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Salmon Run

By PrincestFag
Created: 2021-08-31 21:33:25
Updated: 2021-09-02 02:43:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your name is still Anon. You had arrived in a menacing, freezing forest about a week ago.
  2. >You would have died cold and alone if not for the sweetest mare in the world, Frosty Flakes, an Earth Pony with a fluffy, beige mane.
  3. >Of course you decided to stay a bit longer. You would rather bask in the warm, caring snuggles of a new friend than be sent on another death-defying task once you state your success to the boss.
  4. >What would be next? A treacherous jungle where you'd be wrapped in the sticky web of a giant Equestrian spider?
  5. >Nuts to that. You're taking the snowmare hugs.
  6. >You wake up the same way you have for the past few days. A chilly, stinging breeze makes contact with your face and a snoring Frosty has her fuzzy legs wrapped around you.
  7. >Last night's fire was long gone, as your new friend prefers to keep her igloo crisp and icy during the night.
  8. >In your barely conscious state, you turn on your side and bury your face in the snoozing mare's chest fuzz.
  9. >You bask in the welcoming warmth radiating off of her body. She feels like a heated teddy bear even in the biting cold.
  10. >"Mmmm..." she coos, hugging you tighter in her half-awake daze.
  11. >Five more minutes.
  12. >About an hour later, you wake up for real. Frosty lightly nuzzles your face with her own.
  13. >"Wake up, Nonny! We have a big day today!"
  14. >She came up with this nickname a couple days ago. It's cute.
  15. "Morning, Frosty." you utter, with weariness still apparent in your voice.
  16. >You sit up and rub the sleep out of your eyes. Frosty is presented in front of you with a wide grin.
  17. >She's just too cute. You extend an arm and pet her long, poofy mane, causing her to produce a sweet giggle.
  18. >This mare really likes her headpats. She pushes her head slightly into your hand.
  19. "What do you have planned for us today?" you ask in between pets.
  20. >"I'm gonna teach you how to fish!" she declares excitedly.
  21. >"This time of the year really tasty fishies migrate to the forest! They're pink inside and you're gonna love them!"
  22. >Of course you knew how to fish, you loved doing it back on Earth.
  23. >However, you were very curious to see how a pony does it, especially without a rod.
  24. >Your mouth also watered at the thought of fresh salmon. Wasting no time, you spring up, eager to learn.
  25. >You throw on your extra layers, a second wooly jacket and two more pairs of snow pants.
  26. >Frosty grabs an animal hide sack from a crudely made box at the back of her igloo, and ties it to herself.
  27. >Taking Frosty's hoof in your hand, you begin your journey to the fluffy mare's favorite river.
  28. >In order to get to the flowing river and its fishy goodness, the two of you have to go through a labrynth of pine trees.
  29. >If you were lost in here alone, you'd be helpless. However, the pony by your side was skipping happily through the maze, joyfully humming a tune.
  30. >Frosty knew the place like the back of her hoof, as if she had drawn and kept a map within her mind.
  31. >Twenty minutes pass, you feel like you're more lost than ever, but Frosty insists that it's close.
  32. >"We're almost there, Nonny! Just a little bit further this way!" she beams.
  33. >"Race me there!"
  34. >Before you can react, the bubbly pony begins dashing through the snow.
  35. >You of course, struggle to keep up with her. Human legs are simply no match for snow mare hooves. They're built for this sort of thing.
  36. >After only a few minutes of grappling through the snow, you're already winded. You stop to take a breather.
  37. >Your friend is long gone by now.
  38. "Frosty? How far did you go?!" you call out to her.
  39. "This isn't funny!"
  40. >What little energy you have left is mustered together, just enough to begin sprinting again.
  41. "Frosty?!"
  42. >You progress a few more yards in your panicked hurry, until you spot the excitable mare standing completely still just ahead.
  43. >Trying to make your way back to her as fast as possible, you run and shout to her.
  44. "Hey, what the hell were you thin-"
  45. >You notice it.
  46. >A timber wolf, baring its teeth and posed in a threatening manner, right in front of Frosty.
  47. >Your run is stopped dead in its tracks. This thing was huge.
  48. >This wasn't like the timber wolves back in the Everfree Forest.
  49. >The wolf was nearly twice as big as it should be. Pine needles coated its rugged, splintery body. Your frightened gaze met with its glowing, royal blue eyes.
  50. >"Don't. Move." Frosty quietly calls to you, just loud enough for you to hear.
  51. >You do as she says, instantly becoming a green statue.
  52. >Wondering how you're going to get out of this one, you untense your muscles, trusting the snowy pony's experience.
  53. >Frosty has a staring contest with the wolf for a few more seconds. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
  54. >You shut your eyes tightly. Despite having trust in Frosty, you still can't watch.
  55. >In an instant, the sounds of a horrifying, guttural bellow rings through the area.
  56. >The disturbing outcry scared you half to death. Instinctually, your eyes shoot open and you race to the mare's defense.
  57. >However, the wolf is the one running away.
  58. >In your confusion, you slow your rush to a speedwalk. You finally return to her side.
  59. "What the hell was that?!" you inquire, frantically.
  60. >"Oh, umm, I'm sorry if I scared you! Scaring those rude things off is part of living in the snow!" she replies without a care in the world.
  61. >She smiles at you sweetly, almost producing a 'squee' sound.
  62. "Don't leave me like that! I'd be dead meat in hours if I got lost here!" you address sternly.
  63. "And I didn't know about any freakishly large timber wolves!"
  64. >Her smile turns to a regretful gloom.
  65. >"I'm really sorry Anon..." "I forgot your kind doesn't get along with the snow like I do..."
  66. >You make a "Hmph" sound and turn away from the guilty pony.
  67. >She puts her head down.
  68. >"Please don't stop being my friend..."
  69. >Your frustration melts away. This innocent pony is still new to the whole friendship thing.
  70. >Of course you couldn't stay mad at her.
  71. >Sighing and facepalming, you turn back around to accept her apology.
  72. "It's okay, Frosty. I forgive you. Just try not to ditch me like that again. You really freaked me out."
  73. >You pull the mare in for a reassuring hug. Her frown morphs right back into a beaming smile as she squeezes onto you.
  74. >"I promise I won't let you out of my sight again!" she persuades you, joyfully.
  75. >You pet her mane for a couple seconds then break the hug, remembering the timber wolf situation.
  76. "So..."
  77. "Did you make that awful noise?"
  78. >"Yep! Like I said, sorry if I scared you, but around these parts you have to be really firm with the wildlife." she explains.
  79. >"I've been practicing my roar since I was a filly! Works every time. Those scary things really are just big crybabies."
  80. >Wow. This mare still has lots of surprises left in her. How could a noise that unpleasant come out of somepony so innocent and adorable?
  81. "You've encountered a timber wolf before?"
  82. >"Timber wolf? You mean angry 'Ol Woody from before? Of course! I run into him every time I make a food run!"
  83. >Damn, she's fearless. You are now imagining a tiny filly Frosty yelping loud enough to scare a bear off.
  84. >You don't think to ask any more questions. You're just glad that your pissed off wood dog experience has come to a close.
  85. >"Anyways, come on! We're really almost there this time!" the bubbly mare beckons.
  86. >Just a few yards ahead, the prison of pine trees ends to reveal a gorgeous, glistening stream, stretching as far as the eye could see.
  87. >The sunlight danced on its surface, creating a twinkly light show throughout its length.
  88. >Hundreds of freshly mature salmon leaped one by one out of the ice cold water, practically begging to be caught.
  89. >It was like an entire buffet of fresh meat, just for the two of you.
  90. >"Oooh, it's even better than last year!" she states passionately, sporting a powerful "ooo" on her face.
  91. >She can barely contain her enthusiasm, and begins to sprint towards the watery bounty.
  92. >This time, she immediately stops dead in her tracks.
  93. >"Sorry! Almost forgot!"
  94. >The sweetie skips back over to you and places her hoof in your hand.
  95. >"Now let's go!"
  96. >The two of you have a calming stroll to the river. You almost feel as if you're a gentleman escorting your date to your seats at a resturaunt.
  97. >Arriving to the edge where the water and snow meet, Frosty jumps into the river.
  98. >"Come on in, silly!" she calls to you, waving.
  99. >Her body is nearly completely submerged in the icy liquid. Doesn't seem like she minds, either.
  100. "I'd love to, but I'd prefer not to freeze to death." You quip back to her.
  101. >"Ooooh, right, no coat! Doi!" she realizes, putting a hoof on her forehead jokingly.
  102. >"Let's go down a bit more, maybe we can find some rocks for you to stand on!"
  103. >Frosty eagerly and blissfully starts swimming through the coursing rapids. You follow beside her on foot.
  104. >The powerful current of the river is no match for her. Man, she's tough!
  105. >A few minutes pass and the two of you find a nice, wide boulder, planted right in the middle of the frigid body of water.
  106. >"You'll have to step in for a minute but it'll be so worth it!" she encourages you.
  107. >Reluctantly, you dip your boot into the water, searching for the bottom.
  108. >Your hesitation ceases, and you decide to go for it.
  109. >It's deep! The water goes nearly up to your hips!
  110. >Intensely shivering, you begin to tread through the freezing liquid.
  111. >The caring pony swims over to your side, guiding you through the water.
  112. >A particularly hyperactive salmon hops out of the water and slaps you on the face, causing you to stumble.
  113. >If it wasn't for Frosty's grip, you would have been swept away in seconds.
  114. >Having a strong friend's hold on you made it easy to recover, but the freezing temperature was almost too much to bear.
  115. >"You're almost there Nonny, you can do it!" Frosty cheers you on.
  116. >Just a few more feet...
  117. >You wrap both of your arms around the rock, and pull yourself up with Frosty's assistance.
  118. >Now safely on land, you sprawl yourself across the rock, laying on your back.
  119. >Your legs are so cold that they're burning. If you don't do something, you're gonna get frostbite.
  120. >You shed off the soaking wet layer of snowpants you were wearing. Good thing you have two more.
  121. >It would be nice if Frosty could wrap herself around your legs for a little while, but she is currently an incredibly wet mare.
  122. >This will do for now. You decide to suck it up and begin fishing.
  123. "So how do you like to catch fish?" you ask, prepared to listen.
  124. >"Well usually it's a waiting game, but not today! There's so many!" she beams.
  125. >"No point in explaining, I'll just show you!"
  126. >Hopping up on the boulder with you, she huddles close to the ground, ready for a big pounce.
  127. >Out of nowhere, a rather juicy looking salmon springs out of the water, ready to be caught.
  128. >Almost like a ninja, she swiftly leaps into the air, catching it with her mouth.
  129. >She looks at you, satisfied, with the fish clamped firmly in her teeth.
  130. >She tilts her head towards the sack tied to her body, motioning for you to open it.
  131. >You oblige, and she cheerfully spits the freshly caught dinner into the homemade travel bag.
  132. >"That's all there is to it, really!"
  133. >"You just gotta get your timing down!"
  134. >This method of hunting almost reminds you of how bears do it. Except this time it's a lot more endearing.
  135. >"You think you can nab the next one?" she challenges.
  136. >Waiting several minutes for the right salmon to jump out of the right spot, a very floppy fish comes barreling towards you.
  137. >Flinching, you try to grab for it but miss pathetically. Frosty giggles at you.
  138. >"It takes some practice, don't feel bad!" she assures.
  139. >"You mind untying this?" she asks, motioning once again towards the bag.
  140. >"You seperate the bag from her body, placing it neatly on the boulder.
  141. >"Weee!" she cheers, diving back into the icy depths.
  142. >She splashes around gracefully, launching herself out of the water when the time is right in order to snatch an unlucky fish out of the air.
  143. >"Think fast!"
  144. >She tosses a fish up to you on your safe zone, which you deposit into her bag.
  145. >This goes on for a little while, practicing your grabs with every meal caught.
  146. >Catching these slippery things was second nature to the wet, floofy pony.
  147. >She tosses you yet another. Was this the tenth? Twelfth? You've lost count at this point.
  148. >Ready to catch the little bastard as you had done many times before, another particularly juicy, riled up salmon hurls itself up at you, smacking you directly on your cheek.
  149. >This time, with no mare to keep your balance, you fall backwards onto the rock.
  150. >Attempting to stop your fall, you extend your arms behind you, ready to take on the force of this tumble.
  151. >You instinctually bite down and grind your teeth in anticipation of the burst of pain that was about to come.
  152. >Your teeth grit, but instead of the sensation of your own teeth, you feel something leathery and wet squirming between them.
  153. >The fidgety, floppy fish was in your teeth!
  154. >You caught him. Somehow.
  155. >Just barely remaining steadfast in the face of your sudden descent, you regain your composure and push yourself up again, fish in mouth.
  156. >Frosty witnessed the whole ordeal.
  157. >"Ohmygosh Anon that was crazy! First I was really scared that you were gonna get hurt but then I saw you with the fishie in your mouth and I was so proud of you and-"
  158. >She kept rambling in praise to you, obviously ecstatic that you managed to get one, in your mouth no less.
  159. >You then realize you still have a slimy, live fish still in your maw.
  160. >Immediately, you spit the fish into the bag, and spat a couple more times into the water to get the remaining raw fish essence out of your palate.
  161. >"You're a natural! You sure you've never done this before?" she inquires, jokingly.
  162. >Yeah. You're sure.
  163. >In the midst of her excitable cheering, without thinking, Frosty hopped up on the boulder and tackled you into a big, wet hug.
  164. >The lovable mare was so thrilled that she didn't think about how hard she jumped on you.
  165. >In a quick jolt, your body tips over and plunges into the freezing rapids.
  166. >The sub zero water engulfs your entire body, and suppresses your energy to get back up.
  167. >Right away, your friend plunges into the water to your rescue, grabbing your limp, nearly frozen body.
  168. >After being taken safely to land once more, the worried pony raced to the boulder through the icy river, grabbed today's fishy bounty, and swam right back to land, like a flash of lightning.
  169. >Helping you up, she motions swiftly for you to get on her back.
  170. >The frost was unbearable. Barely conscious at this point, the mare proves to be your savior once again.
  171. >Frosty galloped vigorously through the forest carrying nearly one-hundred fifty pounds of Anon on her back, trying her best to get you back to warmth as soon as possible.
  172. >Every gust of wind you felt caused your entire body to seize up with shivers, yet you were amazed that this little pony could move this quickly.
  173. >Turn after turn, the determined snow mare meticulously navigated through the network of pine trees, powered by the thought of your safety.
  174. >Just a few minutes later, the two of you were back where you started, the comfy little igloo she called home.
  175. >Bursting through the door, she gently laid you down.
  176. >Still with a racing mind, she threw some more leafy twigs and firewood into the pit.
  177. >The last thing you remember before passing out was the sound of rocks being slammed against one another, and the faint warmth of embers.
  178. >...
  179. >You awaken a few hours later, next to a roaring, comforting bonfire.
  180. "Ahh..AH-CHOO!"
  181. >You sneeze violently. Painful coughs erupt from your lungs, while your body is burning up.
  182. >The delightful smell of warm fish fills the icy structure. Frosty approaches you kindly, offering you an awkwardly shaped bowl, brimming with meat and broth.
  183. >After helping you sit up, she smooches you on the forehead and curls up on your lap.
  184. >"I made you lots of soup, Nonny! You'll feel better in no time at all!" She proudly declares, inspired to nurse you back to health.
  185. >"Thank the stars you're okay..."
  186. >She nuzzles her fluffy snoot into your aching torso.
  187. >You don't even think about chewing her out for knocking you into the river. Even if you're disgustingly sick, this is heaven in Equestria.
  188. >Petting her mane and scritching her ears with one hand, you take a long, well deserved gulp of freshly made salmon soup with the other.
  189. >"I made sure to use the one you caught!" Frosty nobly announces.
  190. >You have a scorching fever, there's gunk in your lungs, and you're coughing profusely.
  191. >Yet you couldn't be happier.

A Snowy, Starry Night

by PrincestFag

Salmon Run

by PrincestFag

Fall Weather Fiends

by PrincestFag

Coming Home

by PrincestFag

A Rainbow's Shine

by PrincestFag