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Anonbloom & Anonspoon Go on a Totally Normal Adventure! (+18)

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2021-09-03 02:59:57
Updated: 2021-09-03 03:29:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom traverse though the Everfree Forest so SS could show her what she found in the Volcano of Gloom and their connections to humans.
  2. >AB gets attacked by poison joke vines and SS frees her with her fireflasks, burning the vines away.
  3. >AB falls to the ground, and she's not alone.
  4. >Instead she also has a protruding member.
  6. Yuri Fanatic —
  7. "Hey AppleAss, you alright?" SS comes running over before stopping completely in her tracks. She tightens her lips as she stares at your lower regions.
  9. Addi —
  10. AB groans as she rolls over, something between her legs feeling oddly hot. "Ah think uh...crotch hurts though" She groans out, rubbing her eyes.
  12. Yuri Fanatic —
  13. You hear no response, as SS is still staring at you. The flicker of flames roar in the background before diminishing to the forest's magic, almost as if it was preserving itself.
  15. "I-I....uh...."
  17. Addi —
  18. She grumbles and opens her eyes
  20. "Well, speak up ya silver doofu-uhuhhhh..." She stops and stares.
  21. "Whathefuck"
  23. Yuri Fanatic —
  24. SS can't stop looking away, her eyes glued to your erect member. It's large, almost as large as one of your legs. You feel it's weight shift as you try to position yourself straight. You don't think you would be to walk properly as it look like it would drag on the ground if you stood on your four hooves.
  26. "Y-You have... oh geeze... you have..."
  27. SS is actively trying to avert her gaze and raising a forehoof, but she can't help but peek between them. Taking momentary glances at your member.
  29. Addi —
  30. "Ah have a fuckin huge wang!"
  32. AB cries in shock, said wang twitching once for effect, and she blushes furiously. She stares at you and says
  33. "Well how do we fix this? How do we get rid!"
  34. She hopes you know, because she certainly didn't know of any way to even get to Zecora's to ask for the potion cure in her current state..nor did she want to risk the embarrassment
  36. Yuri Fanatic —
  37. "I... uh... haven't heard of a plant that... gave a pony a dick before... Zecora hasn't mentioned anything like that before... although I suppose she wouldn't." She scratches her head.
  39. "We could try cutting it off?" She pulls out a pair of shears from her saddlebag, cocking a joking-grin.
  40. *Snip Snip*
  42. Addi —
  43. She gasps, and clenches her thighs together in nervous fright, the contact causing the overly sensitive organ to twitch, and the filly lets out a gasp.
  44. "N-no! Oh, yer joking...somehow ah don't think that's a good idea"
  46. Yuri Fanatic —
  47. The silver filly lets out a light chuckle, before putting the pair of shears back. "Nah I'm just messin." It's obvious she's trying to make light of the situation. "But if I have to be frank, I don't quite know myself. Zecora might, but I'd need you to be able to walk there. And from the looks of it, I don't think you're in any state to..."
  49. Addi —
  50. She nods slowly, and attempts to stand anyway...sure enough, it lays partly on the ground while she's standing up. She groans and flops back down, shaking her head. "Nope. No walkin' fer me. I do not want ta experience advanced CBT"
  52. Yuri Fanatic —
  53. The filly thinks to herself before eventually coming up with something. "I can try carrying you! Probably. I go to the gym with Dia and Lily so I could probably hold your weight."
  55. Addi —
  56. She blinks. "Carry me? That er...might work...maybe. I'm pretty heavy though, I got more muscle than most fillies my age y'know... I'm kinda..bulky"
  58. Yuri Fanatic —
  59. "Oh relax. I'm an earth pony too remember?" SS then proceeds to mutter something about earth pony magic before coming over. She took one of your forelegs and pulled you over her. Both your forelegs ended up wrapped around her neck and your legs falling behind Sil's rear as she struggles to carry you. "Huff... hold on I got you. You're a little heavy... but I'll manage." You steady yourself to be on top of Sil, but as your member repositions itself, you're instantly aware that your member is directly behind Sil's flank. The only thing separating your thing from her rear was her tail.
  61. Addi —
  62. She gasps as she's lifted, and once she's repositioned, it takes but a moment to realize the strange, vaguely lewd position she's in. She blushes furiously, attempting to ignore it at first, but of course that simply doesn't work. With the jostling and bumping that occurred while laying atop you, it only caused the member to twitch and throb more.
  64. Yuri Fanatic —
  65. SS notices it but tries not to pay it any heed. She feels your thing brush up against her behind, but her tail remains in place between both fillybits. She focuses her attention ahead of her, trying to avoid hazardous paths as getting caught in this situation by a predator or something dangerous could be lethal. And that's something she cannot allow, so she continues on despite it.
  67. You notice her eyes through her bronze steampunk-esque goggles she worn before entering the forest, her gaze completely fixated ahead of her. She's determined, but you could also tell she's struggling as your weight bears on her.
  69. Your new member feels familiar, but also completely different. It's much larger than what you were used to, proportionately. The shaft was barely reaching the length of your hind legs. You're surprised SS isn't cracking any 5 legged horse jokes, but considering the severity of the situation, it's understandable SS would put less attention on it.
  71. It's weight shifts under you as it dangles off from SS's rear, still throbbing. You don't know why it's so huge, or hard right now, but it's hard to ignore the fact that you're technically mounting on top of SS. Your member literally barely touching her filly parts, if not separated by a thin layer of hair.
  73. It's weird. Not only this situation, but also how calm SS is acting. You didn't exactly get along with her at the start. It seemed that her and Applebloom were good friends before you came along. Yet despite it, she was overall understanding after you told her the truth, or at least you think so. At first you thought she was the same as you, but later on you realized both your circumstances were completely different. If you were in her place, you'd be furious. However so far she only called you callous nicknames whenever you two were alone together.
  75. Even now she isn't showing any reaction or voicing any thoughts about you. Not even when your member brushed against her a bit too close for comfort. Perhaps that's a side effect of living in a community of nudists. It took you a while to get used to the first couple of months. Even now you're still a little uncomfortable with the lax nature of ponies being aware of each other's genitals.
  77. "I think I'm going to take a break." You hear SS say. She drops you among a grass clearing beside a river creek with some fish occasionally swimming by. The filly then takes a canteen with a silver spoon crest out of her satchel, unscrewing the cap before drinking it.
  79. She didn't talk the entire time, her eyes were occupied gazing listlessly into the wilderness. SS often got lost in her own thoughts, even among her own friends. "Airhead" would probably be the best description for it. Nopony could ever tell what she was thinking.
  82. Addi —
  83. She nods at hearing you mention a break, and frankly was ready to get off your back for a moment, her 'thing' had only been getting more and more distracting with every bump and jostle along the trail, occasionally coming dangerously close to nudging directly against your bits. As she finally slides off, AB sighs, and falls on her back, wiping her brow. She has an almost pained expression as said member throbs, sticking almost straight up. "S-sorry Sil...ah know this is embarrassing...thank you...Ah'm sorry for bein so dumb, and getting caught back there"
  85. Yuri Fanatic —
  86. Silver Spoon seals her canteen as she puts it away. "It's fine." She simply says. "Just another weird mystery of this forest, even as strange as that was..."
  88. Addi —
  89. She nods, and blushes, looking away for a moment. "You're pretty calm about all this, ah gotta admit. I'm kinda surprised"
  91. Yuri Fanatic —
  92. "Well yeah, gotta keep a cool head in this forest." She waves a hoof. "Believe me when I say that 'this' isn't the strangest thing that happened." She points directly towards your length.
  94. "Anyways, Zecora shouldn't be too far... it's just that we might need to take a short detour from our original path." She pulls out a map. It's tapped together with paper, with loose crayon drawings strewn about. She takes out a crayon with her mouth and write it in the map with weird proficiency.
  96. Addi —
  97. She hums, and nods. She stares at your proficiency with mouthwriting, having been trying hard to get good at it herself. Thankfully AB was already a messy writer.
  99. "Thank God...As much as I miss having a dick, this is...a bit much" she says, gesturing to the entirely too large organ
  101. Yuri Fanatic —
  102. You hear the crayon snap in her mouth. Sil spits it out before retrieving another crayon from her satchel. "Yup..." she says.
  104. Addi —
  105. She sighs, and groans. "How am I not passing out right now? Did the poison joke magic extra blood into my body? Also how is this not the strangest thing it's done?"
  107. Yuri Fanatic —
  108. "I don't think that was poison joke." Sil says while still writing. You're still unsure how she's managing to speak clearly while doing this. Must be a pony thing. She then wraps up her map and shoves it back down the satchel. "Poison joke is a flower, and it nullifies a pony's special talent one way or the other. That said, I don't really know what 'your' special talent is." She brings a hoof to her chin.
  110. Addi —
  111. "h..huh. so what was it then? The phallic trumpet vine?" She mumbles, staring at the map you're marking. "And I'm not sure what mine is either...." She sighs, rubbing her forehead. "How do you talk so clearly with that in yer mouth"
  113. Yuri Fanatic —
  114. "Practice." She responds. "Anyways I do have some theories." She approaches you while carefully examining your member. "There are plants that rely on sticking seeds on other animals in order to spread their offspring. However that mostly involves seeds being snagged onto fur and coats." She rubs her chin some more, before poking the thing. "How did you get this? Did that vine poke you with something? A thorn? An injection? Pollen?"
  116. Addi —
  117. She thinks...."it uh...attached itseld to me, and it was kinda thorny. It cut up my belly a bit, but that's all...could it be some kinda poison?!" The filly asks in terror
  119. Yuri Fanatic —
  120. "It cut your belly...!" She ponders a bit more. "I don't see any injuries though... and those vines seemed a bit too active as a plant..." Sil hardened her gaze on your cock. "It could be a parasite."
  122. Addi —
  123. She shrunk down, and gulped! "Parasite? Ech! I am kinda...disgusted by that idea. I sincerely hope that's not it" she says, cock twitching for emphasis
  125. Yuri Fanatic —
  126. "I-I..." Sil's gaze lingered on your member a bit. "How does it feel? We've been walking for half and hour and you still haven't gone flaccid."
  128. Addi —
  129. She gulped, and blushed. "It...well it's making me squirm. It's like it's on fire with need!" She says, whimpering. "That feeling of uh... being on top of you didn't help"
  131. Yuri Fanatic —
  132. "O-Oh..." Sil averted her gaze, a tinge of red filling her cheeks. "Well it was the only way to carry you. If I had carried you on my back sideways, that things weight would have made you fall off."
  134. Addi —
  135. She nodded. "I know, and I can handle it... it's definitely doesn't feel normal. This is another level of horny"
  137. Yuri Fanatic —
  138. "I haven't been horny in years." Sil replied simply, biting her lip. "And no of course that isn't normal. You're probably bigger than all the colts in class."
  140. Addi —
  141. She groaned, and nodded. "Not to mention I'm a filly" she said, blushing. She attempted to cover her rigid member with her legs, but the contact made her simply squirm more
  143. Yuri Fanatic —
  144. "Yeah that... and that's Applebloom's body." Sil says, almost a little too quietly. She sighs. "Well come on, let's get past this stream first. I can't carry you across it. Do you know how to swim?"
  146. Addi —
  147. She nods "I can swim...reasonably well. Enough to get across a stream" she says, before looking down "then again, with this thing pulling me down"
  149. Yuri Fanatic —
  150. Sil turns around and lifts her tail towards you. "Come on. Bite on my tail. I'll help get us both across. I can swim well enough." You catch a glance at her nethers as she does this.
  152. Addi —
  153. She gasps, and once more, her cock throbs with desire. She whimpers quietly, standing. She said "okay...I can do this..." And trailed behind.
  155. Yuri Fanatic —
  156. Sil eventually sinks into the water up to her barrel, her legs wading herself through the stream. The water was cold, chilly even, but it wasn't strong. You bite onto her tail to guide you through, your legs wading through the stream with your head above the water. But suddenly you felt something.
  158. A sudden peck. A nibble along your member. Your member twitched as you glance down below you, shallow shapes of fish started swimming over to you, kissing your member as it bobs directly beneath you. It tickles, but with each peck it increases in number. More fish started to come by as a swarm of them envelops your poor member.
  160. Addi —
  161. AB gasped, and twitched, her legs shaking "uh..." She stuttered, trying to wriggle her hips and chase the ravenous fish away, all this nibbling and contact making her member only throb harder. She groaned, and mumbled through the tail she was biting "plrss hrry Sil!"
  163. Yuri Fanatic —
  164. SS glanced from behind, more so confused. "Hmm?" She hasn't taken notice of the fish nibbling away at your length. More and more fish continued on swarming in, as some discovered your tip. Precum dribbled out into the water, the fish all nipping and swallowing it up. The rest of the fish take notice and start swarming your flare, trying to edge you to produce more.
  166. Addi —
  167. The poor Apple Horse whimpered, and let out a little moan as her member throbbed and pulsed out dribbles of precum. She kept trying to shoo them away, to no avail. She finally stuttered "fshhh! On mrr prnis!" Through bated breath, her eyes bulging from the things she's feeling.
  169. Yuri Fanatic —
  170. SS didn't know what was going on, but she pressed onwards faster. Your teeth tugs at her tail as the both of you made it halfway across the stream. Suddenly you see a large shallow shadow in the water, almost as big as you are. The commotion of the small fish scatter seemed to be attracting it, as its swimming directly towards you.
  172. Addi —
  173. She gasped, and wriggled her hips, attempting to drive it off, of course to no avail. With a panicked cry she whimpered "SRL! FSSTR!", And kicked her own legs harder.
  175. Yuri Fanatic —
  176. Unfortunately both of your short legs couldn't wade fast enough, as the large creature reached your member. The other fish scattered as it nippled against your thing's tip. It hurt, and it's huge. It nipped again, and the pained throbbing of your member released more precum for it to taste.
  178. Then it swallowed it. It swallowed your shaft as it's lips passed the flare and pushed towards your crotch. It's fins flopped with an intense force as you're dragged into the water. It propelled itself as you're eventually pinned down against the riverbed, the creature's lips swallowing past your length's ring.
  180. Addi —
  181. She yelped as she let go of your tail, her head barely keeping above water, and she squirmed in panic, before realizing she could breathe. Unfortunately, the humiliation of her being raped by a fish not overpowering the arousal of what is essentially an expert blowjob. She whimpered and finally let out a moan, her cheeks bright red
  183. Yuri Fanatic —
  184. As you yelped and thrashed, water occasionally finding its way into your mouth. The creature has managed to swallow your length deeper with each thrash of it's own fins. It reached all the way to the base of your crotch. "Applebloom!" You hear SS shout, but the creature's grip was unlike anything.
  186. Addi —
  187. The poor Apple filly gagged on the water, coughing in between her moans, precum spurting into the fish's mouth. "A f-fnnnnn~! Fish!" She cried, thrashing as it gripped her.
  189. Yuri Fanatic —
  190. You feel the creature start changing its direction. Now firmly locked on your length, it motioned itself to push you under the water, while still devouring your length whole.
  192. Under the water, you hear your name under the muffled streams of water. You see a her figure diving below, grabbing the fish wrapped around your cock. She wrestled it in place, but the water restricted it's movements. The fish didn't budge and continues dragging you deeper into the water. The wrestling force provided by Spoon only serves to further stimulate your member.
  194. She yelped and squirmed even more, her gasps giving way to gurgles before she held her breath, squirming and moaning silently underwater. However, all this stimulation was not good at all, and the poor apple pony could feel her arousal growing, and growing even more, an almost painful pressure building as her balls tightened
  196. Yuri Fanatic —
  197. As you squirm, you can see with your blurred visions that Silver Spoon still struggled against the fish. Then suddenly you see a cloud of dark red emanating from them. You feel the fish convulse and thrive as it swerved, before lessening it's grip. The fish was removed before you felt a tug at your tail, you feel yourself rushing towards the surface as air exploded into your lungs.
  199. Silver Spoon dragged you onto the riverbank before collapsing down. You could hear ragged breaths inhaling and exhaling from her as you cough out water.
  201. Addi —
  202. She inhaled deeply, coughing several times, and shivered. "Oh...oh my God..." She whimpered, curling up on her side. "Ah....ah almost died" she quietly says.
  204. She looks over at you, and whispers "thanks...", Her eyes averting your gaze "ah feel so dumb for getting us into this mess"
  206. Yuri Fanatic —
  207. You still hear ragged breaths from her as she didn't respond. Small spots of diluted red water soaked her coat along down the riverbank. The smell of iron permeated your muzzle.
  209. Addi —
  210. She sniffed...."d... did you...kill that fish?" She asks, nudging you, gently.
  212. Yuri Fanatic —
  213. "The taste..." you hear her mutter weakly. You look over her to see blood splattered all over her mouth. You could see pieces of pink flesh trapped between her teeth. "Ponies don't eat meat." She weakly said.
  215. Addi —
  216. She gasped, and shuddered "...ech..." She said, fetching a flask of water from the backpack. "Here..." She said, gently nudging you with it.
  218. Yuri Fanatic —
  219. She takes it with relief, unscrewing the cap and holding it in her mouth. She started to gurgle and swash the water and spit it out, before hurling up. "Ugh... don't ever eat meat."
  221. "Anyways..." She started to pull herself up. "How are you holding up?" The filly asks, taking a timid glance at your member.
  223. Addi —
  224. She nodded, her pony body feeling revulsion at just the thought. She then gulped. Her member looked worse (or perhaps better) than ever. Ramrod straight now, twitching and throbbing near constantly. A steady stream of pre leaked from her flared tip. "This is...a big fuckin' problem"
  226. Yuri Fanatic
  227. "I-I see..." Silver Spoon averted her gaze. "...How about you um, take care of it then. I'll just go for a bit." She proceeded to leave stopping behind a tree to lay against it, right behind it.
  229. Addi —
  230. The filly nodded, and whimpered as she prodded it. She gulped, slowly beginning to rub her hooves up and down the slick member, panting quietly. She rubbed them faster, a small moan slipping out of her muzzle
  232. Yuri Fanatic —
  233. Your member twitched and convulsed, tensing to your touch. Yet despite your familiar strokes, you don't feel like your getting any closer. Not even the fish from before got you off, trying to urge your release. Your hoof continued to shlick along your length as your precum lubricated it. Your legs twitched as you got more and more familiar, so much bigger than your original. So sensitive, but still you can't seem to bring yourself to a release.
  235. Addi —
  236. She gasped, and whimpered with need, schlicking her hooves along its lubricated edges faster and faster, in her fetvent attempt to cum, but it was no use! AB whined, and lay back with a groan, her rod throbbing and pulsing worse than ever. She let out an impotent groan of frustration and need!
  238. Yuri Fanatic —
  239. This feeling, you were so close, yet so far. You couldn't bring yourself over the edge. Your tip flared and member throbbed in anticipation, your hips begged for release. You close your eyes as you painfully stroked with fervor. But then you felt something, something there. Something that was preventing you to release. Upon opening your eyes you're met with a horrifying sight. A long black strand was protruding from your urethra. A small black vine, much like those that you were assaulted with, but much more juvenile. You felt it wriggle out of your shaft as it licked the air. It's roots stemming from your orbs as your hooves clenched.
  241. Addi —
  242. She almost screamed, her eyes going wide with fear, and she whimpered, before finally calling out "S-sil! You might wanna get over here!"
  244. Yuri Fanatic —
  245. Sil ran over immediately, a hoof in her pack as she trotted over. "What is it?! Timberwolves? Another monst- oh. Wh- what the fuck?"
  247. Addi —
  248. She whimpered, and bit her lip. "Whathefuckisthiswhatisgoingon?" She stuttered, her chest heaving.
  250. Yuri Fanatic —
  251. "C-Calm down. Hold on." Sil slowly approached your member, wary of the black tentacle that was wriggling in the air. As she drew closer, the tentacle stopped, almost as if it sensed her approaching, before slinking back into your member. "W-Wait!" The silver filly's teeth snapped at the edge of your flare, barely missing it by a margin. "Damn. Applebloom, what did you do?"
  253. Addi —
  254. She gulps, and squirms as it tugs back inside. She blushes fiercely, and says "Ah didn't do nothin'! Ah was uh....tryin' to relieve myself, but ah couldn't, and..ah looked and THAT thing came out,!" She says, prodding her flare and looking at you worriedly
  256. Yuri Fanatic —
  257. "Well do it again! We need to get that thing out of there asap!" She gasped, her eyes still staring hard on your flare.
  259. Addi —
  260. She blushed harder, and nods, shyly beginning to rub her shaft. "Maybe hold still? It might seemed like it could tell ya were here...maybe being still won't let it know" she huffs, her leg kicking as she lets out a gasp as she shlicks up and down.
  262. Yuri Fanatic —
  263. "Alright..." Sil sat down in a loaf position. Her face was slightly flushed from staring at you member so hard, but you could tell she was trying to take it seriously.
  265. Addi —
  266. She gasped, and small sounds came from her throat as she coninued her work, hooves moving faster, she closed her eyes and tried to forget you were there, letting out little moans, as she worked her hooves faster and faster
  267. Sil shyly averted her gaze, only taking momentary glaces at you as you continued to edge yourself off. Your member twitched as you continued stroking, and you felt the tendril inside of you slowly edging itself upwards your shaft. It thrived around within your urethra, painfully so as it slowly wormed it way with each repeated stroke, working along your hooves faster and faster. A small drip of precum managed to fly off your hoof as a transparent strand landed on Sil's cheek, causing her to blush furiously even more.
  269. Addi —
  270. She panted hard, whimpering and quietly saying "g-guh...oh yes...." She groaned, her hooves working furiously, a few more drops of precum working their way out, and she gasped, tongue hanging out as it continued to extend.
  272. Yuri Fanatic —
  273. Soon the black vine poked it way out of your member, licking the air once again as precum dripped from it's tip. It was then you notice Sil snap at your flare, catching the thing between her teeth. She pulls it back as the tendril's liquids thrashed around from your member, leaking more transparent liquid onto her face. You feel your two orbs being tugged on forcefully as she drags it slowly outwards. "I' it!"
  275. Addi —
  276. She yelps, and squirms painfully as it thrashes, gasping for air. "Aaaah! W-well...pull it out!!" She cries, her body rocking with electric tingles. "That feels so damn weird!"
  278. Yuri Fanatic —
  279. Silver Spoon didn't need confirmation, as she tugged the vine with a death grip between her teeth. Her hooves dragged across the dirt as your length felt like it was being stretched. The tendril kept lashing from your tip, more precum dripping out from it as it's hold on your balls tightened even more. However neither Sil or the thing inside you relented, and one eventually had to give out. You felt the vine's death grip from inside your sack loosened as Sil continued slowly and steadily dragging it out from your member inch by inch. It felt like it took forever, but with each pull you got closer and closer to your release. Then snap! The tendril finally gave loose and slid out of your flare hole, along with a geyser of pent up liquids stored within you. It was like uncorking a shaken champagne bottle as foam exploded outwards, except the cork was the vine and the foam was your cum. It slathered over Silver Spoon as her head snapped back with the deceased vine. Your release finally been granted.
  281. Addi —
  282. She let out a squeal of pleasure as she finally came explosively, falling back and twitching several times, her body wracked with spasms, she writhes and finally collapses as the last few spurts occur. "H-hhhhahhh...oh mah god..." She whines, blushing fiercely.
  284. Yuri Fanatic —
  285. You see Silver Spoon standing there, drenched in your own liquids. She let go of the vine as she looked at herself. Her coat and mane were dripping in your musk and cum. Her face was flushed, and even she couldn't remain completely calm throughout most this. "S-So much.... it's everywhere...."
  287. Addi —
  288. She blinked, and shook her head. She pulled a rag out of her own saddlebags, wetting it and rushing over, to wipe you off. She starts by toweling off your face, her own muzzle expressing extreme guilt. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry"
  290. Yuri Fanatic —
  291. The towel did little to help the mess, as it only soaked the cloth and spread your mess even more throughout her muzzle and coat. You could see Sil repulse in horror as she felt the sticky liquids seeped deeper into her. "I can taste it..."
  293. Addi —
  294. She winced. "Ah...ah'm so sorry...thanks for...for your help. Ah just couldn't ...stop it"
  296. Yuri Fanatic —
  297. Silver Spoon's gaze was a mild-yard stare. She looked down at her hooves as liquids spilled off her and onto the grass. "How's... is it gone now?" She asked hopefully.
  299. Addi —
  300. She blinked, looking down, at said appendage between her legs. It looked smaller now, deflated, but still there. "No...." She sighed.
  302. Yuri Fanatic —
  303. "Oh..." The silver filly said sadly. "I'm sorry." More of your cum dripped from her goggles and down her muzzle.
  305. Addi —
  306. She sighed. "Well...y-ya got that...parasite thing out of me" she said, smiling softly. "Ah can deal a lot better without that thing." She said, and gently butted her head against yours.
  308. Yuri Fanatic —
  309. The sounds of wet squishing was heard as you pressed against her forehead. She didn't take the gesture with much happiness as you had hoped, but she turned her head towards the stream. "I think I'm going to take a bath..."
  311. Addi —
  312. She nodded, sitting on her haunches. "I'll wait here for you. Thanks, Sil"
  314. Yuri Fanatic —
  315. You didn't hear a response. Instead you simply see her walking towards the riverbank. The dead vine she dropped on the ground was withered up. You could see the entire thing in all it's form: a long black strand with a series of splitting roots laid at the base of it. Cum laid against the grass as the smell of sweat, the sight of it only reminding you of what happened prior only minutes ago. Silver Spoon drenched in your cum.

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Sunny Smile Therapy

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Bone15 - Anonfilly x Fluttershy

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Paint and Blood part 1

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