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Silver Spoon's Fake ID

By Guest
Created: 2020-11-05 19:12:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >In the park, a man is resting from the trials of life
  2. >During the weekends, he enjoyed to vent in the park, hearing the birds sing, the families walking happily, and the cute girls planning events for tonight
  3. >Speaking of which, a little girl, not older than a junior highschooler, comes close to him
  4. >She looks nervous, barely holding the small piece of plastic in her hands
  5. "Can I help you?"
  6. >"Um.... here"
  7. >She gives him the little plastic. Is an ID
  8. >A very poorly made ID
  9. >The man mumbles a laugh
  10. "Really? Why are you giving me this?"
  11. >"T-t-the post s-said you only talk with a girl who is old enough"
  12. >The "post"
  13. >Well, it was more of a MnF post, she probably mistook it for a friendship meeting
  14. "I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong idea. Go home and go play with your dollies, or something"
  15. >Hook...
  16. >"I'm not a little kid!"
  17. "Really? This ID is fake, I bet you did it in your small arts & crafts class"
  18. >Line...
  19. >"I... I only do this because I want to prove them I can do old girls stuff!"
  20. "I'll do it if you tell me what does your shirt says"
  21. >"Um.. It says..."
  22. >And....
  23. >"Neat dream?"
  24. >Sink
  25. "Sweet dreams, my dear child. Why aren't you honest for once, and tell me what you really want?"
  26. >You pat the bench seat next to you. She sits on it
  27. "Well, I'm listening"
  28. >The girl looks hesitant at first, but then she resigns to tell the truth
  29. >"Many girls started to find those IDs, and they always tell us their grown up adventures: seeing adult movies, going into clubs, read forbidden books, and having..."
  30. "Sex?"
  31. >She nods
  32. "Ahahaha, I heard about those. You should be careful, the adult world isn't as cool as you think"
  33. >"But you can do anything you want!"
  34. "Maybe, but it comes with a few... problems. Free time is short because of work, money is short because of inflation, and even friendships end because you either vote a man with a bad tan or an old man with alzheimer"
  35. >"But you can drink alcohol and smoke, and buy candy, and go anywhere at any time! As much as you want! And nobody can't tell you no!"
  36. "I remember when I had the same enthusiasm. Turst me kid, responsabilities are a thing when you come of age"
  37. >The girl looks a bit down
  38. "And why did you wanted to have sex with a random stranger? You look old enough to know what would happen if you trust in strangers, right?"
  39. >"Everyone was doing it. I wanted to know how it feels"
  40. "Well, if everyone throws themselves off a bridge, would you do it?"
  41. >"... No?"
  42. >The man laughs
  43. "Oh, this is so cute. Trust me little one, you are a lot naive for your own good"
  44. >The girl fells sad, mocked by her elder
  45. >"Maybe I should go"
  46. "Probably, but I have nothing better to do neither. Want to hang out?"
  47. >The girl looks at the man, who is having a innocent smile on his face
  48. >"But you just said I should go"
  49. "True, but I only said you should, not that you must. Does your family knows you are here?"
  50. >"They are always travelling. I don't see them so much"
  51. "Your tutor? Anybody in charge of you?"
  52. >The girl looks down
  53. "I'm alone the weekends"
  54. "I see. Well, I'm alone most of the days, so how about we are friends for today?
  55. >The gentle man waits calmly for an answer from the confused girl
  56. >She believed he would only take her somewhere and have sex, but is he actually asking her out? Like in a date?
  57. "Well?"
  58. >"Uh... yes, I do?"
  59. "That's the spirit! Trust me, we are going to have a lot of fun!"
  60. >The man stands up, and takes her somewhere else
  61. >In this trip, he truly held his word: he took her to restaurants, give her all the candies and toys she wanted, played a lot of games, and dance the worries away
  62. >By the time they returned to her home, it was already too late. The man carried her to her room, as the girl was laughing
  63. "Had a great day?"
  64. >"Hehehe, yes!"
  65. "That's good, Say want to end it with a golden brooch?"
  66. >"How?"
  67. "Well, we are alone, in your room, and you came to me with a "request". Want me to do it? I promise I'll be gentle"
  68. >The girl started to ponder: did she really wanted to have sex? This happened all of a sudden
  69. >Is true she went to him to have sex, but this is actually her first time
  70. >She never had a boyfriend to do it, and now she is about to have it
  71. >Would he be angry if she refused? He has been really nice, gave her lots of gifts, and took her everywhere fun
  72. >Maybe he wanted to be her first boyfriend? Is this how love feels like?
  73. >"I..."
  74. "Yes?"
  75. >"I... I think I want to do it"
  76. >He left her resting on her bed, and kissed her on the lips
  77. >Her first kiss
  78. "I'm happy you said yes. Let me help you with these"
  79. >He started to undress her slowly. First, he pulled down the purple skirt, then he removed the pink top. She didn't had a bra, her chest hasn't developed yet. And finally, he took her socks off.
  80. >She was only left with her pink panties
  81. >"S-shouldn't I take these off?"
  82. "Personally, I like them on you. They are cute"
  83. >The man proceeds to lay next to her, kissing her passionately and caressing her young innocent body
  84. >Every small track his finger does, it sends a jolt of pleasure and anxiety to the little maiden
  85. >It was her first time, and here she was, surrendering herself to an stranger
  86. >Did she even knew his name? She can't remember it, even though she read it on the post
  87. >That post, the emails, the meeting in the park. They look so distant right now
  88. >Both stop kissing, panting
  89. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
  90. >She nods, recovering her breath
  91. >He puts his right arm around her, and his left is making circles on her belly
  92. "Good to know"
  93. >The circling continues, as it goes lower
  94. >This continues until he is close to her crotch, where he just trails down, and puts his hand under her panties, making sure to touch the area
  95. >He is close to her lower lips now. She has been staring his movements the whole time
  96. "Are you aware of this part?"
  97. >She nods
  98. "And you know what I am going to do now, isn't it?"
  99. >She agrees again
  100. "Good. Maybe you weren't as naïve as I thought"
  101. >The man starts to circle close to her lips. She knows it will be soon
  102. >"I'm really nervous"
  103. "Don't worry..."
  104. >He touches her, making her yelp
  105. "... I am here"
  106. >The man starts to kiss her fondly, as he rubs her little pussy
  107. >They start to moisturize, as she felt his tongue deep inside her mouth
  108. >Dominant, yet tamed, she felt this giant meant no harm
  109. >Trying to please him, she reaches down his growing bulge. Even in his jeans, the phallus was very recognizable
  110. >She manages to grab it, and starts to rub it. He stops her
  111. >"Did... did I do something wrong?"
  112. "No, but ladies go first"
  113. >Finished this sentence, he resumes his work. But this time, he penetrates her with one finger
  114. "A bit snuggly. You haven't even masturbated, huh?"
  115. >"Ahhh~~~<3"
  116. "I'll take that as a yes"
  117. >The man starts to rub her inner walls, entering the virgin flower deeper and deeper
  118. >Slowly, he starts stretching her vulva with another finger
  119. "Got to make space for the real thing"
  120. >He fingers her at his own leisure, playing inside of her
  121. >He find her clitoris, rubbing and pinching it softly
  122. >All this intense foreplay makes spam, and arches back as she orgasms
  123. >Her little pink panties soak on her juices, as the man laughs calmly
  124. "Looks like you liked this"
  125. >"Ha... ha..."
  126. "Now it's my turn"
  127. >The man leaves the girl's side, and removes his top
  128. >His body is quite well-defined, with big muscles capable of mighty deeds
  129. "This arms aren't to hurt, but to hold. You will understand soon"
  130. >He undoes his belt buckle, and removes his pants. His legs are toned and muscular.
  131. >But his body hindered at one detail: His cock
  132. >Cock was even a small adjective to that. The penis of a true man, and she was going to be taken with it
  133. >It has already risen, not hiding his lust for the little innocent girl, but the man who command it still had it under control
  134. >He check the pockets from his pants, and puts a rubber on it
  135. "Safety first, but maybe someday you will get the full package"
  136. >He goes on top of the little girl, who is trembling at the size of both the man and his manhood
  137. >But as the fear was setting in, he grabs her hand, bringing her back to reality
  138. "Is ok, I know it can be scary. You can hold my hand all the way"
  139. >She takes a moment to process the situation, then she holds the giant's hand and smiles at his kindness
  140. >He pulls the panties aside and prods her entrance slowly as she starts to moan, still sensible from the foreplay
  141. >He pushes a bit harder, granting him access to her innocence
  142. >He goes back and forth, building up speed, trying not to hurt her. Still, his big member may stretch her more than his fingers did
  143. >He pokes her hymen, the last barrier of her defense
  144. "Here we go. Are you ready?"
  145. >She holds his hand tighter, and nods smiling
  146. "Alright, let me do this"
  147. >He goes back, and pushes with more strength. The little flesh fiber surrenders ripping out
  148. >A bit of blood pours out of her. She has been deflowered
  149. "How are you feeling?"
  150. >"It hurts.... but feels so good..."
  151. "Glad to hear that"
  152. >He finally penetrates the girl with a rythm, finally happy that there isn't any resistance inside
  153. >He pushes and wiggles, trying to find the G-spot
  154. >"Ah!"
  155. >Bingo
  156. >He goes ball deep, pushing and rubbing her G-spot
  157. >Her little pussy starts to get more tighter, fore coming her reaction
  158. >She holds his hands with all her strength, as he pushes all his cock in and out, bottoming her out
  159. >She is starting to spam
  160. >"I feel it again! I feel iiIIITTTT!!!!"
  161. >She climaxes again, with more intensity this time, almost passing out
  162. >The man pulls out, letting her recover her mind. He just watches her silly face, panting
  163. "Hehehe, is great you enjoyed this"
  164. "So good..."
  165. "And it will get better. But first, want to see this filled?"
  166. >The man waves his cock in front of her face. She agrees to see it
  167. >Grabbing his phallus, he starts to jerk off in front of her. It didn't lasted long since he was ready to cum
  168. >With one strong yank, his cock throbs, and his muscles start to contract and expand, expelling the semen with intensity
  169. >Slowly, the small plastic cover fills up, resembling a water balloon
  170. "See? This is how good you make me feel"
  171. >He removes the condom, and puts another one
  172. >He grabs it by her hips, and points at her pussy again
  173. >"Wait! I'm not ready!"
  174. "Don't worry..."
  175. >He shoves his full length inside
  176. >"Ah!"
  177. "You will be"
  178. >This time, he doesn't show mercy. Her hole has been used properly, and now is accustomed to the action
  179. >He holds her ass, feeling the luscious curvature of her behind. To his pleasing surprise, she has a good rear from someone who isn't a lady yet
  180. >He gives her soft spank, making her tighter. This gets her going, as her moaning gets louder, and her hips slam against his crotch, wishing for more release
  181. >He doesn't falls behind, finally reaching her cervix. He knows it won't feel comfortable with a condom, but he will do with her cunt
  182. >He feels another orgasm coming up. Both are too sensible to last, but he doesn't care
  183. >With one thrust, he fills the condom inside her. This brings her to her limit, howling as she climaxes again, collapsing on the bed
  184. >The man pulls out his cock, twitching from the pleasure, but ready for one last round
  185. >He lets her rest for a moment, just feeling up her butt
  186. >He sees her used pussy, still vibrating from the intense sex. It leaves a small steam cloud
  187. >He also sees her panties. Even after all this, they are still holding up
  188. >The man looks at his cock, then at her panties, and a naughty smile forms on his face
  189. >He removes the condom, and gets ready for one last shot
  190. >He pulls the panties up, leaving her butt hanging
  191. >"Wha... what are you doing sir?"
  192. >He lines up to her, and let her butt fall on his cock. His entire phallus goes inside her pussy in one move
  193. >"Ooohhh!! Wait, I can't go on!"
  194. >He doesn't pay mind. He pulls the panties up again, hanging her butt, and letting it go
  195. >He enjoys himself with his "yo-yo", as the pleasure overcomes the little girl's mind who can't no longer form words
  196. >He keeps doing this until the panties rip off, but way far from done, he grabs her hips and fucks her sideways
  197. >Her pussy is filled, the pleasure overcame her mind. She no longer moans, she just enjoys herself getting filled with his cock
  198. >His pushing becomes erratic. She feels how he can't no longer go on
  199. >She smiles, the feeling of getting him to feel good making her happy
  200. >But the man has another plans. With one last push, he opens way to her cervix, slowly opening it
  201. >He finally cums, filling her womb with warm semen
  202. >She howls one last time, crying out her heart out
  203. >She reaches an orgasm one last time, before collapsing on her bed, and her world turning dark
  204. >Before she passed out, she saw the man giving her something to swallow, and kisses her cheek
  205. >With her content, she sleeps smiling
  206. >The morning arrives, and she returns to her senses
  207. >When she inspect her surroundings, she finds the man sleeping next to her, holding her close
  208. >She remembers his kind words. Truly these big arms were meant to hold
  209. >She snuggles him, getting comfortable
  210. "Morning sleeping beauty. Had a good night?"
  211. >"It was amazing"
  212. "Good to know"
  213. >The man kisses her forehead, and leaves her side
  214. >"Hey, I wanted to ask, are you doing something today?"
  215. "Well, I need to do my laundry, and I need to get ready for Monday"
  216. >"Oh, well, if you ever have time, can we go out again?"
  217. "Sure, I'd love that"
  218. >The girl jumps in happiness
  219. >"Iiiiihhh!!! I can't wait to tell the girls I got a boyfriend!"
  220. "Boyfriend? Sorry, but we can't be a couple little one"
  221. >Her jumping stops
  222. >"Wha... what are you saying sir?"
  223. "We can't be together little one. I am way too old for you, and you aren't even close to hit 18"
  224. >"Bu-but... we had a date yesterday... you and I had sex"
  225. "Come, sit down next to me. I think there are some things I need to explain to you"
  226. >And so the man explained to her why they couldn't be together
  227. >First of all, she is underage. Even if both consented, it would be likely to the state that he groomed her to do what he wanted. There was just no way with the age of consent, even when she knew what she did
  228. >"That is dumb"
  229. "But is the law, we have to deal with it"
  230. >Second: the age gap. While she was around 13 to 14, he was already 35
  231. >"But you don't look that old!"
  232. "Haha, thanks. I like to exercise, and I eat my greens. That is how you can look good and have these muscles"
  233. >The man flexes, showing off
  234. >And finally, the third point: It wouldn't work
  235. >While both had a great day yesterday, their lives have very different paths. She still has to finish highschool, and then go to college or learn a trade. She can't be a pretty diva all the time. She has to learn the value of work
  236. >"But my friend Diamond Tiara is just find just being a diva. I don't see nothing bad"
  237. "Tell me the same thing in a few years. Did you ever saw her getting bad grades?"
  238. >"Well, that is only at first, but then her parents talk with the teacher, and she has her grades up again"
  239. "That is bad. They probably give them money, and if she is pretty, one day they will not ask for money, but they will ask for her. And they will do her things that she may be gross about it"
  240. >"Like what?"
  241. "Sex"
  242. >"But we had sex yesterday, and it didn't feel bad"
  243. "Because both wanted it, and consented to do it. But you think Diamond Tiara would want to have sex with your teachers for an A?"
  244. >The little girl remembers her teachers, and she starts to feel gross
  245. "Ah, see? It's awful, and trust me, some will not even wash or be gross because they like that"
  246. >"That sound horrible!"
  247. "And that is why you must finish your studies. You must be a great student so you never have to have sex with your teachers, and find someone you love"
  248. >"... But I love you"
  249. >She rests her head on his lap
  250. "I know..."
  251. >The man caresses her head
  252. "... But you must do your life, and I must keep going with mine. I have responsibilities."
  253. >"Being an adult must suck"
  254. "It does, but luckily I managed to be a happy one, and even better: I got to meet you"
  255. >The little girl smiles
  256. "I will fix up breakfast for you and I'll go home, ok?"
  257. >"Ok... thanks for the amazing date"
  258. "Thanks for an amazing night"
  259. >The man leaves her, and does breakfast for her
  260. >After the meal, she accompanies him to the door
  261. "Before I go, can I know your name?"
  262. "It's Silver Spoon"
  263. "Well, now be a nice girl, alright Silver? And no more fake IDs, it will bring you troubles. And if you ever want to see me, contact me online, ok?"
  264. >"Alright, Goodbye mister"
  265. "Goodbye Silver Spoon"
  266. >With one last kiss, she waves goodbye to the man who showed her the world of the adults
  269. Epilogue
  270. >The man returns to his home, opening the door who welcomes him with a soft hinge
  271. >He closes it before taking two items from his pockets: A picture of a girl, and a ripped off cloth
  272. >He took the picture when he had a date yesterday with the female in it. As for the cloth, he took it before he left her
  273. >In one move, he sniffs the ragged cloth while looking at the picture, as he fervently masturbates, thinking about the last night
  274. >In a quick reaction, he ejaculates great amounts of cum, staining the floor
  275. >He recovers his breath, and goes to his room. In it, there is a cupboard
  276. >He opens the cupboard, where a small stiching set and a small collector case is inside
  277. >He stiches the cloth back, recovering the shape: pink panties
  278. >He opens the collector's case, where lots of panties and pictures are inside
  279. >He takes a pen, and writes the name of the girl in the picture: Silver Spoon, and stash both items inside the case
  280. >No one would understand: the purity of the girls, and many men who lust for their destruction. Yet here he is, who sworn to protect it
  281. >Everyone would label him as insane, but he wouldn't care
  282. >Being the one who will always keep a space in their hearts is good enough
  283. >He leaves the stiching kit and the case inside the cupboard again. Then he checks his messages: another young girl, not older than a junior highschooler, requesting to meet him in the park
  284. >The park, where the birds sing, the families walk happily, and the cute girls plan events for the night
  286. End

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