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Amazon Sun Goddess

By Grey
Created: 2021-07-06 17:41:45
Updated: 2023-10-03 08:03:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Ah fuck, here we go again.
  2. >...
  3. >The grass of the vast plains sways in the breeze.
  4. >The air is quiet until war drums begin to fill the atmosphere.
  5. >The song of conquest.
  6. >Many footsteps begin to make a rumbling noise.
  7. >Causing all who hear it to tremble in fear if they are wise enough to know what it means.
  8. >Her majesty and her legions are once again seeking out new spoils of war.
  9. >It is about that time of the year anyway, except a little bit earlier this time.
  10. >Maybe certain tribes have become a little too confident with their position in these lands.
  11. >Maybe they have overestimated their position and began to conspire against her majesty herself.
  12. >Believing she has not the right to bear the power of the sun and that it should belong to one of their own tribespeople.
  13. >...
  14. >Celestia senses the fear of her foes in the morning breeze.
  15. >She knows her presence is making knees tremble under the pressure to bend and hit the grass below as she approaches.
  16. >She straightens her back with her feet planted squarely flat on her chariot's interior bottom.
  17. >Her eyes flash a bright yellow, her finger and arm reached out, and her spirit animal, the alicorn, glows brighter and surges ahead while pulling the chariot with magic.
  18. >Distant singing can be heard in her head, the song of her people that has been passed down many generations as different bearers of the gift of sun powers were chosen.
  19. >And it is now Celestia's turn to take on the responsibility to lead her growing city-state into victory after victory.
  20. >Her chariot halts as a few inhabited caves appear on the horizon.
  21. >Celestia recognizes these caves from her visions; she knows who lurks within.
  22. >And she knows what resistance heard her coming.
  23. >...
  24. >Everyone huddles together in BigCave trying to come up with the best strategy they can.
  25. >Everyone from the whole tribe is here, including the tribe hunchback, Grug the barbarian.
  26. >"We send one of us out?" Asks Ogarg. "Maybe talk to tall woman."
  27. >"No! No talk!" Grug snaps back, seeking nothing but revenge. "She must be punish! Make up for last time!"
  28. >"It is no worth it!" Ogarg tries to convince his angry comrade. "She is too strong!"
  29. >"No, she is too stack." Grug replies. "It no real, her strength."
  30. >"Do you know sure?"
  31. >"Grug smart." Asserts Grug as he picks up his club. "Grug go bonk on tall woman head. Grug win this time!"
  32. >The rumbling of the chariots approaches, getting louder.
  33. >Ogarg starts to have second thoughts about being here.
  34. >"You stay." Grug orders as Ogarg just kind of runs away. "Stay! You stay! No!"
  35. >The chariots stop before the caves.
  36. >Celestia remembers the last time these nosebleeds in her lands tried to stir up trouble.
  37. >All 50-ish of them who inhabit here.
  38. >Grug's brother Gorg notices how vastly the tribe is outnumbered by foot soldiers with full armor on and actual swords and axes.
  39. >They're standing in such perfectly straight lines too. How do they do that?
  40. >What is this thing called "formation?" those civilized folk speak of?
  41. >"Grug say you no fit to rule!" Yells Grug. "Grug's tribe is better!"
  42. >"You're in my way." Celestia notices the dozens of cavemen spreading out in front of her army trying to block their path just like Grug ordered them too. "Get out of my way and I'll feel generous today. I'd rather not waste my time with you when I have bigger fish to fry."
  43. >"Reminder you are salty Grug not perma banished from land!" Grug swears he gathered more men than this to get the job done. "Grug tribe better."
  44. >"Yeah, I don't have time for this dumb shit. Attack!" Celestia gives the order to her troops.
  45. >The infantry rushes forward with their weapons and shields raised.
  46. >Grug's cute little brigade raises their clubs for bonking time, only to have their shit kicked in by metal blades.
  47. >There's lots of noise and commotion in the fields.
  48. >Grug just watched all of his cronies get slaughtered and puffs his chest out. "Grug wants to know when you surrender!" He raises his club.
  49. >...
  50. >Grug is thrown into a ditch still alive so Celestia's army who didn't lose a single man can taunt him.
  51. >"Grug curse you! You are more bad than cunty purple!" Grug stumbles around at the bottom of the ravine, wondering what the fuck led to this as if his divine right to have everything his way was never actually real outside of his imagination. "Grug hate you!"
  52. >"Don't get in my way again." Celestia delivers her final message before continuing on her way towards the enemy city state she's been planning to attack and subdue.
  53. >...
  54. >The wooden gates are closed and all of the guards are called out.
  55. >"She is right there!" The leader gazes at the horizon that reveals the ranks of Celestia's troops getting into formation.
  56. >All of the non-fighting citizens retreat to their huts and stucco houses, bringing their baskets of grain with them.
  57. >Everyone must prepare for the inevitable siege.
  58. >"You think you can slay her?" One of the soldiers turns to his tall general.
  59. >The tall general, Bargo The Warrior, sternly stares at the sky, praying that the gods he believes in sways the odds into his favor.
  60. >"I shall try." He says. "But this may be our last battle."
  61. >"Bargo!" One of the leader's messengers comes by. "His majesty wants to speak to you."
  62. >Bargo goes to the house of the leader of the city state to talk to him.
  63. >It's like one of those scenes right out of a movie where they weigh their odds and deliver information about how many of the enemy they think is out there.
  64. >Bargo shows that he's eager to try to kill Celestia in battle, but he wants extra reinforcements near him at all times.
  65. >Just mentioning Celestia's name sends shivers down the leader's spine, and he remembers the stories he's heard about his allied city states falling to the hands of the Sun Princess years ago.
  66. >And now it is his turn; he knows many of his former allies have been conscripted into Celestia's army.
  67. >They have too much strength in numbers; there has to be at least 5,000 of them out there.
  68. >He knows he has only barely half of that amount at best.
  69. >And many of his soldiers are not very experienced fighters as they are new.
  70. >Meanwhile, Celestia's army has been pillaging the land for years, taking more territory, goods and gaining experience.
  71. >He knows this may be the end of the autonomy of his city-state.
  72. >"We shall not surrender." His shaky voice declares. "This must remain our land. Like our fathers and our fathers' fathers wanted."
  73. >The armies have already started leaving the gates, as the leader had recently ordered.
  74. >They get into formation right outside the walls they defend, with their reinforcements waiting within those walls.
  75. >"I will not fail you." Bargo clutches his spear and square shield. "I shall fight to the death if I must."
  76. >"And so you shall." Celestia's voice sounds into his head.
  77. >Bargo flinches at this, having no idea where it came from.
  78. >She somehow said this to him, and heard what he said.
  79. >Only now do Bargo and the City-State leader realize the gravity of the situation they are in.
  80. >"I must kill her fast! She knows sorcery too." Bargo stomps out, giving his best war cry to his men who reciprocate.
  81. >Meanwhile, hundreds of armored men raise their weapons as Celestia's army draws closer.
  82. >They would hate to see any faces they recognize, former friends now turned against them under Celestia's control.
  83. >...
  84. >Meanwhile, here you are.
  85. >One of the troops waiting inside the city as your comrades just ran out.
  86. >This spear is heavy, your shield heavier. Your feet hurt.
  87. >Your general Bargo The Warrior has now returned to in front of your ranks, and he begins to give a speech.
  88. >Reminding you and the rest of the men what Celestia's army has done to your allies, and what her ancestors have done to your ancestors.
  89. >And now it is finally time to turn the tables and defeat her for once.
  90. >Bargo promises that if you all destroy her army and he gives his life to be slain by her, you shall be free to take her prisoner after she surrenders with no army left.
  91. >But you would have to defeat her army first.
  92. >You all cheer and bellow back at Bargo with your blades raised as the battle outside the walls commences.
  93. >...
  94. >Ranks of men clash into one another, swiping and jabbing their weapons trying to get the most lethal hits they can in.
  95. >Many cry out in pain, some cry to the spirits of their forefathers for luck and strength.
  96. >Adrenaline charges through their veins, much of which leaves the veins and spills onto the dirt below with blood.
  97. >This time, casualties begin to rise on both sides as the fighting rages on.
  98. >Sweat and tears cannot loosen the grip on the weapon handles, and sheer bravery gives birth to persistence.
  99. >The gates open briefly, and Bargo rides out with a couple dozen cavalry soldiers with small hatchets.
  100. >They charge into the side of the enemy lines from a new angle, reinforcing the infantry who are taking a pretty heavy beating at this point.
  101. >Suddenly, a precise arrow lodges itself into the side of Bargo's horse's neck.
  102. >Avoiding falling to the ground with his horse landing on top of him, Bargo jumps off and immediately draws his spear, with his sword in mind for when he will inevitably need it.
  103. >Foes are already closing in.
  104. >Bargo kicks away one of the enemy soldiers' shields and rams his spear straight through the heart.
  105. >His elbow beats away another attacker as he pulls his spear back out.
  106. >An enemy sword misses his leg, and then misses again, and then collides with his shield as he holds it up.
  107. >Bargo bashes this third soldier with his shield, causing him to tumble to the ground as he turns around and stabs the second soldier he encountered.
  108. >His kill count soon rises from 3 to 4, and then to 5 and 6 and 7.
  109. >On the other side of the commotion, Celestia runs through several of the opposing infantry with her magically drawn chariot.
  110. >She makes her ghastly alicorn form surge through the lines of infantry, trampling them and letting the spiked sides of the chariot ram into their bodies.
  111. >She doesn't even bother counting these kills, as they are hardly certain anyway.
  112. >Painting blood tracks across the ground, Celestia's majestic chariot loops back around after reaching open space.
  113. >Ready to ram through another plethora of enemy soldiers.
  114. >But she sees too many of her own troops mixed in with them now.
  115. >She retracts her spiritual alicorn self back into herself, and the chariot rolls to a stop with nothing to pull it any longer.
  116. >Celestia menacingly steps out of her chariot with her battle ax drawn already.
  117. >Her eyes grow extremely stern with determination as she clamps both of her hands onto the ax's handle and tenses the muscles on her arms, ready to start swinging.
  118. >A couple of the defending troops spotted Celestia's radiant hair approaching them, intimidated by her stature as she slowly steps towards them.
  119. >After making sure there are no other enemy troops attacking them from behind, three of these troops hesitantly charge towards Celestia herself, assuming she can't take all of them at once.
  120. >But with one grand swing of her battle ax, she actually does.
  121. >Three severed heads fall to the ground, followed by the bodies they belong to, and Celestia finally starts counting her kills, starting at three.
  122. >...
  123. >Several more of the younger defending troops managed to hold their own where they are, and now have a couple of enemy troops cornered and fighting to stay alive.
  124. >Their stamina is starting to run a little low, so they figure they should just rush them all at once to take them down before the tables here turn once more.
  125. >A lot of the defending men of this City-State have actually started to turn the tables in their favor so far, but that was before Celestia got off of her chariot.
  126. >Bargo takes the smart route and goes back into the gates of the city-state to prepare his own faction of more experienced and battle-hardened troops that were saved for later.
  127. >They have a lot more morale under his leadership.
  128. >...
  129. >You watch Bargo return after having left the gates with his horsemen, returning now with none of them.
  130. >Cheer with the other men as Bargo rallies you all into marching formation and gets you closer to the gates.
  131. >Should have cheered louder, because the battle outside is sounding really ugly.
  132. >Many men are now shouting retreat among horrifying death sounds, mixed with the sounds of a battle ax severing limbs and crushing bones.
  133. >Bargo promises you that the invading army has been weakened thanks to the brave men who are currently perishing out there at the hands of Celestia's army.
  134. >He says he will probably be killed by Celestia in the battle, but he will keep her busy so you guys can take care of her army that has been "weakened" now.
  135. >Bargo promises that Celestia will be forced to surrender after his own sacrifice, and you and the other men will have Celestia at your mercy, and swears you will be free to do whatever you want with her once you all collectively overpower her before she can escape.
  136. >And you believe every word he says, feeling eager to be the first to take on the plunder of Celestia by being the first one to have a turn with her.
  137. >The sounds of violence outside the walls and gates die down into the triumphant cheers of Celestia's army, and now phase two of the siege can begin.
  138. >It's already clear to everyone that the wooden walls are not going to hold. Their destruction will be an important lesson to build walls of stone next time.
  139. >If there is a next time.
  140. >The sickening thuds of what must be a siege ram against the outside of the gate strikes fear into the hearts of all men.
  141. >But they swallow that fear and prepare to face whatever comes through that gate.
  142. >Meanwhile, the walls start to burn from the outside as well.
  143. >If the ram doesn't break the barrier, the fire that Celestia's army started on the walls surely will.
  144. >But you wonder: why are they using a ram anyway if they are burning the walls down?
  145. >Wouldn't the fire burn the ram and the men operating it? It already spread to the gates.
  146. >But it soon becomes clear what's going on.
  147. >It's not a ram being battered against the gates... it's the massive blade of a battle ax.
  148. >Celestia's battle ax.
  149. >It's hacking away at the wood over and over again until there's a huge gap in one of the gates.
  150. >On the outside, Celestia's body has caught on fire, but it does not hurt her.
  151. >For she wields the magical power of the sun, and her special ability is being immune to fire.
  152. >Prophecy itself has destined any city-state she wants to be hers. Destined for it to be property of the Sun Goddess.
  153. >You and the other soldiers watch in horror as Celestia continues hacking away at the gate that's now coated in flames and falling apart faster.
  154. >She finally finishes the hacking and glares through the gap she made, letting out a terrifying war cry before lifting her foot.
  155. >Celestia's powerful muscular leg kicks the remains of the gates open, making them swing apart until they fall off of the hinges and crash down to the ground.
  156. >Bargo orders you and the rest of the troops to charge with your lives, and so you do.
  157. >Nearly galloping into a glorious final battle which you will surely lose to Celestia.
  158. >In groups of two to five they rush at Celestia, some taken down by arrows from behind her, others sent flying after the impact of her battle ax partially disembowels them with sharp but brute force.
  159. >Bargo makes his way over to Celestia, aiming to make her his 12th kill but knows it probably won't happen.
  160. >She's too overpowered, but his sacrifice for his people and his land will not be in vain.
  161. >Celestia continues to behead and destroy multiple defenders at a time, even making some of them catch on fire by leaning into them as they try to stab her with their swords.
  162. >From behind their leader, Celestia's army starts to flood into the tiny city like the tidal wave it needs to put the fire out and begins attacking anyone they see before ransacking the place.
  163. >Celestia raises her kill count by the twos and threes, working her immensely strong arms with battle ax in gripping hands.
  164. >The flames eventually dwindle away, taking most of her clothing and armor with them.
  165. >Celestia's glowing hair flows in the wind as her rippled back glistens with sweat.
  166. >Her shoulders and biceps tense before each swing of her battle ax, glimmering in the light of the nearby inferno.
  167. >You notice this as you're trying to kill as many of her soldiers as you can, taken away by the sight of this.
  168. >She towers over all of the other fighters, even over Bargo who usually towers over everyone as well.
  169. >She's an actual giant, and a beautiful one.
  170. >Part of you doesn't want to fight against her, and wants to fight for her instead.
  171. >Maybe her conquering your city-state and subduing it into her control isn't such a bad thing after all.
  172. >You were kind of getting screwed over by the laws here anyway.
  173. >All of this takes your heart out of the fight, and your fleeing comrades prompts you to do the same.
  174. >Bargo The Warrior steps in front of Celestia and throws his spear at her.
  175. >She dodges it as he pulls his sword out, and the two face off within the next instant.
  176. >His sword clangs against her ax, and this becomes the official first time Bargo and Celestia have met in person outside the horrible legends they heard about eachother.
  177. >Celestia has already slain more fierce warriors than Bargo.
  178. >Thaden tried to offer his hand in marriage, then laid siege to her city when she refused, which resulted in her not only repelling the siege but then going over to his city with her army, sieging it successfully, and either killing or enslaving his entire population, beheading Thaden during the first time she got to see him after his surrender and taking his throne.
  179. >Celestia waged war against the Karlemites after they threatened caravans from her sister Luna's city-state.
  180. >The Karlemites sent their dimwitted king with his guards and envoys to try and convince Celestia that she should back down because he was in charge of a much larger army than hers.
  181. >In response, she trapped him in her city-state before he could make an armed escape, and slaughtered every single one of them and announced it to the massive army that eventually showed up and declared herself their queen.
  182. >Having no more king to prove their loyalty towards, the army was free to make this choice.
  183. >One thing led to another and Celestia's heavily prepared army attacked the larger but less enthusiastic one.
  184. >The battle was short, but a truce was had and a merge of forces came after a small amount of deaths.
  185. >All of the new soldiers were trained under Celestia from that point forwards, and she got sick and tired of other city-states pushing her younger sister around into making trade deals with them she didn't want to be a part of.
  186. >Luna just wanted to keep to herself but all of these greasy, hairy kings ask for her hand in marriage and want full access to her tiny city-state.
  187. >While Luna and Celestia had their disagreements, Celestia was not having any of that.
  188. >She started conquering everyone one by one, since she finally had enough power to do so.
  189. >She would subdue their armies, enslave the populations and inherit the surviving troops into her own army.
  190. >Lots of them seemed to be very loyal to her right away since she's a beautiful woman, but also because she controlled a lot of the food and resources in the area now because of her military prowess.
  191. >Just like the two sides of the Standard of Ur, Celestia conquers her enemies and gains all the stuff they had, and then uses that to grow stronger and more prosperous, and in turn becomes more powerful as a result.
  192. >And the cycle continues, allowing Celestia to bring about a time of peace when she can live like the now queen she is with as many slaves and loyal citizens as she wants.
  193. >This is what's running through Celestia's mind as she fights Bargo The Warrior, remembering when she killed Rangor of the Karlemites before the truce was had.
  194. >Remembers lodging her ax into the central nervous system of the giant named Monobo The Great of the wealthy kingdom of Ristoria before she subdued them.
  195. >Remembers ripping the lower jaw off of Caspias, prince of Gemshir before he could swipe his quick dual swords at her.
  196. >Oh, all the carnage and conquest Celestia has wreaked upon this land.
  197. >And now she's up against the meh-tier Bargo The Warrior.
  198. >He probably doesn't even know what his governor said to Luna, but he needs to die too if he's trying to kill Celestia first.
  199. >Bargo swings his sword once and slices open the rest of the charred cloth of Celestia's top.
  200. >Celestia lets her large bared breasts feel the breeze in the dim light of the fire before kicking Bargo back onto his ass.
  201. >Her troops have already started pillaging the city, having outnumbered the remaining defenders 10 to 1.
  202. >Bargo picks his sword back up, ready to fight until his dying breath.
  203. >But Celestia doesn't even have time to mess around with him; she raises her ax before he can react and barrels it down upon his collarbone area.
  204. >Bargo The Warrior is basically diced in half; fatality.
  205. >But as a symbol of respect, Celestia kneels before his mangled carcass, praising him for at least being the greatest warrior in this whole city-state before she came along.
  206. >Bargo The Warrior: he was a noble fighter who died for his home. He will be remembered, even by his enemies, and Celestia will make sure of it.
  207. >He may have been meh-tier but he had his heart in the right place, and that's enough for an honourable mention.
  208. >Something something warrior's code.
  209. >...
  210. >But you know who isn't a noble fighter?
  211. >You.
  212. >Along with several other soldiers, you have already thrown your hands into the air in surrender like you just don't care about your leader.
  213. >Because the king around here hasn't even ordered a surrender yet, though he should have by now.
  214. >The invading troops break into his place and find his dead body on the floor; he took his own life instead of being taken in defeat. The coward.
  215. >As you are stripped of your weapons and armament, you see your city-state proceed to get pillaged and looted all the way until Celestia realizes this is going on and orders that it cease immediately.
  216. >You are taken into chains with many others and herded out of the burning city-state like sheep.
  217. >The battle is over.
  218. >You lost, but you feel like you won.
  219. >Because you want Celestia to dominate you now.
  220. >...
  221. >Now that all is said and done, it is time for you to be sold into slavery.
  222. >You are taken to what you immediately figure out is Celestia's city-state.
  223. >It looks like a lot more than just a city-state, this is a city.
  224. >A city at the center of Celestia's budding Solar Empire.
  225. >There are chiseled decorations of the sun all over the towering stone walls and fortified gates.
  226. >There's hundreds of armored troops everywhere, some armed with axes and swords, some spears, others with bows and arrows.
  227. >There are crowds of people throwing shit at you as you ride by in the slave wagon, like just chucking their food and trash and stuff at you and the other slaves.
  228. >Next to you, one of the slaves starts to angrily grunt with tears in his eyes.
  229. >You turn to him and he's one of the ugliest motherfuckers you've seen in your life.
  230. >Like hunchback dude in 300 who wanted to join the Spartans ugly.
  231. >"It no fair! Grug smart!" The other slave grumbles on. "Grug troll Celestia land! Grug know it! Grug no slave. Grug can leave when Grug want. Grug no stay here rent free. Celestia is one who stay rent free! Grug never forget! Grug win this time!"
  232. >You have no idea what this dumbass is drooling on about.
  233. >But he turns to you. "What happen to Grug dignity?"
  234. "You never had it to begin with." You reply, really only just annoyed by this guy's barely coherent babbling and decided to mouth off at him to be cocky. "Please leave me alone now."
  235. >"HA! U mad! U mad!" He raves on to no avail, momentarily promising he will smear his shit all over the walls of your house.
  236. >The slave wagon rattles on down the path.
  237. >...
  238. >You and the rest of the slaves are herded off of the wagon.
  239. >And you are all taken in your chains into Celestia's palace.
  240. >There she is, lounging on her throne, Celestia.
  241. >Her majesty herself.
  242. >Two torches on either side of her show that her toned body is still glistening with sweat, and her chest heaves in and out with each graceful breath.
  243. >One by one, the conquered slaves are put on auction to either go work on the pyramids Celestia is building or become her personal sex slaves.
  244. >Celestia seems to recognize Grug instantly, and sends him to work on the pyramids until he drops dead without even hearing anything about him first.
  245. >It's soon your turn, and you see Celestia's harsh expression soften up a little bit for you because you're probably cute looking or something.
  246. >She says lots of strange things about you, like she's reciting poetry or something.
  247. >Maybe she really does like you a lot, which you aren't opposed to.
  248. >This did seem a little sudden, but when a ruler sees a slave she really wants, she'll make it apparent right away.
  249. >And Celestia already chose you before you could say anything against it if you could.
  250. >But that's fine with you, you were already fantasizing about her before you were even taken captive by her forces.
  251. >"Ah yes, you'll make a fine one, won't you?" Celestia starts off with a grin. "œYou shall bring me offspring."
  252. >Long story short, she eventually (after the auction is long over) takes you away to some back chamber with a few guards following you.
  253. >"...
  254. >This whole place, even the throne room, is built out of large stones the side of someone's head at smallest. You weren't paying attention to that until now.
  255. >It's still more than what the walls of your former city-state were made out of.
  256. >You're eventually taken to this really far back room where Celestia chains you to the corner of two of the walls.
  257. >The room is lit up by torch, and her guards can barely all fit in the tiny room it's so small.
  258. >They asked her if she needed anything else before they leave her alone with her favorite slave, and she's now impatiently saying she's fine.
  259. >She keeps looking over at you like a hawk that had just taken its prey to its nest.
  260. >You have a strong feeling regarding what's about to happen.
  261. >After the guards leave, you get another look at Celestia again, this time with more attention being payed to her appearance itself.
  262. >She towers over you with her head almost hitting the high up ceiling.
  263. >Her shredded arms can span from one side of the room you're trapped with her in to the other, and you can already tell they could probably snap the chains that bind you on their own if you wanted them to.
  264. >The shadows cast across her abs become sharp at a certain angle of the light that hits her torso, already giving you an idea of how firm that would be if you ran your hand across it.
  265. >And she's still breathing pretty heavily even though she's no longer exhausted from battle; something about you still excites her and you're about to find out what it is whether you like it or not.
  266. >This is your new master who's got you in this corner of her dungeon room, stepping towards you until you have little to no space to move around.
  267. >Almost feel like she's going to pick you up and have you all to herself sustained in her grasp, but her strong hands force you down into a sitting position, and she kneels down over you with each of her knees resting on the dirt floor on either side of your legs.
  268. >Your heart begins to race, but even her heartbeat is louder than yours, you can hear it. You don't know if you're ready to handle this kind of stamina or raw strength.
  269. >But you're getting it whether you're ready for it or not, Celestia's not patient, she's hungry.
  270. >And here you are right here below her, armor and all relatively light enough to be ripped open by her bare hands.
  271. >It's difficult not to be afraid, when she literally has the strength to kill you in an instant with you physically at her mercy like this.
  272. >Your hands are chained up behind you, unable to help you defend yourself.
  273. >Celestia widens her eyes and bites her lip as she rips all of your attire off of your body, already mostly exposed herself.
  274. >Doesn't even notice that her breasts are becoming exposed from all of her body's movement, or perhaps she doesn't care right now since she's unwrapping her coveted spoils of war.
  275. >You have already started to become erect, even though you feel like you were too scared to have this happen at this moment.
  276. >Celestia forcefully pulling you close up against her leader-like body helps you slip into enjoyment for this much faster.
  277. >Her eyes grow insistent and her lip bite becomes vicious, making you fear for your own lips when she forcefully pulls her personal slave into a kiss.
  278. >It's easy to feel some primal desire awaken itself inside of Celestia, you feel it reverberating in her body from your own.
  279. >Her breath is as strong as a storm, and the sweat on her skin spreads to yours as she pushes her body against yours in increasingly breed-worthy positions.
  280. >She becomes a feral beast atop your restrained body, having stripped you bare and making you succumb to your own instincts through pushing your bodies together as she embraces her own instincts.
  281. >Bumping and thrashing you against the stone wall with her humbling size and strength.
  282. >Celestia can barely control herself.
  283. >She fucks as ferociously as she fights; you can already tell.
  284. >On the inside, you're begging to be conquered by Celestia all over again.
  285. >The weight of her body pins your pelvis to the floor, no hope of escaping her.
  286. >Gladly accept your new Amazon Sun Goddess as she easily overpowers you, ready to obey her every command.
  287. >And her commands are in a low, breathy growl as she moves her own cloths aside and envelops your erect manhood inside of her.
  288. >Now that she has direct assertion over you in all ways, she begins to speak in that tone with her hot breath rushing into your mouth between kisses.
  289. >"I expect nothing but loyalty from you." Her voice strains as she assertively humps you, slapping your backside against the stone with each jolt of her hips. "œDo you understand?"
  290. >"Ye... yes..." A huff escapes you, hardly coherent from you trembling from a vast combination of emotions.
  291. >"I want to hear you say it!" Celestia growls again, raising her voice a little bit. "œNothing. But. Loyalty."
  292. >You wheeze under the dominance of her sexual prowess, defeated by the damp feeling of her prominent muscles and breasts pressing against you alone.
  293. >Did your hip just pop? You're not sure. Either way, you'd have difficulty running away at night if you wanted to. Maybe she meant to do this.
  294. >"SAY IT!" Her majesty demands.
  295. >"Nothing but loyalty!" You weakly howl with her eyes squarely in front of yours, staring into your soul that she owns now.
  296. >Celestia now nearly suffocates you with the deepest kiss yet, wildly indulging herself into you and making your pray for your fucking life.
  297. >But you do not pray to any god in the sky, you pray to Celestia herself on top of you. She is your goddess now.
  298. >She makes sure her presence is clear and felt.
  299. >And never shall you betray.
  300. >Her heated body physically dominates yours, predator to prey.
  301. >Accept the will of every movement, every stern touch and feeling, every taste and sound.
  302. >She feels you climax inside of her, doubling down on the grip she has on you so you can barely even squirm in the inescapable grip of her glistening, bare-flesh embrace.
  303. >And you fulfill her majesty's wishes of giving her offspring. All of it. She takes all of it from you.
  304. >You are Celestia's spoils of war, and you just came inside of a powerful goddess, accepting her rule.
  305. >She holds you in the same near-death clutch until you gradually black out into unconsciousness.
  306. ~
  307. >After a while, it becomes clear that you do not need to be restrained with chains, for the promise of your loyalty has been fulfilled.
  308. >Your purpose is to serve Empress Celestia, and obey her commands whenever she needs something from you.
  309. >Remaining loyal, you are given a place in Celestia's very palace, even in her very bedchamber because of reasons that should be obvious.
  310. >Celestia feels connected to you as you feel connected to her.
  311. >She is your leader, your ruler, and your trainer.
  312. >As your hip slowly heals, you are slowly turned into a warrior that could be described as of Bargo's caliber.
  313. >The legend of Bargo The Warrior is added to the list of legends that Celestia preaches about her past foes, and honourable mentions of the most worthy of those she had defeated in glorious battle.
  314. >And you now must train to be like him and other warriors Celestia had defeated.
  315. >Prolific and effective on the battlefield, but with a skillset that Celestia had proven before that she can best. You become one of the Empress's closest body guards.
  316. >With a relationship so personal with her that you would give your life for your leader.
  317. >Part of your training is participating in the manual labor that will eventually result in the completion of Celestia's pyramid, but that's a long way down the road still.
  318. >During peacetime, Celestia carries her heir to the throne that you helped give her.
  319. >She soon gives birth to the heir, having some of the slaves not doing the harder labor help her raise the child.
  320. >And you work on the construction during this time to further strengthen yourself, which you have no problem doing because it's for your beloved empress.
  321. >You are still a slave during this time outside of military campaigns, but sort of the head slave, in charge of managing thousands of others.
  322. >And it's been years now.
  323. >Many slaves that had proven to be unfit to continue their labor were probably executed, but you never found out about this for sure.
  324. >There's no time anyway; another military campaign is about to start.
  325. >"...
  326. >Before war, it is not uncommon for your empress to spend an intimate evening with you before she goes and leads you into battle again.
  327. >All she needs to do is beckon you to turn around and face the bed.
  328. >She lies there on her side with her straps, armor and cloths purposefully slipping away from herself, displaying growing hints of her most womanly properties to you.
  329. >It takes no time at all for you to understand what your empress needs from you, and you join her atop the bed with that now familiar embrace she traps you into her grasp with.
  330. >There's always the possibility you could die in the fighting, and if that shall be the case, you would want this to be somewhat part of a final goodbye to your goddess empress if that turns out to be the case.
  331. >The sieging would be over before she gets too pregnant to fight anyway; she's really good at crushing her enemies as swiftly as she can.
  332. >Soon enough, you all go marching into battle once more, now 10,000 of you when allied with Luna's newly growing empire.
  333. >This time, the threat is a lot more imminent; there has been a growing coalition of clans and city-states that is against Celestia's conquests of their neighbors, but each of them alone are extremely weak alone.
  334. >But they are only slightly weaker when they are standing together.
  335. >And they have been attacking places Celestia had previously conquered, taking all the land for themselves now so they can have their turn bossing everyone around just like how Celestia currently has hers.
  336. >So now Celestia comes marching in with her legions, with you aboard the chariot with her.
  337. >With your long spears, you hold strongly to the shafts as the force of the chariot riding by kills enemies that dare tried to attack Celestia when she was charging at them in her magically driven chariot.
  338. >The same as other battles happens: once the chariot stops, the real fun begins.
  339. >Celestia wields her ax, you wield your sword.
  340. >All of the enemy troops try to swarm you, but the will to defend your empress to the dying breath helps you take out more of them than you ever thought you would have been able too.
  341. >She wipes out multitudes of their infantry by your side, crushing their armor with their bones with her brute strength.
  342. >The two of you fight for eachother with your lives on the line the whole time, your hearts completely in the fight.
  343. >And you follow your empress into the part of the battlefield where there are more enemies to slay than friends to slay for.
  344. >And you start to even out that ratio with Celestia by your side.
  345. >Fighting spirit fueled by the connection shared between you two, by everything you've done together before.
  346. >The moment engulfs you and you exert your rage upon all of the opposing warriors that have been sent to kill you and your Empress.
  347. >As the battle slowly tilts into your favor, you go out in an unexpected blaze of glory.
  348. >Celestia had already plunged herself into the crowd of enemy troops to kill them in every direction.
  349. >You followed her, so you are close to her and have her back, and you fight just as vehemently as she does.
  350. >Wiping out strapping young men by the groups of two to five.
  351. >They close in on you as Celestia takes down several more where she stands.
  352. >You find multiple swords sneak past your shield and pierce through your armor.
  353. >Celestia could tell right away that the wounds were fatal, before she even turned around to see how badly you were hit.
  354. >She felt it too.
  355. >Her rage takes the lives of your somewhat-killers, and everyone else around the two of you who were not on the same side as you.
  356. >The rest of the enemy starts to retreat into a nearby fortress that was set up to serve as a potential siege base that will be of no use now given how badly they were just defeated.
  357. >You lie on your back, momentarily with Celestia's hand holding your head up.
  358. >Battered and stabbed beyond healing.
  359. >Celestia gazes down at you with tears in her eyes as the rest of the enemy finishes retreating.
  360. >The battle is over.
  361. >She won, but it feels like she lost.
  362. >You cough up blood, feeling colder and colder as the moment persists no matter how tightly Celestia holds you.
  363. >Turn your head to that fortress; you already know what's about to happen to it.
  364. >Celestia shall have no mercy on them.
  365. >You continue to suffer on your back, in your final moments as Celestia realizes that if you are to die by anyone's hands, it must be hers.
  366. >She glares with wrath at the fortress, watching them wave their flags of surrender after realizing what situation they're in now.
  367. >They know it, and especially the allied soldiers know it.
  368. >Everyone is gathered around you and Celestia, knowing exactly how close you two were, and knowing the magnitude of the fire that this has set ablaze inside of Celestia.
  369. >The last thing she will accept is surrender, and so that is the last thing they will accept as well.
  370. >Celestia will not take any further prisoners in this war, for she has no use for them, and they cannot replace you anyway.
  371. >Letting out one final war cry, Celestia raises her battle ax to the sky and barrels it down upon you, right below your chin.
  372. >And this is the last thing you remember from life.
  373. ~
  374. >You have now entered what is perhaps Heaven or Valhalla.
  375. >There is no telling when Celestia is going to be joining you here, since she seems to be a being that lives for a considerably long time.
  376. >But she will be here soon, whenever her time comes.
  377. >And until then, may her life be long and prosperous, and full of fortune and great conquest beyond anything her ancestors who now stand next to you have ever witnessed.
  378. >And you shall wait for her. For as long as it takes.
  379. End.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey