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[RP] Here Cums the Sun

By LurkerTurnedNewbie
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-06 09:44:17
Expiry: Never

  1. Valiant played by his owner.
  3. ~~~~~
  5. Valiant pivoted on his heel, and marched the length of the train station for perhaps the hundredth time. Today he was in rare form, actually treating things seriously as his job became an actual, well, job. Princess Celestia was traveling to Manehatten for the unveiling of the new 'Princess Celestia School for the Deaf,' and this sort of outing always required the best in the way of pomp and circumstance. While in private with her his more playful side always showed—perhaps being why he was chosen for this job—but in public he wore a stern expression of strength and control.
  7. His gleaming brass armor fit him well, and left his legs and most of his well muscled arms free. In his hand was a spear, and the business end was polished to a mirror-shine and gleamed in the sun. His marching constantly took him over and across the red carpet that awaited Celestia and ended at her train car as he awaited the arrival of her vehicle.
  9. Once it did arrive, Valiant soon stepped out of the train station and extended magic barriers to either side of Celestia's walking corridor. Guards, selected by him personally, stood on the other side of it. Canterlot wasn't known to crowd Celestia too much—having grown quite used to her presence—but it was important to ensure the public knew she was a monarch, and protected fittingly.
  11. He opened the car door, and when he took her hand gently he acted not quite like the captains before him. He didn't wait for Celestia to raise herself, he instead pulled her out, taking the lead. "Princess Celestia, I trust morning court went smoothly?" Valiant asked, and met her with a charming smile.
  13. "Thank goodness," Celestia replied with a huff, a flicker of annoyance racing across her cherubic face. "Court was absolutely dreadful today...I know you're more than aware of how petulant the nobility can be, dear Captain, but this was on another level entirely. I had to have several escorted out of the room before they were even finished, though to be quite frank I'd much rather they'd been escorted here," she finished with a smirk, patting her great billowing belly with both hands, causing the pristine white expanse to wobble and jiggle in a most appealingly mesmerizing way.
  15. Once upon a time, Celestia cared about how she looked, and more importantly, about what everypony else thought of her look. Suffice to say, those times were naught but a memory by now. A cursory glance in her direction would immediately make apparent the extent of her obesity, for she was as round as they came, just barely taller than she was wide. With the latest threats to Equestria vanquished by the trusty element-bearers, her sister returned to share the burden of leadership, and a boom of plentiful bounty the likes of which had rarely been seen before, Celestia had finally decided enough was enough, and that she was going to cut loose for a little while. Enjoy the little things in life.
  17. Like cake, for example. Cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and plenty of snack-times in between. She was Princess Celestia, who was there to possibly say when she could or couldn't have cake? And so, with her newfound gluttony for not just cake but all things tasty and decadent, her laid-back easygoing lifestyle, and the inanity of the nobility driving her to eat even more, the predictable happened: she gained weight. A lot of weight. More than anypony had ever gained in such a short period of time, most likely. Doubtful any mortal pony could even survive such a transformation, truth be told. Checking in at well beyond 400 pounds, Celestia was an absolute behemoth of a mare, and she loved it.
  19. She loved her huge, eternally groaning stomach, whether from lack or abundance of food, it was always one or the other. She loved her enormously cushy ass that essentially served as two very comfortable, very fluffy bean bags constantly affixed to her rear. She loved her massive, heaving bosom, two orbs of squishy delight that refused to be contained by just any mere garment, only possibly corralled by the sturdiest of creations designed specifically for her. She loved her thick thighs, constantly rubbing together; her flabby arms, their range of movement restricted; her chubby cheeks and multitude of chins, disguising the fact that she ever had a neck...she loved it all. And best of all, she knew there were others who loved it, too.
  21. Valiant nodded and took her hand, escorting the woman—who was one of few that could match his height—to her car. They walked slowly, much more slowly than Celestia would even as recently as a year ago. That owed, of course, to the size of her morbidly obese body. Valiant leaned into her her ear, whispering quietly. "You look beautiful, as always, but step ahead of me to the door. We can't fit abreast, Princess, and it would be impolite to lead you," Valiant noted, gently guiding her so that anybody who saw would know that royal protocol was being followed.
  23. Technically they should enter together, as while he held her hand he was essentially promoted to the status of being her lover as far as protocol went, but simple logistics made that impossible. So it was that Celestia led him inside, and once she entered she passed from luxury to further luxury. The car was a sleeper car, with a wide bed that filled the entire back end, seating for at least seven, and a cramped kitchen that a servant could use filled with liquor and snacks. Towards the other end, her guardian had a little seat that looked out the window and blocked the door from any who entered.
  25. There were no servants, however, nor guests. They were alone, as the voyage wasn't too long. Valiant's stance shifted, becoming more relaxed as he went behind the counter and prepared to pour Celestia a drink. "Sit, the brakes are a little rough today," Valiant spoke... only for the train to start and Celestia's sheer weight to give her body a life of its own, pushing her down into a bench seat that groaned and bowed under the sudden influx of fat-swaddled mare.
  27. A strained exhale left her lips as the sudden lurch sent her ponderous mass collapsing back onto a conveniently-located bench. Pointedly ignoring the creaking of the furniture beneath her, she glanced up at Valiant, her cheeks flushed and breathing unsteady as even just that little jolt of surprise was enough to leave the behemoth of a mare winded. "Oof...you don't say..." she replied softly, but soon they were moving along smoothly and she adjusted her seating ever so slightly to be as comfortable as could be. Which was to say, with her form, very.
  29. As the train picked up speed, Celestia's digestive tract picked up as well, a loud gurgling groan audible over the clacking of the wheels as the princess' ever-demanding stomach voiced its discontent. "Phew...all that walking works up an appetite," she called, even though she had done a hilariously pitiful amount of said walking. "What do we have in the way of snacks today, dear Captain? I daresay I'm feeling peckish once again..."
  31. Valiant had already moved behind the 'counter' of the 'kitchen.' Both terms were rather mocking, as it was only a sort of mixture between a minibar and the the most compact but usable kitchen money could buy. The stools, clearly, were an absolute nonstarter for Celestia.
  33. The bar, however, allowed Valiant to pour Celestia some scotch on the rocks, and then serve it to her via levitation magic right to her hands. "You're always feeling peckish, Celestia," Valiant spoke, breaking protocol profusely by immediately abandoning her title. "I'd be somewhat surprised otherwise, considering."
  35. "I can cook up a little of everything, but I'm afraid stock is limited," Valiant spoke, and checked the small cupboards. There was, indeed, a small amount of most ingredients but nothing that could really work for mass. He soon checked the fridge too, and found a few eggs.
  37. What he did have, however, was enough mass combined together to make her a gain shake. Something that would make even Midnight Blossom a little uneasy. He considered the idea, and turned to Celestia from across the counter.
  39. "I've got a pound of sugar, four eggs, a small bottle of soda, some chocolate bars, a quart of ice cream, a liter of milk, and two loaves of bread," he outlined, and spread it all out on the counter.
  41. Eagerly taking the glass of alcohol from his magic, the solar diarch tossed it back, draining the glass in one fell swoop as if it were nothing more than a refreshing drink of water. She sighed and smacked her lips appreciatively, feeling the edge being taken off of her nerves already. Her horn lit up, and in short order the entire bottle was floating its way over to her, swiftly pouring out another glass before placing itself on an end table.
  43. Turning her attention to the supplies laid out before her, another needy gurgle sounded out as her eyes roved over the collection of sustenance. Honestly, she was plenty hungry enough to have no complaints just eating it all right then and there as it was, but she wanted to see what devious ideas the stallion might come up with first. As one of the most avid supporters of her recent gain, she loved seeing what new debaucherous ideas could be dreamt up inside that mind of his.
  45. Downing her second drink and readying a third, she nodded appreciatively. "That should do nicely for a little snack, I think. Were you planning on serving as is or did you have something better in mind?" While the question seemed innocent enough, the telltale twinkle of mischief in her eyes said otherwise.
  47. Valiant soon planted a blender down on the counter. "Princess Celestia, it is my duty as Captain of the Royal Guard to inform you that what I am about to do is a very poor idea. It is unhealthy, unbecoming of a princess, and quite frankly you should stop me right now. If you eat this, you are going to get really sick."
  49. Dutiful words for a stallion that was soon dropping the eggs into it, and then the sugar, and then two sticks of butter. The soda followed, and a magic fire burned underneath to add heat to the weird concoction of "technically food." When the rest of the stuff on the counter was added he closed the lid and forced it down as the blender noisily set to work.
  51. The bread, of course, was simply toasted with magic and served to Celestia as a side while she waited. Both loaves, and one full stick of butter had been used to do so while he went about it. The slices were fed to her at a mild and casual pace, ensuring Celestia held the right of refusal at any time.
  53. When the blender was finished Valiant dumped the brown sludge into a bowl and sprinkled some of the remaining sugar on top. It actually didn't smell altogether bad, the enormous amount of sugar masking whatever the real taste of it was. Soon enough he had fished out a funnel, and strode out from behind the counter.
  55. "Would you like the funnel or would you rather just drink from the bowl?" Valiant asked. The question, in itself, was so many different levels of inappropriate it was hard to keep track of how many laws he was technically breaking.
  57. Celestia listened and watched with nothing more than an idle smirk hinting at her emotions as the stallion went about concocting the heinous mixture. "Really sick, you say?" she mused with a grin, her magic gently swirling about her fourth glass of drink. "Come now, Vally, you and I both know I've consumed worse," she continued, her mind casting back to that one time with the fryer and the mayonnaise...
  59. "It doesn't look that bad," she concluded with a nod, downing her fourth glass afterwards. Soon enough, the stallion was towering above her, the bowl of 'food' in one hand and a funnel in the other. She gestured to the latter. "I think we'll both enjoy ourselves more this way..."
  61. "Celestia, eating one of the birds whole is one thing, eating whatever this is is another," Valiant returned.
  63. Despite his clear warnings, he eagerly followed on and jammed the funnel into Celestia's face. Consent had been given, and Valiant wasn't one to mess around when he had the upper hand. And he certainly did: the posing said it all. He loomed over the physically useless sack of fat, and despite knowing full well her magic could turn him into ash that fact gave his libido all it needed.
  65. With the funnel forced into her throat, Celestia couldn't refuse the pour even if she tried. It was heavy, slow, and had the consistency of molten rock. The one-gallon volume weighed four times its density in water, and all Celestia could taste was the most intense sugary flavor at the back of her mouth.
  67. The mare's body immediately tried to reject it, but thanks to the sheer weight of it all her throat could do was bloat for a moment before it inexorably forced its way down.
  69. Even despite all her previous bravado, Celestia had to admit that she wasn't prepared for just how...intense the mixture was. Flavors flitted in and out of her conscious faster than she could even process, her tastebuds flailing as they were completely overwhelmed by whatever it was they were being forced to deal with. Even her incredibly well-trained gag reflex made an attempt to kick in, so bizarre was the experience, but she swiftly regained control and simply opened her throat, allowing the mass of the sugary morass to force itself down her undulating gullet.
  71. Minutes felt like hours as her head was forced farther and farther back by the domineering stallion. Eventually, mercy was granted in the form of no more to consume, the entirety of the culinary horror having made the descent into her audibly grumbling gut. Her stomach burbled and moaned, unable to decide whether it was pleased by getting what it wanted or horrified by what exactly it had gotten.
  73. Celestia coughed and sputtered before looking up, an amused grimace on her face. "Okay...maybe that wasn't all that appetizing after all," she admitted, her magic pouring yet another glass of scotch, the mare eager to cleanse her pallet with something, anything else. A sigh escaped her lips as yet another drink made its descent into her swirling, churning depths. "Still though," she conceded, the glass finally setting down for the first time since coming into her possession. "It got the job done." A simple pat of her voluminous belly followed in agreement.
  75. Valiant placed the bowl aside and slapped his hands to Celestia's belly. "Your sister would have already vomited; you have an iron stomach," he spoke, a mixture of lewd teasing and an actual compliment. "I'll just have to keep trying harder..."
  77. He squished that fat mass inwards, groping it firmly, and leaned over Celestia. His arms were consumed almost up to the elbow by fat, and he could feel the mare's sizable stomach cavity below it all.
  79. "That was, by the way, thirty thousand calories. I'm quite good at counting." Valiant soon pushed off, and levitated up the bottle of scotch before sticking it into Celestia's lips while he walked back away. "Now, we arrive at Manehatten in ten more minutes. Unless you'd like to start eating the furniture, I'm afraid anything further will have to wait."
  81. Celestia would have answered, of course, but her mouth was currently otherwise occupied, the Princess abandoning any and all pretense of maintaining her air of regality as she chugged down the entire rest of the bottle. It wasn't the cheap stuff either, mind, this bottle alone cost more than some ponies made in a month. But here she was, chugging away as if it were nothing more than cheap beer.
  83. When at last the sizable bottle ran dry her lips parted with a soft echoing sound, only to hiccup rather violently afterwards. "HIC! Oof, excuse me...HIC!" Temporarily dazed by her rapid consumption, the Princess slouched down heavily, both hands moving immediately to rub, fondle, and grope the gurgling mass that was her belly. She sighed heavily before hiccuping once more. "HIC! Mmmmm...I think that should-HIC!-be sufficient for now..." Celestia mumbled softly, her head leaning back as she went limp, trying to will herself to relax before they reached their destination, and undoubtedly yet another meal.
  85. The skyline of Manehatten started to blossom outside the window, and Valiant leaned upon the counter as he gazed out to the obese mare. Her pink and white coloration was rapidly being replaced by green and white, and it was gloriously obvious thanks to said coloration that it was taking place.
  87. "I suppose I should tell you now, Celestia: there is no school for the deaf. I made that up; I just thought Your Highness might appreciate a day or two out. I put the money in a private account..."
  89. The train rumbled into the station, and Valiant, still standing with his arms crossed, opened the door. There was no red carpet, in fact those in the station that they could see looked mildly surprised.
  91. "...So let's spend it before the bean-counters find out." Only Valiant, as stupid and playfully thirsty as he was, would commit literal treason just to have a day out with Celestia.
  93. Celestia's ears perked up at Valiant's sudden treasonous announcement, her surprised gaze fixing itself on his as she slowly processed what she had just heard. If it had been literally anypony else speaking those words to her, with the possible exception of Twilight Sparkle—who could never possibly have the ability to do something so absurd and rule-breaking, mind—she would be somewhere between quite cross and absolutely livid. But then her thoughts drifted back to her dreadful morning in court, and the fact that she had been given a reason not to be there.
  95. Combine that with the fact that she was now out and about alone with Valiant and completely at his mercy, and she couldn't help but feel a tremor of arousal weave its way down her spinal cord and into her loins. Somehow, that stallion could make her weak at the knees like no other could, and it was for that reason alone that instead of a reprimand he would receive her blessing. A short snort of amused annoyance escaped her nose and mouth, her eyes doing their best to look angry but ultimately failing to hide the furiously burning lust behind them as she regarded her Captain, and the ridiculous stunt he'd just pulled.
  97. Celestia grinned. "Oh good, I've been trying to remember when exactly I approved such a school to go up in my name. Glad I'm not totally insane...yet," she added, before a sudden lurch of the train brought another pained grimace to her paling face, the glunking, glorping orb seated in her lap rumbling in renewed distress. "Oof...stop the-HIC!-ride I wanna-URP!-get off..." she mumbled morosely, amazed at how quickly he had her at her wit's end yet again, almost delirious with sickly delight.
  99. Tonight was going to end messily, of that much Celestia was absolutely certain.
  101. "Oh no, you definitely are," Valiant spoke as he stepped out the door. "You just drank raw eggs, sugar, and butter. I'd hardly think that's what a sane mare would do... or, perhaps, you've just... been holding yourself at bay for too long."
  103. Valiant waited outside for her, and once she had exited took her hand firmly. "You've been stressed lately, Celestia. I can tell. You took to food because it was the only way you could be alone, and then you just... internalized it, didn't you? Told yourself you were just happy to be fat."
  105. He squeezed a little firmer. "You're our Princess no matter what size you are, but a Princess needs to feel like a mare sometimes, doesn't she? Well, tonight I am going to make you feel like a mare."
  107. With that, he led her out of the station. There was plenty of gawking and staring from the ponies around them, but with the station of Celestia and Valiant's imposing body, nopony would dare interfere.
  109. "There's a good buffet on 7th street, or a really high-end place on Canterlot Way. Both are close enough for even you to walk, and I leave the choice to you. I'm banned from both." He smirked. "But somehow I have a feeling they won't say anything."
  111. Celestia groaned lowly as she was heaved to her feet, her belly sloshing in a decidely unhealthy-sounding way as it did so, the churning and gurgling rushing up her throat and into her mouth, her cheeks bulging as it forced its way free: "UUUUURRRRRAAAAAAPPPP!! Oogh...excuse me..." The loud, resounding belch blasted free with a force to be reckoned with, and a volume sufficient to garner quite a bit of attention outside the train car.
  113. So it was that almost every pair of eyes in the vicinity watched as their princess heaved herself ungainly from her personal train, her loyal Captain assisting all the way. As was common whenever she made an appearance, an excited murmur sparked throughout the crowd, ponies whispering eagerly to each other as the news traveled.
  115. "Good evening, my-URP!-little ponies," Celestia called out, her calm, motherly voice betraying not a trace of the turmoil within, although the same could not be said for her expression or occasional inadvertent interruption. "I am delighted to visit your-HIC!-fair city on my break tonight..." She swallowed heavily. "I've heard many a great thing of the local-URP!-eateries. Now please-HIC!-pay me no mind and go about your business. Today's visit is-ULP!-purely personal, nothing more..."
  117. Her speech concluded, the crowd began to thin out a bit as ponies resumed whatever they had been doing, most deciding that nothing exciting enough to warrant their further attention would be taking place. As Celestia's weight had grown, the citizens of Equestria became more and more accustomed to Her Highness' occasional bouts of mysterious sickness, enough so that nopony really questioned it any more.
  119. Sighing in relief, the massive mound of mare cast a side-eyed glance at the stallion beside her. "You know, Captain..." She swallowed heavily again. "Everywhere's a buffet when the royal-URP!-coffers are at your beck and call~..."
  121. "Even the streets," Valiant spoke, and shoved a whole hot dog down Celestia's throat with his magic as they passed a stand. That was followed by him slapping a large soda drink into her free hand.
  123. Valiant waited until Celestia had finished it to make a profuse display of strength. When they rounded a corner, Valiant pulled against her arm and then took both and 'slammed'—her weight meant it was a moot point, she was too soft to injure—Celestia against the wall. With her arms pinned to her sides, and Valiant looming over her, he stepped against her.
  125. She could feel his masculinity through his pants as it teased her belly. "I want your consent, Celestia. I want you to draw the line wherever it may be," he spoke, and looked into her eyes, pressing his will down upon her. Celestia's stomach, meanwhile, burbled away painfully. The addition of grease and soda wasn't helping matters. "I want to *hurt* you."
  127. Celestia's eyes nearly spun in their sockets as she felt her immense girth get whipped about frightfully easily by the stallion standing before her. She gulped slowly and purposefully, sending the last bits of her latest snack to join the uprising starting in her stomach. The intensity of his gaze quelled even her stomach's sickly complaints for a short moment, time seeming to stretch as they looked into each other's eyes.
  129. "Break me," Celestia finally whispered, her form trembling slightly as she spoke. "You'll never succeed, but by Me I want you to try," she continued, her voice growing louder and more confident. A light dripping noise could be heard, and a small puddle was starting to pool beneath her. "I want you," she growled, her eyes practically ablaze with lustful desire, "to do your worst."
  131. A nervous thrill rolled up her back. Never before had Celestia pushed her Captain so far, given him such free reign over her body and well-being. And she couldn't wait to see what he would do with his newfound freedom, once he finally snapped for good...
  133. Valiant quickly put both his hands on Celestia's neck. "Break you?" he repeated. "You fat slut, what makes you think you're not already broken?" he questioned, and squeezed with all his strength, cutting off Celestia's airflow and going to the extent that—were she anyone else—he'd crush her windpipe.
  135. Valiant yanked on both her hands firmly, and stepped aside. Celestia's own mass pulled her forward, awkwardly, and Valiant tripped her so that she fell on her face, albeit with her belly hitting the concrete first. Moments later he put his foot down on her back, and pushed downwards with as much force as he could muster.
  137. Were she anyone else, her spine would be in some danger. "You are property. Everything you have, everything you are, is mine. Now get up, if you even can you useless slob."
  139. The foot was removed, and Valiant stepped past Celestia towards the doors to the diner, and stuck out his hand. "You are going to take my hand and get us seated. Then you are going to order the entire menu."
  141. When Celestia was close enough, that hand took her dress and yanked it up, burying it in a fold above her belly to ensure the majority of the mass was free and her deep navel was showing.
  143. "Oh and Celestia?" he spoke, and grinned at her wickedly. "Vomit on the server just after he takes the order. I'm sure you're all pent up. You fat, worthless pig, you really just can't stop can you? Disgusting..." he directed, hinting perhaps at how he'd like things to play out.
  145. Celestia tried, she really did, to muster up the strength to rise of her own power, but bloated and pinned as she was, her flabby, useless limbs just couldn't get the leverage. Of course, she could have very easily used her magic to set herself upright, but somehow that thought didn't occur to her. Perhaps on a subconscious level, she wanted him to be right about her, to be shown just how utterly worthless she really was...
  147. Winded from her efforts, and his forceful choking earlier, she looked up, completely red in the face and wheezing like no tomorrow. Seeing an outstretched hand, she reached up to take it gratefully, but instead was hoisted to her feet by the collar of her long, flowing dress, the maneuver having the side-effect of bunching her dress up above the apex of her swollen belly, revealing the deep cavern that was her belly button.
  149. Her dress fit her normally, of course, falling to below her fat-swaddled knees, but with her stomach bloated as it was it had ridden up above that, and now was even further from looking like a decent fit. She very well could have rolled it back over her belly, but what was the point? She would soon be big enough that it wouldn't make a difference...
  151. Finally upright, her eyes wild with mad desire, she stomped forth into the restaurant, her appearance and mannerisms taking the hostess completely by surprise, her jaw hanging almost to the floor as she struggled to process that, yes, that actually was Princess Celestia standing before her. "Table for two, please," she wheezed. "And one of everything on the menu..." As if to support her outrageous order, her stomach growled loudly and ominously, though the hostess misinterpreted its woeful distress as a powerful, roaring hunger.
  153. But that was okay. She didn't have to know the truth. It was better this way.
  155. As soon as Celestia sat down Valiant stepped slowly around behind her, and then seized her neck again. Valiant was at this point beyond any normal arousal. Celestia herself had consented to his use, his abuse, anything he wanted. The tabloids would cry about how some thug of a stallion had somehow seduced her into such things, and that itself made his ego expand.
  157. So it is that he choked her, firmly, leaving her gasping and wheezing uselessly. "I said for you to puke on them, you stupid slut," Valiant spoke, and his magic leashed Celestia's arms to the chair, again all in public view.
  159. "If you can't even comply with such a simple order, I will go find a mare who can," he spoke, and released her neck before slamming her face into the table. "Bad mares get punished." Only then did the restraints ease, and Valiant sat across from her before crossing his arms over the table.
  161. "Have I made myself clear?" he spoke. "Now, as far as they know you're on a suicide mission to eat yourself to death. Make them believe it. You had better be in pain and covered in vomit and my cum before the night is over or I'll make sure we never do this again. Your sister is quite willing, after all."
  163. There was not a man living, born, or dead that had the same ego he did. Soon enough, the first dish was brought out: a salad. A salad that was... soon force-fed to a very confused server with Valiant's magic. "This is food for a mare," he spoke. "I want food for a pig. If it's not greasy or sugary, don't bring it."
  165. Celestia's vision swam as his abuse careened into absurd levels. Of course, being an alicorn, nothing he did put her in any actual danger...but her nose still stung quite irritatingly! Her stomach growled again as the scent of food filled the air, all the teasing and abusing somehow tricking her stomach into thinking it was somewhat hungry again. She licked her lips as the first plate was brought out, but was forced to watch with dismay as Valiant shoved it-thankfully gentler than how he would treat herself-down the waitress' throat. And it looked so tasty, too...
  167. But he was right. She wasn't a mare anymore. She was a pig. And a pig was fed slop, filled with grease and sugar and garbage. With the staff now fully aware of the seriousness of this wild stallion who'd seemingly managed to kidnap and brainwash the princess, the food began to be brought out in earnest, and this time it was more to his liking. Nearly everypony that walked by gazed upon her with serious concern, but a short, sultry wink was enough to put them at ease. At least, enough so that they wouldn't call the guard on them...
  169. Her attention shifted to the plates of appetizers before her. Even a high-class establishment like this had its share of greasy, fried food. After all, who didn't love a good deep-fry? She inhaled loudly, taking in all that was laid out before her. Fried eggplant, zucchini, and green beans, jalapeño poppers, onion rings, chicken wings, mushrooms stuffed with oily meat and cheese, crabcakes, mini-quiches, mozzarella sticks, garlic twists...all that and more was placed before her. Meant for her. Destined for her.
  171. Her stomach growled lowly, as if to give one last warning to stave off the madness about to take place, one last voice of reason that was promptly quashed as the Princess' horn flared to life, one of everything on the table cramming themselves into her furiously masticating maw, her cheeks bulging with far too much food as she continued to shove more and more in, swallowing heavily all the while.
  173. And just like that, she was off. The appetizers were delicious, but they were just that: mere snacks, really. They started to give way to heavier fare, starting with the soups and stews that the staff didn't bother putting in bowls...it was clear that nothing less than the entire pot would do. Valiant certainly ensured that much. One after the other, entire cauldrons of boiling-hot sustenance poured themselves down her throat, the mare hardly taking a break to breathe before starting in on the next one. Soon the pasta dishes began to roll out, the heavy, rich, cheesy fare taking a bit more time to work her way through, her jaw starting to feel a bit sore from all the chewing, but she couldn't stop, could never stop, never enough, needed more, more, more...
  175. Valiant soon threw the table to the side, and then magically dumped all the food into a pile on the floor. Celestia was pulled off her chair soon after, and her green face was rammed into the enormous pile of assorted foods. All in all, thanks to the good work of the chefs, the pile was around the size of herself. Sandwiches, soups, meats—all of it into a wet jumble of food for Celestia to stuff herself with.
  177. "Eat it all, mare. If you haven't puked by the time we're done I'm going to feed you to Luna," Valiant directed, and soon took off his belt—before whipping her with it. "Eat you greedy slut, I know you want to."
  179. It was cast aside just a moment later, and Valiant dropped his pants to expose his firmly engorged masculinity. Celestia was soon in for a show of virility, as a strong arm began to pump and, like a stallion soap dispenser, he immediately started to spray down the pile of food with his cum. The smell of it was potent in the air, and there was a sense, perhaps, that you could get pregnant just looking at seed of such potency.
  181. A few quarts fell on the pile, and then Valiant slowed himself down before—with some significant willpower—stopping himself half-way. "Mmff, now eat—once it's done, you're going to suck me off like the slut you are. Please, continue—you have an audience."
  183. An audience they certainly had, although it was hard to tell where disgust and horror ended and arousal began. This wasn't Canterlot after all.
  185. So there the solar princess was, on her hands and knees—and belly, technically, so swollen was it by now—face shoved into an immense pile of cum-stained food, snuffling and scarfing away without a seeming care in the world.
  187. She absolutely did have a care though. She had several, really, with the most noteworthy being the building ache in her gut as she continued to force more and more and more into it. On and on she ate and ate and ATE, five minutes becoming ten becoming twenty, her appetite seeminly bottomless as she consumed and consumed and consumed.
  189. Yet even so, the pile hardly seemed to dwindle, so immense was it. When she had started, it had almost been as large as her! It didn't help matters that, per Valiant's orders, the staff continued to dump more food onto the pile, solitary tears shedded at the sight of such gourmet delicacies being unceremoniously heaped on the floor.
  191. "BBBRRRRRUUUUUUOOOOOORRRRRRUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPP!!" A monumental belch echoed throughout the establishment, its owner barely pausing to regain her breath before resuming her suicidal feast. Of course, it wasn't really suicidal for her of all ponies, but some in the crowd were starting to have serious doubts based on the horrendous noises her still-growing stomach continued to make.
  193. A soft choking sound brought her rampage to a pause, as if she were trying to cough up something stuck in her throat. A low rumbling began to build, her stomach and throat clenching and convulsing, her eyes squeezing shut tightly at the excruciating sensations, trying desperately to hold back but ultimately unable to do so, her maw parting as her body finally managed a small victory...
  195. "BBBLLLLAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!" A wave of half-digested food spewed forth, jet after jet of mostly-intact foodstuffs—she hardly spent any time chewing, after all—splattering wetly against the still enormous pile of food and soaking everything it touched with greasy bile. Celestia paused, panting for breath, her eyes wide and unseeing, her body still making all manner of horrifying sounds as she gasped and wheezed.
  197. A few hopefuls in the 'audience' thought she might finally be awakening from whatever spell she'd been put under, as clearly that was the only reasonable explanation behind her actions, and that she would end this madness and thoroughly punish whomever was responsible. But alas, it was not to be, for after a few short minutes that felt like an eternity to all she dove straight back into the pile of food, vomit-covered or otherwise, and resumed her vacuum-like pace of consumption.
  199. Horrified patrons fled to the exits, convinced their beloved princess was going to eat herself to an untimely and explosive death. As the room emptied, so too did the pile of food. Twice more did Celestia stop to erupt forcefully with food and bile, and twice more she shoved her head right back into it and ate it all back up. On and on and on she ate and ate and ate, the pile dwindling ever more and her belly swelling ever higher, now so huge she couldn't possibly touch the ground with more than one limb at a time, so impossibly bloated was she.
  201. Her dress was in tatters, her mane, face, chest, boobs, and belly were splattered and smeared with all manner of food detritus, and her stomach roared so forcefully the very ground itself vibrated with it. Her face was more green than white, and her mane and tail no longer waved in the ethereal wind like they usually did. She looked tortured, lifeless, and defeated...and swollen. Oh so incredibly, monumentally, unbelievably swollen.
  203. And still, she ate.
  205. Celestia, when she was done consuming, dutifully moved to please the awaiting stallion. She had to awkardly shuffle her billowing mass over atop the slug-like belly bed she had become, but thankfully whatever liquid was on the floor made it easier. Once she was close enough, Valiant grabbed her with his magic and, when her head was close enough, slapped her face into his nethers.
  207. His masculinity jammed itself into her throat, and once again the stallion proved his virility. Magical or otherwise, he was like a pump and Celestia could feel those heavy, powerful throbs that sent a gushing flow of spunk down her throat. Her body tried to vomit, but it couldn't—she was stuck, and could only accept the salty incoming seed. Growth continued unabated as it did before, and a terrible pain covered Celestia's body as she slowly rose from the floor. Her limbs shivered, and then numbed while Valiant gasped in ecstatic release. Another loud splash on the other side of her body signaled her own explosive relief, her tortured marehood finally gushing for all it was worth despite not being touched once.
  209. It was only when the two reached his sitting eye level that Valiant's outpouring ceased, and Celestia realized that he had to stand on his chair to keep it going into her. When he flopped back down, the immediate action was to puke a bunch of spunk back all over him, leaving them both rather drenched in it.
  211. Valiant leaned forward, and his horn touched hers, and then his magic intertwined with hers. "I made a deal with Discord earlier... he got to watch, and he can make sure nobody remembers." A coy smirk made its way across his muzzle as they gazed lovingly at each other.
  213. "...Or would you rather they did?"

[SHORT] - Minty Waifu

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[SHORT] - Good Morning, Celestia

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