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By Guest
Created: 2021-12-25 06:50:33
Expiry: Never

  1. "They're coming from the east! I repeat! They're coming from the east!"
  3. Soldiers were fleeing in their thousands across the uneven open terrain, as the enemy closes in, the soldiers destroy everything behind them as they retreat, bridges and artillery pieces were blown off while ammo and supply caches were set on fire.
  4. “The Kaiser should’ve never trusted that monster!, they only ever saw us as bait!”, “if you ever want to repay them, better keep running!...”, hundreds of bright, roaring projectiles flied through the clouded gray skies in all directions, leaving a persistent trail of dark smoke behind.
  6. "HQ! We're heavily outnumbered!, the flies have broken through the line! We can't hold them up!", a female official shouted through the radio, her platoon was escorting back engineers and workers upon the sudden attack, “HQ!, we have civilians in the…”…
  11. An explosion hit the ground barely a few meters away from the fleeing squadron, the intense white blast was followed by dirt and smoke clouding the air...
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  19. After a few seconds, the female official started recovering her consciousness, the coughing private slowly attempted to get up and started checking her surroundings, half of her team was no-where to be seen...as most of the dust dispersed, the terrified official could finally recognize various limbs lying around, the young soldier crawled towards what appeared to be her commanding officer…
  20. "Sergeant?...Sergeant?!...SERGEANT!" his legs and part of his left arm were missing…a group of 8 humanoid monsters suddenly appeared, grim pale, slightly green-colored flaky skin, covered with dark and heavily dirty rags, some of old leather coupled with an incomplete set of heavily rusted metallic armor, they wielded old and rusty blood-stained swords.
  23. The monsters stood above a small dune a few meters from the official, carrying with them a partially eaten human body...recognized by a red iron plate in his chest and his iron spear with green stones covering one of its edges, both in contrasting good state compared to the rest of the pack, the pack leader ordered with a barely intelligible voice that seemed like various voices of different deepness and pitch all overlapping each other; "Bring death to the children of Celestia".
  25. The private panicked as the leader brandished his spear, the official tried to stand up and flee the scene, but her wounds barely allowed her to slowly crawl back to a hand grenade several meters behind, green energy begun flowing through the stones encrusted in the monster’s spear as he slowly approached the wounded soldier, suddenly, a powerful thunder could be seen in the skies before it disappearing soon after, as the monsters directed their attention upwards, the pack leader begun to desperately ran towards the soldier...the terrified private, still too far from the grenade, closed its eyes and gasped in fear...
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  39. ....a giant lighting struck the entire pack, landing a direct hit at the leader, the dust arose after the blast, the private could almost perceive silence despite the on-going chaos, a few seconds later, two of the monsters emerged out of the cloud, "They're here!" claimed one of the beasts with an agitated tone, they started looking around erratically in panic, little did they paid attention to the wounded private, whom made her way to the hand-grenade unnoticed…a tiny green-colored lighting could be seen at the distance, as the monsters contemplated, staring at the horizon…out of the sudden, a huge flow of air closed the private's eyes as the dust violently arose all around her...
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  53. ...When the soldier opened her eyes, the dust had almost dissipated, she observed a distant, blurry individual…a youngster, wielding two sword and standing over the dune as green lighting traveled around her body, a few meters in front of her, where the pack leader used to stand, nothing but sand turned into glass was left…a few meters further left, one of the monsters lied split in half, not much farther, the other monster lost his left arm and was decapitated…all in a fraction of a second…
  55. "S...Sturmflügen?..." said the private with a weakened voice, the youngster wore the standard "Schattenblitze" uniform, a thin, very dark-purple, near-black colored sweater and skirt, a very light blue, almost white shirt with rolled up sleeves, metal armor on both wrists and forearms, her left arm displayed a red arm-band with a winged horse-skull inside a white circle, her sweater’s collar displayed a pair of crossed silver wings in the right end of the collar, while a lighting bolt patch was present on the left side, a pair of onyx military boots with stylish iron shin-pads and black long-socks barely sticking out at the top of the boots.
  57. Finally, steel headphones with a white 'crystal cross' at each side where loud rock music could be overheard, "Get her out of here, i still got a concert to deal with"
  59. "Yes ma’am!"
  61. “Schattenführer Lemon Zest to all available forces!, protect the civilians!, for the glory of the Kaiser and Kristallvolk!”
  62. The youngster shouted through the radio as she continued to advance.
  64. “Where is she?!, she should have contacted by now…”
  66. Zest stopped atop hill, observing in surprise.
  68. The enemy advance had completely halted, "What are they doing?!..." Zest continued rushing forwards at near sonic-speed. Upon closer contact, She could finally hear the masses of changelings yelling and growling desperately, as they struggled to resume movement.
  70. “We have nothing in the front lines but fleeing soldiers!...what is this?!...these changelings are even madder than I thought…i guess this is my chance to bail her out...”
  72. Zest advanced between the gaps in the enormously wide column, running outside the range of the enemy's sight, after a couple hours, she finally reached outside a city near the point of the breakthrough, a city divided by a river ”...ugh, not again…” a massive energy barrier had been erected over the flowing river, covering it in almost its entirety.
  74. "Looking for another way in could take a while...", noises in the woods caught Zest's attention, the youngster silently approached, a pair of panicking changelings was making its way through the woods, constantly looking back towards the column...
  76. Moments later, Zest emerged from the bushes, entering the disorganized column using the blood stained rags of a changeling as a hoodie, covering her face, Zest methodically advanced into the disorganized column avoiding detection, after getting deeper into the city, it became harder and harder to use her speed to advance through the increasingly crowded streets, she still couldn't figure out what was happening, but she was getting close to the river and the original front lines where the breakthrough took place.
  78. Suddenly…thunder begun traveling violently through the skies, "No, no, no, no, no, noo!..." Zest started forcing herself through the crowd, she stumbled upon a changeling...he was different than the rest...he wore a full purple set of purple armor, the changeling remained calm amid the chaos, Zest lowered her face and hands as quickly as she could…
  83. The Changeling violently pushed away his fellow changelings, making room for himself as he reached for his sword, Lemon Zest quickly reacted but could not see a way out, the changeling raised his sword and lunged at the trapped youngster, Zest reached for her sword as the blade approached her abdomen, the imperial soldier smacked the blade with her fore-arm armor advancing on the changeling and slashing his throat with her sword, she then grabbed the changeling and drove it to the ground.
  84. Zest continued forward as more armored changelings scouted the area, “I better keep moving, if more ranger units find me this could become a problem” suddenly, blinding enormous lighting could be seen hitting at the distance, each time, approaching towards the city…the mass of changelings panicked, the column collapsed, jamming itself in the city’s streets, some desperate changelings infused themselves in magic, generating a pair of gruesome bat-like wings, taking off, attempting to flee the city by air...red lighting arched from the skies striking changeling to changeling…
  86. The calcined insectoid entrails rained over the column as the changeling masses became so packed together that Lemon Zest could no longer move...the raging thunder storm continued approaching the city, as a group of armored changelings approached towards the immobile youngster, Zest grew desperate as she started to build up energy around her body, the changelings around her became aware of her presence and tried to distance themselves with no effect…
  89. “Sturmflügen!”, an armored changeling warned the rest about Lemon Zest’s presence.
  92. The youngster’s eyes glowed white as she released the energy in a shock wave, violently pushing back everyone within five meters and propelling herself to the third floor of a building, breaking in through the window.
  94. She begun running across the building, as the changelings' lighting bombarded the entire structure, in a split second, Lemon Zest made its way to the tenth floor, rushing through the window and jumping into the air, dashing inside a nearby building as she continued forward, the youngster advanced from building to building as the changelings' lighting struck all around her, after 2 full seconds, she finally approached the barrier, the bottleneck that had trapped the changeling formation…and herself, she broke inside one of the last buildings in her way, rushing through the hallway…
  96. ...a changeling suddenly appeared in front of the youngster, breaking through a wall and swinging a glowing green sword at the imperial soldier…
  98. ,,,
  102. …Zest continued forward, sliding over the floor as the changeling’s lunge traveled right above her, barely half an inch from her face…attached to a spring system on her forearm armor, Lemon Zest’s released a hidden blade striking a lateral cut behind the changeling's left leg, forcing him to fall on his knee, the changeling quickly dropped his left sword, grabbing Lemon Zest’s arm before she could retrieve it, violently dragging her back, the changeling raised his sword in a reversed grip, launching the strike directly at Lemon Zest’s chest…
  107. In a storm of sparkles, Lemon Zest deflected the strike with her forearm armor, as the changeling sword slammed against the ground barely two inches away from the youngster face, Zest released a second blade, this time hidden in her right sided armor, lunging towards the changeling’s neck, the surprised ranger let go of her arm, pushing himself backwards as the blade scrapped his skin, the changeling fell over his back as the imperial soldier jumped back to her feet, pulling out her sword, the desperate changeling rushed to retrieve his left blade once more, Lemon Zest jumped over the changeling, falling with her knees over his arm and chest before he could raise his sword, the youngster prepared to impale the exposed changeling, hidden between an armor gap, the ranger desperately reached for his knife, launching a strike against Lemon Zest’s abdomen…
  112. The youngster blocked the strike, grabbing the changeling’s wrist as her sword slammed against the ground, Lemon Zest let go of her sword, grabbing the changeling’s neck with her right hand, releasing her blade inside the rangers neck…suddenly, a second ranger dashed towards the youngster, Lemon Zest quickly retrieved her sword, charging back at the changeling, the ranger swung down his right sided sword, Lemon Zest deflected the attack with her sword as the changeling rushed with his second blade for an upwards strike at the youngster’s side abdomen…
  117. Lemon Zest continued forward, slamming at top speed against the ranger, the changeling lost his balance nearly falling to the ground, the ranger raised his sword once more attempting to pummel the youngster with the metal handle, Lemon Zest retreated, swinging her sword against the changeling’s abdomen, cutting through his armor and flesh, the ranger became staggered at the superior speed of the imperial soldier, the youngster charged once more, swinging her sword down at the staggered ranger, the changeling barely blocked the strike, deflecting down the blade, Lemon Zest launched a swift upwards impaling attack, embedding her sword in the ranger’s abdomen, the changeling fell to his knees as the youngster retrieved her blade, Lemon Zest finished off the agonizing ranger, slashing his throat in a swift move.
  122. More rangers rushed in as the Changeling’s lighting continued to strike the building, filling the room with shrapnel and debris, leading the charge, a changeling approached furiously at the youngster…Lemon Zest generated a powerful air stream, sending a blinding cloud of debris directly at the changeling, Lemon Zest charged from the side, swinging her sword and slashing the back of the blinded changeling’s neck, a second changeling rapidly approached, the youngster continued rushing forward, throwing her second blade at the changeling, the ranger abruptly stopped, barely managing to block the strike…immediately after, Lemon Zest slammed at full speed with a diagonal blow, breaking the distracted changeling’s guard and chopping off his entire right arm, the youngster finished off the changeling with a lunge against his throat, as yet another ranger charged in, swinging his left sword at the youngster…
  127. Lemon Zest barely deflected the strike, as the ranger launched an upwards impaling blow with his right sword…Lemon Zest let go of her sword with her left hand, now holding it only in her right hand, deflecting the vicious blow sideways with her forearm armor…the changeling continued forward against the youngster…suddenly, a blade struck the ranger’s back, impaling him in the lungs, Lemon Zest rushed forward, decapitating the changeling in a swift lunge as she retrieved her second sword off the ranger’s back, an hesitating ranger lunged his left sword at the youngster, Lemon Zest seamlessly deflected the strike with her left sword, swinging her right sword at the changeling, breaking his guard, the youngster slammed her sword’s handle in the ground, lifting her body whilst standing only on her left hand and striking the ranger in the face with her knee…
  132. The changeling fell on its back as his helmet bounced in the ground, desperately rolling back up…Lemon Zest rushed at the distracted changeling breaching his guard with a diagonal blow once more, impaling him in the abdomen with her left blade, the youngster flipped her right blade into a reverse grip, slashing the changeling’s throat with her right blade as she retrieved her blood-stained left sword in one swift move…
  135. Zest continued rushing forward, as the imminent storm intensified over the city, Lemon Zest approached the end of the building when an enormous changeling suddenly broke through the floor, a two meters-tall monster resembling a minotaur, with no hair, and no visible eyes, dashed into scene, its horns and claws were covered in green flames, and its jaw had been chopped off, the monster jumped towards Zest swinging both of his claws at her, Zest avoided the furious strike which slammed to the ground collapsing the floor beneath her, the beast dashed once more, swinging his left arm against the imperial soldier which still lied on the ground…"he's stronger...and faster than the rest...", Zest pushed herself from the wall behind her, sliding over the floor and dodging the strike, the imperial soldier slammed her left sword inside the floor, rotating on her sword behind the monster’s back and launching a furious strike with her right sword directly at the monster's head...
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  149. ...the strike bounced off…sparkling like if metal had just struck metal...angered, the beast immediately turned around, engulfing his right arm in intensifying white fire that resembled white phosphorus, swinging once more against the youngster...
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  157. ...a dozen walls were violently blown off at the edge of the building, flames were projected several meters outside the building destroying half of the floor in an instant...Lemon Zest stood only a few inches away from the voided corner of the building, she observed the chaos on the streets below, she could see how more elite units poured inside, the beast continued the attack as the youngster overcharged herself, chasing her down through the floor, destroying multiple walls and ravaging the entire floor as the rangers joined in pursuit.
  159. Zest rushed through the elevator chamber, quickly escaping the monsters, jumping back to the fifth floor inside an hotel hallway, as the beast filled the elevator chamber in flames, she could hear the changelings closing in behind her…engulfing her left sword in green lighting Zest threw her sword with full force at the wall, the blade broke through the building at full strength, ravaging through the upper floors as the ranger packs followed behind it, wasting no time, Lemon Zest ran across the hallway in the opposite direction…
  161. ,,,
  163. ,,,suddenly, just a couple of meters from her…the monster broke through the wall of a nearby room…
  164. The beast rushed towards the surprised imperial soldier destroying the entire room, it then swung his left arm, Zest barely managed to dash beneath the strike as it struck the room behind her, the youngster quickly jumped to the monsters head, stabbing him with her right-wrist-blade directly inside its left ear, the monster turned around as Zest jumped to the other side of the hallway, pushing herself from the monster’s back, and luring him towards the building’s main stairs, the monster dashed towards the imperial soldier as Lemon Zest generated a wind that clouded the scene with the resulting debris, the disoriented Minotaur continued rushing forward through the debris, entering the stairs chamber, a sudden wind started traveling fast behind the monster, as the Minotaur quickly charged its right arm, turning around at the approaching wave…
  166. …the Minotaur blew off the entire hallway, destroying the rooms that were still standing in the ravaged floor…a red glowing blade emerged from the chaos striking the Minotaur on the head, bouncing off with no effect, as the rangers rushed back through the stairs...
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  180. ...white lighting suddenly started to resound and illuminate the stair's-chamber, Zest appeared hovering a meter over the monsters head, her eyes glowing white as she swung her charged sword in a reversed two-handed grip, stabbing down the Minotaur in the head...the impact busted open the solid skull, the blade sunk all the way to the beast’s neck as the energy continued traveled down, cutting the beast in half and severing the column inside the stairs chamber…the building finally collapsed...
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  188. As the dust settled, LZ stood up again catching back her second sword…she lied on her knees, agitated, the attack had drained much of her energy…more elite changelings quckly rushed towards her, about to be overwhelmed, she thought about the absence of the changeling’s commanding officer, "half of his army is trapped here and he's nowhere to be seen..."
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  194. ... Lemon Zest slowly stood up once more, "i should have taken the long route...i would have crossed the river a while ago...", the elite changelings finally stood just a couple of meters in front of her, rushing with green-glowing swords, the youngster amped-up her headphones and smiled at the approaching mass of changelings...
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  208. ...a colossal air-stream traveled through the collapsed building, covering the entire street in white dust and ash, "for the glory of the Kaiser!" Zest drew out her swords as green lighting flowed through her body and charged to the crowd furiously at top speed...
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  222. ...after 5 full seconds, the cloud was abruptly dissipated, two street blocks of tightly packed dead bodies stood behind Zest as she withdrew her swords, breathing heavily…she had finally reached the end of the choke point…
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  226. Zest stepped on the other side of the bridge, as the thunder finally started to reach inside the city, rapidly closing in each time until a giant thunder struck the barrier, finally ceasing...the barrier remained intact...Lemon Zest had fled the slaughter just in time.
  228. ...
  230. The Imperial Soldier kept advancing, quickly reaching the point of the breakthrough, a city just a few clicks further south, it was completely desolated…she found nothing but more death changelings waiting for her, she advanced through blocks of destroyed buildings and ravaged streets, until she finally heard something...lurking behind a busted open wall...she finally saw a familiar face...a red-blonde haired girl...thin light-weighted highly sectioned black armor…
  232. She stood there as the fire in the building up front illuminated the room and the burning ashes floated around her...in front of her...a dying changeling, lying in a pool of his own blood...sustaining an agonizing horrified expression...
  234. "It...it's...what is this?!..." thought a terrorized Lemon Zest as she stared at the emotionless expression on the girl's face...
  238. Celestia and Luna, the Alicorn sisters, grew strong overtime, eventually overcoming even their own mentor, with the down of the dark century, Equestria lived through its most trying times, it was in this demoralizing landscape that Star Swirl's time inevitably came, his departure left a profound void in Equestrian society, he was the Unicorn that guided the three pony tribes through the hostile abyss that encompassed every corner of the universe, Star Swirl the Bearded left this world behind, confident in his students, who would come to honor his legacy protecting the land they were entrusted with for millennia.
  240. Taming every monster, humbling every nation, and purging the last warlord, the royal sisters would stamp out everything which dared to jeopardize the existence of pony-kind, the sisters' unrivaled might reign supreme for centuries to come.
  242. Nonetheless, the age of turmoil would not yet see its end, Luna, having grown tired of living under her sister's shadow, had allowed her dark emotions to overwhelm her, turning her into nightmare moon and proclaiming herself as the sole ruler of Equestria, outmatched, Celestia sought help on the elements of harmony, a magical super-weapon that his mentor had entrusted to them, and which was now…about to be raised by Celestia against her own sister…with the help of the elements, Princess Celestia overpowered Nightmare Moon, banishing her to the moon…this tragic event would be known as the start of a new era, an era of peace that would be known as Pax Equestriana, a thousand years in which Equestria and its ponies would finally see peace as it did the rest of the world, such a long period would prove there was nothing left that could ever threaten Equestria ever again.
  244. At least that's what everyone thought, beyond Equestria, a new hostile force broke through from another realm, flooding into the unsupervised lands beyond Celestia’s sight, the servants of Storm King and the Changeling Hordes, empires shaped by endless wars, claimed the lands around Equestria, encircling the peaceful kingdom, their tactics unmatched, the heralds of Equestria perished one by one under the blood-bathed march of the unholy alliance.
  246. Crisis finally struck during the feeble dream of April, the night where Luna returned as nightmare moon, kidnapping Celestia and opening a portal for her hordes of dark followers, the front lines immediately collapsed as the remaining cohesive Equestrian forces desperately attempted to repel the servants of nightmare moon already storming the royal palace.
  248. The combined assault would have inevitably gotten Twilight Sparkle and her friends captured...but for the intervention of another extraordinary pony, although Princess Cadence became the official ruler of Equestria after Celestia's capture, keeping the defense in order, encouraging the guards with her unfathomable bravery against impossible odds, the bulk of the Equestrian Army served under the direct leadership of another pony, a young mare unicorn, a war-mage the name of which would become legend among the Equestrian ponies, as the herald of pony-kind, the Shadow Minister of Equestria...
  250. 36 hours before
  252. A royal guard rushed through a hallway inside a very dark castle, the city of Canterlot could be seen shinning through the windows, the guard is abruptly stopped by a couple of guards at the bottom door, their armor was different to that of the other royal guards, a much grimmer, mostly black plated Armour with a symbol that resembled a red sun, present in both the chest and helmet.
  254. Unnamed guard: I have an important message from Princess Celestia...
  256. A few moments later
  257. One of the guards, the only mare in the bunch, blue-eyed, helmet-less, with a yellow coat and yellow-white mane, knocks at a door inside the blocked hallway.
  259. The guard opens up the door to a middle-sized office, at the sides there are several stances, a painting of Stars Swirl the Bearded lays on the left side, attached to the wall, while a similar artwork of Celestia could be seen on the Right, at the bottom, a dashboard with an unicorn behind it, orange-coat and red-yellow mane, facing towards the door as she read some papers, at the very bottom, a bookshelf and a storage door.
  261. "The meeting has been re-scheduled, it will start in 15 minutes."
  263. "Fine, notify the rest..." Said the unicorn as it kept reading the papers.
  265. "Sunset..." The unicorn lowered her papers revealing her bright aquamarine eyes, directing her sight at the guard.
  267. "Am sure you’ve...though about it before..."
  269. Sunset kept staring at the guard...
  271. "You could...feel it...way before the flies stormed this place...i cannot explain it...it's..."
  273. “It's been there for a while now, Solarstasis…”, Said Sunset in a calmed and relaxed manner.
  275. The Unicorn put down her papers in the dashboard as she loosely gazed at the wall...
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  279. ..."ever since Luna came back, cycles end just like they started...most just didn't wanted to believe it"...
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  283. Solarstasis became visibly uncomfortable.
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  287. Sunset: ...The Pegasi didn't build the walls of Cloudsdale to show off strength...you don't seal your capital behind a shield when everything's fine...
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  295. 20 minutes later
  297. Inside Canterlot's EEA-council, a dark, tall and large hall purposefully poorly illuminated by just a handful torches attached to the walls, several high ranking members of Equestria were present in very tall parliamentary seats.
  299. Prince Blueblood: It's hard to disagree with Mrs. Spitfire’s assessment earlier today, this...tragedy, must not be given a moment of silence, it should be met with the uttermost violent reply our collective anger can muster!
  301. Chancellor Neighsay: While it's clear our isolationist policy left much to be desired so far, any “violent reply” as appealing as it may seem is doomed to the realm of our imagination as long as our own defenses lack even the most basic protection against these creatures.
  303. Shining Armour: i apologize for my failure to prevent the changeling breakthrough, we are facing an enemy the coordination of which is unlike anything we've fought before, the changelings have adapted to our defenses, I am working tirelessly to make sure it never happens again, i can be confident to say the new system is...
  305. Chancellor Neighsay: Not as revolutionary to assure a safe Canterlot according to all of our theorists
  307. ...
  309. Cadence: Maybe if the Chancellor could suggest a better alternative...
  311. "Even in the Alicorn’s eternal lifespan you will not find answers to a problem that does not belong to this realm", a voice somewhat similar to Celestia's exclaimed just outside the meeting, an Alicorn the height of Luna's, with white coat, and a large yellow waving mane walked through the main hallway, her silver Armour and light yellow eyes shinning bright despite the poor lighting in the room.
  313. "It's...it's an alicorn?!" "There's another one?!"
  315. Shining Armour observes as the minor council acts in confusion while the Chancellor, Cadence, Celestia and Sunset seem unperturbed.
  317. "Between the other realm's endless shouting and this one, i cannot really say there's much of a difference."
  319. Chancellor: The meeting started 10 minutes ago, Princess Aurora.
  321. Princess Aurora: I apologize, despite my efforts the portal system remains as clumsy as always...
  323. Princess Aurora, after a brief pause: "I have expressed before to this council my desire to cooperate in a joint campaing, and each time it has been rejected, i realize now that the idea might have been quite fueled by wishful thinking from my part before, but that has greatly changed now."
  325. Aurora: with your continuous aid, and great struggle and sacrifice, the Crystal empire has been reclaimed by its people, it has grown stronger, and relationships with nations from abroad, have given birth to cooperation, a covenant which can now finally challenge the balance of power in the other realm, i appreciate the personnel that equestria has been sending from the start, the Equestrian marine commandos laid the seeds of what is today a mighty alliance, but we need your help now more that ever, the enemy is ready to strike, Mareland's leadership is eager to join the war and a new emerging hostile power threatens to encircle and destroy everything we have brought...
  327. Chancellor: I have heard enough, we have no time nor resources for any extra-dimensional operation.
  329. Aurora: I do not mean to disrespect Equestrian bravery, however, despite the determinate efforts of the Equestrian marine, the front line in this realm has not yet seen much change in the last four hundred years, perhaps is time to re-evaluate strategies and consider striking from another front which has seen tremendous improvements!
  331. Chancellor: This is the only front that matters!, our battle is here! in Equestria!
  333. Luna: If Equestria is to crawl back to its shell, doing nothing, sooner or later the growing river will drag it down the abyss.
  335. ...
  337. The whole council remained quiet as desperation sat in the Chancellor
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  345. Sunset(whispered): Kurstviet?
  347. Aurora showed relief as the entire hall directed its attention to the unicorn.
  349. Sunset: Our staff has dedicated too much time to the impossible dilemma proposed by our foes, Chrysalis has surrounded herself with a forest, one we can't traverse unless we leave ourselves exposed to her swarm.
  351. Sunset slowly but smoothly pointed her hoof at Aurora...
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  358. "A gap has been opened"...
  359. ...
  360. Chancellor: Shadow Minister, Princess Aurora's claims have historically proven to be biased, we cannot rely on her word for...
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  364. Sunset: Her claims can be tested in due time...
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  368. The room remained silent at the sudden interruption...
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  372. "If yet more powers emerge and join the coalition, Equestria will fall"...
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  376. The council immediately erupted in ever louder chatter...
  378. ..."There must be order in this council!", shouted Neighsay as he slammed the hammer on the table...
  380. ...
  382. Cadence: If Chrysalis decides to strike while our forces are diverted...
  384. Sunset: Chrysalis will not venture on any offensives anytime soon, and it will remain as such unless she receives proper support from the coalition, our defensive grid urgently requires a pressure relief before any major adjustments can be made to it, we can strike down on this pest and avenge our sacred city while we’re at it...
  386. "Am afraid however, it would be unwise to proceed into much detail, atleast in my current office"
  388. ...the council erupted once again, as outrage overtook the minor council...
  390. ...
  392. "The Shadow Minister has proved worthy of an unscathed reputation, the armies of the east have achieved victory time and time again under her fresh leadership, even this enclosure is no longer safe, desperate action is urgently needed".
  394. ...
  396. The minor council reacted in disbelief as princess Luna approved Sunset’s demands.
  398. Cadence: That's enough!, some of your earliest stunts may have gone without a proper reprisal, but don't ever even suggest walking all over this council!
  400. Chancellor: Princess Cadence, you are to maintain order in this council.
  402. Cadence: It's beyond reckless!, this council, will not jeopardize all of Equestria under the lies of a simple unicorn
  404. "indeed..."
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  408. Sunset Shimmer stood up her seat, jumping to the council's tables up front, as she slowly made her way to Cadence, once again, leaving the council in utter silence.
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  412. Sunset: This whole meeting, beyond reckless...it's outright stupid!
  414. ...
  416. Chancellor: Shadow Minister!, return to your seat immediately!
  418. A royal guard rushed in "Chancellor!"
  420. ...
  422. With a menacing, slow-paced angered tone, sunset approached the royal tables.
  424. "This nation, in all of its glory can only claim but a few victories against this menace..."
  426. Royal Guard: We must pospone this meeting we can't...
  428. Chancellor: Sunset Shimmer!, stay away from the royal princesses!
  430. "There is no pony in Equestria better suited for this crisis...before you run that muzzle again...remember..."
  432. Chancellor: Guards!, escort the minister out of the building!
  434. Royal Guard: Chancellor!
  436. Sunset stood over the princesses' royal table looking down at the princess before delivering it in due time.
  438. ...
  440. ...
  442. ...
  444. "This whole council may as well be crawling with changelings"
  446. ...
  448. A sudden crack slammed at the meeting like furious thunder, as the wooden doors were busted open and royal guards were dragged like fish by sea waves, ponies of Canterlot and all of Equestria had crowded outside the council, overwhelming the royal guard, and storming the building.
  450. "A holy retribution is at hand!", the crowd in chanted as the council erupted at the unfolding event.
  452. "Order!, order!" Shouted the chancellor as the hammer repeatedly slammed down
  454. ...
  456. ...
  458. ...
  460. Celestia stared at the unicorn, as the chaos developed, a golden magical aura signed the deal.
  462. ...
  464. Cadence and the minor council silently outraged, exchanged words at the background...
  466. ...
  468. Princess Celestia stood off her seat, giving the paper back to the Chancellor, and stepping out of the hall.
  470. ...
  472. Sunset Shimmer jumped down from the tables and calmly walked out through the main door as more guards rushed in to force order in the council…

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

by Guest

Bonding with Nature

by Guest

The Long and Short of It (RGRE)

by Guest

incest relationships piece of the whole pie (lewd) by Frostybox[...]

by Guest

incest thread piece of the (non-canon) pie, limestone's pie by[...]

by Guest