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GamerThot Anon

Created: 2020-11-16 03:41:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Thou art Anon.
  2. >You've been planning this for a long time.
  3. >It took months of effort to get yourself in shape. You blame all this sugar in the food. Seriously, these little poners consume so much sugar it makes you look for epi-pen subconsciously.
  4. >Having to fight off mares that got too frisky didn't hurt your figure either. It did reward you with constant paranoia, though.
  5. >You're dressed in a dressing gown with a cutesy pattern. You hate every square inch of the thing, but if your hunch is right, it will earn you a truckload of bits today.
  6. >Something to do with more clothing being lewd. You made EXTRA sure that nothing about clothing was in the rules.
  7. >You sit down and double check and then triple check your streaming setup. These computers may be powered by magic but they're pretty close to what you're used to. You could swear there was some alternate-universe correlation at play here.
  8. >You inhale, and press that 'Go Live' button. It's showtime, bitches.
  9. >Things start out slowly.
  10. >You keep spewing out cutesy nonsense for a dozen or so viewers. Gotta pump these numbers up, these are rookie numbers!
  11. >You've been doing pre-stream talks for a better part of an hour now, waiting for viewer count to hit that critical mass you've calculated.
  12. >Streaming no games on game streaming platform is walking on a very thin ice, but since mods are all mares, and you got a cute face, you can expect some leniency.
  13. >Besides, you entertain chat with game-related things, mainly giving them illusion that they can pick a game for you to play, listing off some casual games.
  14. >Little do they know, you've scripted this entire day.
  15. "So, chat, which game should we try out of these?"
  17. TotalyNotAChangeling: kitchen
  18. BtnSm4sh: Sammich construction 4000 II: Sammich harder!
  20. >Cute. Good thing you've mastered ancient art of giving precisely zero fucks.
  21. >But since they want a colty display, you're happy to provide, as long as views go up.
  22. "Ooh, I think my hair is dry enough~"
  23. >You undo the towel on your head. Normally, your hair would be greasy and sticky mess, but since you had to pander to your audience now, you had to change that. Growing long hair and using girly shampoos felt gay as fuck, but the end goal was well worth it.
  24. >Luscious hair spills forth. You kick your head back and let it settle. Getting that move just right took some practice, but practice makes perfect and you nail it.
  25. >THAT has got their attention.
  26. >To warm audience up, you boot up local equivalent of a casual game. Another goddamn match-three. Ugh. This game has skill ceiling so low that you could swear you don't even perceive game board after first minute of the so-called gameplay. On a bright side, you couldn't give yourself away with this game even if you tried.
  27. >You look at viewer count more than at actual game, it grows in leaps and spurts. Great, means it is the time for the main course!
  28. >After finishing another round on complete auto-pilot, you nod to camera.
  29. "I've recently got a new game, and wanted to give it a try."
  30. >You mock confusion as you look around fancy shelves of the room. They're stuffed with cute stuff that'd induce hour-long projectile vomiting session from you previously. But not today.
  31. >You come closer, and reach for highest shelf, standing just on your tip-toes. By your calculations, your dressing gown should be raised just enough just to expose camera to a small piece of...
  33. L3monD3mon: Sweet Luna!
  34. P3culiarD1amond: How s-scandalous!
  36. >Why yes. Those are striped thigh-highs socks. Exactly the type that riles up mares like no tomorrow.
  37. >You still remember the look of a mare you commissioned these off. Yuck.
  38. >Deciding to end this little show before mods show up, you finally grip the box and return to your streaming setup.
  39. "One of my friends recommended this game to me."
  40. >You wave a fancy box of Dark Snuggles towards the camera, making sure it clearly catches the box art and the name.
  41. "Said it's fun but it might be a little hard."
  42. >You put your index finger to your lips in cutesy display of slight confusion. Internally, you have to fight revulsion of this act.
  43. "Let's try this one, chat. Even if it's a bit difficult, I'm going to try my best."
  44. >Collective equivalent of "Ooooh" and cheeky encouragement spill forth in tidal wave from chat. Viewer counter already increased threefold from your stocking stunt and it just keeps rocketing up.
  45. >Bait taken successfully, hook, line and sinker.
  46. >You boot it up, feigning complete ignorance.
  47. "So chat, what character should I make?"
  48. >After a bit of back and forth, you end up with rather sub-optimal initial build. It's interesting just how many white-knighting mares flooded in trying to 'protect precious colt'. You expected vast majority to be mischievous and suggest trash build for their sadistic enjoyment. You even had to deliberately ignore some obviously good advice, just to stir up controversy in chat and drive perceived stakes higher.
  49. >This alternate-universe game sure takes it's sweet time to kick into high gear. You decide to spice things up a bit.
  50. >You allow your character to take some hits. You hide your smirk and try to look slightly annoyed as chat is booming with all permutations of "Colts can't game".
  51. >That's exactly what you want to happen. Just as health drops low enough for next hit to be fatal, or in terms of this game, knock-out, you riposte attack and counter-boop your enemy. And then another one. Last one you roll around and backboop into abyss, all in the span of handful of seconds. Environmental hazards: They never get old!
  52. >Just like that, chat grinds to a halt. And then it explodes, lines whizzing by in a blur.
  54. L3monD3mon: I found my new horsebando!
  55. TotalyNotAChangeling: what in the buck was that!?!??
  56. MedialRing: See? Colts CAN game!
  57. TwilitBandit: omc omc omc
  58. BtnSm4sh: nice save. FOR A COLT
  60. >It's getting harder and harder not to crack a toothy, smug smile.
  61. >They have NO idea who they're dealing with.
  62. >You are a product of almost two decades of unrelenting gaming; twitch reflexes approaching those of Quake god; honed strategic and tactical thinking of RTS veteran mushed up into explosive combination with penchant to finding every little glitch, loophole and underhanded trick to exploit and abuse; and as a bowling-ball-sized cherry on top there's your pure, unadulterated determination of a nutjob completionist who leaves no achievement behind and never -EVER- backs down from a challenge.
  63. >So far, no game you've sunk your teeth into walked away unbeaten. And you intend to keep it that way.
  64. >Nobody expects local equivalent of a Twitch thot to have actual skill, and you're going to milk that HARD.
  65. >Rest of the day goes without much of an incident - you didn't even run into any bosses yet. Which is strange for Souls-like. Snuggles-like?
  66. >Looks like it's time to actually finish up the streaming. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Especially at the expense of tryhards who take you for another pretty-face colt trying to be hip.
  67. >So before wrapping up the stream you drop some obvious hints that your upcoming night stream is going to be more... intense. Predictably, chat goes into frenzy.
  68. >You looked into how streaming works in this world. Night streams are typically more risque with their content, and that's where most colt-thots reside. And it's time for them to make space for someone can do more than put on a pretty face and shake the flanks.
  69. >You turn off the camera and finally allow widest smirk to crawl onto your face. Friggin amateurs.
  70. >You then check how much you've earned and your eyebrows nearly slap the ceiling. You're rolling in bits now.
  71. >Still nowhere near your actual goal, but it's a very good start.
  72. >You've just found oil, and that oil is...
  73. >Thirsty, thirsty mares.
  75. >After taking a break and just inhaling food you're ready for a late-night stream.
  76. >You barely started the stream and mares are already bickering in chat, impatient for what you have in store for them.
  77. "It's getting a bit hot here"
  78. >You start taking off unbearably cute dressing gown.
  79. >Under the dressing gown there's long t-shirt that's deliberately one size too small to show off sick gainz you worked so hard for.
  80. >No slut-socks this time, you decided to play it safe.
  82. L3monD3mon: *heavy breathing*
  83. Applejack01: Howdy! So 'dis is doo-hickey Twilight can't stop talkin' 'bout?
  84. BtnSm4sh: Shut up, MudTeats Mc.Country!
  85. Applejack01: Hay, dont'cha go tellin' me what ta' do!
  86. TotalyNotAChangeling: why do you keep typing out your country-isms???
  87. Applejack01: Ah'm nawt sure what you're gettin' at...
  89. >You 'accidentally' swipe the Dark Snuggles box off the table.
  90. "Whoops, clumsy me!"
  91. >Time to kiss remains of your dignity goodbye.
  92. >You stand up and bend down, 'accidentally' letting t-shirt slide off your butt. Which is to say, barely covered by tight undergarments. Deliberately wide stance gives camera very opportune view at your admittedly sizable package.
  93. >What can you say, you had an entire generation of Twitch thots to learn from how to slut it up. Who would've thunk you'd need that knowledge someday?
  94. >Not you, that's for sure.
  96. TwilitBandit: Dat Gluteus maximus!
  97. xXM00n_DanceXx: By Celestia's bountiful teats! That colt is packing!
  98. L3monD3mon: how much for that ball bra, my dearest horsebando?
  99. TotalyNotAChangeling: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn
  100. MedialRing: Mods?
  102. >You fake innocence as you restore the box to it's rightful place and pull shirt down with a cute blush.
  103. >That is -amazingly- enough to convince viewers that it was completely unintended on your part, and mares all turned on a single stallion that requested administrative intervention.
  104. >You can barely believe your eyes. Every single one of them is thinking with their clits right now.
  105. >It isn't long until he's chased off. It feels a little weird to be desired more than professional colt-thot.
  106. >Once that colt-thot and by extension one of your competitors leaves, you reward your audience by 'warming up' to them.
  107. >Playful comment here, salacious remark there.
  108. >Lucky shot of your undergarments when you readjust in the seat.
  109. >Gotta keep up the heat, crank up the thirst.
  110. >These mares donate like they're ordering one-way tickets to pound-town.
  111. >You're getting into this at his point, dropping opportunities for chat to make crude jokes.
  112. "Where was nearest resting point? I need to take a load off and improve encumbrance rating if I want to remain nimble..."
  114. L3monD3mon: I will take your load any day of the week, sugar cheeks
  115. TotalyNotAChangeling: you can be nimble in my bed~~ <3
  116. Applejack01: 'Dis is no way to treat a colt, y'all!
  118. >All according to plan...
  119. >Ideally you want to train them to chase out other colts that will surely crop up and try to stir shit up to preserve their own slutty status-quo. Too bad. There's new Alpha-thot in town.
  120. >So you gotta cement the idea that colt-thots in chat equals no fun sexy times for viewers.
  121. >Oh shit, you almost forgot to fake lack of skill.
  122. >Thankfully viewers are too busy contemplating your appearance to notice.
  124. Applejack01: Altho' I hafta admit, ah'm finding 'is build... attractive.
  125. LyricalSatirical: Sweet Luna, I bet horn-job with his graspers would feel *AMAZING*
  126. xXM00n_DanceXx: Preach it, sister!
  127. TotalyNotAChangeling: oh shit queen is coming brb
  129. >Be Queen Chrysalis.
  130. >You just busted one of your drones slacking and watching gaming streams.
  131. >Normally you'd dish out harsh punishment for that, but you're currently too distracted by the stream to notice drone limply wriggling out of your grip and disappearing in the dark.
  132. >Your eyes focus on familiar landscapes of enormous castles covered in moss. You lean in and begin typing.
  134. TotalyNotAChangeling: My-my, playing Dark Snuggles... Aren't we cocky?..
  136. >Chat explodes at your message. Darn thirsty mares whiteknighting again.
  137. >You smirk grows wider. You know what's coming right after the next corner. This colt's tears are going to be de-lish. Friggin fake gamers.
  138. >...Even though he does look kinda cute.
  140. >Be Anon again.
  141. >You're in obviously boss-fight-sized cliff area overhanging an epic vista. You remind yourself to at least act a bit surprised when boss emerges.
  142. "Uh-oh, here comes the trouble!"
  143. >There she goes, by the way. Giant armored pone. Figures. Let's observe the pattern.
  144. >This is almost insulting. These alternate-reality pony versions of games you're familiar with are not only mellow as fuck, they're too damn easy.
  145. >Tells are obvious and windups are so long that it almost throws off your timings.
  146. >But in a minute you've got this down.
  147. >Sidestep, roll, riposte, punish, dodge, repeat.
  148. >You take a particularly long windup animation to check out the chat. Apparently mares are in hysterics.
  149. >Let's give them a bit more entertaining show...
  150. >You kite the boss to just the right position and get ready.
  152. >Be Queen Chrysalis.
  153. >You can't believe your eyes.
  154. >The colt just bucked the Unnamed Guardian off the cliff as a finisher.
  155. >What.
  156. >That damned boss took you almost two weeks to nail down!
  157. >That colt. That fatherbucking colt.
  158. >You refocus on the screen with doubled attention. You'll never admit it to anyone but Dark Snuggles have kicked your flanks pretty hard and seeing it utterly broken brought utter glee to your blackened soul.
  159. >...and unexplained warmth to your nethers...
  161. >Be Anon yet again.
  162. "Alright, boss is down, so let's clean out the fodder, shall we?"
  163. >You give camera a nasty smile.
  164. "These elite guards are easy, just roll around, and backsta- backbuck them. Works first time, every time."
  166. >Be Queen Chrysalis yet again and, oh Hive, where's your royal handkerchief?
  167. >You wipe off your forehead. You heard that colt streamers liked to entertain audience in more way than one, but this...
  168. >The ape leans forward in a threatening posture and flashes his canines in a wicked grin.
  169. >Mob's body goes limp in his character's hooves, booped mercilessly.
  170. >"Shhhhh, no tears, only dreams now."
  171. >Your trembling hoof slips off the keyboard and gingerly moves itself lower and lower before you're able to catch yourself.
  172. >His grin reaches maximum width and then just keeps going, he's now showing off all of his pearly whites.
  173. >"Shhh, shhh. It's okay. It's all going to be over soon..."
  174. >Damn.
  175. >As if you weren't turned on enough already, your arousal reaches new level and you find yourself winking. Aroused and a bit... scared? Scaroused?
  176. >You can't pin it exactly, but you for sure are sopping wet.
  177. >What was the name of this channel again?
  179. >Be Anon once again. You tentatively eye the chat.
  180. >It isn't moving at all. Fuck. You probably overdone the predator-play thing. Damn.
  181. >You were hoping to nail that femme-fatale note. After all, this is a late-night stream and content could afford to be more... risque.
  182. >You decided to roll with predator fetish for two reasons, first, it looked like one of fetishes that is widespread enough to build fanbase on, yet not omnipresent to be mentioned in streaming site's rules, and second - you knew for absolute sure that colt-thots that were already making mad dosh here every night here would be scared by this shitless, let alone be able to fill the niche themselves.
  183. >You sigh internally. Hopefully this won't ruin the subscriber amount. You NEED that money.
  184. >Just as you resign to being a failure, donations start rolling in. Considerable amount of them have strangely... bug-themed messages attached.
  185. >Chat is less insect-invaded, but it is also absolutely, positively losing last remnants of it's shit.
  187. TwilitBandit: Dear Diary, today I discovered something new about myself...
  188. P3culiarD1amond: You and me both, Darling! Mmmm, assertive, Momma likes! Show me these canines!
  189. L3monD3mon: HNNNG, my dearest horsebando sure knows how to please his mare...
  190. BtnSm4sh: I love me a colt who needs to be TAMED
  192. >However, not everyone seems to be happy with your... performance.
  193. >Some gamer mare is losing her shit in the chat. Not something you've planned for, but could be a great opportunity to boost your views.
  195. Born2Win: The jig is up! Nobody plays Dark Snuggles that well on their first run!
  197. >Bitch, please.
  199. Born2Win: I don't know how much you practiced, but I bet you paid for lessons. No way this is first time you see this game, you SLUT and PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A GAMER!
  200. L3monD3mon: Mare, ur cruisin' for a bruisin'!
  202. >So buttmad, that bitch.
  203. >Wait, you recognize that avatar. It's Winner Podium, one of leading streamers in competitive gaming.
  204. >Remembering how her stupid butt-tattoo is this winner stair thing, you know exactly how to deal with this.
  205. "If you think that this is hard, then I guess you'll have to..."
  206. >You lean in onto the microphone, savoring that pause.
  207. "...Step up your game."
  208. >You're more than happy to hit that envious sack of shit where it hurts. Obscenities that emanate from her mean only one thing.
  209. >Time to move in for the kill.
  210. "Or perhaps, you want..."
  211. >Theatrics, theatrics...
  212. "...a duel?"

GamerThot Anon

by SNAFU-Non

GamerThot Anon Part 2

by SNAFU-Non

Serial Snuggler One-shot

by SNAFU-Non

GamerThot Anon Part 3

by SNAFU-Non

GamerThot Anon Part 4

by SNAFU-Non