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[NSFW] Sunset X Flash Sentry Chapter 1: Memories

By BGfan
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-14 15:46:58
Expiry: Never

  1. “Speaking.”
  3. ‘Thinking.’
  5. {Phone}
  7. [POV Flash Sentry]
  9. It was a clear sunny day in the City of Canterlot, the perfect weather to go to the local park and have some fun, or in one young man’s case some time to relax. ‘This was a good idea.’ Flash Sentry thought to himself as he sat on a park bench. ‘Just sitting here and watching the day go by.’ Flash had been feeling a rather stressed lately for two reasons, first the girls at his school have been becoming more aggressive lately in their sexual advances. He had gotten the occasional wink before and once or twice a girl would look away with what he presumed was a blush on her face. But recently almost every girl he came across would tease and try to temp him by pretending to drop some thing of make lewd gesture with a sultry look on their faces. ‘Or were they always like that.’ He thought to himself again with some doubt as a frown formed on his face. ‘Why is it so hard to remember?’ This was the second reason for his stress, he has been having trouble remembering certain things. He would remember things one way but moments later he would remember things another way. Like the lockers at school, he remembered that they used to be green but for some reason he also remembers them always being pink. ‘Why is that? Were they green before I started high school or was it before Celestia became the principal?’ These thoughts along with the constant advances have but him on edge so he decided to spend some time at the park to try and unwind.
  11. Ring ring, ring ring. “Popsicles! Enjoy a nice cool popsicle!” Flash turns his head towards the voice to see a man ringing a bell on a cart with pictures of popsicles on the sides. “A popsicle does sound good; I wonder if he has grape?” He indeed had grape. After purchasing his flavor of the frozen treat, he made is way towards a nice shady spot beneath a tall tree some distance away from both the bench that he was sitting on and the popsicle vendor. Sometime later he was halfway through the popsicle when he heard the familiar sound of platform heels walking on concrete. “Sigh. I knew this wouldn’t last forever.” Flash then looks in the direction of the sound and spots the familiar pink and yellow locks of his ex-girlfriend Sunset Shimmer. ‘Or was it Slutset? I think I heard some of the other girls call her before.’ She is an impressive 7 ½ feet (228 cm) tall (with heels) but the heels probably add and extra half a foot (15cm) with lightly tanned skin. She had cyan colored eyes with pink eyeshadow on her eyelids, her big fat lips seem to always be puckered ready to plant a kiss on any who gained her affect or approval had pink lipstick applied on them, and her massive pink and yellow going all the way down to her ankles with her heels being the only reason it did not drag on the floor. But by far her most eye-catching features were her massive beachball (maybe larger than that) breast and ass which were barely contained by the meager light cyan cloth wrapped around her chest that only really hid her nipples and a opaque pale yellow skirt that simultaneously covered the entirety of her ass and nethers but hid nothing, and beneath that was a thin orange thong that dug into her always partially moist lower lips and some brought more attention to her two prominent rear cushions whenever they weren't covered by her hair. “She sure has changed since we first met." He says aloud to no one in particular. As he watches the massive beauty make her way to the same popsicle cart he had bought from earlier; her breast bouncing with every step and her wide hips swinging from side to side causing her butt to peak out from under her hair, he began to remember the first real interaction he had with the tall beauty.
  13. [Flash Back Start]
  15. [Canterlot Highschool, beginning of Flash Sentry’s Junior year a phew months before the Fall Formal.]
  17. Flash Sentry was at his locker getting ready for his next class. “Notebook, pencil, book… yep, that’s everything.” “Hey, your Flash Sentry right?” Flash turns to see who had asked and sees that it’s none other than the Infamous Sunset Shimmer. ‘She wasn’t so stacked back then, or was she?’ The memory of Sunset then changed from a well-endowed but still modestly proportioned a dressed girl to a staked and scantily clad bombshell. ‘No, she was always stacked but she was definitely smaller back then.” She was 5ft 9in (about 180cm) with red and yellow hair that went down to her butt. She wore red lipstick with some light blush on her cheeks and eyeshadow and had a pair of green hooped earrings. She wore an open black leather jacket over a dark violet tube top giving a giving a good view of her cleavage and leaving her whole midriff exposed showing off a light blue bellybutton piercing. An orange miniskirt just barely covered her privates with her toned legs bare to the world ending in a pair of violet and black high heels.
  19. “Yeah, that’s me.” Flash responds before closing his locker and turning his full attention to the girl. “And you’re the infamous Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset had a bad reputation around the school gained from the many underhanded acts she had committed since her freshman year. “Good you already know who I am so we can skip the introductions. Now for the reason I’m here, do you have a girlfriend?” The bold question caused the boy to raise an eyebrow. “No, I don’t have one. Why are you asking?” His answer caused Sunset to smirk, she then proceeds to put her hands on her hips, puff out her chest and proudly declare: “In that case congratulations cause I’m your girlfriend now.” The sudden declaration shocked Flash causing him to step back with his back almost hitting his locker behind him. “And why should I be happy about that? You aren’t exactly the first person I would pick for a girlfriend, what makes you so sure I would agree?” His response clearly upset her, her smirk turning into a frown and her eyebrows lowered pulled closer together with her hands remaining on her hips. “You want a reason why?” Flash nods at her question. “Okay then, follow me.” She didn’t give him much choice as she grabs him by the arm pulling him along with her. “H-hey stop pulling! Where are you taking me?!” Flash asks as he tries to stay on his feet. “Somewhere we won’t be interrupted.” Was all she said.
  21. A minute later they arrive at their destination, a pink room. ‘The pinks rooms they were added during the summer, right? Something about helping students relive stress.” Not a moment latter Sunset opens the door and pushes Flash inside. Everything inside the room was pink, the bed was pink, the chairs were pink, the floors, walls, ceilings all pink. ‘Seriously, why pink? Some other colors would have been nice.’ He almost falls over but manages to regain his balance. “Hey what’s the bi-.” His out rage is cut off as Sunset once again pushes him, this time onto the bed. “Open your pants.” She demands as she takes of her jacket before throwing it on one of the chairs. “Huh?” Angered by his braindead response Sunset grabs hold of his pants and repeats. “Didn’t you hear me? I said open your pants.” Not giving Flash a chance to comply she quickly undoes his belt and open his pants then pulls them down to his knees revealing the boy’s boxers. “Hmm not bad.” She utters while eyeing the modest bulge in his boxers. ‘Never thought that would be the fir- wait was it the first?’ Flash Sentry’s mind begins to bring up images of past times that women saw, and latter handled his penis. First it was his mom after his first erection when puberty hit, then his doctor during his first physical, and several times during his first two years of high school whenever he was pent up. ‘A lot of girls were happy to give me a quick BJ whenever I needed one. But none of them really clicked with me, reason why I was still single I guess.’ Before he could utter a response Sunset pulled down his boxers and began to stroke his flaccid penis.
  23. ‘She was good even back then, not as good as some of the older women but she was definitely better that all the other girls in our grade.’ It didn’t take long for her to get Flash’s cock fully erect. “Not bad Sentry, certainly bigger than some other nimrods I know.” “Not that this doesn’t feel good but how is this supposed to convince me to become your boyfriend?” At his question she looks into his eyes with confidence and responds. “You’ll find out in a moment.” With that she places her tongue at the base of his shaft and gives the whole length a long lick sending shives of pleasure up his spine. She then licks around the cock’s head before wrapping her lips around it and proceeds to give it a quick suck before taking its length into her mouth and down her throat. With practiced ease she bobs her head up and down sucking the length of his shaft occasionally going back to lick the head before going back down, one of her hands massaging his testicles all the while. Flash could not bring himself to say anything. Many girls had pleasured him before, but Sunset blew them all out of the water. She was either naturally gifted or had A LOT of practice because within ten minutes he could feel himself reaching orgasm. “S-Sunset! Urg I-I’m close!” Was all he could utter. But instead of pulling back and finishing him off with her hand like he thought she would, Sunset movements instead speed up and her sucking increasing in strength. Flash wasn’t so focused on how good he felt he would have noticed the look of hunger in Sunset’s eye. Then with a grunt Flash releases his load in Sunset’s eager throat and she proceeds to happily drink his seed.
  25. About a minute later Sunset finally removes her lips from Flash’s now limp penis with and audible pop. She then licks her lips scooping up a small amount off semen that leaked out of her mouth. “Thanks for the treat Sentry, I hope this little show off skill persuaded you to accept my offer?” Still in a daze from the best blowjob he had ever had up to that point he simply nods to her question. “Great! Then I hope you don’t have any planes this Friday because well be going on our first date then understand.” Still in a daze he once again simply nods. “Good then I expect to see you after school so you can walk me home.” She grabs her jacket from the chair she tossed it on earlier and makes her way to the door, but before going through she turns her head back to him and says: “See you then lover-boy.” She then blows him a kiss and walks out closing the door behind her. Flash takes a moment to regain his senses “That was just… wow.” But fore he can say anything else the bell rigs signaling the beginning of class. “Oh crap, I’m late!” Now panicked and in a hurry, Flash quickly pulls up his pants and boxers, attempting to make himself presentable as he rushes out to the room towards hiss class.
  27. [Flash Back End]
  29. [Canterlot City Park Flash Sentry POV]
  31. A wet thud breaks Flash from his memories. “Aw man.” The sound being part of his popsicle that had melted off while he was lost in his memories. Sigh “Should I get another one?” He looks up and in the direction of the popsicle vendor only to see Sunset Shimmer with a popsicle in her hand looking back at him. ‘She’s looking straight at me. Maybe I should say.’ Instead of a vocal response he simply waves at his ex-girlfriend. She the happily waves back. ‘I wonder if she’s going to… wait what is she doing?’ To his surprise and mild arousal Sunset began to sexually lip and suck on the tasty treat even shoving the whole thing down her throat before pulling it back out. A small streak out juice falls down the corner of her mouth before falling onto her breasts. She’s giving him the bedroom eyes and he knows exactly what she wants. ‘Crap, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid.’ He then gives her an apologetic smile and takes off in the opposite direction of Sunset. After a short sprint past some trees, he stops to catch his breath. Deep breath “Okay! That’s enough fresh air for one day, time go home.” Thus, Flash Sentry went home for the day, while trying to get the images of Sunset sucking him off again out of his head.
  33. [Slutset Shimmer POV]
  35. She watched in disappointment as her former (and hopefully future boyfriend) ran off across the park. “Did I come on too strong.” Ever since she had embraced her new self, she had found old feelings resurfacing stronger than ever. She had originally started dating Flash Sentry for the popularity but as time went on, she had developed some small feeling for him and after her reformation at the hands of Twilight and her friends she had begun to feel guilt over using him like she did. However, after the events at camp Everfree a spark of hope had been ignited in her heart when he had expressed interest in giving their relationship another chance. “But now he’s practically avoiding me.” Since the camp she had tried multiple times to entice him in hopes of reigniting their relation ship but every time he always just scampers off, she was beginning to think that he didn’t find her attractive. “But I won’t give up so easily.” She reaches into her breast and takes out her phone. “Time to try something a bit more direct.” She calls one of the numbers on speed dial and after two rings someone picks up. “Hello Mrs. Morning? It is Slutset. I wanted to ask if you still had any of those package coupons?” “{Why yes dear I believe I still have one ore two lying around somewhere. Why? Have someone special in mind.}” At the question, the image of her in her Geisha uniform servicing Flash popped into her head. With a dreamy smile she responds. “Yes, they certainly are special.” “{giggle. In that cases I’ll make sure to have one by your next shift.}” “Thanks Mrs. Morning you’re the best!” With that piece of good news, she begins to make her own way out of the park with a happy spring in her step, eagerly awaiting her next workday.

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