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Price of happiness

By Guest
Created: 2021-10-27 21:38:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Evening is coming. You walk home from farm of Apple family. You can feel the dry ground under your hooves. It is crumpled by the wheels of the cart, so you try to follow the rut so as not to step on a stone or something else unpleasant. You see a sphere of fire, so majestic and beautiful, a huge sun descending over the horizon. In a past life, you could speculate about the scattering of rays in the atmosphere and the decomposition of light into spectra, which is happening right now with such a familiar and at the same time alien star. But now you just don't want to think about it: you cast a glance at the fiery sunset and sighed reverently. Does this mean that you have become sillier? You haven't lost your knowledge. You have not forgotten how to think critically, you have not lost your cold prudence and craving for learning new things. But hasn't something changed? You're on your way home now after a hard (maybe even exhausting) day at the farm. You are dirty, sweaty and tired. But why do you feel so good? Why are you looking forward to doing housewife chores? Or, maybe, something has changed?
  3. You notice how the shaky primer has been replaced by paving stones. Your legs felt lighter, and you quickened your pace a little. A Ponyville! Little ponies have dinner in a cafe, chat, walk, say goodbye and go home. Foals run through the streets, play hide and seek or just ride scooters for a race. Somepony, just like you, are returning from work. One of the ponies ... oh, this is my friend, Pinkie Pie, greeting you: "Weeeeeee, the world's best Applejack's worker is here, hiiii! Would you like a new cupcake to try? It's super-duper-delicious! Try it, try it, you will want it once more!" ... Without waiting for an answer, she shoves a whole cupcake into your mouth and jumps away. Do not be mad by her, please: she does what she does solely from the brightest motives. And the cupcake turned out to be really tasty. After chewing and swallowing the sweetness, you wanted to ask something, but only called out emptiness.
  5. Are you still surprised at your new voice, dear? And the newfound southern accent? You remember who you were in your previous life, don't you? Do you remember that your voice was also masculine, and you did not speak with an accent? Of course you remember. After all, this is what makes you the happiest filly in Equestria? You examine yourself: even being smeared with mud, you still like yourself. This is not like narcissism or any other form of selfishness. It seems, rather, to the satisfaction of the sprotspony, who has achieved the ideal, in his opinion, body. Your body does not look like something outstanding compared to the rest of Ponyville mares, but you love it. Because this is your body, my dear.
  7. You cross the threshold of an unremarkable house within the boundaries of Ponyville and finally find yourself at home. You immediately fill a hot bath, wash yourself clean and start those very housewife chores. And there are a lot of things to do: clean vegetables, chop, cook, serve on plates and humbly wait for your husband from work. You clung to the window in the dining room and began to watch the slowly fading life in Ponyville for this day: here the foals say goodbye and go home; here are mares and stallions lighting candles at home; here young and hot fillies and colts gathered at the site of my destroyed library - now it is a traditional meeting place for such young companies. You listen to their songs mesmerizingly: there is something magical in their repertoire ... something magically simple and mesmerizing. Or maybe it's just your girlish heart thinks so?
  9. "Did you miss me, my sweet bun?" - having listened to the song of young ponies, you did not notice how your husband returned. You started talking. Once again, you notice how much your dialect has changed. You call your stallion the names of sweets, use outdated words, and your intonation makes you feel like Applejack is not only your boss, but also your sister. It might be troubling if you weren't happy with that appearance. As you eat dinner, your special pony talks about his daily adventures at work. Some moments can cause laughter and call into question his competence, because you have a lot of knowledge and experience from a previous life. But it never even occurs to you to argue with your husband. You were an intelligent and educated person only there, at Earth. Here you are not the smartest, even a little silly, mare with an unremarkable appearance and a heavy southern accent.
  11. But he loves you anyway. You were accepted in Equestria, and you accepted Equestria with all your heart and soul. And it is in the soul that you are all, my dear. Many people have left our world, unable to accept our way of life, our culture and our values. But you were not only able to do this, but you also learned to live and enjoy the simplicity, our beautiful nature and the unassuming life of simple earth pony. And so I, Twilight Sparkle, bless you - live in Equestria happily ever after! Now go to bed, my dear; your wife duty is not yet complete today.

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