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Derpy's Cardboard Castle [Complete]

By Britanon
Created: 2021-12-01 18:04:56
Updated: 2021-12-02 20:56:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >To say you were amazed would be an understatement
  2. >You had just finished moving into your new house, refurbished specially to accommodate a large biped of your size after you got sick of smacking your head off doorframes
  3. >Naturally this meant a whole lot of empty boxes, and Derpy, the local friendly mailmare, had suggested the perfect use for them
  4. >In all your time here, the greatest artistic prowess you had come to expect from the little ponies was crude macaroni pictures and crayon drawings
  5. >When she said she wanted to make a box fort on your front lawn you had expected maybe just a few of the boxes stacked together with a couple of holes cut for windows and doors
  6. >What you found when you stepped out of your front door was a literal fortress
  7. >It was practically as tall as your house, complete with turrets, arrow slits and even a functioning draw bridge
  8. >The damn thing even had a "dungeon", which was just a large box in the corner of the small castle's courtyard labelled 'time out box'
  9. >What made it even more impressive was that she had somehow cobbled the entire thing together in the time it took you to go and bake some muffins as thanks for her helping you to move all your stuff
  10. >For a mare that could be considered scatterbrained and clumsy at the best of times, you never in your life would have thought she had it in her to construct a masterpiece such as this
  11. >When you asked how on earth she did it, she just laughed and said she was "good at boxes and stuff"
  12. >Sure she was a mailmare and all, but you'd handled boxes in a warehouse for a few years back on earth and could never hope of making anything even close to that
  13. >You played with her in the box fortress all afternoon and into the evening, pretending you were knights and nobles or making small adjustments and improvements to the fort
  14. >Each day after that Derpy would come over to play, either after her shift ended or on her days off
  15. >You were constantly expanding the fort each day, even going around collecting empty boxes from around the neighbourhood to expand it, and eventually it took over almost your entire garden
  16. >Your front door opened directly into the castle's courtyard and the walls were as high as the roof, and were now complete with stairs and walkways that could somehow support your weight despite being made almost entirely of cardboard
  17. >Some people might have complained about having their entire garden covered in cardboard, but all you felt was an immense pride at having what had to be the coolest fucking box fort in all of Equestria in your garden
  18. >It was so cool you bet it even made the actual nobles who lived in real castles jealous
  19. >Your royal court had also expanded throughout the week, with many of yours and Derpy's friends and co-workers coming over to play pretend and have tea parties and such
  20. >Ponies walking by would stop and stare in awe, and you would invite them in to join in on the fun
  21. >It was actually rapidly becoming a local tourist attraction in Ponyville, and word was starting to spread farther afield
  22. >As the word spread, ponies came from farther and farther away to marvel at Derpy's creation and play inside the fort with you, though what you didn't know was the trouble which it was about to cause
  23. >Apparently the box fort was so big and impressive that it had thrown the local authorities into chaos, as it could now be considered to be a legitimate castle, and due to some weird Equestrian laws you and Derpy could technically be considered Nobles
  24. >This inevitably made a bunch of the actual Nobles of Equestria incredibly jealous, and more than a few of them had come over trying to insult you or demanding that you tear the whole thing down
  25. >You had simply taunted them and made rude gestures from the castle walls
  26. >There was no way they would actually come inside to do anything about it
  27. >For a start you had a functioning draw bridge that you could raise, and the little pones weren't strong enough to barge through the solid cardboard door
  28. >There was also the fact that this was still your private property, so on top of getting in trouble with the law if they entered without your consent, they would also have to contend with the big strong freaky alien who owned the place
  29. >Several of the pesky little pones had tried to sneak in, only to practically wet themselves and run away crying as they saw you towering over them with a disapproving glare
  30. >Over time you felt like this could become somewhat of an annoyance; you didn't want to have to guard your property full time just to keep some jealous little snobs out, but at the same time woe betide anyone who thought they could mess with Derpy's kickass castle
  31. >For the time being at least it was still fun and games though
  32. >You enjoyed the company it brought as yours and Derpy's friends came to play in it every day, and the fact that you actually had a reason to stand and guard it made the games more fun than just battling pretend monsters and stuff
  33. >The main thing that actually concerned you about it was the effect the weather would have, as you didn't want a storm to come and reduce the entire thing to cardboard sludge all over your garden, but Derpy and her friends came up with a fairly simple yet ingenious solution
  34. >Several of her unicorn friends knew spells to make the cardboard water resistant, and and Derpy and her other pegasus friends said they would do their best to clear any clouds over your house if a storm did come
  35. >With their combined efforts the cardboard should stay dry and intact through anything, meaning that you could keep this sweet castle and piss of the snotty nobility indefinitely
  36. >The days went by, and the box fort continued to attract an ever growing amount of tourists and ponies come to marvel at it
  37. >The number of incursions also increased, ranging from single ponies trying to sneak in or berate you from afar, to a few small groups who seemed to be more daring
  38. >A few of them had attempted to storm the fort by force with foam swords and spears, but they were still too weak to break in or cause any real damage
  39. >As a result, you had increased the castle's defences
  40. >The regulars who came over to play were all armed with their own foam weaponry, and your castle's new armoury was equipped with spitball guns, water guns, foam nerf darts and cans of silly string spray
  41. >You also had a few spare boxes that you could drop from the walls onto any ponies that got too close, which usually tended to make them freak out as they were suddenly plunged into darkness and ran around colliding with everything around them as they panicked
  42. >Some may have called this overkill, however Twilight always loved to remind you that there was no such thing as being over-prepared, and you had decided to take her words to heart
  43. >And today you were thanking Celestia that you did
  44. >It was a day like any other, as Derpy and the 15 or so assorted ponies played in the castle whilst you took your turn standing watch on top of the walls
  45. >They were currently having another tea party, and your nose twitched as you smelled fresh muffins being brought out of your kitchen on a tray
  46. >You were just about to jump down and join them for a bite to eat when something in the distance caught your eye
  47. >A large plume of dust was being kicked up on the road leading out of town, and as you stood there and watched it seemed to be getting closer and growing in size
  48. >As you surveyed it you could make out the indistinct shapes of colourful ponies, a rather large group from the looks of it, all banded together and kicking up the immense dust cloud that had initially caught your attention
  49. >You felt a sinking feeling in your gut
  50. >Ponies certainly liked to form their angry mobs from time to time, but you usually stayed well clear of them since the matters that riled them up were usually trivial and didn't effect you, and you didn't like the shouting and the hassle
  51. >The longer you watched, however, the more it began to dawn on you that this mob in particular seemed to be headed straight towards your house
  52. "Uhhhh, guys, we might have a bit of a problem here!" You called down into the castle's courtyard
  53. >You continued to observe the crowd as Derpy flew up beside you, and a few of the other ponies began to climb up to see for themselves what was going on, their ears pointed at attention and concern evident on their faces
  54. >By now the mob was getting close enough that you could make out more specific features, and what you saw troubled you even further
  55. >The first and foremost thing that caught your eye were the banners they were waving; elaborately decorated flags fluttering in the breeze that bore the sigils of some of the noble houses you were familiar with
  56. >Some you didn't recognise, but you gulped as it was immediately evident that they were definitely coming for you
  57. >The next thing you saw was their assorted armour and weaponry
  58. >Most wore crude cardboard armour, however a few sported some made out of foam or had tied pillows around themselves
  59. >Between them they carried an assortment of foam swords and spears, bows and water guns; more or less the same as what you had except there had to be at least around 60 or 70 of them, compared to less than 20 of you
  60. >The ponies around you began to panic as they saw the mob drawing near
  61. >"W-what are we gonna do!"
  62. >"There's so many of them!"
  63. >"Th-they're gonna tear down the castle!"
  64. >Not on your watch
  65. >You could understand if your neighbours or other townsponies wanted the box fort taken down if it was deemed to be an eyesore, but jealous nobles were a totally different matter
  66. >Besides, your neighbours were right here playing in the fort with you, they thought it was awesome!
  67. >These rich snobs could come and taste your cold steel! ....uh, foam...
  68. "Everypony get to the armoury, grab whatever you can and take up positions on the wall!" You yelled, barking out the orders to get everypony moving
  69. >Most did as instructed, however a few stayed staring at you, their ears splayed back in panic and their eyes afraid and uncertain
  70. >"Anon, we can't fight them! There's so many!" Roseluck cried as her sisters stood there trembling behind her shaking their heads in agreement
  71. "We can and will Roseluck, I'm not about to let some stuck up rich kids tear down this masterpiece! You can hide inside the house if you want to, but the only other option is to try and leave through that mob, and I don't think they're too happy with us right now"
  72. >The group of mares looked around nervously, weighing up their options
  73. >You fully expected them to dart inside and hide under your massive human sized bed, but eventually they shakily agreed
  74. >"O-okay, we'll help. There's no way I'm going out there-" She gestured to the crowd with her hoof
  75. >"A-and I don't want to hide in your house and leave you guys by yourselves"
  76. >You admired her resolve; you knew these three mares in particular could be very skittish
  77. >It took them a full month after you arrived in Equestria to actually work up the courage to talk to you, but since then they had become quite close friends of yours
  78. "Thanks girls, it means a lot" You smiled at them proudly
  79. "Now go and get geared up!"
  80. >"Y-yes sir" They said in unison, giving you a mock salute and bolting down to the armoury
  81. >By now most of your group had armed themselves and were beginning to take up positions along the walls, and just in the nick of time too
  82. >The mob of nobles was making their way down your street, almost at your garden
  83. >As one they abruptly halted, and their leader emerged from the crowd, stepping forth up to your garden gate to issue his demands
  84. >"Anonymous! Miss Hooves! I, Earl Snot Nose the Fourth, have come to demand the immediate surrender of you and your court!"
  85. >You snickered at his name as he continued
  86. >"You shall lay down your arms and come out peacefully, and you shall then help to tear down this ghastly eyesore you call a castle!"
  87. "Why? What gives you the right?" You yelled back down to him
  88. "This is my property, I can do what I want on it!"
  89. >Snot Nose snorted and stomped his hoof in frustration
  90. >"The simple fact that it is your property does not give you the right to build a crude fortress and try to establish yourself as a noble!" He spat
  91. >"A mere peasant cannot simply gain his status and put himself on our level of prestige and importance through the use of cardboard and basic crafting equipment! It's an outrage and a disgrace, and we shall not stand for it!"
  92. "Sounds like somepony's jealous" You laughed
  93. >You couldn't actually care less about being a noble or an aristocrat or anything of the sort, you just liked playing with Derpy in the cool castle that she made, and you weren't about to let some random ponies come and spoil her fun
  94. >"Jealous? Jealous?!" He cried, stomping his hoofsies in the dirt
  95. >You could swear you saw steam coming out of his ears as his face went bright red
  96. >"You're tarnishing our reputation and our good names! Cease this ridiculous charade and come out here at once! I demand it!"
  97. >You turned to Derpy in mock discussion, who had taken her place next to you to observe the scene
  98. >You both nodded your wordless agreement to each other, then turned back to Earl Snot Nose as you both blew a massive raspberry at him
  99. >The sheer incredulity and outrage on his face almost had you bent double with laughter as his entourage "Ooooh"-ed and recoiled in horror at the vicious taunting
  100. >"Th-That's it then!" He screamed in rage
  101. >"We'll see who's laughing soon enough!"
  102. >If you had to guess, it would still be you
  103. >As he stomped his way back to his group you commanded your own to make ready
  104. >Foam arrows were nocked, spitballs were spat into blowpipes and other ponies were pumping their water guns or readying cans of silly string
  105. >Your garden was gonna be absolutely trashed after this, but your heart pounded in excitement
  106. >This was shaping up to be a whole lot of fun
  107. >The crowd of nobles, aristocrats and fancy ponies outside your house were also making themselves ready, prepping their weapons and armour and forming into lines to begin their assault
  108. >They had an aura of haughtiness and discipline, but you were sure that their orderly formations would break as soon as the foam started flying
  109. >Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, irritating noise
  110. >You looked down, and spotted Snot Nose blowing into a large kazoo
  111. >Really, for all their fancy smugness they didn't even have a horn or a trumpet, they were using a fucking kazoo
  112. >You were so caught up in another laughing fit that you almost missed the scream of "Chaaaaarge!" until your head snapped up and you saw the first line of ponies barrelling towards you
  113. "Loose!" you yelled frantically, and looked around for your own projectile weapon that you had been far too distracted to actually go and get
  114. >Foam arrows, spit balls and string flew back and forth overhead as you looked around frantically, until Derpy patted you on the shoulder
  115. >You turned to her, and in her mouth you saw what could only be considered a war crime in Equestria
  116. >A water bomb
  117. >Looking down, you saw that she had an entire bucket of them prepared, and you grinned at her deviously
  118. >You picked one up and stuck your head over the parapet to see what was becoming of the first assault
  119. >Several had turned and fled already, foam darts and spitballs bouncing off them as they squealed and flinched from the slight impacts
  120. >A couple were flailing around helplessly, trying to claw off silly string that had stuck all over them as they were continuously pelted
  121. >"It's in my mane! Oh Celestia it's stuck in my mane!" You heard the dismayed cries of a mare, her impeccably styled mane now gunked up and messy as she pulled at it futilely
  122. >The archers on the opposing side desperately returned fire, however the majority of it either struck the walls or sailed harmlessly overhead
  123. >You stayed low to avoid the barrage of nerf darts and spitballs, then popped up to hurl a water bomb at a couple of ponies who had made it close to the front gate
  124. >You scored a direct hit right on a mare's back, soaking her and splashing the stallion next to her
  125. >The mare shrieked and wailed as her cardboard armour soaked through, and the bright pink paint she had used to decorate it with began to seep into her coat
  126. >The stallion, seeing the horror of the mare's immaculate coat being stained with paint, gagged in revulsion and then began to drag her away as she continued screaming
  127. >As the first wave began to thin out, the kazoo of war blasted again and another onslaught of ponies began rushing towards you
  128. >There were more this time, several of them sporting cardboard shields which they used to deflect the volleys of spitballs and nerf darts flying towards them
  129. >The water guns were somewhat useful at weakening them and reducing some of them to mush, however they continued to push closer and closer
  130. >As some groups of them reached the castle walls they were followed up by ponies with ladders, who set them up and prepared to climb
  131. >You lobbed water bombs down at them as several others continuously sprayed them with water and silly string, but these guys were hardcore
  132. >Some of them broke and fled, however it seemed like the majority of this group could stand getting a little wet and having their expensive styled manes ruined
  133. >They ascended, but as a stallion reached the top you drew your inflatable sword and bapped him on the head several times
  134. >By the third blow he had dropped his own weapon and was using his hooves to shield his face, crying out for you to stop and for his comrades to let him down
  135. >Not wanting to actually hurt the poor pony you ceased your attack and let him go back down, and then repeated the process for the next several ponies who tried to climb up the same ladder
  136. >Looking around you saw the same scene playing out in all the other spots where they had managed to put up ladders
  137. >A pony climbed up, got bonked on the head several times, then cried to go back down and ran away and was replaced with another pony who did the exact same thing
  138. >If any of these guys could handle the slight pain of being whacked on the head with a foam sword then your defence might actually be in jeopardy, but so far you were smashing them
  139. >Your own losses were surprisingly few so far, just a couple who you had seen take a foam dart or a spitball to the face and had been dragged back inside your house by their friends to be tended to
  140. >Being a considerably larger target you had felt yourself get struck by more than a few, but you weren't a precious little kinderpone and could brush off such brutal injuries with ease
  141. >Another blast of the kazoo snapped your attention away again, and you saw the third and final wave coming in led by Snot Nose himself
  142. >To your complete dismay they seemed to have made some sort of a battering ram that looked like it may actually be able to punch through the sturdy carboard door
  143. >It was crudely made of course, and they had used some fairly flimsy looking wood, but since the door was just a few thick pieces of corrugated cardboard glued together it might actually do the trick for them
  144. >If they breached the door then you'd have to deal with these annoying nobles running wild all over your castle
  145. >And you swore to Celestia that you wouldn't be held responsible for your actions if any of them actually got inside your house and started trashing the place
  146. >You wouldn't put it past these little brats
  147. >But with the ponies climbing the walls already causing such a distraction and the few losses you had taken from the constant rain of arrows and spitballs, you struggled to think of any way you could actually stop them in time before they reached the door
  148. >You could also see that several of your defenders had run out of foam darts, and empty cans of silly string were littering the floor
  149. >There was no way you could run out of spitballs since it was just chewed up bits of paper, however their effectiveness was limited due to their short range and weak impact
  150. >The main effect they had was the 'icky grossness' of being hit with somepony else's spit, however as the battle went on the attackers were becoming more hardened against such things
  151. >Despite all this, a plan did begin to take shape in your head
  152. >It was time to pull out the big guns and end this once and for all
  153. >You gathered up all the ponies who weren't actively engaged in swatting the attackers off their ladders or raining down their remaining foam arrows
  154. >There were eight of you in total, and once you'd gathered them all you began to give out your instructions
  155. >You sent Lyra, Bonbon and Amethyst to go and fill up as many buckets of water as they could and bring them back up to the top of the gate
  156. >In the mean time you, Derpy and Time Turner would drag some of the spare larger boxes up there whilst Roseluck and Daisy went to collect all the spare foam darts and ammunition they could find
  157. >The nobles might breach the gate alright, but you were now certain that they would not like what they found once they got inside
  158. >As the gathered items began to stack up, the battering ram finally made it to the gate, and you felt the catwalk shudder beneath your feet as it slammed against the door
  159. >You lobbed your few remaining water bombs down, drenching a couple and causing them to flee in dismay, however there was still a rather large group of persistent nobles trying to breach
  160. >The ladders also still had groups of ponies trying to climb up, though their attempts were slacking off a bit due to the lack of success they were finding
  161. >A pony climbing a ladder could hardly wield a foam weapon effectively, so all it was taking to hold them off was a few of your own waiting at the top to bonk them before they could climb over the edge, but due to their lack of creativity they kept persisting with the same strategy
  162. >There was another shudder as the ram was heaved against the door again, and you heard the cardboard begin to creak and give as it was pushed inwards
  163. >Another couple of hits and the whole door would likely give way
  164. >At that moment you saw Lyra, Bonbon and Amethyst Star come charging through your front door, several buckets and containers filled with water balanced on their backs or held in the telekinesis of the two unicorns
  165. >They rushed up to you, panting and heaving as they deposited them all at your feet
  166. >The supplies were all now gathered, and the trap was set
  167. >You then instructed everyone in the group to go and form a horseshoe shaped perimeter around the door in the courtyard, ready for when they breached
  168. >You, Derpy and Time Turner would remain on the wall above the door to spring the trap, and the defenders fending the attackers off the ladders would stay to make sure nopony climbed up behind you
  169. >You heard a shout of "Heave!" from Snot Nose before you felt the impact of a final almighty slam beneath your feet, and finally the door gave way, the cardboard tearing and buckling inwards
  170. >There were cheers from outside as the attackers celebrated their imminent success, and you saw your assembled kin in the courtyard balk in fear and prepare to defend themselves as you readied a large bucket of water in your hands
  171. >The battering ram was pulled out of the way, and all at once several ponies came charging into the courtyard led by none other than Snot Nose
  172. >As the defenders braced you upended your bucket of water, and Derpy did the same with another
  173. >There was a colossal "Splooosh!" as the nobles were all immediately soaked to the bone, and they began to cry out in dismay as Time Turner started kicking empty boxes down on top of them
  174. >Soaking wet, cold, and now plunged into darkness, the attackers in the courtyard fell into a state of complete hysteria and disarray
  175. >Those who had not been boxed either stood dumbstruck at how suddenly and thoroughly they had been drenched or tried to run back out the door which was now being clogged by more waves of attackers trying to get in
  176. >The ponies trapped under boxes ran around like headless chickens, bumping into everyone, getting in the way and tripping over as they charged about in blind panic
  177. >You laughed maniacally, continuing to dump buckets of cold tap water over the congested ponies in the doorway as they shrieked and scrambled over one another
  178. >The grass under their hooves was rapidly being reduced to a slippery muddy marsh, sowing absolute chaos as ponies slipped and coated themselves in filth
  179. >Their morale was shattered, and the nobles all began to turn tail and flee as your defenders beat at them with foam swords and spears and fired off the last of their ammunition at the retreating mob
  180. >There were victorious cheers and whoops from your friends as the battle began to turn, and more than a few rude taunts and raspberries blown as the sodden, disheartened nobles all ran away
  181. >All except the few who were still trapped under boxes, who had mostly given up on running around bouncing off of everything and resigned themselves to laying on the ground in defeat
  182. >You confidently strode back down from the wall into the courtyard, a massive grin plastered over your face as your friends and fellow defenders matched you with their own weary smiles
  183. >The day was surely won, and now was time to deal with the aftermath
  184. >You lifted a few of the boxes off the trapped ponies, who immediately scampered for the caved in door and bolted away, their tails tucked between their legs
  185. >From the last box however, you heard some weak cries and mumbles
  186. >"W-who's there? Did we win? Let me out this instant!"
  187. >You recognised that voice
  188. >Snot Nose
  189. >You lifted the box free and saw the uppity noble huddled in a ball, his wet mane plastered all over his face as he shivered from the cold and squinted at the sudden light pouring into his eyes
  190. >As he met your gaze he gulped in fear, huddling further into himself
  191. >"S-so I ummm... I s-suppose we lost?" He muttered, his teeth beginning to chatter either from the cold or the fear he was feeling at having you tower over him
  192. "That you did" You replied, your voice flat and neutral as you gave him a disapproving stare
  193. "Somepony fetch this stallion a towel, we're going to have a little chat and negotiate the terms of his surrender"
  194. >He flinched at the mention of surrender
  195. >He had thought he was on the cusp of victory, only to be taken as your prisoner and reduced to a pitiful, shivering wreck
  196. >And true to his name he sniffled and you could see streaks of snot coming from his snoot, mixing with the water dripping down his face and making him look quite the sorry sight
  197. >As Derpy hurried off to grab a towel from inside your house you outlined your demands to Snot Nose
  198. >Your castle would not be taken down, and you had further plans to repair and improve upon it
  199. >The constant harassment from the nobles would cease and they would all go back home to wherever they came from, and you warned him that any further incursions or attacks from them would meet the same fate, if not worse
  200. >And finally, you demanded that he make a public apology in the town square, both to you and your friends for laying siege to your house and causing so much distress, and to the greater town at large for causing such a ruckus by leading a large mob through it
  201. >For your part, you informed him that neither you or Derpy even wanted to be nobles in the first place, and were quite content to be left alone to play in the castle
  202. >You certainly didn't want invitations to any of their fancy balls or functions, or any more snobs up in your business
  203. >He begrudgingly accepted your demands, however he seemed considerably more relieved and at ease after you promised him that just because you now had a castle and were technically nobles, you had absolutely no intention of trying to mingle with the aristocracy or meddle with their business
  204. >As Derpy returned and draped the towel over him his shivering eased off, and he stood on shaky hooves
  205. >You escorted him to the gate, and before he left he took a moment to look around and survey the damage he had caused
  206. >You did the same, seeing the absolute mess that had become of your garden and the street surrounding your house
  207. >The grass had all been reduced to mud, soaked by the water barrages and trampled by countless hooves
  208. >There were foam darts and trails of silly string all over the place, as well as mushed up piles of cardboard that had once been used as shields or armour
  209. >Despite it all, however, the castle still stood
  210. >It was marred and dented everywhere and the front gate obviously needed replacing, and it was definitely going to take a while to patch it all up and make it look nice again, but despite everything that had happened it stood proudly
  211. >It was a marvel of engineering, and you were convinced that Derpy was in the wrong profession working for the mail service
  212. >Snot Nose turned to you at the gate and stretched his hoof out
  213. >"I suppose this is it then, Anonymous. You have bested us fair and square, and I concede to your demands. I, Earl Snot Nose the Fourth, shall not be bothering you again. Farewell"
  214. >You shook his outstretched hoof gladly
  215. >In the face of all the carnage he had wrought and the colossal mess he had made, you'd had an absolute blast
  216. >You still had to put on a stern face to keep up appearances, but deep down this entire day had been a ton of fun
  217. >Who else can claim that they'd had nearly a hundred ponies come and lay siege to their towering box fortress in some epic scale LARP battle?
  218. >And despite being outnumbered nearly four to one, you'd won!
  219. >Sure you were probably gonna have to spend the next few days cleaning all this up and apologising to everypony on your street for the mess you'd made, but it had been absolutely worth it
  220. >You were almost tempted to go back on your demand that he not bother you again and ask if you could rebook the same thing for next year
  221. >Though you felt like you might get a few angry words from Mayor Mare or Twilight Sparkle for it
  222. >So you shook his hoof and left him to trudge back to his sullen, dirty, disheartened band of nobles who were gathered in the street waiting for him, tending to their bruises and trying to scrub off some of the dirt that had ingrained into their fur
  223. "Farewell Snot Nose" You smiled
  224. "And don't come back!"
  225. >And with that, you turned back to your weary group of friends to go and celebrate your heroic victory
  226. >There were muffins to be eaten and tea to be drunk, and as the late afternoon began to turn into evening, you were sure the cleaning up could wait until tomorrow

Pirate Captain Anon [RGRE] [Complete]

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Pone Prison/Kinderquestria Shorts

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Anon lets the darkness in

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Derpy's Cardboard Castle [Complete]

by Britanon