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2021 Awards Complete Chart

By Guest
Created: 2021-12-31 10:51:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >1) Best Thread of the Year
  2. Gastanon Thread, Hasbro investor Stream Thread, Snowpony Thread, Anniversary Sticky, Anon’s Cum Wall Thread, mlp Apartment Thread
  3. >2) Coolest Staffmember of the Year
  4. Imalou, Chris “supercharger” Cocks, Spanish Director of the Movie
  5. >3) Best Butthurt of the Year
  6. G5, Tara Strong selling NFTs, Brandon Hole revealed to be applefag, qb is a Pony clay now
  7. >4) Best Shitstorm of the Year
  8. G5, Town Hall Sticky, Brandon the Brave Applefag shooting FedEx, Mass Produced Pony Plushie Doxpocalypse, PonePaste hackings, Chris Chan’s criminal activity, Snowponies get a honorable mention
  9. >5) Single Best image of the Year
  10. >6) Best Fanmade Video of the Year
  11. >7) Best Namefag of the Year
  12. PonepasteAnon/Aftercase, Twifag, BGM who made Pony Zone, Clipper from PP, Shawn Keller, Imalou
  13. >8) Worst Fan in the Fandom of the Year
  14. Wubcake, Cookie from PPP, Zdisket aka Noxfag, Spec, LD the notorious TF2 autist
  15. >9) Best Takedown of the year (a category for the likes of Dark Skyes)
  16. IDW losing license, Dilatus leaving pony altogether, Pastebin deleting greens, Youtube privating pony videos
  17. >10) What will be missed most from 2021
  18. qa, official G4 content and merch, Brian Goldner Hasbro CEO, Pony Videos Privated by JewTube, mlp as G4 board
  19. >11) Biggest Hope for the Next Year and Best Reason To Keep Going
  20. AI waifus, the ride continues, G5 isn't shit

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