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Lyra and the Hole

By NeccAnon
Created: 2022-04-12 01:24:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >A hole appeared in your Lyra folder today.
  2. >Amidst all the pictures you'd saved and the drawings you'd done of her, there it was.
  3. >You're sure you didn't save it there - maybe it was an accident.
  4. >A misclick.
  5. >Nothing more.
  6. >But nonetheless, there it was.
  7. >It really shouldn't have been a big deal.
  8. >but you knew something dreadful was near.
  9. >you look into the hole, wondering if there was a way you could fill it.
  10. >Could you simply delete it?
  11. >Move it?
  12. >you could fill it with a picture - but that would only shift the hole somewhere else.
  13. >holes are troublesome things.
  14. >Before you know it, though, she's already peeking her head inside.
  15. >There's something keenly interesting down there, and she needs to know what it might be.
  16. >she's a curious minty mare, perhaps too curious for her own good.
  17. >You try to click and drag her away, but she's already in.
  18. >she's part of the hole, now.
  19. >All you can do is watch, as she wanders deeper in.
  20. >The last thing you see of her is the end of her tail, disappearing around a bend within.
  23. >It's been a day or two, you're still posting like before.
  24. >You haven't touched the hole, but-
  25. >why do all these pictures feel so... empty, now?
  26. >they're not literally so - there's still a mare in all of them, all the proper color, all the proper shape-
  27. >but there's no lyra.
  28. >Just empty data.
  29. >There's a hole, where a mare should be.
  30. >you wonder what would happen, if you went down the hole too.
  31. >who would even notice, if your posts were without (you)?

Detachable Pones [FR]

by NeccAnon

Untitled bootleg green

by NeccAnon

Lyra and the Hole

by NeccAnon