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Pony Supremacy Thread Fluttershy Story (WIP, Indefinite Hiatus)

By slep
Created: 2020-11-02 23:53:14
Updated: 2021-10-28 23:37:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >This cage was awfully cramped.
  2. >You heard some of your fellow slaves groan out, some fight still left in them apparently.
  3. >A silly, worthless endeavour, you thought.
  4. >They’d just catch more scorn from the ponies.
  5. >At this point, you were just happy it was the ponies who’d captured you, and not the griffons.
  6. >You’d heard through the grapevine from humans coming and going that they were of… a darker sort.
  7. >None of that whining got to you now though.
  8. >You’d always thought humans were servitors of a sort anyway, and you were happy to perhaps one day work towards making the life of another easier.
  9. >The yellow pegasus with the fiery mane stares a hole into your cage, looking very conflicted, before shaking her head and walking away for another day in a row.
  10. >She seemed to have an interest in you.
  11. >For the past few days, that pony would come in and try haggling with your current captor.
  12. >You figured it was because of your height and build that she was so keen on you.
  13. >With that height and build however, came a steep price tag.
  14. >Too much for her, apparently.
  15. >From what you could hear of her conversations with the ‘clerk,’ she wasn’t going to be in town for much longer, and that “he’d rake in bits.”
  16. >The pony in charge would always tilt up her nose, pointing to my price tag.
  17. >Perhaps this was a little torture of your own, by some cosmic mirth.
  18. >Wishing to serve, yet forever denied a master.
  19. >You could wait a little longer, you supposed.
  20. >Not that you had a choice.
  22. >A few days later, that mare stopped coming in.
  23. >Part of you wanted to joke with your captor, that the daily thorn in her side had been removed, but you figured she wouldn’t appreciate it.
  24. >Maybe if you did though, they might point out your humor to customers?
  25. >All you had going for you right now was your looks, and really, all that points to is hard labor, or…
  26. >Baser professions.
  27. >As it stood, you remained primed for any life outside this cage, but forbid if you kept some reservations still.
  28. >Regardless, it was a silly thought.
  29. >Your captor was currently in conversation with a type of pony you’d never seen before.
  30. >You didn’t know they could sprout both wings and a horn.
  31. >They seemed to converse naturally enough, so perhaps she wasn’t anybody special.
  32. >This world was so new and strange, questioning it from within your confines had proven to be a very worthless endeavour, though it did pass the time.
  33. >Often you and the others would leave the cages to get some exercise and defecate, but-
  34. >”It’s your lucky day, big guy.”
  35. >That’s odd, your captor had snapped you out of your daydreaming and spoke to you.
  36. >That doesn’t happen, like, ever-
  37. >She got real close to the cage, whispering harshly.
  38. >”You snap out of it and look presentable you gorilla, if Princess Twilight backs out of this now because you can’t keep your eyes focused I’m gonna beat you senseless.”
  39. >Huh.
  40. >So this was happening.
  41. >The mare looked over her shoulder, speaking nervously calm words.
  42. >”J-just a second Princess, seems the lock is a little rusty, heh…”
  43. >You wondered who needed the soothing more.
  44. >Obeying, you crawled from your sitting position and left the cage, resisting the urge to stretch.
  45. >Maybe, if you did, you could show off your muscle and cement the sale?
  46. >You figured this would be a happier occasion for you, but here you are so stuck in your own thoughts that-
  47. >A hoof firmly planted itself on your butt, pushing you forward.
  48. >”Aaand here he is! Big fella as you can tell, very obedient, doesn’t talk much, easy on the eyes, everything you want in a servant!”
  49. >Your captors dark, baggy eyes betrayed her all too-wide smile.
  50. >The purple pony clopped her hooves together.
  51. >”Ooooh, he’s perfect! She’s gonna love him!”
  52. >She?
  53. >”Aha, a gift? Princess, you are too kind to your friends. Now, allow me to get his papers in order, finalize some things, and he’ll be all yours till you transfer…”
  54. >Your captor’s voice faded into one of the backrooms as she looked for whatever told these ponies that you were another’s property, and you chanced a look to the cages.
  55. >Some held tearful gazes for you, other scowls, but you knew that scorn wasn’t directed at you.
  56. >They must figure you were going to be worked to death on a farm or something.
  57. >Maybe you were.
  58. >That didn’t matter so much to you right now.
  59. >You weren’t sure if you’d just retreated inward and gave yourself up to fate as a coping mechanism, but it was clear to you at least that your psyche had taken some sort of beating.
  60. >Maybe death at work wouldn’t be so bad, if you know you’d done your part.
  61. >Regardless, you didn’t feel safe enough to start freeing yourself from your mind yet.
  62. >The purple pony, this ‘Twilight,’ smiled up genuinely at you.
  63. >...
  64. >No, you wouldn’t try confronting those demons just yet.
  66. >The walk through this town of Ponyville was… strange.
  67. >Perhaps you were still reeling from the shock.
  68. >Some ponies seemed to stare as you and your current master passed.
  69. >Part of you wanted to think they were impressed with what they saw.
  70. >Maybe it was because this ‘Princess’ was walking with her own slave, but that seemed a silly thought.
  71. >A princess must have a whole legion of slaves at her call.
  72. >Ponyville didn’t seem so big to warrant a Princess, however… maybe she was visiting?
  73. >You really wanted to speak to her, but you hadn’t yet been spoken to, and you knew well enough from the auction house that a simple question can lead to… dire consequences.
  74. >Thankfully, you didn’t need to worry for very long.
  75. >”So! I’m sure you’re very excited to meet your new master, huh?”
  76. >Twilight looked up to your face from your side.
  77. >Most ponies only came up to a little above the normal human waist, and you were a bit above normal.
  78. >You hoped she wasn’t straining her neck.
  79. “... Yes.”
  80. >Twilight turned her face forward once more.
  81. >”That’s good! Now, they told me I shouldn’t ask, because apparently someponies like to change their servant’s names, but I don’t think Fluttershy would do something like that-”
  82. >Fluttershy.
  83. >”-so… what’s your name?”
  84. >Many things were giving you pause today.
  85. >You just assumed you’d be referred to as ‘slave’ or ‘servant’ as you had been, and hadn’t ventured anymore thoughts on it to keep your sanity, but…
  86. >”... Anon.”
  87. >Though you couldn’t see, Twilight chewed on her lip.
  88. >”Hmm… I-I guess you don’t have much you’d like to talk about, huh?”
  89. >Truthfully, you didn’t have much to talk about at all.
  90. >What did she expect, a retelling of your life story?
  91. >You’d been wordlessly plucked off the street one night and forced into slavery by little talking ponies, a seemingly increasing problem that no one knew about back on Earth as of the time of your kidnapping.
  92. >It wasn’t on the news, anyway.
  93. >The entire situation sounded so absurd that you would’ve told any human telling about it to fuck off, and yet now, the only ones who knew and understood were the ones enslaved.
  94. >This pony is apart of the machine that propagates this enslavement too, judging from her uninterest in the people you pass on the street.
  95. >What was there to tell her?
  96. >You wanted very much to grip your head in your hands now, to shake about until these new, scary thoughts left you, but you knew that’d reflect very poorly on yourself.
  97. >Out of the cage, into the world.
  98. >Keep it cool and you might reclaim some amount of normalcy in your life one day.
  99. >Twilight had stopped walking, concern on her face.
  100. >You hadn’t noticed.
  101. “... No.”
  102. “I’m… interested in meeting my new master.”
  103. >It’s a start.
  104. >Twilight seems a little placaded by this.
  105. >”O-oh! Well, I think you’ll like her a lot. She’s very kind to all the animals she meets, and I think she’ll really enjoy having you around.”
  106. >Twilight continued on about helping this ‘Fluttershy’ with feedings or something, but her words, and the manner in which she spoke them, threw you right back into your head.
  107. >She must’ve been referring to you as well when she said “animal,” and yet, there was no venom in it, no scorn against you in her words.
  108. >She took you to be a common animal.
  109. >Perhaps you’ll do tricks as well.
  112. >You were led to a cottage beyond what appeared to be the outskirts of Ponyville.
  113. >You figured this a little victory; you hadn’t met very many ponies in your time in this world yet, but this past hour had really shaken your foundations about your situation.
  114. >The cage was quiet and comfortable, insomuch that it was your own and you weren’t bothered.
  115. >You could stay in your head and romance the future, no one could stop you.
  116. >But now reality was here, and you had to face the music.
  117. >Twilight knocked on the door of the cottage and you took solace in the noise of the babbling creek just beyond the porch.
  118. >A subdued “oh!” could be heard from inside.
  119. >”Just give her a second, she’s… well, shy.”
  120. >After a few seconds, the door creaked open a peg, and a little yellow face peered out.
  121. >”Oh, hello Twilight, what brings you-”
  122. >Seemingly sated, she opened the door fully.
  123. >You met face to face with the pony you assumed was to be your master.
  124. >”Happy birthday Fluttershy!”
  125. >Twilight practically jumped from the ground.
  126. >”I know we usually wait till the party to give gifts, but I figured corralling a big guy like this to Sugarcube Corner might be, uh, a little hectic, heh.”
  127. >Fluttershy didn’t shrink away, instead, she flew up close, inspecting you with wide-eyed wonder.
  128. >”Oh my, Twilight, you got me a human? One so big too? H-he must’ve cost a fortune…”
  129. >Twilight beamed with pride.
  130. >”Sure did! G-got you a human, I mean. He normally would’ve cost a fortune, buutttt…”
  131. >Twilight winked.
  132. >”They’re cheaper when you’re a local, even moreso when you’re a princess. Besides, you can’t put a price on happiness, and I know how much you love your critters! I figured he could make a nice playmate for Harry.”
  133. >This pony owned other humans?
  134. >It also… irked you to hear how you were being second-handedly babied like this as well.
  135. >You were expecting hard labor at worst, but at least to retain some level of dignity by merit of maturity at least.
  136. >The way these ponies spoke to each other was very much unlike how your past captors spoke to slaves, even their fellow own.
  137. >Fluttershy did some circles around you, even inspecting your teeth at one point, and you suddenly felt very naked with just your loincloth.
  138. >Regardless, you untensed and let her ‘scout about’ as she saw fit.
  139. >You were in her hooves now, afterall.
  140. >”Ooh, he looks very healthy, Twilight. He must’ve been a recent arrival.”
  141. >Fluttershy rubbed her face against your face, making baby noises.
  142. >”You’re such a big boy, aren’t you? You’re gonna be so happy here, I just know it.”
  143. >It was very hard to not laugh at the position you found yourself in now.
  144. >Clearly, your perceptions of this world and your place in it were wrong.
  145. >”Aww, look at that! He’s smiling!”
  146. >She nuzzled into your neck once more, before looking to Twilight.
  147. >”Can he speak? Well, I guess that doesn’t really matter, but I know that most humans can-”
  148. >Twilight was quick with a response.
  149. >”He can! He seems quite shy however, though, maybe that’s just because this is all so new to him.”
  150. >Fluttershy looked at you expectantly.
  151. >Here was the moment you’d been thinking about for a month now.
  152. ”I’m Anon. It’s nice to meet you, master.”
  154. >Twilight turned you over to Fluttershy after that, taking some time to air out their pleasantries and finish up their small talk.
  155. >You were glad the spotlight wasn’t on you at this point.
  156. >It gave you time to think.
  157. >Your master seemed to be an animal caretaker of some sort.
  158. >Perhaps a veterinarian?
  159. >You chewed on a particular thought during this time.
  160. >Were you destined to just be a living teddy bear for this pony, serving simply to act dumb and offer hugs like a child?
  161. >Part of you thought this… less than noble for your position of servitude.
  162. >It shocked you to realize you’d prefer something more like working in a field.
  163. >Even if the work was harder and perhaps even deadly, you could be at peace knowing it was honest.
  164. >Being a living doll to be coddled felt… shameful, almost.
  165. >You were certain that your fellow slaves would shun you to know you ‘got off easy’ while so many others assumedly struggled, even if you knew you had no say in it either way.
  166. >Was this Fluttershy’s plan for you?
  167. >You hoped not.
  168. >Twilight had said her goodbyes, and you were alone with Fluttershy.
  169. >She approached with curiosity, betraying her namesake.
  170. >You supposed she doesn’t shy away from animals.
  171. >”So mister, you’re apart of the family now. I hope you don’t mind helping me around the cottage with the other critters. I know humans are almost as smart as ponies, so you’ll make a good fit in helping me help the others!”
  172. “Yes master, I’ll do as told.”
  173. >Fluttershy pouted, brushing a hoof against your loincloth.
  174. >”Hmm… You’re gonna get real cold around winter with just this. Maybe Rarity can make you some thicker clothes for when winter rolls around, but I suppose it’s not an issue right now.”
  175. >You hoped your blush wasn’t too noticeable.
  176. >It was very hard to resist stepping back.
  177. >You knew her intentions were pure, but it seemed ponies had little care for the bodily privacy of others.
  178. >Or perhaps that only applied to humans.
  179. >”Well, let’s show you around the cottage so you can get a lay of the land. I’m sure the other critters will be so excited to meet you!”
  180. >”This is the living room of course. Oh, well, I’m not sure how you lived back where you’re from, but here, we use this room to, um, generally relax. It also connects all the other, more functional rooms.”
  181. “I know what a house is, master.”
  182. >A brief sense of shock washed over you.
  183. >Had you spoken out of line?
  184. >You weren’t asked a question- something was being explained to you in fact.
  185. >Were you about to be beaten?
  186. >Fluttershy didn’t seem to be the type to do that, but if she’s a farmer specializing in animals of some sort… it wouldn’t be out of the question.
  187. >Her face lit up with a look of surprise.
  188. >”Oh, you do? That’s wonderful! Honestly, I was kinda wondering how to explain such concepts since they’re so natural, heh… I guess we take these things for granted, since they’re so commonly known.”
  189. >”Just a look around will do then.”
  190. >You were taken through a cozy kitchen, a strangely modern-esque bathroom, and up the stairs to a little bedroom.
  191. >”Oh my, I don’t have a bed for you… Well, I suppose you can just sleep with me for now.”
  192. >A coy look fell onto Fluttershy’s face.
  193. >”We’ll always be warm if we cuddle.”
  194. >... Perhaps you’d be doing more than just feeding rodents.
  195. >That was a thought to worry on for another time.
  196. >After this came the introductions to the animals.
  197. >All of the animals.
  198. >There are four little mice scurrying through the walls and up specially made stairs throughout the cottage at any one time.
  199. >You weren’t sure about the birds, but you saw at least five bird houses scattered throughout the interior of Fluttershy’s home.
  200. >You’re sure you even saw a snake, retreating from view before the pegasus could… make it stare at you and pretend to say hello.
  201. >You assumed (and dearly hoped) it wasn’t venomous.
  202. >The thought of living here was becoming more and more of a mental hassle.
  203. >This continued on outside, and you realized just how daunting of a task feeding all these creatures must become everyday.
  204. >You lost count of their total number after 50.
  205. >Chickens, weasels, dogs, cats, so on and so forth.
  206. >You were left with the question of ‘why?’
  207. >This pony desperately needed to get laid.
  208. >”And finally, there’s a very special animal I want you to meet...”
  209. >You hadn’t the time to meet this animal it seemed, as a fucking bear had emerged from the treeline.
  210. >Cursing internally, you jump into action in front of your master, spreading your arms and puffing out your chest.
  211. “M-master! You need to run!”
  212. >Fluttershy… giggled at your shaking form.
  213. >”Aww, Harry isn’t gonna hurt us. He’s the special animal I was referring to!”
  214. >...
  215. >Harry quietly approached and sniffed at your crotch.
  216. >Fate is surely laughing at you.
  217. “... He’s Harry?”
  218. >Fluttershy giggled again, trotting up and rubbing the bear’s side.
  219. >”He sure is, aren’t you big guy? And he likes you too! How wonderful…”
  220. >Harry stared up at you with oddly curious eyes.
  221. >You wanted to scream when he got up on his hind legs, wrapping his paws around your shoulders, licking at your face.
  222. >”So cute!”
  225. >Your first of many jobs was to feed the chickens.
  226. >You’d been shown into the basement where the majority of the assorted pet foods were.
  227. >Each had been embroidered with their respective animal by the purveyor, much to your ease.
  228. >You scatter the feed about the pen, the chickens clucking happily.
  229. >Fluttershy hums a little tune beside you, doing the same.
  230. >The newfound quiet gives you some time to reflect.
  231. >It seemed the majority of your work would be this everyday: simple chores.
  232. >That wasn’t so bad, and you were sure you’d be called upon to do more as the situations arose, but…
  233. >Just seemed quite tame for a slave, you supposed.
  234. >You understood that you were a gift, probably more for show than function, but it still seemed odd to you.
  235. >Fluttershy looked over at you.
  236. >”Something wrong Anon? You seem tense.”
  237. >The noise makes you jump.
  238. “S-sorry master, I’m fine.”
  239. >She approaches you.
  240. >”You don’t seem all that fine to me. You seem nervous.”
  241. >Her voice maintains a quiet disposition whilst remaining in a manner you can only describe as ‘sing-songy,’ as if she could belt out a ballad at any time, yet chooses not to.
  242. >It’s melodious and sultry and you cannot describe how it puts you on edge.
  243. >That, paired with her inquisitive nature and apparent lack of understanding personal space, made you incredibly nervous.
  244. >But you felt you had to maintain a level of coolness, lest you slip up and break down.
  245. >You hadn’t realized just how much you were repressing until today, and you hadn’t been building the necessary mental walls to shield it.
  246. >What would she do if you were to snap?
  247. >She gets up into your face again, scanning your eyes.
  248. >You see obvious concern, but feel as though you can’t trust it.
  249. >You were not as well prepared for being a slave as you thought.
  250. >”Please, Anon, you can relax around me. My job is to make sure all my animals are safe and happy.”
  251. >There was that word again.
  252. >You wanted to be upset by it, and maybe somewhere deep down you were, and that anger was building up, but you knew it was hopeless.
  253. >Fluttershy stayed looking into your eyes for a few more moments, reading your silence, before breaking away.
  254. >”Just you wait till tonight mister. Momma will give you so many snuggles, then you’ll see.”
  257. >It was onto the otters now.
  258. >Fluttershy told you she was thankful that she didn’t have to put the fish in her mouth anymore to give to them, now that she had you and your “lovely hands.”
  259. >You didn’t know they were such a bonus to these ponies.
  260. >”Once we finish up here, I think we should give you a bath and head into town. I’d love to show you off to my friends. Twilight’s really outdone herself, I’ll have to give her something extra special when her birthday rolls around.”
  261. >The prospect of a bath sounded lovely.
  262. >You were sure she’d use warm water too.
  263. >That’s something they didn’t do in the auction house.
  264. >Though, with how she thinks you’re just an animal, would she be allowing you into the bathroom?
  265. >You assumed so, considering she was going to let you sleep in her bed.
  266. >That makes you a house slave you guessed.
  267. >That’s higher on the slave pecking order than a… non-house slave, right?
  268. >Maybe you needed to reevaluate what it means to be a slave in this ‘Ponyville.’
  269. >It seemed they didn’t have the same system as the one you learned about when you were younger.
  270. >After washing your hands in the stream, you followed Fluttershy back into the cottage, and into the bathroom.
  271. >Fluttershy wasted no time in removing your loincloth, much to your embarrassment.
  272. >Her eyes stayed put on your manhood for a second before fluttering over to the faucet, running it hot.
  273. >You should’ve guessed that you wouldn’t be doing this alone.
  274. >”Come along now Anon, just hop into the bath and I’ll make you all clean and nice.”
  275. >You obeyed, relishing in the warm water as it rose around you.
  276. >You kept your hands tucked in your lap, trying to retain some level of privacy.
  277. >While *you* knew that you could bathe yourself without hassle, Fluttershy either didn’t, or didn’t care, wanting to care for you like the rest of her animals.
  278. >She rubbed some nice sudsy shampoo into your hair, and you remember briefly just how lovely being clean felt.
  279. >A little part of you considered how this may spike that persistent dread you’d been feeling, but surprisingly, that consideration goes no further.
  280. >Perhaps with time, and frequent reminders like this, you’ll be able to cool your thoughts.
  281. >For the first time in a very long time, you feel yourself relax.
  282. >Apparently, the change was overt enough for Fluttershy to take notice.
  283. >”Oh my! You’re really enjoying this, aren't you big guy?”
  284. >You brave further introspection, trusting in your situation to be a safe space of sorts.
  285. >Clearly, you have not prepared yourself for the role of servant like you’d thought.
  286. >You’d romanced your position and your future, and you’ve been dealing with the consequences of your weak fortifications crumbling as reality set in throughout the day.
  287. >This… isn’t necessarily cause for alarm.
  288. >Technically, you’re still in a better spot than those in the auction house still holding onto their rebellious desires for freedom.
  289. >But you’re still more or less at a base level of foundation in acceptance of this new life.
  290. >Clearly you have questions that need answering, though even you are unsure of them at this point.
  291. >Could you trust your master to help?
  292. >Would that be taken as a sign of poor ability to her?
  293. >How many times could you mess up before Fluttershy had enough of you?
  294. >If there’s one thing you’re sure of, it’s that you don’t want to be returned to the auction house.
  295. >A small rush of water down your face gently brings you out of your thoughts.
  296. >You’d keep ‘bathtime’ in mind for the future; it seemed a good place to take a step back and reevaluate things, especially when someone else was doing all the work for you.
  297. >How unslave-like.
  298. >Fluttershy repeatedly filled a cup with warm bath water, washing the sweet vanilla shampoo out of your hair.
  299. >Conditioner of a similar scent is up next.
  300. >You sink deeper into the tub, letting out a sigh which apparently your master found adorable, judging from her giggling.
  301. >”You certainly like the attention, huh? I’ll keep that in mind mister.”
  302. >You hum in agreement.
  303. >”You know, there’s lots of humans around Ponyville, but I’ve never really had the chance to learn about them. None of my friends own any besides Applejack, but they’re always so busy…”
  304. >Fluttershy peers down at you, head almost slipping beneath the waterline.
  305. >”... would you like to meet other humans?”
  306. >A question’s been directed at you, lazing dolt.
  307. >Get your act together or you might pay for it!
  308. “I- um… yes.”
  309. >Fluttershy pouts, studying your face.
  310. >”Hm. You’re a little shy, huh?”
  311. >You were?
  312. >Is that the proper vibe to give off as a slave?
  313. >Shyness usually equates to quietness, and quietness usually equates to obedience, and-
  314. “... Do you want me to be?”
  315. >Fluttershy opened her mouth, but no words came.
  316. >She chewed on a thought for a second.
  317. >”I want you to be what you are, Anon. Just because you’re one of my pets doesn’t mean I want you to disregard your nature.”
  318. >Her tone is as motherly as before.
  319. >”If you’re naturally shy, that’s fine. I know what it’s like. If you’re still just nervous, that’s okay too. But I hope you can see there’s nothing to fear around me, in time.”
  320. >”All I want is for my animals to be happy.”
  321. >... Your mind still fought with itself on whether or not you could trust her, but…
  322. >You felt a bit more at ease now.
  323. >Maybe a lifetime of caring for animals had made her into a natural slave owner, and she could handle another being dropped into her care like it was nothing.
  324. “... Have you ever had animals just given to you like this before me?”
  325. >Fluttershy nodded, filling the cup up once again.
  326. >”Oh, of course. Many times. Sometimes a pony will come to me, telling me about an injured birdie near their home, or a filly will come with her parents about a python that got too big for them to care for properly. They all acclimate quick enough, and I’m sure you will too.”
  327. >Great, so there were dangerous snakes around here.
  328. >Hopefully Fluttershy has them as properly trained as she says.
  329. >It also dawns on you that you’d just asked a question without being permitted to, and, surprisingly, had not been reprimanded for it.
  330. >Perhaps Fluttershy wasn’t a harsh master.
  331. >Nothing you’d experienced so far pointed to that.
  332. >It was a relieving revelation.
  335. >You were steadily feeling better about things as you walked alongside Fluttershy, flying gently at head level.
  336. >She used the opportunity to stare at you, studying your features more, and giggling at your embarrassment.
  337. >You’d never been atop such a pedestal before, let alone for so long.
  338. >You pulled slightly at the thick collar around your neck, giving yourself some air from the heat in your cheeks.
  339. >Being an ascended crazy cat lady had it’s perks for Fluttershy, you supposed.
  340. >Ample amounts of collars and leashes.
  341. >She spent a considerable amount of time picking the two out of your, mumbling to herself about how “Rarity” would be “peeved” if she chose poorly, and launch into creating new ones on the spot.
  342. >Fluttershy seamlessly angled her body about, wings guiding her through the town by muscle memory it seemed.
  343. >This must be a very good friend.
  344. >You caught many looks from the ponies in the Ponyville market.
  345. >You figured (and hoped) it was because you were wearing next to nothing.
  346. >Most of the humans out and about were given at least what appeared to be like short robes, probably kept tight in hopefully off-chance that they might use looser clothes to conceal weapons or stolen food.
  347. >Meanwhile, you felt more akin to a streaker.
  348. >Maybe all slaves had to do this sort of ‘walk of shame’ until their masters thought them fit for the reward of clothes.
  349. >You remarked to yourself at how… normal it all seemed.
  350. >Mares haggled for goods, or laughed with each other at tables; the humans all taking a silent, almost statuesque vibe.
  351. >Some even talked and laughed alongside the ponies that owned them.
  352. >Must’ve been more broken-in.
  353. >You don’t know what you were expecting, you guess.
  354. >Obviously the ponies weren’t inherently evil- torturing slaves out in public for their amusement or something, but…
  355. >You shook off the thought.
  356. >Perhaps some ponies were cruel to their slaves, be it in private or in public, but at the end of the day, you all did cost a lot.
  357. >What good would it do to buy a car, just to crash it?
  359. >”Hello! Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and- Oh! Fluttershy dear, how are y- Oh!”
  360. >Poor girl couldn’t get a sentence out.
  361. >”Rarity, I’d like you to meet Anon, my newest pet!”
  362. >The genuine excitement in Fluttershy’s voice only slightly took away your distaste at hearing that term again.
  363. >Rarity’s curled mane bounces as she approaches you, a measuring tape already in her magical grip.
  364. >”My my my! He is a specimen indeed, but one like this must’ve cost a fortune!”
  365. >You master blushes.
  366. >”Oh, I’m sure he was… Twilight gave him to me as an early birthday present. I really hope she wasn’t just trying to spare my feelings when she said she got him for a deal…””
  367. >Rarity nods knowingly, adopting a coy grin as her tape flies about your person, making mental notes all the while.
  368. >”That mare will steal my Element right out from my hooves if she keeps setting the bar this high. I’ll have to truly spoil you this year then.”
  369. >Fluttershy had already begun pleading with her friend with her humbleness, speaking of how she didn’t need any presents really, but Rarity wouldn’t hear of it.
  370. >It shocked you how easy these unicorns could multitask.
  371. >You’d seen unicorns come and go from the auction house, so the fact that they could do magic at all was… less shocking these days, but it was as if they didn’t even need to concentrate.
  372. >As Rarity chatted with your master, you watched as a nearby human mannequin was slowly transformed into… well, wearing clothes.
  373. >”... Then consider this little outfit just the beginning of my gifts for you, Fluttershy!”
  374. >With a spark, the outfit is complete.
  375. >”I don’t bother with stitching pieces like these, you see. They’re simple enough that magic alone can do the trick.”
  376. >Rarity brings the robes over to you; they’re similar in design to what you saw the other humans wearing, but the color is more in-line with Fluttershy’s coat.
  377. >... It looked comfy, at least, even if rather short for your tastes.
  378. >”Try this on darling. I’m sure the measurements are fine, but I’d like to see how it makes you shine!”
  379. >You glance a look to Fluttershy, who nods back with a smile.
  380. >It’s a simple enough design, really, no more than a bathrobe, but without much of the fluff those usually bring.
  381. >Beats your ragged loincloth anyway.
  382. >You tie the sash at your waist in a loose knot, doing a little spin for your audience.
  383. >”Oh Rarity, it’s delightful.”
  384. >Rarity laughs to herself.
  385. >”I’d give nothing less to you and your human, darling. Now, is that all you came by for? I’d imagine you’ll want to give him something thicker for when wintertime rolls about, no?”
  386. >Fluttershy nods.
  387. >”Then consider it done! Such things aren’t so easily made however, so I’ll need some time, but-”
  388. >The unicorn’s gasp made you jump.
  389. >”Good heavens dear! His collar doesn’t bare your name, or even your cutiemark! What if, Celestia forbid, he were to be lost!?”
  390. >Rarity didn’t even give her the chance to speak.
  391. >”Tut tut, not another word! I’ll start on one right away! Please, swing by later on and I’ll give you a collar fit for a thoroughbred!”
  392. >You could feel Fluttershy’s embarrassment as her friend trotted off upstairs.
  393. >It seemed she did live up to her namesake, but only with her own kind.
  395. >You had to admit, you felt a lot better leaving the Carousel Boutique than you did entering it.
  396. >It’s a wonder what a good cleaning and new clothes can do for morale.
  397. >Now, with clothes more chaste and a shiny new collar--pink as your master’s mane and adorned with three little butterflies--you walked with a surer step.
  398. >That is, until a pegasus nearly crashed into you.
  399. >”Hehah, sorry there big guy-”
  400. >The pegasus looked up at your master from her spot in the dirt.
  401. >She bolted up in an instant.
  402. >”Fluttershy? Since when did you have a human? Are you watching him for somepony else or something?”
  403. >Apparently this one hadn’t yet taken notice of the collar.
  404. >Y-your pride was not hurt, no.
  405. >”Hello Rainbowdash. Um, not since this morning. Twilight got him for me, and we were just coming from Rarity’s to get him some warm clothes, isn’t that right mister?”
  406. >You couldn’t hold back giggling as your master cuddled against your barrel.
  407. >She *was* quite cute, and you hadn’t been beaten or something yet…
  408. >Maybe you really had been overthinking things?
  409. >”Wow! Twi got you a slave like this!? This guy could be in the races with legs like those!”
  410. >Fluttershy snuggled deeper into your chest at her words.
  411. >Should you be holding her right now?
  412. >That might be a break of decorum.
  413. >”Oh, I don’t know… I heard those races are… messy. Besides, I only got him today…”
  414. >”Messy? Nah Flutters! The races are as clean as they come! They’re funded by the Wonderbolts, I watch em’ all the time.”
  415. >”I-I meant moreso when the humans aren’t racing…”
  416. >Rainbow must not have heard her friend, because she wouldn’t stop gushing about these ‘races’ and her favorite runners.
  417. >”You should SEE Soarin’s best slave when he’s on the track! You’d think he was flying, but he’s not!”
  418. >”It’s really starting to become a big thing. I heard Spitfire’s even got into talks with the Royal Engineers about building a proper stadium for them!”
  419. >You kept your face in what you figured was the respectable monotone a slave should retain, but this news was all very… interesting.
  420. >Not that you wanted to compete.
  421. >Labor was one thing, but Olympic stuff?
  422. >Such things were better watched than trained for, you figured.
  423. >Still, you had to admit that you felt some level of pride in hearing humans… ‘getting stuff made’ for them.
  424. >Some of the people out there must be doing great work.
  425. >Rainbow seemed to have finally caught up with her own words.
  426. >”-honestly I’m not sure why Spitfire doesn’t have a human of her own yet but-... I’m kinda rambling here, huh?”
  427. >Fluttershy nods meekly, her face almost entirely covered by her mane.
  428. >”Heheh, sorry about that… it’s just like, this big new thing! Might have to get a human of my own and compete, yaknow? I’d be the best Wonderbolt, and I’d own the best human!”
  429. >Rainbow paces about in place, doing little circles.
  430. >”You know what, I’m gonna go check out the auction right now! Catch ya later Flutters!”
  431. >And, as quickly as she came, Rainbow was gone with her namesake trailing behind her.
  432. >You and Fluttershy looked at each other.
  433. >”... Did any of that sound interesting to you?”
  434. >You slowly shake your head no.
  435. >Fluttershy sighs, relieved.

Pony Supremacy Thread Fluttershy Story (WIP, Indefinite Hiatus)

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[FR] Flightschool Reunion

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[FR] In The Changeling Hive

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[FR] Mother Knows Best (Complete)

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[FR] Short - Fluttertube

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