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RCG-001 "A Love Letter"

By Alcatraz
Created: 2021-10-28 14:54:38
Expiry: Never

  1. RCG-001 is the designation for a Type-C# Engram (Crystaline subtrate, read-only, multiple partions, single sapient) originating from the Mid-Diarch Era. It is made up of two (2) partitions.
  3. Partition 1: An audio recording from "Sombra Lightbringer" addressed to Princess Celestia. Full transcripts in Addendum 001-A
  5. Partition 2: Mental copy of Sombra Lightbringer. Due to thaumic engineering limitations at the time of its creations, it is capable of operation for only ~14 hours at a time, after which it requires a full system reset. Each reset causes the engram to revert to the mental state (memories included) of Sombra Lightbringer at the time of its creation.
  8. >Sombra looked at the love of his life and gave her a sad smile.
  9. >"I'll be back, I promise. But if I don't-"
  10. "You'll make it. I know you will."
  11. >He gave her a peck on the lips.
  12. >"If I don't make make it, I've made an engram. It's a copy of me. Couldn't get the memory right, but it's the best I could on such short notice."
  13. >"Damned brave fool", Celestia thought to herself.
  14. >Then again, that was what made her fall in love with him in the first place.
  17. >"You look like shit. I assume I'm dead then?"
  18. >Celestia took some time to compose an answer.
  19. "Something like that. It doesn't feel right, using your engram. Like I'm violating you for my own pleasure."
  20. >Sombra smirked. "It's my choice. Sooner or later, I would die. This way, I can at least make you happy, for a while, until you move on. Promise me you'll move on."
  21. >Celestia nodded, her first lie of the day.
  22. >"Good. Now, tell me about your day."
  23. "Well, apart from holding court, there was this incident with my sister..."
  26. A thousand years later
  27. >Sombra opened his eyes again. He held out his hooves in front of himself. Everything felt weird. His body had changed.
  28. >That's extremely weird. He should either be inside an engram or waking up in bed, ready for his mission to cleanse the Dark Shard.
  29. >He looked up to see Celestia. Bigger than he remembered.
  30. >Much more tired looking too.
  31. "So. You going to give me an explaination, or are you just *that* impressed by my handsome mug?"
  32. >She laughed. Like she hadn't laughed in years.
  33. >Sombra smirked. He loved to see her happy. Loved to see that beautiful smile.
  34. >Her face once again grew somber.
  35. >"You were corrupted by the Dark Shard. I - I hunted you - *it* down, but it took me a thousand years. Overlaid your engram over the body."
  36. >Sombra thought for a moment.
  37. "I know what that thing can do. I'm sure you did what had to be done."
  38. >She looked away. He knew her well enough to know she was feeling guilty over something.
  39. "I'd love to see what you've done with the world in the mean time."
  40. >Celestia smiled again.
  41. >"You'll love it, I'm certain."
  44. >Celestia had taken many lovers over the course of her long life.
  45. >She knows what it looks like when somepony's heart breaks in front of her.
  46. >Even when they tried to hide it.
  47. >The more Sombra saw, the sadder he got.
  48. >He liked riding the Ferris Wheel for some reason though, and they did it together for hours.
  49. >When she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend that everything was perfect. She was with her lost lover, who had held her heart for thousands of years.
  50. >Almost.
  51. >He turned to her.
  52. >"Why?"
  53. "I thought you would be proud. Remember all those times we talked about changing the world for the better? No war, no poverty, no violence. What's so wrong with it?"
  54. >He turned to her with a look of vague disgust and confusion.
  55. >"And no choice. You had a thousand years to know me, and you thought *this* is what I wanted?"
  56. >Celestia felt tears flowing down her muzzle.
  57. >The light of Canterlot started appearing over the horizon and the Ferris Wheel lifted the two lovers into the air.
  58. >Sombra flinched. He wasn't mad. It wasn't even about disappointment. He just felt old, sad and out of place.
  59. >Just like Celestia.
  60. >"For what it's worth, I'll always love you."
  61. >A minute of silence as the two thought about every choice they'd made that had led up to this moment.
  62. >Then he walked out of the car and out of her life.
  63. >Celestia wept.
  66. To My Dearest Celestia,
  68. I wish words can express my love for you. Fortunately, they don't need to.
  69. I know that sounds pretty cheesy, and I'm not the best writer, but I'm completely serious.
  70. If things go right, this will just be a forgotten letter we'll dust off in a decade and laugh at.
  71. But. But things might not go well.
  72. Words can't express how much I love you, but I hope they can help you remember.
  73. Remember all those moments we spent together. The laughter joy and the tears.
  74. When the good times start to fade, I hope this helps you remember.
  75. Remember me. The part of me I left in here can't lay down long-term memories, so you'll have to do the remembering for both of us.
  76. And when you're ready to let go, don't feel too bad about forgetting me.
  77. I always knew that one day, it'll happen. I wish so damn much that I can spend eternity with you.
  78. Don't feel bad. If you want to remember one thing to keep with you always, it's that I want you to smile.
  80. Love always,
  81. Sombra Lightbringer
  83. That's why he fell to the darkness, Celestia would one day realize. It promised him eternity. Eternity with her.
  86. Date: 1351-01-14
  88. >Sombra leaned his body against Celestia as she wrapped a wing around his barrel.
  89. >He wasn't used to her being so much bigger than him, nor to having a golem for a body, but these things can be adjusted to.
  90. >He was happy, because he had the one thing he always wanted.
  91. >Forever, with Her.
  92. "You know, this new world of yours wasn't what I expected. But I think I can grow to like it. As long as you're by my side."
  93. >Celestia wept tears of joy, and he politely ignored them.
  94. "I just have one question."
  95. >"Oh? What might that be?"
  96. "Why?"
  97. >She looked shocked.
  98. >"P-pardon?"
  99. "When I made this engram, I inserted a secret enchantment. It would let me know if it were ever tampered with or copied."
  100. >"Ah, well, did you not trust me?" She stuttered.
  101. >Sombra looked at her sadly. He knew she was lying by omission about something important, even if he didn't know what it was.
  102. "I don't know. Was I right not to?"
  103. >A glow from Celestia's horn, and the dream world faded away.
  104. >Sombra felt nothing as his consciousness was reset once again.
  105. >"Almost. Almost had it." Celestia said, as a lone tear made its way down her face.
  106. >"Just a few more tries. And I'll have everything perfect."

/kinder/ RCG-088 "Death"

by Alcatraz

/kinder/ RCG-089 "Ziggerman"

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by Alcatraz


by Alcatraz

RCG-001 "A Love Letter"

by Alcatraz