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Anonymous, the Part-Timer

By leg
Created: 2020-11-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-28 13:50:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anonymous, an automaton that is currently living in Ponyville.
  2. >You need a job.
  3. >You put in your resume at many establishments.
  4. >Unexpectedly, many of them hired you on the spot.
  5. >Your work as an independent contractor has begun.
  7. [Episode 1: The Janny]
  8. >You aren’t doing it for free.
  9. >Your first job takes you to the large pony city of Manehattan.
  10. >The whole city is a bustling metropolis with towering skyscrapers and pushy ponies.
  11. >You are standing outside of the apartment complex in which you will be working.
  12. >You were supposed to be meeting your employer however, an earth pony stallion in a uniform and a utility belt has met up with you instead.
  13. >”I’m Scruffy, the janitor.”
  14. >He stares at you.
  15. ”Felicitations to you good sir. I am Anonymous, the independent contractor that is to be working here.”
  16. >”Take it easy, kid. Let’s get y'all situated and we can get to work.”
  17. >He hands you a hat that matches his, which you promptly place utop your head.
  18. >”Here’s the deal. We have custodial duties to attend to, mainly the plumbing. Some of the tenants have been reporting air in the pipes. I’ll run you through and show you the ropes-“
  19. >Air in plumbing system. Easy enough.
  20. >You dash off.
  21. >[Running subroutine…]
  22. >You jump onto the roof in a single bound.
  23. >[Scanning complete; Beginning repairs.]
  24. >A volumetric fuckton of nanomachines pour from your body onto the building.
  25. >Within mere seconds, the pipes were fixed, along with every single minute flaw that plagued this compound.
  26. >[Cleaning complete, 4000 square meters cleaned in 8.01992 seconds.]
  27. >You return the nanomachines to their designated positions.
  28. >You slam back down onto the ground from the roof.
  29. >Scruffy continues.
  30. >”And after that we should be done for the day.”
  31. “I have detected 16,377 total foreign objects and issues within the compound. Every issue has been resolved.”
  32. >”Alright then. I’ll be in the boiler room if you need me.”
  33. >All in a day’s work.

Anonymous, the Singing Golem

by leg

Anonymous, the Part-Timer

by leg


by leg