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Plan for this account

By SiM-Central
Created: 2020-12-02 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-03 06:56:30
Expiry: Never

  1. This account is intended to serve as a more detailed version of the thread's OP post.
  3. It is also meant to serve as another place for people in the thread to find older greens, and may end up being used as a further archive for greens that either don't have a home due to being posted on Anon, or due to writefags dying.
  5. I intend to start by transferring over some of the pastes that list old stories and descriptions, and then possibly move forward and archive (or mirror) various greens that were orphaned or just greens that I personally think fit the themes of the thread. These "honorable mention" greens might end up in a secondary account, depending on how things go.
  7. For future reference, the tripcode of this account when posting is SiM-Central !!mptfS0Nx0X9. The first post was post number https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/36201556#p36231000 on 2020 Dec 1st.
  9. I'm going to be using [ SiM ] as the tag for pastes related to this general.

Thread OP Format

by SiM-Central

Plan for this account

by SiM-Central

Submission is Mandatory: Story List (version 1)

by SiM-Central

Submission is Mandatory: Story List (version 2)

by SiM-Central

My Loyal Ponies: Side Stories

by SiM-Central