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LYRAnonymous - Lyra Thread Anthology
By LYRAnonymousCreated: 2021-10-24 21:52:28
Updated: 2024-02-07 08:26:52
Expiry: Never
This is an anthology accounting for every written work—blurbs, poetry, green—accompanying music I have hitherto posted to and in association with the Lyra Thread. It will be updated with each public release.
Lyra Thread Archive:
For select music releases:
[ ID ]
To hers, a mare in fields of marigold
Ascent a voice of innocence, fair so
Through purity allures the pining soul
And ecstasies for dreams bygone yet close
Alive and free, a breeze: so soft, aloft
Still clouds, beneath the sun, by bonny banks
Her clear and vernal eloquence airs lost
Delights so freshly sweet and plain of taint
But now are blissful idylls left and gone
‘Twixt concrete walls and idle halls of noise
While far away she calls in plangent song
Each wish to sing with her those simpler joys
And she, whose eyes of gold and hooves of daint
May long, I dream, be cantering my way
[ Belle Danse ]
{ Though she may bounce her highest in spring and summer, Lyra's autumn self underscores the best of her beauty, as right along with the glories of the season do her softer shades shine through. To that pretty mountain mare, the cold was never anything to fear; it's a time to catch up, leaving both the space and the perspective to breathe. The collecting flourishes of new color offers reflection for the extemporaneous within her, as though it were a celebration of every forgotten hue in life, each fleeting moment with the breeze and sights so distinctly warm. }
To her summer spirit we bid adieu; see
Autumn dress herself, adorning new
Hues - august but still,
A vibrant glow against milieu
Amidst the cold.
Watch her with each dance:
To airs, on winds
Which carry the fragrance of earth
And a touch of her poise.
Hearken to her song:
A sound with sweetness
Only by softer mirth
To soothe the ends of her sylvan hearth.
It is how she rises, fit to round
Stones smoothing the sharpest
Of regards,
Or how she roams,
Singing the trees to slumber, gently coaxing
Colorful boughs bringing
New beginnings;
It is this which wills the soul enchanted.
For 'twixt chords of light, the leaves fall,
Stirred by her silken breath of life.
And though some may still sink
With a dip and a swing,
And others may soar bewitched
With the breeze,
She entertains them all.
Indeed, autumn has her ways:
How her sun outlasts
The coming decay,
And springs beyond
What others might say
Begs the end.
Or how she takes that tempered prance:
Humility before long
The shadows cast,
Yet a memento for a cobbled
Past, a second chance -
A garland for today.
And as we lie
Here, I am one
With the fallen, safe
In her embrace.
For no matter what
Change comes our way, she'll stay.
Just the same, a loving face
Mothers me as I pray.
[ Plumeria ]
{ It's a new day. }
by the plumeria tree, you came to see
me, canvas gold
white and green, erasing
yesterday's confessions
you forgot naught
of the rusted word, each worn
like a garland of tulips
cold, sullen
death in earnest
remembering a day
when each song shone
warm, tones like Her
rays upon a
complexion so simple
and young at heart,
the brightest of which
taught me to heal
my own
i know you loved them so
as they were to you
as sweet as my embrace
as soft as any first feeling
when i said to you
“i won't let go;
not this time”
that the notes would once again
off the page with purpose,
with grace,
like the story once
carried by that same spring breeze
which brings us back
To where we began.
[ Freesia ]
{ Can't we just enjoy this moment together? }
the freesia slumps by the sill
amidst clay walls, alone
i caress it, i cherish it
as the candlelight fades
to the soft sounds of spring rain
and i find myself
not with notes on the scroll,
but with the words to a song
we once sung
beneath the covers
of circles, moons, and stars
through the streets, pure
as the scent of sweet lavender, oh —
i still remember the flowers we gave
one another,
and the dew ripe upon their petals
just as our life
back then
i could still see
the twinkle in your eyes,
a shine
upon the mountain as we stood,
played, and laughed
instruments to an ensemble
without a lead in lasting
minuet, no —
a reverie it was,
our colors congealing
in harmony
as the days melted away
and i could never forget
how it felt
to be cradled,
to be held in your forelimbs
beneath the covers
of youth; after all,
we were but innocent
hearts — lemon gold
magic upon the harp strings
bursting forth
like florets in the wind
before time swept us up
to where we are
and now
i gaze about the dulling
pages in my room, scattered
like raisins in the sun,
the dim grade black and white
nearly concealing the visage
of a mother’s gift: each key
a different color, parts for the
whole we once were —
is this not why my tears
flow? or has longing
taken my grace?
we used to sing
of time spent together
yet here i stand now
gently grasping at decaying
the petals lapsing
softly beneath my hooves
i know the flowers were real,
and i miss them
more than music itself
… i think
i’ll see them again soon
[ Lodestar ]
11/4/22 (x/3/2021)
{ ... I’ve walked a long way, leaving the superficiality of urban comfort and confirmation in practical means behind. I’ve stopped thinking so hard or worrying about what's ahead, content in the knowledge that a lodestar stays with me. After all, life’s greatest experiences are never marked by a trail, and ever unbound by time ... }
The sunken sun dissipates
Over the horizon, while I
Upon a lonely hill on high
And in lucid darkness, might gaze
Above, where the earth meets the sky
I would linger upon your stars
And wish I could be your brightest
To dream with she whose fairness
Has kept me afloat - yours a charm
Unmatched - in a world of noise
That distant lodestar known by few
How I long to give thanks to you
Ravishing, yet often unseen
Though not unheard, void memory
To requite, unsung melody
In canon, once, though no reply
With verse of lyric argentine
Then still pine your dearest calling
To yours this aria I sing
My sweetest serendipity
For vagabond I would remain
If not for you and yours, maybe
Over the hills and far away
Sometime, my love, together we
Might meet again another day
And as night melts to earthly break
Of day, for like the passing breeze
Are clouds of thought foregone and late
Which sands of time, those stars of space
Become but a rapture, awake
I hope to stay, that I might see
A songbird sing soft of fancy
Over leaves of mint and parsley
To cherish these flowers bequeathed
And then ask, “Can you still hear me?”
[ Aquamarine ]
{ ... it is only after the rains that the flowers may bloom. }
~ Sanctuary ~
I still dream I trod the hollows
Of idylls thought lost, and follow
Her hoofprints so tender and slow
Through her garden, where splendors grow.
Someday I’ll walk there beside that mare
With flowers’ fragrance on gentle air
And music sweet that by slumber bares;
Such beauty she gives to ease life’s cares!
~ Aquamarine ~
That clear and gentle stream
Reflects aquamarine,
Where leaden shadows ours, unseen,
Sink below silhouettes of flight and glee.
Across the pasture, the grass beneath
Buckles by the rhythmic bounds of twos and threes
While the petals of posies part prancing hooves, carefree
And skipping with that signature spring
Which so endues her gait.
And yours is a dance with her, living free
From thought, from heed,
With the chance to at last breathe.
But such dreams are not meant to be,
For as time seems to slow, the sky and sun bode
Cascades of glints and gleams, tinting
Droplets many: tender they seem,
Yet which pittering and pattering
Upon the conscience like sleet
So makes you think
Of how compelled you might be, to flee
The open air for a blanket above in green,
To the shadows beneath, where the rain leaves
But a soft touch, a gentle stream.
And yet, she endures to stay, to keep
Dancing unfazed through the fray.
And there you see the clouds seem to give way
Just for her, if only for her rays
Of sunshine amidst the falling rain.
While rivulets, like tears, run coarsely down her mane
And across her face, with a brightly grace
Her smile remains, untouched by doubt - no trace.
Akin to flowers, in nature’s embrace,
She springs through the showers in step, in pace.
Though tempting it is to seek someplace safer,
Fearless through the rain is how she capers.
She beckons you back with a hoof outstretched.
What shame is there in getting wet?
[ Larkspur ]
{ Together, an adventure at our whims… }
wild, the larkspur intones
gold of a daisy gaiety
upon the tails of midsummer
winds, eager for today's treasure
and a next thrill
see, when from fast and loose
forward she soars, searching
the old growth sober through
fields far-flung and
sown, afresh, the world feels
its young again
watch, now how they wake: on
dewy curls with welcome,
their scent and color cast
wide for the sunbird’s flight,
who drifts beneath a breathing sky
as the lea shines
light with her step
hark, how the branches sing
their rounds, tracing a melody
which weaves and bounds about
a wood blessed by her bracing touch;
to catch a glimpse is bliss enough,
resound of it
to learn to love
life, on high and below,
rosy still as giving grace meets
its given end, when in
time she takes to rest, soft
upon a bed of dear
friends and posies
rest, even with kisses latent
like mint blossoms: a fawn over
the little leaf, a wash of sun
cleaves the forest curtain;
would it not be remiss
to forget these gifts
on your journeys?
[ Hyacinth ]
{ To be young again with you… }
adored hyacinth,
i wonder if we've met
before, in a time and place
just as shining?
old neighbors mine,
they think not of destiny
greater than the self
i should know — i count them
as they pass,
some early, others late,
certain heads peering
over the wild before
in distant inward
looking, they claim
sight without seeing,
deaf to the crescive
wind; from petals to dust
to dewdrops
deep with longing — it was
a short sight of elysium
reflecting in their gaze
yet in you,
i recognize no such fear
and no such wish,
but another allure:
a familiar foalish innocence,
opening eyes, spilling secrets,
a scamper and a stumble
to part our hearts and being
oh, for brisk as you stand
in these humble fields,
i am but swayed
still to greet
a fragrance so
churning of the
heart dainty
as she seasons the air,
a feeling
warmer than the sun
as it marries lush valleys
gold and green, yet
deeper than the sounds
of a living earth
my, what delight!
the love of my life, lost
and young again —
were there more like you?
to tend this thought forgotten
sense, mothered by perfection
in the clearest of mornings,
with each day a discovery
in pristine waking
to a scent and kiss familiar
you held and heard me then,
returned my voice;
to yours —
living, breathing
a touch which stung
to relive at first,
yet hurt so much more
to let go of
yes, my love…
i remember how you waited
for me then, as i was
your spring, and
You were a summer.
[ anthesis ]
wild and sprung
anew —
you said you would talk to them
if only you could find
a voice
[ marcescence ]
half-awaken, still
fears retreating
prints through the dirt
a crumpling sea
leaves my frailty lay
clinging on, the fronds speak
of an early spring
[ bridge ]
homesick eden,
planting memories
once inert
ours —
oh, how i miss it all
[ after the rainfall ]
13/5/23 (13/6/22)
{ we learned to love }
trot with me
through the garden we made
tread lightly, for we walk
after the rainfall; a time both
to break and to heal
they say the flower cannot
languish, but i know better
tell me,
that day,
could you see her tears?
[ solstice ]
[ native understory ]
30/7/23 (5/6/22)
{ we found our place }
hush now,
i was once like you:
seedling, struggling for
weakly flickered
through a blind curtain
entangled in another
afraid of the self
“am i lesser
for it?”
suddenly feeling
a hoof in the spring,
rivulet strokes,
and a path forged
through discontinuous brush
my love,
i won't shame you
for not standing as tall
for that which they call earth
is your own story.
[ Magnolia ]
23/9/23 (11/10/22)
{ Let’s count our blessings in the here and now. }
a magnolia came to me
off the trail in the old amber
bower, a different beauty
with years under mine
and peaces unclaimed
she sat aside, humbly
insistent that she was
another flower in the brush
and not of the trees
befitting, i once thought
of my own: honey, sweet
proboscis days, silvery
tongues speaking nights
of candlefly dressage
standing fair; a lady
mustn't gloat, i know,
but must she settle for less?
so before me was this
spirit unheard of her kind:
to save fruit for the rootless
wood beneath, in recess spent
atop the bench, crownless
adorned for her suitors
by soft evening glow
and i could not deny
her budding plea,
trotting through her garden
to find myself
obliging, that i would not be
mere marble hemline
to my little gown of native grace:
evergreen pleats satin
catching beauty in every breeze,
unwavering color aflutter
coats and scarves, bolder
leaves wishing descendent
where everything is new
In spite of time.
[ Gardenia ]
{ an imperfect confidence of feelings. }
dearest gardenia,
i’ve been lost again;
falling, falling
down a windswept path
she has her eyes in the leaves
and a heart in the grains
keeping my fireflies in a jar
on a bench, existing somewhere
you know these things:
she once took after you
as a foal by the reeds
me? i couldn’t bring myself to
knock twice,
for who am I to ask such sweetness
of sweetness herself?
still you say in every life
there’s a moment—
a tremor of spring,
blankets of lichen air
a hoof to my lips
gently singing—
then you ask what I remember,
i think it more than a dream:
the river curling around the stone,
entreating whispers
(perfectly you)
willow, strands of white;
blushes of mahogany
Kindling the hearth.
[ butterflies ]
{ when i first held you }
an angel fell from the sky,
drifting sweetly like morning mist
upon fertile airs.
she gazed at me,
with glistening rays bursting through
clouds of my unlikeness.
she was the color of life,
the color of foalhood.
she was my lover’s rose,
she was fields of sunflowers spry,
the flourishing cliffs and valleys we trot,
the lonely mountain lake where we shared
our first embrace. she was the color
kissing the sky, crowning the soil
with its jewels through my pain;
she was the bluebird’s song which lay me to rest,
close by your side as spring’s first breath
warmed my soul.
she was the butterfly in my chest,
the skip of a beat,
the little things i grew to love
after the rainfall
[ Moonflower ]
{ Through nights and winters however strong, }
not once further;
i heard your cries
amidst the deadfall,
alone, drenched
ashes of straw:
plunged in darkness, how
could one find a path
of righteous accord?
there were no flowers then,
only time, enduring
as the rising sun
over frozen tears,
longing for spring
and you had grown
distant, like a palace
garden; your foundation
awash in vagrant irises
forsaken by twilight—
is this what you believe in?
is it not enough to know
that you are everything
as i was everything?
you wish to be loved
as you were made to be,
yet in our world,
something is always lost:
always we, always
merely trusting
there is no better immortality
between the tempest
and the soft heart
at its center
so please, be strong,
until the clouds give way
and the shivers subside
and birds are still
for i am here,
tearfully persisting—
a scent of death
Close at dawn.
[ Zinnia ]
{ For days gone by, and forever more. }
i remember
many a moon
ago, when the tides
ebbed and flowed, carrying
you to me
your eyes glistened like dew
upon daffodils, wild and sprung
anew — you said
you would talk to them,
if only you could find
a voice
hidden within
those sweet, silver
harmonies, resonating
with a passion which rouses
color out of oblivion, with
a love
which turns tears
into butterflies
i watched you grow;
from the stone,
a great fountain, blossoming
as your soul,
as your song
and on these nights, when i gaze
at the stars, for
all of her beauty, i still find you
dancing among them.
you are
there, you have always
been there, and i love you
i love you
in your moment
and outside,
far from home
and in my embrace,
aloft bar and rest, catching the
space between notes like
rain splitting ashes beyond
the hearth; warmest of all
this, you called
And it is beautiful.
by LYRAnonymous
by LYRAnonymous