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SS/DT Kidnapping

By ThrowAway
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-05 13:06:46
Expiry: Never

  1. “good morning sunshines.”
  2. >in your trunk the two gagged and tied up girls wriggle, one with shocked eyes and the other with anger
  3. >both pairs are full of fear, one only thinly veiled
  4. “Now now don’t worry, everything will be explained soon,” you say with false assurance
  5. >they only wriggle harder, the tiara wearing one screaming through her gag and tears forming in the silver-haired one’s eyes
  6. >They definitely match their names
  7. “Now theres no point in making so much noise you know. We are in a area in the middle of nowhere.”
  8. >to accentuate your point you grab a hold of Tiara, causing her to shriek harder as you lift her up
  9. “See?”
  10. >turning her around in a circle you show her theres nothing but trees and a rough path that your car is currently parked in
  11. >but more importantly a cabin
  12. >her shrill noises finally quiet as the situation dawns on her
  13. “Aww quitting already? Well at least it will make things easier”
  14. >you carry the bound girl to the cabin, leaving the other behind, her muted weeping sounding out behind you
  15. >opening the door you show her the rather cozy abode
  16. >shame you’ll have to abandon it after this is all over
  17. “now don’t go anywhere ya hear,” you mock before breaking out into laughter at your very hilarious joke as you place her on the armchair in front of the fireplace
  18. >she doesn’t find it as funny as she glares at you
  19. “sheesh everyones a critic nowadays. Anyways I’ll get your friend first then we can get straight to the point.”
  20. >you leave the cabin and head to get the crybaby
  21. >yep still crying, very ugly crying too as snot drips down onto her gag
  22. >gross
  23. >either way you carry her as well, making sure to hold her forward
  24. >don’t want to get your suit dirty
  25. >once you reach the cabin you carelessly place her on top her friend
  26. “now that everyone’s finally here lets get down to business”
  27. >again more muffled noises comes from the pink one
  28. “oh right right.”
  29. >you roughly tear off the tape keeping her mouth shut
  30. >”Owch! You are so dead when my daddy finds us!”
  31. “Inside voices please, or I’ll make sure to put twice as much tape over your little loud mouth.”
  32. >this shuts her up for now
  33. >reaching behind the glasses wearing one you untie the gag and pull it from her mouth
  34. >looks like she got the worst of her crying out as shes only sniffling now
  35. “OK! Now we can get this show on the road. Now the-“
  36. >”W-why are we here?”
  37. “I was just getting to that, now shush. So the reason you are here is because I was hired to kidnap you two.”
  38. >”What? you want my daddy’s money or something?”
  39. “Already jumping to conclusions huh. Now its nothing so basic. I have enough money. See I run certain services. People show me why they want someone gone, and if its good enough, I make that someone disappear.”
  40. >”A-are you going to kill us?”
  41. >you only shrug
  43. “I like to give people a chance for redemption. I might be a bit of a sadist but I always have been a sucker for happy endings.”
  44. >”And h-how many have you let go.”
  45. >you scratch your head and look at your hands
  46. “hmm... one, two... uh,” you count your fingers, “this many.”
  47. >you hold up 4 fingers
  48. >”And how many people have you kidnapped,” this time the Rich girl speaks up politely for once
  49. “I stopped counting after a while. Probably around 60, or 70.”
  50. >this is a lie of course, you keep a little journal with a photo collection of each person you took away. Very incriminating evidence but you just can’t help keeping memories.
  51. “Anyways, congratulations on being my youngest victims. I gotta admit you guys started real early on being completely awful.”
  52. >”What?!”
  53. >already back to being loud
  54. “Oh come off it, or do I need to give you a reminder? Does the name ‘Scootaloo’ ring a bell?”
  55. >immediately you spot guilt in their eyes, although diamond buries it quickly with indignation
  56. >”Hey she choose to kill herself, I didn’t have anything to do with that!”
  57. “really? so you never bullied her then?”
  58. >”it was just a little teasing, not my fault she couldn’t handle it.”
  59. >you only shake your head
  60. “Its always the same no matter what. Everyone always lies. ‘Oh how was I suppose to know the gun was loaded?’, or ‘stabbing people is my least favorite thing to do’, or my personal favorite, ‘It was just a prank bro!’”
  61. >”well do you even have any proof? huh?!”
  62. >you only grin at that
  63. “Of course I do,” you reply as you pull out a worn journal. On the front is the name Scootaloo in messy chicken scratch
  64. “This is the diary of a certain dead girl, can you guess who?”
  65. >you flip it open and look at the petrified girls
  66. “Now lets read some of my favorite parts. ‘October 12th. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon found me hiding in the bathroom during lunch. They forced my head into the toilet while it was still dirty and I almost drowned. They said my name means I belong in the loo.’”
  67. >looking over you see the panicked looks on their faces
  68. “What? didn’t think scootaloo had a diary? anyways lets read another part.” ‘October 23rd. DT and SS cornered me in the locker rooms and took pictures of me while I was completely naked. They called me a skinny chicken and said that if I don’t listen to them they’ll post it all over the internet. I threatened to tell on them but they only beat started beating me as DT said her daddy owns every teacher in canterlot high.’ Man gotta say, this is some fucked up shit innit? should I keep going?”
  69. >the silver one is already crying again, while the other just tries to maintain a straight face
  70. >”p-p-please I didn’t mean to do those things! I was just listening to Dia! If I didn’t listen to her she would had ruined my life too!”
  71. >ooh?
  72. “is that so?”
  73. >”She’s just lying to save herself!”
  74. >”No I’m not!”
  76. >”You said that if I ever betray you you’ll show everyone my letter!”
  77. >”I did n-“
  78. “HAHAHAHAAA- holy shit this is amazing”
  79. >the two look at you, wondering why you are laughing no doubt
  80. “I gotta admit, this is the first time I had a two-for-one special but man, this is great. Anyways I believe you spoon.”
  81. >”r-really?”
  82. “mhmm.”
  83. >”And why the fuck do you believer her!”
  84. “language missy. Anyways the reason why is because if you were really her friend, you would had helped her.”
  85. >”But she did the same things I did to scootaloo!”
  86. >you nod
  87. “She sure did. But if you were really her friend you would had helped her, after all isn’t that what friendship is all about or something? Guess that friendship is as fake as the diamonds in your tiara.”
  88. >”Hey these are real!”
  89. “nope I checked. Your parents might be stupid rich but they aren’t stupid enough to give you a accessory worth more then most people make in a decade.”
  90. >she growls at that. She really is feisty for someone who is kidnapped by you. Oh well you’ll change that soon enough.
  91. >you turn your focus to the other one
  92. “Now you.”
  93. >”m-me?”
  94. “no the other crybaby.”
  95. >it takes her a while to catch on but she doesnt protest
  96. >”y-yes?”
  97. “Look me in the eyes and tell me there was nothing you could had done to stop little DT over there. That there was nothing you could had done to prevent Scootaloo’s fate. If you do I’ll let you go after I’m done with her.”
  98. >you throw out the bait, now lets see if she bites
  99. >”She’s just goi-“
  100. >you slap the bitch before she can finish
  101. “Goddamn did that feel good. Now if you speak out of turn again I’ll fucking do it again”
  102. >She looks positively shell-shocked. You are probably the first person to ever hit her
  103. “so what do you say silver?”
  104. >So many emotions cross her face
  105. >hope, guilt, happiness and sadness
  106. >eventually she opens her mouth as she tears up
  107. >”I can’t. I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t-“
  108. >oh shit shes having a panic attack
  109. >you get up to her and grab her face
  110. “hey calm down deep breaths,” you say as you breath in for example
  111. >she stops repeating like a broken record and takes a deep breath, then exhales
  112. >and again, and again, until she’s finally back to calm
  113. >at least as calm as someone who’s tied up like a bdsm enthusiast can be
  114. “You good?”
  115. >”Yes. I won’t lie. I could had done something. Maybe Dia would had ruined my life too but I could had stopped myself at least. When I heard scootaloo killed herself I knew what I did. I kept having nightmares but I didn’t tell anyone, especially not D. I’m so sorry, so so sorry!” she manages to say between sobs
  117. >jeez you weren’t expecting this
  118. >you thought for sure she would be the same as everyone else
  119. >you decide to pet her head
  120. “shh, shh. I’m really proud of you. You actually admitted your faults.”
  121. >”D-does this mean?”
  122. “No you’ll still be punished,” the hope leaves her face,” but it won’t be as harsh.”
  123. >that gives her back a little hope
  124. >now then time to deal with the bitch
  126. >looking over you see her giving silver a death glare, but she smartly keeps her mouth shut
  127. “Just to show you how proud of you I am spoonie I’ll lets you pass on first-day punishing. It will be just diamond.”
  128. >you easily pick up the irate girl and move to take her to the bedroom
  129. >”Wait. Please.”
  130. “yeah?”
  131. >”I want to watch.”
  132. >looking at her eyes you see anticipation
  133. >eh what the hell
  134. “the more the merrier.”
  135. >you move DT over your shoulder and pick up silver, holding her tight against your chest
  136. >gotta admit, shes’ well developed for a freshman.
  137. >You are one hell of a degenerate, part of the reason why you couldn’t resist this request
  138. >bringing em into the room you dump the spoiled brat onto the bed while placing onto a chair that you have for when you had 1-on-1 sessions
  139. >a large chest sits against the left wall
  140. >”W-what are you going to do to me you creep!”
  141. >you only grin at that
  142. “You are right about that. I am a creep.”
  143. >Getting close to the bound girl you grab her clothed breasts, giving the tiny things a rough squeeze
  144. >now she’s worried
  145. >”B-but I’m underaged!”
  146. “Even better.”
  147. >this time you reach down, grabbing two handfuls of plush ass
  148. >”p-p-please stop!”
  149. >hearing her sound so scared is like music go your ears
  150. “I wonder how many times scootaloo said the same thing,” you say giving her another squeeze
  151. >”I’m sorry I’m sorry!”
  152. “no you’re not, but you will be.”
  153. >looking over at the little voyeur you notice her shocked gaze
  154. >and also her blush
  155. >interesting
  156. >having your fill of groping you take your hands off your prize and head over to your chest of toys
  157. >inside are all the things you could ever need to enact your darkest desires
  158. >You have done such horrible things with these tools, and the memories only serve to turn you on further
  159. >but its only the first day, you can’t go all out right away
  160. >reaching in you pull out a ring gag and a pair of pill vibrators
  161. >however instead of going to your victim you go to silver instead
  162. >leaning in you show her the little vibrator
  163. “Would you like to use this? I can tell you’re turned on.”
  164. >She blushes harder as you call her out
  165. >Then she shyly nods
  166. >god your gonna have fun with this one
  167. >reaching under her skirt you move her moistened panties aside and place the pill with your other hand right on top of her pussy
  168. >then you adjust her underwear back in place and turn it on
  169. >the effect is immediate as she lets out a beautiful moan
  170. >you’re so tempted to abandon the other cunt and just get on with this little minx
  172. >business before pleasure anon, business before pleasure
  173. >You move back to the bed and approach Di
  174. “Open your mouth,” you say holding the ring gag to her face
  175. >She shakes her head as tears drip from her eyes
  176. “Now, or I’m really going to make you regret disobeying me.”
  177. >Still refusing, this time closing her eyes
  178. >well you warned her
  179. >Balling up your right hand you give her a hard punch to the gut
  180. >this knocks the wind out of her, causing her mouth to open
  181. >you take advantage of her shock to place the ring in her mouth and tie it around her head
  182. “I’m gonna enjoy this,” you say as you place her on her back, her head hanging over the side of the bed
  183. >perfectly at crotch height
  184. >She’s screaming now, looks like you’ll just have to plug it up
  185. >and with one thrust you go to the hilt, your balls harshly smacking against her nose
  186. >Her gags and convulsing throat only brings you more pleasure as you keep her there
  187. >looking down you see the outline of your cock bulging in her throat
  188. >she struggles to get away but its useless with her tied up like that
  189. >her struggles weaken, which is your cue to pull out
  190. >once you pull out completely you take a look at her face
  191. >it’s a complete mess, a mix of saliva and precum trailing down her face, make-up completely smeared
  192. >bueno
  193. “Now I was going to go easy, or at least easier on you, but you just had to disobey me.”
  194. >you throw the spare vibrator onto the bed and grab a hold of her face with both hands
  195. >”p-please...” she pleads with a rough voice, a result of your actions
  196. “I already gave you enough chances.”
  197. >you push inside completely once more, but this time you don’t stop, going back and forth at a moderate pace
  198. >her mouth lets out a cacophony of gurks and acks as she gags on your meat
  199. >she’s able to breathe, but just barely as you use her mouth like a cocksleeve
  200. >while this position lets you enter her throat smoothly you must admit its a shame you can’t see her eyes
  201. >oh well you’ll just settle for how tight the back of her throat feels as she gags on your cock
  202. >as you feel the end coming you pick up the pace, the beautiful sounds your little cocksock releases only getting louder in response
  203. >the pleasure almost overwhelms you, causing you to only pull out an inch before thrusting back in
  204. >you move your hands from her cheek to her neck, then squeeze
  205. >her convulsions become much more urgent, increasing the pleasure further
  206. >her tongue lashes wildly against your shaft, hoping to end this sooner
  207. >here it comes
  208. >its tempting to cum down her throat and directly to her stomach but you need to humiliate her
  209. >You pull out at the last second and spray it all over her face
  210. >it gets everywhere, even on her closes eyes and her hair
  211. >for good measure you rub your cock all over her face, making sure not one inch of it is left uncovered in your juice
  212. >then you grab a lock of her hair and wipe your cock clean with it
  213. >finally you squat down to get a good look at your handiwork
  214. >her eyes are completely blank
  215. >did you really break her already?
  216. >nah she’ll be back to her bitch self tomorrow no doubt
  218. >I mean come on you didn’t even get to the really hardcore stuff
  219. “how disappointing.”
  220. >you untie the gag from her mouth and carry her to the closet
  221. >however just in case she gets any loud ideas you make sure to put a gag on her
  222. >with that done you place her inside the small closet and close the doors
  223. >very few things are quite as dehumanizing as locking someone in a closet every night
  224. >with her put away you turn back to your one-person audience
  225. “I hope you enjoyed the show”
  226. >you give her a bow
  227. >however she only moans in response before convulsing
  228. >oh right the vibrator
  229. >reaching for the remote you turn the little thing off
  230. >”aah~ thanks. That was really hot, seeing someone use Di like that. I always thought she would be untouchable...”
  231. “Flattery will get you everywhere dear. as such I’ll give you a choice. You can stay in the closet, or in my bed. But let me warn you I get pretty grabby at night.”
  232. >”Your bed please,” she answers without hesitation
  233. >jeez shes really submissive. The last time you got a submissive it was a dude. It was really awkward to deal with that one.
  234. “Alright, but first we’re gonna take those clothes off,” you say to see how far you can push her
  235. >she blushes and looks away and then with a tiny voice she says ok.
  236. >fuck maybe you can keep her instead. Looks like the stockholm syndrome already kicked in
  237. >either way you begin untying her like a wrapped gift
  238. >However your guard is still up, you can never be more too careful
  239. >once the ropes are off you start undressing her
  240. >she doesn’t protest at all
  241. >its tempting to strip her completely naked but you want to savor her longer, so you leave her in her underwear
  242. >finally you reach under the bed and grab the two pairs of fuzzy handcuffs
  243. >you didn’t think you’ll be using these this quickly as you cuff her hands to the headboard
  244. >finally you bind her feet together with the second
  245. >looking at your handiwork tempts you to just ravish her, especially with her sad doe eyes looking into yours
  246. >but you hold back and turn off the lights
  247. “Good night,” you say as you grab a hold of her, spooning the spoon.
  249. end of the first day
  251. >You have awoken
  252. >yesterday was another dreamless night
  253. >Oh well, the real world is so much better
  254. >case in point you hold your little snack in your arms
  255. >sure enough your hands have relocated to her rather sizable chest
  256. >at least for a girl her age
  257. >You give them a gentle squeeze
  258. >it causes the girl in your arms to fidget, but not wake
  259. >is she a deep sleeper?
  260. >You slowly move your hands down her body, caressing her sides and her stomach as you make your way to her hips
  261. >And what nice hips they are, honestly she could had been a model if she wanted to
  262. >then you move your hands to her silver moons, getting a nice feel for her flesh
  263. >its not as bouncy as diamond’s, you hate to admit
  264. >getting a good enough feel of it you move down, to those lower extremities
  265. >her thighs are pretty nice, the creamy flesh nice and pliable
  266. >then you move down her calf and finally to her cuffed feet
  267. >You didn’t take her socks off last night
  268. >looks like you’ll have to remedy that
  269. >reaching to the nightstand on your side you grab the key for the cuffs
  270. >Slowly you unlock them, doing your best to avoid waking the sleeping beauty
  271. >mission success
  272. >gently you lift her right foot with one hand and with the other you peel off the sock
  273. >then you do the same with the other
  274. >You gotta admit, she’s got cute dainty little feet
  275. >also looking down, you realize you got some pretty bad morning wood
  276. >hello there
  277. >well really silver has had her day of immunity
  278. >might as well have a little fun with her sleeping body
  279. >leaning in you get close to her ears and whisper in a soft voice
  280. “ you're gonna be a good girl for me, right silver? all you have to do is listen to my orders...”
  281. >you never put much weight into subliminal messages but might as well start now, who knows it might work on a subby girl
  282. >”y-yes,” she subconsciously reply, still fast asleep
  283. >wow is it actually doing something
  284. “You belong to me, say it...”
  285. >”a-I... belong...”
  286. >eh good enough
  287. >your starting to get antsy, so without preamble you release your dick from its cloth prison
  288. >I live!
  289. >might as well focus on the lower extremities
  290. >you carefully maneuver silver onto her front, her ass and the back of her thighs making that lovely heart shape you oh so love
  291. >you can’t believe she hasn’t woken up yet
  292. >looking at that tight little ass makes you want to give it a smack, you bet it would ripple nicely
  293. >but you don’t want to ruin your fun just yet and wake her up
  294. >slowly, gently, you pull down her baby blue panties and reveal your prize
  295. >Once they are pulled low enough you move your hands to her cheeks and spread em, revealing her pristine holes
  296. >definitely untouched, with just the smallest wispy peach fuzz
  297. >while diamonds throat was incredibly pleasurable to you, a mouth just can’t replicate the feel of a virgin pussy
  298. >while most of the whores you had fun with were already loose, there was only one who was just as untainted
  299. >A stuck up bitch who believed herself better then anyone else, and thus never allowed herself to be spoiled
  300. >You had a ton of fun breaking her spirit, and breaking her in too of course
  301. >now that you think about it she was a lot like diamond, but older
  302. >eh whatever, you need to focus on whats in front of you
  303. >you straddle silver’s legs while keeping all your weight on your knees and hands, only your eager meat weighing down on her asscrack
  304. >The feel of her soft flesh is tantalizing, tempting you to simply stick it in mercilessly
  305. >but the odds of you getting another girl like her are infinitesimal
  306. >It would be a waste to use her like that, no matter how much you want to
  307. >so instead you settle for thrusting inbetween her asscheeks, letting the natural pressure of her soft flesh pleasure you
  308. >with how worked up you are you want to speed it up, but you relent to avoid breaking her from her rest
  309. >back and forth you go, stopping every once in a while to press against her tight pucker, making it give the tip a kiss
  310. >the pleasure builds up a agonizingly slow pace
  311. >You want to mix it up so this time you angle your cock lower, aiming for her thigh gap
  312. >using your legs you push hers closer together, the delicate thigh flesh squeezing your cock
  313. >she probably puts lotion on herself every day, and now you get to enjoy the fruits of it
  314. >again you thrust, gently, while pressing her legs together to better stimulate yourself
  315. >now the pleasure builds much more quickly, the friction of her soft skin on your rod better then any other you had before
  316. >feeling your climax coming you decide where your gonna place your seed
  317. >While you are enticed to glaze her like a donut you have a much dirtier idea in mind
  318. >getting off her you move closer to her head, her drooling mouth slightly open
  319. >with one hand on your cock you use the other to tilt her face towards it then place your cock into her plush lips
  320. >the feeling of them gliding over your tip is enough to push you over the edge, filling her mouth with your milk
  321. >her head tilted to the side it pools in her cheek, the excess drooling out the corner of her mouth
  322. >the sight of it is almost enough to get you going again
  323. >but you still have to take a piss and get breakfast started
  324. >don’t want to starve your guests after all
  325. >so you leave silver to sleep, her morning treat sitting in her maw
  326. >Now normally you would piss into a toilet like a civilized human being
  327. >but you got a bitch to humiliate further
  328. >and treating her like a human urinal should get results
  329. >so grabbing the key and ring gag from the nightstand you make your way to her closet prison and open it up
  330. >she’s still asleep, however you can see dried tear trails in her dried cum glazed face
  331. >good thing you don’t care about her as you roughly pick her up by the hair with one hand
  332. >this gets her to wake, letting out a muted scream
  333. >even with the gag its still loud so you cover her mouth with the other hand as you drag her away towards the bathroom
  334. >once you pulled her in you look towards the bed
  335. >She’s still asleep, good
  336. >you close the door and let go of her now mussed up hair, her head roughly hitting the carpeted tile floor
  337. >kneeling down you pull off her gag and show her the ring gag
  338. “are you gonna cooperate today or do I need to convince you again.”
  339. >defiance flashes in her eyes but she opens her mouth
  340. “smart choice,” you tell her as you place the ring gag in her mouth
  341. >grabbing her by the legs this time you lift her upside down and bring her to the tub
  342. >you can hear her protesting but that only serves to motivate you
  343. >for the most part its a fairly stardard bathtub, the difference is all the hooks mounted to the walls and and ceiling
  344. >using one of the wall mounted hooks you hook it into her leg restraints, leaving her hanging against the wall behind the tub
  345. “now hold still,” you say as you aim your cock
  346. >theres a confused glint as she notices it, but realization hits just before you let loose a stream to her face
  347. >once again shes screaming but you pay it no mind as you give her face a nice golden shower to clean it up
  348. >she lets out a gag as you land a direct hit into the ring, filling her mouth to the brim
  349. >the excess leaks out, dripping down her face and onto her hair, and finally into the tub
  350. >unfortunately you aren’t austin powers so it ends quickly enough, one final spurt hitting home
  351. “aaaah much better.”
  352. >nothing quite as satisfying as taking a piss on a stuck up bitch, her hair dripping with it
  353. >looking into her now opened eyes you see pure hate
  354. >jeez she doesn’t quit does she
  355. “well sorry to keep you hanging but I got breakfast to cook. seeya,” you say giving her a sarcastic wave goodbye, exiting the bathroom and closing the door behind you
  356. >Well that takes of her for now
  357. >looking at your bed sleeping beauty is still asleep
  358. >Well lets get some breakfast going
  359. >you head out the bedroom and straight to the kitchen area
  360. >It’s nothing too fancy, a basic setup for all your needs
  361. >heading to the fridge its stocked with more then enough food for how long your gonna stay here
  362. >Nothing too fancy today. You pull out 3 eggs and a unopened packet of smoked ham
  363. >then you go to the pantry and pull out a loaf of bread
  364. >ham and eggs with grilled bread on the side should get the job done for you and silver
  365. >as for diamond she can just have a granola bar, you ain’t wasting your cooking on her
  366. >Cooking Start!
  367. >one cooking montage later and you have a fairly standard plate of eggs and ham, with bread on the side and a large glass of water
  368. >no point bringing two separate servings of food, you’ll be eating off the same plate
  369. >Now to bring it to the nightstand
  370. >once you reach your destination you set the plate and glass down
  371. >well time to wake her up
  372. >you get close so you can gently wake her but then you notice it
  373. >looking at her pretty little mouth your gift is all gone
  374. “Are you awake silver?”
  375. >its was barely noticeable but she twitches the smallest bit
  376. “I know you’re awake, did you enjoy your treat?” you ask teasingly
  377. >that does the trick as her eyes open, her face cherry-red
  378. >”i-I have no idea what you’re talking about, you just woke me up,” she says lying through her teeth
  379. “Okay sure. Anyways breakfast is ready but first we gotta brush them teeths,” you tell her as you put your index finger to her lips, pulling her bottom lip down
  380. >”That would be nice.”
  381. “Of course it is. Dental hygiene is very important.”
  382. >the corpses you left behind always had such immaculate teeth
  383. >anyways you take the handcuffs tying her hands to the bed off, only to replace them with the rope from yesterday
  384. >”Umm... how am I going to brush my teeth?”
  385. “Oh no, I’ll be brushing your teeth. Don’t worry I’m VERY thorough,” you say teasingly
  386. >that gets a blush out of her
  387. >getting up from the bed you help her to her feet and lead her to the bathroom
  388. “Oh and don’t pay any mind to diamond ok?”
  389. >what do you mean?”
  390. >you pull open the bathroom door, revealing the girl in question
  391. >”Oh my...”
  392. “Yeah, but don’t worry, thats what she gets for being herself.”
  393. >theres a woozy look on her face, probably from hanging upside down like that
  394. >You’ll have to turn her rightside up, after you take care of the brushing.
  395. “Now then, lets take care of this quick, our breakfast will get cold otherwise”
  396. >opening the mirror panel you reveal three toothbrushes and toothpaste, along with other toiletries
  397. >you even color coordinated the brushes, their colors of green, pink, and gray each matching their owner
  398. >its the little things that make the biggest difference after all
  399. >now normally you don’t brush your victims teeth but you want to make silver completely dependent on you
  400. >Now is it messed up to groom a underaged girl to become completely dependant on you?
  401. >Yeah
  402. >But considering what the alternative is you’re doing her a favor
  403. >Plus its definitely not the worst thing you ever done all things consider
  404. >Breaking out of your thoughts you get her toothbrush and the toothpaste
  405. >its time for the brushening
  406. >Setting a reasonable amount of toothpaste on the bristles you bring it to her mouth
  407. “say aah sweetheart.”
  408. >”Ahh~”
  409. >gently you brush away, starting with the molars in the back, working your way to the incisors
  410. >once you finished with that you start scrubbing her tongue, making sure not to go too far back
  411. >then to finish it you get the front of her teeth
  412. “Spit.”
  413. >she obeys quickly, spitting the foamy liquid into the sink
  414. >you turn on the water and cup some with your hand, bringing it to her lips
  415. “Now rinse,” you command as you tip your hand
  416. >She really is the perfect sub, as she does it without hesitation
  417. “Now spit”
  418. >she does so
  419. “Show me.”
  420. >She opens wide, and you inspect her mouth
  421. >all clean
  422. “Good girl,” you praise her as you pat her head getting her to smile
  423. >jeez are you really being turned on by brushing her teeth too now?
  424. >well its time to brush your own
  425. >once you are done with that you take silver back to bed
  426. “I’ll be back, I just gotta take care of something. Don’t go anywhere,” you joke as you handcuff her to the bed again
  427. >”Yes sir.”
  428. >you really love the way she said that
  429. >heading back to the bathroom you grab diamonds legs, causing her to jolt
  430. >lifting her up you pull her off the hook and set her down in the tub
  431. >taking a look at her you notice her hair is still moist, however her eyes are hazy
  432. >Shes still completely tied up so it should be fine to leave her in here
  433. >you gotta get started on eating so you make your exit and head straight to the bed and more importantly the food
  434. “sorry to have kept you waiting,” you say as you grab the food
  435. >“It’s okay sir.”
  436. >she is such a good girl
  437. >and hopefully by the end of this she’ll be your good girl
  438. “I’ll be feeding you too. Can’t exactly have you handle any kind of silverware after all. Not even a spoon,” you jokingly tell her
  439. >”That was awful”
  440. >however her smile betrays her true feelings
  441. “sheesh, good thing for you I don’t punish people for having a bad sense of humor.”
  442. >she only rolls her eyes lightheartedly
  443. “anyways.”
  444. >you grab a slice of bread and top it with some of the eggs and ham and bring it to her mouth
  445. “Bon appetit.”
  446. >she leans in and takes a bite
  447. >after chewing she swallows, a big smile overtaking her face
  448. >”This is really good!”
  449. “But of course, why if I didn’t pick this line of work I’d probably be a chef,” you say self-absorbedly
  450. >”I can believe that, can I have more?”
  451. “Sure, here ya go.”
  452. >after that its just you and silver taking bites in turn, and before long you are left with a empty plate and two satisfied stomachs
  453. >”So good~”
  454. “I can tell”
  455. >you give her belly a playful rubbing, getting a giggle out of her
  456. >”I’m ticklish there hehehe.”
  457. “Ya don’t say?,” you say with a devilish grin
  458. >”Wait I was just ki- hahahahah~”
  459. >you keep tickling her, at least for a little bit
  460. >her laughs are just too cute to resist
  461. >”P-please mercy!”
  462. “Hey I did say I would have to punish you,” you remind her as you continue relentlessly
  463. >”Please!”
  464. >You enjoy yourself for another minute at her expense before stopping
  465. >You left her gasping for breath from all the laughs you forced out of her
  466. >soon enough she recovers before she looks over to you with those lovely violet eyes
  467. >You already let yourself fall to her charms haven’t you
  468. >If she had never associated with diamond would she had been a better person?
  469. >A lovely girl that everyone looks up too?
  470. >Someone who didn’t have the hand in the tragic death of some poor girl?
  471. >you’ll never would had met her but at least things would had been better
  472. >these thoughts only serve to increase your dislike of diamond
  473. >but still you can’t dwell on what ifs
  474. >you’ll need to punish silver
  475. >for her sake
  476. >but since she’s actually showing remorse you’ll take it slow
  477. >”Sir?”
  478. “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”
  479. >”What were you thinking about?”
  480. “How I’m going to punish you.”
  481. >”b-but the tickling?”
  482. “Come on now, maybe it was a little torturous but its hardly a punishment.”
  483. >you see a fearful look in her eyes
  484. >you almost comfort her but you harden your heart
  485. “It has to be done, but I’ll start you off easy.”
  486. >you unlatch the handcuffs and pull her over your lap, placing your hands on her behind
  487. “Have you ever been spanked?”
  488. >you emphasize your question by giving them a light pat and squeeze, the soft but firm flesh feeling great in your hands
  489. >”n-no sir”
  490. “See back then my dad would always use his belt on me whenever I misbehaved. Granted I still ended up in bad business but the point still stands that it served its purpose when I was young.”
  491. >you rub her cheeks, getting a lovely red glow on her face
  492. “Now normally I’d pull out the studded paddle but I’ll be starting you off with my hands, since you been such a good girl.”
  493. >definitely for her sake, not just because you want to smack dat ass
  494. >”Thank you sir!”
  495. “Now I think we’ll start off with 20, I want you to count after each one. Okay?”
  496. >”Yessir...”
  497. >theres a bit of nervousness in her now
  498. >but you decide to start anyways
  499. >SMACK
  500. >”One!”
  501. >you aren’t holding back
  502. >”T-two!”
  503. >You alternate between them
  504. >”Three!”
  505. >She’s already tearing up
  506. >”Four!”
  507. >but you keep going
  508. >”Five!”
  509. >already you are leaving red handprints on her lovely flesh
  510. >”Six!”
  511. >and you really enjoy the sight of it
  512. >”Seven!”
  513. >Like your own personal brand
  514. >”Eight!”
  515. >After all this one has never been touched
  516. >”Nine!”
  517. >you put extra force into this one
  518. >”T-ten!”
  519. >She’s sobbing now
  520. >”E-eleven!”
  521. >you are torn
  522. >”Twelve!”
  523. >a part of you wants to stop and hold her tight
  524. >”Thirteen!”
  525. >but another wants to see her shed more tears
  526. >”Fourteen!”
  527. >In the end you continue, after all
  528. >”Fifteen!”
  529. >She deserves this
  530. >”sixteen...”
  531. >shes barely able to speak
  532. >”s-seven..teen”
  533. >but still she doesn’t beg
  534. >”e-eighteen”
  535. >just two more
  536. >”n-n-nineteen”
  537. >the final one is the hardest yet
  538. >she screams, but still manages to eke out the final number
  539. >”twenty...”
  540. >trails of tears mar her pretty little face
  541. >even in this state you can’t help but admire it
  542. “You actually did it. Good girl.”
  543. >”I-it hu-hurts!”
  544. “I know it does sweetie I know it does.”
  545. >gently you reach a hand to her face, rubbing the tears from her eyes
  546. “I’ll get you some ice, since you did so well. Okay?”
  547. >she only nods, little sniffles still escaping her
  548. “Good, just wait here okay, I’ll back in a moment.”
  549. >you don’t bother tying her up again, you doubt she’s eager to move around with how much she’s hurting
  550. >so you head to the kitchen and straight to the fridge
  551. >reaching into the ice box you grab a handful of ice
  552. >no point bagging it up, its feels better when its placed directly
  553. >making your way back silver turns to face you, looking at you with such sad eyes
  554. >At least she managed to pull herself together, no more sobs or fresh tears escape her
  555. “Here.”
  556. >sitting beside her you split the ice between your hands and place your hands down on her cheeks gently
  557. >You then open your hands, pressing the ice onto her reddened skin
  558. >She lets out a hiss at that but a moan soon follows
  559. >slowly you move the ice around, rubbing it all over
  560. “Better?”
  561. >”Mhmm”
  562. “Now was that so bad?”
  563. >”no sir.”
  564. “Good.”
  565. >You keep soothing her sore bottom until the ice melts, leaving nothing but cold moisture on your hands and her ass
  566. “There, all better.”
  567. >”Thank you sir.”
  568. “You understand why I did this right?”
  569. >”Yes. I know. I didn’t tell you but I dreamt of her again. Scootaloo was here with you, and she... she..”
  570. >She’s crying again
  571. >thats it you can’t hold back
  572. >you grab her into a hug
  573. “Shh shh sh. Don’t worry, as long as you keep being good you’ll be fine. Maybe just a little sore, but you’ll live. Got it?”
  574. >She doesn’t stop crying but you feel her nod against your chest
  575. >eventually it stops
  576. “Silver?”
  577. >a quick check confirms that the poor girl fell asleep
  578. >you’ll let her rest
  579. >You still have someone else to punish after all
  580. >And after this you are much much more eager to get to it
  581. >gently you cuff silvers arms to the bes
  582. >You can probably trust her but still
  583. >better safe then sorry
  584. >done with that you head over to your chest
  585. >time to pull out that paddle you mentioned before
  586. >it’s not the most brutal paddle, but you are positive diamond has never been smacked
  587. >She is going to suffer
  588. >You make your way to the bathroom
  589. >you enter the door, closing it gently behind you
  590. >Giving the paddle a little spin you head to the tub where your victim lies
  591. “Diamond, it’s time for us to play.”
  592. >Looking in you see her glaring at you
  593. >looks like she’s back to her senses
  594. >reaching down you unlatch the gag and pull it off
  595. >You want to hear her screams, her cries
  596. “Look what I brought for you.”
  597. >You show her the studded paddle, which gets a fearful look out of her before she buries it with her usual glare
  598. >”When my daddy finds you you’ll be sorry!”
  599. >Oh god here she goes again
  600. “You really think that your daddy dearest is going to find me?”
  601. >”Of course he is, he’s one of the most richest people in the world! It’s only a matter of time,” she confidently tells you
  602. “Oh I’m well aware he’s rich, I mean his name is literally filthy rich. I guess that filth spread to you huh?” you mockingly ask her
  603. >“Hmmph, make fun or whatever, it’s not going to change that he will save me.”
  604. >You wanted to start with the paddling but you might as well bring down her confidence first
  605. “You actually believe that huh? I don’t know whether I should laugh or pity you.”
  606. >”I’ll be the one laughing when he gets you!”
  607. >you only look at her condescendingly
  608. “You really don’t know your family do you? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
  609. >”What are you even talking about huh?”
  610. “They don’t care about you, at least not the way you think they do.”
  611. >”You’re lying! My daddy loves me!”
  612. “No, he just loves what it does to his wife. She hates how much he spoils you, which again, kinda funny since her name is spoiled milk, at least it used to be.”
  613. >mentioning her mother got a reaction out of her face
  614. “Yeah I know about your family too. Do you even know them? Your mom and dad haven’t loved each other in a long time. The only reason they haven’t divorced is because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of dividing their little capitalistic empire.”
  615. >”Y-you’re lying!”
  616. “Oh come on I know kids like you can be pretty ignorant but you must have seen the signs right? All those ‘business trips’ your mom is always on. I wonder when was the last time she even said she loved you?”
  617. >Now that really struck true as you notice a hurt look on her face for but a moment
  618. >”She loves me! She just doesn’t want me to be weak!”
  619. “Of course she doesn’t want you to be weak, she wants you to be her pawn. After all if something ever happens to daddy dearest, well he’s not going to leave his position to his cheating wife. You’re not as important as you think. To your dad you are a heiress, someone he can give everything to so he doesn’t have to give it to his scheming wife. While to your mom you are nothing more then a pawn to manipulate into what she wants you to be. Tell me when was the last time you spent any time with your family? I’m not talking going to some fancy dinner and posturing as a happy family either.”
  620. >that gets her to think, a sad look overcoming her
  621. >”I- I...”
  622. “You can’t remember huh? I bet neither of them even bothered to raise you too. Probably hired some uptight nanny to teach you what’s your proper place in the world.”
  623. >another perfect hit as she falters more, that overconfidence gone from her
  624. >however she manages to pull up false bravado once more
  625. >”You’re lying! You are just trying to trick me! Daddy loves me I know he does!”
  626. “Then why hasn’t he found me already?”
  627. >”He will find you soon, he has to...”
  628. “He’s the one of the richest men in the world. He could easily spend billions of dollars hiring bounty hunters and other searching parties. And yet all he did was give some sad little speech on national news about how his beloved daughter has been taken from him without any attempt at a ransom, gaining sympathy from the braindead masses. Even now he’s only profiting from your disappearance, like the slimy businessman he is.”
  629. >Once again her face is brought to despair
  630. >”That’s not true, t-that can’t be true...”
  631. “Oh but it is. Trust me, give him a month or two and eventually he will adopt a child. He will probably spin some sob story about how he is hoping to fill the void left by your disappearance, but in reality he just needs another heir.”
  632. >The funny thing is he really is this awful. The only reason you managed to find yourself in another country so quickly is because he has made so many enemies. People who were more then happy to see him suffer the lost of his child. You are sure in some part of him he will be saddened by diamonds sudden departure but ultimately he will move on.
  633. >Looking at diamond you see her spirit is all but broken, or would it be better to say shattered?
  634. “So do you finally realize the position you are in?
  635. >She doesn’t respond
  636. “Well now that I really wiped that cockiness off your face, now it’s time for us to get started. Let’s see how loud we can make you scream.”
  637. >You pull the girl up and then bend her uncomfortably over the rim of the tub, forcing her clothed buttocks to stick up in the air
  638. >Right you’ll need to take off the clothes, or tear it off in this case
  639. >pulling out a pocket knife you tear through the back of her pants, revealing her pale skin
  640. >She doesn’t bother protesting as you carve off her pants, piece by piece until you are left with pink panties
  641. >You tear those off easily, giving you a easy target for your paddle
  642. >Looking at diamond you doubt anything you say will break her out of her heartbreaking revelation
  643. >Lets see if pain will
  644. >You swing the paddle brutally, a explosive sound releasing as the paddle makes contact her unblemished right cheek
  645. >She lets out a screech of pain, broken out of her unfocused state
  646. “Now that’s more like it!”
  647. >You don’t bother counting this time around, giving another harsh swing to her left cheek, getting her to cry out again
  648. “Music to my ears!”
  649. >You look at your handiwork and you already see the imprint of the paddle and the studs, however you didn’t break skin just yet
  650. >looks like you’ll have to change that as you swing away, the sounds of her screams and the loud smacks of the paddle ringing in your ears
  651. >at some point she begs for mercy but you ignore it as you keep going
  652. >While you enjoyed treating silver gently, this is the stuff you truly lived for
  653. >A sadist at heart you can’t help but enjoy the symphony of pain that you unleash on diamond
  654. >Her suffering cries, the tears dripping from her eyes, the pointless begging for mercy, the beautiful sound of your paddle impacting her reddened flesh
  655. >It’s only sweetened once you tear her battered skin, blood beginning to smear on her buttocks and your paddle from each swing
  656. >Eventually she runs out of tears and screams and only letting out breathless gasps at each impact, realizing that there will be no mercy from you
  657. >You decide that’s a good stopping point as you give her one last ruthless swing, getting a final sweet cry out of her, concluding this concerto
  658. “Looks like we’re done for now.”
  659. >the only response she gives is a pained groan
  660. >Looking at her bloody form you realize you’ll have to patch her up
  661. >can’t risk her getting infected, you want this to last
  662. >you pull her legs up and move them into the tub
  663. >carelessly you turn on the cold water, causing it to spray over her, soaking her in chilly water but also washing away the blood
  664. >reaching over to the cabinet you pull out the little medkit you have
  665. >in it is all kinds of basic medical supplie, but you are only interested in the little band-aids and rubbing alcohol
  666. >getting a cotton ball as well you soak it in alcohol and start wiping it over the still bleeding abrasions, causing her to let out little hisses of pain
  667. >Once thats taken care of you gratuitously apply the the cheaply made band-aids
  668. “There, all taken care of. You are soaking wet but that’s fine, its warm in here.”
  669. >She doesn’t bother responding. Guess she doesn’t have as much pain tolerance at your previous victims, but whatever
  670. >Now that you think about it she hasn’t eaten yet either
  671. >She’s probably not in the mood to eat now
  672. >You’ll leave her alone for now, maybe in a hour you can feed her the granola bar and some water
  673. “I’ll be going now, seeya!”
  674. >You don’t bother waiting for a response that never comes as you make your exit, bloody paddle in hand
  675. >You head back to the bed, a now awake silver looking at you
  676. “So how much did you hear.”
  677. >”I heard diamond screaming, a lot.”
  678. >She looks at the blood-smeared paddle with mild fear
  679. “Yeah well that’s what happens to those who get me mad.”
  680. >”I see...”
  681. “Good. Now that I’m done with my little session with diamond it’s time for us to have funagain.”
  682. >She looks worried
  683. >“What kind of fun?”
  684. “Oh don’t worry, it won’t be as physical as before. But I’ll probably be the only one having fun.”
  685. >She looks morbidly curious at you following your statement
  686. “Now let me get the tools needed.”
  687. >you head over to the chest, pulling out a blindfold, a ballgag, a arm-binder, a spreader bar with cuffs, and finally a remote controlled egg vibrator
  688. >You bring them over to the bed, laying them down as silver watches
  689. >”What are you going to do with those?”
  690. “You’ll find out soon enough”
  691. >You unlock the handcuffs, freeing her arms
  692. >Taking the armbinder you bring it to her arms
  693. >”put your arms together, like this,” you command her as you show her how
  694. >she obeys your command readily
  695. “Good girl.”
  696. >you bind her hands and forearms together, greatly reducing her ability to move her arms
  697. >You take the latch and tie it to the head of the bed
  698. >Now you get the spreader bar and the cufflinks
  699. >You open the cufflinks and move down to her feet
  700. >you wrap the cufflink around her ankle, tightening it as much as possible without making it uncomfortable
  701. >Once you done the same with the second you once again command her
  702. “Spread your legs”
  703. >despite her nakedness she still blushes at your bold command
  704. >You could had spread her legs yourself but you want her to do it for you
  705. >Despite her blush she still obeys, spreading her legs and revealing her womanhood to you
  706. “Good girl”
  707. >positive reinforcement is good for pets right
  708. >You adjust the spreader bar and hook it to her cuffed feet
  709. >Now she won’t be able to move her legs
  710. >You grab the ball-gag next and bring it to her mouth
  711. ”Say ‘Aah’ sunshine.”
  712. >”Aah.”
  713. >You place the ball in place, muting her as you tie it around her head
  714. >Now the blindfold
  715. >She looks at you as you bring the blindfold, worry in her eyes
  716. “You’ll be ok.”
  717. >those simple words bring her ease as you place the blindfold on her
  718. >Now for the final part
  719. >taking the vibrator you press it against her pussy
  720. >This causes silver to jolt, a small muted noise escaping her
  721. >With some pressure it enters, once again earning you a noise from silver
  722. >now it’s time to get the fun started
  723. >Nothing like some orgasm denial right?
  724. >With the remote in hand you turn on the vibrator to the lowest setting, however it is still enough to get silver to roughly jolt, a muffled moan escaping her
  725. >Looking at her flushed face you can’t help but be turned on
  726. >after a couple minutes you turn it up, getting another muffled moan out of her
  727. >You make sure to study her face, watching for the signs that she’s close
  728. >Once you see it, her moaning intense even as she is gagged you turn it off
  729. >This gets a jolt out of her as she tries to move her limbs fruitlessly
  730. “Sorry dear but this is still punishment. I won’t be letting you come.”
  731. >Again muted words escapes her, although if you had to guess she would be pleading
  732. “No can do, just endure for me.”
  733. >She lets out more unintelligible sounds as she squirms in her restraints
  734. >Once she settles down you again turn on the vibrator, causing her to jolt again and let out another muted moan

SS/DT Kidnapping

by ThrowAway

Sour Sweet Blackmail

by ThrowAway