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The kid of the failed family

By Guest
Created: 2020-11-10 13:46:04
Expiry: Never

  1. that was an awful week since the start, mommy hadn’t played with her for almost two weeks daddy doesn’t had come to read her in the night for an even longer time and even sunny her own cristaler doesn’t play with her anymore, no one plays with her no ne takes her to play with other kids no one even speaks to her
  3. tonight it was going to be an awful night, at least that were her thoughts, daddy was out again she hadn’t heard anything about daddy since a long time, daddy was on service, whatever that means, flurry only knew that daddy wasn’t coming to read her a story again
  5. flurry was sad and distracted sunny just walked again to her room like he always did at this hour, he just clea her rom used her thingy to put the shining thing in her bed he took her to the bathroom to change her dirty diaper and to give her a bath. the same routine as always
  6. he took her diaper off, he cleaned her, as always he takes a long sniff of her kitty , flurry thinks that sunny is weird so she just let him be
  8. she knows that when he had enough he will just warm the water to bath her, he always uses the same bubbly thingy to clean her, and washes away everything to the drain, always before taking her out in a towel to dry her coat. sunny always dries her carefully, first her mane then her legs and her tummy and her tail then finally he dries her hind hooves and finally her kitty, sunny always takes some extra time to dry and massage her kitty, tonight his massages are really good, it had happened before.his hooves massaged her kitty and her tail hole. his hoofs touch a funny spot on her kitty and a weird tickle sometimes makes her feel good and funny at the same time sometimes it’s so strong that she pees on the table. but sunny only smiles at her, even when her piss lands on his face, he doesn’t scold her or punish her.
  9. right now from the start his kitty has been massaged right her funny spot hasn’t stopped tingling since the star sunny hasn’t stopped smiling to her the entire time it feels so good that it kinda hurts a little but sunny isn’t stopping finally so it should be ok, flurry could feel it she surely peer over his hoof at some point, her kitty was wet and sticky but it just made that tingle a whole lot better flurry lost the count of how many times she peed over him tonight but she feel good and sunny showered her on praises, that made her feel even better
  10. sunny had become distant but he always treated her good he had never hurt her. and tonight he even praised her, like the old times
  12. sunny changed the towels and started to clean her mess flurry could se his prince part bouncing under his tummy, while she rested on the changing table. her kitty still feels tingly and sticky but it makes her feel good tonight
  14. finally after cleaning the table he puts her on a new diaper, and takes her to her cradle. as always there’s a warm bottle of weird milk for her. that bottle is always there when he tucks her in.
  15. that weird milk is strange, it’s sticky and tastes salty, somehow sweet at the same time, an even weirder thing about the milk is that it smells like him, like everyone else (at least sunny told her that) flurry didn’t liked the weird milk at first, but he just just keep giving her that bottle every night. eventually she learned to like it
  17. tonight sunny was really good to her. but he still didn’t played with her
  18. she miss it, they used to play lots of things together sunny even let her ride him like a rodeo pony on his tummy, or when they play as the princess and the prince he really laughed at how silly was that game, still she had fun, even if she always ended needing another bath or she needed to play without her diaper in some games. she was happy.
  19. ,but he doesn’t play with her anymore, no one does
  21. another strange thing is that tonight sunny didn’t gave her a bottle of weird milk as usual, it was just normal milk, a little weird on color and smell, but it was just milk at the end. sunny smiled at her and told her that she helped to make that.milk when she started to feel sleepy
  23. her mind is groggy she is nestled in her bed she ate the milk bottle and she was almost asleep, suddenly she felt how somepony pulled down her diaper, she felt the fresh air of the castle on her kitty
  25. she looked down and sunny was staring intensely at her kitty, flurry could hear some other noises in the room but she didn't know where they came from
  27. then flurry felt it
  29. it was a weird sensation inside her kitty. but it felt really good, it felt to good it was too good flurry couldn’t stop her hips from shaking the tingly feeling was back but it was terrifying flurry just couldn’t take it anymore. flurry mustered enough strength and look down to her kitty
  31. sunny wall looking directly at her eyes. his muzzle was all over her kitty and his tongue was doing things to her that she didn’t know how to
  32. describe it felt so much better than his massages
  34. she was so close to piss herself, her tummy was grumbling and her kitty was practically glued to sunny’s face, it was so intense she was really close now and again suddenly sunny stopped, flurry wanted to cry
  36. flurry was desperate now she was feeling so good right now
  38. she looked at sunny like a lost kitten why he stopped why he isn’t continuing it it started to hurt now but before she could even call his name mommy walked from under sunny
  40. her hair was unusually unkempt and her muzzle looked sticky and wet a lot of drool was dripping from her mouth and her she was mommy and flurry was happy to see her again, mommy hasn’t come to her room in along time
  42. flurry was really happy she even forgot about the pain in her kitty, mommy was here
  44. and then sunny just pulled up her diaper and left her alone in the cradle,
  45. before she knew it sunny was walking away, it was because of this flurry really thought that mommy would tuck her in tonight
  47. she looked expectantly to mommy. mommy just walked to the door, she didn’t even looked at her but when she left the room mommy lifted her tail and moved it to the left flurry looked at mommy’s kitty and it scared her. it was sticky and it had a weird hole in it, she could see some rosy flesh inside, flurry really had a hard time she looked at that she wanted to hug mommy to tell her that everything would be ok and to stop the pain but mommy didn’t stop her trot to the door
  49. flurry tried to call for her but suddenly she felt really drowsy and confortable
  50. the last thing that flurry saw was sunny mounted over mommy playing the prince game
  52. ———————————————————————-++++++
  55. flurry was tossing around in her bed she was asleep but her body was hot and bothered, at some point it looked like she was going to wake up but the sleep spell won.
  57. flurry was woken in the night because mommy and daddy were screaming at each other sunburst was sitting on the floor his prince part was out in the open wet and sticky, flurry looked at the scene and she couldn’t understand what was happening
  59. sunny looked directly ather cradles got up and was walking towards her when daddy interrupted him, daddy’s magic thingy blasted at sunny directly on his prince part. sunny screamed, it looked awful sunny dropped some things and screamed more
  61. then everyone was screaming
  64. daddy hurt her cristaler and then mommy hurt daddy, then nall the shiny ponies on the castle entered to the room screaming and pleading some of them carried her cristaler away sunny had a big bump in her face but he was crying grabbing his cochie flurry wanted to go and hug him but she couldn’t
  66. when she tried to go sunny she tried to grab the railing of her cradle but it shattered... all the noise stopped because of that, all the shiny ponies looked at her like she was weird flurry doesn’t like the stares the ponies always looked at her like until sunny came to the castle, and now they are starting at her again furry wanted to cry but
  67. mommy screamed to her daddy but daddy, she screamed so loud that it hurt her ears. then mommy started to scream to the shiny ponies and then she screamed to sunny she even throw things to him, she was hurting him flurry doesn’t wanted to se ponies hurt so she called for mommy as loudly as she could
  69. mommy walked to her flurry thought that maybe mommy was going to carry her like she always did when she called for mommy, flurry lifted her hooves to mommy waiting for a hug waiting for some love some kisses, mommy kisses are the best but mommy didn’t lift her, mommy didn’t spoke to her, she just stood there and looked at her she looked at her like the shiny ponies had looked at her. it hurt it hurt so much so flurry cried, and as soon as she started to cry something horrible happened
  71. mommy grabbed her muzzle with her shiny things and she screamed to her she screamed to her face with even more force than before flurry doesn’t know all the things that mommy screamed but it hurt like his tummy when she got sick but it hurt so much more
  73. furry didn’t know how much time passed until mommy stopped screaming, at some point the shiny ponies tried to speak to her but she just screamed to them. and when flurry tried to crawl away mommy looked at her and screamed even louder finally furry crawled to the back of her cradle whit mommy screaming to her and when she touched the rail of her cradle it shattered like the other side but this time her whole cradle minus her bed shattered
  75. flurry fell down over her own and now cradleless bed mommy finally stopped screaming but she kept looking at her
  77. all the shiny ponies left the room they took sunny away some of them still glared at her with that expression but many of them just looked at her differently like if it hurt them to see her, it was strange but at least they didn’t glared at her anymore
  79. suddenly as quick as everything started daddy and mommy left. she was alone in her room she tried to crawl to the door but before she even started to move mommy’s things closed the door with enough force to crack the wall. in the morning no one came to change her diaper, neither mommy or sunburst walked to her room to give her a bottle or let her taste mommy’s milk she was hungry and her diaper was dirty but still nopony walked to her room
  81. she tried crawl away to the door, but she just couldn’t open it, it was like the door was blocked all the morning passed like that, she was afraid to cry she still remembered how furious was her mommy, finally when the bells started again she was to hungry and dirty to fear mommy’s screams, finally like the little baby that she was, she stared to cry again but no one came, her throat hurt so she stopped her cries and somehow she slept
  83. when she woke up auntie thingy was almost sleeping again and her tummy hurts a lot this time finally the little alicorn cried again, this time as loudly as she could, maybe nopony heard her she thought, so she cried, she cried until her throat hurt, she cried until the room started to shake, she was going to cry here until somepony opened the door
  85. it was daddy flurry loves her daddy so she just flew to her daddy and hug him as har as she could, daddy was here everything was going to be ok
  87. but she didn’t notice daddy was weird, his trot was unusual!, his breat was horrible, and his eyes were empty and malicious when he entered the room
  89. until the hug
  91. that horrible expression was somewhat eased with that hug
  93. flurry was crying she believed that everyone had left her
  95. daddy was crying, she didn’t knew the terrible fate that she opened to her that day

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