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Anon fingering Purple's plot, by Anon

By Guest
Created: 2021-09-28 19:36:23
Expiry: Never

  1. OP Prompt: *slips a finger into Twilight at the Gala without anyone noticing*
  3. >Grand Galloping Gala.
  4. >You're not sure why Celestia invites you to these things.
  5. >When you're not hanging around in a corner, avoiding eye contact, you're trying to make conversation with aristocrats and doing an awful job of it.
  6. >This evening you find yourself taken by a particularly wicked idea.
  7. >You try to stuff it down and forget about it, but the more you do so the more it entices you...
  9. >Twilight's duty tonight involves welcoming delegates.
  10. >The real cream of the crop.
  11. >Celestia has entrusted her with this responsibility, so rather than socializing she has kept post by the doorway to the ballroom all night, bowing to and welcoming all the couples that traipse through.
  12. >You sidle up next to her, ready to put your plan into action.
  13. >This can only end poorly...
  14. >"Oh! Hello, Anon! Enjoying the gal- oop!"
  15. >In the time it took Twilight to turn and start to greet you, your hand was already lost amidst the layers of her dress.
  16. >You push the silk out of the way and peel her sweaty undergarments down to her thighs.
  17. >Rarity always uses the softest fabric when making dresses for her friends.
  18. >With not a word to the princess, you extend a digit and poke around.
  19. >Ass cheek, another ass cheek, ponut...
  20. >Bingo.
  21. >That squishy, slightly tacky skin is unmistakable.
  22. >Twilight's eyes tremble as you feel your way between her lips, and start digging around in the folds.
  23. >It's dry, understandably.
  24. >The Gala isn't exactly the most sexually stimulating event.
  25. >Twilight remains silent as you start to work your finger in and out of her, feeling the ruffles of hidden flesh yield to your command.
  26. >She looks ahead, lips pursed.
  27. >You're really expecting her to call you out on your perverted antics, but...
  28. >She says nothing.
  29. >Her cunt is tighter than expected, snaring you like a finger trap when you push in deep.
  30. >Leaning into Twilight, you drag your finger down to the swell of her lips, and dig out her clit.
  31. >You draw soft circles over the engorged bean, and gradually, she starts to moisten.
  32. >Thick, well-lubricated fluids adorn your finger.
  33. >Her snatch clenches.
  34. >A muffled squelch empties into the layers of fabric that conceal your dirty deed.
  35. >Twilight lets out something between a murmur and a moan.
  36. >You think she's starting to get into it, but her attention is suddenly diverted to the doorway, where a haughty stallion and his wife march through.
  37. >Twilight clears her throat as she goes to address them...
  40. >”We-Welcome to this years, nnnf… th-this year’s Grand Galloping Gala-aah!”
  41. >The couple stare at Twilight like she just spat in their entree.
  42. >But dismiss the strange behavior and saunter on into the hall.
  43. >Twilight’s cunt grows more and more moist, making your task that much easier.
  44. >Now, a steady shhlck-shhlck-shhlck comes from under her the dress.
  45. >She crosses her hind legs to try and stifle it, as well as prevent juices from dribbling down onto the floor.
  46. >Her breathing grows heavy as she holds her gaze straight ahead.
  47. >You notice a hot blush rising to her cheeks.
  48. >”Mhnnh…”
  49. >She’s close, you can already tell.
  50. >The unexpected nature of your sudden fingerblast means she can’t hold out for long, but she sure tries.
  51. >Aside from the occasional fidget or curl of her back, Twilight remains motionless even when you slide another finger into the mix, mashing her clit.
  52. >She can’t let on to any of the other ponies that anything’s amiss.
  53. >But she also can’t fight the impulses of her own body, meaning that moans spill through her quivering lips like water seeping from a leaky pipe.
  54. >A third finger joins the other two, and as you pump in and out you slowly, delicately rotate them.
  55. >Even with the thick layers of fabric to obscure it, the smell of Twilight’s arousal soon fills the air around you both.
  56. >It’s not quite how you imagined it; a lot more fierce and musky, almost like gasoline if you really sniff hard at it.
  57. >Her head dips down.
  58. >A strand of drool gleams from her lips and runs down her chin.
  59. >All the while the strong muscles in her horsepussy start up in a series of convulsions.
  60. >Pints of that hot, syrupy fluid ooze around your hand and trickle down your wrist.
  61. >The sounds of finger on flesh intensity.
  62. >She’s really getting close now—she twists her legs together, clamping her chubby flanks around your upper arm.
  63. >But you keep at it.
  64. >Every few seconds the walls around your fingers will seize up, trembling.
  65. >It feels like her entire body is shaking.
  66. >She’s so, so close…
  67. >And that’s when Celestia strides up to her.
  68. >”Good evening, Twilight! Enjoying the festivities? Have you tried some of the Tiramisu Pinkie Pie made? It’s delicious!”
  69. >Twilight throws her head up, setting a pair of startled eyes on her ruler.
  70. >”Celestia, I’m… ooohh… I’m having a wonderful- aahhhh!”
  71. >Her back buckles.
  72. >Every muscle in her body tightens.
  73. >Under the fabric a quick, heavy jet blasts against your fingers.
  74. >Then another.
  75. >A third sputters out, you cup your hand and let the steaming goo pool in your palm.
  76. >Twilight’s body suddenly softens again.
  77. >”Ohmygosh… wonderful… time, haaaa…”
  78. >Absolute satisfaction is etched on the young mare’s face.
  79. >Celestia looks to Twilight with a brow cocked.
  80. >She looks to you.
  81. >Her nostrils flare a few times.
  82. >She cracks a broad, knowing smile, and then simply says.
  83. >”I’m glad to hear it.”
  84. >Before strutting away in the other direction.

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