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My Loyal Ponies: Side Stories

By SiM-Central
Created: 2020-12-02 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-03 07:00:55
Expiry: Never

  1. My Loyal Ponies: Side Stories
  3. This paste was originally posted at https://pastebin.com/3AFdqxvs by user Mendicant_likes_cock. It groups up several of the side stories of the thread. I have not gone through this to double-check whether there are any duplicate entries between this and any of the other story list pastes.
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. This pastebin is a list of side stories for MrNameless's My Loyal Ponies: Submission is Mandatory http://pastebin.com/ycY3zrvA in the My Loyal Ponies: Submission is Mandatory thread on /mlp/ https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/catalog#s=submission is mandatory
  7. Thread contains but is not limited to: Submission, Forced submission, >rape, Bondage, Mind games, Pet play, and more!
  9. Story Name
  10. Writer's Name
  11. Pastebin Link
  12. Short No-spoiler summery
  13. Last Updated: DD/MM/YY
  14. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Chrysalis (Contains: >rape, Pregnancy, Egg Laying, and Femdom but not on Anon)
  17. Bloody Ploughman
  18. Setting: Anon has a new prisoner to break in, this one is a little different. Well, actually very different it's bugbutt for one, and they don't seem to see eye to eye, at first anyway.
  19. Last updated: 15/Apr/2015
  21. Octavia POV (In progress)
  22. ---Although this story is not canon, it stays true to the main plotline an is considered canon by most of the thread---
  23. Escapade
  24. Setting: This story takes place at the same time as the main story, but we see it trough the eyes of Octavia from when she arrives to the castle to the latest events in the main story.
  25. Last Updated: 04/Apr/2015
  27. Breaking Armor
  28. JohnColt
  29. After a prolonged guerrilla campaign Shining Armour, former captain of the royal Canterlot guard and one of the leaders of the resistance is finally captured. Stoic, defiant and idiotically heroic he has decided to become a martyr for the cause, and Anonyomus knows this. he cannot be allowed this victory. Contains: Genderswap, and Psychological Domination.
  30. Last Updated: 12/Feb/2015
  32. Dungeon Deep
  33. Beran
  34. Setting: A new set of prisoners arrive from Ponyville, amongst them is an aquamarine pony.
  35. Last update: 12/Jan/2015
  37. A Royal Breaking
  38. Enzeir
  39. Setting: A few months in the future, the routine is broken one day as the rebels try to bring back light to the world. Under the orders of Nightmare Moon, Anon does all he can to find the pony responsible.
  40. Last updated: 4/Jan/2015
  42. Fall of the Moon (In progress)
  43. Mastermind
  44. Setting: Anon has been in Equestria for 5 years. He's trained his pets well. A wars with the Griffon Empire sparked after 2 years of hostilities and border disputes about 5 months ago. Anon has just gotten home and is trying to spend some quality time with Pinkie Pie.
  45. Last updated: 19/Dec/2014
  47. Sick Day
  48. Tumultuous
  49. Latest Chapter: #3 http://pastebin.com/kdAjh7g0
  50. Anon wakes up feeling a little under the weather, it's not easy being the top enforcer to the queen of the world and being sick just makes it worse.
  51. Last Updated: 12/Dec/2014
  53. The Champion
  54. Cloudruler
  55. A random Anon from 'Submission is Mandatory' gets summoned to the crystal kingdom by King Sombra who tries to send him off to defeat the based Anon in the main story.
  56. Last Updated: 23/Nov/2014
  58. Cookies and Milk (Complete)
  59. Escapade
  60. Slice of life short one shot story. NMM gives herself some time to think on stuff that has happened in the past few days and centuries while she cooks some cookies.
  61. Date of completion: Oct/2014
  63. Nightmare Moon One-Shot (Complete. Contains: Pregnancy, Minor Gore)
  64. Escapade
  65. Setting: (NMM POV) Set 1 year after NMM summons in Anon. Anon has got Celestia pregnant and even though he still loves NMM, Anon wants to care for his unborn child making NMM very jealous of the attention Celestia is getting.
  66. Date of completion: Sep/2014
  68. The Mouth of Anonymous
  69. Hawkeye
  70. Set in the SiM universe, the Mouth of Anonymous follows Fleur de Luis. Acting on behalf of Lord Anonymous, Fleur is tasked with overseeing the preparation for a royal ceremony. However, due to hoof-dragging by the local Ponyville residents, she resorts to... unconventional measures to ensure the ceremony's sucess.
  71. Last updated: 22/Sep/2014
  73. MLP:SIM-spike
  74. ElectricJetDonkey
  75. Setting: A few days after Nightmare Moon come in power, spike is escorted from the golden oaks library to the throne room where he find twilight in chains.
  76. Last updated: 25/Aug/2014
  78. Celestia's Very Bad No Good Gang Bang (Complete)
  79. Cleverlestia
  80. Setting: Celestia is still doing her best not to break under the beast's assault but she’s slowly becoming aware of how much her body is starting to like it.
  81. Date of completion: Jul/2014
  83. Vinyl Scratch Short (Complete)
  84. ElectricJetDonkey
  85. Setting: Vinyl is looking for a way inside the castle to look for her lost love trapped inside. But after managing to infiltrate it, things quickly go awry.
  86. Date of completion: Jun/2014
  88. Scootaloo (Contains: Filly fondling, no sex)
  89. Kajio
  90. Setting: After stealing food from a royal guard, Scootalo is captured and sent to Anon to be another one his pets.
  91. Last updated: 09/May/2014
  93. Trixie Side Story (Complete. Contains Public Humiliation, >rape, pregnancy,)
  94. Kajio
  95. Setting: Trixie has been captured by Nightmare Moon and Anon has the job of breaking her, Trixie quickly learns not to take bets with Anon.
  96. Date of completion: Apr/2014
  98. Cadance side story (Complete. Contains Watersports)
  99. Anonymous
  100. Setting: Cadance has been captured by Anon under Nightmare Moon's authority, but because she stays defiant Anon must find a way to break her.
  101. Date of completion: Apr/2014
  103. Pinkie Side Story (Complete. Contains Mind-control, Gang bang, Gender Swapping)
  104. Penny G
  105. Pinkie Pie is wanting to spice up the sex slave life and decides to ask Anon if she can throw a party.
  106. Date of completion: Apr/2014
  108. Anon the White vs Anon the Nameless
  109. Goomba Madre
  110. Setting: Another Anon arrives to Equestria unfortunately it is not at all the way he imagined it. He learns of the Evil Anon taking over the land and subjugating ponies to the will of Nightmare Moon and decides to take up actions against him.
  111. Last updated: 26/Apr/2014
  113. Femanon (Contains: Femdom, Anal play, Lots of Toys)
  114. Penny G
  115. Setting: Celestia has captured a bunch of stallions that femanon has to break into the perfect sex slaves.
  116. Last updated: 22/Apr/2014

Thread OP Format

by SiM-Central

Plan for this account

by SiM-Central

Submission is Mandatory: Story List (version 1)

by SiM-Central

Submission is Mandatory: Story List (version 2)

by SiM-Central

My Loyal Ponies: Side Stories

by SiM-Central