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[FR] Short - Fluttertube

By slep
Created: 2022-03-13 03:20:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >You fumble with the tripod stand.
  2. >This part was definitely your least favorite of the whole process.
  3. >In the past, you might’ve said it was the editing you disliked the most, on account of how time-consuming it was alongside your newbie skill.
  4. >Thankfully, streaming has negated that aspect entirely!
  5. >You could interact with the viewers in real time too, which was a treat.
  6. >Certainly got you more bit donations too, which, while not what you were doing this for, were appreciated.
  7. “Ooh, darn thing… There!”
  8. >Had to keep your voice down, especially so late at night.
  9. >You definitely didn’t want to go waking your target up either.
  10. >Not yet, anyway.
  11. >With the tripod leaning lopsided on the grassy knoll right outside Anon’s front door, you strap your HoarsPhone into the holster and move to turn your stream back on.
  12. >You’d long since started the stream back while you were at the cottage; it gave time for viewers to roll in while you got yourself set up properly.
  13. >By now, they were used to the waiting room.
  14. >The chibi dancing bunny gif you’d had looping disappears, and you appear once again in frame, illuminated by Anon’s super helpful security light.
  15. “O-okay we’re back, hello again Flutterbunnies!”
  16. >You hoped your chat loved the cute name you’d given them.
  17. >That_Flowergal: deadstream deadstream
  18. >Rares4U: You got set up in expert time darling! You’re getting good!
  19. >bruhburn: stupid ass name show us anons dick already
  20. >spikerodriguez2007: pony get ipad lmao
  21. >You loved reading the chat.
  22. “S-so, as you can see, we’re set up outside Anon’s house again tonight. I’d wanted to come a bit earlier, but he’s taken to sitting out on that chair over there with a bat as of late, s-so I figured maybe waiting…”
  23. >You trail off, staring off at the nearby folding beach chair.
  24. >One of the cons of streaming was filling the dead air, but you liked to think you were getting better!
  25. “Um… s-so yeah, first thing’s first, we’re gonna check out the cool new upgrades Anon added to his door!”
  26. >Turning the camera toward the door, the whole tripod is pulled over to you with your tail.
  27. >You knock it down once or twice in the process, the thud blowing out the phone speaker.
  28. >7r1x13_P0w3rfu1: get a fuckign horn or some friends with one u stupid featherbrain the tripod sucks dick use ur harness cam
  29. >Apple_J_Jack_SweetAppleAcres_331Applelane,Ponyville EQ: Shut your flank bonehead, nothin wrong with good ol earthpony technology.
  30. >X_DaRk_SwEeTiE_X: rip headphone users
  31. “Sorry, I hope that wasn’t too loud. Oh, wow! Look girls!”
  32. >You cradle the padlock in your hooves, looking over the steel for a manufacturer name.
  33. “Anon really went all out this time! Oh, this is such a treat! A Canterlot Clydesdale Series 3000 Masterlock!”
  34. >Rummaging through your saddlebags off-screen, you present your trusty DIY ‘lockpick.’
  35. “These are Clydesdale’s newest line of padlock, and honestly, a really great choice to deter anything from thieves to home invaders.”
  36. >With a hoof firmly planted up against the door, you slide your shim into the space between the steel arch and try wiggling it into the locking mechanism.
  37. >With any luck, you may not even need to rake the keys!
  38. “However, as with all Series 3000 Masterlocks, they all have the same oversight…”
  39. >Finding your hoof alone to not be doing the trick, you go silent to work the shim directly with your mouth.
  40. >Big Trouble, Little Filly: You’re costing Anon a fortune paying for new locks every night.
  41. >SweatyTeats: stfu normmare
  42. >After a bit of tonguework, the main bulk of the padlock clatters onto Anon’s welcome mat.
  43. >You clip-clop your hooves together in glee.
  44. “Yay! See, if you know what you’re doing, you can get these puppies apart in no time.”
  45. >As you slide off the first rung lock, a few more catch your eye.
  46. >Particularly the dead bolt.
  47. “Oooh~ Nonny’s gone all out this time.”
  48. >You slide yourself up against the door, forgetting you’re live and streaming.
  49. “Momma likes a challenge, though. Don’t you worry, sweetie. I’ll get to you soon enough.”
  50. >spikerodriguez2007: hot
  51. >partyanimal: Go get ‘em Flutters!
  52. >hands_slut: shes gonna soup on his doorstep before she even gets inside lol
  53. >Sugarlump_Supremacy: Wouldn’t be the first time.
  54. >spikerodriguez2007: @Sugarlump_Supremacy asl
  55. >The remaining locks are dealt with quick enough, leaving only that pesky dead bolt.
  56. “Gah… I-I wish Nonny stopped buying new doors. I really hate having to do this…”
  57. >As you line your hindlegs up with the door, an amazing idea strikes you.
  58. >Chat interaction!
  59. >You plop yourself down on your shapely, plump yellow pony rear.
  60. “F-flutterbunny army! I’m gonna have my mods make a poll real quick. Should I go through the front door, or try some of Anon’s windows?”
  61. >Happily, you watch as the poll appears above the chat; your viewers discussing the pros and cons of each choice.
  62. >[MOTHER]: Window is the best choice. If it’s open, then you can get in silently. If it isn’t, it’ll still make less noise than the front door. You can get through it before Anon can even get out of bed.
  64. > The former’s most unwise, while the ladder may yield quite the surprise!
  65. >hands_slut: go thru the front door lol
  66. >GlitterFlitter: @hands_slut implying her weakass bucks can break down a door. she has 2.3 wingpower btw
  67. >You bite your lip, eyes darting back and forth on camera.
  68. “M-mods, ban GlitterFlitter.”
  69. >D4dDyD1sC0rD has permabanned GlitterFlitter.
  70. >With the troll dealt with, the stream seems to have decided on the window.
  71. >Fine by you, they were making some pretty good points after all.
  72. “O-okay, window it is! Just let me…”
  73. >You fumble with the phone, slotting it into your harness chest cam and folding up the tripod for now.
  74. >Chat always really seemed to like the POV the chest cam provides anyhow.
  75. >partyanimal: WOOOO FLUTTERBABY CAM!!!!!!!
  76. >That_Flowergal: its like i really am her foal
  77. >spikerodriguez2007: This Is Fucking Awesome
  78. >Capitalizing on chat’s happiness, you can’t resist just barreling through Anon’s window.
  79. >Which you do.
  80. >The camera sees nothing but darkness as you throw yourself through the glass, ending up on your side among the shards.
  81. > Holy shit
  82. >hands_slut: its time
  83. >Already you can hear Anon yelling from upstairs.
  84. >He’d gotten used to abrupt wake ups like this.
  85. >You clamor up onto your hooves, readying your wings.
  86. >It was chat’s favorite part of the stream.
  87. >The Confrontation.
  88. >Taking flight, you’re already halfway up the stairs as Anon swings open his bedroom door, poking his nude body out from the doorway.
  90. >Chat must be eating up the view.
  91. >Celestia knows you are.
  92. “P-ponies can’t watch the stream during the day, Nonny!”
  93. >Anon slams his door shut before you can connect with him.
  94. “Always such a tease…”
  95. >He screams at you from the otherside.
  97. “W-we can sleep together!”
  98. > has donated 5 bits!
  99. >A text-to-speech voice robotically purrs out from your phone speaker.
  100. >”Anonymous, please obey! Let Fluttershy through your doorway. Surely your terrors will end, if you give into her love, and do a little horseplay.”
  102. >Nonny had really taken a disliking to your whole ‘IRL streaming of courtship’ stuff.
  103. >Maybe you should try speedrunning?
  104. >hands_slut: break into the bedroom already we barely got to see his cock
  105. >Midnight_Gaming: We agree. A better view of his cock and balls is required. Do so, and we shall donate vastly!
  106. >You paw at the door, losing spirit fast.
  107. >This had all gone bad!
  108. >Usually, you’d at least be able to get into his bedroom without waking him!
  109. >Sometimes you could sneak it, steal a blowjob, maybe a quick kiss and some nuzzles, and you’d be gone before he even woke up!
  110. “Oooh, I-I’m sorry Flutterbunny army, but I think this stream may end early… We may have lost our chance.”
  111. >F-Hole: Terribly sorry, but this is Anonymous’ neighbor. May I request you to please rape Anon quieter? Some ponies are trying to sleep.”
  112. “... Mods ban F-Hole.”
  113. >D4dDyD1sC0rD has permabanned F-Hole.
  114. >”Your camgirl stream is gonna turn into a fucking snuff film if you try getting into my bedroom.”
  115. >Darn… Seems like this night really is shot after all.
  116. >You sigh, puffing out lower lip as you once again begin setting up the tripod.
  117. >Turning on Anon’s hallway light, you plop yourself down infront of your camera set up once again.
  118. “Well, Flutterbunny army, I guess we’re not gonna get to see Nonny’s privates again tonight… I got too excited with the window and spoiled my chance…”
  119. >Immediately after saying that, 3/4ths of the viewers disconnect.
  120. >They must’ve needed to sleep.
  121. >Sugarlump_Supremacy: Why stream on Ponehub if there isn’t even any sex?
  122. >Rares4U: Spoken like a true normmare, I must admit. This stream is about the thrill of the hunt. For me, the sex is just the icing on top.
  123. >SweatyTeats: so true
  124. >Apple_J_Jack_SweetAppleAcres_331Applelane,Ponyville EQ: Prolly cause you don’t get none either lmao @Rares4U
  125. >Rares4U: stfu mudpony
  126. >You hate seeing the chat fight…
  127. >If only there was a way to fix all of this…
  128. >As you idly read the proceeding flamewar in your chat, the idea hits you.
  129. “O-oh! Flutterbunnies! W-we’re already in Anon’s house, right? W-we’ve never done an entire stream in here!”
  130. >Anon calls out from his bedroom “YOU’RE STILL HERE!? LEAVE ALREADY!”
  131. >That_Flowergal: home invasion stream home invasion stream
  132. >7r1x13_P0w3rfu1: go find his dirty laundry
  133. >You giggle, nudging the tripod down the hallway toward Anon’s bathroom.
  134. >Maybe tonight wouldn’t be a failure after all.

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