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[RP] Banquet For One

By LurkerTurnedNewbie
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-06 09:42:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Prince Artemis was rather bored, and paid more attention to the shadows as they moved across the throne room floor than the actual guests of the state he was taking audience with. How Celestia got through the affair of listening to complaints and whining of the populace was beyond him, and she even allowed them to 'suggest improvements'. It was treason in his mind, if one wanted to change government policy they should have the good sense to actually get into government first. Peasants knew nothing, they were fit only for work unless they proved destined for something greater.
  3. Yet peasants are who he had been speaking to for three hours now, and only the knowledge that he would be meeting with someone of actual importance kept him from just booting them all out. His sister adored Twilight Sparkle, and had mentored her, he wasn't about to leave the Princess with something to complain about to Celestia.
  5. He did, of course, respect the mare greatly. She had saved the kingdom on no more than four occasions, and her magical power was substantial. Were he a lesser man, he would feel some degree of fear- but she was a useful asset for the state. A quite beautiful one as well, she'd grown to become quite the delightful eye candy. A husky and average height build, ample chest... no doubt she could carry children well.
  7. His daydreaming thoughts were interrupted by the Captain of the Guard approaching, and the daft stallion actually stood on the top step. That, too, had once upon a time been treason. Celestia was letting things slip. "Yes?" Artemis hissed.
  9. "Princess Twilight has arrived," Valiant returned.
  11. Artemis immediately shot up straight in his chair. "Well don't keep her then! 'Escort' these... 'fine individuals' out, court is adjourned. Bring her in, I'm happy to finally speak with someone educated."
  13. Artemis awaited her eagerly, and his ethereal mane billowed out behind him, perfectly matched by the regal outfit he wore. Light and clinging close to his body, it embellished his masculinity, and had a sharp silver dagger strapped to a hip as evidence he still had his head in more classical times.
  15. The giant golden doors swung open silently on well-oiled hinges to reveal the room beyond that by now was quite familiar. Princess Twilight thanked the guards softly before striding forward with the confidence and grace befitting of one in her position. Though she was still young, she was growing into her princess role remarkably well.
  17. That wasn't the only thing she was 'growing into', either. Always a heavy snacker and not particularly active, Twilight Sparkle's weight had fluctuated over the years between pudgy and fat, but never reaching what one would normally call 'svelte'. Even now, her assets put most mares' to shame, her big, bouncing breasts packed into her tube-top dress, leaving an almost scandalous amount of cleavage exposed. Her belly pooched out visibly, folding over her waist in a cute little roll, the deep indent of her belly button visible through the tightly-stretched black fabric. Her hips were wide, her rump was bulbous, and her thighs were lusciously thick. All in all, she was a mare most stallions would die for.
  19. Her sandal-like heels clicked against the marble floor, her wings fluttering gently behind her as her brilliant purple eyes took in every detail of the room. A soft smile adorned her face as her gaze fell on the Prince's form. "Artemis! So good to see you!" she called cheerfully, still making her way up to the throne. Pausing, she looked about in confusion, obviously searching for something or someone and not finding it. "Where's Princess Celestia? I know I'm a bit early, but I'm not that early, right?" A flash of nervousness played across her features as it frequently did whenever her mentor was involved.
  21. "Princess Twilight Sparkle," Artemis greeted. "It's an honor to call you my guest this evening, as always."
  23. Artemis slid out of the throne and approached Twilight. His eyes gazed over her body, openly leering at her and judging her. Artemis belonged to a time when he quite literally owned a private harem, and was quite used to literally judging mares for breeding potential and fertility without pause to consider that, perhaps, he was gawking more than socially acceptable these days.
  25. He soon loomed over her, and took her hand to kiss it. "My sister had to take her leave to re-negotiate with the new lord of the dragons. She's probably sixty pounds into a hundred pound feast by now, I almost envy that woman for her ability to take to food like it's making love," Artemis spoke, revealing quite a few things all at once. "A trait I hear you two share," Artemis added, with a wink to the pudgy mare.
  27. "Which leaves you and I with the evening together, and the castle at our service. Dinner first, I hope you're hungry because Celestia left before I could inform the chefs- so they cooked for five ponies of stature."
  29. Artemis looked to her with a grin, hoping Twilight got his joke. His grip on her hand was firm, not quite painful but certainly controlling, and he only let her go when he decided to. "Please, lead us to the dining hall- you know where it is."
  31. The fact he wanted to look at her ass was hardly hidden.
  33. Twilight giggled softly as Artemis fawned over her a bit. While some ponies were a bit off-put by his strange and outdated mannerisms, Twilight understood that he was a relic of a time long past, still learning to adapt to the new cultural norms of today. If anything, she reveled in the opportunities to witness his peculiarities, as they provided simply fascinating insight into what Equestrian life was like a thousand years ago.
  35. But enough about that. She shot the prince a sly grin as she turned towards the dining hall, for she did indeed know where it was. She put a bit of an extra sashay into her hips, just because she could and because she felt he would appreciate it. "Good, that means more for me, then~" she cooed, fixing him with a sultry smirk over her shoulder. "I came tonight expected plenty of good food, and it seems I'll get all that and then some...a perfect outcome if you ask me!"
  37. "I must say, Twilight Sparkle, you have dressed better than I had expected. I was of the understanding you were a bookish type- I'm pleased to see there's more to you than that," Artemis spoke, and spared a telling few moments to gaze at those heels before following her out, and listening to her words.
  39. Artemis tilted a brow. This wasn't the same mare he was used to from the times he'd seen her with Celestia- but perhaps that was exactly it. Twilight would hardly be presenting herself as a sexual item around her mentor/mother, but with them alone... well, it was only natural she would feel the desire to please him. Please him she did, as his eyes gazed upon her ass to the point he nearly rammed his horn into the doorway, thanks to his height and the length of the thing.
  41. "More than that, Twilight Sparkle, if you wish," Artemis spoke, and opened the door to the dining hall before them.
  43. There were three seats. Celestia and Artemis were due to sit together at the 'head' of the table, although it was changed from it's usual length to more easily accommodate the small group. Celestia's large chair sat beside Artemis' ornate but smaller one, and a regular chair laid to the other side of Celestia's, while the table itself was curved ahead of them. IT was well stocked with a feast, no less than three steaming hams, pounds of mashed potatoes, pots of gravy and a good deal of steamed vegetables. Everything an agrarian culture would think of when it came to heavy eating, and provided in spades alongside a gallon of wine altogether in separate bottles.
  45. Artemis reached into Twilight's body with his magic, and ensured her stomach growl was amplified to the degree it echoed in the hall. "Mmm, you sound famished. Only two lunches today, Princess?"
  47. Artemis leaned on the doorway, letting Twilight gawk as she might, "You're an intelligent mare, Twilight- count the calories for me..."
  49. Twilight narrowed her eyes as she concentrated, her tongue sticking ever-so-slightly out of the corner of her mouth in the cutest way imaginable before she started to mutter figures under her breath. Finally, she returned her attention to him with a smirk. "Well, I had to make some pretty rough approximations, but I'd estimate it to be right around twenty-thousand," she replied, her voice and demeanor oozing sexuality and confidence as she eagerly approached the loaded table. "And that's not even counting dessert~" she remarked over her shoulder, before walking right past the plain chair and taking a seat right in Celestia's.
  51. "Mmm, so much more comfortable," she purred, fixing Artemis with a smoldering gaze. "She's not here anyways, so surely you don't mind letting little ol' me get a bit of an upgrade? What she doesn't know won't hurt her," she finished with a chuckle before licking her lips and turning to focus fully on the spread before her. "Mmmm...this certainly looks delicious..."
  53. Artemis remained at the door, arms crossed, letting Twilight sit where she would, "Ah, a bit of an ego too? Tell me, are you fattening yourself up because you take after my sister in body as well as mind?" Artemis questioned teasingly. "Your estimation is close, but not precise. I had my chefs count: twenty two thousand, three hundred. Give or take a few hundred," he spoke, and started to step towards the table. "I trust it's all to your liking, if there's anything missing I can certainly instruct our chefs to please your appetite. That is their job, after all."
  55. His strides were slow, calculated, and had a strength to them. As a mare could accentuate her curves, he accentuated his muscles and the power in his body. His eyes remained on her, and it didn't take much feminine intuition to tell his interest in her had gone from a good evening of conversation to seeing her as a sexual item, perhaps objectifyingly- but it was certainly quite a conquest to get the eye of Prince Artemis.
  57. "Do you know how much it cost? Six chefs working for six hours, at 50 bits an hour- they are experts- that alone is 300, add another 100 or so for castle support staff, servants that are involved. The ingredients are the finest in Equestria, and the sum total of that was five-thousand bits all set out before you. So, we arrive at a total of nearly fifty-five hundred bits.
  59. Artemis put his hands on the table, across from Twilight, and looked over to her. "You're about to eat a meal that costs more than the average monthly income, doesn't that make you feel so greedy?"
  61. Artemis leaned over, able to get rather close to her as he loomed over her. "Begin."
  63. Twilight feigned dismissal as she cast a seemingly disinterested eye over the spread before her. "It'll do," she said shortly, accompanied by a short sniff. "Fifty-five hundred bits, you say? Could have fooled me. Doesn't look all that fancy." Her body betrayed her ploy, however, her stomach letting loose with another sorrowful groan, prompting the purple princess' horn to light up, her plate floating over the table and starting to load itself up with healthy portions of everything.
  65. She fixed Artemis with a predatory grin as her magic did its work. "But, as they say, when in Canterlot..." Her plate now satisfactorily loaded, the plate barely visible below the miniature food mountain, it returned to her side of the table with a soft thunk! "Y'know, this looks good and all, but I'm real partial to a good lasagna...call it a favorite of mine," she quipped before taking a hearty bite of ham slathered in mashed potatoes and gravy. "Mmmm...ish good..."
  67. Artemis' grin seemed to widen for a few moments. If the mare before him liked Lasagna, then dessert wouldn't be a cake... he mentally noted this all as he walked around the table, and sat his large muscular body into his own seat before reaching out and slapping his hand to Twilight's left thigh.
  69. If Twilight had researched her history, she would be fully aware she had just been claimed by Artemis. Thankfully for her, Celestia had long since informed him some of the more... lecherous ways he could have done that were ill-fitting for modern culture.
  71. Twilight's food mountain didn't shrink as she ate, because Artemis kept filling it, allowing her to gorge herself as passively as possible. Waiting for a break in her eating, given to him by Twilight releasing a hearty belch, Artemis quickly reached out for a gravy boat and put his hand to her neck, gripping her slightly not to choke her, but she he could lean her back, and soon poured it into her.
  73. The Princess knew Artemis was a controlling stallion with his mares, and now she knew it in practice as well. Once it was drained into her belly, she could feel his hand shift to it, groping it slightly. "Continue."
  75. Twilight smacked her lips noisily as the gravy boat removed itself from them, another soft *urp!* escaping her as she cocked an eyebrow at the prince of the night. "Really? You're going to waste all that gravy like that? How am I supposed to manage all those dry potatoes now?" she finished with a mock-pout, her eyes betraying her true emotions as another heaping forkful floated its way up and into her mouth. "Shuch appalling mannersh from a prinsh," she chided, fully aware of the irony of speaking with her mouth full as she was.
  77. On and on she ate and ate, the purple piggy princess in literal hog heaven as her plate continued to refill itself-almost as if like magic!-no matter how eagerly she attacked it. And boy, was she eager. Twilight ate like a starved mare, hardly chewing her huge chunks of food before swallowing noisily, her throat bulging visibly as each stomach-distending swallow made its descent into the churning abyss. Slowly but steadily her belly started to swell outwards, pressing against the already taut fabric with increasing urgency as it filled and filled.
  79. By now, the first ham had been consumed in its entirety, and all the side dishes had serious dents in them. Twilight sighed in gluttonous relief as she drained yet another flagon of wine, not bothering to hold herself back or pace herself even a little. She knew the castle had plenty. "Mmmm...at this rate I'm going to run out of drink," she lamented. "If only there was a way for a thirsty mare like me to get some more..."
  81. Artemis returned to Twilight's complaining by grabbing her by the back of the neck and tilting her head roughly to gaze into her eyes, "You'll find a way, I'm sure," he spoke, making it quite clear that such things weren't going to be tolerated by the prince- even as, ironically he did tolerate it.
  83. Twilight continued to eat, and when she made her next comments Artemis sighed and reached out, gently sliding his fingers down his horn in a way that all unicorns knew was both extremely sexual and extremely intimate. Twilight's horn sparked and fizzled with dangerous wild magic, burning his hand- only for it to instantly heal.
  85. Artemis was one of the only beings in Equestria that could actually do that safely with a mare of Twilight's power. Thanks to her previous comments, Twilight was soon met with a floating bowl of mashed potatoes, "Why don't we get these out of the way first, hmm? Since you did drink most of the gravy..."
  87. Soon enough Artemis forced her face into the potatoes, and gravy wasn't a problem- there buttered enough to be almost liquid. Once Twilight had finished, she was spared only a moment to belch before the plate was thrown aside with the growing pile of debris and a bottle of wine was stuck into her neck. Once that was drained, Twilight was again released to her own gluttony.
  89. "Continue. I heard you have a capacity Twilight Sparkle, but recent events have left me... hard to impress. So impress me, and if you like I may breed you."
  91. There was no other stallion in the world that would put voice to something so lewd so openly, was that actually a historical thing or was Artemis just fucking with her?
  93. Twilight hiccuped softly, temporarily dazed by the sheer rate at which the prince had forced her to consume. Her cheeks and chin were smeared with buttery mashed potatoes, but she seemed to pay it no mind. Her stomach loosed another long groan, but this time more of the strained variety. Taking a few rapid breaths, she turned to address the prince. "I always did have a pretty good appetite, and that was before I became an immortal alicorn princess." Her smug smirk found its way back onto her face as she continued. "Now? Let's just say...I haven't quite found my limits yet~"
  95. And with that, far too much time had already been spent not eating, and she needed to make it up! Floating over the second ham, her magic fizzled out as she grabbed it in both hands and began tearing huge chunks out of it with her teeth. Voraciously and relentlessly she attacked that ham, gulping and munching and chewing and moaning as she stripped it to the bone faster than seemed possible. Tossing the bone aside to the floor, she heaved a sigh of strained content before returning her attention to her still full plate, continuing to ravenously devour away at it as if she hadn't just shoved a chunk of meat bigger than her head into her stomach. "Omfnomfgrompf...mmmph, more..." she moaned softly as she continued to eat.
  97. "We're going to find them together," Artemis returned, and kept Twilight's plate full, but as they continued on their one-person gorging session the plate stopped being a constant buffet in itself and more just filled with the remains of different plates. That ham, and the other, were added to it. The remains of some potatoes, and Artemis force-fed the pudgy purple Princess with the remaining potatoes after mixing them with wine. It looked stupid, but it had a message to it: I expect you to eat anything I give you.
  99. Leaving Twilight to finish the meager remains after their half-hour long marathon stuffing session, Artemis drew up from his chair and stepped across the table. Twilight's plate levitated, and then the entire table levitated before it was 'placed' aside. Artemis hardly cared about it, all he cared about was viewing her belly without something in the way.
  101. "I'm a historical figure to you, to some degree, aren't I? I wonder what it must be like to have the eye of the most virile stallion in history. I'm responsible for half the population of the Crystal Empire, you know- and now you're one of mine too. I'll let you in on a secret, for you to use as you will."
  103. Artemis stepped up, and poked a finger into Twilight's bloated middle. "This is your best asset." The stallion soon stepped back. "Stand, we will continue this in my private chambers. I wish for you to lead me, so I can watch you try and waddle fifty-pounds of food. Look at you, you look pregnant- and I'd know."
  105. His horn had been glowing all the while, unknown to Twilight he had acted on her earlier comments, and ensured a desert would be waiting for them. Whether this was leading to sex, or merely to stuff Twilight until she was a living balloon- that was up to Twilight Sparkle.
  107. "I wish to know your weight before we started, you must be at least one quarter food by now."
  109. Twilight returned from what had been a gluttonous haze, her higher brain functions lost to the thrill of the feast. All she knew was food, food, and more food...and she wanted it all so, so badly. Only recently had the Princess started to allow herself to really indulge her long-dormant gluttonous side, and it gave her a thrill unlike anything else. The Prince's words rattled around in her brain a couple of times before she was fully able to process them. With a strained grunt, she tried to raise herself to her feet...
  111. ...And promptly sat right back down, a hand flying to her mouth as her cheeks bulged, the unwanted pressure on her huge, swollen tummy almost causing her to lose some of its precious contents. Realizing that she was incapable of bending far enough to stand by herself, she simply picked herself up with her magic before depositing herself on her feet. Now fully standing, the extent of the damage to her figure could be truly admired.
  113. Her gut was no longer a doughy paunch, having been replaced by a solidly bloated mass of half-digested food. It stuck out twice as far as her impressive bust, a rather impressive feat in itself. Her dress was now strained to its limits, purple fur showing just above her hips as the seams of the garment began to give way. She had idly wondered what those random popping noises had been...now she knew. Focusing on the prince, she gave him another one of her coy smirks as she tossed her mane over her shoulder. "Oh, please. This is-*UURRP!*-nothing. I could eat this much in my sleep," she boasted, eager to rile him up as much as possible. "If you think we're done yet, you've got another think coming..." With that said, she turned and started waddling out of the dining hall with only mild inconvenience, as if she was well-practiced in the art of managing a thoroughly-stuffed tummy. Which of course, she was.
  115. "As for my weight? I'll let you take a guess first..."
  117. A brow had been tilted at first, "Twilight you really must let your inhibitions go. If you feel like vomiting, vomit. You can eat more after," he spoke, revealing just how absolute the hedonism had been in his time. Stomach pain be damned, mares ate when they pleased, how they pleased, in quantities that pleased them.
  119. "... of course, being greedy enough to not allow that has an allure to it," he soon teased, and followed closely behind the mare.
  121. "Two hundred and twenty five," Artemis guessed as he walked behind him. "Mmff, it has been too long since I was with a mare I could view from behind like this. Keep this up, and soon I'll be able to see your breasts from behind you as well..."
  123. When they arrived at the stairs Artemis allowed Twilight a little mercy, and teleported them up- but coyly teleported Twilight as if her head was the same height as his, causing her to drop slightly. With a solid plastic snap the heel of her heel gave way under her, a result of her heavy weight increasing by nearly a third.
  125. They stood before the door to her room, and a certain smell, a specific smell wafted from it like a thick fog. When the door opened, Artemis stepped ahead of her and gestured to the bed. It was made for her, perfect and soft, and surrounding it was enough lasagna to feed a diner of a dozen- to death. Artemis hardly expected her to eat it all, but the stupendous feast had a point, one he was quick to voice.
  127. "Tell me a vice, and I can sate it. Tell me an appetite, and I can fulfill it. Sex and control drive me, Twilight, everyone has their thing. Yours, apparently, is food- and I can provide enough food for you to burst twelve times over. You deserve it, you're a Princess, the peasants should starve to feed you until you're sick, and be happy for it."
  129. Twilight was left in the lead now, and the front of her dress gave up the ghost when he stomach rumbled and bloated just a tad more with gas, tearing the fabric along her belly button and her purple gut soon burst through like it had been pressurized.
  131. "I want thirty thousand calories in there before you stop, and no less." Artemis spoke, both a demand and a challenge. "And then, if you're willing, I'll give you the best sex you'll ever have."
  133. Twilight didn't even have a chance to recover from the embarrassing destruction of her rather nice shoes before being absolutely gobsmacked by the amount of steamy, gooey, savory, delicious lasagna awaiting her in the prince's bedroom. She could literally feel her pupils contract and her brow break out in sweat as she was confronted with an unthinkable amount of her most decadently sinful treat.
  135. She made it all of three seconds before snapping, and snapping hard. Without even moving a step, the first pan of lasagna just about smashed itself into her face, her skin burning and fur singing from how hot it still was but the healing factor of her alicorn body paid it all little mind. Pan pressed to her face with her magic, her hands flew to either side of her already impressively bloated belly as she began to really, truly eat like the mare of her stature.
  137. If Artemis thought she was gorging before, that was simple snacking in comparison to this. In less than three minutes, a deep-dish pan of lasagna big enough to stuff a normal pony to bursting was flung to the side with nary a second glance, a replacement slamming into place immediately, her frantic rate of consumption hardly interrupted at all. The princess seemed to not even be cognizant of where she was or what she was doing anymore, as her stance shuffled wider and her head craned farther backwards as she absolutely shoveled food into her hungry, drooling maw.
  139. Seeing as she was completely preoccupied with the feast, and appearing to lack any sort of motivation to move to the bed, Artemis placed his strong hands on her shoulders and began insistently pushing her towards it. As if on autopilot, her feet obeyed. Still slurping and gulping noisily and messily, Twilight shuffled forward obediently until she was right next to it. With a hard shove, Artemis just about threw her onto his bed, just in time for the second empty tray to peel away from her face, revealing her wild-eyed, crazy-maned face as she belched violently: *bbbbuuuuUUUUUURRRRRRRRPPP!!*
  141. Now laid flat on her back, hugely overstuffed stomach towering above her prone form, the third pan wasted no time in taking its rightful place in front of her muzzle, the Princess' body trembling and shaking with desire and greed as she swallowed again and again and again. Artemis looked on with glee as her dress finally gave up the ghost, completely shredding itself to bits as every part of her body overwhelmed its insufficient confines. Her huge stomach lurched upwards, no longer restrained and now free to bloat to its full extent.
  143. The third pan was discarded, her belly protruding mightily as she dug into the fourth tray with zero hesitation. It now rose above her knees if they were to be propped up instead of lying flat as they were. For his part, Artemis had his hooves full trying to keep any excess splatter of cheese or sauce from staining his bedsheets. Different kinds of stains were fine, of course, but food stains? He thought not. He funneled the excess back into the pan to make a second attempt at her rampaging maw, but he pointedly did not bother cleaning her body in the slightest. Sauce and cheese splattered all across her face, neck, and chest as she continued to gorge with reckless abandon.
  145. She started on her fifth pan. The mare was an absolute machine, demolishing lasagna after lasagna as if her life depended on it. It was incredible, really. All that food not fifteen minutes ago and here she was looking like she could do it all over again. Artemis teleported his ensemble off of him and into a corner, his fully erect shaft springing free as it stood at attention. He fondled and stroked it every now and again, but the time for that was yet to come. Now was the time to stuff Twilight Sparkle so thoroughly she could barely even breathe. His horn flaring to life, one of his favorite spells pulsed through it, materializing as a magical vibrator which quickly shoved itself inside the princess' drooling pussy.
  147. Twilight shrieked in pleasure and bucked her hips as her nether regions were assaulted by the unexpected stimulus. Swallowing her biggest mouthful yet, she started on her sixth pan as her hands roamed the surface of her rapidly expanding belly, discovering much to her aroused delight that they could not reach her oversensitive crotch, such was the size and obstruction of her belly. Now it rose high enough that standing fully on his knees, Artemis could rest his head on top of the surface and hug it as much as he wanted...although his arms no longer met on the other side. Just the way he liked it. "Mmmm..." he rumbled in pleasure, his rigid cock drooling as it pressed and humped into that solidly packed belly, the whole mass no longer wobbling or sloshing but instead moving as one, like it was just a giant boulder trapped underneath her skin.
  149. The princess moaned her loudest yet as she felt the powerful prince start to have his way with her body, all while she starting digging into her seventh tray with gusto. By now, her guts were really starting to ache. She had crammed so much lasagna into her gut so quickly that the first one was already being pushed into her intestines, the hardly-digested gooey cheese only serving to clog her up and add that much more to the gurgling, churning, straining, roiling chorus of noise that emanated from beneath her taut skin.
  151. The eighth tray was started as her hips started pistoning up and down slightly, eagerly humping her huge, sloshing stomach into the absolute hunk of a stallion wrapped around it. Artemis grunted with pleasure, surprised at just how needy yet eager this mare was, even while bloated to such a monstrous degree. Finally, it seemed that Twilight's pace was starting to slow somewhat, but she still soldiered on regardless. The skin of her gut starting to flush a bright, cherry red as its contents were placed under greater and greater pressure. She swallowed the last gulp of the eighth tray heavily, before letting it fall to the side with a loud CLANG!, her prone posture slumping even further as she groaned beneath her monumental payload.
  153. Four hands eagerly roamed the surface of her huge, roiling gut as she hiccuped and moaned in a sickly yet alluring manner. Her stomach churned and rumbled ceaselessly, thoroughly displeased at its maltreatment by its owner. But she wasn't done yet. She couldn't be done yet. Not when he wasn't done yet.
  155. Now encased in a blue aura instead of a purple one, the ninth tray plopped onto her face, prompting a long, drawn-out groan from the individual beneath it as she resumed eating, powerless to resist the allure of her favorite food when literally all she had to do was open her mouth and chew. She began to swell yet again.
  157. Artemis cranked his spell up a notch and was rewarded with another shriek of pleasure as Twilight quivered and pulsated once, twice, three times...before screaming into her food as she climaxed explosively, her marehood absolutely gushing as it completely soaked the prince's hefty balls and toned thighs. Grinning victoriously, Artemis magically crammed the rest of the tray into her mouth before bringing up the tenth, barely giving her the necessary respites just to breathe.
  159. As if sensing the end was near, her consumption rocketed back up to manic levels, gulping and snuffling and snorting like the piggy she was as she ate and ate and ate and ate and ate...
  161. The eleventh tray floated up in a flash of purple, only temporarily stymied by a room-shaking, deep and wetly reverberating belch: *UUUUUUUURRRRRRRUUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPP!!* By now her stomach was well past the size of a beachball, starting to even eclipse that of a large yoga ball. Red stretch marks began to make an appearance on her sides and upper and lower swells, the skin and fur growing too tight to safely contain the unfathomable amount of food within. Twilight screamed in orgasm again as an entire quarter of the tray slipped down her throat all at once, only her alicorn physiology keeping her alive and well by this point. Any regular mare would have met their untimely demise several trays ago.
  163. But not Twilight. Tucking in to the twelfth and final tray, every swallow was accompanied by a short, pained moan, her belly well and truly on the verge of bursting now. Sensing that the end was near, Artemis plunged his member deep into her well-lubricated depths, and began thrusting vigorously with long, powerful thrusts. Twilight's moans climbed in pitch as she grew fuller and fuller, closer and closer to the breaking point, her stomach now shaded a dangerous shade of vibrant purple at its apex as it trembled violently against the turmoil within. Twilight was so stuffed she couldn't think straight, and she couldn't feel anything other than her pulsating belly and her roiling nethers.
  165. As the last bite descended into the depths of her horrifically overpacked tummy, the tray was blasted away from Twilight's face by her loudest and raunchiest belch ever: *BBLLLLEEEEUUUUUURRRRRROOOOORRRRRUUUUUURRRRRRPPPP!!* This last, final display of sheer, unbridled gluttony proved the final straw for Artemis' flaming arousal. Plunging as deeply as he could go, his massive nuts pulled tight as he let loose with a mighty roar, absolutely blasting Twilight's innards with his hot, steamy load. Five seconds turned to ten turned to twenty, and still Artemis came and came. Twilight had riled him up so thoroughly that his output had become downright godly, his volume so great that her stomach started to expand outwards yet again.
  167. Twilight moaned and writhed as the searing pain of her stomach built at a frightening rate, its edges pulsating ever so slightly larger and larger despite having no room left to grow. For almost a full minute Artemis came, before finally starting to wind down, but the last bits proved to be too much, Twilight shuddered and trembled and moaned and screamed before she exploded...
  169. ...In orgasm. Gushing wildly yet again, her body was seized by the most powerful orgasm of her life as it absolutely ripped through her nervous system, firing off like the most intense fireworks known to ponykind before being replaced with utter darkness. Both their minds completely blitzed with pleasure, the two royals promptly passed out in each other's arms, the room still and silent other than the constant, distressed grumbling of Twilight's mammoth bloat of a belly...

[SHORT] - Minty Waifu

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[SHORT] - Good Morning, Celestia

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[FAQ] Don't @ Me

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[SHORT] Pinkie Lends a Hoof

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[LONG] Trixie Joins the Circus

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