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>"So, um... I heard from Rarity that you told Twilight that you were a leg man? Are legs your fetish?"
>Be Anon
>eating your cereal and sadness like you do every morning
>haven't seen pissrapist for a couple of days, wonder what she's up to
>finish your morning routine and go to leave
>open the front door
>your lawn is covered in severed pony legs, of all different colors and sizes.
>but there's no blood, oddly. The legs look like they were never attached to a pony in the first place. There's skin where there should be a bloody stump.
>you spot Fluttershy pinning a pony down near your mailbox; she doesn't seem to have noticed you yet.
>she's sitting on Cheerilee, who's bound and gagged, and is pulling and twisting at one of her back legs.
>Oddly, Cheerilee doesn't seem to be in any pain--she just looks uncomfortable.
>suddenly, the leg comes off with a POP!
>no blood, just...there once was a leg attached, and now there's not.
>flutters turns to put the leg with the others, and jumps at seeing you.
>"eep! I-I didn't expect, uh, to see you yet, Anon!"
>she blinks, looks down at Cheerilee's detached limb, and then holds it out to you.
>"I heard this from Rarity, so I just had to go big you understand- uh, are legs your fetish?"
>She grins at you expectantly.
>You stare at the limb just sitting in Fluttershy's hooves for a moment.
>you scratch your chin, then take the leg offered to you.
>looking behind flutters, there appears to be a number of other gagged ponies--Bon Bon is looking pissed, Lyra is trying to wiggle herself around so she can see what's going on, and both Lily Valley and Roseluck appear to have fainted.
>Your eyes widen in realization.
>Flutts smile grows.
>"Did I get it Anon? Did I finally guess your fetish and now we can have passionate sex every day whenever I want to the exclusion of everything and everypony else, our moans of passion keeping up everypony within a 6 mile radius? Our sexual fluids staining every square inch of your house and each other, forever and ever? Is it really true? TAKE ME NOW, ANON!"
>She launches herself at you, joy in her eyes and lust in her loins.
>You drop Cheerilee's leg, and catch her by the front hooves before she can grab you.
>She gasps, throwing her head back in sexual pleasure at your touch.
>you smile devilishly.
>you had suspected something was odd about these ponies all along, but now you know for sure.
>you push her down onto the ground and put a foot on her chest.
>She's moaning and incoherently sputtering in degenerate pleasure.
>keeping the pressure on her chest, you pull her front legs towards you with a sudden jerk.
>There's two satisfying POPs, and you stagger back, now with a pair of hooves in your hands and flutts laying on the ground with two less limbs.
>She stops her moaning when she realizes you aren't about to rut her silly.
>"Uh, my wet quivering marepussy is down here, Anon. Aren't you going to make me a real mare?"
>You plant a foot between her hips, and she's back to grinding against you and making lewd noises once again.
>You do the same for her back legs as you did for her front, and soon she's just a legless mass of lustful whimpers. She's already cum multiple times, as far as you can tell. The foot you had to temporarily plant between her thighs is soaked.
>You unceremoniously drop the butter-colored limbs on your lawn, and head for the center of town with a nefarious spring in your step and a mischievous gleam in your eye.
>"Uh, Anon? Where are you going?"
>"Aren't you going to rut me silly?"
>You continue onwards.
>This world just became a lot more interesting.
>The only question is who can stop you.
by NeccAnon
by NeccAnon
by NeccAnon