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FoE SS Interlogue

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2021-08-24 06:49:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >After grueling weeks of being in the Everfree Forest, FoE:SS finally manages to escape that hell hole.
  2. >She leaves the edge of the forest to find Ponyville... in a tattered state.
  3. >Using her skills in stealth she honed in the forest, she easily infiltrates and is surprised to find that the area is populated by murderers and rapists.
  4. >A gang of slavers who currently have a couple fillies and colts encaged in iron scrap containers.
  5. >SS has no idea what's going on, who these ponies are, or why these ponies are doing this, but she needs answers.
  6. >She sees a slave auction being played out, most of the stallions grouping up in front of the theatre stage.
  7. >Colts and fillies are lined up, locked in chains and are worse for wear. Scars covered with mud and wounds seared shut.
  8. >They're starving, but are standing just barely; brushed up hastily to make a quick profit.
  9. >A nameless stallion walks up the stage and presents himself.
  10. >"Welcome y'all, to the slave auction! Now we have a couple new goods that came in a couple days ago thanks to our raiders. And ah know some of you's have earned some caps from those escapades. Now it's time to spend em!
  11. >The crowd cheers on as he tries to pitch each one of their product in order.
  12. >SS examines as stallions are bidding for each filly and colt, using a different type of currency called "caps".
  13. >It's only after one of them gets sold that she notices what their currency was in detail. Literal bottle caps.
  14. >She questions why as they aren't using bits, but shake out of it as the next foal gets auctioned.
  15. >What should she do? Save them? Her amulet isn't as powerful as the original. It might knock out one or two of them, but a whole group of them? No.
  16. >She needed information, she can't save these foals. She wasn't here to save foals. This wasn't her original dimension. She has no responsibilities here to fix. And as the original SS informed her, even if she tried to save them it would only cause another split timeline to be created.
  18. >Another timeline where she does, and doesn't save them. It wouldn't matter what she does. All she's here for is information and how to stop this from happening in the original timeline.
  19. >Yet as each foal gets auctioned, her conscience settles in. A bad taste in her mouth as she sees her friends in each of these foals. Her friends being potentially one of these. She could see herself... in their place. What would they think if you didn't save them? If nopony was there to save you?
  20. >As the last foal was being auctioned, SS grits her teeth as she walks towards the group of marauders.
  21. >The bandits slowly start to take notice you until eventually the crowd parts, surprised and amused.
  22. >"Well what do we have here? Seems one of our slaves escaped and wanted to go to the auction themselves off instead!"
  23. >The stallions laughed as the foals look at you, clearly not recognizing you.
  24. "No, but I am here for something."
  25. >SS drops a conjured bag of caps, filled to the brim of them. An illusion, temporary, but the amulet would sustain it as the ponies wouldn't think a simple earth pony could cast magic.
  26. "I want to buy one."
  27. >The auctioneer's gaze glances in disbelief, before turning into one of bemusement.
  28. >"Y-You want to buy one? A filly wants to buy a slave? Hahahahahah!"
  29. >He laughs mockingly.
  30. >"Tell'ya'what. I'll do you a favor and tell my boys to treat you nice if you hoof over them caps."
  31. "I'm not here to play nice. I'm here to do business. Capturing me won't do you any good if you want more caps outta me. And if you try-"
  32. >SS pulls out a gun and points it to her head.
  33. "A dead body ain't gonna be much use for you either."
  34. >The other gangers stare in awe and laugh.
  35. >"She's bluffing dude. She'll never pull it." One of the members shout out.
  36. >However the auctioneer stares you dead in the eyes. His gaze hardens as he realizes you're being dead serious.
  37. >Killing yourself wouldn't be the end of you, but they don't know that.
  38. >"Using yourself as a hostage, well if I ain't damned. Fine then, you can have him. Toss the bag over and we'll let you walk out peacefully."
  39. >The other gangers protest in shock, then anger. "What the hell? Are you insane?"
  40. >"Calm down boys. She'll be back. I've got a gut feeling."
  41. >The gangers try to protest, but stop as his glare silences them all.
  42. >They all watch as SS and her new colt slave walk away from Ponyville.
  44. >After a bit of distance, SS finally turns her attention to the colt.
  45. "Alright, you're going to tell me what I'm Celestia's fat flank is going on here!"
  46. >"W-What?"
  47. "Slavers! Ponyville! The wasteland! Everything! Pretend that I don't know anything."
  48. >The stallion gulps as the insane filly kept shouting at him with an intense gaze.
  49. >"A-Alright..."
  51. >One exposition later...
  52. >"And that's about everything..."
  53. >SS stares in... shock, horror, and anger.
  54. >The colt doesn't like that gaze. It's fearsome, one that didn't belong to a pony. The gangers were malicious and showed no mercy, but this filly right here had eyes of something that didn't belong, that shouldn't belong.
  55. "So that's it then?"
  56. >"T-That's all I know. Sorry..."
  57. >SS closes her eyes and sighs.
  58. "Well fuck. So I came all this way nothing then."
  59. >"W-What do you mean?"
  60. "You have no idea how this place turned into the shithole it is now."
  61. >"I mean, it was always like this."
  62. "No it wasn't! It was better! So much better than this. Ponyville used to be something, and now..."
  63. >Her eyes were filled with disappointment and... remorse.
  64. "Well it doesn't matter now I suppose. Guess I'll have to search elsewhere."
  65. >"Wait... before you go. Could you save my sister?"
  66. "What?"
  67. >"My little sister... she's still in one of those cages. And she's pregnant."
  68. "What?!"
  69. >"Can you please buy her? I'll forever be in your debt."
  70. "...One, you're already indebted to me. Two, those caps were fake. They probably would have realized it by now, so we definitely aren't going back there."
  71. >"B-But!"
  72. "I can't do anything about your sister. Now if you still want to go and save her and get up getting enslaved again then be my guest. I'm not helping."
  73. >The colt stands there in silence as SS starts walking away.
  74. >After a moment SS takes a glance back and is surprised to see him walking back towards Ponyville.
  75. "What the hell are you doing?"
  76. >The colt glares back. "Saving my sister."
  77. "You'll get yourself enslaved, probably killed."
  78. >"Most likely."
  79. "And you don't have a plan."
  80. >"No."
  81. "You're being an idiot."
  82. >"I know."
  83. "Then why?"
  84. >"Because I'm her brother!" The colt glares back even harder. "I promised I would protect her, no matter what."
  85. "........."
  86. >The colt continues to leave while SS scoffs and marches on. After some time SS stops in her tracks and groans.
  87. "Urghhhhh! *Fiiiiine.* We'll save your fucking sister."
  88. >The looks back in hope.
  89. "But no guarantees. If we're going this then you're going to need a plan."
  90. >SS uses her magic to pull the colt by the neck.
  91. "And you're going to listen to everything I say, you got that?"
  92. >The colt gulps.
  94. >A couple hours of planning later, the scene cuts to the colt running from the Everfree Forest. A roar sounds from behind as a pack of mutant Timber Wolves sprint towards him.
  95. >SS joins the fray by conjuring a magic lasso, tossing it, and ties the rope around the pack leader's muzzle.
  96. >She pulls it, forcing it to turn its attention to Ponyville. The smell of young foals and colts fill the air as it refocuses its attention on it, having the rest follow.
  97. >Ponyville was going on with business as usual, before a scout screams something, grabbing everypony's attention.
  98. >"Timberwolves!!!"
  99. >Everypony freezes as they heard this. The Everfree wasn't too far from their current location, and they heard a couple scouts dying whenever they approached the forest. However there's never been a case where monsters left their habitat.
  100. >Then a giant Timberwolf crashes through some barricades, mawing and gnashing everything in sight.
  101. >SS and the colt sneaks in as the commotion of slaughtered marauders scream in the hanging distance.
  102. >They proceed to free the slaves, just as planned. The fillies and colts all rush out in a panick, not bothering to thank their saviors. Some grabbing weapons to kill some gangers, while some fled in utter terror.
  103. >A small filly with an unnaturally large belly sits in the corner as the colt trots towards her.
  104. >"Don't worry sis, I'm here."
  105. >They exchange a kiss, shocking SS in her place.
  106. >>"I-I knew you'd be back for us." The sister smiles weakly, softly rubbing her belly.
  107. >The brother kisses her belly as he rubs it too. "Don't worry, I'm here for you little one."
  108. >SS stares, but her attention is quickly drawn away as sounds of explosions ring in the distance.
  109. "We gotta go."
  110. >"Right. Hold on sis. Let me carry you."
  111. >>"Alright." she heaves a foreleg over his shoulder. "And who is she?"
  112. >"She helped me escape. And now you will to, come on."
  114. >They all successfully flee Ponyville, with most of the foals fleeing into the wasteland while some remained to kill their capturers.
  115. >"I gotta thank you. I'm forever in your debt."
  116. "Why didn't you tell me that it was your child?"
  117. >"What?
  118. "That was your kid. No wonder you wanted to save your sister."
  119. >"Hey, I *love* my sister. We've been through everything together. And without her, I'd have nothing to live for."
  120. >>"Don't say that..."
  121. >"It's true! You saved me from myself multiple times sis. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."
  122. >>"Oh shush brother. You're over-exaggerating." She walks over to kiss the colt.
  123. >>"You don't hate us for it right?" She turns to SS.
  124. >"Yeah, what does it matter? We love each other. Is there something wrong with that?"
  125. >SS pauses in momentary shock, only barely registering what she's hearing. Her face is filled with conflicting emotions, but ultimately resignation.
  126. ".....No, I guess not. It's none of my concern anyways."
  127. >SS turns away.
  128. "Well you're both free now. Go live your lives elsewhere. I don't care anymore."
  129. >"W-Wait. We're going with you!"
  130. "What?!"
  131. >"We have nowhere else to go and I am forever in your debt. I said that when I begged you to save my sister. I can never repay you for that. What's your name?"
  132. ".....Silver Spoon."
  133. >"You're a good pony Silver Spoon."
  134. "Oh shut up." SS retorted. "I was willing to let you die."
  135. >"But you didn't."
  136. "Because you manipulated me. I see through your lies. You only used me to save your sister." SS spoke with venom in her voice.
  137. >The colt was silent, before responding once more. "Even if I was, you still helped anyways, fully knowing that."
  138. >SS remained silent while staring him in the eyes.
  139. >"You're a good pony Silver Spoon."
  140. ".....Whatever." SS starts walking away. "Follow me if you want, but I'm not going to risk my own neck again to protect either of you again."
  141. >"...Thank you."

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