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By Guest
Created: 2021-11-16 10:39:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon, darling, are you sure there's no mixup? These measurements almost match my own to a T, except for being slightly tighter in a few areas!"
  2. >Well, that's kind of the point, you think to yourself
  3. >Still, the charade needs to be kept up until the right moment
  4. "Do they really? What a coincidence! But this mare does have a similar build to you.
  5. "I didn't expect she'd match your measurements so exactly just from eyeballing her, but then I guess that's why I'm not in fashion - you're the one with an eye for such things!"
  6. >"Well alright darling, if you're sure you took her measurements correctly then that's what I'll work with. I'd be very curious to meet this mystery mare of yours someday, though."
  7. >While the irony is amusing, you keep up decorum and assure her you'll try to arrange something - after you "give your gift", you expect she'd be "excited to meet the designer of such a wonderfully crafted garment"
  8. >Some more pleasantries later, you're out of the boutique
  9. >Step 1: complete!
  10. >This was honestly the most difficult step, as it all hinged on Rarity accepting the very... unconventional, shall we say, order in the first place, and additionally not asking too many questions
  11. >Thankfully, it seems it's not the first time she's had to work with latex, so after some blushing she regained her professionalism and had no further comments
  12. >You can't help but bless your luck; not only was she a-ok with your order, but it gives her additional trust in the quality of her craftsmanship - after all, latex is a tricky material and completely unlike fabric, so her having experience in using it for clothing gives you confidence she shouldn't have too much trouble
  13. >The questions afterwards were expected, but you're quite satisfied with how you handled them
  14. >And now the only thing left to do is wait for the order to be completed.
  15. >
  16. >No wait, you almost forgot. Making a prompt about-turn, you switch from heading home to instead walking towards the Ponyville locksmith - he'd told you your order would be ready to collect today
  17. >For an extra charge, he agreed to discretely craft you a very special item - a small band, just wide enough to go around a pony's dock securely, and tight enough that it can't be slipped out over the tail, with an elegantly integrated locking mechanism.
  18. >Made with standard telekinesis-dampening techniques and materials, of course - as you learned all quality locks in Equestria were, what with the prevalence of unicorns with their pin-fiddling magic
  19. >Small, decidedly sturdy, easy to snap shut and only unlockable with a tiny ornate key fitting through a cleverly hidden keyhole. Worth every bit you spent on the order.
  20. >Tail-cuff in hand, you head home for the day.
  21. >
  22. >Next week, on a beautiful Ponyville morning
  23. >The doorbell to Carousel Boutique rings, and you hear Rarity's voice approaching with a sing-song "Co-ming!"
  24. >Today is the day. Today your plan would finally unfold - or shrivel up and die, if you didn't succeed at the next key step.
  25. >"Ah, Anon! Come in! Here to collect your order, I presume? It's all ready as I promised, and packed in a discrete box like you asked - let me just bring it out for you!"
  26. >As you walk into the Boutique, Rarity disappears for a moment, then comes back in with an unassuming cardboard box
  27. >"Here it is! Do take a look and see if it's to your liking, darling - I always want to make sure every order is just right, so please check and tell me if there's anything at all you might need tweaked before we call it done!"
  28. >You open the box and pull out the suit, holding it up so it unfolds
  29. >It's beautiful, even in its current flat state with no occupant. It's crafted to fit every curve of a mare, and it shows as it shines - Rarity must have pre-oiled the latex when finalising the order!
  30. >You can't help but already fantasize how it would look like when actually worn by a beautiful mare
  31. >Now's the moment of truth; soon, you won't have to fantasize
  32. >Here goes nothing
  33. "It looks great, Rarity! Amazing, even!"
  34. >Rarity replies that she's glad you love it, but you continue
  35. "I know latex can sometimes behave a bit weird when crafted into complex clothing like this; and since the measurements so serendipitously match up... could I ask you for a favour - could you model this suit for me briefly?
  36. >Rarity's first response is to look scandalized
  37. >Fuck, fuck, was your delivery awkward? Did you not make it sound innocent enough? Or is she just going to refuse no matter what?
  38. >However, she doesn't say anything yet
  39. >She appears to be thinking it over
  40. >Is she actually... tempted by the suit?
  41. >She would look absolutely stunning in it - after all, that's why you had it made - and it seems like she knows it too
  42. >You can't believe your luck. She hasn't just worked with latex a bit, it seems like she's into it herself!
  43. >Seems like she simply might not have allowed herself to indulge yet, or at least not in the presence of anyone else, judging by her apprehension.
  44. "Just so I can check how it works when actually stretched out and worn, you know?" You helpfully offer, to try to help sway her.
  45. >After chewing on it for a few more moments, she looks like she's made up her mind
  46. >Finally she speaks up.
  47. >"Anonymous, I'll have you know that Rarity's garments are always fit to the highest standards!
  48. >"But to demonstrate this, if you are doubting my craftsmareship - very well, I shall model the suit for you, so that you may see that it conforms exactly to the measurements you gave me!"
  49. >Oh shit. Step 2: success.
  50. >You almost thought she'd decline at first, with how indignant she's sounding. But you suppose you did just insult her skills with that request; whoops. But hey it worked - maybe that even helped.
  51. >After thanking Rarity for the favour and trying to sound natural, you hand her the suit and watch as she starts to put it on.
  52. >The neck, as per your requirements, is thick and rigid enough that there's no way to fit the body through it.
  53. >Instead, the suit has a novel design: above the smooth-looking behind (despite the strategically-placed rubber protrusion hidden inside), there is what looks like a small integrated tailwrap section
  54. >Except the tailwrap - and some of the area around - is particularly elastic, through a special blend of latex infused in that area (a technique that was not kind to your wallet)
  55. >And so, you watch as Rarity grabs the tailwrap in her magic, and stretches the opening out wide before starting to slip it over her head
  56. >While the rubber is durable enough for the opening to stretch many times its natural size, keeping it under so much tension is clearly straining
  57. >Working fast, Rarity bunches up the suit and slips it all over her neck like a collar, then pulls it back across her barrel
  58. >She sticks her front hooves in one by one, bottoming out and smoothing out the latex with her magic before pulling the rest of the suit back to her hindlegs
  59. >Scrambling a bit, both her hindhooves find their pockets, and with that she pulls the rest of the suit over her hindquarters and gently releases her grip on the tail opening, letting it settle in tightly over her dock
  60. >The strain of stretching the opening gone, she takes a minute to smooth out the rest of the suit, ensuring no air remains anywhere around her hooves, and the entire garmet is sleek and tight all over her body
  61. >Finally, with a squeak and a creak as the latex flexes, she turns to face you.
  62. >"Well Anonymous? What do you say - is the fit adequate?"
  63. >Meanwhile, you are stunned.
  64. >The shiny, rubbery fabric hugs her every curve flawlessly.
  65. >The suit is crafted to perfection - it adheres to her body like a second skin, with not a single fold, or air pocket, or loose corner.
  66. >It hugs her, from her elegant neck down to her barrel, around her elbors and down to her forehooves and- no way, with how thoroughly she put it on you can even see the details of her underhoof and frogs as she strikes a pose with a hoof raised!
  67. >Down her barrel, highlighting every part of her form; glistening across her smooth hindquarters, down the hock and to the back hooves
  68. >And of course the perfectly smooth behind, visible as the tailwrap covering her dock keeps her tail slightly raised and out of the way at all times
  69. >That smooth surface is hiding something, of course - but other than a light blush on her face, she's handling it very discretely for now
  70. >Ah yes, for now
  71. >Step 3, the easiest part
  72. >Surreptitiously reaching out into your pocket, you move somewhat closer
  73. >Rarity has just turned to face a mirror; it seems you're not the only admirer of her form here
  74. >You raise your hand from your pocket and bring it towards Rarity's latex-clad dock. The shining base of her tail; only entrance - and, currently, exit - from her suit.
  75. >Click. Step 3, the last step, is complete. Total success.
  76. >Rarity startles at the sound and looks back; too late, of course.
  77. >Having felt your touch - and the new restriction pressing down around her dock - her eyes immediatelly fall there, and go wide
  78. >"ANON! What did you just do?!"
  79. "Oh you know - just a simple tail cuff. It's not too tight, is it?"
  80. >You know it's not, of course. Just tight enough to be completely secure, but not uncomfortable.
  81. >"Too tight? TOO TIGHT? Is it locked? Oh my Celestia, did you just lock this on me-"
  82. >Rarity's horn lights up and she fights and fidgets with the cuff for a moment, quickly convincing herself that it is indeed locked and that it's not going anywhere>"Anonymous. I demand that you tell me: what is the meaning of this?"
  83. >You admire her form for a moment. Shiny, smooth, perfect in her second rubbery skin - and now, trapped in it at your mercy.
  84. >She's glaring at you as you take your time to reply (and yet also blushing furiously now).
  85. Well you see Rarity, like I said, this is just a simple tail cuff. Nice and snug around your latex-covered dock, isn't it?
  86. >She's probably put two and two together by now, what with the suit's unusual method of entry and the particularly specific restraint you chose.
  87. "Well, I'm convinced the suit I ordered fits perfectly. You look absolutely divine!"
  88. "Now, I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Ta-ta!"
  89. >You were probably going to see her before that - to admire your handiwork - but, in theory, she wouldn't see you until then.
  90. >However, before you can walk out, Rarity cries out at you
  91. >"Anon, wait!"
  92. >"You're not... you're not seriously leaving me like this? For THREE DAYS?"
  93. >At the same time she's clearly trying to fidget with the lock on the cuff with her magic, probably hoping it's a particularly cheap one
  94. >She quickly realises it's not, and switches to trying to tug the cuff off her tail, alternating with trying to tug the suit's opening from under the cuff. With how snug it sits, she makes no headway whatsoever.
  95. "Don't worry, you're not opening that lock without the key, nor are you getting out while your tail's locked. I'm sure you're going to convince yourself of these facts yourself, but you know you can just save yourself the trouble."
  96. "Like I said, I'll come by in a couple of days in the evening, and no earlier - so enjoy it until then! And don't lie to me - you know you love the feeling!"
  97. >Rarity blushes even more furiously than before at that comment.
  98. >"But I'm a businessmare, Anon! I'm a famous fashion designer! I have clients, orders to fulfil, and a reputation to maintain! How can I entertain customers in... this, let alone show myself in town?"
  99. >"I can't just lock myself alone for three days, Anon! I have a shop to run!"
  100. "Well, you're a fashion designer aren't you? Surely you can find something to cover up. Just be careful when moving around and nobody will see what's underneath. You'll figure something out, I'm sure."
  101. >You turn around and make your way back to the door.
  102. >Rarity tries to plead, quickly descending into babbling as the inevitability of the situation sets in and she sees you - and her freedom - walking away
  103. >Just as you're about to open the door, however, you turn around and look at her again
  104. "Though... I can offer you a deal, you know."
  105. >Immediately she looks up at you, some measure of hope blooming in her eyes.
  106. "I'll come by and unlock the suit this evening - so you'll only have to wear it for one day, rather than three"
  107. >"But?..." Rarity inquires, sounding equal parts hopeful and apprehensive as to what the catch could possibly be
  108. "Well, I'm sure that after last year, and what with your status as the Elements, Celestia will invite all of you girls to the Gala again this year."
  109. "So, in return, I just want one simple thing. When the Gala comes around, and you set out to make yourself a new dress..."
  110. "You will design and craft it - ENTIRELY out of latex."
  111. >Rarity's eyes go wide.
  112. >"B-but... EVERYPONY will see me! Everypony who's anypony at all will be there - and the fashion displayed at the gala is remembered for months afterwards!"
  113. >"Let alone something like this - my reputation could be ruined FOREVER!"
  114. "You're a skilled mare, Rarity.
  115. "What you're wearing right now - it's nothing more than a fetish suit, there's no mistaking it. Designed to accentuate your natural form in all the best ways - and succeeding marvellously, I should add - but undeniably scandalous.
  116. "But the Gala is over a month away. In that time, you'll have complete freedom to design anything you want.
  117. "I have only one requirement: the material. Beyond that? You have complete freedom.
  118. "Surely a mare of your talens can create something that would turn heads, but in the right way? Something that would not ruin your reputation, but rather uphold it, and make you remembered for your daring skill?
  119. "Are you up to the challenge?
  120. "That's my deal. Take it, and take your chance to shine; or leave it, and spend the next three days cowering and trying to cover yourself up."
  121. >Rarity is biting her lip, but you can tell she's seriously considering it.
  122. >And three days in her current suit would not be easy; one day might be easy to pass off, but after a couple of days her friends might start asking why she's dressing up so heavily
  123. >Not to mention the ever-present possibility of accidentally making a sharp movement and either showing off what's underneath, or giving off a loud squeak that would invite far too many questions...
  124. >A possibility that will only worsen as the strain of moving around in tight rubber all day long will tire her out
  125. >And of course, the rubber toy inside - though it might be inert, it will still slide around with movement; if your calculations are correct, it should be just enough to constantly tease her, without ever offering the possibility of release
  126. >Rarity clearly knows all of this.
  127. >You can see the gears turning in her head
  128. >And...
  129. >"Alright. I'll do it, Anonymous. I'll create a dress made entirely out of latex - an abomination against fashion - I'll make it work, and I'll wear it to the Gala for all to see!"
  130. "Wonderful! I'm so happy to hear, that, Rarity! And I really can't wait to see what you come up with."
  131. >"Now unlock that cuff so I can get out of this suit!"
  132. >What? You stop, already on your way out, again.
  133. "No, that's this evening, Rarity. You still have to spend one day in this - that was the deal, remember?"
  134. >Seems like in her haste, she already mixed up the terms.
  135. >Remembering that even accepting the deal didn't let her off scott-free, she let's out a high-pitched whine in defeat as you finally walk out of Carousel Boutique and close the door behind you.
  136. >Today will be a fun day to spend... observing
  137. >And this evening will be fun too
  138. >And of course, you weren't exaggerating when you told Rarity how much you were looking forward to the Gala now
  139. >And who knows - if she enjoys today enough...
  140. >Maybe you could convince her to make a second suit. One meant for more private playtimes.
  141. >One that would more thoroughly cover everything, with a hood over the head... And fittings for some more "active" toys - with a remote you'd keep safe...
  142. >Who knows - maybe Rarity would even suggest something like that herself!
  143. >As you make your way to Sugarcube Corner for an early brunch before going back to observe how Rarity's holding up, you're certain of one thing: there's going to be a lot of fun to be had
  145. [spoiler]In the meantime...
  146. >With a moan, Rarity prods herself with a hoof, though that only moves the toy inside around slightly
  147. >In the mirror in front of her, she can't help but admire the way her form shines and glistens in the tight suit that she's helplessly stuck in
  148. >A bright flush covers her face, as the tight latex slightly tugs on every movement she makes, softly creaking in a way she'd never have guessed could have been so arousing, while the reflections dance across her limbs emphasising her smooth, perfect, polished form
  149. >And yet, despite her best attempts to prod and tease herself, and even with the toy shifting inside with every movement, the flat, featureless area under her tail stubbornly denies all her attempts to reach release
  150. >Suddenly her eyes go wide as the doorbell rings with a new customer - and in a panic she glances around herself, gaze falling on a couple of already-forgotten dresses she'd picked out just earlier when searching for a way to cover herself up - dresses which would each take several minutes to put on properly and ensure nothing was showing...
  151. [/spoiler]

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