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Coffeeholic(2016): Adventures of Anontonio: Day 11b [discont.]

By dadonequus_archives
Created: 2021-06-21 19:03:41
Expiry: Never

  1. "Chi chiede?"
  2. >you call out, demanding a response while trying to discern the source of these voices
  3. >"Noi, chi vendiamo il piu maturo e piu dolce di pere, che si sciolgono sulla punta della tua lingua!" answers the excited and cheery voice
  4. >"Si noi, che vendiamo i piu succosi di prugne sul nostro piccolo mercato modesto."a cat
  5. >you've never met another pony in horseland with that feature before
  6. >then again you've never met another pony in horse land that could speak with you in Italian besides Princess Sunnybuns
  7. "Voi due mi capisci?"
  8. >"Mmmhmmmmmm" say the fillies in unison
  9. "E voi vendete i frutti?"
  10. >"Only the most plump of prunes, dear customer. They're a bit each." says the purple one, taking the lead
  11. >"Only the most succulent of pears, dear customer! Would you like to buy one cheap?" says the tan pegasus as she begins to seem a little anxious to you, but keeps up her cheery disposition
  12. >you may not know pony culture, but still you didn't expect something close to to child labor
  13. >fillies are horse children, right?
  14. >why else would Angel horse and the other adult ponies you've spoken with so far not take you seriously otherwise while stating you as a colt?
  15. >and from what you've come to understand from Angel horse is that young ponies go to school
  16. >what are bitz?
  17. >why are they speaking to you in English now?
  18. >many questions run through your mind to ask these fillies that you can actually WANT to converse with for once
  19. "Tutto da soli alla tua eta? E, come ti chiami voi stessi?"
  20. >you continue asking in Italian, unknowingly every time in a more inquisitive tone
  21. >you get the strange feeling that some ponies in the surrounding market are exchanging odd glances over your conversation
  22. >the fillies ignore your question, turn towards each other and hold each others fore-hooves before muttering something to each other
  23. >"Pera~ Pera~ We just met this colt and already he's asking so many questions." states the purple one
  24. >"Prugna~ Prugna~ But this colt we just met may have come fresh off the boat!" exclaims the tan pegasus
  25. >a naive attempt to keep a conversation hidden from your prying horse ears
  26. >you eavesdrop easily since your hearing is much more potent as a pony then when you were human
  27. >to think YOU of all people would find a boon from being turned into a magic talking horse
  28. "Ayy canna hear you, lo sai? Answer me, whad are bitz! We talking bitz of focaccia 'ere or whad?"
  29. >"You see? He has a saddlebag prepped for school and he doesn't even know what bits are for!" says the tan one to the purple one as they both turn to face you again
  30. >"You see, bits is the name of the coin currency used to trade with here in Equestria." answers the purple one, obviously addressing you
  31. >the two fillies quickly trot up to you, catching you off guard as your wings stiffen in surprise
  32. >"I'm Pera, Sweet Pera!" says the tan pegasus
  33. >"And you may call me, Prugna." exclaims the purple one
  34. >"Oh, don't be so SOUR sis!" taunts Pera light heartedly followed by a short giggle
  35. >"... I told you not to call me that." Prugna replies bluntly as a faint blush appears on her cheeks
  36. >you watch frozen, trying to process the scene before you
  37. >"We're twins! Now what's your name, peachy face?" Pera ask between giggling in a mocking tone
  38. >"We sell fruits here. Now why don't you introduce yourself?" Prugna adds
  39. >get it together Anon they're just some clingy fillies
  40. "Ayyy-ughmm, I'm Anontonio. Anon for short-a."
  41. >"Ciao Anon, want to be friends?" asked Pera
  42. "Ehh, sure? V-va bene!"
  43. >you owed the twins at least some courtesy in response to answering your question about bits and they we're actually kind of nice company to talk to
  44. >especially compared to the older market cornuti you've met so far
  45. >"Ciao Anon, aren't you on your way to school?" asked Prugna
  46. "Si, actually ayya wanted to ask why you two are not at school?"
  47. >"Oh, we're low on bits currently! Besides, me and Prugna's hours are rever~eeep!" said Pera excitedly moments before Prugna plugged her sister's big mouth shut with a fore-hoof
  48. >"What Pera ment to say is that we're home schooled and enjoy the time we spend together living off the fruits of our labor." explained Prugna
  49. >these fillies seem to have something to hide from you
  50. >you, knowing that you still have to go school today, could care less and decide not to press into it
  51. "Well, ayy better get-a going. Ayy'm already late for school and Angel horse is probably don~"
  52. >"Wait!" interrupted Pera as you where about to turn around and walk away
  53. >"Wait?" proclaimed Prugna with a slight hint of confusion in her tone
  54. "Eh?"
  55. >Pera hesitated in front of the chuck wagon and grabbed a nice looking pear with her dextrous looking wing
  56. >your jaw dropped, your mouth remained open for a moment
  57. >you didn't know wings could do that!
  58. >does this mean you yourself could possibly use your wings as a replacement for fingers?
  59. >why didn't Fluttershy tell you they can be used like hands?!
  60. >while you where day dreaming about all the things you could do with winglers, she trotted up to your left and slipped a pear into your left saddlebag pocket
  61. >"Too remember our friendship by! Promise to come play with us sometime and use your bits to buy a pear for lunch!" says Pera before giving you a small peck on the left cheek to wake you from your trance and giggling at your dumbfounded expression
  62. "Huh? Ehh, grazie mille! I promise."
  63. >what did you just promise this filly?
  64. >also...
  66. >you were just joking about that with Fluttershy
  67. >and why are your wings stiff?
  68. >you want to master using them like hands!
  69. >perhaps you can ask Pera or some pegasus to teach you
  70. >you hear a shuffling coming from the saddlebag to your right side
  71. >you turn your head only to see Prugna breathing heavily about an inch away from your face causing you to lean your head back from this sudden invasion of your personal space
  72. >"I too left you something for those canines to chew on."
  73. "G-grazie?"
  74. >you answer slightly intimidated
  75. >"Whoa there A-non, you stay back from those fillies!"
  76. >che cosa?
  77. >you turn around to see Fluttershy and that familiar apple mare with a cowboy hat trot towards you from behind
  78. >"I-is something wrong Applejack? Did these fillies do something to Anon!" injected angel horse in her confused but worried tone as she trotted around you and inspecting you for non-existent bruises
  79. >"Nah, but they likely wer' gonna! Good thing ah stepped in." Â explained apple horse proudly
  80. >"What!? We would do no such thing to our new friend! Tell her Anontonio!" shouted Pera with her cheeks now puffing in anger
  81. >Wh-what? Uh, yes. We did not harm this colt..." stated Prugna in a more reserved and hesitant tone
  82. "Y-yes, Pera and Prugna 'ave done nozing but be kind to me and-a even gave me free fruita!"
  83. >you clear up hoping to end this strange misunderstanding
  84. >"Oh? How kind of-" said Angel horse more relieved before being cut off
  85. >"What? Did ah just hear ya calling each other by yer first name!? Best you forget about them an, throw away that second hand fruit!" shouted apple horse
  86. >are you missing something here?
  87. >"Our pears and prunes are grown with all our amore and hard work-a." replied Pera while shaking one of her fore-hooves angrily
  88. >you hear her accent slip for the first time
  89. >just how dedicated could she be to hide it without ever going to school you wonder
  90. >"Our pears and prunes are freshly picked. You are the rotten apple here Applejack." zinged Prugna completely monotone but now with an unmoving glare
  91. >"Why ah otta! Why else would you sell em so cheap then, huh? You no-paper ay-liens should close shop an' return wit your wagon tuh dat pizza-place of yers were yah belong!" argued Applehack
  92. >"APPLEJACK, how could you! They're just fillies!" stated Fluttershy appalled at her friend's rudeness
  93. >oh yea, Applejack was her name, like that one American cereal for bambini
  94. >it's forgettable to you for some reason
  95. >"What? These ayy-tail-lians are big fillies an illegal hustlers! They only be here 'cause of their family connec-tion. Ah'm just looking out for young A-non is all."
  96. >wow you didn't know Applejack could be such a stronza
  97. >not only is she now pinning this on you
  98. >where was she when you were dealing with those cornuti broom and cherry sales-ponies?
  99. >and did she just insult your people too?!
  100. >you're angry again
  102. >"You're a different kind of ay-lien, A-non an' quit yer fancy-speak. This here be 'questria, speak Equestrian. Sweet Celestia, Tis a good thing she decreed that you git a proper ed-ucation here!" says Applesack dismissive of your comment, visibly exhausted from arguing with foals
  103. >"We should get going, Anon here is late for school." added Fluttershy, clearly waning the argument to end
  104. >"Ah agree, 'bout time A-non meets some honest good foals like Applebloom. Might even help him earn his cutie mark. I'll steer him right when it's mah turn as his guardian anyway." answered Applefat
  105. >nope
  107. >she stuck a motherfucking apple in your mouth, shutting you up mid sentence
  108. >she then picked you up with her powerful filthy jaws by the skin on the back of your neck despite your struggling flapping wings and dropped you over by where Fluttershy was waiting
  109. >you're REALLY getting sick of that
  110. >the fruit stall twins sadly watch you get pulled away as you look back to them one more time
  111. >Applejack huffs and returns to her stall without saying another word
  112. >Fluttershy, feeling a little sorry for you
  113. >Gives you a push towards the direction of a path with her wing while keeping you from having to face Applejack or the twins for now and you start walking
  114. >"I'm sorry about Applejack, she's honest and does care for you but her traditions or stubbornness sometimes gets in the way." explained Fluttershy "But, don't worry! I'm sure she'll grow out of it and you'll all be the best of friends in no time."
  115. "Mmhmmmm..."
  116. >you groan sarcastically, scrunching as you still struggle to chew completely through the apple in your mouth
  117. >if you had a shit list, you're pretty sure you'd rate that illetterata as #2 after donkey-face of course
  118. >you continue walking with Fluttershy to school while slowly breaking through the apple enough to eventually spit on the side of the road in frustration
  119. >...
  120. >some 5 minutes later, you arrive trailing alongside Fluttershy to what seems to be a fenced schoolhouse with a bell tower atop a grassy hill
  121. >"We're here Anon, Ponyville schoolhouse. Excited for your first day of school?" said Fluttershy as she turned to face you with a smile
  122. >you, you were scowling
  123. >you honestly wanted this day to be over so you could do more productive things
  124. >things that interest you
  125. >like sleeping or figuring out how to use your winglers
  126. >Fluttershy's smile dimmed a little, her worry was starting to show again to you
  127. >"You're not nervous are you? Everypony gets a little nervous won the first day, even me, but if you just give yourself a little push everything will be fine."
  128. >you eye the red wooden building up and down
  129. >hearts, hearts on the bell tower, hearts atop the window panels, on the skirts of the roofs and on the hands of the clock
  130. >hearts for days
  131. >che schifo
  132. >you cringe, the only appealing feature to you was the white picket fence and roof panels reminding you of those made from terra cotta back in your homeland where appealing architecture actually exists
  133. "I-iz zis a school for fillies?"
  134. >"Oh, is that all?" Fluttershy looked relieved at your question as if expecting you to still be mad about that orange apple horse
  135. >which you were
  136. >but you'll cross that bridge when you get there
  137. >"No, it's an school for both fillies and colts. Come on It'll be fine, I'll help you introduce yourself to the class!" giggled Fluttershy as she gently pushed you along with her wing
  138. >you trot up the short wooden steps and Fluttershy opens the door by twisting the tip of her fore hoof with a little push and the classroom inside is revealed to you as you enter
  139. >"~and that class is why Neighton chose carrot to symbolize mass times the change of velocity first divided by time." explained a grown mare with a cherry pink coat, emerald eyes and a two tone greyish pink poofy mane "Oh, I didn't expect you to come late." she commented to Fluttershy who was now a little rosy on the cheeks
  140. >"S-sorry wh-we were a little held up this morning at the market." answered fluttershy in embarrassment
  141. >what was that you were saying giving yourself a push and not being nervous, huh Angel horse?
  142. >you thought with a smug smile
  143. >the mare walks up to you and brings her face eye level to your with a cheery smile
  144. >"Hello there, why aren't you a handsome looking little colt! Why, look that combed mane and those wing! They're so well developed for your age!" greeted the mare
  145. >you honestly have no idea if this horse was babying you, just being kind complimenting you or seriously hitting on you
  146. >"Everypony please stand, we have a new student who will be joining our class from now on!" shouted the mare to a group of fillies and colts
  147. >"Yes, miss Cheerilee!" answered the students excitingly
  148. >"I'm miss Cheerilee and I'll be your teacher from now on." explained Cherry-pie now with a hoof to her chest and a proud smile "Care to introduce yourself to the class?"
  149. >she motioned you to walk in the direction of a small wooden podium probably used for teaching while you where still processing her silly name in your head
  150. >you're now standing on a wooden stool with your rear hooves and leaning on the podium with your fore hooves overlooking the class
  151. >this actually isn't as uncomfortable as you expected
  152. >you take in your surroundings
  153. >the "classroom" looked slightly better on in the inside, there where bookshelves, a telescope, a globe, school supplies, a blackboard, white painted walls with green paneling around the windows, one of which seems to be be a stain glass depiction of one of the students there were a dozen slanted desks with ANOTHER heart design carved in them crudely laid out in rows of four, ten of which were occupied, occupied by a fruity colored bunch of little horses that is, the majority of the students seemed to fillies and the floor...
  154. >the "floor" is hay, hay as in the merda a cow would eat or in this case a horse
  155. >it made you feel dirty
  156. "Class? Wher' iz dis-a class? I see no class here!"
  157. >"Uhm, Anon?" injected Fluttershy, knowing of your difficult attitude "This is a classroom, one of which Princess Celestia decreed that you will attend." now with a little more sternness in her voice
  158. >"Celestia!" some fillies interrupted and began whispering among each other before being shushed by miss Cheerilee and simply continued to stare towards you with interest
  159. >"Now why don't you finish Introducing yourself to the nice fillies and colts here." hinted miss Cheerilee
  160. >you thought when you were being covered no expense of your own by some sun goddess horse when you where decreed to go to a school, that it would be at least as classy as her castle
  161. >damn horse public schools
  162. >basta Anon, you may as well get this over with
  163. "Ascolta bene, voi piccoli farfanti!"
  164. >"He speaks fancy?" interrupted one yellow filly with a red ribbon
  165. >"He must be some kind of foreign noble!" injected another pink filly with a silly tiny tiara atop her mane
  166. >"Ughh, what's that mean?" asked one tall and lanky mango colored unicorn colt with a dumb expression on his face
  167. >oh right, this is horse-America
  168. >you guess most young ponies don't understand Italian like those twins from the market
  169. >what a shame
  170. "It MEANS shut your-a trap and let me continue, cornuto!"
  171. >"What's a corn-auto?" interrupts another unicorn colt, this one light blue, short, fat and stubby with who seemed to contrast in color with that first unicorn colt
  173. >as you shout some cracks form on the edges of the windows soon followed by you slamming the podium with one of your hooves
  174. >the classrooms becomes quietly tame now, all eyes fixed on you
  175. >Fluttershy taps your shoulder
  176. >you turn your neck to face her
  177. >"It's ok Anontonio, you don't have to get nervous. This is why I'm here to help!" cooed the Angel horse
  178. >you didn't notice that you where borderline snarling and that your wings were full mast almost threatningly
  179. >you perceive that the whole class seemed to be directly observing your wings and teeth
  180. >you calm yourself a little as Fluttershy now addresses the class
  181. >"Everypony, this colt here is Anontonio. He will be joining your class every week."
  182. >you take a breath and introduce yourself more calmly
  183. "Si, I am Anontonio. You puledri may call me Anon if zat is too difficult for you. I come 'ere to do my required time and no more-a."
  184. >to you, this may as well be prison
  185. >an educational zoo
  186. >you want to follow your interests
  187. >Fluttershy clears her voice and continues
  188. >"As you can see, Anon here is a foreigner. His first language is Itaillian, so he has a hard time communicating with others."
  189. >you roll your eyes at Flutter's comment but don't feel like arguing with her
  190. >after all she's been mostly kind towards you
  191. >not to mention that you get easily exhausted around idiots and judging from your experience at the market, Equestria must be full of them
  192. >"Please, just try be kind to him and I'm sure you'll make great friends!" Fluttershy then turns to miss Cheerilee "I leave him in your teaching for now. Please take care."
  193. >"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm sure everything will be just fine." said Cheerilee then turning to face you "Anon, why don't you sit down there behind Applebloom and next to Sweetie Belle>" she points to the left hand most seat in the second row with a hoof
  194. >Fluttershy waves goodbye before leaving as you make your way to the desk
  195. >Applebloom, where have you heard that name from?
  196. >you think as you approach the desk behind the filly with the adorable little red bowtie and next to another one who happens to be a white unicorn who seems to have a similar dyed design on her flank from the first
  197. >you approach the stool behind your selected desk and simply drop your horse ass onto it before making yourself comfortable wit the desk
  198. >"Hey Anontonio, I'm Sweetie Belle. Want to join our club, the cutie mark crusaders?" whispered the white unicorn filly excitedly as you turned to face her
  199. "Che cosa?"
  200. >you say confused as you face her for a moment before facing whatever was causing that spittle behind you
  201. >"Pssst, psst! Hey, hey Anon! Are you a vampony?" slobbered the dumb mango cornuto who was sitting in the desk behind you
  202. >you grunt, dismiss and ignore the distractions as you lean your head with your fore-hoof on the table
  203. >eyeing miss Cheerilee and patiently waiting for the class to continue
  204. >"Attention everypony, we will now move on to our next lesson! Quiet down please." shouted the horse teacher
  205. >Meno male!
  206. >"Today we'll be revisiting our important lesson on Cutie Marks!"

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