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Anonfilly Emotionally Rapes Futa Moon Dancer

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 07:09:58
Expiry: Never

  2. >Be Anonfilly.
  3. >You decide to wander in the Canterlot Library looking for Moon Dancer.
  4. >You're already acquainted with her and proceed to go find her to discuss about research on humans.
  5. >You don't see Moon Dancer at her usual spot. Strange.
  6. "Moon Dancer? Where are you?"
  7. >Your ears perk up to hear a furious schlicking sound. One that is vaguely familiar.
  8. >Turning around the corner you see Moon Dancer sitting against a bookshelf with a throbbing wet cock in hoof.
  9. >"G-Green?! I swear it's not what it looks like-"
  10. "You have a cock?!"
  11. >"It was an accident!"
  12. "Since when was having a cock an accident!?"
  13. >The smell is a little intoxicating. Both from the musk of her not properly showering in what you assume days and her leaking protruding member.
  14. >"I-It's from a spell I found, that I used a while back."
  15. "A while back?"
  16. >"I-I may have used it... and wasn't able to undo it."
  17. "That thing is permanent?"
  18. >"N-Not exactly..."
  19. "...What do you mean?"
  20. >You take notice of the stream of precum leaking out of her member's flat surface.
  21. >"W-Well... it's an ancient spell. Used for reproduction when times were tough and there weren't any stallions around... and it doesn't go away until the caster c-cu.... ejaculates inside a mare..."
  22. "......Does it matter where inside the mare you have to ejaculate?"
  23. >"I-I don't know. I've never..."
  24. >Moon Dancer's eyes widened upon the realization.
  25. >"Wait, you're not offering..."
  26. "It's just a hypothetical. And wow, what kind of sicko would think that a filly like me would offer that?"
  27. >"I wasn't... I didn't mean to assume."
  28. "Hah. I'm just pulling your leg. But still hypothetically, does it have to be a mare?"
  29. >"Hypothetically?"
  30. "Yes. Hypothetically."
  31. >"Well, life expectancy wasn't exactly long back during those times. So it may be possible for a filly to... fulfill that role."
  32. "Huh... well good luck with that."
  33. >You proceed to leave, figuring to come back to ask about how research is going later.
  34. >"W-Wait!"
  35. >You pause in your tracks, turning around with a null expression.
  36. "What?"
  37. >"I-It's just that... I had this problem for years... a-and every time I get close to a stallion they're weirded out or see me just as a friend. And whenever I get close to a mare, they get scared off, thinking I want to be more than just friends."
  38. >Moon Dancer fidgets in place, standing against the bookshelf with both hooves trying to pull her sweater down.
  39. >"It's hard..."
  40. >Your eyes wander again to her protruding member, still leaking precum from her initial session.
  41. "Yeah I can see that. What does this have to do with me though?"
  42. >"It's just that... maybe you could..."
  43. "That was a hypothetical. Besides this sounds like a 'you' issue, not mine."
  44. >"Please don't make me beg."
  45. "I'm not going to make you do anything. I don't want any part of this. You're on your own."
  46. >As you walk away, your ears perk up as you hear a faint quiet sobbing from behind.
  47. >You turn your neck back to see Moon Dancer sobbing quietly into her hooves.
  48. "Are you seriously fucking crying?"
  49. >"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
  50. "Oh my god. You're crying."
  51. >"W-What's god?"
  52. "Somepony who shouldn't have allowed you to exist. I mean seriously. You used a spell you knew was pseudo-permanent. You didn't go to a doctor to ask for professional help. And now you're asking a filly to take care of a problem for you. How pathetic can you get?"
  53. >You hear a quiet whimper from her as she tries to cover her eyes with her forehooves.
  54. >"I-I'm sorry..."
  55. >As she sobs, her erection is still throbbing consistently. It's even twitching a bit.
  56. "Wait..... are you getting off to this?"
  57. >"W-What? N-No I'm not..."
  58. "Oh my god you are."
  59. >"I-I'm not..."
  60. >You let out a laugh, her cock twitches more so as Moon Dancer lowers her ears and covers her eyes in shame.
  61. "That's so pathetic. Not only did you fuck up massively, consider on doing something that would get you on a sex-offender registry, but you're also enjoying it."
  62. >Moon Dancer sniffs as she wipes her tears under her wet glasses.
  63. >"N-No I-I'm n-not..."
  64. "Then explain why you're so horny."
  65. >You casually point to her member that's leaking even more precum, without even touching it.
  66. >"N-No... I'm not like that. I c-can't."
  67. "You can't help it can you? Your cock is just begging for a release. I can tell."
  68. >"I-I don't..."
  69. >You smirk as you lay against the ground next to her.
  70. "Well? Aren't you going to take care of it? That's what you were doing before weren't you?"
  71. >"I-I-"
  72. "Do it."
  73. >Moon Dancer sniffs before wiping her eyes again, her hoof already soaked in salty tears as she slides down against the bookcase. She reluctantly wraps her forehoof, soaked in salty liquids, around her throbbing member.
  74. >You hear long strokes as she schlicks her throbbing cock back and forth. The liquid streaming from the tip becoming its own lubricant as it mixes with her tears.
  75. >You could hear panting moans in between her sobs as she obediently strokes herself.
  76. "Do it."
  77. >Her legs twitched in response as you urged her further. Her ears dropped down as she sniffed again, stroking it even faster.
  78. "Come on. Show me how pathetic you are. To cum in front of a filly. Not even inside her, just wasting it all on the floor where it belongs. Show me what you've done multiple times before alone by yourself."
  79. >Faint wet sobs are heard as Moon Dancer's hips trusted up in response. Her panting increasing further as tears continue streaming down her eyes.
  80. >Eventually her entire body flexed itself as her hooves curled up, her hips rocking upwards. Her balls tensed as the flare tip flared up as a long stream of pouring shame erupted from the base.
  81. >Much of the thick white liquid splattered shamefully on the floor tiles in front of her. Small waves of semen continuously bursted forth into a small dribble dripping from her member.
  82. >Heavy panting came from Moon Dancer as you smirked, satisfied with seeing it all.
  83. "Clean yourself up. You don't want anypony finding out what a mess you made."
  84. >You turn to leave towards the door, only taking a small glance back at Moon Dancer, looking back at you with hazy eyes, longing for you.
  85. >You snorted as you turned back to close the door behind you.

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