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SnowPony Headcanon

By Aftercase
Created: 2021-09-05 21:28:17
Updated: 2021-09-05 21:42:39
Expiry: Never

Snow pony Headcanon

(This is somewhere I like to jot down my ideas or ideas I like)


  • It's not a complete gender role reversal compared to humans, the mare's of the tribe will catch fish and forage while the stallions stand guard of preditors.

    • To add to this due to the size of the stallions they are also seen around their camp or village constructing their homes or expanding their central hall.
  • The Snowpony camp or villages will always have a head pony or leader, known as a Jarl.

    • Though a word borrowed from the northern early Equestrian settlements, the name of Jarl does not imply nobility, as the title is earned by experience and heroism.
    • Stallions and Mares can share this title.

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