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FoE:Silver Spoon (Ft. Hazy Spark)

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2021-09-03 03:18:09
Updated: 2021-09-03 03:32:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Yuri Fanatic —
  2. The mirror pool was calm and still, but then a surge of magic shimmered from within. Frothing bubbling erupted from its surface and a small figure emerged with a raspy inhale. Dragging itself on the edge of the pool, it immediately and desperately hoisted itself up flopping heavily on the stone cold ground. Water dripped but dissipated the moment it hit the ground, and soon the figure coughed up water and steadied her ragged breaths.
  4. It was a silver filly with a light grey mane and tail. Her appearance fashioned a pair of bronze goggles, an ominous red amulet, and a saddlebag. After getting all that water out of her system, she cursed. "Holy fucking shit. Those Sils didn't tell me traveling was like this!"
  6. The filly cough up another time to get that water out of her system, before proceeding to open her saddle bag. She retrieved a book labeled "Q-84", her own designation number. With a quill she proceeds to write the entry:
  8. "Dear other Sils,
  9. FUCK YOU FOR NOT LETTING ME KNOW BEFOREHAND THAT TRAVELING THROUGH THE MIRROR POOL WAS LIKE DROWINING! Also I didn't immediately perish from coming here, so at least we know it's hospitable. As a note to other Sils, please inform them to pack as much air into their lungs before diving into the pool.
  11. - Your glorified sacrificial test dummy, Q-84"
  13. HZ⚡ —
  14. If she took the time to observe her surroundings she'd find that the cave she was in had a dense layering of dust coating the rock formations. Sunlight glinting off the particulate in the air as it flowed in through a long jagged crack in the ceiling above her.
  16. The only clue for a path towards the surface came from a soft breeze blowing over her mane. Carrying with it fresh air, and the scent of the everfree forest. Although, it smelt different than the one she'd come from, whether that was to be expected or not it was hard to tell, but regardless it carried a lingering bitterness to the sent. Almost similar to the unpleasant odor of rot given off by timberwolves, but lacking their more earthy notes.
  18. Yuri Fanatic —
  19. Sil sighs before taking note of her surroundings. "Huh... so that's what this place looks like when it's empty... eerie." She placed her book back into her saddlebag and tightened the small belt buckle with it. The saddlebag had special properties that prevented water from damaging the book, something that the other Sils had to figure out before she arrived here.
  21. "Welp, there's no other way than onwards... I suppose." She muttered to herself. She had only a few fireflasks on her person, small alchemical concoctions that exploded into fireworks upon being exposed to oxygen. It's not typically used for offensive purposes but to scare away any threats. Yet the briefing she received informed her that it could inflict some moderate damage upon a direct impact. She was also warned to not use her amulet hastily, as it had limited amount of spells and a limited number of castings. Most she could without worrying about draining the amulet was levitating small things the size of a hoof's palm.
  23. HZ⚡ —
  24. The path out of the cave had strangely familiar trash inside. An empty plastic packet for "Oat chips" in particular stood out amidst the dust due to its bright orange and yellow packaging. The fresh air blowing down the pathway definitely was coming from ahead of her, probably carrying this trash down on the breeze. Further up the stairs she could see a glass bottle shining in the light, the cutiemark of Twilight Sparkle on the label alongside "Sparkle Cola! Taste the magic!" In almost glowing letters. The garbage was almost Human like in the making, easily enough to bring back images of a life the original Silver once had called her own.
  26. Yuri Fanatic —
  27. "This..." Sil picked up the empty Sparkle Cola bottle and observed the labeling. Even the nutritions facts label were of the same make as the ones back then. "Okay, well the Oat Chips aren't that surprising, but I don't remember Twilight having any brand foods... or drinks for that matter." She spoke again to herself before sighing. "I'm going to be talking to myself a lot aren't I?" She mused.
  29. HZ⚡ —
  30. At the very bottom of the bottle's health facts a small block of text could be seen. "Proprietary of the Ministry of Arcane Sciences, Buy Sparkle Cola, Support the war effort!"
  32. Above, she could count roughly thirty steps to bring her out into the everfree forest. Some more trash seemingly caught in the entrance to the mirror pool.
  34. Yuri Fanatic —
  35. This text stopped her thought processing for a moment, before going into full gear. "A fucking what?! She, it couldn't be! A war? Could it be that war in The Crystal Empire? No, Twilight wasn't even a Princess back then..." She checks the label for any image of post-Alicorn Twilight Sparkle.
  37. HZ⚡ —
  38. The label bore no actual iconography of Twilight sparkle aside from her cutiemark, it didn't even mention the word Princess once. Practically taunting Silver with its lack of an answer to the question she had.
  40. Yuri Fanatic —
  41. A large groan seethed from Silver as she tossed the bottle away. "Okay, well the Crystal Empire war only lasted a couple days anyways... it couldn't have inspired literal war propaganda..." She started to assume, however she knows that assumptions are a tool for fools that don't know the whole story, and that's what she's meant to find out.
  43. She proceeds to walk the narrow steps towards the exit. It reminded her something. She had never actually left the mirror pool even in the world before. Other than her borrowed memories, this technically her first time leaving to the outside world. Feelings of excitement edged her closer to the exit with every step, and Sil took a deep breath before finally reaching the outside.
  45. HZ⚡ —
  46. Above her the sky was dark, the moon hung low in the inky blackness utterly devoid of Stars to keep it company. Around her appeared to be the edge of the ever free forest, somewhat familiar looking based on her inherited memories.
  48. The first thing to catch her attention would easily be the sky, only a few hundred hoofsteps from the forest the sky became patchy and covered with grey clouds, patches of moonlight still visible through the holes. However a short distance further on and the clouds became an all covering blanket, blocking the sky out from view entirely. Stretching on as far as her eyes could see.
  50. Scanning the horizon would easily allow her to spot a somewhat familiar landmark. It should have been Sweet apple acres, a well lived in farm with rows of bright and full apple trees. Instead she could see fields worth of dead rotted husks. No greenery or apples in sight. Beside them somehow still standing was the ruins of a barn, a momentary flash of light as if someone had just shut a door leaked from within.
  52. Yuri Fanatic —
  53. Sil takes a look of her surroundings, her elation quickly diminishing with every sight. Immediately her thoughts hypothesized air pollution from manufacturing, or some kind of disaster that would have plagued Sweet Apple Acres. The glint of light drew her interest for a moment, but she sat down at the edge of the forest to simply take it all in. "So this is one of the disaster worlds huh? Those Sils weren't kidding..." she muttered. Taking out her book, she proceeded to jolt down notes upon her surroundings. "Huh... no response from them yet, strange." She placed the book back and peered towards the farm again. "Even the cows folk are gone. Where... where could have everypony gone?"
  55. HZ⚡ —
  56. Her view of Ponyville was unfortunately hidden by a hill in the distance, although she could just about make out the path from sweet apple acres leading towards town.
  58. All around her was silence, no birdsong or any other sound aside from the wind softly rustling trees behind her. The lack of any noise of other ponies was likely the most unsettling part, her pony instinct crying out for comfort and safety in numbers, as she seemingly was in a dead equestria. The only sign of life having come from the barn.
  60. Yuri Fanatic —
  61. Her forelegs dug at the ground as she continued to stare at the hovel of a home. She didn't know who are what was in there, and if this was really a war-torn world, probably nothing good. The original Sil had always expected and prepared for the worse possible circumstance, and her being here was one of her ways to confirm that. She had to find out, for it was her purpose here.
  63. The briefing also said that if she were put in any danger, all she had to do was cast the emergency return spell. It was the same spell that Twilight used to send those Pinkie clones back to the pool, and doing so would return her to the Sil's main base of operations. But from how the other Sils described it, she would expand and erupt violently before having her "soul" sent back there. She shook her head from the unimaginable pain she might go through if she did that. Despite wishing she had some sort of cloak or cover, she takes a hesitant step towards the barn.
  65. HZ⚡ —
  66. As she neared the barn, she could hear a voice, clearly talking to itself. Definitely female, her tone cutting through the silence. It sounded like it was coming from the inside of the barn, and seemed to be trying to hype itself up to do something.
  68. Despite its decrepit state, the barn wall near her held no view into it to try and spy on whoever it was, meaning silver's only choice would be to try and go around the barn to find answers.
  70. Yuri Fanatic —
  71. Sil debated her choices. She could call out for the pony, or whatever creature behind there and try peaceful negotiations. Or she could try sneaking around and seeing this creature first before acting. Both options seemed risky, and she opted to used the former approach. "Hello?" She called out in her most cautious, but friendly voice a filly could make. Hopefully whoever was behind that wall had a soft spot for foals.
  73. HZ⚡ —
  74. What followed her call was a yelp of surprise before a grey mare with a brown mane stuck her head out around the corner. Looking shocked and surprised to see a filly. The mare was clad in some kind of blue and yellow denim suit covering her body, the number 2 emblazoned on the collar. A large computer strapped to her left hoof.
  76. "Y-you're from out here!?! But the Overmare told me nopony still lived out here..."
  78. Yuri Fanatic —
  79. "Huh?" Sil responded. Secretly she was overjoyed that this mare spoke the same language as her. Some Sils retold horrors of finding worlds where ponies spoke Spanish. Sil shuddered at the thought. "Uh. Well I haven't seen any other ponies out here cept you. You're the first one I've met..." she took a cautious step back. Sil then peered down at her foreleg with said device and her eyes widened. "Wait, is that a computer?! I haven't seen one of those in so long!" She immediately darted forward to observe it closely, her curiosity getting the better of her.
  81. HZ⚡ —
  82. "my pipbuck?" The mare said, raising her hoof and giving it a soft prod. With a click it emitted a green light, easily illuminating the area around the two. "Y-yeah, everypony in the stable gets one when you're old enough. So you're definitely not from a stable then..."
  84. Yuri Fanatic —
  85. "A pipbuck? Stable? You mean that little dinky little house you're in?" Sil tilts her head, a little unimpressed.
  87. HZ⚡ —
  88. The blinks at you for a moment, rolling her eyes only to freeze. Her gaze locked upwards as she trembles slightly, her ears folding against the side of her head.
  90. Yuri Fanatic —
  91. "What?" Sil craned her neck upwards to see what she was so afraid of.
  93. HZ⚡ —
  94. "t-there's no just goes on" the wavering in her voice gave away the terror rolling through her at the sight.
  96. Yuri Fanatic —
  97. "Ceiling?" Sil questioned, looking back at her. "Well, last I've heard of the sky doesn't have any ceilings. Although that cloud layer is new." She pointed above.
  99. HZ⚡ —
  100. The mare shook her head before swiftly retreating to the inside the barn. If you followed her you'd see that it sloped down towards a vast metal door emblazoned with 02 in yellow paint.
  102. "I should have said. I'm littlepip"
  104. Yuri Fanatic —
  105. "Uh.... wait... hold on." Sil cringed and pressed a hoof on her head hard. "Pipbuck... Littlepip... post-war world... why does this sound urgh..." The filly continued to cringe with a deep migraine, her head already reaching the ground. "Ow ow... fuck..."
  107. HZ⚡ —
  108. " okay?" Littlepip asked, offering silver a hoof up. "I don't mean to be rude but I really should get going, you can come with me if you want but I need to go get somepony"
  110. Yuri Fanatic —
  111. "Ugh... sorry just..." she steadies herself back up without her hoof. "Just give me a moment." She rubs her head until the feeling passes. "Wait, where are you going? I'm Q-8- er... Silver Spoon by the way."
  113. HZ⚡ —
  114. Littlepip holds up her foreleg, showing off the pipbuck. "The Overmare tasked me to bring back Velvet remedy...its sorta my fault she left to begin with...So I suppose we just need to pick up that trail. There's a town nearby, Ponyville, I was gonna start my search there."
  116. Yuri Fanatic —
  117. "Ponyville? Right... that place. Wait so, you live down there? With other ponies?" Sil inquired while following, trying to prod her for as much of formation as she can.
  119. HZ⚡ —
  120. "I never really paid much attention in school but basically before the bombs dropped Stabletec built the stables to keep ponies safe incase the worst happened. Which," she pauses to gesture around. "It did, so as far as I knew all of ponykind that is still alive survived in stables like that. I know Stable 1 is in Canterlot but that's all I know about other stables."
  122. Yuri Fanatic —
  123. "Bombs?" She looked around, observing the wasted trees and wildlife and the hanging clouds. "So that explains it..." she muttered. "So like, why did your friend leave? What does she look like? Motivations?" Sil asked, thinking asking questions related to her objective would spill more info about them.
  125. HZ⚡ —
  126. "She wanted out of the stable I think, dark grey coat, white and red mane, voice sweeter than honey. We'll find her I'm sure!" Pip said with a cheerful hum, setting off down the path, leaving it for silver to follow her.
  128. Yuri Fanatic —
  129. Sil quickly opened her book to jolt down some more important notes:
  131. "Day 1
  132. >Went outside.
  133. >Apparently there was a war that ended with bombs, in which destroyed most of this surface, as evidence from various trash around here saying to "support the war effort". I also found some Sparkle Cola, how hilarious is that?
  134. >Layers of clouds hang endlessly above except for the Everfree Forest. Suspecting it's some kind of pollution as a result from the bombs. Probably also the reason why all wildlife is dead due to limited sunlight.
  135. >Applejack's farm is totally wasted except for her barn. The entire Sweet Apple Acres are now barren dead trees.
  136. >No signs of life anywhere except this one mare called Littlepip who came from an underground bunker of some sort.
  137. >Apparently it's called a Stable, because it's under an actual stable. Some creativity right there. Ponies were never good at naming things other than puns.
  138. >They have computers on their forelegs called Pipbucks, a leader which I assume what Littlepip called an "Overmare". Sounds pretty ominous, like an Overlord, but a mare. Probably just me though.
  139. >No signs of Applejack or any other pony though.
  140. >Objective: Follow Littlepip and help her find her missing friend called Red Velvet or some shit like that. Apparently fled for unknown reasons.
  141. >Currently investigating Ponyville."
  143. Sil closed her book after her scribbling and placed it back in her saddlebag. "Hey wait up!" She shouts before trotting towards Littlepip.
  145. HZ⚡ —
  146. Littlepip slowed down to make it easier for the filly to keep pace with her. "So, where you from? I didn't expect to find somepony out here so soon."
  148. Yuri Fanatic —
  149. "Me neither." The filly caught up with the taller mare. Her small legs weren't good for running, but she made up for that in endurance and stamina, a luxury other races don't really have. Ironically humans have that same ability. It's a small wonder why Earth Ponies are the powerhouse of structural innovation. "And as for your other question, that's a secret!~" she beamed.
  151. HZ⚡ —
  152. "really trust worthy ki-" the mare stopped as the sound of big band Jazz filtered over to them both. Silver could recognise the voice of Pinkie Pie crooning over the music, singing about "the Equestrian dream" and how the good times would come back soon enough.
  154. Yuri Fanatic —
  155. Sil was startled at the sudden impact of Jazz, but was on high alert for anything. Definitely didn't sound like any music she's used to. Radios were just being barely developed in her world. "The heck was that?!"
  157. HZ⚡ —
  158. Around the bend ahead of them, emerging from what looked to be the ruins of a house, floated a sphere. Almost as large as Silver herself, stylised to look almost akin to a parasprite. The screen on its front bore a video of Pinkie Pie, looking older than Silver knew her, barely noticeable bags under her eyes and a slight sag to her limbs. The pink mare sang and panced across the stage as the song reached its climax. In golden lettering across the bottom side of the screen, "parasprite 817" was visible.
  160. Yuri Fanatic —
  161. Sil backed away behind the mare. She wasn't used to having technology, especially technology this advanced. Pinkie aside, she couldn't determine exactly whether this thing is a threat or not, but her eyes hardened upon the sight.
  163. HZ⚡ —
  164. It wobbled in the air, static overtaking the screen before the speakers popped. "Friendly word of advice. If you want to survive you'll need three things. A weapon, armour, and friends."
  165. Pip remained silent, a little shocked before tapping at her Pipbuck and looking at the robot.
  167. Yuri Fanatic —
  168. "And why is that? You saying there's threats we need to worry about? Who and what are you?" Sil demanded, still standing cautiously behind Littlepip.
  170. HZ⚡ —
  171. "I'll tell you that for a price." The robot retorted, staying back from the two mares. A hum from littlepip came almost immediately afterwards.
  173. "You're hijacking the robots broadcast system, clever. I'll bite, what's the price."
  175. If the robot could have looked smug, it would have. "There's a town nearby, Ponyville, I want you to free the ponies there held captive by raiders. There's a factory on your way, you should be able to find a weapon there. Do that good act and I'll find you and tell you who I am."
  176. Silver knew that voice, even through the robotic modulation. It sounded vaguely familiar.
  178. Yuri Fanatic —
  179. "So be a Good Samaritan that it? Well I was going to investigate that place anyways. But expect no Pinkie Promise."
  181. HZ⚡ —
  182. "Not enough ponies are willing to help eachother out anym-" the voice cut out, as the screen returned from static. Replaced by a video of Pinkie Pie prancing her way through what appeared to be Canterlot, past 6 massive buildings each looking radically different. The party pony appeared to be singing about Harmony that only ponies could have.
  184. Yuri Fanatic —
  185. "...Figgin weird." Sil mutters as she pressed onwards. "A factory huh? I wonder if it means one of father's factories..."
  187. HZ⚡ —
  188. "what was that?" Pip asked, looking over her shoulder as she glanced away from her pip buck.
  190. Yuri Fanatic —
  191. "Jeepers!" Sil jumped. "I thought you were still playing on your gameboy."
  193. HZ⚡ —
  194. "Gameboy?.. no no, I was trying to identify the source of that signal. Because unless it's coming from all over equestria at once, then it's something really advanced... The factory should be a little ways off I think...wanna head there and then talk? Feels like we might be in danger"
  196. Yuri Fanatic —
  197. "Sure. Some shelter the better." Sil said as she trotted along. The filly pondered what kind of weapons this Equestria would have. The mare mentioned bombs, so what else could they have made? Laser guns? Gatling wands? Magically powered BB guns? A hoofcannon based off of Pinkie's party cannon, but on a smaller scale? Sil reminisced her former memories. All the drafts of various weapon ideas she kept in her room, or rather, where the original kept in her room.
  199. Yuri Fanatic —
  200. Sil shook her head. What am I thinking about? I literally have a wealth of knowledge next to me.
  202. She peered back at Littlepip, who also happens to be observing her surroundings cautiously. Okay maybe that much of a wealth, but... still something. I should be more wary about what I say out loud though, she's more attentive than I took her for.
  204. "So..." Sil craned her neck around while concealing a smirk. "Got a coltfriend?"
  206. HZ⚡ —
  207. Pip blushes at the question, her ears folding slightly as she looks back at the oath ahead. "Uhm.... No I don't really, stallions aren't exactly my thing."
  209. Yuri Fanatic —
  210. "Oh so a fillyfriend then! Oh could it be the mare you're searching for?" Silver beamed. "A lover's quarrel that separated them across the wasteland~ Will the lost mare reunite with her soulmate and make amends to their relationship? Will the daring runaway look back longingly for her mare to find and rescue her at the last minute?" The filly proceeded to recite the typical synopsis for a romance novel in bemusement. "Find out now at 2 pm sharp!"
  212. HZ⚡ —
  213. Pip just turns to continue towards the factory, her ears sagged against her head. A soft, almost bitter chuckle escaping her lips. " she'd ever see me like that."
  215. Yuri Fanatic —
  216. "Have you ever asked?" Sil said, still a little bemused by her own performance.
  218. HZ⚡ —
  219. "My mom was pretty blunt how Velvet's barn door didn't swing that way... Even if it did she wouldn't pick me." Pip simply stated before slowing down to look at the factory a minute or so down the road. A large apple tree sign having fallen from its front, impaling it's way into the ground. "Guess that's our destination"
  221. Yuri Fanatic —
  222. Sil stopped in front of Littlepip with a confident smirk on her face. "Hey, take it from the filly who probably holds the world record for the amount of times she's been rejected. Every shot not taken is a shot missed." She puffs her chest out in false pride, half-jokingly.
  224. HZ⚡ —
  225. "You're a weird filly, you know that?" Pip said before eyeing the door. "Well, wanna go in through that or one of the holes in the wall? I could pick the lock pretty easy."
  227. Yuri Fanatic —
  228. "I'll scout around first." Sil said. She sees one of the holes Pip was referring to and peered through it. She debated on using her magic to illuminate the room, but she decided against it and proceeded anyways.
  230. HZ⚡
  231. Silver found herself on an empty factory floor, lines of conveyor belts and rusted machinery filling the space whilst in the corner, behind a locked fence door, were a set of stairs leading to a catwalk. The entire factory seemed, at a glance, to be earth pony friendly, hoof sized buttons on the wall for lights and the console she could see was clearly build with hooves in mind.
  233. Yuri Fanatic —
  234. She looked around for any signs of emblems or symbols related to her father's influence. "That bot said that there were weapons here... could this industrial factory been converted to an arms factory?" She muttered again.
  236. HZ⚡ —
  237. There was no sign of Silver Smith's cutiemark on the walls, however some of the machinery did have a patch which vaguely resembled silver's cutiemark, albeit so rusted it looked more brown than silver. By the fence door to the upstairs, a sign remained stating "Offices, Armoury."
  238. Behind her Pip knocked on the door, clearly wanting to be let in.
  240. Yuri Fanatic —
  241. Sil determined that this place was safe enough and unlocked the door from the inside. "The place seems clear." She said idly. Silver was more interested in whatever was in those offices. Information is vital.
  243. HZ⚡ —
  244. The door swung open to reveal Pip looking into the factory in awe. Her eyes immediately landing on the stairs as she crossed towards the gate. "I can get this open in a moment, you mind looking for a terminal when we get up there? I'll open any doors and have a rummage."
  246. Yuri Fanatic —
  247. "Kay." Sil proceeded up the stairs and up the catwalk, making sure to take note of anything she could recognize. The rusty emblems of her cutie mark, would probably draw too many questions.
  249. Yuri Fanatic —
  250. Sil looked at her flank and pondered a bit. Littlepip probably already seen her cutie mark unfortunately, so she determined that she would have to feign ignorance if asked. This would be easier with a cloak. she bit her lip.
  252. HZ⚡ —
  253. the stablemare politely squeezed past, starting to pick the lock to the office, humming softly as the tumblers of the door clicked in response to her magic and a lockpick.
  254. Yuri Fanatic — 08/31/2021
  256. "Useful skill." Sil commented. If she were to get past that herself, she would probably been forced to use a spell to temporary conjure some cable cutters the size of her hoof. Conserving magic is preferable however and using magic to materialize a physical object takes a lot of it.
  258. HZ⚡ —
  259. "thanks, I learned to do it back in the stable. Working as a pipbuck repair pony gives you a lot of free time"
  261. Yuri Fanatic —
  262. "So you're good with your hooves, nice." Sil smirked.
  264. HZ⚡ —
  265. Littlepip snickered before pushing the door open, heading for the armoury door. "If you find a big computer in there, I'll get it opened up, just try not to break it"
  267. Yuri Fanatic —
  268. "Kayyy. No promises though." Sil remarked before climbing up the stairs and continuing on the catwalk. That was the first time Sil almost got her to laugh, and she was weirdly proud of it. Maybe a certain somepony rubbed off a little too much on her.
  270. HZ⚡ —
  271. The office was fairly sparsely decorated, the majority of the decorations having faded or rotted with the passage of time. On the desk sat a blocky computer looking straight out of the 1970s. The photographs on the walls containing red and orange smears, whilst alongside the computer remained two photographs in more or less perfect quality. Silver could feel magic lingering on the frames, as well as a strong pulse from something else in the office.
  273. Yuri Fanatic —
  274. Silver pulled out her amulet, trying to gauge the effects of said magic emanating in the room. The amulet had the property of both absorbing magic and being a library of spells, along with the user being able to cast without incantation. Yet with it being a simple duplicate, its repertoire of magic is limited. "Hmm, medallion's humming."
  276. HZ⚡ —
  277. The magic was definitely coming from the desk, as well as the two photograph frames on the desk. Under further observation, Twilight's cutiemark branded onto the back of the frames suggesting an origin to them. Turning them over revealed familiar faces. On one, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, all looking older, clearly adults. The trio smiling proudly before the front of a building. The other contained Applebloom and her elder sister, No sign of Big Mac or Granny Smith.
  279. Yuri Fanatic —
  280. Sil stared at the photos, feelings of homesickness ebbing on her consciousness. No, no they aren't your friends Sil. They... they belong to the original Sil. They're not even from the original world. You aren't... you aren't her. Sil shook her head as another headache ensues. You're Q-84. A Sil made to protect that world they're in. Just, keep it together. The clone slapped her cheeks together. The sting of pain snapped her back into reality. Looking at the frame, she steadies her eyes listlessly on their muzzles. Feeling a pang of guilt, she takes the photo out of the frames and places it into her saddlebag. She then proceeds to open the desk to see what's inside.
  282. HZ⚡ —
  283. Inside the desk's lower cabinet drawer was a sizable safe, taking up the bulk of the room, radiating protective magic. The sound of hooves came from the corridor before Pip entered, carrying two large weapons in her telekinesis, a string of shotgun shells loading their way into the weapons magazines. "I heard a thump, you okay?... OOo! A safe, gimme a minute and i'll have this baby open!"
  285. In a blur of movement Littlepip was working on the safe, the two shotguns forgotten on the floor beside her. "Only thing left in the armoury was those, everything else seemed to have been taken"
  287. Yuri Fanatic —
  288. Sil stepped aside, not seemingly having a choice for that matter. Nonetheless she allowed her to tinker with the safe. Her eyes were glued onto the shotguns. They were, just normal looking weapons. Weapons from her world, her previous world. Even the grips had those annoyingly human-esque handles and triggers. So they really had guns... she thought, slowly taking out a shotgun shell to observe it closely. The silver filly didn't know how to use a gun nor how one worked on a level to remake it.
  290. The shells however were easier to understand. They were just metal rounds packed in a cartridge with gunpowder. Sulfur, charcoal, and niter. Mother's knowledge in minor alchemy was one of the smaller things she left daughter. As long as silver knew the components and inner workings of an object, she could recreate it with her amulet. Making shotgun shells should be easy enough. Sil thought. Using a spell in this way was especially useful on consumables, since all items created were only temporary. She had done it before with her mother's fireflasks.
  292. Behind her, with a hiss and a click the safe opened. A small muttered celebration from Pip as the unicorn floated out the contents of the safe.
  294. A large heavy handgun, designed to be fired using the mouth. Popping open its chamber Littlepip loaded the weapon, it's rounds looking almost like rifle rounds due to their sheer size. The pearl white mouth grip bearing one on side 3 red apples and the otherside bearing a large green apple sliced in half.
  296. Alongside the revolver was a cassette tape, and a figurine of applejack. Despite its age the statuette looks to be in perfect condition, showing the farm mare exactly as Silver remembered. It's base simply bearing two words in almost glowing gold, "Be Strong." Silver could feel the figure radiating dark magic.
  299. "How should we split this stuff?" Pip asked, having finished loading the revolver, giving it an approving smile
  301. Yuri Fanatic —
  302. "I want the toy!" The filly squeaked. "Besides it looks like you know how to use guns. I haven't touched one before." Sil admitted. "As for the tape, well maybe there's a player around here somewhere."
  304. HZ⚡ —
  305. "I got the tape." Pip says with a smile, a cassette tape player popping open to accept the tape. After a brief pause, a very familiar voice comes through pip's pipbuck speakers.
  307. "Howdy Sugarcube! Hope this finds you well, ah'm mighty busy with the ministry as it is but ah made sure this was made for ya. 'is name is Little Macintosh...ah know Mac would've wanted to protect you even after he was ah made it possible. Love ya Sis."
  309. Moments after the message finished with a soft clock, Silver could feel the statuette's dark magic pulse softly.
  311. Yuri Fanatic —
  312. Silver glanced down at the figure in her hooves, feeling it's miasma permeating. With a chipper smile, she stuffed it into her saddle, with the guise of an excited filly getting a new toy to play with. In her mind however, she's deeply concerned why a figure has dark magic associated with it. Usually stuff like that originates from deep hatred or regret. I'm going to have to absorb that later. Silver noted in her mind.
  314. "Well, you got weapons, now you need to find armor and your friend! Shouldn't be too hard." Sil shrugged.
  316. HZ⚡ —
  317. "I figure we'll find armour in ponyville, not sure why it says we should find friends but I suppose it'll be important." Little pip says, slipping the pistol into her jumpsuit before standing up.
  319. "Wanna go become a hero filly?"
  321. Yuri Fanatic —
  322. That quote stuck Silver in her mind. Back in the briefing she recalled the other Sils explicitly to not be a hero. The mission comes first, as saving other ponies won't directly impact their progress on making a better world. Q-84 didn't show much enthusiasm at this, but offered an encouraging smile. "Well, don't get too confident. That bot thingy said there were raiders in Ponyville. I don't know what that means, but it most certainly means danger. We can't be too careless."
  324. HZ⚡ —
  325. "oh course but still, helping ponies is an important thing." Pip said with a smile before heading for the door, floating a shotgun over to herself and stuffing it into the strap of her saddlebag.
  327. Yuri Fanatic —
  328. Sil couldn't help but have a sense of foreboding. I'm going to need to be prepared for this aren't I? The filly sighed heavily. Taking the figure out again, she inspected it. Slowly tapping her amulet on the figure, she decides to absorb its power when out of Littlepip's view.
  330. HZ⚡ —
  331. Pip happily continued out of the room, the sound of her hoofsteps on the metal catwalk filling the air.
  333. As soon as Silver tried to drain the statue she felt it practically cry out in anguish. Far from the rage and hate to be expected of a dark artifact, instead the cry was familiar. She'd heard the exact pained howl from Applejack after the mare had brought a tree down on one her legs by accident.
  335. Yuri Fanatic —
  336. This startled Silver deeply. She immediately released the amulet's hold on the figure and inspected it twice. "The fuck? Applejack?" She whispered to it.
  338. HZ⚡ —
  339. The figure didn't exactly respond worth words, but silver could practically feel the soft embrace of the farm mare as the figure's magic pulsed softly.
  341. Yuri Fanatic —
  342. It... comforted Sil, despite it exuding dark magic. The filly didn't know what this was or what it was trying to do. That scream in her mind was unsettling. It, it couldn't be her right? Alas she didn't have any telepathic spells, otherwise she might have probed it for more information. Was... applejack souls trapped in this thing? This... tiny plastic figure? she didn't have any answers. With a regretful sigh she muttered, "sorry", before placing her back into her bag and following the strange mare.
  344. HZ⚡ —
  345. Pip was waiting outside, checking over her Pipbuck. The mare's brow was furrowed and her tongue stuck out slightly as she concentrated on the display. Looking up she smiled at Silver "Wondered when you'd show up mystery filly, I've crunched some numbers and we're about a ten minute trot from ponyville down this road, but if we cut across the hill we should come out by a cabin on my Map which is right by ponyville. Just a little River to cross and we're in town from the cabin."
  347. Yuri Fanatic —
  348. "I think the cabin is a safe bet. And we would be able to see any dangers from the hill too. Do you know anything about raiders?" Sil inquired.
  350. HZ⚡ —
  351. "Never heard of them before." Pip answered, floating little Macintosh out of her bags and looking through the sights. "With this and the shotgun I think we should be safe."
  353. Yuri Fanatic —
  354. "It's not safe to assume." Silver says pessimistically. "You sure know how to use those right? Aren't you like, a repair pony?"
  356. HZ⚡ —
  357. "pipbuck repair pony, but I did have some weapons training when looking for my cutiemark."
  359. Yuri Fanatic —
  360. "Why aren't you a jack of all trades?" Sil says impressed.
  362. HZ⚡ —
  363. "Didn't get my cutiemark til late, last filly to hers. Gave me a lot of time to try just about every job in the vault. Trust me, trying for a waste management cutiemark was not fun" pip says with a mimed wretch, shuddering slightly at the memory.
  365. Yuri Fanatic —
  366. Sil bit her lip. "Ah yes, a public servant cutiemark. And in the worst field too. How terrifying." She says with agreement and bemusement. "So how far long since your friend disappeared? Think she would have gotten far?"
  368. HZ⚡ —
  369. "she left sometime last night, I found out this morning and had to sneak out at night so it wouldn't be unicorns in shift guarding the door." Pip said, checking her Pipbuck momentarily to correct their course.
  371. "I figure she'd have gone towards the she didn't know about the raiders"
  373. Yuri Fanatic —
  374. "Wait you're here in secret? Why? Can't you just get more of your ponies to come and get her? A search party? Now that you know there's a threat out there, it's probably better to have safety in numbers. You'd be stupid to just walk into a town of raiders on your own."
  376. "How many are you guys anyways?" Sil asked as she sat on her haunches.
  378. HZ⚡ —
  379. Pip stopped sighing. "It's my fault Velvet left...she got me to take her Pipbuck off" littlepip says, floating out an ornately decorated golden pipbuck, polished to an immaculate shine. "So I went digging in the files to find the doors release code."
  381. With a prod a voice Silver knows very well spoke from the pipbuck. Sweetie Belle's voice rang out. "The emergency internal stable door access code is CMC3BFF"
  383. "So, I broke out to go find her...I... don't think that I'm welcome to go back anymore..."
  385. Yuri Fanatic —
  386. Sil was shaken once more by the familiar voice. It wasn't something she could easily describe. The cheerful voice of Sweetie brought memories that she couldn't be associated with. She gripped her forelegs and tried to make them stop trembling. "Is... that so? You really think they wouldn't take a former member in? Even after living there for so long?" She asked.
  388. HZ⚡ —
  389. "not like I was popular, Velvet they'd take in. Me? I don't matter...I'm just a repair pony." She says, her ears sagging sadly as if she was admitting something she'd fought against her whole life. "At least if I can make sure Velvet is safe or bring her back, I'll achieve something"
  391. Yuri Fanatic —
  392. "Just a repair pony?" Silver asked, intrigued by her comment. Her profession reminded her a lot of her own profession as a human. Swallowing up the courage she spoke with conviction. "You know IT is like, one of the most important jobs of any department? Nothing would function without a good repair crew. Other ponies rely on you so they can do their job!" The filly exclaimed.
  394. HZ⚡ —
  395. "IT? I fixed pipbucks...they break once in a lifetime..."
  396. "hell, I was the apprentice technician, all I did was the chores my teacher was too lazy to do"
  398. Yuri Fanatic —
  399. "Doesn't matter. Everypony starts somewhere, and that somewhere is usually at the bottom. Speaking from experience." She said.
  401. HZ⚡ —
  402. Pip sighed, standing and shaking her head slowly. "Being lectured by a filly...sweet Celestia this place is weird."
  404. Yuri Fanatic —
  405. "Not my first lecture, and believe me when I say I'm wiser beyond my years." She stood, hoping to cheer up with with a smile.
  407. HZ⚡ —
  408. "sure you are, come on, let's see if we can make ponyville at about 3am. Anypony awake then should be nice and tired just in case there's guards."
  410. Yuri Fanatic —
  411. "You still intend on going there huh? Alright fine. But before anything we need to go to that hill you mentioned to scout out that area. Better to know what we're up against."
  413. HZ⚡ —
  414. "I don't have any binoculars but we probably could spot bonfires or lights." Pip said as she walked, thinking for the moment before turning off her pipbuck's lamp.
  416. Yuri Fanatic —
  417. Silver gave a creepy and malevolent laugh. "Perhaps not, but I do." Sil said. She pulled a series of scopes and lenses out of her saddle bag and attached it to her goggles. Flicking each lens over her goggles, her sight became much more acute. "I'm also farsighted by the way. Can't see without these."
  419. HZ⚡ —
  420. "Regular old Batmare aren't you? Might utility belt as well. Either way, we're probably a few minutes from the cottage. What you expect to see?"
  422. Yuri Fanatic —
  423. "Other than the white hairs in your mane, patrols and numbers. And whether or not if we can find your friend." She half-teased.
  425. HZ⚡ —
  426. "I wonder if I can throw you to the town from here?" Pip retorted, making a show of appraising Silver's size. "I could definitely clear the cottage. What do you think, one way aerial reconnaissance?"
  428. Yuri Fanatic —
  429. Sil brought a hoof to her chin. "Based on the trajectory and power you throw, I could probably see where your age has gone." She smirked.
  431. HZ⚡ —
  432. "I'm not even twenty!" Pip fumed, stomping her hoof to the floor before storming off towards the cabin.
  434. Yuri Fanatic —
  435. "What?!" Sil exclaimed, genuinely shocked before following her.
  437. HZ⚡ —
  438. "Sorry, I just, I'm tired of being talked down to. When your mother's cutiemark is a shot glass and she named you pipsqueak life is kinda hard you know?"
  440. Yuri Fanatic —
  441. "Oh. Sorry. Wait, pipsqueek... I know a pony by that name!"
  443. HZ⚡ —
  444. "Wait what?" Little pip said, turning to face Silver, utterly confused.
  446. Yuri Fanatic —
  447. "What?" Silver bit her lip.
  449. HZ⚡ —
  450. "Alright, start talking because I'm getting concerned by the mystery filly that showed up, didn't take a firearm when offered to her, and mysterious knows a pipsqueak."
  452. Yuri Fanatic —
  453. "Did I say that? Huh? Strange I can't remember. Oh well." Silver feigned ignorance as she proceeded to trot onwards, blatantly trying to avoid the conversation.
  455. HZ⚡ —
  456. "I was gonna call you my friend you know... If you're going to lie to me like that, I don't think we should continue together."
  458. Yuri Fanatic —
  459. Sil stopped in her tracks, before looking back at her with weary eyes and sighing. "Fine. It's not anything special though." She turned around, looking at her dead in the eyes. "I just knew a colt named Pipsqueak. Didn't personally knew him, but everypony knew him for being the smallest out of the foals and having patches on his coat." The filly started to explain.
  461. "But no one really treated him any differently than any other pony. That's because everyone loved him and his personality. Hell, there were two colts named Snips and Snails and they were the most well known ponies in my class. Even got a cutiemark in scissors and snails. I wanted to mention them, but then I quickly realized that them having better lives than you would probably hurt you more than help. But the case is, I don't think somepony naming their kid Pipsqueak makes their life terrible, neither having a shot glass as a cutiemark."
  463. Silver Spoon turned around while still craning her neck behind her. "I have a cutiemark in silverware yet you don't see me making a living off of selling spoons. I know it's against the contrary to a pony's beliefs, but cutiemarks don't determine a pony's fate, it's what they do that determines their fate. A cutiemark is just an extension of their overall choices in life."
  465. HZ⚡ —
  466. "You do realise how she got the cutiemark right? mother was a raging alcoholic...fuck, somepony's think it was in the family all the way to great grandma punch..."
  468. Yuri Fanatic —
  469. "And look at you. Can you say that you're the same?"
  471. HZ⚡ —
  472. "I don't touch the stuff, I don't want to risk it" pip says, seemingly deeply uncomfortable with the line of questioning. Stepping back slight as her ears fold against her head
  474. Yuri Fanatic —
  475. "But you didn't. You didn't wind on the path of pre-determined fate. You got your cutiemark in fixing PipBucks or whatever they're called. Don't you think that's something to be proud of?"
  477. HZ⚡ —
  478. "Everypony has a pipbuck in the stable, it's like having a cutiemark saying your talent is cutiemarks. It's stupid..."
  480. Yuri Fanatic —
  481. "It's more than just a fucking talent Pip. It's an achievement. Not for fixing them, but fixing yourself on the right path. The path that you wanted. A path other than those that other ponies expected you to have. A path you can say that's your own."
  483. "But whatever. If you don't want to be my friend then fine. I'm just a filly who doesn't know anything after all." Sil dismissed herself as she continues on without her.
  485. HZ⚡ —
  486. "Don't dismiss yourself like that Silver." Pip said softly, picking herself up to trot after the filly. "I'm sorry alright...the past day hasn't been easy. Everything I know wrong...I was taught out here was poisonous, that nopony had survived, and I've been barred from my home. I'm struggling, once we find Velvet then I just want to try and go home.."
  488. Yuri Fanatic —
  489. Sil glanced at Pip unamused at first, but smiled softly seeing the mare's motivation to go back home rekindled. "Good, then let's get her back."
  491. HZ⚡ —
  492. As soon as they reached the top of the hill, they could see a town vaguely resembling ponyville. A checkpoint of some sort on the outside of town, blocking a bridge that crossed a bridge into the actual town. The rest of the town seemed desolate except for two locations. Silver could recognize Sugarcube corner's ruins, as well as the husk of Twilight's tree library. Both had lights inside them and blurry shapes moving around.
  494. Yuri Fanatic —
  495. Sil flicked her lenses on her goggles to peer deeper into those buildings. She didn't say much on the way there, for she didn't want to risk emotionally harming the mare further. Things have felt weird after that, and she was sure that the mare had second thoughts about having her as a companion. It hardly mattered though, seeing that we're off to rescue a pony and returning them back to their underground shelter.
  497. HZ⚡ —
  498. "see anything?" pip whispered, double checking the shotgun currently floating in her telekinesis.
  500. HZ⚡ —
  501. In the town, Silver could make out roughly five shapes moving about, not counting those in the library. Whilst at the checkpoint she could see another 3, being approached by 2 more ponies. The two ponies approaching were dragging a cheese yellow stallion behind them, his limp body making it appear he was dead or unconscious.
  503. Yuri Fanatic —
  504. "Eh, some raiders guarding the checkpoints and two buildings. Also some dude is being dragged by them. They have this place pretty secure. I can count 12 minimum."
  506. HZ⚡ —
  507. "think they might not be raiders?...slavers might be a thing right?"
  509. Yuri Fanatic —
  510. "Slaves? Eh... I don't see anything that implies that- oh wait I see chains. Nevermind that dude is fucked..."
  512. HZ⚡ —
  513. Without saying anything pip moved, hefting her shotgun and starting to descend the hill. Practically radiating anger at the idea of Slavers.
  515. Yuri Fanatic —
  516. "Oi Oi Oi! What do you think you're doing!" Sil reached out a hoof. "You can't take them all on!"
  518. HZ⚡ —
  519. "There's 3 of them. This has 8 shells per magazine. Notice no horn glows? There's no unicorns with them. See if you can spot any weapons."
  521. Yuri Fanatic —
  522. "H-Hold on, just give me a moment." Sil stuttered, trying to peer through her lenses once more.
  524. HZ⚡ —
  525. The 2 ponies dragging their victim seemed unarmed, a shovel on each of their sides along with a double barreled shotgun. Whilst the bridge guards all seemed to be sporting knives, the Pegasus of the group however had a battle saddle mounted to his torso, carrying a bolt action rifle.
  527. Yuri Fanatic —
  528. "Okay well they're well armed. Two guards have shotguns. Five of them have knives. However all the Pegasi have some kind of rifle attached to the sides of their barrel." Sil informed. She hoped that this would cause Littlepip to hesitate and think of another course of action. Why was she risking her life for a stallion she doesn't know? He could be a traitor or a criminal for all we know!
  530. HZ⚡ —
  531. The answer Silver was given was a shotgun being cocked before littlepip continued down the hill. Looking over her shoulder. "stay here, if something bad happens don't come for me, just run. Try to find that voice again, maybe it'll help you."
  533. Yuri Fanatic —
  534. "No you-!" She couldn't finish her sentence before Littlepip went charging out. "idiot..." Sil sighed, but contemplated for a moment. Should I save this idiot? She weighed her options. Saving her doesn't really help me right? After helping her she's just gonna keep seeking after more dangers to look for that mare.
  536. Craning her neck around she sees the rest of the wastelands before her. The only obvious wildlife was the Everfree itself. Sil cringed and hung her head low. It was true that she would only be risking her neck out there, but she was essentially expendable herself. If anything bad happened, she could just use that emergency spell and wind back home again.
  538. The situation perplexed her. Ponies are pacifists. She's always known that throughout her memories. Yet here, guns, bombs, and presumably slaves existed. These ponies knew no Harmony. And here a pony was trying to save another because she wanted to help. How could Sil abandon her?
  540. With a final frustrated sigh she groaned "fiiiiiine." And activated her amulet. It had limited charges, but this was the right time for it. Her form dissipated into a black fog, much alike how Sombra traversed the Crystal Empire. A dark fog was noticeable in broad daylight with shining buildings towering above, but in the dead of night, she would be invisible. The winds blew as Sil's small figure whips into an ethereal shadow towards the dark areas of Ponyville.
  542. HZ⚡ —
  543. Gunfire erupted behind her, five bursts of shotgun fire spitting death towards their targets before silence fell almost immediately. If she looked back, Silver would see Littlepip trotting out to free the trapped stallion, her shotgun's muzzle smoking having just completed its deadly deed.
  545. Ahead of her the alarm raised, raiders waking their fellows from sleep in a panic to defend their base. From the tree, Silver could hear a faint crying and screaming that sounded identical to a fillys. The high pitch wails easily piercing through the noise of stallions and mares cocking firearms and starting to howl for blood.
  547. Yuri Fanatic —
  548. Silver's blood ran cold as the foal's screams pierced her ears. Something dark stirred within the pit of her stomach, something burning. Rage.
  550. Sil immediately swooped down in her smokey form and proceeded to suffocate the nearest raider by forcefully entering their lungs.
  552. HZ⚡ —
  553. The mare's corpse dropped to the floor, her rifle going off as it hit the floor, blasting a chunk from the wall. Another scream joined the night air, a stallion scrambling back away from Silver's dark misty form. "NIGHTMARE MOON!"
  555. Yuri Fanatic —
  556. Uh, really? Sil cringed in her thoughts. Her immediate attention was drawn to the building where those foals presumably were. Sil decided to ignore the stallion and spread herself towards the ground, creating a layer of black mist to camouflage with the night. She passed the stallion, sending chilling shivers across his legs. Upon reaching the tree, a dark mist permeated through the door crevice and spread across the oak floor.
  558. Gasps and screams could be heard from both ponies and foals, some aimed their weapons at the door and others tried their best to cover their muzzles. "Smoke?!" One shouted, others who saw the mare fall to the ground thought it was poison. The more crazy ones would have believed the words of the late mare raider.
  560. HZ⚡ —
  561. The inside of the library could be described with a single word. Twisted. Hacked up corpses decorated the room, skinned mares draped over the ruined banisters. Books torn to shreds and mixed with the stray gore.
  563. Dangling from the ceiling was a cage containing a filly, the soft blue Pegasus shaking with fear, her wings plucked and broken. Yet, as soon as she saw the smoke she seemed to realise something was happening.
  565. The raiders adjusted their weapons nervously, glaring at the smoke. "Somepony's tryna smoke us out?"
  567. A particularly unpleasant looking stallion, with a cutiemark that literally was a skull being crushed snarled. "One of you idiots go kill the two upstairs. Whoever is stupid enough to play hero is gonna know how badly they fucked up. Nopony fucks with my operation."
  569. Yuri Fanatic —
  570. Sil immediately pursued the stallion who sent that command. Her being gathered up and launched towards him, slivering into every orifice: nose, eyes, ears, mouth. His very breath was being replaced with her presence. It felt, strangely familiar to Silver. This sensation of entering a pony's body unhindered. Their will breaking each second their mind screamed for air. Sadistic feelings that, didn't necessarily come from her borrowed memories.
  572. She remembered. Remembered how Sombra used his mist form to dominate ponies by siphoning a part of himself into their breaths, entering inside them and controlling them from within. Sil felt the need to mimic the sensation, entering along down his neck, forelegs, barrel, and finally his hind legs. She felt the stallions mind scratching at her consciousness, trying to scream his very lungs out in defiance, but Sil never abated. The filly opened her eyes to see herself staring from the stallion's point of view. Yet some senses were detached. She could feel his rage being suffocated with fear, yet she couldn't "feel" anything with his body.
  574. At first she tried moving a leg, but it went much too far and bent unnaturally. Silver attempted once again with his other limbs and they all snapped in the same way, drawing another cry within her mind. The stallion felt pain, that she knew. His consciousness was in no way suppressed as she thought, but his control has been fully relinquished.
  575. Shit, I didn't mean to do that. Sil thought as she turned 'his' head towards rest of the raiders. But then she felt a sudden snap! The other stallions and mares cried out in bloody screams as Silver twisted the stallions neck beyond what's acceptable. Sil felt his consciousness slip away completely as his breath was no longer there. Oh fuck. Didn't mean to do that either. Silver lamented, but felt no empathy for the stallion.
  577. Sil then proceeded to exit his body and elevate her misty form towards the ceiling of the first floor. The hangs above the raiders, almost taunting them to go upstairs to do as ordered. However in reality Silver was observing her miserable attempt at possession. Oh, it appears that I fucked up really bad. she mentally pressed a hoof to her chin.
  579. Silver didn't 'feel' his body bending the way she wanted to. Her movements went far beyond his ligaments and bones allowed. Having no sense of pain while in that form didn't help restrain her movements either. A pity she summarized, before turning her gaze back at the raiders. I'll have to be more careful next time.
  581. HZ⚡ —
  582. The remaining 5 raiders stepped back, edging towards the door as gunfire rang out outside. The nearest raider to Sil, a mare clutching a revolver in her muzzle shook in fear, visibly afraid of the smoke that just killed her friends.
  584. However the other four, seemingly braver than their female companion opened fire with an assortment of shotguns, handguns and even a throwing knife.
  586. Yuri Fanatic —
  587. Iron and knives, passed though Sil with ease. Gunshots flared and thunder pierced the room. This went on for a couple seconds until everypony's guns clicked, the magazines either jammed or clicked empty. Silver lingered in the air unamused. The only sound that was present was the sounds of loose shotgun shells outside. Sil largely ignored the group of raiders, her attention shifting to the small blue Pegasi. Hoping no lose shells ended up in them.
  589. HZ⚡ —
  590. The blue filly shook in the cage, cowering beneath her wings in an attempt to stay safe. Silence fell over the various guns as silver heard the clank of weaponry jamming, following by a volley of swearing.
  592. Most notably outside the town had fallen silent, as silver could hear the groans of dying ponies outside. Still no sign of her "companion" little pip.
  594. "....who the fuck woke up some pre-war super weapon" one of the raiders muttered, a stallion frantically trying to unjam his shotgun.
  596. Yuri Fanatic —
  597. Sil mused, she could see why Sombra often took this form. He was basically immune to any physical weaponry and had the ability to suffocate and control those he deemed useful. That, and the fear it posed against fragile willpower. Yet these raiders proved resilient, as expected from a group of ponies that appeared out of Mad Max.
  599. Silver opened her mouth, but realized she had none. Her voice was but a whisper emitting from herself. A sorrowful wail as she tried to speak clearer. "Ruuuunnnn..." her inhuman (inpony?) voice reverberated across the former library. "Fear..." wind blew those words around the room. "Or die...." Faint mist flooded the air, sending chills across their very bodies.
  601. HZ⚡ —
  602. The mare bolted for the door, yanking it open with her hoof only to scream before her head was reduced to a red pulp. A loud shotgun blast ringing out into the room as a Grey mare stepped into the room. The formerly clean blue and yellow stable suit drenched in blood, marked by bullet holes and scratches. "F-fucking raiders..."
  604. Trapped between seemingly certain death, and a gun wielding mare soaked in somepony's blood. The remaining raiders backed up, the shotgun wielding stallion snarling at both threats. "You're gonna have to fucking kill me, Mr Topaz will do it anyways if I let that bitch upstairs escape."
  606. Yuri Fanatic —
  607. Silver Spoon was summarily surprised from the mare's entrance, and the sheer amount of blood she was soaked in. She thought she would be able to hold her own, but to clear out half the encampment? It went beyond her expectations.
  609. She didn't have much time left until the spell ended, so she drew in herself from the ceiling and flowed upstairs. Her form coming into one as she exited from view. The filly was fine from that height, and the mare seemed to be able to handle herself well, so Sil's concern redirected towards the so important ponies apparently captive upstairs. She felt her body reforming into a physical instance as she stepped up onto the second floor.
  611. HZ⚡ —
  612. Downstairs she heard a brief yell of "Get that stable bitch!" Before shotgun fire erupted. Climbing the second floor was unpleasant. The home she knew to be Twilight's was in utter ruins, tattered books littering the floor whilst on table ahead a body seemed to be strapped down. Beside it a small filly was softly hoofing at the corpse, tears streaming down her face. "P-plus Miss...don't leave me"
  614. Yuri Fanatic —
  615. While the battle was going on downstairs, Sil stepped forth without a care. The threat the filly posed wasn't immediate, so she brought her attention to the pony on the table hoping it wasn't her objective that's now a bag of meat.
  617. HZ⚡ —
  618. As soon as she moved near the filly, a milky white eye slowly moved to stare at her. The rotted body twitching slightly as one of its wings moved. rotted flesh covered it's grey coat, whispy strands of a yellow mane draped over the bulk of its face. The body was definitely a mare, and based on the way it's ears swiveled to listen to Silver, it definitely wasn't truly dead.
  620. Yuri Fanatic —
  621. Sil thought 'necromancy' but such spells were far too powerful for these raiders to command. A scroll? Magical artifact? They definitely seemed to have ran some experiments here. Sil thought.
  623. Her head turned to the filly. She's definitely in shock, so this happened fairly recently Sil summarized. "Hey kid, tell me what happened here." Her voice was steady, non-agitated. But it didn't hold any sense of comfort either. It was a command, but without threat.
  625. HZ⚡ —
  626. "m-miss Doo was helping me get home...t-those mean ponies came after her just cause she writes books..." The filly explained, shuffling up to try and hug the tied down body. "P-ponies don't like ghouls..."
  628. Yuri Fanatic —
  629. Doo? Ditzy Doo? Sil was surprised. She knew the mare, but she was hardly recognizable. The silver filly knew the mare well. The original Sil was good friends with Dinky Doo and they often went on play dates with Ditzy's permission. Seeing Dinky's mother alive with both a relief and concern. Just how long was this mare alive? "Was she like this before?" She asked. Clearly cautious about her state. Sil also half-hoped the mare didn't recognize her.
  631. HZ⚡ —
  632. "Miss Doo's been like this as long as I remember...c-could you help me unchain her?" The filly asked, looking to Silver with pleading eyes as she stepped back to reveal the large heavy padlock around Ditzy's neck. Whilst behind her, Silver could hear no more gunfire, just heavy breathing and the sound of hooves climbing the stairs.
  634. Yuri Fanatic —
  635. "Sure." Sil held the padlock in her hoof, examining it. "Turn around, there's somepony coming upstairs." The silver filly ordered the other filly. Until she was sure no one was looking, she pressed her amulet to the padlock. With a red glow dark crystals emerged from the padlock, encasing it completely. Sil turned around and raised her back leg, bucking the padlock into shattered crystal and metal, unraveling the chains and releasing the mare.
  637. HZ⚡ —
  638. As silver shatters the lock, she's given a thankful smile by ditzy. The two milky eyes looking at Silver with clear recognition.
  640. "Anypony in there?" Pip's voice called out, the grey mare dripping in blood as she slowly stepped into the room. Blinking in confusion when she spotted silver before sighing. "Didn't expect you to be here, is the filly the one we needed to rescue?"
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  643. "I'm good at getting into places I'm not supposed to." Sil explained. "Anyways I think so. There's that pegasus downstairs in that cage, this one here, and also Miss Doo." She gestured to the ghoul. "I think they were running some experiments on her. You alright Miss Doo?" Sil turned around to face the other mare.
  645. HZ⚡ —
  646. The mare opened her mouth to reveal her tongue had been cut out, pointing a hoof to a saddlebag bearing an hourglass in the corner.
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  649. "Oh, I'm sorry." Sil appeared genuinely sympathetic. "Hey Pip, could you help out that filly downstairs? I'll help out Miss Doo and this kid here. Don't shoot her. She ain't a mindless zombie. Obviously." She said sarcastically before going to retrieve Doo's saddle.
  651. HZ⚡ —
  652. Pip threw a salute in response before heading back into the main room. Within the bag turned out to be a chalk board and writing apparatus.
  654. [Silver Spoon? How?]
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  657. "I-" The filly averted her gaze, her gut sinking the moment her identity has been recognized. "I'll explain later... it's a long story. But I am glad that you're okay," Silver hugged the mare in a tight embrace for a few seconds before letting go. "at least relatively okay." She hesitantly smiled while awkwardly holding her foreleg.
  659. Ditzy Doo was the closest mare to a second mother to her ever since Sil's actual mother died. The times she hanged out with Dinky, she understood where she got her sense of hope and perseverance from. Ditzy Doo being here and still helping other foals only further proved that. That sense of hope, it certainly helped her cope with loss. And Sil was eternally grateful for that.
  661. HZ⚡ —
  662. Ditzy simply nodded, nuzzling silver's cheek affectionately before pulling back.
  664. [Is my dinky with you?]
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  667. Sil felt her stomach plummeting even further. Her eyes looked up at the mare with both guilt and remorse. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen your daughter. I- You're the first pony I came across that I could recognize... I'm really sorry." Her ears flattened.
  669. HZ⚡ —
  670. Ditzy's ears folded back before she nodded, turning her attention to the filly sat before them. Nuzzling the filly briefly before rising to her hooves. Silver got a clear picture of just what state the mare's body was in, able to see clearly through one of her hindlegs thanks to a gap in the skin and muscle, almost like she'd been skewered through it.
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  673. Sil lamented the fact she didn't have any spells that could heal. The Amulet had some form of regeneration magic, but risked corrupting the soul. Something she couldn't risk with Ditzy. Sil looked at her hooves, still in relative shock of what she had come across. She recalled her time as that black mist, how she brutally murdered a mare and a stallion.
  675. She only intended on knocking the first one out and possessing the second, but those attempts ended being fatal for them. The worse part was that she felt no remorse about it, even now. Sure she didn't feel remorse for killing Changelings, but that was because they were barely conscious beings in the first place. This was different. She just murdered two ponies. Albeit two dangerous ponies that wouldn't hesitate to do the same, but they were still ponies. Sil felt cold, eerily so.

Claws and Magic part 2

by YuriFanatic

Sunny Smile Therapy

by YuriFanatic

Bone15 - Anonfilly x Fluttershy

by YuriFanatic

Paint and Blood part 1

by YuriFanatic

Haunted Memories

by YuriFanatic