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Tiny Greens: A collection of small greens for various threads on /mlp/

By NotAWriterAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-18 00:44:00
Expiry: Never

  1. A collection of tiny green texts i made from various threads
  4. Yandere Ponks list for Anon
  6. >Pinkie gives you a list shortly after the first "incident"
  7. >Its titled "Pinkie Pies silly rules for a fun and laughter filled relationship"
  8. >Underneath the title it reads "To my specialist special somepony, Anon ~ <3"
  10. >Rule #1. Do not share "Pinkie Pies silly rules for a fun and laughter filled relationship" with ANYPONY
  11. >Rule #2. Always be happy. :)
  12. >Rule #3. Never be sad. :(
  13. >Rule #4. ALWAYS go to every single party that Pinkie hosts. If you dont have time, make time!
  14. >Rule #5. Always eat whatever Pinkie makes for you
  15. >Rule #6. Always make sure to tell Pinkie how good her cooking is
  16. >Rule #7. What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen.
  17. >Rule #8. NEVER forget that Pinkie is only tough with you, because she LOVES you
  18. >Rule #9. Do not talk to any mare that Pinkie has not approved you to talk to
  19. >Rule #10. Dont go anywhere without letting Pinkie know first
  20. >Rule #11. Always do what Pinkie says without silly questions
  21. >Rule #12. Do not talk to anypony about our very special relationship
  22. >Rule #13. Dont forget that broken Pinkie promises can result in broken bones
  23. >Rule #14. NEVER EVER IN A MILLION BILLION YEARS EVER forget how much Pinkie Pie loves you~<3
  25. >"Failure to follow these super fun rules can result in a sad and heart broken Pinkie Pie as well as a REALLY sad and BROKEN Anon :("
  28. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  29. Yandere Celestia meets Anon
  33. >Celestia yearns for Anon to be by her side
  34. >Never in all her life has she felt a connection to any living thing like the one she feels with Anon
  35. >He was unlike any creature she had ever laid eyes upon
  36. >He is truly unlike anything of this world
  37. >When Her and Anon had first met Celestia knew all this to be true
  38. >The way he looked at her, the he way he spoke to her, the way he tenderly held her hoof when initiating a "hand shake" as he called it.
  39. >Their meeting had ignited a fire inside of her that she had never felt before
  40. >The fire warmed her heart and soul and all she could feel was bliss when she was next to Anon
  41. >It felt like a hole she didnt even know she had had been patched
  42. >Everything she had done till this moment had been for her subjects
  43. >But from now on, its for Him
  44. >Celestia would make sure everyday in Equestria was perfect all for Anon
  45. >Anything he wanted, she would supply
  46. >He gave her this sublime feeling and that was worth anything
  47. >When Anon had started to leave the castle with Celestia's pupil and her friends she had felt something replace the warmth
  48. >A terrible feeling, a mix of envy,, anger, and fear
  49. >It was agony not feeling his presence near her
  50. >She knew she had to make him hers
  53. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  55. Pokemon cards
  57. prompt: >No she's for trading Pokemon cards.
  59. >You and Rainbow Dash are currently at your house for your weekly Rainbow and Anon hangout
  60. >This week was the sacred trading of the pokemon cards, Yeah they got those here, who would have guessed? where both you and Rainbow bring out each of your collections and barter for selected cards
  61. >At least thats how it was supposed to go, but lately its just been Rainbow Dash hounding you for your prized foil charizard and you saying no repeatedly
  62. >"Cmon Anon! I will do anything for your charizard!"
  63. "No way Dash, he is not for sale."
  64. >This causes Rainbow to bite her lip nervously as the possibility of finally owning a charizard is slowly leaving her once again
  65. >However while you were putting away your pokemon cards after another failed trade session, Rainbow Dash has a sudden burst of genius
  66. >"Duh! Why didnt I think of that sooner!" she exclaims proudly.
  67. >You turn around to see what had caused Rainbows sudden outburst
  68. "You say something Ra........"
  69. >Rainbows face is now suddenly only a few inches away from yours
  70. >Her eyes are half lidded and she has what can only be described as a seductive smug grin plastered on her face
  71. >"You know Anon, I meant it when I said I will do anything for your charizard. And I meant anything."
  72. >Rainbow puts both of her hoofs on your shoulders preventing you from pulling away as she brings her face ever closer to yours
  73. "D-Dash! W-What are you doing?! This isnt RGRE, we cant do this!" You barely speak out before you are assaulted with the most sloppy tongue "kissing" your face has ever known
  74. >Dash was now mercilessly licking your face all over covering it in her saliva
  75. >Has nopony ever told her what a french kiss was you think to yourself.
  77. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  79. kinderquestria
  81. Dash and Anon
  83. >Anon is the toughest, most hardcore creature in all of Equestria
  84. >Many ponys are in awe of him
  85. >Especially a certain rainbow maned pony
  86. >Rainbow Dash is obsessed with impressing Anon
  87. >She is always performing tricks mid air and bragging about her achievements in order to get a reaction out of this tough as nails human
  88. >At first it started out as proving to Anon that she was his equal if not better than him, but slowly she began to enjoy hanging out and performing for Anon
  89. >Rainbow slowly began to emulate Anons life style, or at least she tried
  90. >Rainbow would try her best to suppress her tears whenever she got an "owie" in front of Anon
  91. >She would also skip official designated nap times with Anon as well
  92. >However more often than not she would fall asleep anyways and find herself napping on Anons lap
  93. >Rainbow had even started to eat those nasty green "vegetables" that she would find on her plate every now and then
  94. >of course that was only if she was eating food around Anon
  95. >Acting like a tough pony with Anon was actually kinda fun
  96. >Anon must have been impressed with her strength and determination because now he carries her around in a front chest harness
  97. >Kind of like how a noble night pony rides on the back of a fearsome dragon in fairy tales when you think about it
  98. >This was definitely a sign of Anon acknowledging Rainbow as his equal and best friend
  99. >Together the two were an unstoppable team of friendship, justice, and awesomeness
  101. >Be Anon
  102. >You had just had a wonderful idea
  103. >If you carry Rainbow Dash around in a baby carrier she cant hurt herself/someone else performing her air loop de loops
  104. >She also tends to fall asleep when you carry her around like this which means you can sit down and enjoy reading your book as soon as she does
  105. >Having to babysit Dash was starting to get kinda tiring, but at least she made cute noises while she slept, and that never failed to put a smile on your face
  108. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  110. RGRE
  112. Anon herds with Indigo zap, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust
  114. >It was tough getting your herd to not murder each other
  115. >You look back to the good old days when your herd got along
  116. >Those good old days being only 30 mins after your herd had officially became a thing
  117. >As soon as your herd had reached 31 minutes of age however, some pony had the bright idea to ask who was gonna be the alpha mare
  118. >Then all hell broke loose
  119. >You now shudder remembering those good old days
  120. >The things I do for love.
  121. >Anyways....
  122. >Now you and your herd mate Indigo Zap are watching your other two herd mates performing at a wonder bolts show in Ponyville
  123. >You loved watching those two fly
  124. >Despite their bitter rivalry, they performed really well together
  125. >If only you could get those two to get along on ground as well as they do in air
  126. >One day....
  127. >While contemplating your herd you feel a hoof slowly slither its way onto your lap
  128. >Its steadily making way to the snake that you hide inside your pants
  129. >just as the tip of the hoof reaches your zipper you place your hand on it stopping any further progress towards freeing the beast within
  130. "Not here Indigo, to many ponys around."
  131. >"Come on Anon! I promise it wont take long, I just want to touch it a little!"
  132. >Of all your three herd mates, no pony enjoyed getting to second base more than Indigo
  133. You sigh, "No Indigo, someone might see us, just sit back and watch the show."
  134. >"Oh come on Anon! They are all to busy watching the show to notice! I promise my hoof will be in and out!" Indigo now looking more determined
  135. >You give her a stern look to show her that your serious and quickly the determination is switched with annoyance
  136. Putting on a reassuring smile you speak out to her "I promise Indigo, when we get back to the house we will have some fun, just try to hold out till then, Ok?"
  137. >Indigo lets out a sigh and rests her head on your lap still looking annoyed "Ugh, fine! I dont care anymore. You dont have to promise anything Anon, im sure your just gonna be busy paying attention to Rainbow and Lightning like you always do."
  138. >That one remark had really hit hard
  139. >She was right and you knew it
  140. >You did pay more attention to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust
  141. >Not because you choose favorites or anything, you love all your herd mares and would never choose one over the other
  142. >You gave more attention to them because they were always at each others throats
  143. >Almost everyday they would argue or compete about something or another
  144. >And It would always get out of hand if you didnt supervise or mediate whatever dispute they were currently having
  145. >You wanted to lay down the law badly, you wanted to set rules, you really just wanted everyone to get along, but you were just to much of a fucking pussy to intervene in such a way
  146. >You were terrified, terrified that if you had said the wrong thing or made it seem like you were picking a side it would result in the herd breaking up
  147. >Because of your inability to manage your herd Indigo was suffering
  148. >Hell, they were all probably suffering because of you
  149. >Most of Dash's and Lightning Dust's disputes stemmed from them trying to prove who was more worthy to be the alpha mare and who was a better fit for you
  150. >Despite your constant reassuring that they were both perfect in your eyes they both still insisted on being more perfect than the other
  151. >God were you pathetic
  152. >A rigorous grinding on your crotch had quickly pulled you out of your self pity party
  153. >Indigo was digging as far into your crotch with her face as much as your pants would allow her to
  154. >This fucking pony
  155. >The occasional audible inhale accompanied her rigorous rubbing
  156. >You look to the crowd sitting around you, thankfully they all had their eyes to the sky watching the show in wonderment
  157. >Ok Indigo, Ill let you have this one
  159. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  162. RGRE
  164. Anon gets sent to Duelquestria
  167. >Be Anon on regular human bean earth
  168. >Currently being challenged to a duel by some prick that hopped out of a nearby alleyway who is dressed up in an edgy weird hoodie trench coat outfit
  169. >Your willing to bet he has a fedora on underneath that hood, and he also is probably hiding a katana somewhere
  170. >You have seen some autistic outfits, but this one is pretty fucking ridiculous
  171. >Especially since he is wearing a cheap plastic duel disk that he probably bought from the now deceased Toys“R”Us
  172. >Though usually you would tell this fag to get bent, you dont being that you never back down from a duel [spoiler]especially since you have your perfected OTK deck on you currently[/spoiler]
  173. "I accept you challenge fedora lord! Just know that I wont be an easy win!" You say in your best protagonist imitation voice
  174. >You unzip your backpack and withdraw your own duel disk loaded with your deck of cards
  175. >Your's is a thousand times nicer and better looking than his being that yours is custom made out of nintendium, and is hand painted by little children artists that reside in the far east
  177. >A strange purple fog of unknown origin starts floating around the ground in your general vicinity
  178. >Wierd
  179. "Yeah ha ha funny references, now do you got a coin so we can flip to see who goes first?"
  180. >"Yeah one moment." Captain trench coat reaches into his pockets and pulls out one of those shiny little plastic pokemon coins you see occasionally at your local card shop, "Heads or tails?"
  181. Now it all comes down to this moment to see who wins. "Heads!" you shout
  182. >The nasty little man flips the coin and it lands on the ground
  183. >"Ha ha! Tails!"
  184. >Fuck, guess your gonna have to wait for his turn to be over to mop the floor with him, oh well.
  185. >The duel begins and the mysterious neck beard proceeds to mop the floor with you on his first turn
  187. >FUCKING DAMMIT! Who would of guessed he also had an OTK deck?
  188. "Fine you win this one! Best two out of three!" you yell
  189. >"Not so fast fuck boy! I won the duel so now your soul is going to the shadow realm!
  190. >As he says this, the strange purple mist starts to wildly attack you and obscure your vision
  191. All you can do is yell "What the fuck!?" before you are strangled by the gropey mist
  192. >You lose consciousnesses and where you wake up is anything but the purple grape world you were expecting
  194. >You are Anon again, and you got sent Equestria!
  195. >Actually you got sent to Duelquestria!
  196. >No not really. You actually got sent to RGRE Duelquestria!!!
  197. >Its the same as regular Equestria, however everypony plays yugioh with the more old school cards for some odd reason, and stallions are generally considered to be weaker duelists
  198. >You didnt learn that these small creatures played gods game until the purple one had asked about the weird contraption on your arm
  199. >You explained to her that it involved a hobby at home, you removed your cards from your duel disk to show her what you were talking about
  200. >As soon as you did however, you could see stars light up in her eyes and this prompted her to retrieve her own deck that was somehow stored in her mane
  201. "Huh, neat."
  202. >Thus begins Anon's adventure in RGRE Duelquestria!
  204. >Next time on "Anon gets sent to Duelquestria"
  205. >Rainbow gets pissed at Anon because he, a colt, beat her in one turn, and she cant seem to win against him
  207. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  209. RGRE
  211. Rainbow asks Anon to go to the Spa
  214. >"Happy birthday Anon!"
  215. >Dash hoofs you a little cyan colored rectangular box ornamented with a rainbow bow
  216. "Oh wow Dash thanks! You really didnt have to!"
  217. >"Oh please Anon! I wouldnt be your number one sister from another mister if I didnt get you something for your birthday!" Dash proclaims proudly
  218. "Please Dash, you will always be my number one FRIEND."
  219. >Rainbow winces a little as you mention the word "friend"
  220. >"Haha....yeah, glad to hear it Anon haha. Well anyways are you gonna open it or what Anon!?"
  221. "Oh right!"
  222. >Carefully undoing the rainbow fabric clamping the lid of the box to the base, you lift the lid to inspect the contents of your gift
  223. >You fish out two pieces of paper that read "Ponyville Spa Five Star Premium Day Pass"
  224. >"I know how you colts loved to be pampered, so I figured I would get you one of those premium passes to the Ponyville spa! The treatment you can get with these bad fillys is AMAZING.......or so I hear...."
  225. >Though you never really were one for having your body felt up by strangers you still appreciate the thought behind Rainbow's gift, and you figure trying something new for once couldn't hurt much
  226. "Wow Dash I dont know what to say! This is an amazing gift!"
  227. >You open your arms wide and go in for the hug. She eagerly accepts and stands on her hind hoofs to more comfortably meet your embrace. After a few moment pass you break the hug much to Dash's dismay.
  228. "However I think you might have made a mistake, you bought me two for the same day instead of just one." You raise up the two vouchers so she could see what you meant
  229. >Dash's cheeks suddenly become a shade darker and she rubs the elbow of her right forehoof "Well...uh...thats so you can take somepony with you when you go...."
  230. "Oh I see, cool."
  231. >You bring your hand to your chin and begin to contemplate. Do you even know anypony that would want to go to the spa with you?
  232. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
  233. >"So uhhh any ideas on who your gonna ask to go with you Anon? Rainbow asks nervously
  234. "Cant say im to sure on who to ask, I guess I could ask Rarity, this seems like her kind of thing anyways."
  235. >"RARITY!? Come on Anon! She would be whining the whole time you guys are their! Dash huffs "OH, THAT WATERS TO COLD, YOUR NOT USING ENOUGH LOTION, THIS TOWEL IS TO HOT" Dash says in her best imitation of the prissy white pony
  236. You chuckle at Dash's spot on Rarity imitation "I guess your right, what about Twilight?"
  237. >"Yeah maybe if you want an actual history lesson about the origins of every tiny little thing they do their instead of actually enjoying the spa!"
  238. "How about Fluttershy?"
  239. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes "Good luck getting her to go, she already goes once a week with Rarity, and if you try to get her to go more than that she complains about how its "To much stimulation." or some sort of bs like that!"
  240. >Odd that she would know that
  241. "AppleJack maybe?"
  242. >"Anon, by the time you get her off the farm and into the spa, the whole place will be getting ready to close."
  243. >Your starting to see a pattern here
  244. "Pinkie Pie!" you shout excitedly
  245. >Dash just glares at you with a look of disapproval that says more than enough about your suggestion
  246. "Heh alright, point taken. Man, I guess I dont really know anypony that would be a good choice to take to the spa with me. I guess I will just have to go by myself." You let out a fake sigh and with this Rainbows ears fall flat and she adopts a saddened expression "I mean I would ask you to go with me, but your probably to marely to g-" before you could even finish your sentence Rainbow flys up to you and quickly snatches one of the vouchers from your hand
  247. >"YES!!!" Rainbow blurts out ecstatically, but then back peddeles to a more cool and collected tone, "I mean I guess I wouldnt mind going to the spa if its with you Anon."
  248. "Sweet Dash, Im looking forward to it. I guess I will see you their tomorrow!
  249. >"Its a date!" she says eagerly, yet she suddenly recoils realizing what she had just said "N-not like in th-that way! Not in like a date where you and me spend the day together e-even though it is kind of like that...W-Wait! Not what I meant! Its like a date in like a time and place with you and me a-and....uuuhhhh"
  250. >Dash continues to fumble over her words and feelings for a good while until you turn away and begin walking home
  251. "All right Dash! I will see you tomorrow, dont be late!" you holler back at her
  252. >She snaps out of her stupor and quickly replies "Y-yeah! See you there Anon!" She quickly takes off into the air towards her cloud house and you swear you can hear a loud squeeing like sound accompanying the sound of her take off.
  253. "Huh, never took Rainbow for a spa pony."
  255. >Insert a green about Rainbow Dash and Anon going to the spa
  256. >Rainbow keeps getting flustered in front of Anon when ponys at the spa keep on mentioning that shes a regular
  257. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  259. RGRE
  261. Anon gets taken by pirates
  263. >Its dark, way to dark to see
  264. >You can feel a very acute sharp pain in your ribs that makes itself apparent with every breath you suck in
  265. >You dont remember much
  266. >All you can remember is that you were riding an airship to see your special somepony perform a very special wonderbolts show in Griffinstone
  267. >She doesnt know that you were gonna be there to see her fly
  268. >You had wanted to surprise her with your pressence after her show
  269. >So as soon as she had left, you booked the soonest airship flight to Griffionstone
  270. >The last thing you remember was that you were peacefully napping on the deck of the airship
  271. >Then the Airship stopped suddenly
  272. >And then somepony screamed "Bandits!"
  273. >Some of the pegasus ponys started flying as far away from the ship as they could
  274. >A tiny little griffin in a pirate hat had came up to you and told you to get in line with the other stallions
  275. >You smiled, lifted up your sunglasses, and ruffled the feathers on her head
  276. >But then something blocked out the sun
  277. >And then you got gut punched by a giant fucking yeti also wearing a pirate getup
  278. >Fuck
  280. >Be Anon
  281. >And you have just been kidnapped by sky pirates
  282. >Unfortunately these pirates arent all ponys
  283. >They are EVERYCREATURE bandits
  284. >No not the student 6 fortunately/unfortunately
  285. >Real fucking bandits
  286. >It seems this band of pirates is mostly made up of griffins, yet they also have some diamond dogs, a couple ponys and zeebs, and a lone giant yeti like fuck made of nothing but bulk and fluff. You think it was called a storm beast or something
  287. >Twilight would be proud that all these creatures were able to put aside their racial differences in order to come together and form a diverse group of bandits that go around abducting males
  288. >Fortunately/Unfortunately this band of pirates are made up of exclusively women
  289. >You just hope that they arent [spoiler]rape pirates[/spoiler]
  291. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  293. RGRE
  295. Anon and Twilight meet the queen of the zeebs
  297. >"Ok Anon, before we meet with the Zebras, there is something you need to know."
  298. >Twilight looks to the left
  299. >Twilight looks to the right
  300. >Twilight takes a deep breathe. "They are chronic liars Anon! They will do anything to get into your human pants! Dont believe any of their lies about how tight their vaginas are! It's all just a ruse to try and steal you away from me- I mean Equestria! They just wanna take you away and force you to raise their foals! Those damn dirty zigg-"
  301. "Twilight, we are at the meeting table right now, and the Zebra matriarch is sitting right across from us.
  302. >"Anon you dont understand! Just because Zebra males on average have smaller penises, doesnt mean that Zebra mares have a smaller..."
  304. >While Twilight goes off on her zebra tangent you take the time to try actually do what your both sent here to do, and smooth relations with the zeebs
  305. "Im really sorry, she isnt usually like this."
  306. >The Zebra queen turns her attention towards you, "Dont worry about it sugar dick, Its only natural that she would feel threatened by how hot and tight my cunt is right now"
  307. You spit out the water you just so happened to be drinking at the time "Im sorry what?!"
  308. >"I had mentioned that I look forward to easing Pony and Zebra tension."
  309. "Oh yeah right, thats what I thought you had said, haha."
  310. >"And getting me some of that monkey dick"
  312. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  314. RGRE Sunset heat
  316. >Heat in EQGverse isnt as intense as it is in Equestria
  317. >Instead of it being an intense need to breed like in Equestria, Its more of a "Hey, stare at that guys crotch for an extended period of time." kind of feeling
  318. >Though its a nuisance, most girls wont force themselves upon a guy because of an intense need to be filled with baby batter
  319. >This isnt the case for Sunset Shimmer however, being that she was originally born as a pony and not a human, as well as the fact that she still has some original pony assets that didnt get changed when she came over to the human world
  320. >The only thing keeping Sunset from getting her fix of male essence is the shame and embarrassment she know she would feel if word got out about what she had between her legs
  321. >Her friends were kind and understanding when they had learned about her "situation", but that doesnt mean everyone else would show the same amount of compassion
  322. >Hell, if things went really wrong than she could end up becoming an outcast
  323. >An outcast that really needed to get filled up like there is no fucking tomorrow
  324. >Although all seems hopeless for poor Sunset Shimmer, there is a faint glimmer of hope
  325. >Anon, the alien tomgirl transfer student (transferd from Earth to Equestria to EQG to be precise)
  326. >From what Twilight had told Sunset, Anon came over from Equestria so he could lay low after some intense herd drama
  327. >When Sunset had asked Anon about it, he had said "Lyra was getting to be a bit too yandere'e." and "I will go back as soon as my head mare Bonbon gets her sorted out."
  328. >Though this had little meaning to Sunset at the time, now it takes on a whole new meaning
  329. >Anon is into ponys and pony accessories
  330. >Sunset is a human with pony accessories
  331. >Jackpot!
  334. //////////////////////////////////////////
  336. Kinderquestria
  337. Luna Celestia
  339. >>>>I've always thought the variant "Celestia and Luna are more mature than the rest of the ponies, but only to the level of teenagers."
  341. I like this idea. They both have a teenager mentality, but Celestia is just slightly more mature and less teenager like than Luna, or so it would seem.
  343. >"I told you Celestia, its not a phase! Anon is the only one who understands me! We are like two kindred beings, thrust upon a world vastly different from the one we once knew!" Luna shouts
  344. >>"Oh please! Have you ever even spoke to him?" Celestia retorts
  345. >"O-of course I ha-have spoken to him! W-we talk all the time his dreams! Yes, I speak to him all the time in his dreams!"
  346. >>"Stalking him in his dreams doesnt count as talking to him Luna!"
  347. >"Y-yes it does! I-I mean I dont stalk him! And what about you sister!? How do you care to explain the telescope on the balcony that your often looking through, and why it seems to always be pointed at Anon's house hmm?
  348. >>"I just want to make sure our resident alien is acclimating to Equestrian society without any trouble, my feelings for him are purely platonic I assure you." Celestia claims smugly
  349. >"Thats not what your diary says." Luna say with an equal amount of smug
  350. >Celestia's eyes widen at the word she had just heard leave Luna's mouth and she can feel her burn as hot as her own sun
  352. /////////////////////////////////////////////
  354. Anon's bathwater RGRE
  356. >Tfw these pony tubs are to small and arent really comfortable to bathe in for a human
  357. >Shit hurts your back to lay in and you cant get in a good position
  358. >Fortunately your good friend Fluttershy insists you come bathe at house being that her bath tub is larger than usual because of some of the bigger animals she has to bathe
  359. >Shit, as long as its not filthy with animal hair and grime, you would give it a shot
  360. >Take her up on her offer, and set up an appointment to use her tub
  361. >You show up to her house and she escorts you to the bathroom
  362. >Fluttershy took the liberty to prepare your bath ahead of time
  363. >The tub is filled with warm fragrant water that is pinkish in coloration
  364. >"Here you are Anon. I will leave you to your business. The towels are in the LEFT cupboard on the wall. Just let me know when you are finished and I will be right up. Enjoy your bath~! Fluttershy gleefully chirps as she exits the bathroom leaving you all alone
  365. >What a nice kind pony
  366. >With Flutters gone, you strip and take your first actually comfortable bath in months
  367. >After soaking for a while and purifying your body of all the filth you step out of the tub
  368. >You reach to the front of the tub in order to empty the water, however you only feel the smooth surface of the tub
  369. >Huh, now that you look at it, there is no spigot on the tub either
  370. >Must be one of those old fashioned tubs
  371. >You open the right cupboard on the wall in hopes of getting a towel to dry off, however much to your surprise the cupboard is full of empty canning jars
  372. >Ok thats kind of odd, but then again there are lots of odd things here in pony land so whatever
  373. >Trying the left cupboard, you find what your looking for and retrieve a towel
  374. >After having gotten dried off and dressed you call for Fluttershy
  375. >"Oh Anon, done already? How was your bath?"
  376. "It was great Flutters! I feel like a brand new man! I definitely owe you one!"
  377. >Fluttershy blushes a little and hides behind her hair "Oh, dont worry about it Anon, im just glad your happy. If you ever need to use my bath again, just let me know.
  378. "Oh hey, I noticed your tub doesnt have a drain. Did you need help dumping out all that water?
  379. >Fluttershy recoils at your offer "W-What!? Oh......uhhh.....its f-fine Anon! D-dont worry about it!" Fluttershy's eyes dart back and forth as her face becomes even more red
  380. "Are you sure? Its a big tub, and there is a lot of water in there. I would feel kinda guilty if I just left you to deal with my mess."
  381. >"O-oh no, really Anon its okay! I-I have to uhhhhhhh.......give Angel a bath soon, s-so I cant empty the tub yet!"
  382. "Uh, if you say so. Well thanks again Flutters, but I got some errands to run, so Ill see you around!" You say as you make your way out of her house
  383. >Fluttershy sees you off and as soon as you are out of sight, Fluttershy lets out a sigh of relief.
  384. >She makes her way up to the bathroom and removes one of the canning jars from the cupboard and fills it with the pink bath water
  385. >Heading back over to the kitchen, Fluttershy pours the pink water from the canning jar into a nearby tea kettle and puts on a lit stove burner
  386. >While the special water for her tea heats up, Fluttershy makes her way back up to the bathroom to begin bottling the rest of her product
  389. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  391. RGRE Confused Anon
  393. My green reply to
  395. (((( >>34052258
  396. >That pic
  397. I can just imagine the ugly-cry letter Twilight might write if she asked Anon out and was turned down, or they broke up.
  398. >Celestia gets a tear-stained letter in the middle of the night from her student detailing, in alcohol-fueled detail, that she had been dumped by the stallion she thought she'd be spending the rest of her life with.
  399. >She doesn't know what to do, feels like she's about to break, and needs Celestia to tell her everything will be all right like she used to when she was a little filly and she messed up a spell.
  400. >Celestia doesn't hesitate to fly to Ponyville and to the Golden Oaks library to comfort her student and dear friend.
  401. >She would very much like to have words with Anon, though deep down, she knows he's entitled to date and not date whomever he wishes.
  402. >That doesn't mean he won't find the sun rays over his house particularly warm this summer.
  403. >Hope he enjoys excessively high cooling bills.))))))))
  405. >Be Anon
  406. >Be exactly 11 days since you told Twilight you weren't really interested in attending her book club
  407. >You name this exact event because ever since then your life in Equestria has gotten a lot harder
  408. >You have been getting really bad mild sunburns
  409. >Your plants have been drying out despite how much you water them
  410. >The ice cubes in your drinks evaporate faster than usual
  411. >And worst of all, any time you try to eat ice cream outside it melts right away
  412. >Shit sucks man
  413. >You figure you probably contracted some sort of curse of something
  414. >You have tried talking to Twilight about it, but whenever you try to see her at her home your barred from entering by Spike
  415. >He used to be your best bro, but now whenever he sees you, he just looks pissed off at you
  416. >Did all those games of Rock, Paper, Scissors mean nothing to him?
  417. >You figured he was probably just grumpy about the loud wailing coming from inside the treebrary, but no he is definitely angry with you
  418. >You have tried asking your other friends about Twilight, Spike, and the curse, but they either get upset with you or they try to avoid the topic
  419. >What the hell is going on in this crazy horse land?
  422. Anons reply ( >Still be a confused Anon.
  423. >You're birthday is today, and you are looking forward to it more than usual.
  424. >A pinkie party is the perfect opportunity to finally start getting some answers.
  425. >There's no way all of Twilight's friends will miss it, and they won't be able to avoid you when you ask what's up.
  426. >You haven't gotten word from Pinkie yet about the details, but that probably just means it's going to be a surprise party.
  427. >You go out for a walk around noon, and return expecting a house full of ponies and decorations.
  428. >But it's just as hot and empty as you left it.
  429. >You wait around until near six, and are confused.
  430. >Pinkie never forgets a birthday, so what gives?
  431. >You go to Sugarcube Corner before it cloeses and approach the pink pony running the register.
  432. >You swear you see her smile falter and eyes narrow for a sec, but she looks like her normal self a second later.
  433. >"Hey, Anonymous, what can I get you?"
  434. "Um, nothing, exactly-"
  435. >"So you're holding up the line for nothing? You know we close in fifteen minutes, right?"
  436. "yeah, no, sorry, it's just... you know it's my birthday today, right."
  437. >"I know everypony's birthday, Anonymous."
  438. "And... you didn't throw a party, because..."
  439. >"Oh, wow, you think I should take the day off from work just to throw you a party? That's kinda conceded, you know."
  440. >She rolls her eyes, smile dropping as she reaches under the counter to pull out a cupcake.
  441. >It has a lit candle already and the words 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY" poorly written on top.
  442. >"Here, I made this for you yesterday. It might be kind a stale."
  443. >You look down at the sad confection, then up at Pinkie's dry expression.
  444. >You swallow thickly and take it.
  445. "Uh... T-thanks. And sorry for wasting your time."
  446. "Aha, sure. Happy birthday, Anon."
  447. >You leave, barely holding back tears as you stagger home.
  448. >The cupcake is cherry-flavored, your least favorite.))))))
  450. >Be sunburnt Anon
  451. >Your life had recently got flipped-turned upside down
  452. >Your not sure if it was a curse or a grievous misunderstanding that had caused the shit to hit the fan for you
  453. >All you know is that you have given up on going outside during the day in fear of getting sunburnt for like the millionth time
  454. >That shit causes cancer yo
  455. >Its also worth mentioning that a hand full of some of your closest friends had recently been avoiding you and acting strange
  456. >Pinkie didnt even bother to throw you a birthday party on your birthday!
  457. >That shit hurts yo
  458. >When you had told a few of your stallion friends about your situation, they had just scoffed and said "Mares" and then they took you out to get plastered for your after birthday party
  459. >That was fun at least and your glad the curse/misunderstanding doesnt affect anyone you would label as backgroundy
  460. >But still you would like to get to the bottom of this
  461. >You had already tried writing to Celestia about it, but the only response you got from her was a letter that only had two words on it "Go Outside."
  462. >Sure enough when you went outside you got a really bad sunburn on your neck
  463. >A lot of help that was
  464. >Fortunately you have ONE more princess you can write to
  465. >No not Candy Ass
  466. >The big moon horse
  468. >You enter your house after having just mailed your letter to Luna via night mail
  469. >Thank god for big tiddy goth bat mail ponys
  470. >You figure you might as well get comfy on your couch being that you finished all your night errands and all you can do for the time being is await Luna's Reply
  471. >Hopefully it wont take longer than a few days
  472. >You would really like to go outside without being burnt to a crisp again someday
  473. >Before you could even flip on the light switch to light up your living room a voice calls out "I have been waiting for you Anonymous."
  474. >A lamp across the room suddenly illuminates with a click and your able to see a large luxurious swivel chair in place of were your couch should be
  475. >You are unable to see the occupant of the large chair being that the back is turned towards you, but you are able to see the owner's large ethereal mane spilling out from the seat
  476. >You could only think of one person who would be sitting in that chair right now
  477. >And the answer is ghosts
  478. >You immediately turn around to nope the fuck out of your house, but the door magically closes shut
  479. >Oh fuck
  480. >This causes your fight or flight instincts to quickly kick in and you immediately curl up into a ball on the floor
  481. >Ghosts are scary as fuck
  482. "Ah fuck! Please dont rape me ghost horse!" you scream
  483. >This is it, your fucking dead. Cause of death: Ghost rape
  484. >The large swivel chair turns around revealing a blue night horse "Though we find it quite humourous Anonymous, we must ask you to cease with you joking around. We have come here regarding the letter that you have sent us!"
  485. >Oh shit its Luna
  486. >To be fair to your current condition you have only seen her like twice and you really didnt think she would respond so fast
  487. You quickly pick yourself up and dust off your clothes "Y-yeah joke haha......Wait I sent that letter like five minutes ago how did yo-"
  488. >"Yes and we have read it 100 times over, truly your situation is quite dire. To think an innocent helpless colt such as yourself would be subjected to such harsh and cruel treatment by the bearers of the elements and my own sister! I must say I am truly ashamed on their behalf! I mean what kind of pony fails to show up to another pony's birthday party? WHAT KIND OF PONY ABANDONS ANOTHER ON THE DAY OF THEIR BIRTH ANONYMOUS!?!" Lunas shouts at you with a deafening yell and you briefly consider curling back up on the floor
  489. >"But dont worry Anonymous, we share your experience and understand the pain of ponyless birthday parties and sunburns. We shall do everything in our power to make sure your unjust punishment is ceased at once and you are cleared of all false accusations of possible wrongdoing!"
  490. >Though your thankful for what you think might be help that Luna is offering your still plagued with one question thats eating away at you
  491. "Im really glad your gonna help me out Luna, but I was kind of wondering what happened to my couch?
  492. >"Such questions are not important right now my dear Anonymous! For now we must seek closure for you so that way you might not head down the wrong path in life like we once had." Luna hops off her swivel chair and positions herself so her chest is touching the ground. "Now, mount me Anon."
  493. "Umm are you sure this is necessary? Cant we just walk?"
  494. >"Nonsense Anon, we must be quick! It wont be long till I have to lower the moon and the horrid sunburns return!"
  495. >Though you would much rather walk to Twilight's and have Luna speak to her, you figure its best not to argue
  496. >You awkwardly sit upon moon horses back and she lifts up from off the ground with relative ease
  497. >Her sudden rise causes you to shuffle around in order to get into a more comfortable position on her back and this causes her to shudder a bit
  498. >"T-try to keep thy grinding to a minimum anonymous, at least for now."
  499. >Wut
  500. >"Now, for the first step in getting you the closure you so desperately need, we must figure out how to get back at my sister for all the constant sunburns that we have both suffered through!
  501. "Wait, Luna, cant we just go ask Twilight why-"
  502. >With great speed, Luna blast opens your door with a magic beam and flys out and into the sky with you clinging onto her for dear life
  503. >"Your right Anon! There is little need for overly-complicated devious plots! We shall face the fiend head on her own quarters right now! To Canterlot!" Luna rushes towards the castle with amazing speed and your certain you might not live through the night
  504. >But if you do happen to survive your certain of one thing, your gonna start up a book club and invite all the ponys in fucking ponyville because talking about a dusty old book for an hour beats whatever the fuck this is
  506. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  509. Your immortal yay!
  511. >Tfw Anon
  512. >But wait get this
  513. >Your Anon in Equestria
  514. >Wow
  515. >Everything is great
  516. >You get to go on magical adventures
  517. >Romance your waifu
  518. >The usual
  519. >However over time, things get bad
  520. >You begin to notice weird things happen
  521. >Wierd things happen to you that is
  522. >Your nails stop growing past a certain length
  523. >The same happens for your hair, beard, ect
  524. >You think nothing of it at first, but as you watch your wife grow older you begin to worry
  525. >You feel exactly the same as how you felt on the very first day you arrived in Equestria years ago
  526. >Twilight, Star swirl, and even Discord look into your condition, but they are unable to find anything out of the ordinary
  527. >Time passes and so does your wife, yet you remain the same
  528. >Her absence in your life is like a knife in your heart
  529. >Yet you remain strong for your children, and grandchildren
  530. >However nothing lasts forever
  531. >Except for you that is
  532. >Eventually they leave the land of the living as well
  533. >Yet you still remain
  534. >Enough is enough
  535. >You cant bare it anymore
  536. >You want to see your wife again
  537. >You want to see your precious little foals again
  538. >In a remote location in the Everfree you string up a noose and swing from it
  539. >As the last little bits of light leave your vision you feel a cold sleep take you
  540. >And then you wake
  541. >You wake up under the same tree you woke up under when you first came to this magical land
  542. >Fear overtakes you
  543. >You stand and examine the tree nervously
  544. >Your name was notched into the tree as well as your wife's
  545. >You remember you notched them there when she said yes
  546. >Shes still gone and your still here
  547. >You stayed underneath that tree for days until a certain purple alicorn came to get you moving again
  548. >She promised she would help you
  549. >She promised things would be okay
  550. >She promised she would be there for you
  551. >You had no other options other than to accept her
  552. >So you did
  554. //////////////////////////////////////////
  558. Yandere Celestia #2
  561. >Be the all powerful Sun horse herself
  562. >currently watching your most precious "pupil" prepare himself for his upcoming date
  563. >You will admit that you envy the mare who gets to sit across from your Anon tonight
  564. >But thats okay, he will be in your hoofs at the end of the night anyways
  565. >He will need somepony to comfort him after his heart is broken again anyways
  566. >Just like all the other dates hes been on it the past
  567. >The mare will either tell him flat out that its not working, or she will disappear without a word
  568. >And he will come back to the castle with his heart in shambles
  569. >And you will be their, with a bottle of wine in your magical grasp, and help him piece it back together
  570. >Just like you have orchestrated
  571. >A mare that can be bought off with just a bit of pocket change isnt worth Anon's time anyways
  572. >However its probably best for her well being that she takes the money, lest you have to resort to other means.....
  573. >But you digress
  574. >Tonight is going to be the perfect night for the both of you
  575. >Fortunatly you have made sure to learn from last times mistake and acquired a weaker wine this time
  576. >You have had trouble gauging his tolerance in the past
  577. >His tolerance is higher than that of the average pony, but its still considerably lower than yours
  578. >The last thing you want is a repeat of last time were he drinks himself uncouncious before your able to work your princess charm and help him realize his true feelings
  579. >Tonight is going to be the night he discovers those feelings as well
  580. >"Well what do you think?"
  581. >Anons voice causes you to break out of your dead panned stare into a smile as warm as your own sun
  582. "You look absolutely dashing Anonymous, except you have a little something right here." you motion to your own cheek with a hoof
  583. >Anon turns around and inspects himself in the mirror scanning for any imperfections
  584. >You take this time to sneak up quickly behind him
  585. >You reach over and give him a slight peck on the cheek with the tiniest hint of tongue
  586. >Mmmm salty
  587. "There is no need to keep on worrying about your appearance Anon, you look perfect."
  588. >Anon lets out a light chuckle and wipes his cheek "Thanks Celestia, your right. Im probably just worrying over nothing. Its just that it seems I can never make it past the second date, and I dont want tonight to end like the others." he says with obvious worry
  589. >Oh Anon, it will all be worth it in the end, trust me
  590. "Well I have a feeling tonight will be a very special one, you just go out there and enjoy your date with the lucky mare! I will have the guards pull a chariot to take you wherever you need to go."
  591. >Really just make sure Anon gets back to the castle all right and doesnt do anything stupid after his heart gets inevitably crushed
  592. >"Wow, thanks Celestia, but thats not really necessary. I could probably just walk there you know."
  593. You scoff "Nonsense, wouldn't want you to risk the chance of getting all dirty before your date would we? A lot of dust gets kicked up on the streets at this time of day anyways."
  594. >Thats a lie, the streets of Canterlot are considered to be some of the cleanest in all of Equestria, but you will say whatever it takes to make sure tonight is flawless
  595. >"Well if you insist..."
  596. "I do, and now if I were you I would be making my way to the chariot right now. Wouldnt want you to be late would we?" you say with a smug knowing grin
  597. >Anon looks outside at the sun
  598. >"Oh crap your right, I gotta get going!" Anon quickly grabs his bit bag from his dresser and right before he exits he waves to you "Thanks for everything Celestia! Ill see you later!" and with that, he quickly makes his way out of the room
  599. >After a few seconds have passed, you let out a sigh of relief and make your way towards Anon's laundry hamper
  600. >With all your royal duties for the day taken care of and Anon being on his "date" you have some time to kill
  601. >You begin to magic out a pair of the humans underwear from his hamper until you suddenly hear the doorknob of the room begin to turn
  602. >You release your grip on the underwear and immediately turn towards the opening door
  603. >Fury rises inside you
  604. >You have made sure to notify all the staff about the rules of entering Anon's room and how you are not to be disturbed while either one of you are inside it
  605. >Important confidential teacher-student things are discussed here
  606. >The door swings open and it's.......Anon?
  607. >"Oh good your still here! I forgot one thing!"
  608. >Forgot something? You didnt forget anything did you? You have tonight planned out down to the very last minute detail. What could Anon possibly be missing
  609. "Anon, what are you still doing here? Your going to be late!"
  610. >Anon quickly wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm embrace
  611. >"Really Celestia, thanks for everything. Thanks for giving me a place to stay and for always being there for me. You have done so much for me and I dont know what I could ever do to repay you."
  612. >You wrap your forehooves around him and eagerly return his hug
  613. "Speak nothing of it my dear Anon, anything for a pupil as dear to me as you. Now hurry along, somepony else is expecting you right now. Ill be here when you get back."
  614. >"Yeah your right, thanks Celestia."
  615. >Anon tries to end the embrace and pull away, however, you have yet to release your hold on him
  616. >"Uhhh you think you could....."
  617. "O-oh right, sorry about that."
  618. >You reluctantly release your hold on Anon and he makes his way towards the door
  619. >He waves you off a second time and leaves the room
  620. >You find yourself already missing the humans comforting warmth, but thats okay
  621. >After tonight you will be able to hold that human for all of eternity and the old gods help whoever tries to take him from you
  623. /////////////////////////////////////////////
  625. Kinderquestria
  627. Celestia's sleepover
  630. >Celestia sends you a letter inviting you to spend the night at Canterlot Castle
  631. >She finally has some time off and she says she wants to spend it "hanging out" with you
  632. >She has sent most of the castle guards home and Luna is away taking care of moon things so you both essentially have the castle to yourselves
  633. >Says the both of you can order some pizza, drink some tea, and read some saucy books while "relaxing" on her bed
  634. >Oddly enough the letters also mentions that you should bring some pyjamas that you can easily get out off
  635. >You set the letter down and consider your options
  636. >Its definitely an alluring offer, and you definitely wouldnt mind spending some relaxation time with one of the two adorkable princess's
  637. >Espically if there is pizza involved
  638. >HOWEVER you already told Twilight you would go to her book club tonight and you dont really wanna skip out on her
  639. >Espically since you are the only other member besides her
  640. >Most kinder ponys arent really big on books with lots of words and no pictures
  641. >Speaking of Twilight, she is currently magically tugging on your pant leg in order to get your attention
  642. >"Anon! The pre-book club meeting is about to be-" Twilight pauses when she notices the letter you had placed on the table "Is that a letter from Celestia!? Oh please Anon, you have to let me read it!"
  643. >You had her the letter and she picks it up with her magical grasp
  644. >You swear she reads it in less than 5 seconds because she immediately drops the letter and looks to you with stars in her eyes
  645. >"A sleepover at the castle! Oh Anon can we go please please please please?!?!" Twilight is about to explode with excitement
  646. "But what about book clu-"
  647. >"Anon!" Twilight looks at you with a deadpanned expression "Eating pizza and reading books with the princess is way more important than some dumb club!"
  648. >Cant really argue with that you suppose
  650. Be Celestia
  651. >Your assistant had just informed you that your guest has arrived and is waiting for you in the lobby
  652. >You thank her and giver her the rest of the night off
  653. >Quickly, you squeeze into your ill-fitting "special pyjamas" and run to quickly greet your guest
  654. >Should probably cut back on the cake, but thats something you will focus on later
  655. >For now you got a human to woo
  656. >You and Anon are gonna have the time of your lives tonight and there is nopony around to get in between you too
  657. >Galloping as fast as your tight naughty filly pyjamas will allow you, you finally come up upon the big green human in the castle lobby
  658. >With your heart beating as fast as it is and your attention focused solely on the human, you neglect to notice the large pink blob by his legs
  659. "Anonymous! Im so glad you came!" I hope your ready for a night you wont soon forget." you say in your most seductive voice
  660. >Anon turns his head around and takes notice of you, he smiles softly "Oh hey Celestia! I like your pyjamas."
  661. "Im relieved to hear that Anonymous, but I can assure you that you will like them a lot more once I take them of-"
  662. >>"Princess! We are both wearing bunny pyjamas!" the pink blob squeaks in a very excited yet familiar voice
  663. >Is that Twilight!?
  664. You recoil in surprise "Twilight!?"
  665. >"Twilight." Anon says in soft happy tone
  666. >>"Twilight!!!" Twilight shouts with a heart filled with joy
  668. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  670. Kinderquestira
  672. Dash plays vidya
  674. >"Cmon cmon cmon.....grrrrrrrrrrr.......OH COME ON! HOW DID I NOT MAKE THAT JUMP" Dash shouts angrily at your Pony Entertainment System
  675. >And that makes 23 deaths
  676. "Your jumping to soon Dash, you gotta wait till your right at the edge before you jump."
  677. >Dash glares at you, apparently unsatisfied with your words
  678. >"Thats what I have been doing this whole time, but he keeps on falling into the fu....bucking pit! I swear this game is broken or something!"
  679. "It's not broken Dash, you just keep jumping at the wrong time and you dont even follow through with your jump once you have made it. Just keep holding right when you jump and dont let go."
  680. >Dash rolls her eyes "Pfft yeah whatever Anon, I already know how to play the game okay?"
  681. "If that was true you would have made it past that pit already. Here let me see the controller and I'll get past it for you."
  682. >You reach for the controller Dash is currently holding, but she quickly turns away from you
  683. >"Hey! Im not done playing! Wait your turn Anon!"
  684. "You have been at this for an hour Dash, just let me get you past the pit and then you can have the controller back!"
  685. >You try to reach for the controller from behind her, but she flares out her wings in order to obstruct your vision
  686. >"No way Anon, I dont need your help!
  687. "Just give me the controller Dash!"
  688. >Dash starts vigorously flapping her wings making it even harder for you to reach the controller
  689. >"I said no!"
  690. >Tired of being battered by her wings you relent and pull away from her
  691. "Ugh fine, you can try TWO more times, and if you cant do it you have to let me try.
  692. >Dash rolls her eyes yet again "Fine, but im going to do it this time so you might as well not even get your hopes up."
  693. >Dash turns her attention back to the TV and firmly grasps the controller between her hooves
  694. >Here we go again
  695. >"Just about......."
  696. >Dash nears the edge of the pit
  697. >She jumps
  698. >"Almost!"
  699. >Aaaaaand she stops holding right again and falls into the bottomless pit for the 24th time
  701. "One more try Dash." You casually remind her
  702. >"I KNOW, I KNOW! That last try was just a warm up! I got it this time!" Dash snaps at you
  703. >Just like the other 23 ""warm ups""
  704. >Dash shifts her position a little and moves a bit closer to the TV screen
  705. >She hunches forward and focuses her eyes on the screen
  706. >She nears the pit once again
  707. >However this time is different from all the previous attempts
  708. >Instead of jumping before reaching the edge, she manages to delay her jump right till the edge
  709. >You look on intently with curiosity
  710. >She is sailing over the bottomless pit
  711. >She also seems to holds right on the movement pad longer this time as well
  712. "Here we go, come on!"
  713. >Dash's eyes go wide
  714. >She had just about cleared the pit, and it looks like she might actually do it this time
  716. >The character sprite makes it to the edge of the other side of the pit, however, she seems to have let go of the right button once again as she stops moving midair and descends into the bottomless pit
  717. >The screen cuts to a black screen with the words "Game Over" plastered right in the middle, and it plays the all to familiar game over music
  718. >Dash sits frozen staring at the screen
  719. "Jeez Dash! You got really clos-"
  720. >Dash shoots up from the floor onto her two hooves "FUCK!!!" Dash throws the controller forcefully into the air
  721. >She threw it hard enough that the controller dragged the console slightly into the air with it causing it to flip over
  722. >You sit still in shock
  723. >Dash is breathing heavily with anger while staring daggers at the flipped over Pony Entertainment System
  724. >Fortunatley those things are made out of the strongest material known to pony kind, so your not really concerned with it
  725. >Your more worried about Dash dropping an F-bomb
  726. >Well at least there are no ponice arou-
  727. >*Knock* Knock* *Knock*
  728. >A muffled voice comes from behind your door "This is the Ponice! Open up!"
  729. >Fuck
  732. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  734. Twi thread/ using protection
  736. "Ok, fine Twi, we can have sex, but I at least wanna use a condom this time!"
  737. >"There is no time Anon! The kids could get out of school at any moment, and I need you now! I dont think I can take this heat any longer."
  738. "They are just in the drawer over by the bed, let me grab-."
  739. >You feel a magic force suddenly envelop you and push you forcefully onto the bed
  740. >Twilight quickly take this opportunity to climb on top of you so you cant get back up. She wastes no time and begins to undo your clothes with her magic
  741. "Damn it Twi! We need to use protection or else-"
  742. >Twilight rolls her eyes "Dont worry about it Anon! I'll use a spell or whatever to make sure I dont get pregnant again! You just worry about getting not so Little Anon ready for the ride of his life!"
  743. >By now Twilight has fully removed your pants and underwear and is hastily positioning her burning wet marehood above your steadily growing erection
  744. >She has that look on her face that tells you how badly she needs this so you ultimately give in to her urges as well as yours and submit to the purple lust crazed pone
  745. "Fine, we can skip the condoms, but you gotta let me pull out when im about to cum!"
  746. >Twlight lets out a few giggles and snorts when she hears your demands, however, the amused expression on her face is instantly replaced with one that is cold and uncaring. "No." she states coldly
  747. >Twilight raises her rump as high in the air as she can and with all the force her pony body can muster, she slams her molten love tunnel onto you with precision and fully envelopes poor Little Anon
  748. >She lets out a scream of ecstasy while you let out a gasp of surprise
  749. >Twilight mercilessly bounces up and down on you, lost in her own little world of lust
  750. "Damn better have that spell.......ready!" you struggle to say between jolts of pleasure
  751. >You already know there is no spell
  752. >Guess this kid makes eight
  755. //////////////////////////////////
  757. Yandere Daybreaker
  759. >She is still Celestia, she just tends to be a bit more forceful than well as somewhat burny on occasion.
  760. >Love burns of course.
  761. >She is still very loving and caring, but you could say she can also be a bit dominant from time to time, as well as maybe being somewhat possessive......and controlling.
  762. >She isnt unreasonable by any means though!
  763. >You were able to convince her to let Luna have at least 4 hours of the day for night time which was a big win, did have to give up a few things in exchange for that to happen.
  764. >Your not allowed to talk to other mares anymore, especially Luna, Twilight, and the rest of the mane 6.
  765. >Also your not really allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore either.
  766. >If your not accompanying her, you have to stay in her room until she comes to get you.
  767. >You also have to service and submit to her no matter where you two are.
  768. >Like when you two are in bed together, or in the bathroom, or eating in the dining room, and even in public.......espically in public.
  769. >Its okay though!
  770. >She gets really pent up with stress sometimes and she needs you to help her relieve that stress.
  771. >The more stressed out Daybre....Celestia is, the worse off everyone else will be.
  772. >So you d-dont mind that she feels the need to ride on top of you while she is giving a speech to thousands of onlooking ponys
  773. >Like you said, the less stressed she is, the better off everyone will be
  774. >Fortunately Luna had told you that her and the elements of harmony were working out a way to turn Celestia back to normal
  775. >That was a couple of months ago, but that doesnt mean you have gave up hope!
  776. >Even though she acts different now, you still know your old Celly bean is still in there somewhere
  777. >You feel like you can sometimes see her old self when you stare into her bright orange eyes
  778. >[spoiler]She looks sad[/spoiler]
  782. //////////////////////////////////////////////
  784. .........................
  785. Yandere Rarity
  786. ......................
  788. Prompted by
  790. >>35190938
  791. Something quite indecent. She didn't plan on it, but watching you just gets her all hot and bothered, even if it's something mundane like eating a bagel at a cafe.
  793. >>35191423
  794. >"oh Celestia, i wish i was that beagle! ~"
  796. >>35191481
  797. You want to be...a... beagle?
  800. >Be Rarity
  801. >"Hey Rarity check out my new dog!"
  802. >Anon hoists up his new canine companion directly in front of your face
  803. >It then begins to brutally assault your face with repulsive lick after lick
  804. >You're just barely able to pull away in time before its able to ruin your makeup
  805. "Darling, please! You'll ruin my makeup!"
  806. >You quickly wipe the slobber off your face with the end of your hoof
  807. >What was your dear Anonymous thinking carrying around such a feral and dangerous best?
  808. "Ugh! Dog slobber, how smelly and gross." You mutter
  809. >"Heh, sorry about that Rares. Bagle can be pretty affectionate."
  810. "Its uhhhhh......alright dear. Just try to be careful with......Bagle was it?
  811. >"Yup! Bagle the beagle! My new best friend!" You joyfully exclaim
  812. >New best friend?! What exactly is the meaning of this? Surely he doesnt mean....
  813. "Umm Anon darling, where exactly did you find this dog at? Surely her owner must be looking for her."
  814. >Anon lets out a light chuckle
  815. >"Dont worry about it Rares, Im her owner! Fluttershy gave her to me!"
  816. >The beast in Anon's arms lets out a loud yip in conformation and begins to lick Anon's face
  817. >You can feel your heart sink and a wave of dread wash over you
  818. >Out of all the pets Anon could have.....
  819. >Out of every single animal in all of Equestria....
  820. >He had to get a dog.....
  821. >You
  822. >Hate
  823. >Dogs
  824. >They are smelly, loud, obnoxious, and are some the messiest animals you have ever had the displeasure of meeting, second only to pigs!
  825. >You never liked dogs even as a filly
  826. >You used to be able to tolerate them well enough, but ever since the diamond dog incident, you absolutely loathe them
  827. >Applejack's Winona being the only exception to your disdain, but even then you prefer to keep your distance from her
  828. >Dogs are truly the most ill-fitting off all pets for ponys
  829. >They are the exact opposite of what a well-behaved animal should be!
  830. >Unlike cats
  831. >You think of your perfect little Opalescence for a moment
  832. >Truly cats are a pony's best friend
  833. >Why everypony doesnt own one is beyond you
  834. >If only you could show them the.....
  835. >"Ack! Come on Bagle, cut it out! I cant breathe!"
  836. >Hearing Anon shout causes your eyes to go wide with terror
  837. >Your brooding about dogs is cut short when you notice Anon has suddenly fallen onto his back and is now having his face mercilessly attacked by that rabid beast he calls Bagle
  838. "ANON!" you shout
  839. >The terror you feel is quickly replaced with rage
  840. >How dare that mongrel try to harm your Anon!
  841. >You will not let this carry on any longer
  842. "Hold still darling! I'll save you!"
  843. >You feel a build up of energy in your horn as you point it towards the feral beast attacking Anon
  844. >Your about to release the stored up energy in your horn as a focused blast of magic that should be more than enough to get that mongrel away from your Anon
  845. >But you suddenly halt the spell as you see Anon quickly sit up and scoop the beast into his arms like a mother would a child
  846. >He gives the beast a quick peck on the nose and it trys to lick his face in response
  847. >You feel a slight jealousy build up with your anger and you begrudgingly dessapate your spell
  848. "Damned mutt." You mutter under your breath
  849. >Anon looks over to you "Did you say something Rarity?"
  850. "Oh, uh, nothing darling.
  851. >Anon slowly stands up and places the dog on the ground
  852. >"Well thats enough fooling around, we got a big day ahead of us Bagle! Got plenty of more introductions to make. It was nice seeing you Rarity!"
  853. >Anon begins to leave, but you call out to him
  854. "Oh Anon, no offense darling, but you seemed to have gotten a little dirty after your......interaction with Bagel. Why dont you comeover to the boutique and I can help you get cleaned up a little?"
  855. >Though you might have had ulterior motives with your suggestion, his face was in fact covered with dog slober and his suit was covered with loose hairs from the beast.
  856. >"Hmmmm that doesnt sound like a bad idea actually, thanks Rarity."
  857. >YES! This dog might be good for something afterall
  858. >If you play your cards right, you might be able to convince Anon to get in your shower
  859. >And that would open up so many new opportunities for you
  860. "Think nothing of it dear! I just wouldnt want anypony to see you in such a dishevelled state!"
  861. >You and Anon begin to make your way to the boutique
  862. >"Tell me Anon, how are your clothes fitting? Is everything okay? They look a little loose, maybe I should take some more measu-"
  863. >Your cut off by the sounds of constant barking behind you
  864. >Anon turns around "Come on Bagle! Lets get going!" he hollers
  865. >The dog doesnt listen and instead keeps on barking
  866. >Anon walks back over to the beast "What's up with you girl? Is it something important?"
  867. >The dog quickly runs around in a circle and motions in the opposite direction of the boutique
  868. >Anon puts a hand up to his chin in contemplation
  869. >"Hmmmmmmmmm......oh shit thats right!" he exclaims
  870. >Bagel lets out an affirmative bark
  871. >"Almost forgot! Thanks for the reminder Bagel." Anon looks back up over to you "Sorry Rarity, but I promised to Fluttershy that me and Bagel would meet up with her after our walk! Thanks for the offer though!"
  872. "A-Anon wait!" you shout desperately, but its to late as he has already taken off down the path with dog in tow
  873. >However you swear on your career as a fashionista that you saw that damned mutt look back at you with a smug mocking grin
  874. >That bucking dog! Crawling all over YOUR Anonymous. Covering him with its filth! You wanna turn it into a new pair of boots, but its hide is so hideous that no pony with eyes would ever willingly wear them!
  875. >You must deal with this filthy bucking mutt immediately, and you will start by giving Fluttershy quiet the earful!
  876. >End Prompt
  878. Disclaimer: I like dogs.
  880. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  881. .....
  882. NerdLestia
  883. .....
  885. >"Are you just gonna nap under that tree all day Anon? Your sleeping the day away! Come on, lets go look at those new books that the scholars brought back from Griffonia!"
  887. >Sitting up straight, you let out a yawn and stretch your arms
  888. >Ugh you should really consider going to bed earlier
  889. >You slightly push up the sun hat obscuring your vison from atop your head and glance at who is disturbing your nap
  890. >A smile almost as bright as the sun in the sky greets your tired eyes
  891. >"Good mourning Anon! But actually when I think about it, its more of a good afternoon!"
  892. >Of course, its Celestia
  893. >You pull the sun hat back over your eyes and lean back against the tree
  894. "Five more minutes." You moan
  895. >Celestia lets out a horsey sigh "I think you have napped long enough lazy bones. There are so many thing we need to do today and the day is already half over!"
  896. >Using her magic, Celestia levitates the sunhat on top of your head over to hers and leaves your eyes to be assailed by the bright sunlight
  897. >"Also, I dont mind you borrowing my things, but you should really ask before you borrow something Anon."
  898. >Whats one missing hat really? She has got like a million of those things
  899. >You let out a groan and rub some sand out of your eyes
  900. "Yeah, alright mom." you reply snarkily
  901. >A light blush creeps on Celestia's face and she gives you a disapproving frown "D-dont call me that!"
  902. >You see her horn light up and then something about the size of a baseball falls from the top of the tree and hits you on the top of your head
  903. >You reach up and pull the object off your head and examine it
  904. >You didnt know this was an apple tree
  905. Taking a bite out of the apple you say mid-chew "You know, for the record, I think you would make a great mom."
  906. >Suddenly three more objects fall from the treetop and hit the top of your head consecutively

"ADateWithRarity" [Complete]

by NotAWriterAnon

A date with Dash [Kinderquestria/hiatus]

by NotAWriterAnon

Anon gets mistaken for Santa Clause/Kinderquestria (Short)

by NotAWriterAnon

Kinderquestria: Toast Synthesizer! [Complete]

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Solar Flare (A Sci-Fi story)

by NotAWriterAnon