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Spitfire's Intimate House Call: By Nocturnal Derp

By Guest
Created: 2021-09-24 20:57:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Spitfire dragged her way through the door of her apartment, stopped, and took a deep breath. “Finally.” She made her way into her room and switched the light on. The very next thing she did was start the struggle between her and her uniform. Of course the zipper was stuck, it was always stuck. She sat and tugged at it feebly but it wouldn't pull. “I hate this thing.”
  3. “Need some help with that?”
  5. “Who?” Spitfire jumped and turned to see Redheart in her bathroom's doorway. “Heart? Where did you-?”
  7. Heart giggled and trotted up to her. “I've been waiting for an hour now. I thought you got off sooner than this.”
  9. Spitfire noticed that Redheart's pink mane was wet, her fur slightly grayed and the bathroom was hazed with steam. “You take a shower too?” She smirked.
  11. “Problem?” Redheart replied.
  13. “Of course not.”
  15. Redheart giggled, trotted over to Spitfire and took the zipper to her uniform, gently tugging it for a mere second before it gave way.
  17. Spitfire sighed at the ease in which Heart accomplished something in which Spitfire would fight with for minutes on end. She rewarded Heart with a gentle peck on the cheek. “Sorry, paperwork.” She looked down to the ground. “I told you I'm quite busy during the week.”
  19. Heart blushed and walked behind her to help her the rest of the way out of the uniform. Once she had pulled it up over Spitfire's head she nipped at her ear and giggled when it flicked. “I know I know, but it's Friday right?”
  21. “Yes, yes it is.” Spitfire confirmed, taking one of Heart's forehooves in her own, pulling her in front of herself and planting a kiss on the end of her muzzle before continuing. “You have me for the next two days, allll to yourself.” She giggled.
  23. Heart bopped her on the end of the muzzle and smiled. “Imagine if any of the Wonderbolts caught you blushing and giggling like that.”
  27. “That's not funny,” the orange mare replied flatly, then smiled. “Besides, this Spitfire is for you and only you, they can have the mean one.” The thought made her sigh with contempt.
  29. “You okay?” Heart asked with concern.
  31. “Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired is all. This job was a lot more fun a few years ago when I wasn't in charge of anything, used to be fun. Now it's all orders and paperwork.”
  33. “Quit.” Heart replied.
  35. “You know I-”
  37. “Can't... I know.” Heart sighed. “They need you.”
  39. “Heart... Do you mind me being a Wonderbolt?” Spitfire asked hesitantly. She'd wondered for a while, but this was the first time she'd asked.
  41. “No, of course not.” She looked taken aback. “I don't care what you do, I just want you to be happy.” Then there was her warm smile, the one that meant her sincerity.
  43. Spitfire couldn't help but mirror the look. “Maybe one day I'll quit. Get a normal job and be done with this... Yeah... I just get tired of it. I don't like trying to maintain this false image for everypony. I don't like yelling at ponies for no reason, I don't like making all these decisions when no matter what decision I make I am going to piss somepony off.” She shook her head took a breath.
  45. “Why do you yell at them?”
  47. “It's so that they take me seriously. Junior Wonderbolts aren't supposed to like me. If we started joking around with them then one day they might stop taking my orders seriously. Stuff will stop getting done and somepony might be hurt. They have to know I am serious one-hundred percent of the time. It's not my idea, but it works.” She sighed. “Even though it works, that doesn't mean I like it.”
  49. “Ohh, sweety.” Heart nuzzled the underside of Spitfire's muzzle. She couldn't really imagine barking and yelling at everypony she worked with just so they would listen to her. So she couldn't even begin to imagine how it made Spitfire feel. However she could imagine a way to take her mind off of it. With a low purr she started planting kisses on the side of Spitfire's neck.
  51. “Oh so this was what you were waiting for?” Spitfire giggled.
  53. Heart pulled away and glared at her, offended. “No, no it-mmmph.” It was hard to talk with another ponies lips covering yours. Another ponies warm, soft, and smooth lips. A second later she was left longing.
  55. “I know Heart.” Spitfire giggled. “Just messin with you.”
  57. Heart smiled mischievously. “Fine, guess I'm just gonna have to mess with you a bit too.” She traced a forehoof slowly up Spitfire's foreleg, then suddenly pushed her over onto the floor when her hoof reached Spitfire's chest.
  59. Spitfire squealed but made no move to recover as Heart crawled over top her. “Nurse... I think I might have a problem...” She pointed down between her legs.
  61. “Ohh Spitfire... Do we really have to do the nurse thing?” Redheart sighed.
  63. “Pleeeeease? Just for a little bit.” Spitfire whined. “I need some sensua- um... I mean medical attention.” She gave the mare that stood over her the biggest saddest eyes she could muster.
  65. Redheart tried to remain stern, but broke in two seconds, pecking the adorable fire red mare beneath her on the lips. “Okay, but not the whole time...”
  67. “Deal.” Spitfire nodded her head in approval, having gotten her way. “Now please nurse, I feel really really funny.”
  69. It amazed her how fast her lover could get into character. “Well, on a scale of one to ten, one being nonexistent, and ten being the worse pain ever, what would you rate the pain?”
  71. “Zero, I'm not in pain. I just feel funny.” Spitfire replied awkwardly.
  73. “Oh? She leaned her head down to one of Spitfire's ears and whispered. “Well maybe you can describe it then.”
  75. “I-I don't know.” Spitfire hid her muzzle.
  77. “Warm?” Redheart pulled away and asked.
  79. “Hot.” Spitfire replied.
  81. “Tingly?”
  83. “Uh huh.” She nodded her head. “Lot's of pressure to, and it's always so... well...”
  85. “Well?” She led her on.
  87. “It's wet. I'm wet.” She blushed madly and didn't have to feign her embarrassment
  89. “What's wet? You look dry to me.”
  91. “No, not... I mean... it's my, kinda my pussy.” She stuttered and looked away.
  93. “Kinda? I need you to be specific if you want me to help.” Redheart retorted.
  95. “Okay it is.” Her blush deepened.
  97. “Do you mind if I take a look?” Redheart asked as professionally as she could.
  99. “No, no not at all. Please.” Spitfire didn't make eye contact but did spread her rear legs a bit wider.
  101. Redheart nodded and backed her way down Spitfire's body until her muzzle was only a hoof or two from Spitfire's marehood. Redheart did have to admit that Spitfire took good care of herself. “You're going to feel a little pressure, okay?” She asked, never taking her eyes off of Spitfire's pussy.
  103. “Y-yes.” Spitfire replied nervously.
  105. Redheart didn't waste time and began to poke and prod Spitfire's outer folds. Well... she is in fact, wet. Already. The thought made her giggle.
  107. “Something wrong?” Came Spitfire's voice from above.
  109. “No no, nothing at all. I think I know what your problem is.” She drew out the words as she drug the tip of her hoof up Spitfire's pussy until Spitfire gasped and whimpered.
  111. “Y-you're making it worse.” She whined.
  113. “Everything has to get worse before It can better.” Redheart replied. “I am going to look around your body for any other symptoms, that is... If it is okay with you.” She added the last part slowly.
  115. “It is, do what you need to do and I'll lie here like a good pony.”
  117. Redheart smiled and crawled back over her. “Now lets see.” She hummed, tracing the outskirts of Spitfire's ears with the tip of her hooves, pulling away only when they flicked in response. She then ran her left forehoof over her muzzle until she touched her nose. “Say ahh.”
  119. Spitfire opened her muzzle. “Ahhhh.”
  121. Redheart leaned down and placed her mouth over her's, sliding her tongue into her maw, and licking at Spitfire's before pulling back. “Seems okay to me.” She shrugged.
  123. “That doesn't really seem like procedure nurse.” Spitfire replied with feigned nervousness.
  125. “I'm sorry, who's the patient again?” Redheart asked.
  127. “I-I am nurse, sorry. I won't interrupt again.”
  129. “That's okay.” Spitfire nodded, then traced a hoof gently down Spitfire's neck, then around her chest and stopped at her heart.”Oh my.” Redheart stated. She turned her head and placed an ear to Spitfire's chest. “Your heart is racing. “I'm going to go and get something to help you relax. Wait right here.”
  131. “Yes mam.” Spitfire was genuinely confused at this point but wasn't going to argue. She simply sat herself up enough to watch Redheart's flank as she left the room, licking her chops with anticipation.
  133. A minute later she reentered the room, with a green bottle and two small shot glasses filled with a dark liquid. When she got to the orange mare she placed all but one glass on the floor. This she held out to Spitfire. “I'm going to need you to take this, it'll help you relax.”
  135. Spitfire took the glass from her and sniffed it. “Come on, Jager? I don't like this kind. It's nasty.” Spitfire broke character.
  137. Redheart sighed. “Miss Spitfire, it's medicine. It's not supposed to taste good. Now, if you want me to help you I need you to take it.” Redheart didn't wait for a reply before picking her own shot up and throwing it back.
  139. Spitfire gave the substance a last sniff before reluctantly drinking it, cringing as it kicked on the way down. When the kick subsided she put the glass down. “There.” She stated flatly.
  141. “Very good, now lie on your stomach.” Redheart instructed. “Up on the bed.”
  143. “Okay.” She did as she was told, trotting over to the bed, jumping up on it and laying down. A moment later she felt Redheart crawl over her and straddle her lower back.
  145. “I need you to lay still for a minute.” Redheart placed her hooves gently on the wrist Spitfire's wings and guiding them down to the base of her wing's muscles. She felt Spitfire shudder and take in a breath. “Now where is it?” She asked herself quietly as she prodded, and kneaded the muscles until Spitfire's wings sprung open, followed by a short gasp.
  147. “R-Redheart.” Spitfire breathed as the jolt shot through her body from the unintended erection of her wings. It was almost electric, ending all too soon. However she grew warmer and warmer the longer Redheart massaged and played with her wings. She stuck her muzzle into the bed to stifle the sound of her purring. She hated it when Redheart made her purr, but loved it all the same.
  149. Redheart worked her wings a bit longer until they relaxed. Spitfire didn't fold them to her sides, but instead let them rest on the bed. “How does that feel?”
  151. “Amazing.” Spitfire replied giddily.
  153. Redheart leaned over, almost laying on her and nipped at one of her ears. “Good.” She sat back up and took hold of her left wing, folding it back with no resistance nor assistance from the Pegasus. Once Redheart had the wing down she took Spitfire's shoulder and coaxed her onto her back, then straddled her waist. “My my miss Spitfire, you've become quite flustered.”
  155. Spitfire covered her muzzle with her hooves, knowing full well her face was now bright red instead of the usual orange. “I-I know nurse, I think I'm getting even worse. You have to help me. I can't take it much longer.” As she said those words she squirmed underneath her.
  157. “Maybe you need another dose then.” Redheart leaned over just far enough to take the bottle and a glass she had set on the bed stand before joining Fire on the bed in hoof, unscrewed the top and poured the thick dark liquid to the brim of the shot glass before holding it out to Spitfire.
  159. “Do I have to?” Spitfire whined. She didn't mind alcohol, she just didn't like jager.
  161. “Yes, this is the last one.” Redheart wasn't trying to get her drunk, she just wanted her to be as relaxed as possible after her long week of work.
  163. Reluctantly Spitfire propped herself up on one hoof, took the glass with the other and threw it back before tossing the glass away. She waited patiently as Redheart took her own shot and placed the glass and bottle back on the night stand. Without warning she leaned over and pressed her lips firmly to Spitfire's who squealed with anything but protest.
  165. Redheart pulled away a second later. “Better?”
  167. “Much, but... I still feel funny.” Spitfire replied in character.
  169. “Well you're in luck Miss Fire. I think I can help.” Redheart giggled and ran her hoof down Spitfire's chest, to her sensitive nips that stiffened under her touch. However her hoof didn't finish it's journey downward. Redheart noticed the look of disappointment on the pegasi's muzzle. “First we have to take your temperature though.”
  171. “What?” Spitfire groaned. She was messing with her.
  173. “Don't argue with the nurse Miss Spitfire.” Redheart scolded, leaning over the edge of the bed, opening the nightstand drawer and pulling a little thermometer out. “Say ahh one more time for me please.”
  175. Spitfire crossed her forehooves but did as she was told and opened her muzzle. Redheart put the thermometer in her mouth. “Close for me please.” Again she did as she was told.
  177. The next ten seconds were mildly annoying for Spitfire but finally the thermometer started beeping. Redheart removed it from her maw and examined it. “Well you're not running a fever.”
  179. I could have told you that. Spitfire thought grumpily to herself. She was doing this on purpose just to mess with her. Spitfire was less than amused.
  181. “Hmm... I wonder-” Her statement was interrupted by an impatient mare who wrapped her forelegs around her neck and rolled them over. Now Spitfire was staring down at Heart with lustful malice. Her eyes burning with color and passion. Her wings spread and tail swaying back and forth due to her agitation. Though the feeling was dulled by Heart's giggling. “You didn't let me finish.”
  183. “You know very well what you were doing.” Spitfire growled.
  185. Heart shrugged and flashed a mischievous smile. “You said you wanted to do the nurse thing.”
  187. “You know what I meant.”
  189. “Got your mind off work didn't it?”
  191. Fire went to respond but stopped. “Hmph.” With indignity she turned her head away, only to be drug down by Heart's hooves as she brought their muzzles together.
  193. Heart was satisfied with the content sigh from Fire and parted their muzzles. “I'm sorry. I know you don't like to be teased.” She bopped her muzzle playfully with one of her forehooves.
  195. “Iz okay.” Fire nuzzled her cheek. “Now... If you don't min- Eep!”
  197. Heart had raised one of her rear legs so that it pressed against Fire's pussy. “No.” She giggled. “I don't mind.” Then she cuffed her forehooves around Fire's outstretched wings and brought Spitfire down atop herself, kissing her aggressively.
  199. That's more like it. Spitfire growled and began to grind her body against the mare beneath her. She was pleased to hear Redheart return the challenge, forcing her tongue further into her muzzle.
  201. Redheart used Spitfire's sensitive wings to her advantage and pulled down hard on her left wing, forcing Spitfire to follow until she was able to reestablish dominance. It took her a moment to pin the scrambling Pegasus beneath her but once she did she pulled up, panting heavily. “Y-you didn't thing I-I was gonna let you have all the fun, did you?”
  203. Spitfire was short on breath herself. “It's better when I take what I want anyway.” She growled playfully, however when she tried to move she whimpered. Heart had hooked her forehooves over Spitfire's wings, putting just enough pressure on them to keep Fire pinned.
  205. “Nope. Tonight You're mine.” She declared and attacked Spitfire again. Quickly and aggressively she dropped atop her and forced her muzzle over Spitfire's. She was more than happy to find that Spitfire hadn't given up. She quickly realized the disadvantage of having her forehooves preoccupied when she felt one of Spitfire's assail her marehood, rubbing forcefully in quick sporadic motions.
  207. Heart moaned and pulled her muzzle away, panting and gritting her teeth to stifle any further noise. She realized very quickly that she'd made a mistake. Upon attempting to correct her mistake, pulling her forehooves from Fire's wings to fight back she was toppled, having lost her leverage against the athletic mare.
  209. Suddenly she was on her back again, but the assault on her pussy didn't let up for more than a second. However she had use of her forelegs again and wrapped them around Spitfire, pulling her down again so that their bodies were meshed together and Fire no longer had the room to maneuver her forehoof and was forced to pull it from between them.
  211. “T-that wasn't fair!” Redheart whimpered, her body now racked with heat and pressure.
  213. Spitfire planted her hooves on either side of Heart so she could support a bit of her own weight instead of burdening Heart with it. “You pinned my wings!” She countered giggling. “What did you want me to do?”
  215. “Take it like a good little pony.” Heart giggled, still panting.
  217. “What fun is that?”
  219. Heart shrugged and licked the end of Fire's muzzle. “Well?”
  221. “Stay still.” Fire replied, lowering her muzzle to lick and nip at the side of a giggling Heart's neck.
  223. Redheart was tired of fighting and let it be. Besides, it's not like she didn't enjoy it. She took to gently massaging Spitfire's wings as Fire tended to her lover.
  225. Spitfire worked her way down Heart's body ever so slowly. She enjoyed the hum in Heart's chest that indicated her approval until she reached the smooth, bare, and warm belly. She planted kisses down it, taking special care to get any moans out of Heart that she could. Spitfire knew how sensitive her belly was, and even more her sensitive nibs.
  227. She traced around the first one she came to and licked the stiffening tip of her nipple, enticing a quiet squeak from the white furred mare. With a satisfied grin she moved lower until she reached Redheart's marehood which was satisfyingly slick with arousal by this point.
  229. She purposely waited a while before pleasuring her, letting her squirm in anticipation. “Fiiiiire.” She whined.
  231. Spitfire smiled, then plunged her muzzle forcefully and without warning into Redheart's pussy, who's back arched and a whinny escaped her throat.
  233. She worked quickly, nibbling at her outer folds and dragging her tongue up their crease. To increase her accessibility she used her forehooves to spread Redheart's hind legs further apart. Heart obliged willingly.
  235. She had trouble controlling the degrading moans, whimpers and whinnies that escaped her throat. She could feel Spitfire's tongue explore every crevice of the inside of her pussy. She was just glad Spitfire was strong enough to hold her hind legs apart as they instinctively tried to close.
  237. Eventually she felt the ecstasy building to a near unbearable level and her breaths came in short gasp between her attempts to hold the climax back. Spitfire wasn't giving her any quarter however, locating and focusing on the clit of the mare, suckling and licking at it frantically until the hot spray of Heart's cum covered her muzzle. She lapped at It calmly, enjoying her lover's taste, allowing virtually none of it to escape her tongue.
  239. After the last wave of ecstasy racked her body Heart took in her first long breath of air since the assault of pleasure plagued her. She felt utterly exhausted despite not having moved much. She hadn't even realized Spitfire had climbed back up beside her until a foreleg was rested across her chest. “Now that's how you take care of a pony.” Spitfire giggled.
  241. Redheart felt bad. She was supposed to be the one making her lover feel good, not the other way around. She planted a kiss on the end of her muzzle and nuzzled the side of her neck as she caught her breath. “Wait here.”
  243. Redheart climbed to her hooves which nearly buckled under her. She blushed when she heard Spitfire's giggle but didn't look back and instead jumped down to the bed, only to drop down to her belly to see under the bed. There it was. The box she was keeping the surprise for Spitfire tonight in. She'd hid it there before Spitfire had gotten home. It had taken quite a bit of nerve to even enter the store to buy it but she had.
  245. She took the box and pulled it from under the bed and opened the top, revealing the nine inch studded three strap, strap on with decent but not too much girth. The sight of it made her blush and she imagined Spitfire bucking her with it but shook the thought away. This is supposed to be a surprise for her. She scolded herself and giggled.
  247. “Heart?” Spitfire called in a whiny matter, no doubt a bit anxious for her turn to experience the blissful feeling of sexual relief.
  249. “Just a second Fire.” Heart called, belting the strap on. She felt awkward with it between her rear legs as such and she felt a little funny wearing it but Fire was the only pony who would see it and who needed to see it so she overcame the shame that came with wearing it and eventually climbed back atop the bed.
  251. “Geez, what were you doi... Heart... What is that?” Spitfire asked wide eyed.
  253. Heart giggled awkwardly and looked away. “You're surprise.”
  255. Spitfire gulped and took in a breath. “You d-didn't tell me about any surprise.” She stammered.
  257. “Well... That's why it's called a surprise.” Heart replied, climbing slowly over the lust filled Pegasus who was still staring at the thing between her legs.
  259. “H-Heart... J-just be gentle.” Spitfire was intimidated by it, but that only served to boost her arousal.
  261. “Why? You don't need to be anywhere tomorrow.” Redheart taunted.
  263. Before Spitfire could speak again Heart placed her hoof gently on her muzzle. “I'll be nice.” She added reassuringly. She had no intentions of hurting her.
  265. Some of the fear left the orange mare's eyes but the heavy lidded look of lust had stayed. Only when Heart pressed her lips to Fire's did they close. Spitfire was actually the one to deepen the kiss, wrapping her forelegs gently around Redheart's neck and pulling her to her own.
  267. Redheart was focusing more on the lower half of their bodies however. She gently coaxed Fire's rear legs apart with her own. Then lowered her hips just enough to prod at Spitfire's pussy with the tip of the toy.
  269. Spitfire moaned quietly as it pressed firm against her marehood's slit, anticipating when it would eventually push past her defenses.
  271. Redheart went slow, allowing Spitfire to become accustomed to the feeling before she pierced her outer folds with the toy. Spitfire whimpered and gripped Redheart tightly.
  273. Redheart immediately thought she had hurt her and went to pull back until Spitfire's hooves lowered to her flank, just over her cutie mark and stopped her. “N-no it's okay. Keep going... please.” Spitfire licked the end of Redheart's muzzle to reassure her. “I'm okay. I'll tell you if it's too much.”
  275. Redheart gazed down at her with concern, but complied, pressing her muzzle back to Fire's and prodding her lips with her tongue until Spitfire granted her access. After a few seconds of the open muzzled kissing she lowered her hips further, pressing the dildo farther into her lover's caverns.
  277. It was a little painful at first, but she liked it. She liked Heart's warm body pressed against her. She liked being trapped under her with no where to go. It made her feel vulnerable and at Redheart's mercy. She rarely felt vulnerable and the feeling excited her and she wanted more. The further Redheart pushed the strap on into her the easier it was to take, even as she felt her walls stretching to accommodate the foreign object. And she loved every second of it but eventually she needed to satisfy her craving.
  279. She knew Redheart wasn't going to do it herself in fear of hurting her so with a deep breath between their kiss she pulled Heart's hips down sharply. Spitfire's wings flexed, back arched and she cried out as she took the last four inches of the dildo into her own all at once.
  281. Redheart immediately tried to pull away but was held in place. “Spitfire! Why- Are you okay?”
  283. Spitfire had to shut her eyes tight to avoid tearing up as she caught her breath. “H-Heart it's okay.” She breathed. It had hurt, but hurt good, and it could only get better. “I-I-I'm fine. Trust me.”
  285. “Are you sure?” Heavy concern was laced in her tone.
  287. “Heart... Please. I'm fine.” She forced a smile. “Keep going.”
  289. “Bu-”
  291. “Please.” Spitfire whimpered. “I need it.”
  293. Heart sighed in defeat and smiled. “Alright, if I hurt you too much you'd better say something.” She knew that Spitfire sometimes enjoyed a little pain in situations like these but she didn't like to be the one to deliver it.
  295. “I-I will. I promise.” Spitfire moved her forehooves back up to Redheart's neck and pulled her down again. She stopped a moment to feel the warm puffs of air on her snout and to nuzzle the side of her muzzle before reengaging their kiss, rolling her tongue over Heart's own slick appendage.
  297. Redheart was still a little nervous that she was really hurting her, but Fire insisted she wanted it so there wasn't much else she could do but comply, or disappoint her lover. So with little delay she slowly started to pull out of Spitfire, just a few inches before pushing it back into her, just a tad faster than she had removed it. She heard Spitfire whimper through their connected muzzles and repeated the process, each time pulling a little further out and pushing back in a bit faster.
  299. Spitfire took in the feeling with every fiber of her being. The nubs on the strap on made it difficult to get used to the feeling but she wasn't complaining. At this point the pain had been substituted solely for pleasure and she urged Redheart on by biting her lower lip and growling playfully.
  301. Redheart growled back at Fire and thrust the toy as far as she could inside her, smiling when she heard her cute little whinny. Redheart picked up the pace, bracing herself with her hind legs and thrusting in and out of Fire faster and faster until she was thrusting as fast as she could without tiring herself out, which was difficult.
  303. Spitfire hooked her forehooves over Redheart's shoulders and moaned, grunted or whimpered with nearly every thrust. She tried to raise her hind legs but found she couldn't as Redheart still had them spread and locked with her own. She was truly stuck in place and at the mercy of the Earth Mare that was fucking her. She couldn't think of any other place she'd rather be, couldn't think at all really.
  305. “Ohh Heart, j-just a little-” She moaned and strained against her self. The climax came with little warning, her back arched and wings flexed one last time, as Heart sped up to encourage the reaction. With a scream her body exploded into euphoric bliss.
  307. Heart placed one of her forehooves on Spitfire's chest to keep her pinned to the bed as she kept up her pace until at last her body stopped shaking from the climax. Heart pulled the dildo from Fire's pussy witch was dripping from her juices. She unlatched it from her own waist and threw it aside as she fought to catch her breath. Her legs were weak from the strain that had come from pleasuring her lover and was all too happy to collapse at her side.
  309. Spitfire shuddered and opened her eyes. Heart laid one of her forelegs over her chest and pecked her on the cheek. “Still feel funny?” She giggled and took a deep breath.
  311. “I think I'm better.” Spitfire replied blushing, then nuzzled her neck. “Thanks.”
  313. “It was my pleasure.”
  315. “No, I mean for coming over tonight. I needed a little attention.”
  317. “Still my pleasure sweety. I love spending time with you.”
  319. “Even if we don-”
  321. “Yes, even if we don't have sex.” Redheart giggled. “I'm not shallow.”
  323. “Oh please don't think I meant it like that” Spitfire replied with worry.
  325. “I know you didn't mean it like that. I'm just picken at you.” Again she bopped her on the end of the muzzle with her forehoof.
  327. Spitfire huffed. “Meany.” Though she couldn't hold her frown for long after Redheart nuzzled one of her ears, causing it to twitch. Spitfire threw her forelegs around the mare. “But you're my meany.”
  329. "You remember how we met?" Redheart asked giggling.
  331. "Yeah I do... How can I forget? It was... hmm... Last winter. I'd tried to land a little too quickly and slipped up on some ice. I fell on hurt my hoof. This one." She raised her left forehoof and bopped her on the muzzle. "When I went to the hospital you were my nurse and I caught you checking me out." She giggled.
  333. "Hey! I was not... I was just making sure you didn't have any other injuries." She blushed and looked away.
  335. "Sure sure. My flanks really hurt." She rolled her eyes.
  337. Redheart's blush deepened. "You're the one who asked me out."
  339. "I knew you were interested, and admittedly I might have stared a little more than I should when you were leaving the room." She added, laughing nervously.
  341. Redheart giggled and sighed. “Fire... Can I maybe ask you a question?” Heart asked suddenly but hesitantly.
  343. “Of course.” She didn't like the look of concern in her beautiful blue eyes.
  345. Redheart pulled away and looked at Spitfire with uncertainty. “You ever thought about... Maybe... Moving in together?”
  347. Spitfire's face lit up with new found joy in the question. “I have.” She replied.
  349. “So...” She wasn't sure how to continue though Fire's response had given her courage. “If it would make you feel better... I could move in with you.”
  351. “No.”
  353. “No?” Redheart replied flinching and looking hurt.
  355. “Let me finish.” Fire scolded playfully. “I want to move in with you. I hate this stupid apartment and I have less stuff. It would be easier for me to just move my things.” She finished the statement with a kiss and a smile.
  357. “Really?” Heart replied with joy. “You have no idea how happy that makes me.” This feeling was made all the more better after the scare the word no had given her.
  359. “This weekend sound good?” Fire asked.
  361. “Perfect.”
  363. “For now though...” Spitfire yawned. “I just wants to cuddle up to my mare and sleep.” She turned over on her side and stretched a wing over her lover.
  365. Redheart snuggled the feathery appendage and giggled. “Sounds good.” But Spitfire hadn't heard her, she was already dozing off. With a cute yawn of her own she gave her a peck on the cheek and sighed. It wasn't long before she herself faded off, thinking of the wonderful life she would live at Spitfire's side.

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

by Guest

Bonding with Nature

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The Long and Short of It (RGRE)

by Guest

incest relationships piece of the whole pie (lewd) by Frostybox[...]

by Guest

incest thread piece of the (non-canon) pie, limestone's pie by[...]

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