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[RP] Affairs of State

By LurkerTurnedNewbie
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-06 09:45:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Morning came to Canterlot, and with morning came the affairs of state. With Celestia away, a good deal of different measures had been put into place to not overwhelm her sister, who would be holding the fort while she was away. So long as there was no crisis, all Luna had to do was essentially wear the crown of authority and ensure directions were given.
  3. It was going to be easy, Celestia had assured her. The castle to herself, the guard at her beck and call, and she had teased her sister that perhaps it was time she shared her bed with someone while she was away- relax a little, enjoy herself. It could well be a vacation for her, and Celestia somewhat hoped Luna would stretch her legs a bit and test her ability to lead while also relaxing a bit.
  5. Perhaps conflicting ideas, but to Celestia they seemed reasonable, and she had departed last night for the Crystal Empire. The first person Luna would see, outside of her servants, was Captain Valiant Steed, Celestia's effective head of security and the captain of the Canterlot Guard. He strode into her chambers confidentally at the assigned time, exactly ten in the morning, expecting that like Celestia she would be waiting. Instead, what he found was a blue-coated mare surrounded by breakfast plates and gazing blearily beyond Valiant, as if she had reached some sort of food-fueled nirvana or, more simply, had found her rarely arrived at digestive limits via pancakes and syrup.
  7. Before Valiant could greet her, Luna's stomach did, with a sour sounding glorp.
  9. "Princess?" Valiant inquired. "Sun help me if you ate yourself to death before it's even been one day your sister is going to have my head."
  11. "C-Captain...Valiant? *HIC!* Oooogh..." Luna trailed off in a sort of hollow, sickly manner, as if she wasn't actually all there while also feeling quite unwell. Her stomach, stuffed so full it bulged out past her forelegs in her current seated position, chimed in with another sickly-sounding groan, its depths bubbling and churning away desperately at the far too much breakfast food crammed within.
  13. "We w-were just...finishing our morning sustenance...*hurf*..." The lunar diarch was short of breath, beads of sweat visible on her brow as she struggled just to stay conscious, her overfull stomach begging her to return to the dreams she would normally be frequenting at this time of day, but alas Celestia was away and trusting her to take care of things in her absence so stay awake she must.
  15. "We suppose...it is time...to begin our duties..." She looked like she wanted to say more but her face suddenly screwed up in displeasure, her cheeks bulging and her eyes going slightly cross-eyed before she simply let it go, her maw parting to release a deep, rumbling *bbbbbBBBBUUUUOOOORRRRRPPP!!* "Excuse us..." she muttered quietly in the aftermath, her cheeks tinged red but her expression one of relief. "We are sorry you had to witness such a crass display—HIC!—but better you than the peasantry...come, let us be off."
  17. And with that, she attempted to rise, grunting and groaning at the strain it took to shuffle her quite hefty body forward, not to mention all the subtle pressures it placed on her bulging sack of a stomach. She slumped down in exhaustion, her cheeks flushing even more at the realization she'd eaten so much she had become unable to rise under her own power. "Erm...ah..." she stuttered, unable to properly express her thoughts on the matter.
  19. Luna's stomach, no doubt thankfully considering the profound distress it was in, deflated physically upon releasing that belch. It brought her from the point of utterly immobile from soreness to just shy of it, and that- of course- played on the poor mares compulsive addiction, a yearning nearly unstoppable need.
  21. There is room. Fill it.
  23. What part of her brain gave this command who knew, but it lingered for now.
  25. Valiant of course was eying the Princess like the Princess might eye a particularly succulent piece of meat. Valiant's interest in mares was hardly hidden knowledge- it was joked that he had taken so many that he had worn out a birth control scroll. So his eyes panned over, gazing at her curvature, staring at her navel, and he bit his lip when Luna tried to move. This showcased her weakness, her obesity, and her wonderfully ballooned stomach.
  27. Valiant, already intimidating well built shifted, adjusting his stance to exaggerate that and stick out his chest slightly. His lizard brain wanted to put his best foot forward to get a chance at breeding such a divine image of a mare, and when he stepped forward his voice was much more charming in tone than his opening words.
  29. "Princess, you're correct. Let me help you with... yourself." he started, and then took her hooves and grunted deeply to pul her forward. Luna's body however was heavier than he thought- and more belly centric than was natural for a mare, so he was quickly surprised when her weight shifted forward and then down, quickly pushing Valiant down and then smothering him with it. All except his face.
  31. Luna was soon quite familiar with what Valiant's length felt like, and quite a length indeed, while he just gazed up at her from underneath like he had seen the face of god. It took all the willpower he had not to orgasm on the spot.
  33. Whatever Luna was expecting to happen next quickly became irrelevant as Valiant strode forward, charming as ever in both his tone and expression, and eagerly grasped her forehooves, intending to pull her up himself. However, he first underestimated how heavy she was, and then promptly overcompensated for it, causing Luna's balloon-like body to rock forward until her chest and stomach fell completely on the poor stallion, nearly enveloping him. Her face was smushed against his muscular chest and her ass rose high in the air, her nethers completely exposed to anyone who might have looked.
  35. Between the sudden unexpected indecent exposure and the close proximity to such a fine specimen, as she was able to very firmly observe from a *very* close vantage point, Luna flushed redder than ever, her face almost beet-red as she started to squirm and struggle in an effort to get off of the poor captain. "Augh! C-Captain! W-We are...*urrf*...apologetic for the situation thy now finds thineself in! *Ungh!* W-We shall correct this...i-immediately!" She squirmed and thrashed, jiggled and wobbled, doing everything she physically could in her power to remove herself from atop of him. Which, admittedly, wasn't that much at all, and as such had no serious impact on the matter at hoof.
  37. It *did*, however, serve to turn the licentious captain on even more than he already was, his face flushing red as well as he not only struggled to breathe beneath such a heavy mass, but also to contain his now raging arousal, her ocean of a flabby stomach feeling absolutely heavenly against his body and his stallionhood as she twisted and thrashed helplessly.
  39. Luna could only look on as her captain steadily turned redder and redder, which she rather naturally interpreted as the beginnings of asphyxiation rather than intense sexual arousal. This only served to panic the portly princess even further, and her horn began to glow with a powerful light. "V-Valiant! H-Hang on...we have an idea! *Nnnnnggff*..." Her eyes squeezed shut in concentration, her horn gathering more and more power as she channeled the spell before...
  41. *POP!* In the blink of an eye, Luna disappeared from her position atop her unfortunate captain and reappeared a few feet to the side, suspended for the briefest of moments in midair before promptly plowing into the ground, her heavy rump counterbalancing her weight and dragging her back down to the position she originally was trying to get into: standing on all four hooves with her massive belly squashed firmly between them. The whole tower shook at the impact, small motes of dust jarring free from nearby shelves and filling the room, catching the light such that it looked like hundreds of tiny sparkles were dancing about in the sunbeams.
  43. "Oooooh my...we think that did not sit so well with our belly..." Luna moaned, her cheeks coloring slightly green before another massive belch blasted free, stirred up from her depths by the impact and finally allowed release. *hhhHHHHUUUUOOORRRRPPP!* The very air reverberated with the power of her expulsion, the motes of dust sent into a frenetic dance as the blast of air billowed throughout the room. Luna's chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath, a brief moment or two passing before she remembered why she teleported in the first place. "C-Captain! Art thou well? We have not caused you permanent harm?" she practically pleaded, unable to even think about what Celestia might say if she found out the first thing she did on her own was asphyxiate her captain of the guard with her own hoggish body!
  45. Valiant gazed in the air, and took deep slow breaths once Luna was off of him. His mind was in a dreamscape, capable only of thinking of bellies, Luna, and sex. Sex with bellies perhaps, and it was the final word spoken from her, the mere word "belly" from her own lips, that finally provided the last nail in the coffin.
  47. Valiant came. He came hard. He orgasmed with an intensely fertile fury all over his upper body while his thick stallionhood pulsed with eager effort, naturally assuming it was breeding some rather fertile mare. It was rather intense, almost as if his body was designed to breed, lord knew if that's how he acted inside a mare he probably got it so deep she was impregnated on the spot. One could actually hear it as well, like a quiet wet pump.
  49. "Very," Valiant responded in turn, and released a deep sigh, closed his eyes, and reached for Luna's bedsheet so he could wipe himself off. He would simply make a note for the maids to clean it, and it's not like this was ultimately his fault.
  51. The smell alone was potent enough to almost get Luna pregnant.
  53. Once he had cleaned himself off, Valiant came to his hooves, and took a breath before meeting Luna with a smile. Down below, despite all this, Valiant was still firm. Some people had wondered if he was even capable of being flaccid.
  55. "Well, Princess, I'd say the day is off to an exciting start. Now, do you have any orders for me, or would you like me to leave you to your duties today?" Valiant questioned, and stood himself tall and at attention for the tubby mare.
  57. Luna's expression of worry and concern for his well-being promptly morphed into one of confusion as he started twitching and moaning, before finally settling on one of intense embarrassment as she could only watch, captivated, as he literally and quite *copiously* orgasmed all over himself. One may have been able to give him the benefit of the doubt that the liquid he was now covered in wasn't semen, if not for the sheer overpowering *stench*. In an instant the room absolutely *reeked* of sex, the sharp, sour odor so unbelievably, undescribably *male* that Luna was completely powerless to prevent her marehood from gushing a bit, her concern promptly forgotten as she was blown away so thoroughly she almost felt like the powerful scent itself smacked her upside the head.
  59. "A-Ah, C-Captain...we are...er, that is to say...u-uhm well..." And so it was that the normally rather eloquent and verbose Princess Luna was left absolutely speechless by what had just transpired before her very eyes. She hardly even registered when he stood up and grabbed one of her bedsheets to use as a makeshift towel, the cloth quickly becoming soaked through with his spunk so thoroughly that Luna very much doubted the smell would *ever* come out, no matter how vigorously the maids scrubbed at it nor how many spells were cast upon it.
  61. She was finally roused from her stupor by his direct question, starting a bit as she broke yet another thousand-yard stare, although this one was for quite a different reason as the previous.
  63. "Er...N-Nay, Captain...as we are unfamiliar with the typical routines of the day, we would find it...prudent if you would accompany us for the time being," Luna responded, looking away shyly for a moment before glancing back at the incredibly handsome stallion. "We think it would be best for us to mimic Celestia's habits as closely as possible in her absence, so as to cause minimal disruption to the daily lives of our citizens. You know her routines well, yes? As such I would like your thoughts on what our first course of action should be," she declared with a sense of finality, finally starting to feel a bit more sure of herself now that the embarrassments of the morning were hopefully over.
  65. Valiant soon glanced at the blanket, "I suppose I shoud apologize as well. We both have... quirks, don't we?" he mused, linking his thirst with Luna's gluttony in his apology.
  67. Valiant leaned up to Luna, his slight superiority in height being exaggerated these days thanks to her obesity pulling Luna down, and lined up with her eyes. Their horns were of equal length as well, and in days gone past that was quite a direct sex symbol. Perhaps, were they to forego birth control, Luna could birth him litters.
  69. "I think that's a very good idea," Valiant spoke, and opened the doors with his magic. "Celestia normally takes breakfast and listens to any security briefings I have, but I see you've already taken the liberty of half of that," he started, and took a position of gallent protection at Luna's side.
  71. As if it was sensing his intentions, Luna's burdened stomach groaned deeply, perhaps churning over the thick stew of pancake mix and syrup inside her. At least twenty pounds in total, enough to make any mare sore.
  73. "Second breakfast?" Valiant offered. "The briefing room is just down the hall, Celestia's breakfast is always provided- perhaps it has been today as well."
  75. Princess Luna found herself salivating a bit as she considered Valiant's tempting offer of a second breakfast. Even with her stomach already groaning under the strain of containing so much, the thought of even more food thrilled her. "We shall proceed to the briefing room," Luna declared, shuffling forward as quickly as she could with all her bulk in the way. Despite her prodigious size, Luna could actually still manage a decent pace when she wanted to. That pace was currently hindered slightly by her massively filled stomach, and if she continued on the course she was on it would become increasingly unlikely this would remain the case, but nonetheless she soldiered onward, determined not to show weakness in front of the stallion that was quickly becoming quite desirable to her.
  77. "If breakfast is already prepared, than we shall take that, too," Luna continued, huffing and puffing slightly as she waddled her way down the hall, Valiant just barely able to fit at her side such was her width. "It simply would not do for the chefs and maids to have extra food about that they would normally not have to deal with, they all work hard enough as it is." Confident in her self-rationalization, Luna plodded forward, hoping more than she probably should have that there would, indeed, be a breakfast prepared.
  79. Valiant accepted Luna's excuses, and unlike her sister, perhaps in a surprise to Luna's subconscious, she was met not with pushback, reminders of her claimed diet, or a reference to how her overwhelming obesity made her look like a pathetic pig to the griffons and dragons- but rather...
  81. "I think that's a fine idea. You know, the chefs actually quite like you- it's not every mare that has such an apprecation for fine food," he spoke, and the words were true- they actually put more effort into Luna's food than was neccessary.
  83. Hearing she ate it until she puked was quite a compliment.
  85. Valiant opened the briefing room door for her, and stepped inside ahead of her, both flaunting his dominance of the situation and breaking a boatload of royal protocols, and not ones he would break with Celestia. On the circular table in the centre of the room was, indeed, Celestia's breakfast.
  87. Owing to her being sizable, although not nearly as obese as Luna, the breakfast was a decent feast of fruits of all kinds, with a pitcher of orange juice. Valiant stepped past Luna, and looked back to her.
  89. "Shall I report while you eat, Luna, or wait until you've finished?"
  91. Once again, protocol was cast aside, and it was pretty clear Valiant's ego was to the point he barely even understood Luna as 'above' him subconsciously, even if he remained loyal to her.
  93. "We shall save time if we do both at once. You have our assurances that we are most capable of eating while listening," Luna replied, gleefully waddling over to Celestia's normal seat and placing her enormous rump in her chair. The furniture groaned as it was forced to support much more weight than it was used to, but it was made by some of the finest craftsponies in the land and was already meant to handle a significant amount, so despite its protests it held firm.
  95. Luna surveyed the spread before her with a keen eye, ever so slightly disappointed at the—in her mind—relative lack of sweets and heavier fare, but nonetheless appreciative of the amount. Oh yes, this would tide her over until lunch quite nicely... and the fact that such a thought even crossed her mind was a testament to how thoroughly broken the mare was, a true slave to her appetite who was careening towards the metaphorical cliffside at a downright frightening pace.
  97. Her horn lit up as the food before her got busy, a plate of halved grapefuits sliding over to rest before her as she began magically attacking them with a spoon, hey eyes flicking up to meet Valiant's gaze briefly before returning to the far more important task at hoof. "You may commence your report, Captain," she spoke, already taking a greedy mouthful of fruit and humming in appreciation at its sweet yet sour taste.
  99. Luna's stomach was already full of a morass of food large enough it was actually dangerous- although for an alicorn that danger meant discomfort instead of mortal peril- and yet she ate. Valiant was well aware of this, and his eyes were planted upon her fat chest and rounded stomach while he paced the other side of the table.
  101. "Well, Luna..."
  103. Valiant thought for a moment, "There's an increasing pest problem in Canterlot, stray cats. We've thought of a few ways of dealing with it and the easiest one- quite honestly- is to make eating then legal and let the griffons and dragons solve the problem for us. The only problem is the ponies... tend to turn their nose at carnivorism and don't quite understand how unsanity a feral cat population is."
  105. He paused, and then thought for another moment, but then planted his eyes on Luna as they slowly widened. Luna's girthy belly was slowly bending the table on her side, because she had been forced to place it down ontop to reach the food. Slowly but surely, the oversized orb demanded it's own space, and thankfulyl whatever material the table was made of was flexible enough.
  107. Valiant took a breath, and then spoke simply. "That concludes my report...."
  109. Luna's gut rumbled, and wished it concluded the meal, and made it's decided hatred for this punishment known by filling Luna with intense, burning, pain as if it were going to tear open.
  111. "... Luna, I really must ask at this point, are you actually trying to taunt me or are you just this... unrestrained?"
  113. Luna paused her devouring of a particularly delicious (and copious) fruit tart to glance up at her captain in confusion, her belly once again starting to stretch beyond its maximum capacity to the point that it *hurt*. A lot. But the pain...it hurt so *good*...
  115. "My dear—HIC!—captain..." Luna began, only to be interrupted by a sharp hiccup, her entire body wobbling and shaking enticingly as the table groaned once more beneath her weight. "Whysoever would you insinuate such a devious conspiracy on our part?" she asked, the faintest hints of a smirk visible on one corner of her juice-soaked, sugar-coated mouth. The other was twisted in the slightest hint of a grimace as she battled against more pain than was tolerable for most mortals.
  117. "We assure you," Luna continued, taking another huge bite of fruit tart and chewing for a moment or two before regarding him once again. "We are only doing what we think is best for our little ponies," she said, her voice muffled a bit by the food in her mouth. She swallowed, and groaned, her tongue hanging limply for a moment or two before she collected herself enough to continue. "As a servant of Equestria yourself, surely you must recognize this."
  119. Luna's logic, in a vacuum, was sound. But given all that had transpired this morning and on a few previous encounters, Valiant had a hard time taking it at face value. "As for the stray cats you mention...this does present a bit of a conundrum," she said thoughtfully, the opportunity to work on a real problem affecting her citizens motivating enough for her to even cease her consumption for a moment or two to consider the issue. "You are correct, of course...while a convenient solution it is ultimately unfeasable; there is simply no way anypony in their right mind would want to eat a cat..." She hummed thoughtfully, tapping her chin with a forehoof. "Are you certain there are no other solutions? What about mobilizing the guard? Surely a few stray kittens are no match for the might of Equestria's finest?"
  121. Valiant stared at Luna while she had eaten. The pain she was feeling was both audible and visual, groaning and shivering, glorping and hiccuping, and that Luna would hurt so much and yet not stop brought him into the frog of her hoof. He stared, lecerhously, perhaps imagining her doing somethign else with her mouth and swallowing despite the tearing, incredible, pain...
  123. "I..." Valiant spoke up, lost for a few moments before he did, "Well what would we do with them? I suggested making use of our carnivorious friends because more of them than you might think would relish the opportunity to indulge in some fresh meat."
  125. Valiant finished the thought and swallowed, and noticed that Luna... had managed to consume Celestia's breakfast. Her stomach churned away at it unhappily, and the pain was quite something. It played across Luna, causing her to shiver, grimace, and groan.
  127. Valiant took notice, and stepped around the table and then to her, and slapped a hoof across to her mouth while the other slapped to her belly.
  129. "You like the pain, don't you?" Valiant whispered into her ear.
  131. "Close your eyes," he instructed.
  133. Valiant shook her belly, wobbled it, even slapped it and basically abused it, gathering up gas in a painful bubble until, when he released her lips, Luna belched so hard it flipped dishes off the table into the other wall. Valiant was impressed, and something splashed the back of her chair. Thankfully this time it was... not quite as profound of an orgasm as before, and he simply wiped it away with a rag.
  135. Luna hardly registered Valiant's reply, that last, final swallow of fruit tart not sitting well with her at all. She had truly done it now, truly pushed herself well beyond the edge, and her body was started to rebel. The sensations of pain began to become overwhelming, her eyes squeezing shut for a moment as she shivered and hiccuped and whimpered softly, her belly feeling ready to simply tear open, the pressure inside just *so much*, bursting would almost be a relief...
  137. But no. She would not rupture. She was Princess Luna, guardian of the night, walker of dreams, savior of the frightened and helpless. She would not be undone by mere food. So even with her belly pulsing wildly in pain, she forced her eyes back open, and the bile in the back of her throat back down to whence it came with a sharp *gulp!*, only to jolt slightly in surprise when she found that Valiant had closed the distance, and was now standing right before her...nay, above her, towering over her form, leering down at her with those lecherous, lustful eyes...
  139. She did not protest. She did not wave him off. She was powerless under that gaze, only able to meekly do as he requested and close her eyes, submitting herself wholly to his whims, even as he battered and shook and generally abused her already thoroughly abused stomach. It was too much, she couldn't handle it, she felt a pressure rising within her, a wave so powerful she could not even hope to stop it. *Splash!* Luna trembled and shook as she silently climaxed at his ministrations, too overwhelmed, aroused, ashamed, and a whole host of other confusing emotions to really do anything besides just ride it out. She panted and moaned softly as she basked in the afterglow, the tingling in her marehood a delightful contrast to the sharp, burning sensation of her stomach and intestinal tract.
  141. Her eyes slowly opened, her gaze wandering for a moment or two before finding his once again. Neither of them spoke for a moment. Luna herself hardly dared herself to breathe. She simply waited with bated breath to see what this stallion, this *stallion!*, would do next. Whatever it was, she would not oppose him. She couldn't. She was powerless against him, so thoroughly enraptured that she could never hope to refuse him, no matter how abusive or ridiculous his demands...
  143. Oh yes, princess. You're in *dangerous* territory now...
  147. Princess Luna, current sovereign of Equestria, the greatest and most powerful nation in all the land, was utterly powerless to resist the siren call of this dangerously alluring stallion. Like her sister, she found herself completely in his thrall, unable and ultimately unwilling to disobey. She said nothing as he roughly yanked her to her hooves, even when the sudden motion nearly made her throw up all over him. She said nothing as he marched her out the door and down the hall like a prized pig, degrading her all the way with his comments and his gaze.
  149. She said nothing as they paused before one of the most enormous pieces of produce the world had ever seen, and he made his one demand unspeakably clear: *EAT. IT.* She merely stood there, her jaw hanging open as she gaped in disbelief at what he wanted her to do, her stomach still bubbling and churning angrily at its far-too-occupied innards. Small bubbles of gas trickled up her esophagus and burst as they reached her throat, releasing a series of tiny, wet belches in the back of her throat that seemed to echo in the vast chamber. There was no way. It simply wasn't possible. She would actually die trying. That thing was more than twice her already enormous size, and had to weigh at least that much more than her to boot. It was madness. It was insanity. It was suicide.
  151. It was her orders, and she would be damned before admitting defeat before her stallion without even trying. Her jaw snapped shut, her gaze hardened, and her horn began to glow, softly at first but then brighter and brighter as the magic coursing through it grew stronger and stronger. The watermelon shook, an audible sloshing sound emanating from its depths as the gallons upon gallons of juice within shook with it. Then, with a grunt of exertion, the massively huge, massively heavy watermelon lifted off its pedestal and floated unevenly towards the princess of the night, a sizable shadow casting over her from its sheer enormity that only served to highlight her ethereal mane even more than normal. It paused just above her head, Valiant stepping nervously to the side to avoid being underneath it. While she would probably survive the impact if it were to fall, he was not so certain about herself.
  153. Slowly, agonizingly, the melon rotated until its long dimension was aimed straight at her. Her jaw opened wide, one final, challenging belch ripping free as her horn grew brighter still, her eyes starting to lose focus and then illuminating as well with a pure, white light such was the magic channeling through her. A massive cone of dark blue energy formed before her, with its apex at her mouth, the entire thing rotating in a soft swirling motion that gradually started to pick up speed.
  155. The watermelon began to drift closer, now falling into the cone and rapidly running out of space, the rind ready to make impact with the now rapidly whirling cone of magic in three...two...one...*KERSPLUUUUUUTCHHHH!* With an absolutely horrifying noise that sounded like the most succulent fruit imagine meating an extremely untimely demise splattering against a hard surface, Valiant could only watch in awe as the thing started to dissolve before his very eyes, the powerful magic absolutely pulverizing it into oblivion like some sort of giant blender, funneling the mulched-up juice and pulp straight down the princess' ravenous gullet. She began to take huge, greedy swallows, her throat even swaddled with fat as it was visually bulging with each undulation, her esophagus like a veritable pump as it pushed more and more and more down into her already overwhelmed stomach.
  157. The horrible grinding noise continued, the watermelon absolutely flying apart as it was now descending at a slow but still visible pace, droplets of juice spattering against the cone but not a single one managing to escape, every single iota of watermelon destined to rest within Luna's incredible stomach, even if it was the last thing she ever did. With her consumption now kicked into overdrive, her massively stretched belly began to grow, slowly at first as the copious amounts of liquid filled up all the empty spaces between the food already packed within, and then rapidly as all that room was used up, every drop now serving to increase the volume of her stomach. Now the growth really began in earnest, her belly starting to visually swell with each powerful swallow, Valiant absolutely transfixed by the sight before him, aroused beyond words as his dick found its way into his hands without him even consciously ordering it to happen.
  159. Stroking himself furiously, Valiant watched with glee as Luna's stomach finally brushed the floor she stood upon...then it began to spread out and squash against it...and then press against it more insistently, her legs starting to bow outward and her back starting to arch upwards as she ran out of room to grow. But still, she swallowed, on and on and more and more and MORE. *GULP...GULP...GULP...* Finally it happened, and Valiant released an ecstatic cry as he came, purposefully spraying his seed all over the princess that lay before him, utterly pinned by her behemoth of a stomach that was nowhere near done growing. If she even noticed, Luna didn't bother acknowledging what just happened.
  161. Her hooves finally lifted from the ground, her stomach forcing its way larger and fuller still, and now Princess Luna only had two directions to grow in: up and out. The watermelon was by now a third of the way consumed, the whirling maelstrom of fruity death going stronger than ever as Luna continued to swallow, continued to grow, continued to *consume.* First one inch of clearance formed between her hooves and the floor, then two and then three and soon it was a whole foot...and still she climbed higher and higher, her belly moaning and keening and warbling desperately as it continued to fill and fill and FILL. Even her immortal fur was by now beginning to thin, the skin of her immensely swollen gut turning a deep, concerning shade of furious red as it continued to stretch more and more and more. Vicious stretchmarks slashed their way across its surface, zigzagging aggressively as she grew even still.
  163. Halfway done now, and Princess Luna looked all the world like a giant blueberry with how huge and round she was. And still she was not done, not even close. By this point, it would be a stretch to call Luna sentient. Her mind had checked out long ago, only active long enough to set up this crazy death sentence before packing up its things and peacing the fuck out, thoroughly fed up with this complete and utter horseshit. All she knew was pain, the taste of watermelon, and the desire, no, the *NEED* to do as her stallion commanded. To finish her one given task even if all else fails. Nothing else mattered to her in that moment.
  165. By the time only a quarter of the massive fruit was left, Princess Luna had officially run out of room, not that she really had any to begin with under any reasonable definition. She was absolutely massive, a literal mountain of a mare that was practically all belly, towering above everything else in the room as her legs were forced closer and closer to a fully spread-eagle position. It seemed as though her ultimate limit had been reached; she simply could not stretch any higher. Even her wonderously elastic miracle skin could go no further. At ten feet tall, she was positively humongous, but she could go no further. With nowhere else to go, and the onslaught of juice still flowing as freely as ever, her stomach creaked and groaned ominously as its general roundness began to fade, the slope of its walls becoming more and more sheer as it battled to find every last cubic inch possible to fit this wildly unreasonable feast in.
  167. She was at the final dregs now, but Valiant was sure she was about to burst. The ominous creaking and groaning noises emanating from her hide had only grown louder ever since she started, and now they were positively deafening in the most frightening manner imaginable. But Valiant had faith. She wouldn't rupture; she couldn't. And if she did, well...Celestia would have his head anyways so he might as well perish in the blast, doing that which he loved doing more than almost anything else: jacking himself off. Speaking of which, he was now rock hard once again, and was going at it furiously once more, jackhammering his hands up and down his dick like he was the horniest colt in puberty imaginable. Just as Luna's stomach was fit to burst, so too were his balls as they positively *ached* for release, their production having been sent into total overdrive at the sight of so much incredible stimulus.
  169. But she was not done yet, and so neither could he be. But oh, they were close. *SO* close. The final dregs now were sloughing their way down into Luna's still pulsating throat, her belly now looking less like a round blueberry and more like a vaguely cylindrical tank, like the ones that were used to store mass quantities of water in. Which, in a way, Valiant mused, she was very much like a giant water tank with how much juice she'd swallowed. A literal lake of juice sat within her, her incredibly taut form in constant motion as the waves sloshed to and fro within. The cone began to wind down, the grinding mostly complete, Luna's pace of swallowing finally starting to slow as she prepared to detonate. Now without the horrifying sound of dying watermelon, Valiant could hear that Luna was loudly whimpering with each swallow, each a cry of deep, untold pain that no words could possibly describe.
  171. She was now taking several second between swallows, and Valiant estimated she had about a dozen left. She was sooo close...but what would come first? Her victorious finish...or explosive defeat? *Gulp...gulp...gulp...whimper...* This was it. No more could fit. She was completely full. Maybe three large swallows remained but she couldn't do it. One iota more and she would blow the castle to smithereens. What a way for Celestia to return home...nothing left of her home and capital but a giant crater, left to wonder forever what could have possibly gone so wrong...
  173. Dick still in hand, Valiant wandered closer, wanting more than anypony has ever wanted before for her to finish. He couldn't help but notice the literal river of arousal trickling down her backside, her marehood running like a badly leaking faucet as she barely managed to cling to consciousness. He laid his free hand against her unbelievably taut stomach, not a single millimeter of give beneath the unbelievably thinned skin and fur. "Come now, my Princess," he cooed softly, his touch warm and reassuring against her ready to blow sides. "You are so close to victory...seize it! Seize it, now! Or perhaps I'd be better off following Celestia on her trip..."
  175. That was it. Those were the magic words. The thought of being shown up one more time by her sister, the thought of being second place one more time, the thought of once again being an afterthought, a sideshow, a *fill-in*...no more. This was HER show! And she would show him!! Her brow furrowed in anger, her eyes now faded back to their normal hues, she leaned her head back, the only part of her body she could effectively move, and took one, last, enormous swallow. *GUUUULLLPP!!*
  177. Silence reigned. It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. For the briefest of moments, all was still and in balance, the calm before the calamitous storm. Luna's eyes shot open wide in terror, and a single sound rang out, nearly deafening in volume: *GGGGRRRRRRLLLLLLOOOOOORRRRRRGGGGGLLLLLRRRRRRPPPPP!!* Her stomach churned over loudly, its entire surface rippling visibly with distress as its contents began to pulse back and forth, further and further upsetting the beyond precarious balance within. Tears began to flow from her eyes. She had overdone it. She had overdone it LONG ago, and now she was so far past overdone it was nearly inconceivable. This was the beginning of her end. Her limbs were completely splayed out horizontally, forced upwards by the incredible pressure of her incredible belly, whose edges extended past her outstretched hooves by a couple feet in each direction before plummeting sharply downwards, her sides nearly vertical all the way to the bottom.
  179. She was too full to speak. Far too full. She could only whimper, moan, and keen loudly as she shook more and more violently, the very ground beneath her starting to tremble under her undulating weight. Valiant's eyes widened in shock, and he took a hesitant step back. What had he done...? Was the impossible about to happen...? Did he just sentence his previously-thought immortal princess to death?! All these thoughts and more played through both their minds as the upheavel within her reached a furious peak. Unable to take anymore, begging to just rupture and be done with her torment, Luna opened her mouth, the last thing she could even do, to let loose with a wail of sorrow, a cry of pain so deep and so pure any who heard it might just drop dead at the sound...
  181. "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO—" A violent explosion of sound. A reverberating wall of air. A blast so powerful it shattered windows for miles around, and shook the very mountain Canterlot was built into to its very base. "—OOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU—" Valiant was blown backwards, slamming into the wall, overcome by arousal as he came harder than he ever had in his life. High above him, the vibrations triggered another release, as an absolute shower of fluids burst free from Luna's rear and cascaded down, enough to literally douse anypony unlucky enough to be caught below. "—UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA—"
  183. Luna released again and again and again, each orgasm chaining into another as her wildly overfull, rippling body set her off harder than anything she'd ever experienced before in her thousands of years of existing. Blasts of fluid continued to burst free, completely soaking the rear side of her stomach as she came again and again and again. "—AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!"
  185. And just like that, it was over. She had done it. The utterly impossible. Luna's eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she promptly passed the fuck out, so totally spend and overwhelmed that she might just sleep for years on end before feeling suitably recovered. Valiant could only sit there and stare in utter shock. "...Holy...shit..." was all he could mutter, before he too passed out, joining his unbelievably overstuffed princess in the realm of dreams...

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