, it was seducing them enough that they willing allowed themselves to be led- and lead he did, as they seem came into the dirt streets of Ponyville.
"So, Twilight, where should we start? Perhaps you should just get us a table in the town square," he spoke, mindful to keep her close so that anyone that saw them knew exactly what the nature of their relationship was.
"I have just the place," Twilight replied smoothly, pointing towards a small diner situated on the edge of the square, with plenty of outdoor seating just outside its doors. She then allowed herself to be led over as Featherquill strode confidently ahead, his destination set firmly in his sights.
Although it was a nice day, the place was fortunately not particularly busy and the couple were seated comfortably outdoors in hardly any time at all. As the two of them began perusing their menus Featherquill asked Twilight what she normally ordered here.
"I must admit I've become quite partial to their dandelion-sunflower salad bowl, it's the favorite of my friend Rarity. However..." As Featherquill arched an eyebrow at her, Twilight narrowed her eyes and grinned devilishly. Her horn lit up and her stallion watched as, sure enough, her already straining dress tightened even more across her bust as those round, firm orbs swelled almost imperceptibly larger. "...today I was considering going for something a bit more...filling."
Featherquill knew the spell she was using- they had learned it together. In yet another show of subtle dominance he fed his own magic into hers, and her breasts swelled up a tad more than she planned- enough to push her outfit down a tad and expose a good deal of her significant cleavage. His magic intertwining with her own was a pleasurable sensation for both of them, and as far as unicorn relationships went- fairly close to having sex in public.
"Filling indeed, just like you're filling that dress?" Featherquill returned, and gestured over a waiter. They wouldn't be kept waiting, and he was eager to impress upon anyone else that he was in charge wherever he went. Normally he didn't act that way- but around Twilight he certainly did.
"She will have the steak, two of them in fact, and one gallon of milk."
The waiter looked to Twilight for confirmation of this odd order before Featherquill snapped at him. "I didn't ask your opinion, I asked for the food- now get on it."
The waiter wasn't about to argue with what was apparently the date of Princess Twilight Sparkle, but that man did leave with her perception of her changed- that guy was walking all over her...
If Twilight had been at all surprised by the forcefulness with which her date ordered for her, she didn't show it. She did, however, glance down briefly at her now definitely inflated rack and blushed slightly, resisting the urge to adjust her dress.
Pouting slightly, Twilight fixed her gaze squarely on Featherquill. "Aww, you didn't even give me a chance to order any hay fries," she playfully whined. "They're just soooooo good here, too..." she trailed off, licking her lips slightly as she fantasized of the greasy, salty goodness.
"I think that can be arranged, beautiful," Featherquill spoke in return.
The signalling couldn't be more clear, although ones perspective changed what they saw. Either Featherquill was trying to seduce Twilight by pampering her and feeding her- but not himself- playing on the mares well known enjoyment of good food, or he was making a play on his ability to provide for her by ordering too much.
Too much was, of course, relative. He remembered full well holding her head back on the couch as she gorged herself on gallons of ice cream until she spewed. Twilight had a sizable stomach capacity, and today he'd see if it had improved like the rest of her.
The milk was first- of course- and indeed a whole gallon jug was soon provided.
"Thank you, now add two orders of hay fries to the order, and if you have any alcohol I'd like... oh, whatever the highest proof stuff is. I don't care, I'm not drinking it," Featherquill mused, quickly deciding for Twiight and settling into his enabling dominance.
Twilight smirked as she watched the waiter eagerly high-tail it back into the restaurant proper. Lighting up her horn, the gallon of cold, refreshing milk slid over to her side of the table. Picking up her glass, Twilight examined it disdainfully before tossing it nonchalantly over her shoulder with a shrug. The sound of shattering glass followed, as well as a faint cry of "my leg!" somewhere in the distance.
Neither of the ponies at that table cared. As Featherquill watched eagerly, Twilight licked her lips, waggled her eyebrows suggestively, and then grabbed either side of the jug before, with a soft grunt, lifting it up and flipping it over, plugging her mouth with the opening.
Immediately, cool, refreshing liquid rushed into Twilight's mouth and down her throat, her cheeks bulging as she tried, and ultimately failed, to fully channel the torrent of liquid. Spurts of milk leaked from the corners of her mouth as her throat undulated frantically, white rivulets running down her face and neck and pooling in the vast purple valley that was her cleavage.
Twilight managed to chug solidly for nearly a full minute, draining the jug about halfway, before pulling it from her lips and gasping for air. Slamming it down, Twilight patted her chest and let out a short belch as she took a moment to recover, levitating over a few napkins and dabbing at her damp chest.
"Twilight Sparkle, you absolute vixen," Featherquill soon spoke. "You're still as talented with your throat as I remember..." he spoke, teasing her idly before he levitated the jug up himself and stuck it back into her mouth, "But you're not done yet..."
He forced her to consume the entire gallon before he allowed her any mercy, and then tossed away the empty jug just as the steaks arrived. They were stacked atop eachother, medium rare, and were served with two side orders of hay fries- and one side order of unmarked alcohol. "Do be careful with that," the waiter noted.
Featherquill took it as a challenge, and stepped up, pushed him back forcibly, and then removed the cork. He took a whiff of the powerful booze, and then coughed slightly- this was intense.
So intense, indeed, that he soon jammed the neck of it into Twilight's mouth and tilted it up, forcing her to add a litre of powerful hooch to the gallon of milk. It would take time to have an effect, but that was a nearly lethal amount of booze... and it was going to do something. The bottle was soon drained, tossed aside, and Featherquill sat back down. He spoke firmly, confidently- and forcefully. His voice was deep with confident demand.
That was the last time that particular waiter would be seen anywhere near that table, not that either of its occupants cared in the slightest. Twilight hiccuped softly as her eyes blinked blearily open, attempting to recover from the sudden influx of liquid. Her throat burned from the potency of her last drink, but that didn't stop her from greedily eyeing the juicy slabs of meat before her.
Leaning forward, her full stomach sloshing audibly, the Princess of Ponyville reached out and picked up her first huge steak with her bare hands, juices running over her fingers and dripping off her hands. Opening her mouth wide, a wet, rumbling "bbbuuURRRAAAAPP!!" ripped itself free from her gullet. Twilight gasped once to recatch her breath before lunging forward and cramming as much of the succulent meat into her mouth as possible and biting down eagerly.
Grease ran down her face and chest, pooling once again in her overstrained bra as the princess moaned in delight, barely chewing her first enormous bite before taking another. Slowly circling his princess so as to view from every angle possible, Featherquill grinned delightedly as he took in what he saw. Twilight's belly was already heavily bloated with liquid, the rounded curvature of her gut almost reaching the forwardmost curve of her heaving bosom, the dress beginning to stretch in earnest as it struggled to hold back the gurgling purple behemoth.
Swallowing heavily yet again, Twilight grabbed a large handful of hay fries and crammed them into her mouth next, hardly chewing at all before forcing the food further down her gullet with more sumptuous steak. Spurred on by the now very obvious bulge in her stallion's stylish pants, Twilight continued to glut and gorge with reckless abandon, hardly taking any time to breath as she continued to practically ram food down her throat barely chewed. Twilight's swollen belly gurgled angrily as it was forced relentlessly to stretch and strain and stretch some more.
Soon enough Twilight was gulping down the remains of her first steak. Her horn lit up and floated the first half empty plate of hay fries in front of her face before tilting it back into her mouth. Twilight was practically pounding handful after handful of hay fries into her increasingly stuffed cheeks, completely heedless to the increasing burning sensation in her throat as it strectched repeatedly to engulf far too large chunks of food. With her mouth still full, Twilight wasted no time grabbing the second steak and shoving as much of it as possible into her greedy, drooling maw, stretching her jaw painfully wide as more and more food debris and residue smeared all over her pretty face.
Featherquill cooed softly as he crouched behind his mare, reaching his hands around to rub, cradle, and massage Twilight's aching belly as it continued to swell ever larger. "Twilight you absolute greedy pig of a mare..." he whispered sultrily in her ear, taking particular delight from the slight shiver that ran down her spine as he did so. "I see you are just as insatiable as ever...I like that in my mares." If it was even possible, Twilight managed to start eating even faster.
By this point her belly had become a full blow gut, swollen and firm and unyielding, its forwardmost curve pressed out beyond her heaving bust as it continued to gurgle and glorp angrily. The fabric of her dress was starting to lighten to gray over her stuffed tummy as the threads began to strain to the breaking point. Twilight's breath came in short, erratic pants, her abdomen far too swollen and restrained to have any hope of taking deep breaths. Although Rarity's stitchwork was masterful, even her expert pleats could only hold so strong.
"My dear Twilight..." Featherquill whispered as another several handfuls of hay fries shoved their way into an increasingly overcrowded mouth. "It would appear that you are just a few swallows away from ruining such a pretty dress..." Twilight moaned sensually, her mouth far too full to warrant any form of coherent response. "Break it wide open. Your prince demands it," Featherquill purred softly, his warm breath tickling the sensitive hairs of her inner ear. Twilight moaned in pain and pleasure as her throat worked desperately to swallow its enormous load.
"I'm going to go get you some dessert now," Twilight moaned again as she heard that. "When I get back there had better be nothing but empty plates...or else there will be *consequences*," Featherquill hissed. Standing quickly, the sneering stallion swaggered into the restaurant, immediately spying the display of desserts as soon as he entered the door.
The mare behind the counter, an embarrassingly thin little waif of a thing, smiled as he stepped over. "Good afternoon, sir. What can I get for you this fine afternoon?"
Featherquill's grin widened as his eyes lit upon the perfect finish. An entire triple-layer fudge cake: a heaping pile of chocolatey, sugary, fatty goodness.
"I will take one of those." It was not a request, it was a demand. The mare's smile faltered the slightest bit but she recovered swiftly. "Of course, sir! Let me just go grab that for you right quick..."
Just a moment or two later the mare returned with a large dessert pan in her arms, upon which sat the chocolate monument to gluttony. "That will be 23 bits, sir..."
Featherquill just chuckled as he swiped the cake out of the tiny mare's arms, her face falling in surprise as she tried to process what had just happened. "Add it to our bill and put it on the royal tab," Featherquill replied with a sneer before turning around and heading back outside, leaving the mare behind the counter standing there slack-jawed, stunned into silence. He could care less. He had a hungry, hungry mare to feed.
Twilight's form was just as beautiful from behind as it was from any other angle, and as Featherquill approached the table with the chocolate behemoth, he felt a mighty throb down below as he watched with delight as Twilight lifted her head, only for her neck to bulge out to the sides from *behind* before the massive lump of food found its way into her massively overpacked stomach.
Twilight groaned loudly in pain before unleashing a mighty "ooooooOOOOOOORRRRRPPP!!" of satisfied gluttony, her hands flying to her taut, round, gurgling gut. Featherquill almost felt ready to burst right then and there as he came around and witnessed his mare from the front. Her mouth was completely surrounded with greasy stains, dried trails running down her chin and chest. The uppermost part of her dress was practically soaked in grease, clinging tightly to her hugely swollen rack, the outline of her bra clear as day.
And her stomach, oh what a glorious sight it was. Stretched now a good several inches farther then her magnificent tits, it smooshed up against the table as its owner panted and moaned beneath it, utterly pinned by its cumbersomeness.
Slamming the cake down onto the table, Featherquill grinned as he grabbed the back of Twilight's head and leaned her forward, her eyes widening as they beheld the monstrous cake. "Eat," he said in a deep commanding tone, needing no other words to make her bend to his bidding.
For a brief moment the struggle was visible in Twilight's eyes, the overwhelming searing pain of a stomach stuffed entirely too full battling fiercely with greed and lust, along with the desire to satisfy her mate whom she so desperately craved. Only another moment or two passed before her resolve hardened, her hands flying forward to scoop massive handfuls of goopy, chocolately cake before shoving them messily into her gasping maw. Featherquill leered openly as Twilight's hands and face were smeared with streaks of chocolate frosting and crumbs, but the mare continued her wild binge unabated.
Soon he decided that she wasn't eating fast enough, and so began to shove his own handfuls of cake into her mouth in between her own. Now eating at effectively double speed, Twilight's huge gurgling gut ballooned. The sound of stretching, straining, tearing fabric began to make itself heard as the dress neared closer and closer to the breaking point.
About halfway through her dessert, Twilight's hands stopped functioning, and fell to holding and rubbing her bloating, bursting belly in a desperate bid for relief. But the feeding did not stop there as Featherquill simply redoubled his efforts. This mare WAS going to eat the entirety of this cake, even if she threw up trying.
Speaking of which, Twilight's gag reflex was finally starting to kick in, her stomach nearing a hard limit and beginning to rebel, wishing nothing else but to expel some of the increasingly unwanted cake. Twilight gurgled lowly as she continued to have food forced down her throat, long since unable to voluntarily swallow. A viscous chocolately goop starting drooling from the corners of her mouth, not entirely unlike chocolate syrup as she further lost the ability to control her esophagus.
Tears began to run down her face as she continued to fill, the salty droplets mixing with her mascara and leaving a handful of dark streaks on her cheeks. But that look of love, that sheer adoring gaze deep in her eyes never left as she clutched her groaning belly and stared into her lover's eyes. She was completely and utterly his, entirely at his mercy, and he reveled in the feeling.
As the final mouthful of cake oozed its way down her thoroughly abused gullet, her dress finally gave out. With a loud RRRRRRRRRIIIIIPPP!! the dress tore right over her beachball-sized belly, exposing her purple belly flesh entirely. Weakened by the greasy onslaught from earlier, Twilight's magnificent bust also burst free of dress and bra alike, Twilight's outfit leaping off her body leaving her clad in just her heels and a pair of barely visible black lacy panties as the immense orbs of her breasts flopped heavily onto her utterly overloaded gut, forcing a huge, rumbling bbbBBBBBOOOOOOORRRRRRPPP!! to leap free from her maw, droplets of chocolate and saliva spattering her chest and the upper surface of her monumental gut.
That was the final straw for Featherquill. He needed this unbelievably sexy mare, and he needed her NOW. His horn flaring with power, just as ponies' heads began to turn to discern the source of the sudden commotion the area was lit with a bright flash as the couple teleported straight to Twilight's bedroom.
The night had been long, and Featherquill had probably dumped more masculine fluid in Twilight's body than everyone else making love in town- combined. First, of course, was her belly- but that wasn't enough. Her womanhood was next, and then he savoured the dominance of groping her tits and sticking his shaft into her mouth so she could swallow his seed. It went on for hours, and eventually he simply passed out ontop of her.
When he awoke, finding himself in the hallway- for some reason- he felt like he was going to die. His insides hurt, his outsides hurt, he hurt. It wasn't even much of a satisfied pain in as much as it was the pain of a body pushed absolutely too far in a whirlwind of fetishistic sex. The stallion was left to stumble- naked- around until he found the upper-level kitchen, and was both surprised and absolutely delighted to find she had his favourite tea in stock. Granted, it certainly wasn't a rare brand of black tea, but it helped.
Twenty minutes later he could be found slumped back behind the counter, leaning back against a stove, and sipping from that steaming mug of tea. Still naked, uncaring for that or anything else, and just desperate for some relief. He didn't have the energy yet to apply any magical healing, and would just have to grin and bear it.
Twilight Sparkle was.... in a similar state. She had awoken to find her body had done the best it could digesting her meal, but overall she was sick. Seven hours of sleep with 200 pounds of food slowly going bad inside her had resulted in her awakening to the sound of herself projectile vomiting against the wall. This went on for quite some time, and eventually she deflated to find herslef ten pounds heavier and with a swollen stomach cavity that begged her for dear god for some goddamn mercy. She also found that... well she stunk of seminal fluid, her own bodily fluids, and she was dripping from places she had no idea she could even drip from.
The fact that her clothes, and the clothes of a man, laid on the floor were evidence of what had transpired.
For the first time in her life, Princess Twilight Sparkle found herself cursing her newfound immortality and its immunity to ailments of the flesh. She felt so horrible (and smelled even worse!), if not for the fact that it was physically impossible she would've thought herself to be on death's door.
Her stomach was in agony, a constantly rumbling and churning sphere of indigestion that even still bulged obscenely from her curvaceous form. Placing both hands on her loudly gurgling gut, Twilight moaned softly in pain as she did her best to massage away the aches, though it did little good. Twilight wished she could say she remembered how it was she had come to be in such a miserable state, but that would be a flat-out lie. In truth, the last things she remembered were sensations rather than perceptions: the feeling of her throat bulging and gulping huge loads of food, her belly swelling and straining, and her marehood absolutely burning with desire and arousal.
Twilight's face flushed as that last sensation began trickling its way back into her consciousness. Oh yes, she had done whatever her stallion wanted of her last night, that much she was sure of. And, looking around, Twilight quickly noticed that he did not appear to be present, and that simply wouldn't do.
Resigning herself to the cruelty of fate, Twilight forced herself to half-roll, half-stand out of bed so she may go look for him. The motion understandably upset her swollen, miserable tummy, and she let out a deep, resonant belch.
A belch that Featherquill heard from the kitchen- not due to it's sheer magnitude but the quiet and echoing halls of the castle. His groggy brain began to work, and soon enough he stood up and realized that- well shit, he was buck naked and smelled of sex. He couldn't be seen like this, and resolved himself to find a shower somewhere before he'd let Twilight see him.
So of course he set off into the hallway, cup of tea floating before him, and was finally feeling awake enough to apply some gentle soothing spells to his exhausted and sore body. It was only natural that he would turn a corner- and come to face Twilight Sparkle. In the nude, dick flopping before him, totally on display, and didn't actually realize it until he had stepped into the hallway enough for her to see him.
And for that matter, for him to see her. She wasn't totally nude, but her bra wasn't quite on and she might as well have been.
Taking a breath, Featherquill swallowed down his nerves and tried to play it cool. "Twilight... where's the nearest shower? I uh- I think we both need to refresh ourselves."
Twilight grinned seductively. While she still felt awful, she was determined to not lose out on any time spent with her dream stallion and longtime crush. Waddling forward slowly, making sure the glunks and gurgles of her overloaded stomach were plenty audible, Twilight motioned behind her. "The nearest shower is down the hall, but I have a better idea..."
Her eyes lidded as she stepped forward one last time, squashing her swollen belly up against his body, feeling and savoring every inch of his sculpted body. "I intend to take full advantage of the best this castle has to offer, and I'm sure that you'd just *love* to join me..." she purred, grinding her sloshy stomach against him ever so slightly.
Featherquill would normally be seduced, but between his exhaustion and her... well, odor- he wasn't in the mood for any sexuality. Of course, the fact that when he had touched her belly she had immediately vomited all over his chest was... perhaps the dealbreaker.
He blinked, and then felt a rising frustration before he physically pushed her aside- hard enough she fell over. "Nevermind, I'll find the shower myself," he spoke, his voice a a sharp hiss as he strode his naked body down the hall and left her there. Featherquill was not a perfect man, apparently- but maybe that just heightened the allure.
Twilight blinked in confusion at what had just transpired. While being shoved roughly aside and falling to the hard, crystal floor didn't necessarily *hurt*, it certainly was unexpected. Did she misread the situation? Was she mistaken about the nature of last night's activities?
Or, did she have to begrudgingly admit that her attempt to be sexy was discredited by the admittedly unpleasant follow-up? Which, unfortunately, was her inability to keep a lid on her roiling digestive tract as she puked all over their chests. And now thanks to yet another sudden upsetting motion her poor overloaded tummy was forced to bear, there was yet another pool of bile spreading on the floor, like a crass sort of reminder that she'd been there.
Twilight frowned as she struggled to her feet. Whatever the reason may have been, it was far too early and she was feeling far too sick to devote any real amount of mental energy to the situation. She could figure it out after giving herself a nice, hot shower.
And perhaps purging a bit in the toilet, too...
Featherquill had found himself a shower, it appeared to be in a guest room and hell if he cared altogether too deeply about where he showered, he just felt like shit- and was covered in puke. It made him irritable, as Twilight had just seen, and he was desperate to get some cool water on himself. Clothes would come after.
It was a full twenty minutes before he declared himself clean enough, and returned through the halls- still stark naked but at least trying to keep himself covered with a towel- and returned to Twilight's chambers. The scene in there wasn't pretty, but a little bit of magic cleaned his clothes well enough, and he returned to the kitchen. Feeling somewhat ashamed for his mistreatment of Twilight, he figured he would get to work on breakfast- he could do that at least.
Twilight herself would soon find that purge as she might, even empty her stomach was still stretched. She'd simply have to deal with the fact she looked 3 months pregnant- and once she was empty, she felt about as hungry as someone who was too.
Twilight sighed in content as she stepped out of the shower, steam still billowing freely about the room. For the first time this morning, she actually felt a little bit good, rather than just overwhelming and completely *bad*.
She still felt mighty sick, despite several more explosive eruptions both in and out of the shower, but at least now she was clean and sick. And she was also exceedingly grateful for the industrial-strength drain she had installed in her shower.
Stepping out into her much cooler room, Twilight's skin prickled slightly at the sudden change in temperature. She shivered, though not entirely because of her sudden chill, her marehood still gave off a slight needy warmth just knowing who was in the building with her.
Deciding to be content with just undergarments for now, and determined to renew her sexy onslaught, Twilight stepped out into the hall, only to be greeted by the sight of a clearly disgruntled Spike mopping the floor. Hearing the oncoming footsteps, he glanced up, and the two of them shared a look that said all that was needed without any words.
Twilight grinned sheepishly at the young drake, apologizing for the mess but thanking him for his help. Spike snorted with a mildly disgusted yet slightly amused look on his face, but accepting of the apology, he turned and headed back into the depths of his part of the castle. All he'd needed to see was the result of...whatever the fuck had happened in this hallway and that was enough to tell him that as long as their 'guest' was over, he was going to stay the hell out of the way and mind his own damn business.
As he padded off, Twilight took a moment to regather her thoughts, but as she did so she suddenly became aware of a most tantalizing scent. Oh my, delicious! And was that coming from the kitchen...?
She followed her nose, her stomach grumbling, not even sure itself whether out of hunger and greed or fear and pain.
Featherquill had met Spike, briefly, when he had been in the kitchen preparing his own breakfast. The poor young dragon had made some altogether wrong assumptions- the first being that Featherquill had already left (false) and the second that Twilight would be having breakfast with him (also false). Featherquill made some rather awkward chatter but quickly found that they had little in common, and the drake left with his breakfast and left Twilight's behind.
Which worked well in his favour, and while Feather enjoyed his own toast and eggs, Twilight's meal became more substantial now that he was in charge. A pound of eggs and a half of a goddamn loaf of buttered bread. He honestly didn't expect her to eat it all, nor did he plan to, and was simply focused on treating her well- and thus providing more than he figured she would want.
When she entered she would first see his ass sticking out of the fridge when he went to get some juice.
Entering the kitchen, Twilight's stomach once again roared in a confused mix of hunger and trepidation, the overloaded organ having suffered through so much recently it wasn't even sure itself what it wanted anymore. The kitchen was indeed the source of the tantalizing smells, and the table before her was loaded with heaping servings of scrambled eggs and buttered toast.
Glancing to the side, Twilight was treated to the sight of something arguably even more delectable - Featherquill's perfect butt as he rifled through the fridge for something. Were it anyone else, Twilight might have been a bit annoyed at them for just going through her foodstuffs like that without asking, but with Featherquill, well...what was hers was his as far as she was concerned.
Looking over the feast laid before her once more, Twilight spoke up right as Featherquill found whatever it was he was looking for and was just starting to stand up and turn around. "Oh my...is this all for me?"
Featherquill turned, a gallon of juice in hand, and his arm flexing to hold the heavy container. "Sure it is, Twilight- you should be treated like a Princess, and I do have to make up for uh... pushing you over earlier."
Magically, he pulled out her chair, and filled her a tall glass of orange juice. "Just try not to eat so much you can't move... I don't think I'm up to repeat last night, I'm not an alicorn after all..."
His eyes panned over her, admiring her now beautified body. She certainly did have curves, and... he finally spotted her belly, and his eyes went slightly wide as he stared openly.
Twilight mock-pouted as she moved to sit in the generously offered seat, which creaked slightly in protest of its suddenly heavier-than-normal burden. Neither ponies paid it any attention.
"You mean you don't want me to eat all this tasty food? A shame, 'cause it certainly looks and smells delicious..." Levitating over a fork and gathering up her first big bite of eggs, she glanced back up at Featherquill's face and smirked seductively. "But...ultimately...I'll eat as much or as little as you want me to..." she purred before shoving the first big bite into her mouth. She chewed slowly and swallowed audibly, her gaze never leaving his throughout.
Featherquill felt... emboldened by her. Submission was attractive, especially to a man with an ego, and what more submissive thing was there than totally letting the man lead? Not wanting to push too far, however, he experimented with this for the moment as he sat himself down beside her. "All of it, Twi, but don't make yourself sick- I want to spend some time with you today, get to know you a little better..."
Calling Princess Twilight Sparkle "Twi," a subtle and important shift in things- only good friends, or her dominant boyfriend, could call her that...
Twilight grinned smugly as she swallowed another large serving of breakfast. "That's what I thought..." And with that, her gaze finally left his as she focused her efforts fully on eating. Though she moved at a substantial and greedy pace, she was careful to stay just shy of frantic, her gluttony once again on display but with a knowing measure of discipline holding it back ever so slightly.
With her mouth constantly full of food, Featherquill had the opportunity to simply sit back and admire her. He took it all in-her large, succulent breasts that strained slightly against her bra, jiggling with her every motion and swallow as they rested on her new shelf of a gut. Her throat as it bulged appealingly, his eyes tracing every lump down its length before it vanished into her depths. He noticed how her chunky legs squeezed against each other periodically, and how her tail flicked intermittently behind her, subtle signs of her irritating levels of arousal plainly visible to his perceptive eye.
And her belly-oh what a marvel it had become. Whereas before it was eclipsed by her luscious rack, now she could see it easily with a simple glance downwards. Seemingly overnight it had swelled from just the slightest hint of pooch to a well-defined gut, ripe for kneading and groping as it rumbled for yet even more.
"Twilight Sparkle you look nearly pregnant- I didn't fuck you that hard last night, did I?" Featherquill joked, rather lewdly reminding them both of last nights festivities.
His eyes wandered down her body, drinking in her curves- and he subtly and subconscuously signalled his approval. Movements of the tail, a perking of the ears, a slight glow to his horn- even in his exhausted state Twilight was seducing him readily, and he could only pull her eyes away from her for moments at a time.
Soon enough his hand was on her soft thigh, and his head rested on his other hands. "Have you ever been called sexy, Twilight?"
Twilight spared him a glance as she swallowed yet another hefty mouthful. "Once or twice..." she responded coyly, before grabbing her glass of juice and knocking it all back in a single go, sighing in satisfaction as her empty glass met the table forcefully.
Featherquill could've sworn he saw her belly swell ever-so-slightly larger with each gulping pull, a gentle sloshing noise now joining the chorus of noises her stomach was making.
Featherquill let her drink it, and then leaned back in his chair slightly as he tested something. His horn began to glow- and so did Twilight's. Gently, in a way only known to unicorns, he pushed against her- trying to siphon off her own energy slightly.
It was a rather kinky thing, especially just after a first date.
"Well, let me say, Twilight- you're the sexiest girl I've ever seen, and I want you to be mine."
Twilight was caught off guard slightly by his sudden unexpected use of magic, especially once she realized the spell he was using, but shortly after let out a low moan of arousal. Oh my, wherever did he learn how to do *that*? And, by Celestia, how did he get so *good* at it?!
She felt the gentle warmth between her legs begin to burn with more fervor as her cheeks flushed and her tongue lolled out of her mouth slightly. Gathering herself up to renew her feast with gusto, Twilight shot him an absolutely smoldering gaze as she replied. "Oh Featherquill, you silly stallion...what if I told you that I'm *already* yours? All you have to do is *claim me*..." And with that another huge bite began its journey down her gullet.
Featherquill wasn't actually altogether good at it, Twilight was simply submitting to him- even when she didn't realize it. Were he an evil man- or a changeling- he could have taken all she had right then and there.
Of course, he didn't, and simply took enough to boost his own energy for a moment- and rather selfishly apply it to his own body. His eyes rolled back in his head as he soothed his exhaustion, and then sighed in relief.
"All mine?" he repeated, once this was all done and he rose out of his chair. "Prove it, Twilight. Prove you're worth it," he spoke, gleefully playing into things and playing as if she had to earn his interest.
Twilight frowned and held a hand to her chest as she feigned offense. "Prove it? I fail to see how I haven't already proven it..." But even as she said this, the serving bowl of eggs levitated up to just beneath her chin in order to facilitate more streamlined shoveling.
"So I guess you'll just have to tell me what you want me to do..." she continued, turning back to face down the rest of her breakfast. "And then I'll do it *even better* than you imagined..."
"Finish breakfast than go drain a gallon of milk from the fridge, I want you bloated, Twilight- not quite enough to explode... but y'know, bloated," Featherquill spoke, and pushed his magical control further. Soon enough she could feel it, his magic entering through her horn- and controlling her directly. It was awkward at first, and she spooned some eggs into her face a few times before he got the hang of it, but soon enough he was working her own arms and Twilight was just a passenger to her own body.
"Feel that, Twilight? I'm in control of you. You submissive little slut, you've just been waiting around for a man like me to come in and take charge, haven't you?" Featherquill spoke, his voice a little deeper before he stood, clamped a hand to her neck, and bent her head back.
"I own you, Twilight. If you want to be mine, accept that. You do what I say, when I say, for me."
His hand released, and he sat back down in his chair. The magical control over her faded, and with that- her plate was cleaned.
"Well? Get on it, bitch. Put that body on display for me."
As Twilight regained control of her body, at first all she could do was stare at Featherquill and gape, utterly shocked at what had just transpired...and even more so, how *easily* she had accepted it.
While bits of egg still lingered on her cheeks and lay scattered across her bosom, a simple glance told her that, indeed, she had finished the whole serving under his power. Her stomach groaned forlornly as it clenched down on the suddenly unwelcome mass of food, but Twilight ignored it. Her stallion had told her what he wanted done. And she would do it, no matter how much her body complained or rebelled against her.
The alternative was unacceptable: dissatisfaction for her stallion. And that just wouldn't do. Not in the slightest.
Now determined to put on a show, the remaining slices of toast found themselves floating into the air before crunching themselves down into little bread balls-the first of which was quickly swallowed whole by Twilight.
Her belly now uncomfortably bloated, Twilight struggled to her feet as she continued to gulp down the remnants of her breakfast. Cradling her sore stomach with her hands, she staggered over towards the fridge, swallowing the entire way, all while Featherquill watched with eager eyes.
Pulling the fridge open, she didn't even bother with her magic as she grabbed the entire gallon of milk and ripped the cap off. No sooner after the last ball of toast began snaking its way down her throat, its shape easy to follow as it descended, her mouth was quickly plugged with the open end of the jug, she leaned back, one hand supporting the small of her back, and she began to drink.
Twilight took deep, long pulls as the gallon began to drain, and her stomach resumed swelling. Not once did she stop for air as she gulped and gulped and gulped, her throat undulating rhythmically as she drank, and drank, and drank...
At some point her magic took over holding the jug in place and the newly freed hand found itself snaking underneath her tautly bulging stomach to finger herself lightly through her now soaking-wet panties.
She drank on and on, one minute turned into two which turned into four before finally the last drops ran into her gaping maw and she swallowed one last time with finality, chucking the empty jug over her shoulder and planting her hands on her hips, displaying her full, stuffed body in all its glory to the stallion seated before her.
Opening her mouth, Twilight attempted to say something strong and sexy, but instead all that came out was a deep, wet belch that smelled strongly of dairy.
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[RP] A Wonderfull Reunion
By LurkerTurnedNewbieCreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-06 09:37:34
Expiry: Never
by LurkerTurnedNewbie
by LurkerTurnedNewbie
by LurkerTurnedNewbie
by LurkerTurnedNewbie
by LurkerTurnedNewbie