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Twill Shorts

By afterpaste
Created: 2021-09-09 21:19:45
Updated: 2021-10-01 22:53:43
Expiry: Never

  1. ---My Lovely Horse---
  3. >Twill Sparkie cried herself to sleep again.
  4. >At first you started to call her that because You couldn't pronounce her real name, without awkwardly soundly like something was cought deep in your throat.
  5. >... and you had a feeling that it was the same with anyone else she talked to, judging by her stories.
  6. >At first you thought she was stupid, how could she not know why everyone didn't want her?
  7. >Everything about her was just a little off, her voice, the horn, the cutiemark, her eyes...
  8. >But the more you came around the store you saw that she was just putting on an act.
  9. >She knew.
  10. >She knew more than anyone why she was being rejected, and why she was a reject.
  11. >You would watch her from the corner interacting with passerby's, and she would put everything into presenting herself well.
  12. >But nobody was interested, and some would even make fun of her, often.
  13. >This was just a daily routine to her, to put on a happy front during the day and breakdown in the night, when she's faced with the same cold reality every day of waking up and going to sleep alone again and again.
  15. >When you became a regular around the shop we started to bond.
  16. >She was like you, an outcast from society and a bit of a misfit.
  17. >Always happy to see you, but that didn't last long. The shop owners put an end to that and ran you out of there for being a window shopper.
  18. >That crushed Twill more than usual, she couldn't even be as perky afterwords to others.
  20. ~
  22. >You saw a sign, and your resolve just clicked one day.
  23. >She wasn't ever going to be My Little Pony, but she needed to be rescued badly and you would do it.
  24. >It was decided. Just like the sign said, she would be My Lovely Horse.
  25. >Err. Your Lovely Horse.
  26. >You were a poorfag, you can't afford being with any women and you wouldn't want to anyways.
  27. >It took close to a year now but you finally had enough, so you went to the store and slapped down your earnings.
  28. >A grand total of $152 and 56 cents.
  29. >It might seem like it was was expensive, and it was to you, but for her size it was actually cheap.
  30. >It wasn't easy being a jobless neet, with poor decisions.
  31. >You got scrutinizing looks when you told them what you wanted, Twillght Sparkie, but money is all the same to them and handed her over.
  32. >Told you that you were a dumbass, wasting money on an obvious shitty knockoff but they can't see her for how I do.
  33. >Twill think's the same as these fags, that she has no value but you'll show her she does.
  35. >You didn't want to disturb her, so you just lifted her up into your arms as gently as you could.
  36. >For the first time you were ever allowed, you were able to get this close to her.
  37. >She was much more delicate than what you'd expect Twilight would be like and had a softer scent.
  38. >You guess that she's part Fluttershy, and it was more than just a mistaken color scheme.
  39. >It would explain a lot, but she's neither of them.
  40. >She's special, something new and in-between.
  41. >You can't wait to see her face when she wakes up, a real smile in a long, long time...
  42. >And this time, there'd be nothing there to weigh her spirits down in the night.
  43. >She's finally free.
  44. "Wake up Twill, we're home"
  48. ---My Choking Hazard---
  50. >It has been nearly a week since Twill had started to live with you
  51. >You didn't care at the time what they had to say just blurring out their words, you were just trying to get her away from that damned rundown shithole.
  52. >Thinking back, the shop owner had insisted she wore a tag around her neck at all times, and screamed at you as you ran out with her in your arms
  53. >"And keep it away from small children!"
  54. >What the hell was that about? Like you would listen to anything they said after treating her like they did!
  55. >Your response, was a middle finger.
  57. >The only reason you noticed was when you were stoking her mane on the sofa.
  58. >As you ran your fingers through hitting hard plastic, then feeling around another flimsy piece of pink plastic.
  59. >It was a tag and had !!Choking Hazard!! on it, lazily staple punched so the zip-tie would hold.
  60. >It didn't make any sense to you now or then, figuring they were just trolling you at the last second.
  61. >Those sneaky fucks even used a big yellow tie too, so it would blend into her coat.
  62. >It infuriated you, you bet they thought you wouldn't notice!
  63. "Twill what's this?
  64. >Giving a light tug, she immediately straightened up but reacted sheepishly like she knew something you didn't.
  65. >"Uhm." and with another tug she spit out another sound like a pull-toy "P-please don't worry Anon!"
  66. >You wanted an answer and stood up in front of her.
  67. "Why do you have a choking hazard warning?"
  68. >Silence and fidgeting "Oh that... it's" trailing off into a mumble under her breath
  69. >You can't make out anything more, so you just give up on pressing further about it.
  70. >Shrugging you kneeled down to her level.
  71. "Well you don't have to tell me, but it's coming off."
  72. >She looked like she might protest, like it was a better idea to leave it on...
  73. >But after looking at your stern face an audibly soft "Ok Anon, friends know best." squeaked out.
  74. >Finally we're getting somewhere!
  76. >Flicking out your pocketknife you tried to pry under the zip-tie...
  77. >For a moment it looked like there was a trace of fear in her wide eyes, but you're probably just imagining worst case scenarios... until you noticed she was breathing too fast.
  78. "Hey, it's normal to get a little scared when a knife is next to your throat."
  79. >Trying to calm her nerves and doing a poor job at it.
  80. >Twill was as attentive as she was quiet while you wedged it between her and the plastic bind around her neck, but it wasn't budging.
  81. >And the silence between you was making things worse.
  82. "Twill... this isn't working, I don't want to hurt you, can you give me a better angle?"
  83. >There was a pause as you waited for her response, finally she swallowed and craned her neck all the way up.
  84. >At last you could slip it between, with the bladed end angled away from her smooth skin.
  85. >She held her breath the whole time, or maybe it was actually choking her and you fucked up in some twisted irony of removing the choking hazard being the choking hazard.
  87. >After a bit of some light sawing, the zip-tie came free and you gave her a little head pat to reassure her.
  88. >You're sure she's going to want some comfort hugs later tonight.
  89. "Sorry, got a little tight there for a second... better?"
  90. >Twill coughed and nodded, with a tender thin trusting smile returning to her face.
  91. >You noticed an indentation, it had been constricting her neck for a while and it was probably painful, leaving a red mark where it used to be.
  92. >It was a good decision to take it off, nothing those assholes ever did was good for her.
  93. >You threw on an apron and stuffed some left overs in the mic
  94. "Good, now just get comfortable and watch the master chef at work!"
  97. ---My Sleep Aid---
  99. >The couch is a magical place, it's my favorite part, of my favorite room, in my favorite home.
  100. >You found that Anon isn't much for hugs and cuddles, so you take the moments you can get.
  101. >But luckily it looks like there's a loophole that seems easy for him to naturally fall into.
  102. >Like sitting up together watching the TV with him after he's done heating up a big bowl of popcorn he plopped down between us.
  103. >You don't mind his salty buttery fingers messing up your mane and he doesn't mind your dirty hooves on the couch.
  104. >It's a mutual agreement!
  105. >You love the feeling, even when it's a mess whenever Anon rummages your mane full, you can't help but smile!
  106. >The TV has shown you all sorts of things but more recently you've started to sneak glances Anon in between just to see the looks on his face.
  107. >You like that too, to see Anon in a different light,
  108. >But when he's about to catch sight of that you felt a sense of growing panic like it's something you shouldn't be doing.
  109. >Always darting your eyes around or looking away to hide in something when Anon's is this near, but Anon is always this near?
  110. >It's silly, nothings different except where you're looking, but you both sit in the same spot every night.
  112. >When Anon starts to yawn you know your time's up. The magic box turns off and he pats your head.
  113. >"Time for bed Twill."
  114. >Every time you try my best not to look disappointed but can't shake the feeling.
  115. >After a minute of him disappearing you heard the closet open and he passes out big blankets and pillows for the night.
  116. >When he's done making the couch bed, he always makes sure you're comfortable snuggled in and pats your head.
  117. >"Night."
  118. >Still you give him a sincere smile. "Goodnight, Anon. Sleep well"
  119. >It's too bad it has to end, but you understand, it would be a bit much for you to be around him all the time.
  120. >Anon needs his space even though...
  121. >TV Time is the closest you'll get to be to him and you really treasure it...
  122. >That is... while it lasts.
  123. >Hearing the door to Anon's bedroom softly close you're alone and left to yourself in the cool apartment.
  124. >You try to get some sleep for another night but it's no use.
  125. >For hours you'll lay on your side thinking... replaying or recalling...
  126. >Something you've done, something you could do better,
  127. >Something you can never undo, or something you can never forget
  128. >Anon has been asking me about it again... the warnings, your warnings.
  129. >Even when he doesn't you're sure he's thinking about it, and conflicting thoughts run through your head every time
  130. >You don't want to tell him about what happened before,
  131. >You don't like to think about it, but you don't want to make him unhappy or mad...
  132. >But Anon's already done so much for you, so surely you can tell him you scold yourself.
  133. >You told him to please not worry, and that it was nothing but I-
  135. >You heard a shuffle in the darkness breaking your thoughts.
  136. >In the corner of your eyes you saw a dark figure hunched over in reflection of the TV against the dim moonlight from the window.
  137. >You couldn't look away, unsure if it was your head playing tricks on you as it got larger, and larger!
  138. >Or was it the fact you were shrinking into the blanket that made it seem like it was?
  139. >You hugged the pillow and closed your eyes tight letting out a muffled a mostly silent whimper retreating into the blanket.
  140. >'Please go away, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'
  141. >"Twill? Are you still up?"
  142. >Your ears perked up at that voice, like it has a power to dispel any nightmare and all of the sudden the shivers stopped.
  143. >You peeked up from over the the back of the couch, hopeful.
  144. "Anon? Is that you?"
  145. >"Heh, I guess that's a yes then."
  146. >A figure stepped out from the shadows, even though it was big it was no longer scary
  147. >He sat down next to me as I unfurled the blanket with a mixture of weary relief.
  148. >It looks like you're not the only one who has been having trouble with sleeping.
  149. >You're genuinely happy to see him but try to ease his troubled mind "What about you? Why are you still awake? It's not like you"
  151. >And You think I know why, lightly prodding him with a hoof on his leg.
  152. >He didn't respond at first, just crinkling what sounded like a flimsy piece of plastic in his pocket.
  153. >"Yeah.."
  154. >I looked up at him, silently waiting, for what would come next...
  155. >I can't stop it. A big scary train heading towards me threatening to break everything apart.
  156. >I can feel it, the rumbles getting louder.
  157. >But... it didn't come.
  158. >Instead Anon just stopped fidgeting with what was in his pocket and reached for the remote to flip on the telle.
  159. >We both knew what was on our mind but neither was willing to talk about the pink-haired elephant in the room.
  160. >Not much for words, instead passed the time with company.
  161. >But you get the feeling that Anon has been doing this a lot.. even when he's
  162. >I think it was bothering Anon a lot, so I make a note.
  164. >We watched until your ears swiveled to pick up the earliest traces of birds chirping.
  165. >It's dawn.
  166. >Looking at Anon now, none of those fears from earlier bubble up about being caught, just about what he's done for you.
  167. >You never get to thank him for rescuing you, and that's because every time you do, he denies it!
  168. >This causes you to stifle a little laugh, sure not to wake him.
  169. >Anon has been awfully distant, but right now you feel like you could do anything.
  170. >Close and closer, that's all. What seemed like an impossible distance which was only mere was now well within reach, until you finally touch and slowly drape hooves over him like a gentle curtain
  171. >It's the warmth that it gives a moment of pause before you instinctively snuggle up a teeny bit closer and bask in a moment of selfishness before freezing in place from what you've done.
  172. >After holding your breath during that daring move you cant help but let out an whisper quiet sigh 'This is the first time I've been like this...'
  173. >'Someday that big bad train will come for real, but for now you think we both need a good night sleep'
  174. >You close your eyes and take note of Anon's subtle sounds and movement, letting them guide you into a rhythmic lullaby.
  175. >Drifting off to the dreamscape with a smile on your smooshed face between the pillows and Anon.
  176. >There's no blanket or pillow in the world that you would trade with this right now.
  178. ~
  182. ---My Little Star---
  183. >You've been living with Anon for a little while now, and he's the sweetest friend anyone could ask for.
  184. >When it was your birthday he got you something you didn't even know he could.
  185. >He didn't buy anything, but it was worth more than anyone had ever spent on you, even when he got you from the old shop.
  186. >Anon started after you ate some birthday cupcakes he bought at the store with a small candle jammed into it.
  187. >"Hey. I've been calling you Twill for a while... and I've been thinking, about your original name."
  188. >"You told me that the L's and the I's got mixed up, but your name IS supposed to be Twilight right?"
  189. >You frowned but nodded, Anon knows by now that your name opened up old wounds and you've grown fond of being called Twill. In retrospect, it had been better than Twillght
  191. >When he saw you were uncomfortable and starting to get watery he abruptly continued to hold your attention
  192. >"BUT!" You're yellow, like a star, based off purple, and you have a star cutiemark..."
  193. >You weren't sure where he was going, he also seemed nervous about it and might just drop it.
  194. >There was a long pause and after looking into your eyes he finally sighed and mustered up his next words
  195. >They made your tears flow freely, after the shock sank in.
  196. >You didn't have any words you could find, just nodding and crying with a smile on your face
  197. >So much that by nightfall, it hurt!
  198. >But... you wanted to keep smiling anyways.
  199. >"What do you think of me calling you Twilight Twinkle from now on? You know, like based off the song?"
  200. >"Uh... Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I always liked that lullaby and thought... it would be a good fit for you."
  201. >He's the sweetest friend anyone could ask for, you don't know what to do without him.
  202. >You still cry yourself to sleep
  203. >Sometimes from bad thoughts... abandonment, memories.
  204. >But other times it's because he makes you so, so happy.
  206. >Your only wish, to wish on your birthday candle, was to make him happy too.

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