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Sunny meets Spike

By Guest
Created: 2021-09-29 17:01:26
Expiry: Never

  1. "You can't mean that! You were Princess Twilight's assistant, her friend, her advisor. You were basically family! Ask yourself, what would she... or any of her friends think or say if they saw you acting like this?!"
  3. >"I don't know what she or the others would say. They are gone, so I am the last of that generation. And I'm sorry, but I have far more experience and knowledge than a few hipsters who take one look and think they know how the world works."
  4. >"I am ancient. I was there to witness the ascension of Princess Twilight. I have seen and done so many things throughout the ages. I have seen empires grow, prosper, and crumble. Each had the elements, each was just as promising as the last. They are all gone now."
  5. >"Tell me little pony! Why should I CARE what happens to your generation's attempt at reunification? Why should I bother? There have been countless ponies who have sought me out over the last thousand moons who have said they would be able to restore the glory of a unified Equestria of old. All were naive."
  7. "We've come so far! We have to try!"
  9. >"It always ends the same little one. The Earth ponies fail to realize their magic is the foundation, the most powerful. But it's not so easily seen, and that sows either aspirations of empire in the Pegasi, or fear and paranoia among the Earthlings. The great unicorns are naturally drawn to solitude to study. The more powerful they are the more likely they are to become hermits and not even care what happens to their tribe. And so when war inevitably comes they always suffer the most."
  10. >"I have no interest in seeing more death. The land has returned to its feral state. Look at your flank, little one! The leylines are broken. Ponies don't even bear two marks anymore. You will never make it to the center of the Everfree, your magic is too weak. It is for the best."
  12. "Leylines? The Everfree?"
  14. >"Without the leylines pony magic is only half as strong, and its range limited. Earthlings can't grow bountiful crops, Unicorns can't teleport far or evoke the greater arcane, Pegasi can't control the weather. With them broken your population is stunted and the world is spared your failures in governance. And the clan of ponies that tended them..."
  15. >Spike looks over at Izzy with a suspicious glare
  16. >"is long perished. Holder's Quarry is glaciated."
  18. "And what is the Everfree?"
  20. >The great dragon looks down at the orange mare with utter disgust
  21. >"What a pathetic state you ponies have rendered yourselves. Burning all your books to keep warm when the windigos came to call. My last great mistake was driving them off and sparing the extinction of your kind when it was clear the lessons of the past had been forgotten, and I won't compound my error anymore! Your ancestors have left you with no choice but to relearn your place and reexplore the world, and I'm done cleaning up the messes of ponies! Begone!"
  23. "But..."
  25. >"Leave me now. Your presence here brings me no peace or comfort. What you seek no longer exists. And to attempt it... well... Bear witness to me, the fruits of what you search for."
  27. "What I see is an old, sad excuse for a dragon. The legends said you were supposed to be strong! That you carried the torch for your friends and the ideals they all shared together! You were supposed to help us!"
  29. >"My friends have long since passed, along with their ideals, should you be the one to relearn the teachings of old, then so be it. But it will not be by my claw that the tribes are reunited. I am tired, let me rest."
  31. "Maybe I was wrong to come here."
  33. >"..."
  35. "Fine, if you won't help then I'll do it. With these hooves, I shall unite the tribes and bring back the magic of friendship. DO YOU HEAR ME? I WILL!"

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