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Coming Home

By PrincestFag
Created: 2022-07-10 21:07:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >Three months have passed since you met Frosty Flakes.
  2. >The days are frigid and blistering, while the nights are beautifully atmospheric.
  3. >Pounds upon pounds of fish have been consumed. Being the nature expert you are, you've experimented with adding various local herbs to the dish on occasion. Frosty loved them.
  4. >You're so used to the area by now that you're able to go out exploring on your own. Sometimes you'll get lucky and bring home a crab to boil.
  5. >Heh. "Home". The igloo really does feel like home.
  6. >A thick beard has formed on your chin by now.
  7. >You haven't talked to Frosty about the concept of being someone's special somepony yet, and you're not sure if you will.
  8. >She's just too pure for that kind of thing, you think.
  9. >The day began just like any other. You wake up smothered by the soft wool-like coat of your fuzzy friend.
  10. >You creak open your eyes and lightly nudge against her to release you.
  11. "Morning, Frosty."
  12. >"Mmmh...morning, Nonny."
  13. >Feeling the coolness of your dwelling touch your now bare arms, you immediately throw on two jackets and a bear hide poncho that Frosty made for you.
  14. >The bear had to go. It had been stalking the igloo for several nights and she wasn't about to let you become dinner.
  15. >Man, for such a cutie, that pony is tough. She could make a great applebucker back on AJ's farm.
  16. >After getting dressed, you decide to head outside and get some air.
  17. >The sun had just risen. Golden beams of light paint the tundra with its heavenly glow.
  18. >No sign of a storm today.
  19. >You admire the scenery while having your daily stretch. Gotta stay limber.
  20. >As you peer into the light blue sky, a faint dot of something flying in the air catches your eye.
  21. >It's getting closer.
  22. >You stand frozen and focused, trying to make out what it could possibly be.
  23. >As it travels closer, yard by yard, you can finally see.
  24. >It's Celestia's chariot.
  25. >You fail to stifle a gasp as you notice it's heading right toward you. She sees you.
  26. "Jesus..."
  27. >Frosty pokes her head out of the igloo, ready to join you as she always does.
  28. "Hon, I think we have company."
  29. >You announce, as you point a finger towards the incoming search party.
  30. >"Oooo!"
  31. >"Are we getting some guests? Do you know them?"
  32. >She trots to your side, clearly more excited than you are.
  33. "Yeah, I know her. You'll see."
  34. >The chariot slows to a halt and lands just a few feet away, with a loud thud.
  35. >Now on the ground, the two well toned pegasus stallions that were pulling the cab stretch their wings and catch their breath.
  36. >Your eyes are locked onto the sun princess as she descends from her vehicle.
  37. >Celestia briskly jogs up to where you're standing.
  38. >Her expression is a mixture of worry and relief.
  39. >"Anonymous! We've been looking for months!"
  40. >"You never returned and we never stopped searching! I could feel you were still alive, but nopony knew where!"
  41. "What did you expect to happen sending me out here? Stupid sunhorse."
  42. >You didn't say that. But you sure as hell thought it.
  43. "Uh, yeah, hi Tia. I'm all good."
  44. >The princess wipes a bead of sweat off of her forehead in relief.
  45. >"So I see. I'm happy that you were able to make do in this barren wasteland."
  46. >"I also see that you've made a friend. Would you like to introduce her to me?"
  47. >Never having seen an alicorn princess, Frosty's nervousness is apparent.
  48. >The mare can take down bears and scare away wolves, but the sight of royalty is new and scary to her.
  49. >You turn to your friend and give her a comforting smile.
  50. "Frosty, this is Princess Celestia. The ruler of where I come from. She's the one who sent me here to begin with."
  51. >The fluffy snowpony trembles in anxiousness.
  52. >"U-um, hi..."
  53. >Celestia kneels down to get on her level, speaking to her face to face.
  54. >"My, what a lovely coat you have, dear. And such a nice home."
  55. >"T-thanks..."
  56. >"We may not know each other just yet, but I am very proud of you for helping to keep Anonymous healthy and happy. We were so worried!"
  57. >Frosty's expression lights up in response to the sun princess' praise.
  58. >"Mhm! He's my best friend!" Frosty proudly states, standing up on her hind legs in order to give you a hug.
  59. >A slight blush forms on your cheeks.
  60. >"Please. Tell me more!" Celestia asks, wanting to hear everything about life with a snowpony.
  61. >The three of you sit together on logs right outside of the igloo. Celestia couldn't fit inside.
  62. >Frosty starts a cozy bonfire and begins preparing breakfast for the three of you.
  63. >Of course, the two of you offered some roasted salmon to the royal mare, but she politely declined.
  64. >Stories of daily hunts, the beautiful atmosphere, and long snuggly nights together are told.
  65. >Celestia listens closely with wide eyes, occasionally asking a question.
  66. >"So you're saying that you've been here all alone, ever since you were a little filly?"
  67. >"Yep! At least until Anon came along."
  68. >Tia's expression changes to that of a sympathetic one, losing herself in thought.
  69. >"Hm. While we're on this subject, I have a finding I would like to share to the both of you."
  70. >"In the time we have spent looking for Anonymous, we came across a small village, several miles away from your humble home."
  71. >Your interest is piqued. Frosty's expression turns into a curious 'ooo'.
  72. >"More of your kind resided there. I didn't sense that the one we were searching for was there, but I tried to speak to them anyways."
  73. >"They seemed hostile to outsiders, so I took my leave."
  74. >"Perhaps they would be willing to take you in."
  75. >Frosty is beaming in excitement.
  76. >"Really?! More friends?!"
  77. >"Indeed. I could take you to them, and Anonymous could finally go home."
  78. >The sweet snowmare's smile turns into a disappointed frown.
  79. "No."
  80. >"Pardon?"
  81. >You grasp Frosty's hoof tightly.
  82. "I'm not leaving her. I'd travel to the ends of Equestria for her. Hell, I already have."
  83. >Your friend's frown disappears as she nuzzles into your side.
  84. >"But Anonymous, these villagers only accept their kind into their society. You could get hurt, or worse."
  85. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Frosty deserves to be with her own, but I'm not going to just dump her there."
  86. "The two of us can face any challenge together. her."
  87. >Your declaration of your feelings causes Frosty to hug you tighter than she ever has before.
  88. >"I love him too, Princess..."
  89. >"Please don't take him away..."
  90. >Tia sports a look of bewilderment, yet understanding.
  91. >"So be it. If this is what you truly want, I am nopony to get in the way of true friendship."
  92. >Your friend beams at Celestia's approval.
  93. >"Yay! Let's go, let's go, let's go!!!"
  94. >You glance at the excited snowmare, unsureness in your eyes.
  95. "...Frosty and I need a few minutes to discuss this. May we be excused, your majesty?"
  96. >"Take all the time you need. I shall be in my carriage."
  97. >The two of you leave the Princess and enter the dwelling.
  98. "Frosty..."
  99. "Are you sure about this?"
  100. >"Of course! As long as you come with me, I have nothing to worry about!"
  101. >"I've never been this excited in my whole life!"
  102. "What about the igloo? Are you okay with leaving it?"
  103. >"Pfft. This old place? I've been sick of it for a long time."
  104. "But what if they don't accept me intruding on their land and chase us out with spears?"
  105. >"Then we'll fight em off and come back home. I can take them!"
  106. >You don't doubt for a second that she could.
  107. >Frosty gives you an adorable, reassuring smile.
  108. "Okay. I'm game."
  109. >Scenarios of what could happen play out in your mind. It's risky, but it's not right for Frosty to have no other snowponies to make friends with.
  110. >"Then it's settled! Let's go, right away! It's not like we have to pack!"
  111. >She can barely contain herself. You're happy that she's happy.
  112. >The fluffy pony gives you a smooch on the cheek, sealing the deal.
  113. >You tuck what remaining food is left into Frosty's hide sack and exit the igloo, ready to embark on a new life.
  114. >Meeting with Celestia just outside in her chariot, you explain to her your decision.
  115. "We're ready. Let's do it."
  116. >"Very well."
  117. >Frosty jumps up and down in pure happiness.
  118. >"We get to ride that thing and fly in the sky?!"
  119. >You grin at her.
  120. >"You're gonna love it."
  121. >Taking her hoof in your hand to help her up, the two of you nestle together in your seat, right next to Celestia.
  122. >Celestia signals to the two stallion drivers that it's time to leave.
  123. >Quickly, the vehicle takes off, soaring high into a fresh horizon.
  124. >The freezing wind cuts at your face, but it feels great, in a way. It's exhilerating.
  125. >"Whoa..."
  126. >Frosty firmly locks her hooves onto the edge of the carriage, poking her head out to take in the beautiful scenery.
  127. >It's all stuff she's seen for every day of her life, but from a brand new perspective.
  128. >"Everything looks so small from up here..."
  129. >She notices a large timber wolf from above, running through the snow.
  130. >"Bye, Woody! See you later!" she calls, cutely waving to it.
  131. >You remember how Frosty saved your life when you encountered that creature.
  132. >Good times...
  133. >Frosty peers out at the surroundings for a little while longer before getting comfy, resting her head in your lap.
  134. >You stroke her mane softly as she coos in content.
  135. >Relief and joy fill your body as you relish in the fact that you don't have to leave her.
  136. >Celestia stays quiet for most of the ride, but shot you a satisfied smile when she noticed how close you two are.
  137. >Coming from a land that values friendship above all else, the sight of such good friends must be a good one.
  138. >Hours pass as you travel through the tundra's sky.
  139. >Frosty is long asleep and peacefully snoring, while you continue to eye up the landscape, looking for any signs of life.
  140. >Just as you were about to doze off as well, you notice two faint dots on the snowy ground.
  141. "Celestia, can you ask your stallions to slow down? I think I see somepony."
  142. "It's probably a good idea to talk to some locals before entering the village itself."
  143. >"I agree. I see them too."
  144. >"Land here, please." she commands, marking an open area with magic.
  145. >The stallions slow down and descend into the frigid forest.
  146. >Your friend feels the change in altitude and begins to wake.
  147. >"W-wha, are we there already?"
  148. "I think so, hon."
  149. >She's taken out of her sleepy daze immediately, excitement refreshed.
  150. >"Yay!"
  151. >The chariot comes to a halt a few yards away from the potential new friends. Just far enough so they don't see you.
  152. >As the vehicle plants itself on the ground, Celestia turns to you.
  153. >"If things do not go as planned, we will wait here."
  154. >"Wave to me if everything is alright, and I will depart."
  155. "Got it."
  156. >"Bye, Celestia! It was nice meeting you!"
  157. >Frosty uncouthly hugs the royal pony, causing her to giggle.
  158. >"It was wonderful meeting you as well, Frosty Flakes. Best of luck to the both of you."
  159. >Taking what could be your last glance at regular Equestrian life, you grasp Frosty's hoof as you exit your ride.
  160. >You briskly walk with Frosty through the snow, towards the two new snowmares.
  161. >Nervousness makes itself known in your mind, but Frosty couldn't be more eager. She hums cheerfully as you make your way.
  162. >The faint dots of pony turn into more defined shapes as you get closer.
  163. >Suddenly, a voice rings out from their position.
  164. >"HEY! Who goes there?"
  165. >The two ponies begin to gallop, approaching you.
  166. >You raise your hands into the air, showing them that you're no threat.
  167. >Two fluffy snowmares neither of you have ever seen before are now standing right in front of you.
  168. >One has a silky, black mane with a white streak drawn throughout its length. She wears a cautious and grumpy expression.
  169. >The other has a brown mane with the same white streak, just a bit darker. She has a coat the color of creamy coffee, and looks very curious.
  170. >The black maned mare begins interrogating you.
  171. >"Well? Speak. Who the hell are you?"
  172. "W-we mean you no harm. My name's Anonymous, and this here is Frosty Flakes."
  173. >Frosty waves to the both of them.
  174. >"Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
  175. >The curious one begins scanning you with her eyes, not saying anything.
  176. >"Why are you here?" the grumpy one asks forcefully.
  177. >You explain Frosty's situation to her, how you met, and who brought you here.
  178. >"So that big white pony is responsible for this. She seemed nice, I guess. Our leader didn't like her."
  179. >"What even are you?"
  180. "I'm...a human. I'm the only one of my kind on this world, as far as I know."
  181. >The coffee colored mare pipes in.
  182. >"Ooo...what are those? On your front hooves."
  183. >You chuckle.
  184. "These are hands." you say, wiggling your fingers for her to see.
  185. "Humans use them to pick things up."
  186. >"Cool..."
  187. "May I ask what your names are?"
  188. >"Tsk. I guess." the grumpy one replies.
  189. >"The name's Cold Shoulder. This here is my sister, Winter Wonder."
  190. >You can see how they both got their names.
  191. "Pleasure making your acquaintance."
  192. >"You two seem really nice!" Frosty excitedly quips.
  193. >You extend a hand to Cold Shoulder, expecting a hoofshake.
  194. >"What are you doing?"
  195. "It's a's when...never mind."
  196. >Annoying her with things outside of her customs isn't something you should try yet.
  197. >"Ooo! I want to try!" Winter Wonder declares, trotting up to you and placing a hoof in her hand.
  198. >You lightly move her hoof up and down.
  199. >"Tee hee! That was fun!"
  200. >"So, what is it that you wanted? A place to stay?" Cold Shoulder inquires in annoyance.
  201. "Yeah...if possible."
  202. >"You'll have to take it up with our leader. It's not up to me."
  203. >"If she says you can stay, then whatever. Either way, I don't trust you."
  204. "Sounds like a plan."
  205. >"We were just finishing up our walk. If you really want to come, let's get a move on. Don't waste my time."
  206. >"If you try anything funny I'll kick both of you into next solstice."
  207. >"Thank you so much for letting us see your home! I can't wait!!" Frosty beams, again bouncing up and down.
  208. >You wave to Celestia's chariot off in the distance, telling her everything is okay.
  209. >Quickly, it takes off, leaving the two of you to your new acquaintances.
  210. >Winter Wonder shifts her eyes onto your friend.
  211. >"Your's really pretty..."
  212. >"Why thank you! Yours is nice too!" Frosty compliments, with a squee.
  213. >Impatiently, Cold Shoulder beckons both of you to follow her.
  214. >Frosty joins the two of her kind, trotting cheerfully.
  215. >You however, are frozen in place with joy.
  216. >Seeing your special snowpony friend getting to make new friends is a simply beautiful.
  217. >A mare who had been alone her whole life is finally where she belongs.
  218. >Even better, you don't have to leave her behind. You still get to hold her every night.
  219. >You almost shed a tear.
  220. >Winter Wonder has her eyes firmly locked onto Frosty's gorgeous mane, with an 'ooo' that couldn't be wiped off.
  221. >Cold Shoulder looks at you, peeved.
  222. >"Come on, I'm not getting any younger."
  223. >Frosty gazes at you straight in the eye, with an ear to ear smile to kill for.
  224. >"Let's go, Anon!"

A Snowy, Starry Night

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Salmon Run

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Fall Weather Fiends

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Coming Home

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A Rainbow's Shine

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