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By Guest
Created: 2021-11-17 13:27:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >you wondered if she’d planned it from the beginning
  2. >it was your first time with a pony, or anyone with a penis for that matter
  3. >supposedly it was her first time with a human as well
  4. >she was accommodating, bookending every request with “if that’s okay with you”
  5. >it must have been okay with you, else you wouldn’t have found yourself at the foot of her bed that night
  6. >she was a bizarre creature, with size and strength more than enough to overpower you but with a gentle demeanor that assured you she never would
  7. >right?
  8. >then there was her patience
  9. >you’d never but anything in your mouth longer than a toothbrush
  10. >but now you were kissing something longer and thicker than your forearm
  11. >surely it was impossible
  12. >she understood your concerns
  13. >ponies often had this problem, she said
  14. >but there were ways around it, if you were willing
  15. >you said you’d think about it between licks along her length
  16. >it wouldn’t happen tonight, she didn’t have what she needed
  17. >but you still wanted to please her
  18. >the smell and taste were unexpected, like a mild fancy scented candle
  19. >while you pondered what silly names Yankee might have for her, you finally coated her shaft with your saliva
  20. >just how long had you been at it?
  21. >you looked up to find her with a slightly satisfied smile
  22. >only slightly
  23. >you returned to your work, now stroking her with one hand while the other fondled her sack below
  24. >your mind was a bit hazy at the moment so you couldn’t quite decide on what fruit matched their size
  25. >something between a grapefruit and a cantaloupe
  26. >you soon found a hoof on your head, petting you like some obscene puppy
  27. >she cooed something about your performance above but you weren’t really paying attention
  28. >you soon started pumping with both hands while kissing her tip
  29. >the task before you was more difficult than you had thought
  30. >you could only service so much of her at a time
  31. >your hands swapped between the base of her shaft and close to the tip while your tongue swirled rapidly around her
  32. >yet you had only her soft humming as encouragement
  33. >until you felt a throb
  34. >that single jerk almost wrenched her cock free of your grip and deposited a small dollop of liquid on your tongue
  35. >things got hazier after that
  36. >you probably kept going for some time, the room slowly growing darker
  37. >but you never grew tired
  38. >there was only her soft voice, her scent, her taste
  39. >which made it jarring when she pushed you away
  40. >awareness flooded back into you, enough to pout up at her
  41. >but she stopped your protests with the same gentle smile and a single word
  42. >”Open.”
  43. >so you opened
  44. >she guided the head of her cock to your mouth and rested it there, your tongue absently lapping at what she fit inside
  45. >then she curled her foreleg around her shaft and stroked
  46. >she was slower than you had been, but more purposeful
  47. >she never took her eyes off of yours and something compelled you to do the same
  48. >there was no signal or grand buildup, she merely sighed as though finally relaxing after a long day
  49. >and then your mouth was flooded
  50. >you hadn’t even had time to puff out your cheeks to take more, the remainder of her first shot already flowing down your chin
  51. >your hands rushed to catch the rest to no avail
  52. >a second deluge had already begun, this time not even making it into your mouth
  53. >she pulled back, allowing you to close your lips and seal in what you managed to catch
  54. >but she kept cumming
  55. >streaks of white flew onto your face, forcing your eyes shut
  56. >all you could sense now was the hot load now coating your body and still stuffing your mouth
  57. >you tried to swallow, but your throat wouldn’t obey
  58. >it was too thick, your tongue almost suspended in the viscous cocktail your pony provided
  59. >but your desire to please her was stronger
  60. >with difficulty, you managed to gulp down some of what was in your mouth
  61. >then some more
  62. >you felt it sinking down your throat
  63. >as your mouth emptied, you could finally taste it
  64. >it was unmistakably semen
  65. >but also unmistakably her
  66. >more intense than the taste of her cock, more intense than the drop of pre that erased your mind
  67. >it encouraged you to swallow faster
  68. >before you knew it, you were licking it off of your lips
  69. >your hands
  70. >your arms
  71. >there was too much, and yet you couldn’t get enough
  72. >you longed for more of her flavor, but your sealed eyes made the search difficult
  73. >there was sound above you
  74. >she was saying something
  75. >no, just giggling
  76. >a pair of hooves hauled you onto her back, your soiled face unfortunately pressing into her fur
  77. >the warmth of her body and the heaviness in your gut reminded you of your fatigue
  78. >the last things you remembered were the clicking of lights and the sounds of running water
  80. >you awoke freshly bathed in an oversized and oddly shaped robe, locked in the embrace of your partner
  81. >it was morning and you had passed out after she came in your mouth
  82. >and, well, all over the rest of you
  83. >despite that, you felt her member jutting into your back
  84. >maybe some other time
  85. >as you both rose to meet the new day, you exchanged pleasantries and conversation that didn’t quite fit the obscenity of the previous night
  86. >it seemed one could still be polite despite having a huge dick
  87. >she asked about your plans for the day as well as the coming evening
  88. >you gave her noncommittal answers
  89. >there was a lot to take in, in more ways than one
  90. >so you left and went about your day, trying to process what you’d done
  91. >trying
  92. >even after you woke up, after you brushed your teeth, after you ate
  93. >you still tasted her
  94. >you still felt her hoof on your head
  95. >you still saw her front door and your hand reaching out to knock
  96. >it was the evening again, and you found yourself back there
  97. >again
  98. >you were frozen
  99. >you remembered the day well enough
  100. >you’d done all you needed, probably
  101. >but it felt like a dream
  102. >someone pressed up against your back and reached for the door from behind you
  103. >her
  104. >she didn’t ask why you were here or even acknowledge that you’d arrived unannounced
  105. >because she knew you were coming
  106. >she guided you inside and sat you down at a table
  107. >”I didn’t keep you waiting long, did I?”
  108. >you shook your head
  109. >”Good. I had to pick up some things for tonight,” she said, unpacking some items from a saddlebag
  110. >corked bottles of bubbling liquids, glowing wands, unrecognizable trinkets you could only describe as “magical”
  111. >”These should help you.”
  112. >you didn’t ask with what
  113. >you had a feeling
  114. >”Let’s get started.”

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