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Spring Odyssey

By LYRAnonymous
Created: 2020-12-04 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-13 00:48:45
Expiry: Never

  1. NOTE: This story accompanies a music composition entitled "Rhapsody and Serenade for a Minty Mare". Full project details and file releases can be found at
  3. I. Morning ~ Aubade
  5. >You are Lyra, minty pone extraordinaire.
  6. >It’s a beautiful day outside and you’re chasing butterflies through the pasture.
  7. >The sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing soothes you as frolic about.
  8. >The vast open space gives you life, and you relish in the whimsical freedom of the aspect.
  9. >You’re smiling from ear to ear.
  10. >Suddenly, a particularly prismatic butterfly manifests and catches your attention - one of brilliant colors and seeming to glow among the rest.
  11. >Your curiosity piqued, you hop towards it.
  12. >It’s fast!
  13. >But nothing is faster than you.
  14. >You follow it eagerly to the far ends of the expansive pasture.
  15. >You see the rest of the world only in your peripheral; your determination is solely devoted to chasing this particular butterfly.
  16. >You’re catching up.
  17. >The brisk fluttering of its wings imbues you with greater energy as you gain on it.
  18. >You spring from a quick caper to a prance.
  19. >You’re so close now.
  20. >You pounce...
  21. >You reach out with your hooves...
  22. >And hit the ground.
  24. >Your eyes pop open, realizing you have fallen out of bed.
  25. >Your ears perk up and warily scan the room.
  26. >Morning in Ponyville shimmers through your window.
  27. >Your waking cognizance tells you it’s going to be a great day.
  28. >Slowly getting up, you blink the last of the drowsiness away.
  29. >You tidy yourself and the bed up and trot down the stairs for your morning coffee and breakfast.
  30. >The homeliness of your living room is especially inviting this morning, with brilliant rays of light shining through the curtains.
  31. >You ready a small pot of boiling water for your coffee and open the curtains, momentarily taking in the bustling scene outside.
  32. >While you wait, you take a look at yourself in the mirror and stretch a bit.
  33. >Pretty as always, Lyra.
  34. >Minutes later, your coffee is ready. You briefly contemplate adding some whipped cream or something, but you decide to keep it simple today. You fill a cup and lift it to your agog snout.
  35. >You take a sip.
  36. >You instantaneously feel vitality as that familiar warmth surges through your body.
  37. >You shiver with delight and your eyes light up. You down the rest of the cup, practically ready to start bouncing off the walls now.
  38. >Next on your itinerary...
  39. >Not many ponies know this, but to you, making breakfast is an art.
  40. >You played with your food a lot more than other fillies, and to an extent it’s something that’s stuck with you.
  41. >You once spent an hour making the perfect cereal at Bon Bon’s house, and don’t regret a thing.
  42. >It’s a quirk of your eccentric nature and in part the reason why you’re so readily energized each and every day.
  43. >Unfortunately for you this time, you had forgotten to go out for groceries the other day, and had to settle for plain oatmeal.
  44. >Thankfully you had plenty of oats for that matter; you’re a frequent “customer” of other ponies’ pantries.
  45. >You frown slightly at the relatively subpar meal before you. Sure, oats are delicious on their own, but you can’t help but feel some dissatisfaction.
  46. >Choosing not to let this minor hitch disturb you, you finish up the rest of your morning routine quickly, now simply ready to start the day.
  48. >You open the door and take a nice big whiff of the fresh air.
  49. >A gentle spring breeze is blowing, the sun is shining, and all around you ponies trot about their daily business.
  50. >As for you...well, you never have anything pressing to do on days like these.
  51. >Regularity was never your thing anyways.
  52. >You ultimately decide you’ll just pop around and see your friends.
  53. >And even if they’re busy, there’s always somepony out there who’s day you can brighten!
  54. >And so you skip around Ponyville jovially, greeting ponies as you go.
  55. >You join Derpy in making the morning rounds and try to race each other to each house. Many important letters were lost to the wind today.
  56. >You listen attentively to Carrot Top as she tells you all about her super secret carrot farming techniques.
  57. >You pester Octavia with some music jokes while she tries to practice. At some point Vinyl joins in on the persiflage.
  58. >You tell funny stories to a weary and unamused Bon Bon; she’s heard them all a hundred times before.
  59. >All this and more, yet no sign of the human thus far…
  60. >You’d absolutely love to hang out with him on a day like today.
  61. >...
  62. >You’re sure he’ll show up sometime later. What’s the harm in taking your sweet time?
  63. >Reassuring yourself, you put on a smile and continue on your way.
  65. ---
  67. II. Afternoon ~ Scherzo
  69. >The sun glares brilliantly overhead as you rest on the edge of the town fountain.
  70. >You’re nearly spent after all that morning fun you were having.
  71. >For now, you’re simply content to watch the passersby and soak in the placid atmosphere.
  72. >Come to think of it, you are getting kind of hungry, especially in light of that rather lackluster breakfast.
  73. >It’s past lunchtime anyways - surely about time to head off to Sugarcube Corner for something to eat.
  74. >You start on the path, humming a dainty tune and skipping delicately to the rhythm.
  75. >Perhaps some daisy sandwiches? Blueberry muffins?
  76. >Can’t forget the hayshakes of course.
  77. >Half pondering as you go, your thoughts are interrupted by the peripheral sight of a tall green man in the distance walking your direction.
  78. >Without thinking twice, you dive into some bushes to the side of the path.
  79. >There he is - Anon, the man of the hour.
  80. >And he’s got a box of freshly baked donuts!
  81. >Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice your sudden maneuver.
  82. >Somehow.
  83. >He always gets so fussy when you run off with his food, and it’s awful convenient of him to indulge you with the opportunity now of all times.
  84. >Before you know it, Anon is approaching your spot in the bushes.
  85. >Swiftly, you leap from hiding, reaching out with your magic to snag the box of donuts from Anon’s clutches.
  86. >Of course, with the grace of an elephant you fail to stick the landing.
  87. >Thankfully, Anon is in shock just for enough time for you to recover and be on your hooves dashing the other way.
  88. >Glancing backwards, you see him shouting after you and giving chase.
  89. >Here we go again!
  91. >You know you’re faster than him, but you still like to have a little fun with him while you run.
  92. >Rounding a corner into the marketplace, you slow your pace slightly to allow Anon to catch up.
  93. >Just when he thinks he’s got you, you bound forward again with newfound energy, taunting him to just try and catch you.
  94. >Dashing through the market, ponies around you weave out of your way, taking notice of the rowdy chase going on.
  95. >You dodge and weave between the stalls; a nimble target you are.
  96. >You duck under the flaps of a tent and disappear momentarily.
  97. >Anon stops in the middle of the road and looks about, having seemingly lost you in the crowd.
  98. >You call out to him from behind and give a sizable bounce while waving his box of donuts for him to see before taking off.
  99. >The last thing you see are the skittish ponies hurriedly making way for Anon, who comes charging through.
  100. >You’re not worried about him catching you just yet though.
  101. >Heading back to the town plaza, you leap over the fountain and lead Anon in circles around the town hall.
  102. >One, two, three, four...
  103. >Eventually you look behind you and notice Anon isn’t following you anymore.
  104. >Wait...!
  105. >Your head snaps forwards and you see him hurtling straight toward you at breakneck speed.
  106. >Your reflexes can’t be outmatched though, for you are Lyra the fleet-footed!
  107. >You instinctively spring out of his way and gallop off towards the town’s edge with him close behind.
  108. >He seems extra determined to win back his food this time, and you smile knowing that your “punishment” is going to be even more “severe” because of this.
  109. >You lead him around turns and twists on the perimeter of town, and soon observe enthused ponies cheering at the marvel as you pass them.
  110. >Wouldn’t hurt to tease him a bit more while you’re still ahead, right?
  111. >Opening the box of donuts with your magic, you take a messy bite out of one, but before you can look back and gauge your distance, you feel a desperate tugging at your tail.
  112. >Oh no, you got too cocky!
  113. >You lose both your footing and magical hold, and the momentum sends you tumbling down a grassy hill off to the side of the path. You hear the sounds of Anon suffering the same fate.
  115. >You both end up collapsed under the shade of a lone tree in a meadow.
  116. >The box of donuts lies nearby, spilt all over the ground.
  117. >All according to plan.
  118. >After all, the prize was never really the food, and you know full well what comes next.
  119. >You spring into action, pinning him down under the tree.
  120. >You nip playfully at his face with your hooves and smile deviously, tempting him.
  121. >Any moment now he’ll “retaliate”...
  122. >But to your surprise, he doesn’t just give in as is wont.
  123. >Anon reaches out to his side, plucks a flower, and tickles the underside of your snoot with it.
  124. >You sneeze.
  125. >Anon briefly chuckles at your bewilderment, sticking out a finger to boop you, stunning you even further.
  126. >Then, rolling out from under you, he takes off prancing tantalizingly through the meadow, leaving you flopped awkwardly on your belly.
  127. >No fair!
  128. >You won’t be denied your blissful tickles!
  129. >Rubbing your abused snootle and nickering, you pick yourself up and go after him.
  130. >Being out-shid’d is unfamiliar to you, and you’re never usually the one doing the chasing.
  131. >Regardless you soon realize that, for the most part, you’re just having the usual fun larking about with Anon. To that end you suspect he isn’t taking any of this very seriously either.
  132. >You suppose sensual gratification could wait just a teensy bit longer. When all is said and done, you tend to live for the moment.
  133. >And so you both dance around the meadow for some time, feeling the rapture of frolicking to and fro through the cool spring air without a care in the world.
  134. >Eventually, you both collapse next to each other on your backs from exhaustion. You relish in the warmth of the spring sunshine and his company, the piquant aroma of flowers pervading the air.
  135. >You gaze up at the clouds; they’re so beautiful today.
  136. >You take turns occasionally pointing out the different shapes and contours the clouds seemed to form almost on a whim, though you could swear you were catching glimpses of ‘things’ dashing back and forth between those very clouds...
  137. >To make things more interesting, you decide to make a game out of the cloud-watching, in which you manage to win so convincingly that Anon can’t help but compliment your out-of-this-world imagination with a hearty chuckle.
  138. >To this and more, you both simply lie there in tranquility for what seems like hours.
  139. >It’s just one of those days.
  141. >...
  142. >What time is it anyways?
  143. >Sluggishly rolling over, you gradually return to your senses.
  144. >Without warning, your stomach growls forcefully, and you realize you still haven't gotten to eat any of Anon’s donuts - not that you really could - and let alone lunch.
  145. >You hear a light chuckle from your peripheral.
  146. >Oh! You almost forgot about him!
  147. >Turning, you see Anon sitting under the shade of a tree watching you as you awaken from your little afternoon nap.
  148. >You blush slightly, give your wanting tummy a rub and sheepishly ask him if you could catch something to eat.
  149. >Getting up, he offers you a piggyback ride to go get some food back in town.
  150. >How could you resist?
  151. >You eagerly climb up his back and onto a comfortable position atop his shoulders.
  152. >Fortunately for him, you’re a relatively lightweight pony. He does still have a little trouble initially plodding you up the steep hill you rolled down, but in time you’re back on the edge of Ponyville.
  153. >Anon asks you where you’d like to dine.
  154. >You have an idea.
  155. >You tell him to head back to your house.
  156. >He gives a confused response, but you insist, giving him a gentle pat on the head from your perch, and you find yourself on your way again.
  157. >He’s walking at an easy, relaxed pace. You do sort of wish he could put a little more elan into it, but you suppose there’s no harm in taking it slow for the time being.
  158. >As you march along, you take a moment to look around and gauge the various reactions of passersby.
  159. >Looks of confusion, approval, and even envy.
  160. >You feel lucky to have Anon, someone who can not only tolerate but also empathize with your devil-may-care nature.
  161. >He knows you so well…
  163. >...
  164. >With a jolt, you feel Anon abruptly stop and you realize you’re staring off into space again. Anon starts talking, but not to you.
  165. >You look to see who it is, and are pleasantly surprised to see Bon Bon standing there in the middle of conversing with him about something involving carrots and...mousetraps?
  166. >You wave to her enthusiastically in greeting.
  167. >She’s never quite trusted Anon as you have, though of course, she’s never quite trusted you all the way either, what with all your oat thieving antics.
  168. >You find that strange, because relieving a friend of their excess oats is just a deed only good friends do!
  169. >Reengaging with the conversation, you hear Anon telling Bon about your little escapade today, and how he denied you that petting session that in all respects you entirely deserved.
  170. >Of course, Bon Bon seems quite pleased with this, rubbing it in with a cool smirk. You scrunch your snoot and huff in dissatisfaction.
  171. >It’s only a small “victory” anyways.
  172. >With that, she gives you a sly wink before wishing you two well and heading off, leaving you both to continue on your merry way.
  174. >After a while, you realize you’re starting to bounce a little and notice Anon has picked up the pace modestly.
  175. >Now this is more like it!
  176. >You giggle in exuberance as he parades you around town with increasing speed.
  177. >Faster and faster he goes!
  178. >The exhilarating spectacle gathers the vocal support of some onlookers with mixed reactions mostly of shock and awe.
  179. >To be fair, having your peaceful late afternoon in town be disturbed by a rowdy human running by sporting an equally rowdy pony on his back is certainly not something you see everyday.
  180. >As for you, you’re occupied in the moment laughing at Anon’s comical burlesque of neighs and whinnies to care about what’s happening around you.
  181. >Come to think of it, all these horsey noises from him remind you of something he mentioned to you before - about how humans ride horses where he’s from. He even told you a bit about how it worked...
  182. >With your house now appearing in the distance, you hold on tight and - if your memory serves you right - click your tongue loudly in rapid succession.
  183. >Sure enough, Anon your steed breaks into a quickened sprint on your cue!
  184. >You squeal and cheer vigorously as he boisterously gallops for the home stretch.
  185. >Whoa…
  186. >Whoa...
  187. >Whoa!
  188. >Just in the nick of time, Anon manages to curb his velocity just enough to prevent you both from tumbling headfirst into the dirt.
  189. >He stumbles a bit for being out of breath, but when you finally reach the doorstep, you’re nothing but elated. Panting, Anon lets you hop off and open the door.
  191. ---
  193. III. Evening ~ Serenade
  195. >You enthusiastically tell him to come inside, and he immediately crashes on the couch gasping for air.
  196. >You tell him how fun that was, giving him a few jubilant hops for emphasis.
  197. >He smiles weakly and makes an exasperated motion with his fingers resembling some sort of ‘O’. Though you don’t remember exactly what that one means, you’re pretty sure it means he agrees.
  198. >You tell him to rest himself while you saunter on over to the kitchen to make some dinner for his troubles.
  200. >Unfortunately, the problem is that without Bon to help you, you aren’t really any good at actually cooking anything extravagant on your own.
  201. >You do want this dinner to be special, but...what would that even look like in “human-size”?
  202. >It doesn’t help that your fridge is devoid of any ingredients save for a few carrots, some half-eaten.
  203. >You facehoof, only now realizing you’ve been so busy with friends today that you forgot to pick up groceries at the market at all.
  204. >Why did you come up with this offer if you had nothing in mind whatsoever? Only a silly pony would do that!
  205. >Your last resort if all else fails is...oatmeal, but you have reasonable concerns about feeding Anon a meal with stolen oats, a good fraction of which you know are his.
  206. >Plus, what kind of dinner is that?
  207. >It looks grim, but you have to make do. Perhaps you can still salvage this.
  208. >With a determined countenance, you get to work.
  210. >As you approach the table with the food, an expectant Anon stares at you bemusedly. You sit down next to him.
  211. >Anon reaches over and idly brushes your hair with his fingers, trying to comment on the quality of your work.
  212. >He seems to be struggling to keep a straight face, occasionally letting out a few snorts of laughter while he takes it all in.
  213. >On his plate, a smiley face made of those half-eaten carrots so precisely placed.
  214. >Surely, your best work!
  215. >At last, he breaks out guffawing at the circumstance of his “meal”.
  216. >You initially are confused, but come to see the silliness in what you’ve done and join him in laughter.
  217. >Coming to terms with the situation, you both enjoy this oddball trip of a dinner together.
  218. >Not the most filling, but any food is better than none, you suppose. What can you do?
  220. >As you sit there waiting for Anon to finish up, you ponder what to do next.
  221. >It has been a pretty tiring and long day hitherto, but you can’t help but feel like you have even more to do in his company today.
  222. >Maybe an evening walk in the park?
  223. >Getting yet another idea, you head upstairs, looking for a certain vade mecum of yours.
  224. >In the corner of your room, your brilliant golden lyre sits peacefully.
  225. >Placing it into a saddlebag and cinching it tight, you silently hope you’ll be inspired enough to play for him tonight.
  226. >Heading back downstairs to Anon finishing up washing the dishes, you ask him if he would like to go for a walk in the park.
  227. >There is an inflection of purest sincerity in your voice and a slight warmth building in your cheeks.
  228. >...Why?
  229. >Anon seems to see right through you. Almost expectantly, he accepts your invitation, pointing his “thumb” up.
  230. >You know this one; it’s a gesture of honest approval.
  231. >As if you expected anything less from him.
  233. >Instead of usual jovial prance, you trot beside Anon at a leisurely pace through the park.
  234. >You have a path in mind.
  235. >Along the way, you take the time to smell the roses now in bloom and admire the plethora of colorful flowers.
  236. >You tend to get distracted by the littlest things in life. You can’t help it; you’re curious like that.
  237. >Each time, Anon is patient. Either watching you or taking the time to absorb the serenity in the surroundings.
  238. >You wonder what he thinks about in that strange mind of his.
  239. >You wonder what he really thinks of you.
  241. >You at last arrive at the penultimate destination of the walk: a pair of leaning trees and a peculiar large flat stone overlooking a small yet expansive valley filled with many blooming flowers and a river cutting through it.
  242. >It’s one of your favorite points for a reason.
  243. >It always seemed to radiate an elegiac atmosphere.
  244. >Perhaps even romantic...
  245. >You uncinch your saddlebag, set it down, and gracefully hop onto the stone. Instinctively, Anon climbs up and takes a seat beside you.
  246. >He begins humming a quaint musical number. To your surprise, you somehow recognize it.
  247. >It’s a lullaby your mother taught you when you were a filly.
  248. >The swaying leaves in the trees seem to mimic a quaint dance, and the persistent sound of running water beneath you washes away and drowns out any worries you may or may not have.
  249. >It’s all so beautiful.
  250. >You start to lean into Anon, nuzzling his side. He wraps an arm around you, gently stroking your fur.
  251. >Together in silence, you watch the sun set.
  253. ---
  255. IV. Night ~ Nocturne
  257. >Times like these leave you more introspective and thoughtful than you usually are.
  258. >You slow down and take it all in - the radiance of the moonlight casting down upon you, the organic sounds of the night, the freshness of the air…It all congeals to be something truly special.
  259. >It’s really not all that often that you get the opportunity to appreciate the cool and crisp murmur of the falling night in the presence of good company.
  260. >You suppose tonight is different because of that.
  262. >You walk together in silence until out of the blue you feel Anon gently grasp your hoof in his hand.
  263. >You freeze, looking up at him in surprise. He’s never done this before...
  264. >He quickly apologizes and tries to retract his hand, but you instinctively latch back on.
  265. >You tell him it’s okay.
  266. >You relax your hoof in his hold and try to hobble onward.
  267. >Your posture wavers precariously as you adjust to walking three-legged, but with his help you manage, albeit at a much slower pace.
  268. >Though it may be incredibly ungainly, the wonderful tactile feelings you’re experiencing more than make up for it.
  269. >Hand-in-hoof, he leads and you follow.
  270. >Your mind begins to wander; you see yourself slow-dancing with Anon under the glimmer of the moon.
  271. >You imagine being in his close embrace as he guides your motions through an unfamiliar stance in a safe place.
  272. >A whisk, a turn, and a dip in his arms...
  273. >You wrap your hooves around his shoulders and gaze longingly up into his stoic complexion.
  274. >He silently obliges, leaning in close...
  275. >You stumble out of your reverie. Anon reaches out to catch you with a quizzical look.
  276. >You really need to stop doing that.
  278. >You realize you are coming up on it, just up ahead...
  279. >Your favorite park bench, illuminated only by the soft glow of fireflies.
  280. >Anon looks at you knowingly.
  281. >Moving ahead, you seat yourself comfortably on the bench and beckon for Anon to join you.
  282. >While he follows suit, you undo the flap on your saddlebag and carefully lift your lyre out, slowly swiveling in position to face him.
  283. >You can’t help but notice how tastefully clear Luna’s night sky was tonight, as though the clouds had been cleared just for you two.
  284. >Anon leans back in anticipation, as though he was expecting this all this time.
  285. >Can’t disappoint him now.
  286. >You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and play...
  288. >You have nothing in mind, and yet the music comes to you with ease.
  289. >You create as your imagination drives you.
  290. >You strum effortlessly, the dulcet vibrations emanating warmly around you both like a blanket.
  291. >As you continue to play, you can almost hear the sounds of a soft accompaniment playing alongside you, filling the space beneath the melody with lustrous harmony.
  292. >...
  293. >Eventually, natural as the music is to you, you feel it soon coming to an end.
  294. >You begin to soften your playing, plucking gentler in foresight.
  295. >Quieter...
  296. >Quieter...
  297. >Smooth as silk, you drive your serenade to a tender, sympathetic close.
  298. >The delicate tones of the romance cling to the air, leaving you motionless as the remnants of your playing gradually dissipate into the ambience of the night.
  300. >The sound of sudden coughing takes you out of your trance.
  301. >Shocked, you look over with wide eyes and ask Anon if he is okay.
  302. >He chuckles earnestly.
  303. >He says he was so enamored with your beautiful playing he forgot to breathe.
  304. >Coming back to your senses, you giggle lightly at his quip.
  305. >Oh, how funny he is.
  306. >Then, with some seriousness, he faces you earnestly, directing your attention with his hands.
  307. >Holding you close, he points at the stars in the deep night sky.
  308. >But not just any stars.
  309. >Your stars.
  310. >The stars of Lyra, shining brilliantly against a canvas of darkness.
  311. >He says you’re his brightest star.
  312. >He says you’re the most wholehearted and genuine pony he knows.
  313. >He says your silly and lighthearted inclinations make you the best part of his day.
  314. >He says you mean the world to him.
  315. >He says those donuts were meant to be for you, because...
  317. >...He loves you.
  319. >The butterflies are practically pecking away at your insides.
  320. >You look away bashfully, wondering how you should respond.
  321. >Was this whole outing not your own idea?
  322. >You hadn’t initially thought of it as anything like a date, but you realize now just how much of it was subconsciously driven by your feelings.
  323. >It’s too perfect to just let go of them, and now he says he loves you.
  324. >He loves you...
  325. >...too.
  326. >The emotions overtake you and you feel yourself falling apart in front of him.
  327. >You face him with beaming eyes though now lightly streaming with tears.
  328. >You tell him every day gets better when he’s around.
  329. >You tell him he means the world to you, and you never want to let him go.
  330. >You tell him you love him.
  331. >And through the sweet bliss you reach out before he can muster a reaction, pulling him into a tight hug and nuzzling his neck in pure adoration.
  332. >Through watery eyes you gaze up at him and smile with an innocence and euphoria not even you had seen in yourself before.
  333. >He smiles back, and thanks you for being the beautiful pony you are.
  334. >To think that not so long ago you had merely sat on this bench alone. On sunny afternoons, on chilly relax, to think, to breathe...
  335. >Now the stars have aligned, and you at last get the opportunity to truly share its reserved comforts with the one you care for the most - the one you love.
  336. >You couldn’t be more grateful for what is the perfect end to a perfect day.
  338. >Before long, you feel Anon shifting around and stirring in your clasp, and suppose he’s getting comfortable for the long haul.
  339. >Yeah, you figured that’s what this would come to.
  340. >You snuggle up close, content with losing yourself in his embrace for the night.
  341. >He closes his eyes.
  342. >You close your eyes.
  343. >The world fades away around you as the thralls of slumber gradually take you.
  344. >You’ll dream of him tonight.

Spring Odyssey

by LYRAnonymous

LYRAnonymous - Lyra Thread Anthology

by LYRAnonymous