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By Alcatraz
Created: 2021-10-28 14:47:30
Expiry: Never

  3. Description: OBJECT-POLYMORPH is the designation for a parasitic predator encountered in RCG-012 ("Everfree Forest") and the Xocatl Rainforest. It has a two-stage life cycle, the first of which is a parasitic stage, when it gradually feeds from its host and replaces parts of its host's body with its own biomass as it consumes them. This stage can last for years, during which the POLYMORPH instance imitates the behavior of its host. All parts of the host are eventually consumed, except for the skin and integument, which are kept alive and sustained by the parasite for use as a disguise. This stage of its development ends when it has fully consumed its host, and the still-living skin sloughs off to reveals its true from. Adult instances are apex hunters and scavengers, with a black carapace and a vague morphological resemblence to their original host. They are most active during night and twilight hours. During their reproductive season, adult POLYMORPH form monogamous pairs for the purposes of mating and cooperative hunting. The latter involves stalking and ambushing mammals in which to lay their eggs, which gestate in 10-14 days. A preference for juvenile prey is noted during this period, especially those not yet weaned. It is conjectured that OBJECT-POLYMORPH had a much larger range in ancient times, which has since shrunk for unknown reasons.
  4. Despite their aggressive nature, POLYMORPH instances have not been documented hunting ponies or other sapients, neither for food nor for reproduction. The reason for this is unknown. OBJECT-POLYMORPH is currently considered a Vulnerable species, and conservation efforts are ongoing.
  6. Addendum-1: Princess Twilight Sparkle ordered animal testing for the purpose of data gathering. I want it on the record that I strongly object to these experiments. The suffering we're inflicting on these animals are extreme. Would could we possibly learn that would justify this level of suffering? - Dr. Saffron Rice
  9. Research Note 1 (Preliminary): OBJECT-POLYMORPH parasitization can be broken down into 4 stages. All tests were conducted on the Equestrian Domestic Hog, selected for its size and morphological similarity to ponies. Progression times listed are the median.
  10. Stage 1 (0-3 days after infection): POLYMORPH larva crawls towards the brain through host tissues, although natural anesthetics prevent the host from noticing. This movement can often times be seen under the skin. Simple thaumic scans to aid physical removal are enough to prevent progression.
  11. Stage 2 (3-13 days after infection): Larva reach their destination, where they engage in cannibalism until only one remains (all larva present in a single host are genetically identical). The survivor proceeds to grow neural tendrils which grow throughout the host's brain and integrates with host neural tissues. Until this is complete, thaumic-aided surgery can remove the larva, with brain damage to the host correlating with increasing neural integration.
  12. Stage 3 (13-45 days after infection): Larva learns to mimick brain outputs of the host, as shown by thaumic neuro-imaging. Neural inputs to and outputs by the brain are sometimes disrupted by the larva for unknow reasons. Tendrils begin spreading to the rest of the body, and tissues closest to the head begin to be consumed and replaced by the larva. The host does not notice this due to perceptual chances. At this stage, the larva can not be removed without killing the host. Physical and psychological development of the host, in the case of adolescents, is halted as resources are diverted to the larva. The mind of the host seems to have varying degrees of anterograde amnesia after ~day 22, due to the larva disrupting relevant neural pathways in the host. This is presumed to be intended to reduce erratic host behavior before the larva is able to take full motor control.
  13. Stage 4 (45-??? days after infection): Larva continues to consume the host, eventually leaving only skin and integument untouched. After day 60, thaumic scans of the host brain indicate constant sensations of pain and fear. The host brain is left mostly untouched throughout this process, and is queried by the larva only when information, generally regarding social interaction, is needed. Sensory input to host brains are not disrupted.
  15. Throughout all stages, hosts did not exhibit behavior unexpected from an animal its age, with the possible exception of increased food consumption. The only thing distinguishing
  16. them from a baseline hog were the results from thaumic scans. A most devious parasite. Just how smart are they? - Dr. Saffron Rice
  18. All animals euthanized at day 60. Screw Princess Twilight. I'm not hurting these animals any further, and I'm not letting anypony hurt more animals for the Princess's degenerate curiosity. I'll come up with something later that'll halt this line of experimentation. Until then, I'm withholding Stage 4 data. -Dr. Saffron Rice.
  20. For the record, Twilight overrode two Ethics Committee vetos on her experiments. I have your back - something's not right about all this, and I think we've all learned our lesson about trusting Princesses. -Director White Castle
  22. Royal Directive 01 (Twilight Sparkle): Every single one of these monsters must fucking hang. I want a plan for planet-wide extinction of OBJECT-POLYMORPH on my desk within 15 days.
  24. Either she's going insane, or she's hiding something from us. I have a contact in the Everfree who might be able to help us - the tabloids have been speculating over why Twilight has been spending so much time there lately. - Agent Sweetie Drops
  27. Meanwhile, at Black Site Epstein
  28. "Hell of a thing to do, dragging me out of retirement." Green Bloom muttered to herself.
  29. >But she wasn't mad. Couldn't be mad, really, with what they were paying her.
  30. "And of all the projects I could have gotten assigned to."
  31. >Green Bloom didn't normally talk to herself. She took notes, or paced quietly in contemplation. Talking to herself was more like a nervous tic, something she did to self-soothe when everything went to shit.
  32. >She looked through the one-way glass and into the containment chamber. At the three fillies investigating the room, eagerly chatting with each other and cracking jokes.
  33. >Not fillies, she reminded herself. Not children. Their bodies were already dead. All that was left were monsters. The monsters that had killed them and wore their skins even now as a coat. To trick her. So they could do the same to others.
  34. >"Umm, ma'am? Mister? Whoever's out there?" The little unicorn-thing asked. "Could we get some food in here? We haven't eaten since last night."
  35. >"Yeah! You can't just take us away from our families and keep us here! We have rights! And we're hungry!" The crippled pegasus exclaimed.
  36. >Green Bloom made a note to investigate if its deformity was a pre-existing condition.
  37. >Her job was to see if their condition could reversed.
  38. >She would at least try, since the order came from the Princess herself. But she doubted there was anything left to save.
  42. Project Sauron is the designation for an auto-dictating type IV bound familiar (conceptual, sensing, non-sapient), proposed by Agent [REDACTED] and designed by Agent [REDACTED] and Doctor [REDACTED]. It is capable of producing text descriptions of images while identifying and censoring infohazards. Project Sauron was first deployed at Black Site Epstein to aid in the containment of OBJECT-POLYMORPH-A instances[1].
  44. [1]: Although all personnel and resources were withdrawn from Black Site Epstein after 1206-01-01, Project Sauron remained active for undocumented reasons.
  50. EPSTEIN-01-1206-01-01: THREE juvenile ponies are in a room. The room is furnished with MANY books, SOME toys, THREE beds, and ONE toilet. The following is drawn on the floor with crayon: "PLEASE LET US GO WE'RE SO HUNGRY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US"
  52. EPSTEIN-01-1206-01-03: TWO juvenile ponies are in a room. ONE unidentified quadruped is in the room. The room is furnished with MANY books, SOME toys, THREE beds, and ONE toilet. The distal right corner of the room is covered in red liquid [SAURON ESTIMATES ~43% CHANCE THIS IS A TYPE-RED CLASS-A INFOHAZARD]. The following is drawn on the floor with crayon: "I'M SO SORY [sic] FOR EATING MY SKIN I DIDN'T MEAN TO"
  54. EPSTEIN-01-1206-01-05: ONE juvenile pony is in a room. TWO unidentified quadrupeds are in the room. The room is furnished with SOME books, SOME toys, THREE beds, and ONE toilet. The distal two corners of the room are covered in red liquid [SAURON ESTIMATES ~78% CHANCE THIS IS A TYPE-RED CLASS-A INFOHAZARD]. The following is drawn on the floor with crayon: "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US WHAT ARE WE WERE [sic] SO HUNGRY DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS TO MY FRIENDS"
  56. EPSTEIN-01-1206-01-12: TWO unidentified quadrupeds are in a room. The room is furnished with ONE empty bookshelf, SOME toys, THREE beds, and ONE toilet. The distal two corners of the room are covered in brown stains. There is a [REDACTED, SAURON ESTIMATES ~98% CHANCE THIS IS A TYPE-RED CLASS-X INFOHAZARD] in the middle of the room. Roughly 1/4 of it has been consumed. There are unidentified markings drawn on the floor.
  58. SEE MORE?
  59. >N

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