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2021 Awards Super Complete Chart

By Guest
Created: 2021-12-31 12:47:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >1) Best Thread of the Year
  2. Popular candidates include:
  3. Gastanon Thread,
  4. Hasbro investor Stream Thread,
  5. Snowpony Thread,
  6. Anniversary Sticky,
  7. Anon’s Cum Wall Thread,
  8. /mlp/ Apartment Thread
  10. >2) Coolest Staffmember of the Year
  11. Popular candidates include:
  12. Imalou,
  13. Chris “Supercharger” Cocks,
  14. Jose Luis Ucha director of the movie
  15. Nicole Oliver who breathed life into Sunhorse and Cheerilee
  17. >3) Best Butthurt of the Year
  18. Popular candidates include:
  19. G5,
  20. Tara Strong selling NFTs,
  21. Brandon Hole revealed to be applefag,
  22. /qb/ is a Pony clay now
  24. >4) Best Shitstorm of the Year
  25. Popular candidates include:
  26. G5,
  27. Town Hall Sticky,
  28. Brandon Hole the Applefag shooting FedEx,
  29. Mass Produced Pony Plushie Doxpocalypse,
  30. PonePaste hackings,
  31. Chris Chan’s criminal activity,
  32. Snowponies
  34. >5) Single Best image of the Year
  35. Popular candidates include:
  37. >6) Best Fanmade Video of the Year
  38. Popular candidates include:
  40. >7) Best Namefag of the Year
  41. Popular candidates include:
  42. PonepasteAnon/Aftercase who made
  43. Twifag, for organizing /mlp/con and hosting Twibooru, SmuttyHorse and other valuable resources.
  44. Clipper from PPP, for his contributions towards AI waifus
  45. Shawn Keller for Guardians of Pondonia
  46. Imalou
  48. >8) Worst Fan in the Fandom of the Year
  49. Popular candidates include:
  50. Wubcake, who is a fucking pony-denouncing greedy cunt
  51. Cookie from PPP, who fucked over PPP big time
  52. Spec who fucked up the interview with Shawn Keller TWICE
  53. LD the notorious TF2 autist
  55. >9) Best Takedown of the year (a category for the likes of Dark Skyes)
  56. Popular candidates include:
  57. IDW losing license on MLP,
  58. Dilatus leaving pony altogether,
  59. Pastebin deleting greens, that lasted for a good portion of 2021
  60. Youtube privating pony videos
  62. >10) What will be missed most from 2021
  63. Popular candidates include:
  64. /qa/ the faggot natural reservation,
  65. Official G4 content and merch,
  66. Brian Goldner Hasbro CEO,
  67. Pony Videos Privated by JewTube,
  68. /mlp/ as a G4 board
  70. >11) Biggest Hope for the Next Year and Best Reason To Keep Going
  71. Popular candidates include:
  72. A hope for AI waifus,
  73. The ride continues,
  74. A faint hope G5 series won't be shit

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