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Sour Sweet Blackmail
By ThrowAwayCreated: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-05 00:17:46
Expiry: Never
Prompt: >why so smug?
Not wearing any panties.
>Woke up, got dressed for school
>Feeling naughty, daring today
>Takes the risk; goes commando under her skirt
>Goes downstairs, eats breakfast; no panties
>Excapes the house without Mom noticing
>First major danger cleared
>Walks to the bus stop
>Sudden gust of wind almost exposes her
>Nobody noticed...whew
>Excited and nervous about being caught
>Pussy getting damp
>Rides the bus to school, no panties
>Sees her friends, almost forgets she's naked down there
>Sits down carelessly in Science class
>Sits on her butt instead of her skirt
>Usually has panties on...not this time
>Gives a little yelp as cold metal seat touches sensitive young labia lips
>Sweeps her skirt under her butt before anybody notices
>Getting caught would be ultimate doom
>Cinch will paddle her for lewdness; send a letter home to Mom & Dad
>nope nope nope, do not want
>The danger makes it more exciting
>Her vagin is dripping by now
>School is over
>Feeling smug, has not been caught all day
>Risks going to the mall with friends
>Mall > homework
>Anon works there at his loser job
>Gonna go fuck with him a little
>Maybe Anon will notice she's not wearing any panties.....?
>be anon
>be working loser job
>nothing like selling reheated frozen pretzels and extremely sugary lemonade at the mall
>but hey at least its a indoor job
>shit’s heating up outside
>for the most part business is picking up as more and more people go into the mall
>as you hand over the lastest guy the salty bread twists you notice something
>Oh fuck you recognize those haircolors all bunched up
>its sour and her group of cunts
>well except lemon you guess cause shes always distracted by her music
>well its not like they’ll come here, surely they are ‘above’ shitty vendor food
>however as they get closer you soon realize that they are in fact heading straight towards you
>inwardly you hope someone will come to order food but unfortunately no savior comes
>as you look at sour’s face you notice how fucking pleased she is with herself
>like the cat that caught the canary and subsequently tortured it to death
>”Well well well if it isn’t anon”
>you already feel the headache coming
“Are you really going to do this here too? I need to focus on my job.”
>her vicious side soon comes out
>”This job really suits someone like you doesn’t it girls,” her grin malicious as she turns to them
>”It really does,” agrees sunny flare
>”You should consider smiling more so you don’t lose the only job you’ll get,” interjects sugarcoat in her voice that just embodies the very essence of speaking like a cunt
>”jeez people really eat this garbage?”
>indigo zap is more concerned with the food this place sells then you fortunately
>meanwhile lemon is just bobbing her head to whatever music she’s listening to
>however as you try to avoid focusing on them you notice someone coming up on them
>at first you thought it might be a customer but then you notice them more clearly
>its that little creep with the camera
>you don’t know who he is but you remember seeing this guy and his buck teeth
>He’s always sneaking around trying to take pictures of girls
>you are pretty sure he is banned from the mall but it doesn’t seem to stop him
>meanwhile the cunt squad is too distracted mocking you to notice him
>normally you would warn any of your customers if this creep is around but you’ll make an exception for this time around
>”why are you looking away? are you going to cry?” this time she talks in that falsely sweet voice
“can’t you just go away,” you make sure to say with false upset
>you can’t let them notice the creep about to take the easiest upskirt photos of his life
>meanwhile sour’s face becomes downright evil thinking she’s got to you
>”now wheres the fun in that. Things just aren’t the same without Sparkle around. You should be grateful you have the attention of the most beautiful girls in crystal prep worm!”
>goddamn crazy bitch
>meanwhile from the corner of your eye you see the creep walk away, no doubt his goals already secured on his camera
“just go away already...”
>she only gets up closer and grabs your cheek with mild roughness
>”hmm I guess we can leave widdle anon alone,” she says squishing your cheek
>you are really tempted to smack her but you know that will only lead to worse things
>this bitch has connections at that school and you only got accepted on a technicality
>so you stay quiet and she lets go of you
>”Alright girls lets go! it was really nice seeing you anon!”
>she walks away, her sycophants trailing her
>although she gives you one last look as she walks away
>it seems expectant
>but then she faces forward and soon they are out of sight
>hopefully that creep shares those images with other creeps
>they might never know but the idea that their images might be shared and used makes you feel better
>like you got them back in a way
>anyways back to the job as an actual customer comes up
>some time passes as you sell more and more junk food
>then you see that creep coming up
>shit what the hell does he want
>you really hope he doesn’t think your friends just because you didn’t call him out
>he approaches the front
>”hey thanks for the help with those photos”
“I only did it because I hate those bitches,” you say to defend yourself
>the little shit only smirks at that
>”sure sure. Well I’m sure you’ll like to look at this”
>he shows you the images of each shadowbolt
>you gotta admit he knows what he's doing, he even managed to angle it so it catches their face, at least enough to recognize it
>then he gets to sour sweet
“no fucking way”
>he only grins wider
>there in the image is a upskirt of sour sweet, a panty-less sour sweet
>”so since you helped me out, do you want a copy of these? Or are you still not interested?”
>you only grin
>you can use this against that bitch
“I just want Sour Sweet’s.”
>”Don’t know which one is named that but I can guess who that is”
>pulling out your phone you give him your number
>He quickly sends you the tool to sour’s downfall
>”pleasure doing business withcha”
“yeah yeah”, you say distractedly as you imagine all the blackmail you can get done with this
>you can’t believe that bitch was fucking with you without even wearing panties
>what a freak
>That’s kinda hot
>You’ll make her regret fucking with you
>And you are gonna enjoy every second of it
>”hey can I get a pretzel?”
>oh right your job
>job first then revenge
“right away ma’m”
>to say you were eager to get off work would be the greatest understatement of all time
>not just because the job is boring but also because you are very eager to get started
>as soon as the next wage slave come by, some girl you never bothered to get the name of, you immediately clock out
>luckily your ‘uniform’ consists of a company shirt, khakis, and a paper hat so you don’t have to worry about changing or anything like that and just grab your backpack and walk out
>You just head straight to the closest photo printing service hosted in the mall
>thanks to technology you can have multiple copies of the comprising photo printed in moments
>it also takes a chunk out of your savings since instant printing comes at a hefty price but you can deal with it
>the look on that bitch’s face as she sees what you have on her will be absolutely priceless
>as the photos print you start thinking of what you will make Sour Cunt do
>first thing you’ll have her do is reimburse you for the photos
>then more
>but it will be gradual
>the fact that she actually went around commando is telling
>shes a secret pervert as well as a mentally unstable bitch
>no way she just happened to forget to wear panties all day
>especially at the mall
>and sure they tell you not to stick your dick in crazy and all that
>but you also like to live dangerous
>ok thats a lie but fuck it you hate this bitch, and the idea of making her YOUR bitch turns you on like nothing else ever has
>A beeping noise quickly alerts you to your photos being done, all stored automatically in a envelope
>5 physical copies of the image should be enough
>one for blackmail purposes, one for personal ‘research’, and 3 back-ups
>you’ll also make sure to keep multiple digital sources, just in case
>can’t be too careful
>god you never thought the mall creep would be your savior in the end
>the world works in mysterious ways
>quickly you store your incriminating evidence in your bag and leave, ready to get home as you head to the parking lot
>you own a shitty beat up car, another reason for the shits at crystal prep to mock you, but hey it gets the job done
>starting up the clunker you make the drive home
>getting there you get out the car and head on over to the front door
>unlocking the door you turn on the lights and throw your bag on the floor
>home sweet home
>your mom and dad are probably still working
>they put a lot of effort to keep you going to crystal prep, since that expensive as shit school still comes with a ton of fees
>its part of the reason why you work that lame mall job and why you haven’t just gave up with the cunt crew consistently conniving against you
>but your fortune is gonna change
>the your stomach rumbles
>yep time to microwave the leftovers
>the rest of day passes by easily as you eat, do your homework, and watch TV until its late
>You make sure to use your computer to store copies of your precious photo
>not just on your hard drive, but also on a flash drive and in a e-mail sent to yourself
>done with all that you prepare for bed
>your parents still aren’t back but they are probably enjoying a dinner or something
>you learned well enough to not get involved in their private lives
>never again
>anyways you drop yourself on your bed as you wind down, the days fatigue weighing on your consciousness
>your last thoughts of sour’s shamelessness as you drift to sleep
>Dawn of the first day
>your alarm wakes you up with its obnoxious bleeping
>you hate it but it gets the job done as you force yourself up
>time to get ready for today, today is going to be a special day
>first things first you get all your bathroom business done
>not like you need to explain the sordid details of what happens in a bathroom
>finally you make sure you have everything you need in your backpack, photo included
>then you head down, your mother already cooking up breakfast if the delicious smell is any indication
”Hey ma what’s for breakfast?”
>”The usual hun,” she replies without turning away,”take a seat it’ll be ready in a jiff.”
>you do as your told, your stomach eager to be filled with tasty breakfast foods
>your dad no doubt already left for work
>soon enough a plate of ‘the usual’ is placed in front of you
>you easily devour it, and thank your mom for the meal
>”no problem hun, just keep doing your best in school”
>oh you’ll be doing your best all right
“I have to go ma, schools about to start.”
>she grabs you in her patented mom hug, a inescapable prison
>”have a good day at school”
“y-you too”
>she giggles at that as she releases you
>you make a hasty exit to your car
>you always were a bit of a momma’s boy
>You drive off to school, or at least near it
>you don’t park at the school for obvious reasons
>you really don’t need to make your car a target
>after you are done parking your car you make the rest of the way on foot, your thoughts on the image in your bag
>you are definitely playing with fire, but damn it you have to do this
>take her down a peg, or ten
>as you approach the front of the school you spot your target chatting to some girl
>although by the looks of it she’s intimidating her
>you really should learn the names of these people
>none of her lackeys are around however so you walk up to her confidently
>”So make sure you bring it, or else! capiche?”
>”y-yes sweet.”
>”good girl,” she says pinching her cheek like she did to you
“hey sour,” you cut in
>as she faces you shes surprised for a moment, before it defaults into her usual self-assured face
>”well well well. If I di-“
“yeah yeah yeah shut the fuck up.”
“you heard me bitch.”
>the scared girl from before gasps
>Sours face goes ugly as she growls
>a actual fucking growl
>”Anon~ You better apologize before I do something that’ll make you regret ever being born!”
>Now normally you’d feel pretty intimidated by her threats
>But newfound confidence fills you, knowing what you have on her
>so you get up close and personal with her
>with your biggest shit-eating grin you tell you
“I know exactly what you did yesterday.”
>For a small moment panic shows on her face, but just a moment
>”I have no idea what you talking about, but you better make with the apology, and soon!”
>You just keep smirking
“OK, but tell me first, are you still going commando?”
>now you got her, as you see a emotion you rarely see on her face
>”y-you don’t have any proof!”
“Oh but I do. Now if I were you, I’d come to room 302, during lunch. And I really recommend coming alone unless you want your friends to find out. Then we can... make an agreement. And don’t get any funny ideas, or else the whole school will know.”
>this time you reach for her face, and give her cheek a harsh pinch
>oh the look on her face is everything you ever imagined and more
>you let go of her
“now go. I’ll see you soon enough.”
>That crazed anger crosses her face but she relents and walks away
>oh right the girl
“hey uh...”
>”Coco. Coco Pommel...”
“right right. don’t tell anyone about this yeah? After all I’m sure you want to see her be taken down a bit too right?”
>she nods
“Great. I’ll get her to leave you alone too. So don’t worry about whatever she told you K?”
>jeez shes quiet
“Great, then I’ll be going then.”
>you walk away from that awkward encounter
>You doubt she’ll talk with how quiet she is anyways
>might as well make your way to class
>Be sour sweet
>Top dog at Crystal Prep
>And completely fucked
>It was only a day, a single day of naughty excitement
>you didn’t think that fucking loser would actually catch you
>When the heck did he ever get the chance!
>how could it had gone so wrong!
>The worst part is you doubt he’s bluffing
>He acts too confident, so different from that poor loser you and the girls fuck around with
>maybe you could stab him!
>no thats even worse, no way you’ll get away with murder
>Guess you’ll just have to see what he wants
>back to being anon
>got through your classes, now its time for the grand reveal
>you head over to room 302
>its always unlocked during lunch, and you usually eat here alone
>better then the pricks here asking you why your eating packed lunches instead of the overpriced trash they sell here
>jeez your lonely
>Well whatever, you pull out your packed lunch and start eating
>Sourcunt should get here soon enough
>first thing you’ll tell her to do is to back off you and that Coco girl
>Then more
>Your not sure how far you should push her
>but she did go around without panties a whole day
>maybe you can have her do pervy stuff for you
>After all you doubt she’d want her reputation ruined
>The door finally opens
“Well well well, look who decided to show up,” you say mockingly
>”Show me the evidence first before you start talking creep,” she commands with a scowl
“jeez someones fiesty.”
>you pull out the photo from your pack and bring it to her
>however before she could snatch it out of your hand you pull back
“Don’t get any dumb ideas like ripping it up, I have plenty of backups.”
>She glares harder as you tell her that
“Anyways here ya go.”
>she still snatches it outta your hand before taking a look at it
>Her face goes from that bitch face to shocked in a moment
“Pretty good shit huh. Theres no way anyone who sees this won’t know its you. Also nice ass, I’ll admit that.”
>”You fucking creep how the hell did you get this.”
“Like I’m telling you that. Anyways you seem to not understand the situation you currently are in, so I’ll remind you, I’m the one who’s got you by the balls. So it would be in your best interest to watch your fat mouth. But thats just a suggestion.”
>Once again her face becomes shocked, but it quickly turns back to that haughty face you hate so much
>”If you do share this I’ll just tell everyone it was you! Then you’ll get in trouble too!”
>you only smirk
“With what proof? It’ll be your word against mine. And even if you do manage to convince them, you’ll take a worse hit then me. I’m just a normal kid, it’ll suck to miss out on crystal prep’s ‘prestigious’ upbringing,” you say with sarcasm,” but I’ll live.”
>then you point at her face, poking her cheek
“You however will suffer much, much worse. What will happen to your reputation? Your parent’s reputation? All that respect will go down the drain once everyone finds out you enjoy going out without panties, if your moistened cunt is any hint. You might not get expelled but you’ll always be THAT girl.”
>”I didn’t mean to! I just forgot that day!”
“Really? and you forgot all the way to the mall? all the way to my job? Be honest with yourself, you enjoyed it didn’t you?”
>”It was just one day...,” she says with a tone you never heard from her.
>genuine sadness
>It only makes you grin the widest grin you ever had
“Really? that’s fucking hilarious. I really lucked out that day huh?”
>once again her second face pops out
>“What the fucks your problem?!”
>now you’re pissed
“What the fuck is my problem you say? You are my fucking problem, you and every other pompous shitbag here with their heads stuck up their own ass. As if it isn’t bad enough being constantly reminded that I wasn’t given every single thing on a silver platter, I had to deal with you and your lackeys constantly bothering me. Not just here but even at my fucking job. Day in and day out!”
>For a moment you see guilt in her eyes, but it dissapears as her ‘sweet’ face comes out
>”Oh you poor thing. I’m so so sorry that you had to suffer soooo much. Buuuuuuuut,” she extends, her sour face coming out,” like sugarcoat always say, If you weren’t such a pushover maybe people would respect you more.”
>She looks at you with that goddamn face
>but you’re not mad, the opposite really as you start laughing in her face
>She looks at you like you’re crazy, but that only makes it funnier
“I can’t believe you can still talk like that, you really are too much. Thank you Sour Sweet.”
>Shes still confused
“If you had shown a little remorse, maybe I would had felt bad for what I was going to do to you, but now I can live guilt free, knowing that you are rotten to the core.”
>you grin madly
“And ooh the fun we are gonna have, why I might even have you eat a bowl of eggs, just to see it happen.
>that gets her speechless
“Yeah dunno where that came from. But we’ll start small. First things first, you’ll leave me alone. You will also make sure your friends leave me alone too.”
>are you forgetting something?
>oh right
“Also whatever it is you were making Coco do you for, forget about it. I already told her to not worry about it.”
>”Why y-“
“shhhhhhhhh,” you say putting your finger to her lips
“Shush. You are not to talk anymore ok sweetie?”
>she gets mad at that, she always hated being called sweetie from what you heard
“Now then, to make a little check.”
>you squat down and pull her skirt up
“Huh, decided to wear panties today huh. Cute teddy bears print by the way.”
>looking up you see her blushing
“hey did you forget what I told you already? shut the hell up.”
>oh you love that contemptuous look on her face
“Anyways I’ll be taking these, not like you need em anyways right? You did so well yesterday.”
>looking at her face she’s blushing hard, but at least she learned to keep quiet
>slowly you pull them down to her ankles, revealing her sour sweet cunt
>You look her in the eyes
“Nice cunt.”
>oh she’s seething
“lift your left leg.”
>obediently she does so and you pull her panties off it
“Now the other”
>again she obeys and you take your prizs
>getting up you show her your newest acquisition
“I’ll be keeping this. Also don’t bother wearing anymore, I’ll be checking daily.”
>again a hateful glare is sent your way but she nods
“Good girl. You know you are much more nicer when you keep your mouth shut. You should consider keeping it shut from now on.”
>god this is so much more better then you imagined
“Anyways thats it for today I think. I’ll bring some stuff for next time. And remember, don’t bother me or Coco. Make sure your friends don't either or there will be... consequences,” you say with dramatic flourish as you grab her pretty face and move it closer to your own
>oh yeah right, no speaking
>”you may speak to answer my questions.”
“Great!,” you exclaim as you let go of her face,” Oh and don’t worry about these.”
>you wave the panties in her face
“I’ll be taking great care of them, if you know what I mean. Tata,” you say giving a lazy wave
>you get one last look at her flabbergasted face, whether it was red with embarrassment or anger you don’t know and you don’t really care as you close the door behind you
>then you stop, the catharsis of getting to her like that washing over you
>Is this what those neckbeards mean when they talk about feeling euphoric?
>You stuff the goods in your pocket and start walking away, basking in your feelings
>And theres so much more you can have her do, so much more
>just the thought of it makes you want to go back in there and get started
>But no, you are going to slow-cook this bitch
>after all thats when the meat is the most tender
>absorbed in your thoughts you don’t notice as you bump directly into someone, knocking em off their feet
“Oh crap”
>looking down you see a familiar face
“Sorry about that Coco, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
>you reach a hand down to her
>”No I should had moved, I was trying to get your attention but I guess you didn’t hear me...”
>Shyly she puts her hand in yours and you pull her up
“There we go. Still I’m sorry about that. Anyways what did ya need from me?”
>Oh yeah
“Oh and don’t worry, Sour definitely won’t bother you anymore”
>She smiles brightly at that
>”Thats good to hear, She wanted to take my fashion designs for herself in our fashion designing class, and I worked really hard on them. But I was wondering about something else.”
“Sure, go ahead”
>”So, does this mean you’re blackmailing sour sweet?”
>cutting right to the chase huh, well no point lying to her
“Yep, I got something on her that would completely ruin her. You aren’t thinking of doing anything to stop me right?”
>”Oh no no no. Actually I was hoping if I could maybe... ᵘˢᵉ ʰᵉʳ ᵗᵒᵒ”
“Eh? didn’t catch that”
>”Can I use her too?!” she speaks up
“not so loud,” you whisper yell as you look around
>fortunately no one is here
“Well I wasn’t expecting that from you. You seemed so... uh...”
>”Don’t worry, I know what you mean. Thats why these girls always picked on me. But now I can get back at her!”
>”if thats ok with you...”
>a part of you wants to mess with the soft-spoken girl
>but that would make you just as bad wouldn’t it
“Yeah sure.”
“Really. What do you even have in mind though?”
>”I got a few ideas, for modeling... but what about you?”
“Oh I got a lot of ideas, but I want to spread them out.”
>she looks interested at that
>“What have you done today?”
“besides making sure she won’t bother us anymore, lets say I took a little memento to commemorate this day,” you tell her as you shamelessly pull out the panties
>that gets a reaction out of as she blushes harshly
>”o-o-oh jeez. I didn’t think...”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I could ruin her. This is just the beginning of what I’m gonna do too. So are you still sure you want to join me?”
>For a second it looks like she’ll back out, but then a rather pervy looking face crosses her visage
>”I’m even more sure now,” she says enthusiastically
>is this one of those ‘it’s always the quiet ones’ moments?
“Well then, welcome aboard.”
>unexpectedly she hugs you tightly
>”Oh thank you soo so much.”
>oh now she’s got you blushing
>darn your weakness to cute girls
“Hey its no problem, two heads are better then one and all that,” you say awkwardly returning her hug
>At least she doesn’t notice it as she looks up to your eyes
>”I design all kinds of clothes, even... lingerie.”
>Now shes got your attention
“No kidding?”
>”mhmm, look,” she tells you as she releases you from the hug
>you were just starting to enjoy it too
>reaching into her sidebag she pulls out a notebook, which she opens and starts leafing through its page
>”Aha, here take a look!”
>she almost shoves it in your face
>on the pages is some very racy looking nightwear
>you grab the notebook from her gently, treating it like the treasure it is as she lets it go
“These are, well, you pause to get a hold of yourself, “I would not mind seeing these on a girl.”
>she lets out a cute little giggle at that
“And you can actually sew these?”
>”Yep! So what do you think, should I use Sour Sweet to model these?”
>Honestly these would be wasted on her
>but then again, having her wear this at school might even be more mortifying then simply having her go without any underwear
“Oh yeah, this could definitely work. Heck you should even take pictures, after all she is a senior. So she’s not underaged you know,” you state matter-of-factly as you imagine how sour would react.
>”Oh I didn’t think about that.”
“Yep, and I’m sure sweetie would be more then glad to model for free.”
>a malicious grin crosses your face
“Why, she would have to be an IDIOT to refuse, right Coco?”
>”hehehe... right Anon, but do you mind not looking at me like that?”
“Oh woops sorry,” you apologize while keeping your smile at socially acceptable levels, “I’m just really excited about this, you too right?”
>”Oh very much! Oh but’ll I’ll have to get her measurements...”
“That won’t be an issue, just come to room 302 during lunch. Make sure to bring all the measuring tools you’ll need. You’ll definitely surprise her tomorrow.”
>”I’ll make sure to bring everything, ooh I can’t wait.”
>Her smile is so pretty
“Now you know how I feel.”
>However the bell rings, signaling the end
“Well looks like we gotta go to class.”
>”Yeah I guess we do...”
“Seeya tomorrow then”
>”Bye anon.”
>you take your leave, don’t want to be late for class, the teachers are just as much a pain in the ass as their students
>well except for Mrs. Peachbottom
>Anyways you make it make in time for Sombra’s literature class
>Guy has the most flamboyant way of acting, despite looking so outwardly intimidating
>not that you will ever say that to his face
>However the more important thing is that a certain girl also attends this class, taking a seat at the table in the back
“Hello sweetie,” you say quietly to her as you take the right seat of the table
>She glares at you as you do but doesn’t respond
“now now its rude to not greet back you know.”
>She growls again
>”Hey you’re in seat dude!”
>Oh yeah, lemon zest is here too
>you turn to look at the girl with her earphones around her neck
“Sorry but Sour Sweet told me to sit here, ain’t that right Sour?”
>”Yep, so sorry Zestie but I got some things to tell anon here!”
>you can see anger in her eyes but she’s smart enough to act accordingly
>she looks curiously at you two but just for a moment
>”Alright then, I guess I’ll sit somewhere else, later dudes!”
“Nice save, but I’ll be the one telling you things. However first things first, does it feel as good as it did yesterday?”
>She’s confused for a moment but she catches on soon enough, a fierce blush on her face
>”a-As if!”
“Sureeee. Anyways I’ll be seeing you again tomorrow, same place same time. kay?”
>”Everybody to their seats now, for I have arrived!”
>well theres Sombrero
>none of the students challenge his command as they all take their seats
>”Now we will be continuing where we left off, if anyone actually managed to forget it would be page 213, where section 5.4 begins.”
>You along with everyone else pulls out their textbook, opening it to the according page
>Sombra starts teaching right away but you tune him out, your interest lies on the girl seated right next to you after all
>gently you place a hand on her lower thigh
>”Hey whats the bi-“
>”Is there a problem miss Sweet?”
>”Sorry Mr. Sombra, I just thought I felt a bug crawling on me,” she readily lies
>”I understand, however no more outbursts. Understood?”
>”Good, now then...”
>you rub the soft creamy skin, getting her attention again
>”what do you think you are doing?” she whispers angrily to you
“Whatever I want to of course. now if I were you I would stop acting up...”
>you give her a squeeze to emphasize, getting a jolt from her
“Don’t want anyone to notice right?”
>that gets her to sit straight, a suppressed blush on her face as she looks around
>the rest of the time passes on, you keeping your hand on her feeling her leg up
>you were tempted to go under her skirt but you didn’t want to push her too much too soon
>the bell rings
>”Well thats it for today class. Make sure to study for the test next friday, or else!”
>you give her leg one last pat before removing your hand from her leg
“Well thats a shame. Did you enjoy yourself sweetie?”
>“I hated it.”
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t care how you felt. Seeya tomorrow, and don’t be late,” you remind her as you pack up your things and leave
>it was fun to torment her like that, feeling her up was just a bonus
>Your next couple classes go by quickly enough and soon enough the final bell rings
>”Well looks like that’ll be all for today class, hope ya’ll have a lovely afternoon!”
>gosh you wonder why someone like peachbottom would come to to place
>you gotta admit her pitch is a little deep but you kinda love that accent
>Either way its times to go to head to work
>on the way out you spot sweet and her gang
>you are tempted to go up to her but you don’t want them catching on
>at least not this early
>if you play your hand right you might get to rope them in too
>So you head to your car, making your way to the mall
>the rest of the day is so bland compared to what happened earlier that you soon find yourself on bed, getting ready for sleep
>you pull out those panties
>might as well use them right?
>taking out a copy of sunny’s bare underass you get yourself off before going to sleep
>you’ll take the real thing for yourself in time
>the post-nut feeling makes you fall asleep easily, your final thoughts of sour’s sweet ass
>that retched alarm gets you up with a start
>your dream was just getting to the good part too!
>you smack the button harder then usual, but that just leads to a stinging hand
>but damn it its the principle of the matter
>rubbing your poor hand you quickly get through your morning rituals and down to the kitchen
“Good morning mom!”
>”Well someones feeling chipper today, anything good happen at school yesterday?”
“You could say that,” you reply as you suppress a smile
>”Thought so! Anyways heres breakfast, made ya some pancakes, your favorite.”
>Today just keeps getting better
“Thanks ma!”
>“You are very welcome.”
>you easily tear through your food
>fucking love ya some pancakes
>”So how was it?”
“Great as always. I gotta go now mom.”
>”Have another great day kiddo.”
“you too mom.”
>you give her one last wave as you make your exit and make way to the car
>soon enough you are at the front of the school
>you don’t see sour around but you do see Coco, her back to you
>you sneak up on her
“Hey partner, you ready?”
>”Oh anon! You surprised me!”
“Yeah sorry about that”
>not really though she looked really cute surprised
>”Well you should be, but yes I’m ready.”
“Good, I already made sure your brand new model will be there.”
>”Thats good.”
“Yep, guess I’ll see you then. Oh and one more thing.”
“Lets trade phone numbers, it be good if we could communicate right?”
>”Oh that’s a great idea!”
>She pulls out her phone and the two of you exchange numbers
>mission success
>you finally got a cute girl’s number
>granted it’s definitely not exactly how you imagined you would get one
>but you won’t complain
>with that out of the way the bell rings
“Looks like its time to start another fun-filled day of classes,” you sarcastically tell Coco as you both make your way inside
>she giggles a bit
>”I’m sure you’ll survive anon. I’ll see you at lunch, bye!”
>she makes her way to her class, you watch as she moves to another corridor and leave your sight
>well time to get going, don’t want to be late after all
>morning classes are dull as always
>the teachers have the charisma of a stone
>Now that the classes are over the real fun can begin as the lunch bell rings
>Time to see your dear friend
>and sour too
>up the stairs you go to good ol’ room 302
>As you open the door you notice that Coco is already there, her attention on you as you enter
>someone’s eager to get started
“Heya Coco. Looks like we’re still waiting on sweet n sour huh?”
>”Yep. I got my measuring tape here so I’m ready when she gets here.”
>looking at the table you see measuring tape, a notebook, and a pen
>not exactly tools of torture but you have an idea in mind for your guest of honor
“Well thats good. Be prepared and all that.”
>geez you suck at making conversation
>fortunately the doorknob is turned, saving you from further exposing your social ineptitude
>unsurprisingly its Sour
“Welcome back Sour.”
>”Yeah yeah Anon. What do-“
>She pauses as she catches sight of your colleague
>oh there comes her sour side
>”What the heck is she doing here!”
“What did I tell you about manners sweetie?,” you remind her with a edge to your tone
>”Hello... Coco. Now can you tell me what’s shes doing here?”
>You were about to tell her but Coco speaks up first
>”I’m here to get your measurements of course!”
>”What are you even talking about?”
>”Well, I always wanted someone to model clothes so I asked anon if I could use you and he said yes. But first I need to take your measurements.”
>Now she looks apprehensive
>”What kinda clothes?”
>that wierd smile of Coco’s makes an appearance
>”nightwear of course.”
>”You can’t be serious”
>”I am. After didn’t you say you wanted my designs? well now you can model them instead.”
>Sour looks flabbergasted seeing Coco talk to her like that
>then she turns to you
>”This is a joke right?”
“Nope. I decided since you also messed with Coco it’s only fair she gets to join in our fun. Which reminds me.”
>you get up and close to sour and reach down for her skirt
“Lets see if you listened to me.”
>pulling them up reveals her bare bottom and gets a blush from the two girls inside
>Sour looks like she wants to protest but she stays quiet instead
“Good girl. Now then.”
>you turn to the aspiring seamstress
“Wouldn’t it help to take measurements of her without clothes in the way?”
>Her blush only intensifies as that confident girl from before is replaced with her usual soft-spoken self
>”W-w-well yes bu-”
“Great! So then Sour, do us a favor and get naked.”
>jeez that was a screech and a half
“Are you going deaf? Clothes, take them off. Unless you rather I just go ahead and expose you for the slut you are?”
>She looks so mad, but its soon taken over by that same defeated look you saw yesterday
>You love that look on her face, so full of despair
“Well? We don’t have all day.”
>Slowly she pulls off her shirt, revealing a plain pink bra
>then the bra comes off, revealing two sizable breasts that she covers with her right arm
>you can’t wait to grope them, but for now you hold yourself back
>finally the skirt is pulled down with her left, her hand going over her pussy
>you pull out your phone and open the camera app
>this get’s sour to look even sadder
>”You didn’t say you were going to take pictures...”
“I don’t need to say anything, now move your arms.”
>slowly she reveals herself, her pale freckled skin and those nice tits open for your viewing pleasure
>you notice she’s starting to tear up
>as if your boner couldn’t get harder it disproved you just at the sight
>moving around her you take photos from different angles
“You mind doing a pose? maybe peace sign?” you ask mockingly
>You gotta admit you weren’t expecting her to actually do it
>damn that’s hot
>So absorbed in your own depravity you forgot about your partner
>looking at Coco you notice that she’s still blushing, averting her eyes from you two
“Hey Coco”
>you grab her attention, however that blush stays permanently on her face
“Aren’t you going to take her measurements? I’m done with her for now.”
>”O-oh yeah! I’ll do it now”
>She grabs her tape and nervously approaches the bare-naked girl
>”a-I’ll start taking your measurements, c-can you lift your arms?”
>sour only sighs before obeying
>You watch as she takes the various measurements
>”N-now I’ll measure your bust.”
>Now you are laser focused as you watch her wrap the tape around her breasts
>”O-okay that’s all I need.”
“Perfect. Now then.”
>you head to Sour’s pile of clothes and take the bra
“I’ll be keeping this.”
>”But I need that...”
“Be grateful I’m not taking anything else. Anyways don’t bother bringing another bra.”
>you get close to sour and whisper in her ear
“Hey I said no bra’s, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put on pasties...”
>Another blush from her, you are on a roll.
“Now then, you can go now sour.”
>she puts her skirt and shirt on and leaves
>the fact that she has no underwear on is only something that only the three of you will know
>you turn to Coco
“Whatcha think? not bad huh?”
>”Don’t you think you were being a bit.. too much?”
>aw geez
“Come on Coco. Imagine if she was blackmailing us instead. You think she would show us mercy? She’d probably force us to do whatever her and her friends want for the rest of the school year.”
>”That’s true...”
“Of course it is. Think Coco think, if she had her way you would had to have given her all your designs, you would live to see all you worked on go towards her success. Then what would you have?”
“Nothing Coco. You would had have to start from scratch. And I saw your designs. I’m not some hoity toity asshole but even I can tell that they look good. And it would all be wasted on a basic bitch like sour sweet. Am I right or not?”
>You can see the mousy girl taking in what you said before she finally speaks
>”You’re right.”
“So you agree that I’m not taking it far?”
>She nods demurely
“Good girl,” you instinctly blurt out
>however instead of a negative reaction that gets a blush out of her instead
>you weren’t expecting that but you can work with this
“Now then, you should get started on making the clothes for sour. After all we need her to model right?”
>”Oh right!”
>that knocked her out of her blush
>She pulls out the notebook from before and opening it to her designs
>”Which one should I do first?”
“Well they’re all so good.. hmm.”
>you look over the various design drafts
>then you see it
“That one,” you tell her as you poke a finger to it
>”oooh. Good choice.”
“Yep, definitely a good start to your personal fashion career.”
>”Yeah, I think so too.”
“Well then lunch is almost over, so I think we can wrap this little meeting up.”
>you get ready to go but Coco speaks up
>”Did you really mean it?”
>”What you said about my work?”
“Of course I did. Honestly I’m glad I caught Sour messing with you. Maybe it was fate huh,” you jokingly say
>”I think it was fate too...”
“What was that?”
>”Nothing, I should get to my next class.”
“Alright. Seeya later Coco.”
>”Bye anon”
>She gives you one last little wave and smile before she leaves out the door
>Feeling proud of yourself you make your way out too, but not before stuffing the bra into your backpack
>time for sombrero
>making your way inside the classroom you notice soursweet slouching on her desk with her arms crosses
>probably to hide her bralessness
>Unfortunately it looks like lemon already beat you to the seat as she vibes to whatever music is blasting in her ears
>Eh you already messed enough with sour during lunch
>plus while lemon’s head is usually up in the musical clouds she would probably get suspicious if you and sour kept sitting next to each other
>”Prepare yourselves, for I have arrived.”
>well theres somber
>you notice sour glancing at you so you give her a little wave and a smirk
>she quickly turns away after that as you take your seat
>the rest of the class was dull as usual
>gotta admit you enjoyed feeling up sour’s leg
>She definitely is the girl who puts expensive lotion on daily
>so smooth
>oh well, class is over soon enough with sombra giving you yet another reminder of the upcoming test in two days
>You should probably study a little for it
>In any case you make your exit, although not before giving sour another glance
>She’s definitely not eager to leave her seat as she has her arms crossed over her chest
>Sucks for her
>Gotta get to class
>Once those are dealt with you leave school
>just to head to your job again
>frozen pretzels ain’t gonna sell themselves as your manager would tell you
>Bored out of your mind as usual you notice sour’s little group in the distance
>But sweetie is either smart enough or scared enough that she doesn’t head to your job
>For the second day in a row you get to do your job in peace
>Feels good
>Once your shift is over you head home and eat a delicious dinner meal left by your mom
>To cap it off the day you pull out the bra from your backpack and your phone to see the images you got of Sour’s sweet body
>The panties are soiled so looks like you’ll have to use the bra this time
>Tomorrow things are going to escalate
>You been holding back, taking things slowly to make things go smoothly with your slave
>Now you think its time to get started with the real fun you had in mind
>you go to sleep quickly, thinking of all the fun you’ll have at her expense
>you fucking bastard of an alarm
>you smash that alarm button like it owes you money
>No good dreams this time around
>Getting ready you go downstairs
>Looks like your mom had something to do this morning since she only left a note
>Welp time to pull out the off-brand cereal
>You decide on a nice bowl of ‘Gravel n Bits’
>not part of a complete breakfast
>But it fills your stomach and thats all you really care about
>After that you leave your home, making sure to lock up behind you
>then you take the usual drive to school
>neither sour or coco are out and about the front of the school
>Welp not an issue, they’ll both show up to the classroom at lunch
>Once the morning bell rings you head to your first class of the day
>you manage to actually stay awake through your classes
>Most likely because of how much you are looking forward to this session
>this will either make or break your little sweetie
>Either way you’ll get what you want
>Once the lunch bell rings you are out the door in a hurry
>You are allowed to be a bit eager today as you make it to door 302
>Coco didn’t beat you to the punch today, but she arrives in less then a minute after you do
“Heya Coco,” you greet her with a lazy wave
>”Hi anon.”
“Didya get em done?”
>”Yep! got em right here,” she enthusiastically tells you as she pulls a black bag out of her backpack
“Great job, can I see them?”
>She hands you the bag
>you open the bag and pull out the clothing, laying it down on a nearby table
“It’s... It’s perfect.”
>The sketch didn’t do it justice
>It looked better then you imagined it would
>It wasn’t the most lewd piece Coco had designed but it was definitely the best choice to start with
>You especially like the cat motif since it will cement the fact that sour sweet is your pet now
>Granted a bitch like her would had been better off with dog print but you’re perfectly fine with her being your little pussycat
>She even got the cat ears and tail attachment
>you put em back into the bag neatly and pass it back to Coco
>Sour sweet better get her ass here soon
>Speak of the devil and she appears, the door opening revealing Coco’s model
>”I’m here, what are you freaks going to do to me now...”
>She doesn’t bother covering her chest, her nipples easily visible poking into her shirt
>You get up and approach her, cupping her face in your hand
“Oh please sweetie, you know you loved every second of it”
>She puffs herself up with indignation
>”I-I didn’t!”
>time for a bold move
>you move a hand down under her skirt
>and rub a finger around her lower lip, getting her to jolt in surprise
>You pull the finger up to the liar’s face
“Then what do you have to say about this?” you ask as you show off the moisture on your finger
>”Ah- that is-“
>She stumbles on her words as she tries to come up with an excuse
>leaning into her right ear you whisper again
“Just be honest with yourself, for once in your miserable life. You enjoyed it didn’t you? You enjoyed knowing that you went around without panties. Without a bra. I bet you wondered if anyone would catch you, notice you. The thrill of being caught only serving to excite you more. Am I right or am I wrong slut?”
>”You are... you are...”
>You already know the answer but you can see that she’s struggling to chose whether to lie or not
>”You are right...”
>You took a gamble but it looks like your efforts paid off
>Sour sweet is all yours now
“Good girl,” you whisper to her as you rub her cheek
>She’s blushing like a shy schoolgirl
>like.. coco
>shit you got caught up in the moment you completely forgot shes here
>Looking back you see shes blushing, but you notice a glint in her eyes
“Well,” you blurt out as you back off of sour,”It’s time for you to model again, isn’t that right Coco?”
>She steps up to Sour confidently and issues her command
>Sour looks like she wants to say something she’ll regret but she obeys Coco instead
>Taking off her shirt reveals her bare chest, and pulling down her skirt reveals that familiar but always enjoyable sight.
>”The material I made this with is very fragile and I don’t trust you to be careful so I’ll dress you, got it?”
>That a girl, Coco is finally getting into it
>You watch as Coco dresses the naked girl
>both you and the girl in question are surprised at Coco’s sudden bout of daring, but you gotta admit you enjoy watching her treat Sourpuss like a dress up doll as she manipulates her limbs
>well more like commands her to move her limbs but the point still stands
>Sliding the racy underwear up her tone legs
>pulling the lacy bra over her, covering those sweet tits once more but leaving a cat-shaped boob window in its place
>It only serves to highlight the freckles on her pale skin
>Finally the ensemble is complete with the addition of the cat-eared hairband and the tail attached
>and it’s amazing
“I gotta admit, you look good like this sourpuss.”
>she only blushes at your comment
“Now what did I say about manners?”
>”... Thank you.”
“So Coco I think it looks pretty good but you’re the fashionista here, what do you think.”
>”I think it’s good too...”
>looks like that boldness left her
“Well see, looks like you are good for something sourpuss. But we ain’t done yet.”
>”We aren’t?,” asks coco
“Of course not. After all the most important part of modeling is taking pictures.”
>you pull out your phone and open the camera app
“Now how about you give me a good catty pose sourpuss? Maybe a little meow too.”
>Again for a moment her bitch side breaks through as she hisses at you
“Now now, be a good little kitty. I already had you declawed remember?”
>That takes her sour side off her face as she relents and poses, although its with a frown
“Come on, give me a smile, show us how grateful you are for letting a bitch like you model such nice clothing.”
>Looks like she’s learning as she give a fake smile
>Oh well honestly most of her smiles have probably been fake anyways
“A real smile Sourpuss.”
>A idea comes to mind
“Imagine if people saw you dressed up like this, all posed like a little kitty cat? How would that make you feel?”
>now that works as not only does she blush at the idea of being exposed like this, but a genuine (if not perverse) smile crosses her face
>You quickly snap a couple photos of it
>Looking over them they look good
“thatta girl. Now give us some more poses, get creative.”
>She’s finally into it as she does a number of poses you never imagined you would see her do
>She makes good use of her ability to switch faces as she goes from sweet kitty to a sassy pussy in moments
>You diligently keep taking pictures despite how much you want to enjoy the spectacle
>You’ll cherish these memories forever
>A part of you want to see how coco’s handling seeing her like this but you just can’t afford to miss a moment
>unfortunately she runs out of unique poses soon enough, her final pose of her lazily lying on a schooltable giving the camera a sultry look
>You are tempted to ravish her right then and now but Coco’s still here
“Well,” you pause to reel your excitement in,” I think that’s that for this modeling sess.”
>looking at coco you notice how intently she looks at your model, and its contained you definitely notice some anger
“Hey Coco, wanna check out these photos?”
>That pulls her from her staredown as she looks at you
>“Sure, but only after we finish here,” she sweetly answers
>now its your turn to be surprised once more
“What do ya mean?”
>”Well it’s nightwear silly,” she says to you in a way that is both nice and condescending
“Yeah and?”
>”Well it’s meant to be taken off by a man. Although I guess it could be taken off by a woman too,” she nonchalantly answers
>You are really surprised at what you think she is insinuating
>You aren’t upset though
“So basically, to clear it all up, you want me to undress her?”
>”mhmm! After all she’s might as well model everything right?”
>She has a smile on her face but it’s wierd
>Eh it’s probably nothing
“Great idea Coco,” you turn to face your kittycat, “Well you heard the girl, unless you have any problem with it?” you ask rhetorically
>time for another push as you get nice and close to her face
“No who.”
>She blushes once more, adverting her gaze from your eyes before she speaks up
>no master
“good girl.”
>you did say you weren’t gonna hold back
>you place your hands on her waist before moving up her sides, feeling up the smooth skin
>Then you move them inward towards her toned belly, feeling just the smallest hint of squishy fat
>Finally you go up to her pink bra, cupping the two mounds, one in each hand
>You enjoy the feeling of the thinly clothed breasts for a good minute, squeezing the flesh gently to feel its give all while staring at sour’s bashful face
>Porn definitely doesn’t do it justice
>However you have a task to do as you move to her bra’s shoulder straps
>At first you thought the strings were superficial but no, they also hold the flimsy clothing together
>pulling one unties the strap altogether
>you do the same with the second strap
“Life your arms.”
>She obeys quickly, and you just as quickly slip the now strapless bra over her head
>You are tempted to grope her now bare chest but you still want to build up to that
>squatting down you look at her kitty panties
>they also have two knotted strings holding them together, each ending with a kitty paw-shaped bead
>You could just pull them down but instead you untie them, allowing you to simply rip off the loose panties from her crotch without causing any damage
>Finally you back off, looking at your now unwrapped gift
>Its so nice to see sour look so meek, so subservient
>suddenly you are torn from your thoughts as two hands land on your shoulders
>”Good job anon, so how did it feel~“ a voice huskily whispers in your ear
“It felt good. Real good.”
>”Oh I just bet it did, just look at her. She really is nothing more then our plaything now huh~”
>You are both confused and aroused at this
“Y-yeah I guess she is.”
>”I wonder, how hard do you want to just take her, right here and now? Will you be gentle or rough? Oooh I’m getting goosebumps imagining it~”
>brain status:busted
>”Well why wait any longer. Come here kitty! come to your masters~”
>looking at sour you see she is just as dunbstruck
>”Hurry up little kitty! Or do I need to bring out the lease?”
>That familiar sweet smile crosses her face as she turns to you
>”I thought it would be a nice little surprise, don’t you?”
>She pulls out the leash in question, a long strip of hot pink...
>well you are not sure what material it is but it doesn’t make it any less hot
“Yeah, yeah it is,” you answer dumbly
>”heeheehee I thought so, now,” she glares at sour sweet, “Are you going to make me come over there?”
>theres an edge to her sickly sweet tone that is more then enough to get sour to get to her feet
>however before she could walk over Coco tuts at her
>“Now now, last time I checked kitties don’t walk on two legs, right anon?”
“R-right you are Coco.”
>”I thought so! so come here little kitty, on all fours l-like the animal you are!”
>Theres a odd hiccup in her speech, and her glare falters for a moment
>However the little pussycat obeys, crawling on all fours towards you two
>You don’t even bother trying to suppress your arousal at the incredibly lewd sight
>”Good kitty!”
>coco bends down to pat her on the head, much to sour’s chagrin
>”However since you took so long I’ll still need to leash you~”
>she easily attaches the hook to the choker on sour’s neck, giving the cat bell a little jingle
>”There we go! Now then here you go anon.”
>she places the lead into your hand
“Now what are you going to do to her?”
>She moves around and behind sour, kneeling down and inspecting her
>”Theres so much you could do to her, after all she is just a toy, a object.”
>She places a hand on sour’s hair before pulling on it to force her to face her
>This gets a pained yelp out of sour which gets Coco’s glare to falter again before hardening
“I-isn’t that right b-Bitch!”
>”You’re right you’re right! now ease up already! Please!”
>Again she falters, a look of discomfort on her face
>But she steels herself again as she pulls harder on her hair
>”Y-you don’t give the orders here c-cunt! Now tell us exactly what you are and maybe I’ll stop pulling so hard!”
>She’s crying now
>”I’m a cunt! A bitch! A awful human being! I’m a toy, I’m anything you call me, anything you want me to be!” Sour sweet manages to speak through her sobs
>Coco lets go of her hair, sour’s head falling forward as she lays on the floor, a sobbing muttering heap
>Now you’re worried
>not for sour, cause fuck her
>but coco, because she’s crying too and looks like she’s about to freak
>”I-I.. I’m so sorry!”
>Coco tries to run away but on instinct you manage to grab her arm before she can flee
>She weakly tries to pull away from you
>”Let me go anon! let me go please!”
“Yeah that’s not happening,” you tell her as you pull her in for a hug
>She punches your chest as you force the hug on her but theres no heart in it as you look down at her crying visage
>once she relents she starts sobbing harder, her face pressed against you
>you never been in a situation like this which leaves you feeling out of your depth
>So you can only do what your mom would do when you were younger
>you move a hand up to her upper back and gently rub it in a attempt to soothe her
“There there, everything’s ok.”
>this manages to get a little giggle out of her, breaking up her sobs
>”You sound just like my mom...”
“yeah I guess I do huh,” you tell her self-depreciated
>”Not that theres anything wrong with it...”
“Well at least you stopped crying so I’ll just say at least I succeeded at that,” you tell her with a exaggerated smirk
>this gets a tiny smile out of her but it falters back to her sad frown
>”I really acted awful back there huh.”
“Well... I mean you didn’t say anything I wouldn’t. But it was definitely a shock to hear you say all that.”
>”I know. I just... I got angry you know?”
“I could kinda tell, you mind telling me what that’s all about?”
>”We’re suppose to be partners right?” she expectantly asks
>”Well I just kept feeling like a third wheel. I know I’m not that strong-willed... so I thought, if I acted like those dominant women do in the movies then maybe I’d wouldn’t feel so left behind.”
>she gives you a shameful look
>”Plus it felt really good to treat sour like that, at least until she started crying...”
“I see. You know the reason why I didn’t tell you to get more involved is because I didn’t want to make you do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. In the end that only made you force yourself to do things instead, defeating the whole point huh?”
>”really? but you make sour do so many things...”
“Well yeah, she deserves it. You’re someone who actually matters yanno?”
>”You mean that?”
“Of course, we’re partners after all. We both ended up suffering thanks to her, and now we both will get her back for it. Right?”
“But, you can go at your own pace you know. No need to feel obligated to act like someone you aren’t. We have the rest of the school year to teach her a lesson she’ll never forget so I won’t think less of you if you don’t want to go all out.”
>”You promise?”
“I pinkie promise,” you tell her as you hold out the mentioned finger
somewhere a pink haired girl sneezes
>She links her pinkie with yours which brings back her bright smile
“There we go. It’s much better seeing you like this.”
>she only giggles in response
>You enjoy the moment, holding her in your arms
>but it’s shattered by the bell
“Oh crap. We gotta go to class.”
by ThrowAway
by ThrowAway