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Spank the Anon v1 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:19:04
Updated: 2022-05-08 18:21:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Spank the Anon v1 by Anon
  2. (none / none)
  3. unf, started an entire general that got kicked off of 4chan
  5. (11/08/2015)
  8. ---
  10. (unfinished version, from this thread
  12. >You are Anon.
  13. >Well, you were Anon up until a few minutes ago.
  14. >Now you are a little filly thanks to book horse.
  15. >And on top of that, she made you go to a tea party.
  16. >You fucking hate tea.
  17. >Now you were being dragged through town listening to these kids prattle on about nothing.
  18. >Normally you wouldn’t mind them, but that was before you were stuck being a little kid like them.
  19. >You had better things to be doing right now.
  20. >Like being home…
  21. >Drinking…
  22. >So what it’s 10:30 in the morning?
  23. >Who the fuck are you to judge?
  24. >”So, what’s yer name?”
  25. “What?”
  26. >”Apple Bloom, that’s rude. Rarity says you should always introduce yourselves first, that’s proper manners. I’m Sweetie Belle, this is Apple Bloom and that is Scootaloo.”
  27. >The three girls smile and wave at you.
  28. “I’m An-“
  29. >Shit!
  30. >You can’t tell them your real name.
  31. >One of the last things you need is for them to know you’re Anon.
  32. >Then they’ll tell their sisters and then you’re labeled as a pervert.
  33. “I’m…”
  34. >Think of something genius.
  35. >You look down at your hoof and see the green fur.
  36. “Green…”
  37. >Shit, what goes with green?
  38. “Hornet?”
  39. >Goddamn stupid movie, why’d you have to think of that?
  40. >”Green Hornet?”
  41. >The girls look at each other then back to you.
  42. >”Cool!”
  43. >They all say together.
  44. >Good thing they’re stupid.
  45. >Before you know it you’re at Sweet Apple Acers.
  46. >”So we’ll be having our tea party over by the club house.”
  47. >”Then we can all try to get our cutie marks together. Won’t that be fun?”
  48. “Oh yeah, sounds fucking amazing to me.”
  49. >They all stop walking and stare at you.
  50. >”What did you say?”
  51. >Apple Bloom asks.
  52. “I said it sounds fucking amazing.”
  53. >”I ain’t never heard that sayin’ before. What’s it mean?”
  54. >You roll your eyes.
  55. “It means, it’s the greatest thing ever.”
  56. >You say sarcastically.
  57. >”That’s… that’s fuckin’ amazin’!”
  58. >Apple Bloom shouts.
  59. >”Yeah, I can’t wait to tell Rarity about it. It’ll be fucking amazing!”
  60. >Sweetie Belle chimes.
  61. >”I wish I had a family to tell.”
  62. >Scootaloo sighs dejectedly.
  63. >You all continue to the clubhouse and see Applejack working in the field.
  64. >”Hey girls! Oh looks like you have a new friend, haven’t seen you round here before.”
  65. >Apple horse greets.
  66. >”She’s a friend of Twilight’s.”
  67. >Sweetie states.
  68. >”Yeah, we’re going to have a tea party.”
  69. >Scoots adds.
  70. >”That right? Well maybe I’ll stop by later after I’m done with mah chores and give you girls some apple treats for the party.”
  71. >”That’d be fuckin’ amazin’! Thanks sis!”
  72. >Apple hick stops cold in her tracks.
  73. >”What’d you just say?”
  74. >”Ah said that’d be fuckin’ amazin’!”
  75. >Oh shit… looks like you’re about to get ratted out.
  76. >pokerface.jpg
  77. >”Where’d y’all hear that from?”
  78. >”From Green Hornet here.”
  79. >Sweetie says pointing at you.
  80. >”That true sugar cube?”
  81. “Uh, yeah…”
  82. >”Now girls, Ah want y’all to know that what you just said is a bad word.”
  83. >”You mean ‘Amazing’?”
  84. >Sweetie asks.
  85. >You roll your eyes.
  86. >Poor stupid Sweetie Belle.
  87. “She means ‘Fucking’.”
  88. >Apple Horse’s eyes widen again.
  89. >”Yes, that! Landsakes, do you know that’s a bad word.”
  90. “Yeah, and?”
  91. >Her mouth gapes open in shock.
  92. >”AND, y’all shouldn’t be saying it.”
  93. “Aw, shucks.”
  94. >You mock kick the dirt.
  95. “Well then ‘Ah’ recon I have to find something new to say since it’s a ‘bad’ word. Would ‘y’all’ mind if I say some things and you can tell me if they’re bad or not?”
  96. >You say clearly mocking her but since you’re a little filly now, you might just be able to get away with it.
  97. >She eyes you up a little wary but lets it slide before answering.
  98. >”Well… okay sugarcube. So long as it isn’t the ‘F’ word.”
  99. >You grin.
  100. “That’s okay, I can think of at least 6 other ones I can use. How about shit, piss, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. Any of those sound like good options?”
  101. >She has a look on her face like someone just told her apples were put on the endangered species list.
  102. “Oh wait, motherfucker has the ‘F’ word in it so I guess I can’t say that.”
  103. >You say putting a hoof onto your forehead a ’la Rarity.
  104. >”Good gravy girl! Where in Equestria did you hear that filth?”
  105. “Twilight Sparkle.”
  106. >You say without breaking a sweat.
  107. >Fuck her.
  108. >”Ah clearly doubt that, and I’ll have you know that sort of language is not welcome here. Especially around the other girls.”
  109. “Not welcome? And what’ll happen if I keep saying stuff like that?”
  110. >You can see she’s getting frustrated now.
  111. >”If’n you keep up with that kinda talk, y’all’ll get a paddlin’.”
  112. >The other girls gasp.
  113. “Yeah right.”
  114. >”Try me.”
  115. >She looks squarely at you, her face is dead serious.
  116. >Alright, looks like this is a battle of wills.
  117. >Part of you thinks you should quit while you’re ahead.
  118. >Probably be for the best anyway.
  119. >Not like you have anything to prove here anyway.
  120. “Whatever. Come on girls, let’s get out of here.”
  121. >You turn and start to walk away.
  122. >”That’s what Ah thought. Now you go and have fun at your tea party little filly and keep that mouth of yours clean like a good girl.”
  123. >You stop walking after hearing her.
  124. >What the fuck did she just say to you?
  125. >Normally you wouldn’t care, but goddamn she is just pushing your fucking buttons right now.
  126. >You turn your head and see a smug look on her face.
  127. “Eat a dick.”
  128. >Without even thinking you respond to her quip.
  129. >You start to walk away again but don’t get very far as a hoof steps on your tail preventing your advance.
  130. >You turn your head and see Applejack looking down at you.
  131. >”Apple Bloom… get ma paddle.”

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