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Bunnyhood(2016): Like Family (Prologue) [discontinued]

By dadonequus_archives
Created: 2021-05-13 19:36:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >It is a cool Friday evening near the ports of a small old boaters' town, blending into the background to the side of a sky rising city.
  2. >This area used to be a main attraction for tourists to the area, and even a very comfy living place for the sea watchers some years long lost.
  3. >Now it has been left behind with times, due to the economy's sudden boost in technological advancement or some shit.
  4. >No one's interested in boats these days, when everyone has their fancy jets and packs and hover-boards-in-making, all consumed with the new revolution of man-in-air travel or whatever they want to call it.
  5. >And can't forget about vidya. Not everyone around here's been blessed with vidya.
  6. >And thanks some weird small island size land filters some ways away, there aren't even any strong waves that hit coastlines of what's left of beaches for any surfers to traffic around.
  7. >Not that it would matter, because now it's an absolute disaster area full of wastes and trash leaking in from the city.
  8. >The only people that find this place livable are the people who can't even afford to get out of it or keep up with the times, or those old folks trapped in the past so strongly they ignore the damages just to enjoy one of the few good things that still exist around here.
  9. >It's not all bad down here in this dying still of a town though, as some of the young ages stuck in this waste town know how to make the best of it.
  10. >One trio in particular are quite active in their living here.
  11. >Usually.
  12. >Though, everyone like's to sit back once in a while and enjoy the lull in activity in rest, as much of one anyway.
  13. >We join them at a booth in the pub having a nice gentlemanly conversation. Actually, it's just two of them arguing over something trivial while the third sips from their glass and watches with silent mirth.
  14. >"I'm telling you, this the best shot we have at making a big coming-in out of this shit hole. It's a foolproof plan!" claims a scrawny six-foot with a messy hair and stubble shave as he flails in frustration with a bundle paper in hand. "Just look at these statistics I've come up with!"
  16. >His opponent, a much bigger and bulkier fellow, with a full beard and a clean low cut top, stares at the papers hovering before him then back to Stubble's face with a bemused expression.
  17. >He takes a slow drag of his cig and sighs out the smoke as he fizzles it out into his tray.
  18. >Grabbing the papers, he takes a moment to examine them.
  19. >Seeing Smoker take a more than a glance at his sheets gives Stubble the feeling that he's starting to get through and he smirks
  20. >Curiosity taking them, Sipper, a fair looking girl with long hair tied back in a ponytail leans closer to Smoker for a peer at this "foolproof" plan, and when they do, they grin and snicker.
  21. >She falls back to her chair with a small chuckle.
  22. >Stubble raises a brow at her in offence, "What's so funny?."
  23. >She clears her throat and and looks off to the side, pulling her glass back to her face to cover up her smile.
  24. >Smoker's reaction is less subtle, as he slams the papers down onto the table, startling Stubble to attention, and glares at him.
  25. >"You call this foolproof!?" he shouts, "This is the same one you cocked up last month!"
  26. >"Well, yeh, but I've made some tweaks to it. It's sure to work this time, and this time we'd be better prepared for it since we know more of the lay out and-"
  27. >"May I remind you that this is the same plan that almost cost me a head, and left me with this little number as a reminder!" he says, pointing to a scar running over his nose.
  28. >"Ay, how was /I/ supposed to know that the switch would activate the saws on the conveyer belts!"
  29. >"It was /yor/ own plan, ya bloody..." He balls the papers and throws them at Stubble's face, and he ducks in reaction.
  30. >"Hey, I worked all day to rehash that plan to make it work better!"
  31. >"Oh, is that what you've been doing cooped up in your room the whole time? I thought you were having another one of your 'deep studies' or whatever you call it. Yer lucky I don't take your eyes out with it like ya almost did mine."
  33. >Stubble scoffs, "Yeah, with an aim like yours, I'm sure you'll get the job done."
  34. >"What was that?" Smoker starts to rise over the table. Not backing down, Stubble rises in is own seat to meet him halfway.
  35. >"Boys, boys, calm down, no need to get rough about it here." Sipper says, pushing arms in to separate the two before things could get uglier. "We're still in debt from the last time you two made a mess of things in here. It's lucky that ol' uncle Stephen's so kind enough to give us the slack since we've been so close for so long. But I'm not sure I can sit in for another lecture. Although," she chuckles as she falls back to her seat" watching him tear into you each time is always a fun show."
  36. >The two look across the room in sync to see the barkeep wiping a glass while staring directly at them with a heavy look of disapproval. They fall back into their seats in defeat, not wanting stoke the pub owner's rage, resigning to silently seethe and find something more interesting to angrily stare at than each others' faces.
  37. >Stubble turns his head to search for what direction his papers could have landed to, while Smoker digs into his coat that hangs to the side of his chair and pulls out a box of cigs.
  38. >"Oh come on, you two, don't be like that." She grabs both their half full mugs and pushes them into them. Stubble twitches at the unexpected mug assault and fumbles to prevent it from spilling over, while Smoker grabs his and grunts. "Calm down, have a drink, relax. I know I'm not really the one to say this, but just sitting down and actually enjoying the quiet peace that happens in here sometimes could do us some good to start the weekend!"
  39. >They both stare into their glasses before each taking a drink and placing them back down onto the table. Smoker pops a stick into his mouth and flicks his lighter. He sighs as all he's getting out of it is sparks. "Anyone got a light?"
  41. >"Oh, allow me." comes a voice from beside him, a small tongue of flame appearing and lowering in front of his face.
  42. >He necks forward takes a quick puff as the tip lights and lets out a small plume before turning to address the newcomer, his peers as well doing the same. "Thank you. Now who are you?" he asks rudely, still feeling bothered.
  43. >Stubble clears his throat. "Mhm, yes, uh, don't think I've seen your face around here before, sir. Fancy lighter cane you've got there too, didn't think those things were actually carried around much. At least, not the ones with the flames popping out of the tail end." he says, staring curiously at it.
  44. >The interloper retreats his cane as he releases the flames, rotating it once slowly before setting it to the floor, palm resting on the smiling horned horse head on it's top. He speaks. "Ah, yes, it is an original of mine. And indeed, I am new around here. Just visiting of course, taking in the sights."
  45. >Sipper smiles, "Well then, let me welcome you to our small little boat town, stranger. We rarely get much visitors around here these days, so it's a nice surprise when one so obviously ri- er, nice person comes along." she says, subtly absorbing his form. He's a rather tall old looking fellow, dressed in a rough textured tan suit, with hair of gray, a long goatee, and seriously thick eyebrows both of the same color.
  46. >"Allow me to introduce myself and my companions. You see that burly quater you're standing next to?" she says pointing to Smoke. "His name's Mous. He might not look to friendly at first glance, but he can be a sweetheart if you get to know him long enough."
  47. >Mous just takes another drag of his cigarette and nods silently.
  48. >"And you see this scrawny lookin chap over here"
  49. >"Ay!"
  50. >"His name is Anon. Among the three of us, He's supposed to be the smartest of the group. Real brain worker that one. Though sometimes," she leans closer and puts a hand to her mouth" he has a hard time showin' it beyond speech."
  52. >"You know, I'm not going deaf anytime soon over here. I can hear quite clearly." Anon says.
  53. >She chuckles, "See what I mean?"
  54. >The man moves closer to Anon as talks again. "The smart one? Does that mean it was you that threw this wonderful piece of work at me as I entered this establishment?" he asks, waving a completely uncrumpled, unworn, familiar stack of papers.
  55. >Anon immediately snaps to attention and quickly grabs the papers out of the man's hand, examining them closely. "Why, yes, this is mine! I mean, no, It wasn't me that threw these, I would never toss my hard work aside like so! That would be the doing of the lummox directly across from me."
  56. >Said person is too busy examining the papers himself with suspicion to notice his being insulted.
  57. >"I see..." The man turns back to the girl. "And I suppose with those introductions that leaves..."
  58. >"Well, I'm not too partial to my own name much. Everyone here for the sake of it calls me as just 'Y.'"
  59. >"Why?" he asks, and they both share a quick laugh at the joke.
  60. >"Well, 'Y' is the first letter of my name. And I don't get many other nicknames either since apparently, I have a knack for making people go "Why!?" she jumps up as she shouts this, getting in the man's face.
  61. >This action only amuses him further. "Very well, then."
  62. >"And so I ask again," Mous says, this time with more skepticism in his voice, "Who are you?"
  63. >The man grins, and turns back towards Mouse on his cane, fishing into his coat pocket and pulling out a card. "I, Mr. Mous, am an entrepreneur of sorts." He hands the card over to Mous, who scrutinizes it.
  64. >His brow furrows and he looks back up. "You takin a piss?" he asks, waving the card.
  65. >Y. snatches the card from his hands and takes a look at it herself, with Anon coming close to take a look as well.
  66. >"Oh, I assure you, I am in no way 'taking a piss' as you say." the man responds.
  69. >"Oh please, Like I'll believe a day that your name is 'Discord', that's the silliest name I've heard in a while."
  70. >"This coming from someone named 'Mous'? How do you even spell that?" Discord quips.
  71. >"It's M-O-U... it's a good name! Given to me by my..." Mous falters for a moment, then takes another drag and folds his arms, blowing a cloud before continuing. "Anyway, I thought you were up to something before when you called that rubbish plan o' Anon's wonderful."
  72. >"Ay! It /is/ a wonderful plan. Amazing plan! foolpr-"
  73. >Ignoring him, Mous goes on, "Don't even gotta ask about how you brought it back lookin good as new. What kind of entrepreneur are you supposed to be, some sort of traveling magician? You got a cartoon lookin goat thing with horns and crazed red eyes."
  74. >"It looks quite good work, too, here," Y. chimes in, "I'd like to meet the graphic artist that designed this. Ooh, did it just wink?" She angles the card about. "How do I make that happen again?" she asks, handing it to him.
  75. >"And where can I get a cane like yours? Is making flames pop out of the tail end about all it can do? Looking at you, and the craftsmanship of that cane, I would assume there's a bit more to it than simple parlor tricks. You look like a man who knows a bit." Mous remarks.
  76. >Discord nods at the compliments with a smile, tapping at the head on his cane.
  77. >Mous, still suspicious of this interloper asks, "So what brings you here to our table then, if you didn't come to knock Anon off with that thing for throwin his garbage at you."
  78. >"It's not garbage! And you were the one who-"
  79. >"Well? Considering what ya called it, and you showing us your card, I assume you didn't just come to us to give it back and stand here for simple chit chat."
  81. >Discord grins. "Why not? You seem like a pretty interesting bunch here. I saw you across the room, and thought maybe I could get a front seat to the chaos you were about to get into. I'm actually interested to know how this plan of his might turn out. From the sound of it, it hadn't gone well before." he says, raising a finger to the mark across Mous's nose.
  82. >Mous glares at him, huffing a cloud of smoke in his direction as Discord's hand comes too close. "Just tell us your deal before I decide that suit looks better in red." he says, getting impatient.
  83. >"Easy there, Mous. Uncle Stephen's still watchin us, you know."
  84. >Mous slouches a little more in his chair, but doesn't relent his gaze.
  85. >"Well if you insist. As I've said, I overheard you and your weaker friend from across the room talking about some job that he's come up for you all. What If I told you, that I have something much more fun in mind. Something that I would say... would benefit the three of you for the rest of your lives? I bet you all might find it a little more homey here, and you seem to have lived here for a long time. But, I've walked around this place and it doesn't look all that good for ware. I came here looking for someone with a strong tenacity, or maybe a quick wit, and even a jovial sense of curiosity to share my otherworldly joys and diversions."
  86. >"... So you're saying you came all the way to this literal backwater town pub lookin for some loser to give a free pass at life, just so you can have side kick to entertain? 'Scuze me if I sound rude, but piss off!"
  87. >"Now hold there, love, let's hear him out. I heard the word fun in there somewhere, and I want to know more." Y butts in.
  88. >Anon takes up as well saying, "Yeah, that does sound interesting, but what's the catch. Doesn't exactly sound like we'd have much say in what to do should we take you up on it. What's in it for us should we follow you up on this offer?"
  90. >"I'm glad you asked. Well you see, should either of you come with me, at the cost of nothing more than bringing me joy in by whatever means, be that by your own doing or me poking fun to entertain myself, which you would choose to endure, I promise you a fresh lease on life. New start, with many things to be provided to you, including housing, food, and liberal freedoms. I wouldn't expect much of you, of course as far as my own entertainment goes. You maybe do whatever comes natural to you if it is not on my whim, and I can simply view it from a distance. Or you can tell me about whatever you get up to once we meet up. Yes, you won't always have to be at my side after the agreement is made. If you'd just there when I call, this is fine enough. Do as you please, and that means anything you want, even something mischievous. So long as you don't go out of your way to make ruin in my name or any of my associates, I won't have any problems."
  91. >The trio look to him with mixed expressions, Mous holds an incredible amount of disbelief. "This sounds much too good to be a real thing. And you can afford to have all of this happen?"
  92. >"But of course," Discord says with a cocky smile. "With power like mine, I can make anything happen. Why even.. reality would bend to my will when I flex it!" He chuckles at his hidden meaning.
  93. >Y. whistles, "Wow, pops. Can I call ya pops? I wish you were my dad. You sound like you have the reach to control more than the world with that. And living a good free life with no real debt sounds like a real score in the park. Why haven't we met before!"
  94. >"That offer sounds too good to refuse. It even sounds like an impossible chance to come around these parts, though you look like someone who can really hold to those words of yours." Anon says, also fascinated by the man's offer.
  95. >Mous however isn't buying it still, "Yeah well, I still don't trust a word of it. There's no such thing as an easy hitch in this life unless you're born into it."
  97. >"Oh loosen your gash, already, will ya? An obviously well set man comes into the pub for once, offering you a literal chance of a lifetime, and you're all barred about." comes the voice of the barkeeper who had by this time came to see for himself this development up close. He stands holding a tray with a small glass of liquor with ice cubes. holding it out to Discord.
  98. >"Oh, no thanks, I don't drink. If you have any chocolate milk though, I would like some."
  99. >"Choc- See, Unc? The guys a prolly a looner. No one his age would be askin for somethin like that in a place like this, ya think? He's prolly some con, ad has done this deal with to low heads before in his time. Prolly dumped em off somewheres after gettin tired of em too is why you don't seem round."
  100. >"Ah quit it. We got some in the back. He's not the first customer I got here from far with strange taste, and I doubt he'd be the last while I'm still breathin'. Whichever one of these ones ya choose, Mr. Discord, I hope ya take care of em. They're like blood to me ya know." he walks off heads on to a door leading to the backroom.
  101. >"You know, Mous actually has a good point for once, maybe it is too good an offer to be real." Anon speaks up with little more skepticism, earning no more than a grunt and a glare from him. "How do we know we can trust you on your word you won't swing us after the deal is made?"
  102. >Discord brings a hand up to stroke his beard before responding with a million dollar smile, "You'll just have to take my word for it."
  103. >Y. had gotten out of her seat and clung to the man by his side. "Well you've already gotten me on this offer. Take me to the good life with free food and far places! I do love a good adventure with risk."
  104. >Discord just pats her on the head, "My, aren't we a little excited."
  105. >Anon raise his hand slowly, "Uhm... that offer wouldn't be limited to just one person would it?"
  107. >This makes discord smile some more, he expected something like this to happen if one of them were to accept. "Of course not! The more the merrier they say."
  108. >Anon tries not to let his own excitement show to much, but his face betrays him as he cannot help but think of all the new opportunities the liberties would allow him."
  109. >The three of them then turn to face Mous, who sits there in his seat with arms folded, watching. "What are you three lookin at?"
  110. >Y. releases her clung grip and falls down onto the arm of Mous and speaks in a begging tone. "C'mon, Mous, don't be like that. You're not seriously gonna let me go with that shady old man alone with only Anon, are ya? If something happens, I can't exactly rely on him to protect me when I need it."
  111. >"You all just like to get one at me after the other, don't you?"
  112. >Mous ponders on this thought for a moment, tracing his gaze over the form of Discord who tries to hold an innocent smile, then it falls over to his stringy companion.
  113. >He grimaces, and sighs. "Fine. But if this all goes to shit, don't expect me to let this blow over well."
  114. >She gives Mous a tight long hug, "I knew you'd come around! Nothing's ever really fun without the three of us workin on anything together, now is it?"
  115. >Mous just groans in response.
  116. >At this time, the barkeep, Stephen, returns, holding tall glass of Chocolate milk with a few ice cubes in it. "I aint't normally gettin asked for one o' these, so I apologize if the ice waters it down, but it wasn't cold when I poured it."
  117. >"That's fine." Discord replies, taking the glass from him.
  118. >"So you're actually takin the offer, eh? I bet it's Y. that got ya ta even consider right?" Stephen asks, looking down at Mous who scoffs in response.
  119. >Discord carefully pulls up a sleeve to look at a watch, then looks around at the trio says "Well then, Shall we be off? I'm running a little on time here. I'll give you all a moment to bid your farewells to the owner."
  121. >The three look amongst themselves, then to old Stephen, who's been their parental figure for however many years they'd needed him to be after they all met him together.
  122. >Before any words could be exchanged, however, Discord speaks up again. "Aaand moment's gone. See you around good, sir! I shall send you a new glass on the rift!"
  123. >"Wo-"
  124. >Discord taps his cane to the floor. "Good day!" And before the man's eye, the four of them disappear in a blink, leaving behind nothing but the still lit near butted cig of Mous's and his coat.
  125. >The man stands there speechless as his brain attempts to register what just transpired before him, before he starts to smell the smoke of a flame brewing. He looks down and sees that a fire has started to catch on Mous's coat on the seat and quickly uses the same thing to pat it out before it could spread.
  126. >This quick burst of action change was able to snap the man out of bewilderment long enough he could somehow shrug off the world breaking, and probably traumatizing event he witnessed just seconds ago. He sighs, and walks his toward the door that leads to a back room again.
  127. >Walking through it, he tosses the partially burnt coat onto a table on a wall, sitting on a chair beside it. Another wall opposing has a set frame, hanging with a picture in.
  128. >In it is himself from about a decade or two ago when he had a good few less wrinkles growing into his features. Accompanying him was a mismatched group of three young children of varied age and no relation to either him or each other, but the picture itself would give way to thoughts of otherwise.
  129. >He stares at it, and other pictures surrounding it with many different stages of life captured in em, even with images of days when the town had more life. Some even had figures that simply resembled the kids from before. Two in pairs. digs into Mous's coat and pulls out the box of cigarettes with a lighter of his own.
  130. >"What in the hell just happened..."

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