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BV 4.1 - Paint the Sky

By IHeartShinzakura
Created: 2021-06-01 00:17:57
Updated: 2021-09-09 02:51:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Vacation's over
  3. >pts, ch.1
  4. Welcome to "Paint the Sky", also known as PHASE FOUR of Mr. Shinzakura's Wild Ride! The main author for this phase is Flynt Coal, who is the most highly qualified of the Berylverse crew:
  5. >decent at writing
  6. >not insane
  7. And best of all
  8. >delivered on wizard war (Maximum Edge)
  9. >delivered on "30 and a horse" (The Fixer)
  11. There's not much worth posting about yet, but here's the QRD:
  12. >due to various fuckery at the end of GAOA3 [spoiler]and by "end" I mean "midpoint", because GAOA3's epilogue was 100k[/spoiler], Chrysalis is now a 14-year-old girl
  13. >she's been adopted by Superintendent Celestia and Edgelord McWerewolf (Human Edition)
  14. >she's a freshman at Canterlot High
  15. >Principal Luna knows Chrysalis's actual history (since she was in Equestria with Celestia for Sunset's coronation)
  16. >Vice-Principal Neighsay assumes Chrysalis is likely to be a troublemaker since her fictional tragic backstory involves an abusive father
  17. >Chrysalis's natural form is mostly human but has her old horn, wings, and some bug parts grafted on
  18. >she hides it with changeling magic, but if that ever gives out she's gonna be in deep shit
  19. >she meets all the CMCs on her first day of school
  20. >but she ends up hanging out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Crazy Glue instead
  21. >she got a few weeks' crash course in human culture, but of course it can't cover everything
  22. >she still falls back on her old "evil dictator" reflexes from time to time
  23. Any questions?
  25. Now, on the SIREN front:
  26. >tripfriends suggest placing some agents as "housekeepers" for Twilight's mansion, so they can guard Sunset (like the Princess's Hooves)
  27. >also an excuse to build "staff quarters" (barracks) and a secret exit from the underground bunker
  28. >Edgelord approves, with one condition: they have to get Sunset to hire a real construction company (for the paper trail) instead of using magic
  29. Should be fun convincing the contractors not to ask questions about the APC, 9000 guns, or Stargate Command magic mirror setup.
  32. >pts, ch.2-3
  33. Aside from Silver Spoon hitting on Edgelord in front of Chrysalis
  34. >"C'mon, wouldn't it be fun to have me as your new mom? That way, both of us get to call him Daddy!"
  35. nothing too crazy happens in this part, which feels like an extended introduction more than anything else.
  37. In chapter 1, Chrysalis meets the CMCs but ends up befriending Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Crazy Glue instead. I was expecting this to go on for a while, until she realizes that they're all assholes and ditches them.
  39. Turns out it was a little less subtle than that. Chrysalis directly overhears Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon talking about why it's worth keeping up the act: Chrysalis can be their "in" with Sunset Shimmer, and she's useful as muscle too. Chrysalis decides to play along for a while, but when Diamond sends her with some jock to beat up Sweetie Belle and Button Mash (for the sake of poor Crazy Glue, who's broken-hearted at her husbando's betrayal), Chrysalis changes her mind halfway through and beats up the jock instead. Then she goes back to tell Diamond to fuck off, and ends up choking her out and threatening to kill her.
  41. Chapter 3 ends with Chrysalis joining the CMCs for lunch, and with Diamond Tiara swearing to discover Chrysalis's secrets and destroy her.
  43. That about wraps up every existing plot, so the next chapter (in two weeks) should be something new. Hoping for more like this:
  44. >"It just...hits me sometimes that this quiet, reserved young girl is a murderer and war criminal the likes of which we've never seen on this planet."
  45. and less mostly-ordinary high school drama.
  48. >>37062344
  49. >I notice there's been no mention of Shinzakura lately...has the curse been lifted? Are we free of the Shinsanity?
  50. Don't be ridiculous. It's still going, just slow.
  52. >pts, ch.4-5
  53. Actually not much to say on this one. Flynt Coal is a reasonably good writer and isn't insane, so Paint the Sky has been decent so far.
  55. After miraculously delivering on "30 and a horse" after I thought Shinzakura had crashed it with no survivors, in this fic Flynt Coal is setting up a more extensive "3000 and a bug" plotline, with Chrysalis agonizing over whether to tell Apple Bloom and her other friends about her origins in Equestria. (The M5's families weren't in the cage to watch the Sunset vs. Chernabog showdown at the end of 7DSJ4, so they haven't been read in on Equestrian magic yet.) This is getting more interesting as of chapter 5:
  56. >halloween night
  57. >Chrysalis and friends are out trick-or-treating
  58. >Diamond Tiara has sent one of her simps (Rover) to spy on Chrysalis in hopes of finding some dirt
  59. >he decides he'd rather beat Chrysalis up, as revenge for the time she kicked his ass
  60. >he and his buddies corner her in a park
  61. >as they search the park for her, she shapeshifts into a werewolf and jumps out to scare them off
  62. >Featherweight, hidden behind a tree, catches her shifting back on video
  64. The other major plotline is about a couple child traffickers who are kidnapping young girls. They've grabbed three girls from Chrysalis's grade so far, so hopefully this will get more interesting soon. Even better if they're working for the O12 (wizard war), but there's no sign of such involvement yet.
  66. Like I said, nothing too egregious. I'm just hoping that
  67. >"3000 and a bug" gets resolved properly, with Chrysalis talking to her friends directly, rather than the forced reveal like "30 and a horse" got in 7DSJ4
  68. >the main characters actually try to stop the kidnappers, unlike 7DSJ4 where everyone sat around talking about how scared they were as more and more people they knew got murdered
  71. >pts, ch.6
  72. Apparently this is the chapter immediately before shit gets interesting.
  74. 1:
  75. >as Chrysalis and Star Tracker enter the movie theater on a date, they pass Featherweight, Spike, and Pipsqueak leaving
  76. >Featherweight recognizes Chrysalis from Halloween
  77. >at the ice cream parlor, he decides to show his friends the video of her werewolf transformation
  78. (There's actually this whole thing about cameras and consent and a girl undressing and THE TALK and Featherweight is like ten years old and doesn't understand any of this shit except his mom was REALLY mad. But the point is, he hasn't shown anyone the video yet and is worried he'll get in trouble for having it.)
  79. >Spike recognizes the girl in the video as his sister's friend Chrysalis
  80. >once he realizes what's going on, he tries to cover for her by claiming the video was shopped (he can tell because of the pixels)
  81. >this turns into a big argument, which attracts the attention of Crazy Glue
  82. >she talks Featherweight into giving her a copy of the video
  83. >she'll no doubt hand it off to Diamond Tiara, who's holding a terrible grudge against Chrysalis
  85. 2:
  86. >Chrysalis has been dreaming of the life of Queen Calyx of Unicornia
  87. >long story short, this turns out to be an alternate origin story for Bughorse Chrysalis
  88. (As a reminder, the original origin story has Sombra trade a maid for Cavalcanti's wife, then torture and rape her and let Pony Mengele experiment on her to turn her into the human-changeling hybrid everyone knows today.)
  89. >the last dream ends with Calyx getting raped, turning into Chrysalis, going on a rampage, and preparing to fight the Megan
  90. >Chrysalis wakes up in a cold sweat
  91. >in the bathroom, she sees the reflection of Bughorse Chrysalis in the mirror
  92. >the reflection claims to be the real Queen Chrysalis, and that the current Chrysalis has stolen her life and her name
  93. >A/N: Things are about to get dark...
  95. Looking forward to the next chapter, in December or so

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