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Earful tour by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:17:57
Updated: 2022-03-16 00:11:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Earful tour by Pan
  3. (05/08/2021)
  6. This story is a pseudo prequel to Earful:
  8. ---
  10. >School for Gifted Unicorns
  11. >Twilight used forbidden magic to do an in class magic lab for the third time
  12. >Her teacher casts a spell known as "follow me"
  13. >Twilight feels a pull on her right ear, painfully encouraging her out of the classroom so her teacher can keep teaching
  14. >She assumes she is being sent to Celestia's throne room
  15. >She scampers on her little hoofsies to try to keep up and not get her ear pulled
  16. >But it's always just faster than legs can carry the naughty filly
  17. >At the cafeteria she is not sent up the stairs to the royal wing
  18. >She is instead paraded up and down each row of tables
  19. >Those eating, mostly older ponies, mock her
  20. >Baby filly's getting spanked!
  21. >All Twilight can do is huff, blush, and bring her tail over her rump, as if not seeing the subject of their mockery will stop the teasing
  23. >Done with the cafeteria, she is pulled all the way around the school
  24. >It's like she is taking the tour again!
  25. >Students, teachers, and castle staff knowingly giggle
  26. >Finally she's at the steps up to the royal wing
  27. >Up she goes with her ear to lead the way
  28. >Then it's a quick journey to the throne room
  29. >More maids and guards smile
  30. >They let her in
  31. >They know ponies of a certain age with a punishment spell when they see one
  32. >No security threat
  33. >The only danger is for the foals and their tushies
  35. >Twilight keeps waking and trips over herself when the spell stops, dumping her right in front of the throne
  36. >Celestia excuses herself while Twilight rubs her ear
  37. >Celestia levitates Twilight in her magic and takes her to her private chambers for a seat heating
  38. >After her purple coat shows enough red underneath, Celestia sends her on her way
  39. >With a parting magical sting in her rump
  40. >A repeated encouraging pat spell
  41. >And a pull on her left ear that retraced every trot she took to get there
  42. >Now she had a second pair of blushing cheeks

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