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New Lesson

By Aftercase
Created: 2021-09-06 00:34:29
Updated: 2021-09-08 21:47:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >” Tell Celestia that we have no desire to bring our tribe into her fold. We belong to the lights of the night sky, the snow, and the frozen mountains. We are apart of this land as it’s apart of us.”
  2. >You watch the old chief mare continue her reply.
  3. >From the sounds of it, your role of a diplomat has failed. These Snow Ponies are stubborn like the dragons but even they became part of Equestria.
  4. >And besides you have a feeling that Celestia wants to control ever these lands is to make the Crystal Empire an enclave. Geopolitics at its finest, conquer and expand through friendship.
  5. >You have to give it to the Snow Ponies, the chief here saw right through it.
  6. “Very well,” You reply, “I was told not to push any further on the subject and just pursuit friendship.”
  7. >” Friendship? Tell me, odd creature. Are you not from Equestria?”
  8. >That question took you back, you have been living in Equestria for years now, you do see it as your home.
  9. >Yet sometimes you do wonder about Earth.
  10. “No, I’m not native from Equestria.”
  11. >” Then do you value your tribe? Be among your own?”
  12. “I came to Equestria to no fault of my own.”
  13. >The chief elder frowns “That was not the question I asked, do you value your tribe?”
  14. “If you’re talking about humanity, then no. We left the idea of tribes many years ago.”
  15. >” Then you see no value in yourself.”
  16. “I’m sorry, but where are you going with this?” You ask.
  17. >The chief ignores your question and asks another.
  18. >”Do you have a desire to go back home among your own?”
  19. >You hesitate for a bit.
  20. “Maybe, But I’ve grown to love these lands. Even if I wanted to go back, I can’t”
  21. >”And why is that?”
  22. “It’s a long way, so far away I don’t know which way is home.”
  23. >You do, it’s up, among the stars, but looking at the Snowpony culture, explaining the concept of space and planets would lead to nowhere.
  24. >” When you first stepped in here, I noticed you have the eyes of a lost colt. You’re following orders but your aimless.”
  25. “I’ve been making do with what I have and making myself useful.”
  26. >”So you’re surviving.”
  27. “In a way, yes.” You nod.
  28. >She falls silent furrowing her brow. A few moments pass when she changes the subject with another question.
  29. >”Tell me, why have you come with the words of Celestia? Could not she sent her own?”
  30. “I volunteered. I wanted an excuse to see outside of Equestrian borders.”
  31. >”Sounds like an excuse to aimlessly wonder.”
  32. “My goal was to bring Celestia’s offer to you.”
  33. >” She offered many times before. Though this time there is a ruse at play here.”
  34. >Those words put you on the defensive.
  35. >She’s asked before? Plus you don’t wish to produce hostility between the two parties.
  36. “No no,” You wave your hands, “I assure you there is no ruse. Celestia only wishes friendship and understanding and I didn’t know she asked before...”
  37. >” I know that. Celestia is a sly pony. A master of deceit.” The elder spoke flatly, hinting that it’s no opinion to her, just a matter of fact, “Though I should not be the one angry at her tricks.”
  38. “There are no tricks. The offer is since.”
  39. >” Then you’ve been fooled if your not the one angry.”
  40. You pause for a moment, trying to comprehend what the old mare is saying, “I should be angry?”
  41. >”Yes.”
  42. “Why?”
  43. >”She sent you here to learn something she herself cannot teach you.”
  44. “Teach me what?”
  45. >” Value in yourself and who you are. I can tell, you have no meaning, no role to play.”
  46. “I’m a contracted diplomat.”
  47. >” A glorified messenger.” The chief retorts, “Celestia can always send another, there’s no value.”
  48. “Why is it all about value? I’m not the one after wealth.”
  49. >”If you’re talking about want’s, then the ponies of the snow share the same sentiment.”
  50. “Then what’s valuable?”
  51. >” That’s something you need to learn before you go back to Equestia.”
  52. >You fall silent and let her words sink in, like a slow sunrise, it dawns on you, casting light on the truth. But you had to be sure.
  53. “...Has Celestia sent me on a friendship lesson?”
  54. >The chief smiles, yet shakes her head, “Not quite but a lesson indeed. Though I do ask for you to forgive Celestia for her ruse, she is a dear friend as much as Luna.
  55. “I’m not the one that would go toe to toe with a goddess, but I only have enough supplies to stay here for one day and the journey back.”
  56. >”Then check your bag.”
  57. >You frown at the pony before slinging around your bag from your back.
  58. >You open it and look through the wrapped food supplies. You pull one out and unwrap it and show the chief.
  59. “See I have plenty.”
  60. >”Open another.”
  61. >You do, and you unwrap some folded cloth. Not what you expect you open another, again, folded cloth.
  62. >Eventually you find most of your supplies at the bottom of your bag is nothing but wrapped folded cloth.
  63. >The old mare smiles, “It looks like you’ll be here for a while to get the resources you need for the journey home.”

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