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Snow Bawl by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:27:06
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:39:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Snow Bawl by Anon
  2. (Luna / Colt)
  4. (03/12/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >be colt
  10. >have snow fight with friend
  11. >see bunch of boring adults talking
  12. >throw snowball at them
  13. >you realize you hit Princess Luna
  14. >oh shit oh shit oh shit
  15. >run the tartarus out of there
  16. >friend doesn't
  18. >meet with friend hours later
  19. >he took the blame for your sake
  20. >his parents apologised to the Princess and her companions
  21. >apologies were accepted
  22. >but now his parents are going to punish him
  23. >you don't know what to do
  24. >he tells you it's ok
  26. >bed time
  27. >you are in your bed looking at the ceiling
  28. >guilt is eating you inside out
  29. >you couldn't react properly both times
  30. >now it may be too late
  31. >as you feel sleepy you wish you could turn back time
  32. >you wish you could talk to Luna
  33. >"Talk, then, my child"
  34. >....
  35. >There she is
  36. >Princess Luna herself
  37. >You are both floating in a messy dark space
  38. >sometimes with stars in the distance
  39. >sometimes with pieces of buildings
  40. >sometimes with rooms of your house
  41. >"I... I'm sorry..."
  42. >"For what?"
  43. >"For... throwing that snowball..."
  44. >"Why?"
  45. >"Because... it's... disrespectful..."
  46. >"Why?"
  47. >"Because you are a princess??"
  48. >"That's it?"
  49. >"..."
  50. >"What if it was any other pony, somepony wasn't part of your game."
  51. >"..."
  52. >"It would be disrespectful too, child."
  53. >"..."
  54. >"Would you feel guilty too?"
  55. >"Uh..."
  56. >"Is that really why you feel guilty?"
  57. >"... friend..."
  58. >"What about him?"
  59. >"He got punished instead of me..."
  60. >"..."
  61. >"I- I'm sorry!"
  62. >"What will you do?"
  63. >"I... I don't know!!"
  64. >silence
  65. >you want to cry
  66. >"We can't turn back time, but we can make thing right in the present. We can apologise. I know that. I wasn't bothered by your snowball attack at all, but others may have, and neither their social status nor wether there will be consequences should matter. You must understand that. Worst of all, your friend was innocent and got punished unfairly, and you can do something about that. I ask you to think about that as I give you the punishment your friend received."
  67. >as she talked, you floated in her direction
  68. >and then you were perpendicular to her
  69. >you didn't fight it
  70. >you weren't even surprised
  71. >it all felt so natural
  72. >yet grim
  73. >because you knew what was going to happen
  74. >especially as your bottom rised
  75. *SLAP!!!*
  76. >And before you knew Luna was spanking you
  77. >mercilessly
  78. >one smack after another
  79. >you were defenseless
  80. >you kicked all your hooves
  81. >but it was pointless
  82. >you were floating in place
  83. >nothing to hold to
  84. >no way to escape
  85. >you cried with all the strenght of your lungs
  86. >but it didn't matter in that "place"
  87. >it's like you could solely feel the smacks and the pain
  88. >the smacks kept coming
  89. >and coming
  90. >and coming
  91. >and coming
  92. >yet
  93. >they couldn't distract you...
  94. >from thinking about your friends
  95. >or those vague memories of the other ponies that were with Luna
  96. >wich you could have hit too
  97. >...
  98. >you weren't sure how much time had passed
  99. >or when the spanking had stopped
  100. >you were just crying in the air
  101. >then the crying stopped
  102. >so had the pain
  103. >but not the guilt
  104. >you felt a kiss in the forehead
  105. >as you felt you were falling
  107. >you wake up in your bed
  108. >you realize you had a nightmare
  109. >you are just not going to be able to sleep peacefully until you confess
  110. >you get out of bed
  111. >you head towards the door
  112. >doesn't matter how late it is, your friends' parents need to learn the truth
  113. >they'll understand the guilt couldn't make you wait any longer
  114. >but something stops you in place
  115. >a glince in the corner of your eye
  116. >the mirror
  117. >now you are starting to feel it too
  118. >your butt is glowing red like a tomato
  119. End.

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