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[RP] A Royal Affair

By LurkerTurnedNewbie
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-06 09:44:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Prince Artemis was, of course, a man with a busy schedule and plenty of obligations. Not a day went past when some critical matter of state required his attention. Still, if he put his mind to it and planned far enough ahead he could get himself some free time. So it is that he had left Canterlot after dumping some documents in his fat sister's lap, and swept open his wings as he set off for Ponyville.
  3. It had been two weeks to the day since he had such a wonderful time with Twilight Sparkle, and his thoughts had wandered lately. Most mares he spent the night with moved on, as did he, but she stuck in his mind. Her body, her intelligence, her... capacity. It was all quite appealing, and he had pondered on and off if it wasn't time Equestria had a King and Queen once again. Most didn't know, as the lifespan of a mortal pony was so short those brief periods were mere triviality in history books, but he had married- on several occassions.
  4. Twilight, however, wasn't mortal, so perhaps it was time to explore that idea again.
  6. In any case, when he arrived at her castle he had a bottle of wine tucked into his arms, and had dressed in his finest regality. A sweeping robe covered his body, but his powerfully masculine frame shone easiy through the shirt under it. At his hip was a sharp ceremonial blade, always seen and evidence he still hadn't entirely adapted to modern society. Some, however, wondered if he carried it to spite modern society.
  7. Besides, it looked good.
  9. Confidentally enough the prince knocked on the door, and when hardly ten seconds had passed he assumed Twilight simply hadn't heard him. The castle was vast, after all, so he shrugged and broke the lock with his own magic and stepped inside. One did not slow down a Prince of Equestria, after all- the cost of replacing locks be damned.
  11. "Princess Sparkle?" he bellowed down the hall, "Are you here?"
  13. Princess Twilight Sparkle furrowed her brow in annoyance, letting out a short huff of irritation before forcing herself to close her eyes and mentally count to three. Getting frustrated wasn't going to help anything. "Alright, c'mon now, suck it in..." she muttered to herself as she held her breath and drew in her tummy as tight as she possibly could, her face flushing red with exertion as droplets of sweat began to bead on her brow.
  15. "Hnnnnngg!! Come on, come ooooonn!" Strained grunts and pants sounded out as she tried to do that which had suddenly become so difficult seemingly overnight: buttoning up her blouse. And not just the bottom or top one, oh no...she was trying just to get one.
  17. It had recently become very apparent that a frighteningly small portion of her wardrobe was wearable given her current frame—and none of it formal. Fortunately, as the newest and most introverted princess it hadn't been an issue just yet, but she was forced to contact Rarity regarding a 'fashion emergency.' She of course knew the root of all these problems: that magical night two weeks ago spent with the dreamy Prince of, well, dreams.
  18. And while it had been pleasurable worlds beyond anything in her entire life up to this point, the consequences of eating almost one hundred pounds of rich feast food and lasagna were readily apparent: she had gained weight. Quite a bit, in fact. Though she hadn't yet mustered up the courage to step on a scale, she guessed it to be somewhere in the range of thirty or so pounds, possibly even more!
  20. While it did cause her bust size to go up one and seriously enhanced the curviness of her butt and thighs, her stomach took the brunt of the damage, turning from what was a hardly noticeable potbelly to an unmistakable gut. When she sat down, it rolled out halfway to her knees, feeling physically hefty and noticeable. A second roll was starting to develop, particularly apparent again when seated, her belly button starting to get lost in a small crevasse of flab.
  22. And so here she was, standing in her bedroom, unable to do even a single one of her buttons on yet another blouse, of which almost her entire pre-princess and casual wardrobe consisted of. Her big purple belly was just too much in the way! Letting an exasperated hiss roll through her teeth, she gave up with a heavy sigh, letting her stomach hang out in its full glory before tossing the useless garment onto the bed with a sizable pile of other equally unusable linens, giving the offending orb of flesh a rueful glare as she did so.
  24. A brief spark of magic tingling in her horn informed her that the premises of her castle had been breached. Shit! An intruder?! Who would dare...? A moment later and a bellowing call revealed who indeed: none other than Prince Artemis himself. Twilight flushed even further red as she swore under her breath, turning to desperately rummage through her wardrobe for something, anything that she could use to be somewhat decent...
  26. In the end Prince Artemis was left alone, and his own frustration grew as he stood there in the lofty foyer of the castle. To some degree, Artemis was almost envious- but the wide spaces of this castle were, once he studied them closer, actually smaller than Canterlot Castle on the whole. The silence of it and lack of any other people around simply meant it seemed larger, and the tall ceilings, while impressive, were largely wasted space.
  28. So it is that he explored, and giggled coyly when he reached Twilight's famous map room and found a crack on Twilight Sparkle's seat. To be sure, it was stone and she was in no danger of breaking it, but it wasn't very thick stone and she must've put her weight on one spot too much.
  30. In his exploration he also found the kitchen- three times. Each level seemed to have one, as if the castle had read Twilight's mind when creating itself. Which, to be fair, was entirely plausible- it explained certain elements of the design, such as having spare rooms for less people than one might consider for such a lofty building.
  32. When he eventually reached her room, he was still finding his way around and was surprised to find the door locked. Once again, without any hesitation, he tried to break it- but Twilight, a smart enough unicorn, was savvy enough to have enchanted her rooms lock. Still, Artemis wouldn't be stopped and she no doubt had only moments to spare until she didn't have a door.
  34. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!' was all Twilight could think while frantically pushing aside countless dresses and outfits that had a snowball's chance in Tartarus of fitting her now. Biting her lip nervously, her eyes panned across her room as her mind raced. What to do, what to do?!
  36. A second tingle in her horn informed her that the "intruder" was just outside her bedroom door, and attempting to gain access, it would seem. She was out of time. "J-Just a minute!" she called out, resigning herself to her fate as she pulled on a pair of sweatpants, one of the few things that fit—thank Celestia!—and forced her way into a plain white tank top that she would normally have worn as an under-shirt.
  38. Though the straps dug visibly into her shoulders as her bustline strained it almost to the maximum, and the hem rode up significantly, exposing what was quite frankly an embarrassingly large amount of belly, it was the best she could do on such short notice. So it was with a not undue amount of trepidation that she unlocked the door and swung it open softly, trying and failing not to blush as she smiled meekly at her visitor.
  40. "Ah! P-Prince Artemis! What a...lovely surprise! Ahaha...I wasn't expecting you...like, at all..." she trailed off awkwardly, realizing she was just making things worse. After all, it's not like she didn't want to see him, she just wished it could be under a bit more predetermined terms.
  42. Artemis horn had been flaring up and Twilight's own horn fizzled slightly when she opened the door. A powerful spell had been brewing there, but it fell away and the significant magical energy dissipated. Partially into him, and partially into her. The effect of it was Twilight felt a little peppier for a few moments.
  44. "Good," Artemis returned simply, "I was hoping it would be a surprise. I wanted to see you... as you are normally. Pomp and circumstance can stay in Canterlot, I think."
  46. Considering how he was dressed the words were, perhaps, ironic. Regardless, he soon took Twilight's hand and leaned down to kiss it like a proper prince- and then slapped a hand to her middle and groped it firmly. "I'm pleased to see you're growing into quite the woman, Twilight Sparkle," he spoke, and slipped his gift of wine into her hands.
  48. The Prince was, if anything, direct, and soon stepped back to admire her properly. "My now, if you really clothe yourself like this you're braver than I had imagined."
  50. The next moment Twilight breathed, her heavy breasts ripped her shirt along the middle and effectively gave it a much deeper v-cut than she might have preferred. Artemis, in turn, audibly growled at the sight.
  52. If Prince Artemis thought Twilight was blushing before, her cheeks were absolutely radiating now. She couldn't believe she had such an indecent wardrobe malfunction immediately after greeting him! How embarrassing!
  54. But then again, the way he growled sent a thrill up her spine...at least she knew she had his complete approval. "I-I, uh..." she stammered lamely, sincerely wishing that he hadn't caught her so off-guard without the proper time to prepare herself. 'C'mon, Twilight! This is not how a princess would behave! Get a grip!'
  56. "W-Well it's not like I dress this way every day, or even at all really," she replied, forcing herself to relax as she spoke her honest thoughts. "Unfortunately I, umm...have a significantly diminished wardrobe at my disposal thanks to the events of a certain wonderful night about...oh, two weeks ago, give or take?"
  58. She was absolutely aware that yes, it had been two days exactly ago, but she coyly feigned a bit of indifference, knowing that any perceived nonchalance on her part would only make the Prince lust after her that much more.
  60. It all had the intended effect, and the desire in Artemis eyes was quite apparent. His body language shifted as well. A little taller, legs spread a little more, and made the icon of virility seem almost like that of a god.
  62. Artemis tilted a brow once Twilight had finished and crossed his arms, "You are smarter than I give you credit for. That is the singular most skilled dodging of substantial weight-gain I have ever seen- and Celestia is my sister," he returned, and soon stepped up to poke Twilight in her middle. "Substantial indeed, you're half-again the woman I fell in love with two weeks ago."
  64. His finger, 'accidentally', slipped into her navel. "I'd dare say you're obese now," he continued, and then nimbly came to her side and locked his arm with hers.
  66. "Lead me, show me around this castle of yours and tell me what you've been up to. I've taken a great interest in your... life, Twilight- and I'm quite curious as to how you spend ten thousand bits on living expenses bi-weekly living alone."
  68. Twilight's stomach growled for a moment. Artemis had arrived just after lunch, and it was busy putting at least a few hundred of said bits into more fat on her frame.
  70. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions rushed through Twilight's mind in response to all he said: appreciation at his compliments, indignance at his teasing, horror at his knowledge of her expenditures, and to top it all off an unmistakable giddiness. He fell in love? With her?! Twilight felt her breath hitch in her throat and her heart skip a few beats as she let that sink in.
  72. He! Prince Artemis! In love with her!! Suddenly despite all the doubts and frustrations of recent moments, an incredible and uplifting feeling rushed through her, almost giving the sensation of walking gracefully on the clouds despite her recent added weight.
  74. An excited giggle escaped her lips as he linked arms with her and began to lead her forward. 'Okay, Twilight...this is merely the opportunity of a lifetime to get together with literally THE most desirable stallion in all of Equestria...no big deal, right? Just don't mess this up!' Oh, she very badly hoped she wouldn't mess it up. Fortunately her stomach was kind enough to remind her of what she had a pretty good idea she could do to render such an outcome essentially impossible.
  76. "Okay, first of all mister," she began playfully, her voice and stature filled with a sudden new level of confidence—the source of which momentarily eluded her. "By my calculations, I estimate a more than 90% chance that my PMI is still well within the 'overweight' category. And secondly: you of all ponies should know how much proper upkeep of a castle costs! This place doesn't clean itself, you know." It was a flimsy excuse and she knew it, but was reluctant to comment any further on the matter, the truth of which he didn't need to know...yet.
  78. While they walked Artemis and Twilight's horns played off eachother. It was a subtle thing that was unknown to most ponies, but the lust of such powerful magic users ensured subconscious desire played itself out. Essentially Artemis horn was bubbling over, and Twilight's was all to eager to accept the additional energy. It was subtle, but telling in how they thought of eachother.
  80. Artemis also took the opportunity to take the cork off that bottle, and took a deep drink of it before handing it back to Twilight, "You should recognize this, I've heard you have a good tongue, Twilight." [Fleur's family vinyard, high quality- and high proof]
  82. "Master, the correct phrase for a stallion of my station without a wife is master," Artemis returned, coyly aware of the change in context that word had taken over time. It certainly meant more than an un-married bachelor in these contexts to be sure."As for the rest... perhaps you are obese, perhaps not- but in my eyes you are simply ravishingly well curved and I'll leave the matter at that. Now... as for living expenses."
  84. Artemis halted them before a door, and threw it open with his magic. One of the guest rooms- which was empty. "I hardly think a castle for one costs ten thousand in upkeep every two weeks, especially considering that dragon you've been working- without pay, I should add," Artemis spoke, teasing the woman by purposefully exaggerating her relationship with poor Spike.
  86. "So unless you have been throwing parties, I'm still not sure where the money has been going. You can't possibly be skimming it, that doesn't make any sense you're obliged to debit from the treasury as you please. So, Twilight sparkle..."
  88. He leaned into her ear, "Where does it go?"
  90. Opting to stall this particular line of questioning, and possibly distract him in the process, Twilight held up a single finger in response as her mouth was plugged with the bottle of wine, her throat undulating as she took long, greedy pulls of finer wine than most ponies ever had the privilege to taste. If Rarity could see what she was doing right now...well. It wouldn't be pretty.
  92. Gulp...gulp...gulp... Twilight swallowed relentlessly, starting to lean back a bit to keep the flow of wine steady. On and on she gulped and guzzled, her back arching as she leaned farther and farther back before ending with the bottle completely upside-down above her, the last few dregs running into her mouth before it seperated with a small, satisfied 'pah!'
  94. She smacked her lips contentedly as the flavors lingered in her mouth, her horn flaring briefly as the recently emptied bottle disappeared in a flash. A small, rational part of her mind chastised her actions, noting that drinking so much so fast was bound to result in her confessing to what she was originally trying to avoid, but as the satisfying buzz began to set in she shrugged those thoughts off. Even a princess had to live a little sometimes, right?
  96. "Mmmmm..." she moaned happily before announcing her verdict. "Exquisite. You sure know how to make a mare feel appreciated," she added with a wink, turning her flirtatious charms up to 11 because why the hay not?
  98. Artemis blinked, he had expected Twilight to perhaps try it, or maybe at the most take a swig. Instead the fat mare had just drained nearly a half litre of wine. He was stunned, for a time, and one could hear an audible creaking as his pants tightened.
  100. Good lord almightly she had swallowed such large mouthfuls he had heard them splash inside her, and it was all he could do to not ram her against the wall and have his way with her. This, however, was a mare that needed proper romance. It wouldn't do to go off early, she was no whore- and Artemis knew his way around whores.
  102. "I know more than that," Artemis spoke, and stepped ahead of Twilight before slapping his hands once again to her gut, and then leaning forward, forcing her on the back-foot when his lips soon took to hers. Their horns touched as their lips did, and his hands greedily kneaded at her fat while he filled her with potent magical energy. It was a pleasurable feeling, almost addictive, and all too short when he soon drew away.
  104. "I know how to make a mare feel like a mare, now I'd like to see your kitchen, if I could."
  106. Twilight couldn't honestly say that she was surprised by Artemis' sudden forcefulness after that stunt she pulled, purposefully trying to get him wound up of course, but that still didn't prepare her for the sheer passion with which he kissed and held and touched her... One thing was for sure, the Prince didn't go halfway on anything. His every touch and movement was deliberate and purposeful, brimming with unparalleled confidence and determination.
  108. There were practically hearts in her eyes as he pulled away, leaving her breathless and aroused, a few more threads of her shirt giving way as her chest heaved up and down with her heavy breaths. "K-Kitchen...right, of course...right this way," she murmured, still in quite the dazed state as she left the room, her stomach sloshing softly but still audibly with every step.
  110. A short walk found the lovers in the main kitchen on the bottom floor, the most 'official' one of the bunch with the most to offer by far. The others were almost more like snack stations, really. Twilight turned around and leaned against the counter, fixing Artemis with the sultriest gaze she could muster. "Well...help yourself," she offered coyly, knowing full well that the vast majority of whatever he 'helped himself' to was actually going to be 'helped' into her.
  112. But that was just part of the game, part of the thrill. And even despite her lamentations regarding her weight bare minutes ago, here in this moment with him she found it impossible to care, eager to see just how far he would go...and how much farther she could push him.
  114. Twilight shouldn't have been hungry. She shouldn't be wanting any of the several delicious treats Artemis was in the process of preparing. She'd already eaten lunch, and really needed to start watching what she ate, and cutting back, and...
  116. Fuck it. She wanted it. Wanted it sooooo bad. All of it. Her stomach let loose with a carnal roar, greedily eager for everything that was soon coming to it. Twilight slowly made her way on shaky legs to the dining table before taking a seat, her mouth salivating intensely as her mildly glazed eyes scanned the cooking frenzy happening right before her.
  118. "Mmmm...just cook it until I can eat it...lightly seasoned and heavily salted, with lots of steak sauce..." she trailed off dreamily, her stomach groaning loudly once again. A satisfied hum escaped her lips as a ladleful of chocolate was brought to her mouth, only to be hastily swallowed in one go.
  120. She cooed happily as the rest of the pot floated its way over to the table, along with a veritable horde of accoutrements. Much to her delight, it was soon revealead to be an entire pot of fondue, something she had recently taken quite a liking too. Before her very eyes treats of all shapes and sizes began preparing and lining up for her eating pleasure. Strawberries and bananas cut themselves into pieces and plunged into the warm, gooey chocolate, along with berries, cookies, marshmallows, nuts, literal bars of chocolate...
  122. It didn't matter what they were. They were covered in chocolate, and they were for *her*. Greedily she opened up and accepted the first delicious morsel, chewing and swallowing in two quick bites before opening for the next one. The procession of chocolately sweets began in earnest as she chomped and chewed, devouring everything floating into her mouth at an almost frightening pace. Her eyes sparkled as she witnessed the rest of the kitchen: platters of sandwiches being prepared on the counter, stacks of pancakes, waffles, and prench toast cooking on the stove, as well as a massive pair of sizzling, searing steaks...
  124. What followed was an absolute whirlwind of food and gluttony the likes of which had never been witnessed before. Twilight devoured an entire grocer's worth of fruits and a Nightmare Night's worth of candy and sweets all covered in chocolate, before the remnants of the pot simply floated up and began pouring itself down her throat, a waterfall of chocolate cascading into her gaping maw, excess splashing all over her face and chest. She simply leaned back as far as she could, greedily swallowing again and again, both hands eagerly rubbing her swollen stomach as it continued to fill.
  126. Next came the sandwiches, and they were relentless in their pace. Cramming themselves almost entirely whole into her mouth, Twilight struggled to chew the bread, meats, and cheeses sufficiently to swallow, and even then they were pained and stretched her throat to the very maximum. Platter after platter disappeared, only to be replaced by towering stacks of syrup-laden breakfast delights, complete with an eye-popping assortment of butter, fruits, spreads, powdered sugar, and *so much* whipped cream.
  128. Twilight gurgled happily as the food continued to shove itself down her throat, not having to lift even a single finger as an absolutely incredible feast forced its way into her stomach, the overstuffed organ squelching and groaning as it struggled to make room for more, more, and even more... Pancakes gave way to plates of bacon which turned into piles of eggs prepared in every conceivable way, before finally the steaks made their way over, seared on the outside but rare and juicy within. Most of a bottle of steak sauce was upended over them, before the rest was simply poured down her throat and the empty tossed aside.
  130. These Twilight had to enjoy to the fullest. Leaning forward with a pained groan, her beachball-sized sack of a stomach groaning and rumbling intensely, she grabbed the steaks in her hands and began biting into them with vigor, tearing massive chunks of sauce-drenched meat off and practically swallowing them whole. Steak sauce got absolutely *everywhere*, smeared all over her cheeks, hands, and cleavage, her shirt stained a deep burgundy-red from how much was soaking into it.
  132. Artemis sighed in exhausted contentment as he took a seat opposite of her. He looked on with completely unconcealed glee as the *sixth* consecutive quart of heavy whipping cream drained into her overtaxed, violently churning stomach. Twilight reclined in her seat, practically slumped over from how drunk off of excess she was. Her stomach was an utter monstrosity, wildly swollen beyond any possible figment of imagination. Its outermost curve stretched just past her knees, and this was with her back leaned away from the table significantly.
  134. Her gut was wider than her shoulders, and almost as tall. Her considerable bust was just barely visible behind it, her shirt a mere afterthought. Her belly button was a barely visible indent, stretched almost completely flat from the incredible pressure behind it. Solid as a rock, taut as a coiled spring, and starting to flush pink at its apex with a handful of angry-looking stretchmarks, Twilight's belly was a sight to behold as her feast drew to a close. Her skin was stretched drum-tight, her stomach pressing so firmly against it that Artemis could literally see visible ripples of strained digestion swimming beneath the surface.
  136. Her eyes rolled around in their sockets as she let her head fall backwards, utterly replete and exhausted from the mere effort of consuming and containing such a vast quantity of food. An ominous rumble began to build, her stomach bubbling and churning especially vigorously as something began to work its way back up her throat, her cheeks bulging and eyes widening as it made its ever-strengthening bid to escape her cramped confines...
  138. "BBBBBBBBUUUUUUUURRRRRRRUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRUUUUUUOOOOOOOORRRRRRRPPPPPPP!!" A belch so massive it was detected on the seismograph in Canterlot ripped free of her gaping maw, plates rattling throughout the entire kitchen as the very castle itself almost shook itself off its foundations, the crystal coming ominously close to its resonance point and shattering into billions of pieces. The reverberations pounded through her chest, sending those luscious orbs wobbling and jiggling wildly, and all that movement proved too much for her ruined and strained tank-top, which at this point was little more than a bra, and a poorly-fitting one at that.
  140. With an audible *RRRIIIIPP!* it tore completely apart, the useless garment falling to the floor as her breasts sprung free, flopping heavily onto her massive dome of a stomach. As the ringing in his ears began to fade, she simply laid her head back with a satisfied moan, barely having the strength or clarity of mind to rub idly at her immense gut, so completely and utterly glutted her mind was totally blissed out of this universe.
  142. Artemis grinned as he admired his handiwork. It was a good start, but they were both fully aware that she was not done yet...

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